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The increasing availability of DNA sequence data enables exciting new opportunities for fungal ecology. However, it amplifies the challenge of how to objectively classify the diversity of fungal sequences into meaningful units, often in the absence of morphological characters. Here, we test the utility of modern multilocus Bayesian coalescent-based methods for delimiting cryptic fungal diversity in the orchid mycorrhiza morphospecies Serendipita vermifera. We obtained 147 fungal isolates from Caladenia, a speciose clade of Australian orchids known to associate with Serendipita fungi. DNA sequence data for 7 nuclear and mtDNA loci were used to erect competing species hypotheses by clustering isolates based on: (a) ITS sequence divergence, (b) Bayesian admixture analysis, and (c) mtDNA variation. We implemented two coalescent-based Bayesian methods to determine which species hypothesis best fitted our data. Both methods found strong support for eight species of Serendipita among our isolates, supporting species boundaries reflected in ITS divergence. Patterns of host plant association showed evidence for both generalist and specialist associations within the host genus Caladenia. Our findings demonstrate the utility of Bayesian species delimitation methods and suggest that wider application of these techniques will readily uncover new species in other cryptic fungal lineages.  相似文献   

The ctenodactylids from the Lower and Middle Miocene of Saudi Arabia are represented by two species: Sayimys intermedius (Sen and Thomas, 1979) and Sayimys assarrarensis sp. nov. This new taxon differs from the other species of Sayimys by its larger size together with an association of characters such as the presence of a metalophulid II in d4 and the strength of the anteroloph and posteroloph in P4. A cladistic analysis involving Prosayimys flynni , Sayimys obliquidens , S. assarrarensis sp. nov., S. intermedius, S. sivalensis, S. baskini , and Metasayimys curvidens is provided. Sayimys assarrarensis sp. nov. nests between Sayimys obliquidens and Metasayimys curvidens as a relatively primitive taxon.  相似文献   

Well-preserved palynomorph assemblages are recovered from the Devonian Jauf and Jubah formations in five shallow boreholes in the northern part of Saudi Arabia. These fully cored boreholes overlap stratigraphically to form a 1640 ft composite sequence. Miospores dominate the palynological assemblages of most samples. The assemblages are mainly composed of trilete spores but also contain cryptospores and monolete spores. One new genus, sixteen new species and two new varieties of miospores are described from the studied assemblages: Artemopyrainconspicua nov. sp., Artemopyrarecticosta nov. sp., Camarozonotriletesfilatoffii nov. sp., Camarozonotriletesrugulosus nov. sp., Cymbohilatesbaqaensis nov. sp., Cymbohilatescomptulus nov. sp., Cymbohilatesheteroverrucosus nov. sp., Cymbosporitesasymmetricus nov. sp., Dibolisporitespilatus nov. sp., Dictyotriletesbiornatus nov. sp., Gneudnasporadivellomedia (Chibrikova) Balme, 1988 var. divellomedia, Gneudnasporadivellomedia (Chibrikova) Balme, 1988 var. minor nov. var., Latosporitesovalis nov. sp., Scylasporacostulosa nov. sp., Squamisporaarabica nov. gen. and sp., Stellatisporamulticostata nov. sp., Zonotriletesarmillatus nov. sp. and Zonotriletessimplicissimus nov. sp. Their stratigraphic distribution is compared to the well-established Devonian West European zonation of Streel et al. (1987) (Streel, M., Higgs, K.T., Loboziak, S., Riegel, W., Steemans, P., 1987. Spore stratigraphy and correlation with faunas and floras in the type marine Devonian of the Ardenne-Rhenish region. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 50, 211-219). A late Pragian-Givetian age is suggested for this sequence. No characteristic Eifelian taxa are recorded, but this could be explained by a gap in palyniferous samples.  相似文献   

Conservation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is relatively young, yet have made considerable gains in conservation through strategic proclamation and reintroductions. Changes in land use, illegal hunting and competition with domestic stock has decimated the native ungulates, meaning that the survival of the native ungulate species is now completely dependent on protected area network. The challenge is to sustain this network to make meaningful conservation impact into the future. We review the status of ungulate conservation in Saudi Arabia and highlight that the conservation strategy is well developed. The major challenge faced in conservation in Saudi Arabia now is to implement what has been sanctioned.  相似文献   

Asaccus geckos are distributed in southwest Asia, mainly in Iran and Arabia. Currently, seven Asaccus species are recognized in Arabia, all endemic to the isolated Hajar Mountains in Oman and the UAE, an area regarded as a biodiversity and endemicity hotspot. Previous phylogenetic studies have shown a non‐monophyletic structure of the Arabian Asaccus species, with the Hajar endemic A. montanus diverging first from the remaining Iranian and Arabian taxa, thus suggesting a possible Arabian origin for the genus. Despite the species’ obvious phylogeographical importance, no study has yet explored its intraspecific diversity. In this study, we assessed the genetic diversity and phylogeography of A. montanus and its phylogenetic relationships with the rest of the Arabian Asaccus species and some available representatives from Iran. We used both mitochondrial and nuclear data to assess phylogenetic relationships based on haplotype networks, concatenated datasets and species trees, performed species delimitation analyses, and estimated divergence times and genetic diversity. We suggest Asaccus began diverging during the Middle Oligocene, a period of major tectonic activity in and around Arabia. Our results mainly support previous phylogenetic studies and uncover the presence of cryptic diversity within A. montanus. Asaccus montanus diverged in the Jebel Akhdar Mountain range into two deep allopatric lineages during the Late Pliocene. Our findings suggest further taxonomic research is necessary for this species, especially due to its vulnerable status and restricted range in an area of great conservation importance.  相似文献   

Examination of specimens of Elateridae revealed new generic and species records for Saudi Arabia. Zorochros amalec (Peyerimhoff) is recorded from Al Majardah, and Zorochros yosrae sp. n. is described as a new species from Thalouth Almanazar.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E4B9EB99-BE55-4884-B220-BF9928926312  相似文献   

BackgroundVaccination is considered the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to prevent the complications of the disease. Nevertheless, no awareness campaigns were conducted in Saudi Arabia until March 1, 2021, when the Vaxzevria, or ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222), vaccine became available.ObjectivesThis study aims to determine the factors that can predict healthcare workers’ acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted from July to September 2021, in our university tertiary hospital (King Saud University Medical City [KSUMC]), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The study targeted potential participants among healthcare workers at KSUMC. We assessed healthcare workers’ perceptions and beliefs about the COVID-19 vaccine via a questionnaire that was distributed via social media applications such as WhatsApp, Twitter, and Google. Participants were informed about the questionnaire before they filled it out, and they were asked to respond to three screening questions before beginning the main questionnaire. These screening questions ensured that the participants met the inclusion criteria. Included participants were over the age of 18, agreed to answer the questions, and were residents of Saudi Arabia. The participants filled out the self-administered questionnaire.ResultsA total of 529 participants completed the questionnaires. All participants were vaccinated, 68% were female, 55% were married, 35% had been working for less than five years, and 65% had a bachelor’s degree. More than half of participants had not previously been infected with COVID-19, and most did not interact with COVID-19 patients. More convenient access to the vaccine increased the odds ratio of participant vaccination by 0.39. An increase in the number of vaccinated friends and family members increased the odds ratio of participant vaccination by 0.30. However, COVID- 19 vaccination mandates decreased the odds ratio of participant vaccination by 0.27. The fitted linear regression model explained 32% of the variation observed in the dependent variable, acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the adjusted R squared was 0.32. The fitted regression model was statistically significant at a 95% confidence interval; the p-value was 0.00001.ConclusionIn Saudi Arabia, there is an immense need to increase uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine. This requires encouraging more positive beliefs and attitudes regarding vaccination in general and the COVID-19 vaccine in particular.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) are well known to be associated with the development of cervical cancer. HPV16 and HPV 18 are known as high-risk types and reported to be predominantly associated with cervical cancer. The prevalence and genetic diversity of HPV have been well documented globally but, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, data on HPV genetic diversity are lacking. In this study, we have analyzed the genetic diversity of both HPV16 and HPV18 based on their L1 gene sequence because L1 gene is a major capsid protein gene and has been utilized to develop a prophylactic vaccine. In January 2011–2012, a total of forty samples from cervical specimens of women in Saudi Arabia were collected. The association of HPV16, HPV18 was detected by polymerase chain reaction, sequenced and submitted to GenBank. The sequences identity matrix and the phylogenetic relationship were analyzed with selected HPVs. The highest sequence identity (99.5%) for HPV16 and (99.3%) for HPV was observed with selected HPVs. The phylogenetic analysis results showed that HPVs from Saudi Arabia formed a closed cluster with African, Asian, East Asian as well as American HPVs distributed into multiple linages from various geographical locations. The results provided the valuable information about genetic diversity, but there is an urgent need to generate full genome sequence information which will provide a clearer picture of the genetic diversity and evolution of HPVs in Saudi Arabia. In conclusion, the generated data will be highly beneficial for developing molecular diagnostic tools, analyzing and correlating the epidemiological data to determine the risk of cervical cancer and finally to develop a vaccine for Saudi Arabian population.  相似文献   

Aldawood AS  Sharaf MR 《ZooKeys》2011,(106):47-54
A new ant species, Monomorium dryhimi, is described based on workers from a single colony collected in Al Bahah, Asir Province, Saudi Arabia. This is the fourth species of the Monomorium monomorium-group collected from Arabian Peninsula, and appears to be closely related to Monomorium holothir Bolton, 1987, from Kenya. It can be distinguished by the following characters: head in profile with a weakly convex dorsal surface and a clearly convex ventral surface; eyes of moderate size with maximum diameter EL 0.19-0.25 × HW and with 6 ommatidia in the longest row; body colour yellow to light brownish yellow. In some individuals, head and gaster slightly but conspicuously darker than rest of body. Second halves of first and second gastral tergites with two characteristic brownish transverse bands. An identification key to the workers of the Arabian species of the Monomorium monomorium-group is presented. Scanning electron micrographs are given to illustrate the new species.  相似文献   

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