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Elvander  M.  Baule  C.  Persson  M.  Egyed  L.  Ballagi-Pordány  A.  Belák  S.  Alenius  S. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1998,39(2):251-264
Experimental infections with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) were performed to study the effect of concurrent BRSV and BVDV infections. Twelve seronegative calves, in 3 groups, were inoculated on a single occasion with pure BRSV (group A), BRSV and noncytopathogenic BVDV (group B) or mock infected (group C). Mild respiratory symptoms were recorded 4 to 5 days post inoculation (dpi) in group A and group B calves. One calf in group A was severely affected and required medical treatment. In group B, fever (40.7-41.4 °C) was prominent 7 to 8 dpi. Only calves in group B were BVDV positive in purified lymphocytes at 2 to 14 dpi and showed increased serum interferon levels, with a peak at 4 dpi, indicating BVDV to be responsible for inducing the rise. BRSV was detected in lung lavage fluids up to 7 dpi for group A calves, compared to 11 dpi for group B and calves in this group also seroconverted later displaying lower BRSV titers. The time lag before an antibody response and the titers recorded in group B, indicated that the duration of BVDV infection in lymphocytes negatively influenced the capacity to mount a BRSV antibody response. kw|Keywords|k]cattle; k]respiratory disease; k]interferon; k]PCR  相似文献   

Houe  H.  Heron  I. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1993,34(3):305-310
The ability of calves persistently infected (PI) with bovine virus diarrhoea virus BVDV to respond immunologically to defined antigens other than BVDV was studied. Five clinically healthy PI calves were studied together with 5 non-PI calves serving as controls. The humoral immune response was tested by measuring the serum antitoxin titre following immunization against tetanus. The cellular immune response was tested by the ability to develop a positive reaction in a cutaneous tuberculin test performed 1 month after immunization against Johne’s disease (paratuberculosis). Finally, a skin-sensitizing agent, dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), was employed to study whether PI calves would react by hypersensitization following skin exposure to DNCB for 7 consecutive days followed by application of DNCB to a new skin area remote from the area that had first been exposed. The response of PI calves to the various types of antigenic stimuli applied was not significantly different from that of the control calves. Thus, PI calves developed a potent antitoxin response after tetanus immunization, they showed a positive reaction to tuberculin skin test after immunization against paratuberculosis, and were skin sentitized with DNCB.  相似文献   

To determine the nationwide status of persistent BVDV infection in different bovine species in China and compare different test methods, a total of 1379 serum samples from clinical healthy dairy cattle, beef cattle, yaks (Bos grunniens), and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) were collected in eight provinces of China from 2010 to 2013. The samples were analyzed using commercial antibody (Ab) and antigen (Ag) detection kits, and RT-PCR based on the 5’-UTR and Npro gene sequencing. Results showed that the overall positive rates for BVDV Ab, Ag and RT-PCR detection were 58.09% (801/1379), 1.39% (14/1010), and 22.64% (146/645), respectively, while the individual positive rates varied among regions, species, and farms. The average Ab-positive rates for dairy cattle, beef cattle, yaks, and water buffalo were 89.49% (298/333), 63.27% (248/392), 45.38% (236/520), and 14.18% (19/134), respectively, while the Ag-positive rates were 0.00% (0/116), 0.77% (3/392), 0.82% (3/368), and 5.97% (8/134), respectively, and the nucleic acid-positive rates detected by RT-PCR were 32.06% (42/131), 13.00% (26/200), 28.89% (52/180), and 19.40% (26/134), respectively. In addition, the RT-PCR products were sequenced and 124 5’-UTR sequences were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis of the 5’-UTR sequences indicated that all of the 124 BVDV-positive samples were BVDV-1 and subtyped into either BVDV-1b (33.06%), BVDV-1m (49.19%), or a new cluster, designated as BVDV-1u (17.74%). Phylogenetic analysis based on Npro sequences confirmed this novel subtype. In conclusion, this study revealed the prevalence of BVDV-1 in bovine species in China and the dominant subtypes. The high proportion of bovines with detectable viral nucleic acids in the sera, even in the presence of high Ab levels, revealed a serious threat to bovine health.  相似文献   

Palfi  V.  Houe  H.  Philipsen  J. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1993,34(1):105-107
Persistently infected (PI) animals play a significant role in spread and transmission of bovine virus diarrhoea virus (B VD V) (Duffell & Harkness 1985). The identification and removal of PI cattle from the herd is of great importance in the control of BVDV. Although PI animals often show various degrees of growth retardation and unthrifty appearance, a significant proportion is clinically normal. PI animals are often seronegative (Duffell & Harkness 1985), but calves may be tested seropositive because of the presence of maternal immunity (Meyling & Jensen 1988). The passively derived BVDV antibodies may interfere with the ability to detect virus. Considering the importance of early recognition of PI calves, it is essential to determine the earliest time when PI animals can safely be diagnosed in the herd.  相似文献   

李爱春 《中国病毒学》2003,18(6):616-618
随着生活水平的提高,肥胖已呈现为全球性问题.当今已将肥胖与艾滋病、癌症并称为21世纪威胁人类健康的三大疾病.而其中肥胖症则是人类健康的最大威胁.当前人们普遍认为肥胖是由于遗传、过食、运动不足、代谢异常、内分泌异常、脑疾患等因素引起.但是这些均不能完满地解释肥胖的成因.为此,美国科学家Dhurandhar等提出了一种新的解释.他们认为,肥胖可能与病毒感染有关[1].并已研究发现了第1株可引起动物肥胖的人腺病毒血清36型(adenouirus Ad-36),这是迄今所发现的第1株与肥胖有关的人腺病毒[2].证据表明,该病毒感染在动物肥胖发病中起着重要作用[2~5].是否能导致人类肥胖尚不得而知.但是,有关肥胖的病毒发现使肥胖成因的研究有了新的思考,为人类进一步了解肥胖问题的根源,以及肥胖的防治开辟了新的领域,展现出新的希望.至于病毒导致动物肥胖的具体机理以及人类肥胖是否与病毒感染有关至今尚不明确,有待深入研究.  相似文献   



Acute and chronic hepatitis E have been associated with high mortality and development of cirrhosis, particularly in solid-organ recipients and patients infected by human immunodeficiency virus. However, data regarding the epidemiology of hepatitis E in special populations is still limited.


Investigate seroprevalence and possible factors associated with HEV infection in a large cohort of immunosuppressed patients.


Cross-sectional study testing IgG anti-HEV in serum samples from 1373 consecutive individuals: 332 liver-transplant, 296 kidney-transplant, 6 dual organ recipients, 301 non-transplanted patients with chronic liver disease, 238 HIV-infected patients and 200 healthy controls.


IgG anti-HEV was detected in 3.5% controls, 3.7% kidney recipients, 7.4% liver transplant without cirrhosis and 32.1% patients who developed post-transplant cirrhosis (p<0.01). In patients with chronic liver disease, IgG anti-HEV was also statistically higher in those with liver cirrhosis (2% vs 17.5%, p<0.01). HIV-infected patients showed an IgG anti-HEV rate of 9.2%, higher than those patients without HIV infection (p<0.03). Multivariate analysis showed that the factors independently associated with anti-HEV detection were liver cirrhosis, liver transplantation and HIV infection (OR: 7.6, 3.1 and 2.4). HCV infection was a protective factor for HEV infection (OR: 0.4).


HEV seroprevalence was high in liver transplant recipients, particularly those with liver cirrhosis. The difference in anti-HEV prevalence between Liver and Kidney transplanted cases suggests an association with advanced liver disease. Further research is needed to ascertain whether cirrhosis is a predisposing factor for HEV infection or whether HEV infection may play a role in the pathogeneses of cirrhosis.  相似文献   

In assessing the prevalence of hepatitis δ (delta) virus (HDV) infection in 358 patients with acute hepatitis B seen in Los Angeles between 1983 and 1985 and in 196 patients with chronic hepatitis B followed between 1980 and 1985, we found that 23% of patients with chronic and 5% of patients with acute hepatitis B were infected with HDV. Among patients with chronic hepatitis B, the prevalence of HDV infection was 73% in intravenous drug users and 14% in homosexual men. Acute coinfection with the hepatitis B virus was also more frequent in drug users (8%) than in other groups. δ-Hepatitis is a common infection in hepatitis B virus carriers in Los Angeles, particularly in drug addicts, but also in homosexual men who do not abuse drugs intravenously.  相似文献   

Several epidemiological surveys have reported the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in stray cats in Korea, but little information is available on T. gondii infection in household cats. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence and risk factors of T. gondii infection among household cats reared in Seoul, Korea. A total of 474 blood samples were collected from clinically healthy household cats. All samples were tested using ELISA and PCR. The risk factor analysis was based on a questionnaire filled out by the owners. The overall positive rate for ELISA and PCR assays was 2.2% (10/437) and 2.1% (10/474), respectively. With regard to the origin of cats, the positive rates among cats adopted from the animal shelter and veterinary clinic for stray cats were significantly different (P<0.05). Our study demonstrated that the positive rate of T. gondii infection in household cats was low and that this low prevalence was assumed to be associated with keeping the cats indoors and restriction of eating raw food and uncooked meat. Therefore, we suggest that the owners check the origin of the cats prior to adoption to prevent infection of other animals, including humans.  相似文献   



Breast cancer is the most common malignancy affecting females worldwide but conventional risk factors are able to explain only a small proportion of these cases. A possible viral etiology for breast cancer has been proposed and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is a widely researched candidate virus. The aim of the present study, first one of its kind from India, was to determine if there is a greater association of EBV infection with breast cancer patients as compared to patients with benign breast diseases.


We looked for expression of Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen-1 (EBNA-1) in breast cancer tissue specimens by employing immunohistochemistry (IHC). We also measured levels of anti-EBNA-1 Immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies in stored sera of these patients using commercial Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) kit. Patients with benign breast diseases were used as a comparison group for both immunohistochemical and serological analysis.


58 cases of malignant breast disease and 63 of benign breast disease (controls) were included in the study. Using manufacturer determined cut-off of 3 IU/ml, 50/55 tested (90.9%) cases and 27/33 tested (81.8%) controls were seropositive for anti-EBNA-1 IgG. Mean antibody levels were significantly higher for cases (54.22 IU/ml) as compared to controls (18.68 IU/ml). IHC for EBNA-1 was positive in 28/51 cases (54.9%). No IHC positivity was noted in the tested 30 controls. Our results show that EBNA-1 expression is seen in a significant proportion of breast cancer tissue specimens from rural India and as compared to patients with benign breast diseases these patients also have a higher immunological response against EBNA-1.  相似文献   

将牛泡沫病毒(BFV3026)感染的细胞经耳缘静脉注射兔子,并以正常细胞注射的兔为对照。1年后处死,病毒挽救实验及PCR检测显示:兔经一次注射即可被BFV3026感染,病毒广泛分布于感染兔的多种脏器中,通过共培养可从感染兔血、肝、脾、肺、肾中拯救出相应感染性病毒颗粒,并在脑、骨髓、心、胰、肠系膜中检到高拷贝BFV原病毒DNA存在。同时,血清学检测表明:感染兔在接受注射一个月后即产生高滴度抗病毒蛋白抗体,并维持该滴度水平直至实验终止,兔未表现任何可观病变。  相似文献   

将牛泡沫病毒(BFV3026)感染的细胞经耳缘静脉注射兔子,并以正常细胞注射的兔为对照.1年后处死,病毒挽救实验及PCR检测显示兔经一次注射即可被BFV3026感染,病毒广泛分布于感染兔的多种脏器中,通过共培养可从感染兔血、肝、脾、肺、肾中拯救出相应感染性病毒颗粒,并在脑、骨髓、心、胰、肠系膜中检到高拷贝BFV原病毒DNA存在.同时,血清学检测表明感染兔在接受注射一个月后即产生高滴度抗病毒蛋白抗体,并维持该滴度水平直至实验终止,兔未表现任何可观病变.  相似文献   



Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a set of cardiovascular risk factors and type 2 diabetes, responsible for a 2.5-fold increased cardiovascular mortality and a 5-fold higher risk of developing diabetes.


1-to evaluate the prevalence of MS in individuals over 18 years associated with age, gender, socioeconomic status, educational levels, body mass index (BMI), HOMA index and physical activity; moreover, to compare it to other studies; 2-to compare the prevalence of elevated blood pressure (BP), high triglycerides and plasma glucose levels, low HDL cholesterol and high waist circumference among individuals with MS also according to gender; 3-to determine the number of risk factors in subjects with MS and prevalence of complications in individuals with and without MS aged over 40 years.


A cross-sectional study of 1369 Individuals, 667 males (48.7%) and 702 females (51.3%) was considered to evaluate the prevalence of MS and associated factors in the population.


The study showed that 22.7% (95% CI: 19.4% to 26.0%) of the population has MS, which increases with age, higher BMI and sedentary lifestyle. There was no significant difference between genders until age ≥70 years and social classes. Higher prevalence of MS was observed in lower educational levels and higher prevalence of HOMA positive among individuals with MS. The most prevalent risk factors were elevated blood pressure (85%), low HDL cholesterol (83.1%) and increased waist circumference (82.5%). The prevalence of elevated BP, low HDL cholesterol and plasma glucose levels did not show significant difference between genders. Individuals with MS had higher risk of cardiovascular complications over 40 years.


The prevalence of MS found is similar to that in developed countries, being influenced by age, body mass index, educational levels, physical activity, and leading to a higher prevalence of cardiovascular complications after the 4th decade of life.  相似文献   

Bottom and shoreline sediments of Green Bay, northern Lake Michigan, and rivers of the Green Bay drainage basin, as well as soils of the surrounding land mass, were examined for Clostridium botulinum type E. Detection was based on identification of type E toxin in enrichment cultures and was influenced by many factors. Testing smaller amounts of sample in multiple cultures was more productive than examining large inocula in fewer cultures. Incubation at 30 C was unsatisfactory, but 14 days at 20 C or 7 days at 25 C gave good results. Mild heating (60 C for 30 min) of specimens reduced the incidence of positive findings. Freezing enrichment cultures prior to testing for toxicity eliminated many nonbotulinal toxic substances that killed mice. A control culture inoculated with type E spores was employed to show whether a specimen contained factors which could mask the presence of type E. Samples from 708 stations were tested in 2,446 cultures. Type E was found in nearly all underwater specimens of Green Bay and northern Lake Michigan but was present less frequently in samples taken along their shores. The incidence was still lower in the rivers emptying into Green Bay with the organism being rare on the shores of these rivers and in the soils of the land mass proper. Samples from the upper reaches of the rivers practically never contained type E. Runoff could deposit type E spores in Green Bay, but this is not considered to be the major factor in the high incidence of the organism. Multiplication in the bay itself is indicated.  相似文献   

BackgroundChina is a high tuberculosis (TB) burden country. More than half of acute TB cases first seek medical care in village doctors’ clinics or community health centers. Despite being responsible for patient referral and management, village doctors are not systematically evaluated for TB infection or disease. We assessed prevalence and incidence of latent TB infection (LTBI) among village doctors in China.ConclusionsPrevalence and incidence of LTBI among Chinese village doctors is high. TB infection control measures should be strengthened among village doctors and at village healthcare settings.  相似文献   



To disclose the associated risk factors for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and the current situation of LTBI in the eastern China.


A cross-sectional study was undertaken to evaluate the LTBI rate and risk factors.


A total of 5305 subjects were finally included, with the IGRA positive rate of 19.98% (1060/5305). The LTBI rates were increasing with age (ORs were in significance from 6.60 to 20.92). Male gender significantly increased the risk of LTBI by 0.52 fold (OR = 1.52). Both smoking and drinking significantly increased the risk of LTBI (OR = 1.83 and OR = 1.67, respectively). Meanwhile, overweight and close contact with tuberculosis were risk factors for LTBI (OR = 1.36 and OR = 2.38, respectively). However, higher level of education and BCG vaccination lowered the risk of LTBI (OR = 0.16 and OR = 0.39, respectively). The multivariate logistic regression showed that age, male gender, smoking, overweight and close contacting with tuberculosis were risk factors for LTBI, but BCG vaccination was a protective factor for LTBI.


BCG vaccination exerted protective effect on tuberculosis. However, LTBI rate in the Chinese rural area was critical and subjects above 30 years, male, smoking, overweight and close contact with tuberculosis wound be the targets for LTBI screening and source of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Foamy viruses (FVs) are the least known retroviruses commonly found in primates, cats, horses, and cattle. Although FVs are considered apathogenic, simian and feline FVs have been shown to be associated with some transient health abnormalities in animal models. Currently, data regarding the course of infection with bovine FV (BFV) are not available. In this study, we conducted experimental infections of natural (cattle) and heterologous (sheep) hosts with the BFV100 isolate and monitored infection patterns in both hosts during the early phase postinoculation as well as after long-term infection. Four calves and six sheep inoculated with BFV100 showed no signs of pathology but developed persistent infection, as confirmed by virus rescue, consistent detection of BFV-specific antibodies, and presence of viral DNA. In both hosts, antibodies against BFV Gag and Bet appeared early after infection and persisted at high and stable levels while seroreactivity toward Env was consistently detectable only in BFV-infected sheep. Interestingly, the BFV proviral DNA load was highest in lung, spleen, and liver and moderate in leukocytes, while salivary glands contained either low or undetectable DNA loads in calves or sheep, respectively. Additionally, comparison of partial BFV sequences from inoculum and infected animals demonstrated very limited changes after long-term infection in the heterologous host, clearly less than those found in BFV field isolates. The persistence of BFV infection in both hosts suggests full replication competence of the BFV100 isolate with no requirement of genetic adaptation for productive replication in the authentic and even in a heterologous host.  相似文献   

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