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Begging signals of offspring are condition-dependent cues that are usually predicted to display information about the short-term need (i.e. hunger) to which parents respond by allocating more food. However, recent models and experiments have revealed that parents, depending on the species and context, may respond to signals of quality (i.e. offspring reproductive value) rather than need. Despite the critical importance of this distinction for life history and conflict resolution theory, there is still limited knowledge of alternative functions of offspring signals. In this study, we investigated the communication between offspring and caring females of the common earwig, Forficula auricularia, hypothesizing that offspring chemical cues display information about nutritional condition to which females respond in terms of maternal food provisioning. Consistent with the prediction for a signal of quality we found that mothers exposed to chemical cues from well-fed nymphs foraged significantly more and allocated food to more nymphs compared with females exposed to solvent (control) or chemical cues from poorly fed nymphs. Chemical analysis revealed significant differences in the relative quantities of specific cuticular hydrocarbon compounds between treatments. To our knowledge, this study demonstrates for the first time that an offspring chemical signal reflects nutritional quality and influences maternal care.  相似文献   

In social insects, it has been suggested that reproduction and the production of particular fertility-linked cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) may be under shared juvenile hormone (JH) control, and this could have been key in predisposing such cues to later evolve into full-fledged queen pheromone signals. However, to date, only few studies have experimentally tested this “hormonal pleiotropy” hypothesis. Here, we formally test this hypothesis using data from four species of Polistine wasps, Polistes dominula, Polistes satan, Mischocyttarus metathoracicus, and Mischocyttarus cassununga, and experimental treatments with JH using the JH analogue methoprene and the anti-JH precocene. In line with reproduction being under JH control, our results show that across these four species, precocene significantly decreased ovary development when compared with both the acetone solvent-only control and the methoprene treatment. Consistent with the hormonal pleiotropy hypothesis, these effects on reproduction were further matched by subtle shifts in the CHC profiles, with univariate analyses showing that in P. dominula and P. satan the abundance of particular linear alkanes and mono-methylated alkanes were affected by ovary development and our hormonal treatments. The results indicate that in primitively eusocial wasps, and particularly in Polistes, reproduction and the production of some CHC cues are under joint JH control. We suggest that pleiotropic links between reproduction and the production of such hydrocarbon cues have been key enablers for the origin of true fertility and queen signals in more derived, advanced eusocial insects.  相似文献   

昆虫性信息素多数为长链的不饱和醇、醋酸酯、醛或酮类,链长一般为10-20碳,主要在性信息素腺体内由乙酰辅酶A经过脂肪酸合成、碳链缩短、去饱和以及碳酰基的还原修饰等步骤合成的;而性信息素合成激活肽(pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide,PBAN)是由昆虫食管下神经节中的部分神经细胞合成和分泌的神经肽,通常由33个氨基酸组成,在C-末端有一个相同的五肽序列,主要调控性信息素的生物合成。有关PBAN的细胞内信号转导是近几年的研究热点,研究显示 PBAN首先与性信息素腺体细胞表面的G蛋白偶联受体结合,随后依据昆虫种类的不同,其细胞内信号转导方式主要有三种:(1)以cAMP信号传导途径进行信号转导;(2)以cAMP和磷脂酰肌醇信号传导途径共同进行信号转导;(3)主要以Ca2 为第二信使进行信号传导。  相似文献   

A probability distribution for the number of conceptions during a specified period of time is derived assuming that the fecundability as well as the proportion of incomplete conceptions vary between conceptions. A procedure for finding the estimate of some of the parameters has been outlined. The probability model was tested with the date from the Varnasi survey.  相似文献   

Queens of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata appear to maintain reproductive monopoly through pheromone rather than through physical aggression. Upon queen removal, one of the workers (potential queen, PQ) becomes extremely aggressive but drops her aggression immediately upon returning the queen. If the queen is not returned, the PQ gradually drops her aggression and becomes the next queen of the colony. In a previous study, the Dufour's gland was found to be at least one source of the queen pheromone. Queen-worker classification could be done with 100% accuracy in a discriminant analysis, using the compositions of their respective Dufour's glands. In a bioassay, the PQ dropped her aggression in response to the queen's Dufour's gland macerate, suggesting that the queen's Dufour's gland contents mimicked the queen herself. In the present study, we found that the PQ also dropped her aggression in response to the macerate of a foreign queen's Dufour's gland. This suggests that the queen signal is perceived across colonies. This also suggests that the Dufour's gland in R. marginata does not contain information about nestmateship, because queens are attacked when introduced into foreign colonies, and hence PQ is not expected to reduce her aggression in response to a foreign queen's signal. The latter conclusion is especially significant because the Dufour's gland chemicals are adequate to classify individuals correctly not only on the basis of fertility status (queen versus worker) but also according to their colony membership, using discriminant analysis. This leads to the additional conclusion (and precaution) that the ability to statistically discriminate organisms using their chemical profiles does not necessarily imply that the organisms themselves can make such discrimination.  相似文献   

The selective forces that shape and maintain eusocial societies are an enduring puzzle in evolutionary biology. Ordinarily sterile workers can usually reproduce given the right conditions, so the factors regulating reproductive division of labour may provide insight into why eusociality has persisted over evolutionary time. Queen-produced pheromones that affect worker reproduction have been implicated in diverse taxa, including ants, termites, wasps and possibly mole rats, but to date have only been definitively identified in the honeybee. Using the black garden ant Lasius niger, we isolate the first sterility-regulating ant queen pheromone. The pheromone is a cuticular hydrocarbon that comprises the majority of the chemical profile of queens and their eggs, and also affects worker behaviour, by reducing aggression towards objects bearing the pheromone. We further show that the pheromone elicits a strong response in worker antennae and that its production by queens is selectively reduced following an immune challenge. These results suggest that the pheromone has a central role in colony organization and support the hypothesis that worker sterility represents altruistic self-restraint in response to an honest quality signal.  相似文献   

Larvae of Bombus terrestris, a pollen-storing bumblebee, are dependent on progressive provisioning by workers. We test the hypothesis that larval cuticular chemicals can act as a hunger signal. We first show with a new classical conditioning experiment, using a Y-shaped tube, that workers can be trained to prefer the extracts of normally fed larvae over those of starved larvae. This proves the ability of workers to discriminate between larval extracts. Second, we show in a bioassay that workers also use these perceived differences to feed larvae according to their nutritional status. Larval broods sprayed with the extracts of the starved larvae were fed significantly more than larval broods sprayed with the extracts of normally fed larvae or with the solvent (n-pentane) only. We therefore conclude that B. terrestris larvae signal their need for food via their cuticular chemicals, and discuss the extent to which this form of communication could give larvae some control over their development. Received 2 September 2005; revised 11 April; accepted 24 April 2006.  相似文献   

Protein scaffolds bring together multiple components of a signalling pathway, thereby promoting signal propagation along a common physical ‘backbone’. Scaffolds play a prominent role in natural signalling pathways and provide a promising platform for synthetic circuits. To better understand how scaffolding quantitatively affects signal transmission, we conducted an in vivo sensitivity analysis of the yeast mating pathway to a broad range of perturbations in the abundance of the scaffold Ste5. Our measurements show that signal throughput exhibits a biphasic dependence on scaffold concentration and that altering the amount of scaffold binding partners reshapes this biphasic dependence. Unexpectedly, the wild‐type level of Ste5 is ~10‐fold below the optimum needed to maximize signal throughput. This sub‐optimal configuration may be a tradeoff as increasing Ste5 expression promotes baseline activation of the mating pathway. Furthermore, operating at a sub‐optimal level of Ste5 may provide regulatory flexibility as tuning Ste5 expression up or down directly modulates the downstream phenotypic response. Our quantitative analysis reveals performance tradeoffs in scaffold‐based modules and defines engineering challenges for implementing molecular scaffolds in synthetic pathways.  相似文献   

Thylakoids are the photosynthetic membranes in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. The aqueous phase inside the thylakoid known as the thylakoid lumen plays an essential role in the photosynthetic electron transport. The presence and significance of thiol‐disulfide exchange in this compartment have been recognized but remain poorly understood. All proteins found free in the thylakoid lumen and some proteins associated to the thylakoid membrane require an N‐terminal targeting signal, which is removed in the lumen by a membrane‐bound serine protease called thylakoidal processing peptidase (TPP). TPP is homologous to Escherichia coli type I signal peptidase (SPI) called LepB. Genetic data indicate that plastidic SPI 1 (Plsp1) is the main TPP in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) although biochemical evidence had been lacking. Here we demonstrate catalytic activity of bacterially produced Arabidopsis Plsp1. Recombinant Plsp1 showed processing activity against various TPP substrates at a level comparable to that of LepB. Plsp1 and LepB were also similar in the pH optima, sensitivity to arylomycin variants and a preference for the residue at ?3 to the cleavage site within a substrate. Plsp1 orthologs found in angiosperms contain two unique Cys residues located in the lumen. Results of processing assays suggested that these residues were redox active and formation of a disulfide bond between them was necessary for the activity of recombinant Arabidopsis Plsp1. Furthermore, Plsp1 in Arabidopsis and pea thylakoids migrated faster under non‐reducing conditions than under reducing conditions on SDS‐PAGE. These results underpin the notion that Plsp1 is a redox‐dependent signal peptidase in the thylakoid lumen.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the coevolutionary interactions between the slavemaking ant Protomognathus americanus and its Temnothorax hosts on a chemical level. We show that, although this social parasite is principally well-adapted to its hosts' cuticular hydrocarbon profile, there are pronounced differences in the fine-tuning of this adaptation. Between populations, chemical adaptation varies with host community composition, as the parasite faces a trade-off when confronted with more than one host species. In addition to adaptation of its own chemical signature, the slavemaker causes a reciprocal adjustment in its slaves' cuticular profile, the degree of which depends on the slave species. On the host side, successful parasite defence requires efficient enemy recognition, and in behavioural aggression trials, host colonies could indeed discriminate between invading slaves, which commonly accompany slavemakers on raids, and free-living conspecifics. Furthermore, hosts shifted their acceptance threshold over the seasons, presumably to reduce the costs of defence.  相似文献   

Fertility of stallions is of high economic importance, especially for large breeding organisations and studs. Breeding schemes with respect to fertility traits and selection of stallions at an early stage may be improved by including molecular genetic markers associated with traits. The genes coding for equine cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISPs) are promising candidate genes because previous studies have shown that CRISPs play a role in the fertilising ability of male animals. We have previously characterised the three equine CRISP genes and identified a non-synonymous polymorphism in the CRISP1 gene. In this study, we report one non-synonymous polymorphism in the CRISP2 gene and four non-synonymous polymorphisms in the CRISP3 gene. All six CRISP polymorphisms were genotyped in 107 Hanoverian breeding stallions. Insemination records of stallions were used to analyse the association between CRISP polymorphisms and fertility traits. Three statistical models were used to evaluate the influence of single mutations, genotypes and haplotypes of the polymorphisms. The CRISP3 AJ459965:c.+622G>A SNP leading to the amino acid substitution E208K was significantly associated with the fertility of stallions. Stallions heterozygous for the CRISP3 c.+622G>A SNP had lower fertility than homozygous stallions (P = 0.0234). The pregnancy rate per cycle in these stallions was estimated to be approximately 7% lower than in stallions homozygous at this position.  相似文献   

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