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Surveillance of bacterial susceptibility to five antimicrobial agents was performed during a 1-year period in and around four freshwater fish farms situated along a stream in western Denmark. Besides assessing the levels of antibiotic resistance among the culturable fraction of microorganisms in fish, water, and sediment samples, two major fish pathogens (88 Flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates and 134 Yersinia ruckeri isolates) and 313 motile Aeromonas isolates, representing a group of ubiquitous aquatic bacteria, were isolated from the same samples. MICs were obtained applying a standardized agar dilution method. A markedly decreased susceptibility of F. psychrophilum isolates to most antimicrobial agents presently available for use in Danish aquaculture was detected, while the collected Y. ruckeri isolates remained largely sensitive to all therapeutic substances. Comparing the inlet and outlet samples, the increase of the antibiotic-resistant proportions observed among the culturable microflora was more pronounced and statistically significant among the motile aeromonads. High levels of individual and multiple antimicrobial resistances were demonstrated within the collected flavobacteria and aeromonads, thus indicating a substantial impact of fish farming on several groups of bacteria associated with aquacultural environments.  相似文献   

为调查上海市部分鸟类寄生虫感染情况,于2012年2、5、8、11月分别对上海市部分鸟类粪便进行采集,共抽样采集46种鸟类的231个粪样,采用漂浮法、沉淀法和麦氏虫卵计数法调查其寄生虫虫卵的感染率及感染强度。结果显示:有39种鸟的171个粪样检出寄生虫虫卵阳性,粪便中的寄生虫虫卵以球虫卵囊和线虫卵为主。5月和8月寄生虫虫卵的检出率相对较高。球虫卵囊和线虫卵的每克粪便卵囊数(OPG/EPG)最大值均出现在11月,分别为168 750个和3375个。检查结果表明,上海花鸟市场鸟类感染寄生虫的种类较多,感染率高。检查结果为掌握上海鸟类寄生虫的感染状况和做好寄生虫病的防控提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

Recent evidence of emerging human diseases with origins or likely transmission to humans, or both, that involve primates and a greater recognition of the risk of human pathogen transmission to free-ranging primates have raised awareness of the potential impact of zoonotic pathogen transmission on primate conservation and nonhuman primate and human health. As human population density continues to increase exponentially, speeding the reduction and fragmentation of primate habitats, greater human-primate contact is inevitable and even higher rates of pathogen transmission are likely. Thus interest has grown in collecting baseline data on patterns of parasitic infections in wild primate populations to provide an index of population health and to begin to assess and, to manage disease risks. Primatologists traditionally have been involved with such surveys through noninvasive assessment of gastrointestinal parasites. Unfortunately, previous studies have tended toward divergent methodologies, compromising the potential for longitudinal and comparative work. Here, I provide practical guidelines and standardized methodologies for the noninvasive assessment of gastrointestinal parasites of primates.
Thomas R. GillespieEmail:

This study was performed to find out the clusters with high parasite infection risk to discuss the geographical pattern. Clusters were detected using SatScan software, which is a statistical spatial scan program using Kulldorff’s scan statistic. Information on the parasitic infection cases in Korea 2011–2019 were collected from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Clusters of Ascaris lumbricoides infection were detected in Jeollabuk-do, and T. trichiura in Ulsan, Busan, and Gyeongsangnam-do. C. sinensis clusters were detected in Ulsan, Daegu, Busan, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Gyeongsangbuk-do. Clusters of intestinal trematodes were detected in Ulsan, Busan, and Gyeongsangnam-do. P. westermani cluster was found in Jeollabuk-do. E. vermicularis clusters were distributed in Gangwon-do, Jeju-do, Daegu, Daejeon, and Gwangju. This clustering information can be referred for surveillance and control on the parasitic infection outbreak in the infection-prone areas.  相似文献   

BackgroundInfections with helminths and other intestinal parasites are an important but neglected problem in children in developing countries. Accurate surveys of intestinal parasites in children inform empirical treatment regimens and can assess the impact of school based drug treatment programmes. There is limited information on this topic in Cambodia.MethodsIn a prospective study of intestinal parasites in symptomatic children attending Angkor Hospital for Children, Siem Reap, Cambodia, April-June 2012, samples were examined by microscopy of a direct and concentrated fecal sample. Two culture methods for hookworm and Strongyloides stercoralis were employed when sufficient sample was received. Demographic, clinical and epidemiological data were collected.Conclusions/SignificanceThis study confirms the importance of intestinal parasitic infections in symptomatic Cambodian children and the need for adequate facilities for laboratory diagnosis together with education to improve personal hygiene and sanitation.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax is known to be majorly endemic to Asian and Latin American countries with no or very few reports of Africans infected with this parasite. Since the human Duffy antigens act as receptors for P. vivax to invade human RBCs and Africans are generally Duffy-negative, non-endemicity of P. vivax in Africa has been attributed to this fact. However, recent reports describing P. vivax infections in Duffy-negative Africans from West and Central parts of Africa have been surfaced including a recent report on P. vivax infection in native Cameroonians. In order to know if Cameroonians living in the southern regions are also susceptible to P. vivax infection, we collected finger-prick blood samples from 485 malarial symptomatic patients in five locations and followed PCR diagnostic assays with DNA sequencing of the 18S ribosomal RNA gene. Out of the 201 malaria positive cases detected, 193 were pure P. falciparum, six pure P. vivax and two mixed parasite infections (P. falciparum + P. vivax). The eight P. vivax infected samples (six single + two mixed) were further subjected to DNA sequencing of the P. vivax multidrug resistance 1 (pvmdr1) and the P.vivax circumsporozoite (pvcsp) genes. Alignment of the eight Cameroonian pvmdr1 sequences with the reference sequence showed high sequence similarities, reconfirming P. vivax infection in all the eight patients. DNA sequencing of the pvcsp gene indicated all the eight P. vivax to be of VK247 type. Interestingly, DNA sequencing of a part of the human Duffy gene covering the promoter region in the eight P. vivax-infected Cameroonians to identify the T-33C mutation revealed all these patients as Duffy-negative. The results provide evidence of single P. vivax as well as mixed malaria parasite infection in native Cameroonians and add knowledge to the growing evidences of P. vivax infection in Duffy-negative Africans.  相似文献   

Four thousand six hundred forty– five quarter milk samples from 1179 cows from 20 commercial dairy herds were examined in order to determine the prevalence of bacterial species. A total of 859 isolates from 839 (18.1%) culture positive samples could be assigned to 34 different species and subspecies. Diagnostics of staphylococcal species was based on conventional procedures able to differentiate between all 36 species and subspecies presently acknowledged. Staphylococcus aureus was found in 10.2% of the samples and was the most common species isolated. Streptococcus dysgalactiae (1.6%) and Streptococcus uberis (1.4%) were the second and third most common species isolated. Seventeen different coagulase negative staphylococcal species (CNS) were found in 4.1% of the samples. The most frequently isolated CNS were S. epidermidis (1.3%), S. chromogenes (1.0%) and S. simulans (0.7%). Isolates of S. aureus were phage typed, and isolates of S. epidermidis were investigated by phage typing, antibiogram typing, and biotyping. A total of 378 (79.9%) isolates of S. aureus could be typed by phages, assigning them to 18 different phage types. However, 6 phage types accounted for 92.1% of the typable isolates. One to 2 phage types predominated within each herd. Eleven (18%) isolates of S. epidermidis could be typed by phages, assigning the isolates to 3 different types. Biotyping of S. epidermidis produced a total of 8 different types, the most common accounting for 29.5% of the isolates. A total of 6 different antibiogram types were observed among all isolates of S. epidermidis. Resistance towards penicillin (36.1%), tetracycline (9.8%) and streptomycin (9.8%), were recorded in the isolates of S. epidermidis. However, 35 (57.4%) of the isolates were susceptible to all 12 antibiotics tested.  相似文献   

The emergence of pathogens resistant to antimicrobials has prompted political initiatives targeting a reduction in the use of veterinary antimicrobials in Denmark, especially for pigs. This study elucidates the tendency of pig farms with a significantly higher antimicrobial use to remain in clusters in certain geographical regions of Denmark. Animal Daily Doses/100 pigs/day were calculated for all three age groups of pigs (weaners, finishers and sows) for each quarter during 2012–13 in 6,143 commercial indoor pig producing farms. The data were split into four time periods of six months. Repeated spatial cluster analyses were performed to identify persistent clusters, i.e. areas included in a significant cluster throughout all four time periods. Antimicrobials prescribed for weaners did not result in any persistent clusters. In contrast, antimicrobial use in finishers clustered persistently in two areas (157 farms), while those issued for sows clustered in one area (51 farms). A multivariate analysis including data on antimicrobial use for weaners, finishers and sows as three separate outcomes resulted in three persistent clusters (551 farms). Compared to farms outside the clusters during this period, weaners, finishers and sows on farms within these clusters had 19%, 104% and 4% higher use of antimicrobials, respectively. Production type, farm type and farm size seemed to have some bearing on the clustering effect. Adding these factors as categorical covariates one at a time in the multivariate analysis reduced the persistent clusters by 24.3%, 30.5% and 34.1%, respectively.  相似文献   



HIV infection has been modifying both the epidemiology and outcome of parasite infections. Hence, this study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium and other intestinal parasite infections among HIV positives with and without Antiretroviral Treatment(ART) and its association with CD4+ T-cell count.


A cross-sectional study was conducted at Fitche hospital focusing on HIV positives who came to hospital for follow-ups. A total of 378 HIV positive persons with and without ART participated in the study. Data on socio-demographic factors and diarrhoea status were obtained by interviewing all 214 with ART and 164 without ART. Stool samples were collected from all patients and examined for intestinal parasites using direct, formol-ether and modified acid-fast staining techniques.


The prevalence of intestinal parasite infections in this study was significantly higher among HIV positive persons not on ART. Specifically, the rate of infection with Cryptosporidium species, Blastocystis spp., Giardia lamblia, and Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar were higher, particularly in those with CD4+ T-cell counts less than 200 cells/µL. Fifty seven percent of the study participants were on ART. Out of these 164/378 (43%) of the non-ART study participants were infected with at least one intestinal parasite species. Significant association was observed between lower CD4+ T-cell count (<200 cells/µL) and the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. and Blastocystis spp. The two parasites were significantly more prevalent in HIV positive non-ART patients.


HIV infection increased the risk of having Cryptosporidium and other intestinal parasites and diarrhoea. Therefore, raising HIV positive’s immune status and screening for intestinal parasites is important. This study showed that patients who are taking ART had a lower prevalence of diarrhoea causing parasites and Cryptosporidium suggesting that ART through improvement of immune status of the patients may have contributed to controlling diarrhoea-causing parasites in HIV positive patients.  相似文献   



Areas endemic for malaria and Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection largely overlap geographically. A recent study has suggested the existence of an interaction between the two pathogens in symptomatic co-infected individuals on the South-American continent. We examined this issue in a hyperendemic area for both pathogens in sub-Saharan Africa.

Methodology and Findings

Pre-transfusion samples from a retrospective cohort of 154 blood transfusion recipients were screened for both serological and molecular markers of HBV and Plasmodium genomes using species-specific nested PCR and quantitative real-time PCR. Thirty-seven individuals met exclusion criteria and were subsequently eliminated from further analysis. Of 117 participants, 90% of recipients exhibited evidence of exposure to HBV, 42% with HBsAg and/or HBV DNA and 48% anti-HBc reactive without detectable HBV DNA. Plasmodium genome prevalence by NAT was 50%. Parasitemic individuals were significantly younger than non-parasitemic individuals (P = 0.04). Parasitemia level was not significantly lower in individuals with HBV DNA positive infections compared to those with HBV DNA negative exposures. HBV DNA load was not significantly different in parasitemic and non-parasitemic individuals.


The data presented suggests that, in sub-Saharan Africa, asymptomatic co-infections with these two ubiquitous pathogens do not appear to significantly affect each other and evolve independently.  相似文献   

The distribution of Clostridium botulinum serotypes A, B, E, and F in Finnish trout farms was examined. A total of 333 samples were tested with a neurotoxin-specific PCR assay. C. botulinum type E was found in 68% of the farm sediment samples, in 15% of the fish intestinal samples, and in 5% of the fish skin samples. No other serotypes were found. The spore counts determined by the most-probable-number method were considerably higher for the sediments than for the fish intestines and skin; the average values were 2,020, 166, and 310 C. botulinum type E spores kg−1, respectively. The contamination rates in traditional freshwater ponds and marine net cages were high, but in concrete ponds equipped with sediment suction devices the contamination rates were significantly lower. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing of 42 isolates obtained in this survey and 12 North American reference strains generated 28 pulsotypes upon visual inspection, suggesting that there was extensive genetic diversity and that the discriminatory power of PFGE typing in C. botulinum type E was high. A numerical analysis of SmaI-XmaI macrorestriction profiles confirmed these findings, as it divided the 54 isolates into 15 clusters at a similarity level of 76%. For this material, this level of similarity corresponded to a three-band difference in the macrorestriction profiles, which indicated that there is no genotypic proof of a close epidemiological relationship among the clusters.  相似文献   

Epidemiological networks are commonly used to explore dynamics of parasite transmission among individuals in a population of a given host species. However, many parasites infect multiple host species, and thus multi-host networks may offer a better framework for investigating parasite dynamics. We investigated the factors that influence parasite sharing – and thus potential transmission pathways – among rodent hosts in Southeast Asia. We focused on differences between networks of a single host species and networks that involve multiple host species. In host-parasite networks, modularity (the extent to which the network is divided into subgroups of rodents that interact with similar parasites) was higher in the multi-species than in the single-species networks. This suggests that phylogeny affects patterns of parasite sharing, which was confirmed in analyses showing that it predicted affiliation of individuals to modules. We then constructed “potential transmission networks” based on the host-parasite networks, in which edges depict the similarity between a pair of individuals in the parasites they share. The centrality of individuals in these networks differed between multi- and single-species networks, with species identity and individual characteristics influencing their position in the networks. Simulations further revealed that parasite dynamics differed between multi- and single-species networks. We conclude that multi-host networks based on parasite sharing can provide new insights into the potential for transmission among hosts in an ecological community. In addition, the factors that determine the nature of parasite sharing (i.e. structure of the host-parasite network) may impact transmission patterns.  相似文献   

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Parasite infections in AIDS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
'Illnesses no one's got' was the epidemiological clue that led to the identification of AIDS as a new disease in 1981 when a rare infectious organism Pneumocystis carinii was seen in previously healthy homosexuals. Since then a wide range of parasite infections has been recognized in AIDS patients. However, these patients are not susceptible to just any passing parasite. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) produces a specific immune defect and only parasites that can exploit that defect will be able to flourish. In this review Diana Lockwood and Jonathan Weber explore the spectrum of parasite diseases recognized in AIDS and also consider those parasites that occur infrequently in AIDS. Analysis of parasitic infections that AIDS patients do not suffer from will yield valuable information about immune recognition and handling of these parasites.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Some effects of 2 species of Eimeria in the rat were studied in single and concurrent infections. Groups included singly infected E. nieschulzi and E. separata controls (15 rats each) and 4 groups of 5 rats each infected with E. separata (shorter life cycle) at different days of an established E. nieschulzi infection. Experiments were conducted using inoculations of approximately 3,000, 5,000, and 7,000 sporulated oocysts of each species. Hosts showed consistently poor weight gain on day 3 postinoculation (PI) in E. separata infections and usually showed weight loss on days 7 and/or 8 PI in E. nieschulzi infections. Spleen weights indicated that the hosts responded immunologically to both parasites. Small intestine weights increased during E. nieschulzi infections as did cecum-colon weights during E. separata infections. In severe infections both species seemed to cause pathologic change in tissues at a distance from the site of endogenous development. Fecal collections were made at 24-hr intervals from the time of 1st inoculation till the end of patency. Patency usually began on day 7 PI for E. nieschulzi and on day 4 PI for E. separata with oocyst discharge peaking on days 8 and 5, respectively. In 2 instances, a biphasic pattern of oocyst discharge was found for E. separata during concurrent infections. The occurrence of interspecific interactions was indicated by an increased discharge of oocysts of E. separata, including those with the ability to sporulate, in doubly-infected animals as compared with those in singly-infected controls. It was suggested that the increased oocyst discharges may have resulted from additional production of merozoites during schizogony. Concurrent infections weakened the host more than single infections and this seemingly allowed more multiplication of the parasites.  相似文献   



Accurate quantitative assessment of infection with soil transmitted helminths and protozoa is key to the interpretation of epidemiologic studies of these parasites, as well as for monitoring large scale treatment efficacy and effectiveness studies. As morbidity and transmission of helminth infections are directly related to both the prevalence and intensity of infection, there is particular need for improved techniques for assessment of infection intensity for both purposes. The current study aimed to evaluate two multiplex PCR assays to determine prevalence and intensity of intestinal parasite infections, and compare them to standard microscopy.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Faecal samples were collected from a total of 680 people, originating from rural communities in Timor-Leste (467 samples) and Cambodia (213 samples). DNA was extracted from stool samples and subject to two multiplex real-time PCR reactions the first targeting: Necator americanus, Ancylostoma spp., Ascaris spp., and Trichuris trichiura; and the second Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia. duodenalis, and Strongyloides stercoralis. Samples were also subject to sodium nitrate flotation for identification and quantification of STH eggs, and zinc sulphate centrifugal flotation for detection of protozoan parasites. Higher parasite prevalence was detected by multiplex PCR (hookworms 2.9 times higher, Ascaris 1.2, Giardia 1.6, along with superior polyparasitism detection with this effect magnified as the number of parasites present increased (one: 40.2% vs. 38.1%, two: 30.9% vs. 12.9%, three: 7.6% vs. 0.4%, four: 0.4% vs. 0%). Although, all STH positive samples were low intensity infections by microscopy as defined by WHO guidelines the DNA-load detected by multiplex PCR suggested higher intensity infections.


Multiplex PCR, in addition to superior sensitivity, enabled more accurate determination of infection intensity for Ascaris, hookworms and Giardia compared to microscopy, especially in samples exhibiting polyparasitism. The superior performance of multiplex PCR to detect polyparasitism and more accurately determine infection intensity suggests that it is a more appropriate technique for use in epidemiologic studies and for monitoring large-scale intervention trials.  相似文献   

Parasite genomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Parasite proteases   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

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