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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by selective loss of motor neurons, muscle atrophy and paralysis. Mutations in the human VAMP-associated protein B (hVAPB) cause a heterogeneous group of motor neuron diseases including ALS8. Despite extensive research, the molecular mechanisms underlying ALS pathogenesis remain largely unknown. Genetic screens for key interactors of hVAPB activity in the intact nervous system, however, represent a fundamental approach towards understanding the in vivo function of hVAPB and its role in ALS pathogenesis. Targeted expression of the disease-causing allele leads to neurodegeneration and progressive decline in motor performance when expressed in the adult Drosophila, eye or in its entire nervous system, respectively. By using these two phenotypic readouts, we carried out a systematic survey of the Drosophila genome to identify modifiers of hVAPB-induced neurotoxicity. Modifiers cluster in a diverse array of biological functions including processes and genes that have been previously linked to hVAPB function, such as proteolysis and vesicular trafficking. In addition to established mechanisms, the screen identified endocytic trafficking and genes controlling proliferation and apoptosis as potent modifiers of ALS8-mediated defects. Surprisingly, the list of modifiers was mostly enriched for proteins linked to lipid droplet biogenesis and dynamics. Computational analysis reveals that most modifiers can be linked into a complex network of interacting genes, and that the human genes homologous to the Drosophila modifiers can be assembled into an interacting network largely overlapping with that in flies. Identity markers of the endocytic process were also found to abnormally accumulate in ALS patients, further supporting the relevance of the fly data for human biology. Collectively, these results not only lead to a better understanding of hVAPB function but also point to potentially relevant targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Newly synthesized membrane proteins are transported by fast axonal flow to their targets such as the plasma membrane and synaptic vesicles. However, their transporting vesicles have not yet been identified. We have successfully visualized the transporting vesicles of plasma membrane proteins, synaptic vesicle proteins, and the trans-Golgi network residual proteins in living axons at high resolution using laser scan microscopy of green fluorescent protein-tagged proteins after photobleaching. We found that all of these proteins are transported by tubulovesicular organelles of various sizes and shapes that circulate within axons from branch to branch and switch the direction of movement. These organelles are distinct from the endosomal compartments and constitute a new entity of membrane organelles that mediate the transport of newly synthesized proteins from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Concerted actions of various ion channels that are precisely targeted along axons are crucial for action potential initiation and propagation, and neurotransmitter release. However, the dynamics of channel protein transport in axons remain unknown. Here, using time-lapse imaging, we found fluorescently tagged Kv1.2 voltage-gated K+ channels (YFP-Kv1.2) moved bi-directionally in discrete puncta along hippocampal axons. Expressing Kvβ2, a Kv1 accessory subunit, markedly increased the velocity, the travel distance, and the percentage of moving time of these puncta in both anterograde and retrograde directions. Suppressing the Kvβ2-associated protein, plus-end binding protein EB1 or kinesin II/KIF3A, by siRNA, significantly decreased the velocity of YFP-Kv1.2 moving puncta in both directions. Kvβ2 mutants with disrupted either Kv1.2-Kvβ2 binding or Kvβ2-EB1 binding failed to increase the velocity of YFP-Kv1.2 puncta, confirming a central role of Kvβ2. Furthermore, fluorescently tagged Kv1.2 and Kvβ2 co-moved along axons. Surprisingly, when co-moving with Kv1.2 and Kvβ2, EB1 appeared to travel markedly faster than its plus-end tracking. Finally, using fission yeast S. pombe expressing YFP-fusion proteins as reference standards to calibrate our microscope, we estimated the numbers of YFP-Kv1.2 tetramers in axonal puncta. Taken together, our results suggest that proper amounts of Kv1 channels and their associated proteins are required for efficient transport of Kv1 channel proteins along axons.  相似文献   

ER-to-Golgi transport, and perhaps intraGolgi transport involves a set of interacting soluble N-ethylmaleimide–sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins including syntaxin 5, GOS-28, membrin, rsec22b, and rbet1. By immunoelectron microscopy we find that rsec22b and rbet1 are enriched in COPII-coated vesicles that bud from the ER and presumably fuse with nearby vesicular tubular clusters (VTCs). However, all of the SNAREs were found on both COPII- and COPI-coated membranes, indicating that similar SNARE machinery directs both vesicle pathways. rsec22b and rbet1 do not appear beyond the first Golgi cisterna, whereas syntaxin 5 and membrin penetrate deeply into the Golgi stacks. Temperature shifts reveal that membrin, rsec22b, rbet1, and syntaxin 5 are present together on membranes that rapidly recycle between peripheral and Golgi-centric locations. GOS-28, on the other hand, maintains a fixed localization in the Golgi. By immunoprecipitation analysis, syntaxin 5 exists in at least two major subcomplexes: one containing syntaxin 5 (34-kD isoform) and GOS-28, and another containing syntaxin 5 (41- and 34-kD isoforms), membrin, rsec22b, and rbet1. Both subcomplexes appear to involve direct interactions of each SNARE with syntaxin 5. Our results indicate a central role for complexes among rbet1, rsec22b, membrin, and syntaxin 5 (34 and 41 kD) at two membrane fusion interfaces: the fusion of ER-derived vesicles with VTCs, and the assembly of VTCs to form cis-Golgi elements. The 34-kD syntaxin 5 isoform, membrin, and GOS-28 may function in intraGolgi transport.  相似文献   

Living cells maintain a huge transmembrane electric field across their membranes. This electric field exerts a force on the membrane because the membrane surfaces are highly charged. We have measured electromechanical force generation by cell membranes using optically trapped beads to detach the plasma membrane from the cytoskeleton and form long thin cylinders (tethers). Hyperpolarizing potentials increased and depolarizing potentials decreased the force required to pull a tether. The membrane tether force in response to sinusoidal voltage signals was a function of holding potential, tether diameter, and tether length. Membrane electromechanical force production can occur at speeds exceeding those of ATP-based protein motors. By harnessing the energy in the transmembrane electric field, cell membranes may contribute to processes as diverse as outer hair cell electromotility, ion channel gating, and transport.  相似文献   

Inflammation is a physiological response to tissue trauma or infection, but leukocytes, which are the effector cells of the inflammatory process, have powerful tissue remodelling capabilities. Thus, to ensure their precise localisation, passage of leukocytes from the blood into inflamed tissue is tightly regulated. Recruitment of blood borne neutrophils to the tissue stroma occurs during early inflammation. In this process, peptide agonists of the chemokine family are assumed to provide a chemotactic stimulus capable of supporting the migration of neutrophils across vascular endothelial cells, through the basement membrane of the vessel wall, and out into the tissue stroma. Here, we show that, although an initial chemokine stimulus is essential for the recruitment of flowing neutrophils by endothelial cells stimulated with the inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor-α, transit of the endothelial monolayer is regulated by an additional and downstream stimulus. This signal is supplied by the metabolism of the omega-6-polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-6-PUFA), arachidonic acid, into the eicosanoid prostaglandin-D2 (PGD2) by cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. This new step in the neutrophil recruitment process was revealed when the dietary n-3-PUFA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), was utilised as an alternative substrate for COX enzymes, leading to the generation of PGD3. This alternative series eicosanoid inhibited the migration of neutrophils across endothelial cells by antagonising the PGD2 receptor. Here, we describe a new step in the neutrophil recruitment process that relies upon a lipid-mediated signal to regulate the migration of neutrophils across endothelial cells. PGD2 signalling is subordinate to the chemokine-mediated activation of neutrophils, but without the sequential delivery of this signal, neutrophils fail to penetrate the endothelial cell monolayer. Importantly, the ability of the dietary n-3-PUFA, EPA, to inhibit this process not only revealed an unsuspected level of regulation in the migration of inflammatory leukocytes, it also contributes to our understanding of the interactions of this bioactive lipid with the inflammatory system. Moreover, it indicates the potential for novel therapeutics that target the inflammatory system with greater affinity and/or specificity than supplementing the diet with n-3-PUFAs.  相似文献   

目的:研究有髓轴突横断损伤后郎飞结区钠通道聚集状态的变化.方法:用雪旺细胞-背根神经元髓鞘化共培养系统复制周围神经髓鞘形成和郎飞结发育,于髓鞘化培养基中共培养第14天用前房角切开刀造成有髓轴突横断损伤,在损伤后1、2、3、4、5、6、7、14天进行髓鞘碱性蛋白和钠通道免疫荧光染色,损伤前共培养作为对照.利用SPOT图像分析软件测量钠通道聚集簇的直径、长度和直径/长度比.结果:损伤前钠通道蛋白在有髓轴突郎飞结区形成直径/长度比略大于1的聚集簇;有髓轴灾横断损伤后钠通道蛋白沿轴突纵向扩散,钠通道聚集簇的直径/长度比逐渐减小,损伤后第14天已无法检测到钠通道表达.损伤区出现节段性脱髓鞘.结论:轴突横断损伤可造成钠通道聚集簇扩散、消失,导致郎飞结结构破坏.  相似文献   

FtsZ, a bacterial homolog of eukaryotic tubulin, assembles into the Z ring required for cytokinesis. In Escherichia coli, FtsZ interacts directly with FtsA and ZipA, which tether the Z ring to the membrane. We used three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy to compare the localization patterns of FtsZ, FtsA, and ZipA at high resolution in Escherichia coli cells. We found that FtsZ localizes in patches within a ring structure, similar to the pattern observed in other species, and discovered that FtsA and ZipA mostly colocalize in similar patches. Finally, we observed similar punctate and short polymeric structures of FtsZ distributed throughout the cell after Z rings were disassembled, either as a consequence of normal cytokinesis or upon induction of an endogenous cell division inhibitor.The assembly of the bacterial tubulin FtsZ has been well studied in vitro, but the fine structure of the cytokinetic Z ring it forms in vivo is not well defined. Super-resolution microscopy methods including photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) and three-dimensional-structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) have recently provided a more detailed view of Z-ring structures. Two-dimensional PALM showed that Z rings in Escherichia coli are likely composed of loosely-bundled dynamic protofilaments (1,2). Three-dimensional PALM studies of Caulobacter crescentus initially showed that Z rings were comprised of loosely bundled protofilaments forming a continuous but dynamic ring (1–3). However, a more recent high-throughput study showed that the Z rings of this bacterium are patchy or discontinuous (4), similar to Z rings of Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus using 3D-SIM (5). Strauss et al. (5) also demonstrated that the patches in B. subtilis Z rings are highly dynamic.Assembly of the Z ring is modulated by several proteins that interact directly with FtsZ and enhance assembly or disassembly (6). For example, FtsA and ZipA promote ring assembly in E. coli by tethering it to the cytoplasmic membrane (7,8). SulA is an inhibitor of FtsZ assembly, induced only after DNA damage, which sequesters monomers of FtsZ to prevent its assembly into a Z ring (9). Our initial goals were to visualize Z rings in E. coli using 3D-SIM, and then examine whether any FtsZ polymeric structures remain after SulA induction. We also asked whether FtsA and ZipA localized in patchy patterns similar to those of FtsZ.We used a DeltaVision OMX V4 Blaze microscope (Applied Precision, GE Healthcare, Issaquah, WA) to view the high-resolution localization patterns of FtsZ in E. coli cells producing FtsZ-GFP (Fig. 1). Three-dimensional views were reconstructed using softWoRx software (Applied Precision). To rule out GFP artifacts, we also visualized native FtsZ from a wild-type strain (WM1074) by immunofluorescence (IF).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Localization of FtsZ in E. coli. (A) Cell with a Z ring labeled with FtsZ-GFP. (B) Rotated view of Z ring in panel A. (C) Cell with a Z ring labeled with DyLight 550 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). (D) Rotated view of Z ring in panel C. (B1 and D1) Three-dimensional surface intensity plots of Z rings in panels B and D, respectively. (E) A dividing cell producing FtsZ-GFP. The cell outline is shown in the schematic. (Asterisk) Focus of FtsZ localization; (open dashed ovals) filamentous structures of FtsZ. Three-dimensional surface intensity plots were created using the software ImageJ (19). Scale bars, 1 μm.Both FtsZ-GFP (Fig. 1, A, B, and B1) and IF staining for FtsZ (Fig. 1, C, D, and D1) consistently localized to patches around the ring circumference, similar to the B. subtilis and C. crescentus FtsZ patterns (4,5). Analysis of fluorescence intensities (see Fig. S1, A and B, in the Supporting Material) revealed that the majority of Z rings contain one or more gaps in which intensity decreases to background levels (82% for FtsZ-GFP and 69% for IF). Most rings had 3–5 areas of lower intensity, but only a small percentage of these areas had fluorescence below background intensity (34% for FtsZ-GFP and 21% for IF), indicating that the majority of areas with lower intensity contain at least some FtsZ.To elucidate how FtsZ transitions from a disassembled ring to a new ring, we imaged a few dividing daughter cells before they were able to form new Z rings (Fig. 1 E). Previous conventional microscopy had revealed dynamic FtsZ helical structures (10), but the resolution had been insufficient to see further details. Here, FtsZ visualized in dividing cells by 3D-SIM localized throughout as a mixture of patches and randomly-oriented short filaments (asterisk and dashed oval in Fig. 1, respectively). These structures may represent oligomeric precursors of Z ring assembly.To visualize FtsZ after Z-ring disassembly another way, we overproduced SulA, a protein that blocks FtsZ assembly. We examined E. coli cells producing FtsZ-GFP after induction of sulA expression from a pBAD33-sulA plasmid (pWM1736) with 0.2% arabinose. After 30 min of sulA induction, Z rings remained intact in most cells (Fig. 2 A and data not shown). The proportion of cellular FtsZ-GFP in the ring before and after induction of sulA was consistent with previous data (data not shown) (1,11).Open in a separate windowFigure 2Localization of FtsZ after overproduction of SulA. (A) Cell producing FtsZ-GFP after 0.2% arabinose induction of SulA for 30 min. (B) After 45 min. (B1) Magnified cell shown in panel B. (C) Cell producing native FtsZ labeled with AlexaFluor 488 (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) 30 min after induction; (D) 45 min after induction. (D1) Magnified cell shown in panel D. Scale bars, 1 μm. (Asterisk) Focus of FtsZ localization; (open dashed ovals) filamentous structures of FtsZ.Notably, after 45 min of sulA induction, Z rings were gone (Fig. 2, B and B1), replaced by numerous patches and randomly-oriented short filaments (asterisk and dashed ovals in Fig. 2), similar to those observed in a dividing cell. FtsZ normally rapidly recycles from free monomers to ring-bound polymers (11), but a critical concentration of SulA reduces the pool of available FtsZ monomers, resulting in breakdown of the Z ring (9). The observed FtsZ-GFP patches and filaments are likely FtsZ polymers that disassemble before they can organize into a ring.We confirmed this result by overproducing SulA in wild-type cells and detecting FtsZ localization by IF (Fig. 2, C, D, and D1). The overall fluorescence patterns in cells producing FtsZ-GFP versus cells producing only native FtsZ were similar (Fig. 2, B1 and D1), although we observed fewer filaments with IF, perhaps because FtsZ-GFP confers slight resistance to SulA, or because the increased amount of FtsZ in FtsZ-GFP producing cells might titrate the SulA more effectively.Additionally, we wanted to observe the localization patterns of the membrane tethers FtsA and ZipA. Inasmuch as both proteins bind to the same C-terminal conserved tail of FtsZ (12–14), they would be expected to colocalize with the circumferential FtsZ patches in the Z ring. We visualized FtsA using protein fusions to mCherry and GFP (data not shown) as well as IF using a wild-type strain (WM1074) (Fig. 3 A). We found that the patchy ring pattern of FtsA localization was similar to the FtsZ pattern. ZipA also displayed a similar patchy localization in WM1074 by IF (Fig. 3 B).Open in a separate windowFigure 3Localization of FtsA (A) and ZipA (B) by IF using AlexaFluor 488. (C) FtsA-GFP ring. (D) Same cell shown in panel C with ZipA labeled with DyLight 550. (C1 and D1) Three-dimensional surface intensity plots of FtsA ring from panel C or ZipA ring from panel D, respectively. (E) Merged image of FtsA (green) and ZipA (red) from the ring shown in panels C and D. (F) Intensity plot of FtsA (green) and ZipA (red) of ring shown in panel E. The plot represents intensity across a line drawn counterclockwise from the top of the ring around the circumference, then into its lumen. Red/green intensity plot and three-dimensional surface intensity plots were created using the software ImageJ (19). Scale bar, 1 μm.To determine whether FtsA and ZipA colocalized to these patches, we used a strain producing FtsA-GFP (WM4679) for IF staining of ZipA using a red secondary antibody. FtsA-GFP (Fig. 3 C) and ZipA (Fig. 3 D) had similar patterns of fluorescence, although the three-dimensional intensity profiles (Fig. 3, C1 and D1) reveal slight differences in intensity that are also visible in a merged image (Fig. 3 E). Quantitation of fluorescence intensities around the circumference of the rings revealed that FtsA and ZipA colocalized almost completely in approximately half of the rings analyzed (Fig. 3 F, and see Fig. S2 A), whereas in the other rings there were significant differences in localization in one or more areas (see Fig. S2 B). FtsA and ZipA bind to the same C-terminal peptide of FtsZ and may compete for binding. Cooperative self-assembly of FtsA or ZipA might result in large-scale differential localization visible by 3D-SIM.In conclusion, our 3D-SIM analysis shows that the patchy localization of FtsZ is conserved in E. coli and suggests that it may be widespread among bacteria. After disassembly of the Z ring either in dividing cells or by excess levels of the cell division inhibitor SulA, FtsZ persisted as patches and short filamentous structures. This is consistent with a highly dynamic population of FtsZ monomers and oligomers outside the ring, originally observed as mobile helices in E. coli by conventional fluorescence microscopy (10) and by photoactivation single-molecule tracking (15). FtsA and ZipA, which bind to the same segment of FtsZ and tether it to the cytoplasmic membrane, usually display a similar localization pattern to FtsZ and each other, although in addition to the differences we detect by 3D-SIM, there are also likely differences that are beyond its ∼100-nm resolution limit in the X,Y plane.As proposed previously (16), gaps between FtsZ patches may be needed to accommodate a switch from a sparse Z ring to a more condensed ring, which would provide force to drive ring constriction (17). If this model is correct, the gaps should close upon ring constriction, although this may be beyond the resolution of 3D-SIM in constricted rings. Another role for patches could be to force molecular crowding of low-abundance septum synthesis proteins such as FtsI, which depend on FtsZ/FtsA/ZipA for their recruitment, into a few mobile supercomplexes.How are FtsZ polymers organized within the Z-ring patches? Recent polarized fluorescence data suggest that FtsZ polymers are oriented both axially and circumferentially within the Z ring in E. coli (18). The seemingly random orientation of the non-ring FtsZ polymeric structures we observe here supports the idea that there is no strong constraint requiring FtsZ oligomers to follow a circumferential path around the cell cylinder. The patches of FtsZ in the unperturbed E. coli Z ring likely represent randomly oriented clusters of FtsZ filaments that are associated with ZipA, FtsA, and essential septum synthesis proteins. New super-resolution microscopy methods should continue to shed light on the in vivo organization of these protein assemblies.  相似文献   

This article reports on the construction and predictive models for a platform comprised of an engineered tethered membrane. The platform provides a controllable and physiologically relevant environment for the study of the electroporation process. The mixed self-assembled membrane is formed via a rapid solvent exchange technique. The membrane is tethered to the gold electrode and includes an ionic reservoir separating the membrane and gold surface. Above the membrane, there is an electrolyte solution, and a gold counterelectrode. A voltage is applied between the gold electrodes and the current measured. The current is dependent on the energy required to form aqueous pores and the conductance of each pore. A two-level predictive model, consisting of a macroscopic and a continuum model, is developed to relate the pore dynamics to the measured current. The macroscopic model consists of an equivalent circuit model of the tethered membrane, and asymptotic approximations to the Smoluchowski-Einstein equation of electroporation that is dependent on the pore conductance and the energy required to form aqueous pores. The continuum model is a generalized Poisson-Nernst-Planck (GPNP) system where an activity coefficient to account for steric effects of ions is added to the standard PNP system. The GPNP is used to evaluate the conductance of aqueous pores, and the electrical energy required to form the pores. As an outcome of the setup of the device and the two-level model, biologically important variables can be estimated from experimental measurements. To validate the accuracy of the two-level model, the predicted current is compared with experimentally measured current for different tethering densities.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane compartmentalization spatiotemporally regulates cell-autonomous immune signaling in animal cells. To elucidate immediate early protein dynamics at the plant plasma membrane in response to the bacterial pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) flagellin (flg22) we employed quantitative mass spectrometric analysis on detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) of Arabidopsis thaliana suspension cells. This approach revealed rapid and profound changes in DRM protein composition following PAMP treatment, prominently affecting proton ATPases and receptor-like kinases, including the flagellin receptor FLS2. We employed reverse genetics to address a potential contribution of a subset of these proteins in flg22-triggered cellular responses. Mutants of three candidates (DET3, AHA1, FER) exhibited a conspicuous defect in the PAMP-triggered accumulation of reactive oxygen species. In addition, these mutants showed altered mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation, a defect in PAMP-triggered stomatal closure as well as altered bacterial infection phenotypes, which revealed three novel players in elicitor-dependent oxidative burst control and innate immunity. Our data provide evidence for dynamic elicitor-induced changes in the membrane compartmentalization of PAMP signaling components.  相似文献   

This article reports on the construction and predictive models for a platform comprised of an engineered tethered membrane. The platform provides a controllable and physiologically relevant environment for the study of the electroporation process. The mixed self-assembled membrane is formed via a rapid solvent exchange technique. The membrane is tethered to the gold electrode and includes an ionic reservoir separating the membrane and gold surface. Above the membrane, there is an electrolyte solution, and a gold counterelectrode. A voltage is applied between the gold electrodes and the current measured. The current is dependent on the energy required to form aqueous pores and the conductance of each pore. A two-level predictive model, consisting of a macroscopic and a continuum model, is developed to relate the pore dynamics to the measured current. The macroscopic model consists of an equivalent circuit model of the tethered membrane, and asymptotic approximations to the Smoluchowski-Einstein equation of electroporation that is dependent on the pore conductance and the energy required to form aqueous pores. The continuum model is a generalized Poisson-Nernst-Planck (GPNP) system where an activity coefficient to account for steric effects of ions is added to the standard PNP system. The GPNP is used to evaluate the conductance of aqueous pores, and the electrical energy required to form the pores. As an outcome of the setup of the device and the two-level model, biologically important variables can be estimated from experimental measurements. To validate the accuracy of the two-level model, the predicted current is compared with experimentally measured current for different tethering densities.  相似文献   


An overview is given of the biotechnological utilizability of various features of cell membranes. Techniques are given that describe how to make use of the barrier and transport functions of membranes for biotechnological purposes, ranging from cell permeabilization and construction of immobilized biocatalysts to manipulating excretion and uptake properties of the membranes by various methods. Glucose transporters, iron-transporting membrane systems, and pumps engaged in pleiotropic drug resistance are treated in more detail as particularly biotechnologically important membrane proteins.  相似文献   

FtsZ, a bacterial homolog of eukaryotic tubulin, assembles into the Z ring required for cytokinesis. In Escherichia coli, FtsZ interacts directly with FtsA and ZipA, which tether the Z ring to the membrane. We used three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy to compare the localization patterns of FtsZ, FtsA, and ZipA at high resolution in Escherichia coli cells. We found that FtsZ localizes in patches within a ring structure, similar to the pattern observed in other species, and discovered that FtsA and ZipA mostly colocalize in similar patches. Finally, we observed similar punctate and short polymeric structures of FtsZ distributed throughout the cell after Z rings were disassembled, either as a consequence of normal cytokinesis or upon induction of an endogenous cell division inhibitor.  相似文献   

Rickettsia prowazekii is an obligate intracytosolic pathogen and the causative agent of epidemic typhus fever in humans. As an evolutionary model of intracellular pathogenesis, rickettsiae are notorious for their use of transport systems that parasitize eukaryotic host cell biochemical pathways. Rickettsial transport systems for substrates found only in eukaryotic cell cytoplasm are uncommon among free-living microorganisms and often possess distinctive mechanisms. We previously reported that R. prowazekii acquires triose phosphates for phospholipid biosynthesis via the coordinated activities of a novel dihydroxyacetone phosphate transport system and an sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (K. M. Frohlich et al., J. Bacteriol. 192:4281–4288, 2010). In the present study, we have determined that R. prowazekii utilizes a second, independent triose phosphate acquisition pathway whereby sn-glycerol-3-phosphate is directly transported and incorporated into phospholipids. Herein we describe the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate transport systems in isolated R. prowazekii with respect to kinetics, energy coupling, transport mechanisms, and substrate specificity. These data suggest the existence of multiple rickettsial triose phosphate transport systems. Furthermore, the R. prowazekii dihydroxyacetone phosphate transport systems displayed unexpected mechanistic properties compared to well-characterized triose phosphate transport systems from plant plastids. Questions regarding possible roles for dual-substrate acquisition pathways as metabolic virulence factors in the context of a pathogen undergoing reductive evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

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