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Interspecific competition is an important driver of community assembly in plants and animals, but phylogenetic evidence for interspecific competition in bacterial communities has been elusive. This could indicate that other processes such as habitat filtering or neutral processes are more important in bacterial community assembly. Alternatively, this could be a consequence of the lack of a consistent and meaningful species definition in bacteria. We hypothesize that competition in bacterial community assembly has gone undetected at least partly because overly broad measures of bacterial diversity units were used in previous studies. First, we tested our hypothesis in a simulation where we showed that how species are defined can dramatically affect whether phylogenetic overdispersion (a signal consistent with competitive exclusion) will be detected. Second, we demonstrated that using finer-scale Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) (with more stringent 16S rRNA sequence identity cutoffs or based on fast-evolving protein coding genes) in natural populations revealed previously undetected overdispersion. Finally, we argue that bacterial ecotypes, diversity units incorporating ecological and evolutionary theory, are superior to OTUs for the purpose of studying community assembly.  相似文献   

Seagrasses structure some of the world’s key coastal ecosystems presently in decline due to human activities and global change. The ability to cope with environmental changes and the possibilities for shifts in distribution range depend largely on their evolvability and dispersal potential. As large‐scale data usually show strong genetic structure for seagrasses, finer‐grained work is needed to understand the local processes of dispersal, recruitment and colonization that could explain the apparent lack of exchange across large distances. We aimed to assess the fine‐grained genetic structure of one of the most important and widely distributed seagrasses, Zostera marina, from seven meadows in Brittany, France. Both classic population genetics and network analysis confirmed a pattern of spatial segregation of polymorphism at both regional and local scales. One location exhibiting exclusively the variety ‘angustifolia’ did not appear more differentiated than the others, but instead showed a central position in the network analysis, confirming the status of this variety as an ecotype. This phenotypic diversity and the high allelic richness at nine microsatellites (2.33–9.67 alleles/locus) compared to levels previously reported across the distribution range, points to Brittany as a centre of diversity for Z. marina at both genetic and phenotypic levels. Despite dispersal potential of several 100 m, a significant pattern of genetic differentiation, even at fine‐grained scale, revealed ‘genetic patchiness’. Meadows seem to be composed of a mosaic of clones with distinct origins in space and time, a result that calls into question the accuracy of the concept of populations for such partially clonal species.  相似文献   

The geographic distributions of marine fishes have been shaped by ancient vicariance and ongoing dispersal events. Some species exhibit anti‐equatorial distributions, inhabiting temperate regions on both sides of the tropics while being absent from equatorial latitudes. The perciform fish Microcanthus strigatus (the stripey) exhibits such a distribution with disjunct populations occurring in East Asia, Hawaii, Western Australia, and the southwest Pacific. Here, we examine the historical biogeography and evolutionary history of M. strigatus, based on more than 80 specimens sampled from the four major populations. We analysed 36 morphological characters, three mitochondrial markers, and two sets of 7,120 and 12,771 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms from the nuclear genome. Our results suggest that M. strigatus represents a cryptic species complex comprising at least two genetically distinct populations worthy of species‐level recognition, with one population exhibiting strong genetic structuring but with intermittent, historical gene flow. We provide evidence for a southwest Pacific origin for the ancestral Microcanthus and explain how past connectivity between these regions might have given rise to the relationships observed in present‐day marine fauna. Our ancestral range reconstructions and molecular‐clock analyses support a southwest Pacific centre of origin for Microcanthus, with subsequent colonization of Western Australia through the Bass Strait followed by transequatorial dispersals to the Northern Hemisphere during the Pleistocene. Our results detail an anti‐tropical dispersal pattern that is highly unusual and previously undocumented, thereby emphasizing the importance of integrative systematics in the evaluation of widespread species.  相似文献   

Biochemical oscillations, such as glycolytic oscillations, are often believed to be caused by a single so-called ‘oscillophore’. The main characteristics of yeast glycolytic oscillations, such as frequency and amplitude, are however controlled by several enzymes. In this paper, we develop a method to quantify to which extent any enzyme determines the occurrence of oscillations. Principles extrapolated from metabolic control analysis are applied to calculate the control exerted by individual enzymes on the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix. We propose that the control exerted by an enzyme on the real part of the smallest eigenvalue, in terms of absolute value, quantifies to which extent that enzyme contributes to the emergence of instability. Likewise the control exerted by an enzyme on the imaginary part of complex eigenvalues may serve to quantify the extent to which that enzyme contributes to the tendency of the system to oscillate. The method was applied both to a core model and to a realistic model of yeast glycolytic oscillations. Both the control over stability and the control over oscillatory tendency were distributed among several enzymes, of which glucose transport, pyruvate decarboxylase and ATP utilization were the most important. The distributions of control were different for stability and oscillatory tendency, showing that control of instability does not imply control of oscillatory tendency nor vice versa. The control coefficients summed up to 1, suggesting the existence of a new summation theorem. These results constitute proof that glycolytic oscillations in yeast are not caused by a single oscillophore and provide a new, subtle, definition for the oscillophore strength of an enzyme.  相似文献   

Magnaporthe grisea(Hebert) Barr causes rice blast, one of the most devastating diseases of rice (Oryza sativa) worldwide. This fungus is an ideal organism for studying a number of aspects of plant–pathogen interactions, including infection-related morphogenesis, avirulence, and pathogen evolution. To facilitateM. griseagenome analysis, physical mapping, and positional cloning, we have constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from the rice infecting strain 70-15. A new method was developed for separation of partially digested large-molecular-weight DNA fragments that facilitated library construction with large inserts. The library contains 9216 clones, with an average insert size of 130 kbp (>25 genome equivalents) stored in 384-well microtiter plates that can be double spotted robotically on to a single nylon membrane. Several unlinked single-copy DNA probes were used to screen 4608 clones in the library and an average of 13 (minimum of 6) overlapping BAC clones was found in each case. Hybridization of total genomic DNA to the library and analysis of individual clones indicated that ≈26% of the clones contain single-copy DNA. Approximately 35% of BAC clones contained the retrotransposon MAGGY. The library was used to identify BAC clones containing a adenylate cyclase gene (mac1). In addition, a 550-kbp contig composed of 6 BAC clones was constructed that encompassed two adjacent RFLP markers on chromosome 2. These data show that the BAC library is suitable for genome analysis ofM. grisea.Copies of colony hybridization membranes are available upon request.  相似文献   

Identifying species and population genetic compositions of biological invasions at early life stages and/or from environmental (e)DNA using targeted high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) metabarcode assays offers powerful and cost‐effective means for early detection, analysis of spread patterns, and evaluating population changes. The present study develops, tests, and applies this method with a targeted sequence assay designed to simultaneously identify and distinguish between the closely related invasive Eurasian zebra and quagga mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis) and their relatives and discern their respective population genetic patterns. Invasions of these dreissenid mussel species have markedly changed freshwater ecosystems throughout North America and Europe, exerting severe ecological and economic damage. Their planktonic early life stages (eggs and larvae) are morphologically indistinguishable, yet each species exerts differential ecological effects, with the quagga often outcompeting the zebra mussel as adults. Our targeted assay analyzes genetic variation from a diagnostic sequence region of the mitochondrial (mt)DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, to assess temporal and spatial inter‐ and intra‐specific genetic variability. The assay facilitates analysis of environmental (e)DNA from water, early life stages from thousands of individuals, and simultaneous analysis of 50–100 tagged field‐collected samples. Experiments evaluated its accuracy and performance using: (a) mock laboratory communities containing known DNA quantities per taxon, (b) aquaria with mixed‐species/haplotype compositions of adults, and (c) field‐collected water and plankton versus traditional sampling of adult communities. Results delineated species compositions, relative abundances, and population‐level diversity differences among ecosystems, habitats, time series, and life stages from two allopatric concurrent invasions in the Great Lakes (Lake Erie) and the Hudson River, which had separate founding histories. Findings demonstrate application of this targeted assay and our approach to accurately and simultaneously discern species‐ and population‐level differences across spatial and temporal scales, facilitating early detection and ecological understanding of biological invasions.  相似文献   

Cattleya coccinea and C. brevipedunculata (Orchidaceae) are closely related species distinguished primarily by geographical distribution, vegetative morphology and flowering period. Both species inhabit high‐elevation regions in south‐eastern Brazil, but are traditionally associated with different habitats, located in cloudy forests and campos rupestres (rocky fields), respectively. We used morphometrics and genetic variation of microsatellite markers to test the occurrence of a hybrid zone between these species located in Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca (PEI), Brazil. Morphological data reveal a continuum of variation between the putative taxa, influenced mainly by characters of leaf, pseudobulb and peduncle. However, genetic data do not support the occurrence of hybridization and introgression in PEI, showing that it is a pure population of C. brevipedunculata. Differences in vegetative characters among individuals from cloudy forests and campos rupestres suggest that morphological variation may be related to phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental light fluctuations, an unknown situation for this species. These results highlight the inconsistency of morphology for the identification of hybrids and the role of vegetative characters as a possible complicating factor for the taxonomy of these species, as they are subject to environmental influence.  相似文献   

A population of Desertifilum (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriales) from an oligotrophic desertic biotope was isolated and characterized using a polyphasic approach including molecular, morphological, and ecological information. The population was initially assumed to be a new species based on ecological and biogeographic separation from other existing species, however, phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of the 16S rRNA gene and 16S–23S ITS region, placed this strain clearly within the type species, Desertifilum tharense. Comparative analysis of morphology, 16S rRNA gene similarity, 16S–23S ITS secondary structure, and percent dissimilarity of the ITS regions for all characterized strains supports placing the six Desertifilum strains (designated as PD2001/TDC17, UAM‐C/S02, CHAB7200, NapGTcm17, IPPAS B‐1220, and PMC 872.14) into D. tharense. The recognition of Desertifilum salkalinema and Desertifilum dzianense is not supported, although our analysis does support continued recognition of Desertifilum fontinale. Pragmatic criteria for recognition of closely related species are proposed based on this study and others, and more rigorous review of future taxonomic papers is recommended.  相似文献   

New concatenated mtDNA sequences (three genes; n = 22) of Siberian taimen Hucho taimen primarily from west Siberian and European regions of the species' range were added to 12 previously published sequences to provide a phylogeographic overview of the species. European samples show only very minor divergence from west Siberian populations, supporting a late Pleistocene expansion from Siberia into the Urals, with no particular relation to the Danube River basin huchen Hucho hucho as once hypothesized. The disjunct distribution of the genus is most likely based on an early Pleistocene vicariant event.  相似文献   

Aim  To illustrate problems in the methods proposed by B. Vilenkin and V. Chikatunov to study levels of endemism and species–area relationships.
Location  The study used data on the distribution of tenebrionid beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) on the Aegean Islands (Greece).
Methods  A total of 32 islands and 170 taxa (species and subspecies) were included in this study. Levels of endemism were evaluated both as the proportion of endemic taxa, and according to the methods proposed by Vilenkin and Chikatunov, which are based on the number of non-endemic taxa and various relationships with area. A model of the species–area relationship proposed by these authors was also analysed.
Results  The number of endemic taxa was positively correlated with the number of taxa with different distribution types, but this positive correlation did not influence the estimation of the level of endemism. In fact, the commonly used estimate of endemicity as a percentage was strongly correlated with the endemism values calculated according to the method of Vilenkin and Chikatunov. The usual power function fitted the species–area relationship as well as the most complicated method of Vilenkin and Chikatunov.
Main conclusions  As hypothesized by Vilenkin and Chikatunov, the number of endemic taxa was influenced both by the number of taxa of other biogeographical ranks, and by an island's area. However, explanations for the positive relationship between the number of endemic taxa and taxa of different biogeographical ranks are equivocal. Importantly, this relationship did not necessarily influence the level of endemism, which could be expressed adequately by percentages. The method proposed by Vilenkin and Chikatunov to estimate the species–area relationship cannot be clearly justified on theoretical grounds and is of questionable practical utility.  相似文献   

Conservation policies usually focus on in situ protection of native populations, a priority that requires accurate assessment of population status. Distinction between native and introduced status can be particularly difficult (and at the same time, is most important) for species whose natural habitat has become both rare and highly fragmented. Here, we address the status of the white elm (Ulmus laevis Pallas), a European riparian tree species whose populations have been fragmented by human activity and is protected wherever it is considered native. Small populations of this species are located in Iberia, where they are unprotected because they are considered introductions due to their rarity. However, Iberia and neighbouring regions in southwestern France have been shown to support discrete glacial refuge populations of many European trees, and the possibility remains that Iberian white elms are native relicts. We used chloroplast RFLPs and nuclear microsatellites to establish the relationship between populations in Iberia and the Central European core distribution. Bayesian approaches revealed significant spatial structure across populations. Those in Iberia and southwestern France shared alleles absent from Central Europe, and showed spatial population structure within Iberia common in recognized native taxa. Iberian populations show a demographic signature of ancient population bottlenecks, while those in Central European show a signature of recent population bottlenecks. These patterns are not consistent with historical introduction of white elm to Iberia, and instead strongly support native status, arguing for immediate implementation of conservation measures for white elm populations in Spain and contiguous areas of southern France.  相似文献   

The association of [125I]T3-receptor complexes with C6 cell chromatin was analysed after a limited digestion with micrococcal nuclease (MN) or DNase I. Both nucleases solubilized up to 60–70% of receptor and 0.4 M KCl extracted 70%, of the non-digested receptor, thus showing that only a residual fraction of receptor is associated with the nuclear matrix. With DNase I the receptor was released 2–3-fold faster than the bulk of chromatin, whereas a preferential release of receptor over total chromatin was not observed with MN. The digestion of receptor with DNase I and MN occurred 14- and 6-fold faster, respectively, than the appearance of PCA-soluble chromatin. Preincubation for 48 h with 4 nM T3 of 2 mM butyrate significantly altered receptor levels but did not change sensitivity to the nucleases. These results suggest that the thyroid hormone receptor is associated with chromatin highly sensitive to nuclease digestion, and that changes in receptor number are not associated with changes in its distribution in chromatin.  相似文献   

We report on the population response of a species of rodent, Necromys lasiurus, to southern oscillation index (SOI) and extent of regional fire in an Amazonian savanna. Information on temporal variation in local abundance of N. lasiurus in a 4.0 ha savanna plot was obtained from 1985 to 1989, from 1997 to 1998 and 2000–2006, giving data on 14 of the 22 years. Throughout this period, rodent density declined by 90%. Densities were positively associated with SOI and the extent of fire in the region. Rainfall was related to SOI and negatively influenced the extent of fire. However, the amount of rain had no measurable direct effect on rat densities. Thus, small changes in temperature, and consequently fire probability and intensity, may have drastic consequences on the biota of Amazonian savannas, especially in El Niño periods.  相似文献   

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