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MicroRNA-199a (miRNA-199a) has been shown to have comprehensive functions and behave differently in different systems and diseases. It is encoded by two loci in the human genome, miR-199a-1 in chromosome 19 and miR-199a-2 in chromosome 1. Both loci give rise to the same miRNAs (miR-199a-5p and miR-199a-3p). The cause of the diverse action of the miRNA in different systems is not clear. However, it is likely due to different regulation of the two genomic loci and variable targets of the miRNA in different cells and tissues. Here we studied promoter methylation of miR-199a in testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) and glioblastomas (gliomas) and discovered that hypermethylation in TGCTs of both miR-199a-1 and -2 resulted in its reduced expression, while hypomethylation of miR-199a-2 but not -1 in gliomas may be related to its elevated expression. We also identified a common regulator, REST, which preferentially bound to the methylated promoters of both miR-199a-1 and miR-199a-2. The action of miR-199a is dependent on its downstream targets. We identified MAFB as a putative target of miRNA-199a-5p in TGCTs and confirmed that the tumor suppression activity of the microRNA is mediated by its target MAFB. By studying the mechanisms that control the expressions of miR-199a and its various downstream targets, we hope to use miR-199a as a model to understand the complexity of miRNA biology.  相似文献   

雄性睾丸内精子的生成及其质量随年龄增长逐渐降低。精原干细胞是精子生成的起点,其数量和质量决定了精子的生成,而精原干细胞niche是调节精原干细胞自我更新与分化的重要因素。在衰老过程中,干细胞微环境退化,精原干细胞自我更新和分化失衡,被认为是衰老导致睾丸生殖功能衰退的的主要因素。本文将综述衰老引起的精原干细胞与niche变化及其对生殖的影响相关研究进展。  相似文献   

Undernutrition during suckling was induced in newborn rats by increasing the litter size to sixteen pups to be fed by one mother. Animals reared in litters of eight served as controls. Undernourished animals showed retarded body and testicular growth during a suckling period of 22 days. Sequential morphogenesis of the testis was not altered up to 15 days of age. However, certain morphological alterations in Sertoli cells and Leydig cells were observed from 15 days onwards. Cell generation cycle of spermatogonial germ cells and supporting cells (future Sertoli cells) on day 9 showed marked prolongation of DNA synthetic phase (S), unaltered post-DNA synthetic phase (G2) and total cycle (Tc) and shortening of the pre-DNA synthetic phase (G1) indicating a depression in DNA synthesis in undernutrition.  相似文献   

The origin of germ cells of Asterina pectinifera was traced back to the posterior enterocoel (PE) of 2-day bipinnaria by two steps. First, the cellular cluster, composed of presumptive germ cells in the coelomic epithelium at brachiolaria stage, was confirmed to be the origin of the aboral haemal sinus located near the hydroporic canal (HC-AHS) by continuous observation of the formation process of HC-AHS. Second, the origin of the cluster was traced back to the PE of 2-day bipinnaria by comparison of the number of the presumptive germ cells in microsurgically PE-removed bipinnariae with that of non-operated control larvae. A summary of the differentiation of germ cells in Asterina pectinifera is given/presented.  相似文献   



Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most common cancers in men aged between 15 and 44 years and the incidence has increased steeply over the past 30 years. The rapid increase in the incidence, the spatial variation and the evolution of incidence in migrants suggest that environmental risk factors play a role in TGCT aetiology. The purpose of our review is to summarise the current state of knowledge on occupational and environmental factors thought to be associated with TGCT.


A systematic literature search of PubMed. All selected articles were quality appraised by two independent researchers using the ‘Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale’.


After exclusion of duplicate reports, 72 relevant articles were selected; 65 assessed exposure in adulthood, 7 assessed parental exposures and 2 assessed both. Associations with occupation was reported for agricultural workers, construction workers, firemen, policemen, military personnel, as well as workers in paper, plastic or metal industries. Electromagnetic fields, PCBs and pesticides were also suggested. However, results were inconsistent and studies showing positive associations tended to had lower quality ranking using the assessment scale (p=0.02).


Current evidence does not allow concluding on existence of any clear association between TGCT and adulthood occupational or environmental exposure. The limitations of the studies may partly explain the inconsistencies observed. The lack of association with adulthood exposure is in line with current hypotheses supporting the prenatal origin of TGCT. Future research should focus on prenatal or early life exposure, as well as combined effect of prenatal and later life exposure. National and international collaborative studies should allow for more adequately powered epidemiological studies. More sophisticated methods for assessing exposure as well as evaluating gene–environment interactions will be necessary to establish clear conclusion.  相似文献   

Dairy bulls, 322 Ayrshires (Ay) and 85 Friesians (Fr), were studied at the age of 11 months. Of the bulls, 286 Ay-bulls and 80 Fr-bulls produced semen of acceptable quality for use in A.I. Scrotal circumference, tonometer measure, scrotal fold thickness, 1-year body weight and testicular palpation were used to predict unsuitable bulls for A.I. Non-return rate was used as a measure of fertility. Scrotal fold thickness and 1-year weight had no significant correlation with fertility or semen quality. Scrotal circumference had a significant positive correlation with fertility. Tonometer ratio had a significant negative correlation with fertility. Testicular palpation was the best basis for predicting bulls with poor semen quality in this study. Twelve bulls were recorded as having testicles of different sizes, 1 testicle being more than 20 % bigger than the other. Only 2 of these 12 bulls produced semen of acceptable quality. One of these 2 bulls was, after slaughter, diagnosed as having a hereditary testicle disease. Friesians were shown to have significantly higher fertility than Ayrshires.  相似文献   

通过克隆分离鉴定得到大鼠硝基还原酶结构域蛋白1(rNOR1),发现rNOR1 cDNA含有1 418 个碱基,编码含379个氨基酸残基的rNOR1蛋白.rNOR1与人类NOR1 (hNOR1)和小鼠NOR1 (mNOR1)的同源性分别为89% 和93%,这三种同源蛋白都含有OSCP1家族的保守结构域.rNOR1基因在大鼠睾丸中选择性高表达,而且与之同源的人类hNOR1也选择性高表达于睾丸中.通过免疫组化检测人类不同睾丸癌中的hNOR1蛋白表达,发现hNOR1蛋白在非癌变睾丸组织和胚胎性癌组织中高表达,而在精原细胞癌和分化型非精原细胞癌(畸胎瘤,卵黄囊瘤)中低表达.这些数据表明,hNOR1可能是一种睾丸选择性表达基因,睾丸癌hNOR1表达的改变或许可以帮助我们阐明hNOR1蛋白在生殖细胞系肿瘤发生中的功能.  相似文献   

阿司匹林,又称乙酰水杨酸,已证实有抑制肿瘤细胞增殖、诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡和抑制血管生成等多种抗癌功能.除已知对环氧合酶COX-2的活性有抑制外,阿司匹林抗癌分子机制尚不十分清楚.已报道阿司匹林可以降低多种癌症发生风险,但应用于人类睾丸肿瘤治疗的研究报道很少.本文研究了阿司匹林对人恶性睾丸肿瘤NTera-2细胞凋亡的机制.通过MTT方法检测细胞活力,发现阿司匹林以时间和剂量依赖方式抑制NTera-2细胞增殖.不同浓度阿司匹林处理NTera-2细胞后,采用Hoechest 33258染色方法和Annexin V-FITC/PI流式法分别检测NTera-2细胞的形态学变化、凋亡小体形成、细胞凋亡水平;RT-PCR结果显示,NTera-2细胞中Fas和caspase-8的表达以阿司匹林剂量依赖性上升;蛋白印迹结果显示,FasL的蛋白表达水平下降并活化caspase-8、caspase-3蛋白表达,PARP出现剪切体. 进一步的实验证明,caspase广谱抑制剂Z-VAD-FMK能够减弱阿司匹林诱导NTera-2细胞凋亡. 结果显示,阿司匹林能明显抑制NTera-2细胞活力,并通过激活caspase 通路诱导NTera-2细胞的凋亡,为进一步利用阿司匹林治疗人类睾丸肿瘤的研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

生殖细胞及性腺移植   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生殖细胞和性腺移植研究近年来已取得了突破性进展。这两项技术对于农业、医学及动物繁殖学的研究具有深远的意义和很大的应用价值。本文从同源移植、异源移植、移植技术及其它移植相关问题等方面对生殖细胞和性腺移植进行了简要介绍,并阐述了近年来在这方面所取得的进展。  相似文献   

Most malignant testicular neoplasms are of germ cell origin. They are divided into five basic types: seminomas, embryonal carcinomas, teratocarcinomas, adult teratomas and choriocarcinomas. Clinically they may present as an enlarging testicular mass, or with symptoms resulting from metastases or hormonal secretions. The treatment of choice for patients with seminomas is orchiectomy, followed by radiation therapy. This combination results in an 80 to 100 percent five-year survival rate in patients with nonmetastatic or locally metastatic disease. The treatment of nonseminomatous germ cell tumors is more controversial. An aggressive approach, however, with retroperitoneal lymph node dissection and adjuvant chemotherapy has resulted in an overall 78 percent survival rate. Several placental and fetal proteins are secreted by these tumors. Two of these, human chorionic gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein, have been shown to be useful for the diagnosis of these neoplasms, for following the disease activity during therapy and for detection of recurrences.  相似文献   

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