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通过对治疗前后腹泻羔羊粪便细菌检查及临床观察,以查明两种抗菌药物对腹泻羔羊肠道细菌的影响。结果表明,腹泻羔羊治疗前粪便中的革兰氏阳性杆菌,革兰氏阳性球菌及革兰氏阴性杆菌的比例分别为20%、10%和70%。用敌菌净治疗的效果显著,其羔羊肠道细菌的比例接近健康羔羊。用庆大霉素治疗的羔羊,部分出现不良反应,其肠道细菌出现失调状态。  相似文献   

The effects of ad lib use of an antibacterial soap containing 1.0% trichlorocarbanilide and 0.5% trifluoromethyldichlorocarbanilide on the bacterial flora of six skin sites of 132 subjects were measured by comparison with the flora of 93 control subjects who avoided the use of topical antibacterials. Each subject was examined once. The test soap produced significant reductions in geometric mean counts of the total aerobic flora on the back, chest, forearm, calf, and foot; counts were also reduced in the axilla, but not to a significant extent. The overall reduction by the test soap on all sites was 62% (P < 0.001). Neither age nor sex influenced the effect of the soap on the flora. The antibacterial soap also reduced the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus on the skin, mostly by virtually eliminating it from areas other than the axilla. Partial inhibition of the gram-positive flora was not accompanied by an increase in gram-negative species. The latter were found principally in the axilla; Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter aerogenes were the species most frequently found.  相似文献   

Aerococcus viridans is a wide spread bacterium in the environment and clinically this organism is associated with different diseases in animals and humans. However, the geno- and phenotypic characterization of A. viridans associated with bovine mastitis has not yet been reported. The objectives of this study were to investigate the genetic and phenotypic diversity of A. viridans isolates using three different molecular methods including 16S rRNA gene sequencing, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) along with biochemical tests, including antimicrobial susceptibility test. In total, 60 A. viridans strains were cultured from dairy herds presenting with subclinical mastitis. The results of biochemical tests revealed that most of the isolates (75.0%) were accurately identified by API Rapid 20 Strep system and the majority of A. viridans strains (96.7%) were found to be catalase negative, while two (3.3%) isolates were weakly positive. All isolates were resistant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, followed by streptomycin (96.7%), tetracycline (65.0%) and clindamycin (56.7%) by minimum inhibition concentration-determining broth microdilution technique. As compared to the sequence of 16S rRNA gene, both PFGE and RAPD showed their capacities to discriminate the intra-species diversity of A. viridans. Furthermore, most of the isolates obtained from the same herd or region belonged to the same major RAPD group, which indicated that RAPD is an appropriate assay for tracking the origins of isolates and epidemiological studies of A. viridans. This is a novel approach to use three molecular techniques and to compare their efficiency regarding the genetic diversity of A. viridans. The data suggest that A. viridans associated with subclinical mastitis has a considerable phenotypic and genotypic diversity.  相似文献   

牛TLR4基因5'侧翼区的遗传变异与乳房炎的关联   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王兴平  许尚忠  马腾壑  高雪  任红艳  陈金宝 《遗传》2006,28(12):1520-1524
TLR4基因通过识别病原体激活免疫细胞, 在天然免疫和适应性免疫防御中起着重要的作用.以中国荷斯坦奶牛、三河牛和中国西门塔尔牛为研究对象, 扩增477 bp的目的片断, 测序后发现扩增片段的245 bp处G→C的转换使得MspⅠ酶切位点产生, 形成新的等位基因.因此采用RFLP-MspⅠ方法检测该等位基因的多态性, 结果表明, 在3个群体中A、B两个等位基因均有分布, 处于中度多态.经X2适合性检验, 三河牛在该位点未达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P<0.05).利用SAS 8.2软件采用最小二乘法拟合线性模型将该基因座不同基因型与奶牛乳房炎进行了关联分析, 结果表明品种和泌乳月效应对乳房炎的影响较大, 各基因型效应差异均不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

Summary: Intuitively, it may seem that from the perspective of an individual bacterium the ocean is a vast, dilute, and largely homogeneous environment. Microbial oceanographers have typically considered the ocean from this point of view. In reality, marine bacteria inhabit a chemical seascape that is highly heterogeneous down to the microscale, owing to ubiquitous nutrient patches, plumes, and gradients. Exudation and excretion of dissolved matter by larger organisms, lysis events, particles, animal surfaces, and fluxes from the sediment-water interface all contribute to create strong and pervasive heterogeneity, where chemotaxis may provide a significant fitness advantage to bacteria. The dynamic nature of the ocean imposes strong selective pressures on bacterial foraging strategies, and many marine bacteria indeed display adaptations that characterize their chemotactic motility as “high performance” compared to that of enteric model organisms. Fast swimming speeds, strongly directional responses, and effective turning and steering strategies ensure that marine bacteria can successfully use chemotaxis to very rapidly respond to chemical gradients in the ocean. These fast responses are advantageous in a broad range of ecological processes, including attaching to particles, exploiting particle plumes, retaining position close to phytoplankton cells, colonizing host animals, and hovering at a preferred height above the sediment-water interface. At larger scales, these responses can impact ocean biogeochemistry by increasing the rates of chemical transformation, influencing the flux of sinking material, and potentially altering the balance of biomass incorporation versus respiration. This review highlights the physical and ecological processes underpinning bacterial motility and chemotaxis in the ocean, describes the current state of knowledge of chemotaxis in marine bacteria, and summarizes our understanding of how these microscale dynamics scale up to affect ecosystem-scale processes in the sea.  相似文献   

合成了壳寡糖和稀土离子La3+的配合物,利用红外光谱、紫外光谱和差热-热重手段对其结构和性质进行了表征。采用抑菌圈法考察了壳寡糖、壳寡糖-La对革兰氏阳性菌金黄色葡萄球菌和革兰氏阴性菌大肠杆菌的抑菌活性。此外,紫外光谱、荧光光谱和循环伏安曲线法研究壳寡糖-La与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)相互作用。结果表明壳寡糖、壳寡糖-La对两种细菌均具有较强的抑菌活性,且壳寡糖-La的抑菌活性强于壳寡糖;壳寡糖-La使BSA的内源荧光猝灭,猝灭机制为静态猝灭,并计算了室温下壳寡糖-La与BSA的结合常数和结合位点数分别为6.35×104L/mol和1.29。  相似文献   

Vitamin B-12 (also called cobalamin) is essential for human health and current intake levels of vitamin B-12 are considered to be too low. Natural enrichment of the vitamin B-12 content in milk, an important dietary source of vitamin B-12, may help to increase vitamin B-12 intake. Natural enrichment of the milk vitamin B-12 content could be achieved through genetic selection, provided there is genetic variation between cows with respect to the vitamin B-12 content in their milk. A substantial amount of genetic variation in vitamin B-12 content was detected among raw milk samples of 544 first-lactation Dutch Holstein Friesian cows. The presence of genetic variation between animals in vitamin B-12 content in milk indicates that the genotype of the cow affects the amount of vitamin B-12 that ends up in her milk and, consequently, that the average milk vitamin B-12 content of the cow population can be increased by genetic selection. A genome-wide association study revealed significant association between 68 SNP and vitamin B-12 content in raw milk of 487 first-lactation Dutch Holstein Friesian cows. This knowledge facilitates genetic selection for milk vitamin B-12 content. It also contributes to the understanding of the biological mechanism responsible for the observed genetic variation in vitamin B-12 content in milk. None of the 68 significantly associated SNP were in or near known candidate genes involved in transport of vitamin B-12 through the gastrointestinal tract, uptake by ileum epithelial cells, export from ileal cells, transport through the blood, uptake from the blood, intracellular processing, or reabsorption by the kidneys. Probably, associations relate to genes involved in alternative pathways of well-studied processes or to genes involved in less well-studied processes such as ruminal production of vitamin B-12 or secretion of vitamin B-12 by the mammary gland.  相似文献   

Adherence of human enterotoxigenic and bovine mastitis Escherichia coli to rat embryonic fibroblasts was studied. Adhesion of E. coli strains B34289c (human) and 1407 (bovine) was rapid and reached maximum after 30–40 min. Strain 1410 (bovine), which binds fibronectin but not its 29K amino-terminal fragment, did not adhere to the fibroblasts. Strain B34289c grown at 25 C or below and at 40 C or above lost its binding and adhesive properties simultaneously. Maximum binding and adhesion for this strain was achieved when it was grown at 33 C. Strains grown at this temperature adsorbed to fibronectin-, 29K fragment-, and Octyl Sepharose, with the exception of bovine strain 1410, which did not adsorb to 29K-Sepharose as expected. None of the strains adsorbed to cross-linked Sepharose 4B. 29K-IgG and Fab fragments thereof specifically blocked both binding (max 55%) and adhesion (>95%). Sonicated and trypsin-treated bacteria were no longer able to bind or adhere. The supernatant of sonicated bacteria inhibited both binding and adhesion. Penicillin G at 0.5 μg/ml (1/5 minimal inhibitory concentration: MIC) and tetracycline at 0.2 μg/ml (1/5 MIC), when included in the growth medium, suppressed the cell surface components responsible for fibronectin binding and fibroblast adhesion. The presence of fibronectin was demonstrated in the fibroblast extracellular matrix by immunofluorescens with 29K-IgG antibodies.  相似文献   

Data from the national dairy cow recording systems during 1997 were used to calculate lactation-specific cumulative risk of mastitis treatments and cumulative risk of removal from the herds in Denmark, Finland Norway and Sweden. Sweden had the lowest risk of recorded mastitis treatments during 305 days of lactation and Norway had the highest risk. The incidence risk of recorded mastitis treatments during 305 days of lactation in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden was 0.177, 0.139, 0.215 and 0.127 for first parity cows and 0.228, 0.215, 0.358 and 0.204 for parities higher than three, respectively. The risk of a first parity cow being treated for mastitis was almost 3 times higher at calving in Norway than in Sweden. The period with the highest risk for mastitis treatments was from 2 days before calving until 14 days after calving and the highest risk for removal was from calving to 10 days after calving in all countries.The study clearly demonstrated differences in bovine mastitis treatment patterns among the Nordic countries. The most important findings were the differences in treatment risks during different lactations within each country, as well as differences in strategies with respect to the time during lactation mastitis was treated.  相似文献   

Guo Y  Chen H  Lan X  Zhang B  Pan C  Zhang L  Zhang C  Zhao M 《Biochemical genetics》2008,46(11-12):828-834
In this study, polymorphism in the bovine LEPR gene exon 4 was detected by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing methods in 653 individuals from five Chinese cattle breeds. Two haplotypes (M and N), three observed genotypes (MM, MN, and NN), and five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (NC_007301:g.26767T>C, NC_007301:g.26805C>T, NC_007301:g.27050A>G, NC_007301:g.27063G>A, NC_007301:g.27079G>A) were detected. The frequencies of haplotypes M and N in the five breeds were 0.661-0.747 and 0.253-0.339, respectively. The SNP locus was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in Nanyang, Jiaxian red, Angus, and Jinnan cattle (P > 0.05) and was in Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium in Qinchuan cattle (P < 0.05). Polymorphism of the LEPR gene was shown to be associated with growth traits in the Nanyang breed. The SNP in the bovine LEPR gene had significant effects on body height, body length, body weight, heart girth, and average daily gain at 6 and 12 months old (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). Therefore, these results suggest that the LEPR gene is a strong candidate gene that affects growth traits in cattle.  相似文献   

??????? 目的 分析和调查抗菌药物临床应用的情况,研究规范化应用抗菌药物在临床使用的效果。方法 根据计算机管理系统提供的抗菌药物用药信息,对某三甲综合医院抗菌药物临床应用专项整治前、后医院门诊患者抗菌药物处方比例及住院患者抗菌药物使用率、使用强度、I类手术预防用药率等指标进行调查及分析。结果 门诊患者抗菌药物处方比例降低至6.2﹪;住院患者抗菌药物使用率降低至49.7﹪;抗菌药物使用强度降低至42.48;I类手术预防用药率降低至32.1﹪。结论 抗菌药物临床规范化应用,促进医院抗菌药物临床合理使用的效果显著。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In 1995, Mycobacterium bovis, the causative bacterium of bovine tuberculosis (bTB), was detected in 5 beef cattle operations in Alcona County, Michigan, USA. In accordance with Federal law, the operations were depopulated to prevent the spread of bTB. Subsequent wildlife surveillance programs identified high prevalence of M. bovis in mesocarnivores, including raccoons (Procyon lotor), which suggested that raccoons may be complicit in vectoring the pathogen among livestock operations. Our goal was to develop an empirical basis for generating hypotheses about the likelihood for raccoons to mediate the transmission of bTB to livestock. We found intersexual differences in scale-dependent resource selection and probability of spatial interaction that, under certain circumstances, may form the foundation for a sex-bias in disease transmission. Spatial dispersion of mixed-forest patches facilitated overlap of adjacent males, whereas female overlap zones included pastures. Within overlap zones, probabilities of interaction for male-male and male-female dyads were greater than for female-female dyads, although we documented an elevated likelihood of spatial interaction between raccoons and livestock around cattle-feeding troughs and water sources, regardless of sex. Partial regressions generated by linear models indicated that distance between nearest-neighbor mixed-forest patches explained most of this observed variation. These results supported our prediction that forest patches juxtaposed with anthropogenic features fostered social tolerance between males and, thus, facilitated spatial interaction and exploitation of anthropogenic features. In raccoons, sex and landscape composition influenced pathogen transmission potential. We suggest that livestock producers locate livestock feeding and watering features away from forest patches to mitigate future outbreaks of bTB in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Bacterial Association in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Beagle Dogs   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Nine male beagle dogs, housed in either a conventional or locked environment for 2.5 years, were killed, and the bacterial flora present in various regions of each gastrointestinal tract was assessed by culture techniques, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. All dogs possessed a complex microflora in their colons; in almost every dog anaerobes predominated. The highest number of bacteria cultured was 1010/g (dry weight) of tissue and contents; highest counts obtained with a Petroff-Hauser counting chamber were 1010/ml (wet weight). Although there was a consistency in the detectable genera, there were also noticeable differences in the flora of dogs housed under different environmental conditions. These differences included qualitative and quantitative changes in the flora as well as alterations in the distribution and localization of microorganisms along the gastrointestinal tract and in the crypts of Lieberkuhn. No bacterial layers were detected on the surfaces of stomach or proximal bowel in any of the dogs. Dogs housed in a conventional, open, environment had bacteria that occurred in layers on their ceca and colons and in their crypts of Lieberkuhn; however, dogs housed under “locked” environmental conditions did not possess them or had them less frequently. Dogs removed from the locked environment and kept (30 days) in conventional housing conditions were the only ones with detectable segmented filamentous microbes in their ilea. This study shows that the microbial flora does not simplify when dogs are housed in a locked environment. Indeed, it may increase in complexity and cause alterations in the bacterial flora that is associated closely with gastrointestinal epithelial cells and crypts of Lieberkuhn.  相似文献   

目的通过对实验猴细菌性感染疾病脏器病理改变的观察和分析,完善实验猴病理检测资料,为实验动物病理检测标准的制定提供依据。方法选取86例实验猴按5种必检细菌性感染疾病(沙门菌病;志贺菌病;结核杆菌病;小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌病;空肠弯曲菌病)病原种类分组,对脏器标本进行病理剖检,HE染色观察记录病变,建立实验猴必检细菌性疾病病理检测资料。结果病理检测结果显示:沙门菌病表现为伤寒肉芽肿,结核杆菌病表现为结核肉芽肿,小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌病表现为纵行溃疡、急性炎及化脓性肉芽肿;志贺菌病、空肠弯曲菌病表现为急性炎和表浅溃疡。结论感染5种必检细菌的实验猴分别表现出不同的病理变化,病理检测对疾病的分析诊断有重要价值,检测结果补充了实验猴细菌性疾病病理检测资料,为制定实验动物病理检测指南提供了相关依据。  相似文献   

The surface temperature of the teat at rest is about 30°C in healthy dairy cows kept indoor under ordinary conditions. It usually decreases by about 1°C during manual premising teat stimulation (Hamann & Dück 1984, Eichel 1986, Hamann 1988,1992). And it usually increases above the level prior to the stimulation by up to about 2.5°C during the milk removal phase of conventional machine milking (Schneider 1981, Hamann & Dück 1984, Hamann 1985,1988,1989, Mayntz 1990, Eichel 1992). The statements made are supported by the results of our own investigations, i.e. − 0.8 and + 2.1 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

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