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The dicistrovirus Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) has been implicated in the worldwide decline of honey bees. Studies of IAPV and many other bee viruses in pure culture are restricted by available isolates and permissive cell culture. Here we show that coupling the IAPV major structural precursor protein ORF2 to its cognate 3C-like processing enzyme results in processing of the precursor to the individual structural proteins in a number of insect cell lines following expression by a recombinant baculovirus. The efficiency of expression is influenced by the level of IAPV 3C protein and moderation of its activity is required for optimal expression. The mature IAPV structural proteins assembled into empty capsids that migrated as particles on sucrose velocity gradients and showed typical dicistrovirus like morphology when examined by electron microscopy. Monoclonal antibodies raised to recombinant capsids were configured into a diagnostic test specific for the presence of IAPV. Recombinant capsids for each of the many bee viruses within the picornavirus family may provide virus specific reagents for the on-going investigation of the causes of honeybee loss.  相似文献   

Expression of the retroviral Gag protein leads to formation of virus-like particles in mammalian cells. In vitro and in vivo experiments show that nucleic acid is also required for particle assembly. However, several studies have demonstrated that chimeric proteins in which the nucleocapsid domain of Gag is replaced by a leucine zipper motif can also assemble efficiently in mammalian cells. We have now analyzed assembly by chimeric proteins in which nucleocapsid of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag is replaced by either a dimerizing or a trimerizing zipper. Both proteins assemble well in human 293T cells; the released particles lack detectable RNA. The proteins can coassemble into particles together with full-length, wild-type Gag. We purified these proteins from bacterial lysates. These recombinant “Gag-Zipper” proteins are oligomeric in solution and do not assemble unless cofactors are added; either nucleic acid or inositol phosphates (IPs) can promote particle assembly. When mixed with one equivalent of IPs (which do not support assembly of wild-type Gag), the “dimerizing” Gag-Zipper protein misassembles into very small particles, while the “trimerizing” protein assembles correctly. However, addition of both IPs and nucleic acid leads to correct assembly of all three proteins; the “dimerizing” Gag-Zipper protein also assembles correctly if inositol hexakisphosphate is supplemented with other polyanions. We suggest that correct assembly requires both oligomeric association at the C terminus of Gag and neutralization of positive charges near its N terminus.Expression of a single retroviral protein, Gag, in mammalian cells is sufficient for assembly of virus-like particles (VLPs). RNA seems to play an essential role, however, in both the assembly and structure of VLPs. Thus, retrovirus particles always contain RNA; in the absence of genomic RNA, cellular mRNAs replace it in the virus particle (46). RNase treatment of immature murine leukemia virus disrupts the particles (37). Finally, nucleic acid is required for assembly in defined in vitro assembly systems (8, 9).The contribution of nucleic acid to the assembly and structure of retrovirus particles is not yet understood. As one approach to further understanding the role that nucleic acid binding plays in the assembly process, Zhang et al. (59) replaced the principal nucleic acid-binding domain of the HIV-1 Gag protein, nucleocapsid (NC), with a leucine zipper domain. This chimeric protein was able to assemble efficiently in mammalian cells as evidenced through immunoblotting of released VLPs. This observation was extended by Johnson et al. (28), who used Gag-leucine zipper (dimerizing) chimeras of Rous sarcoma virus and studied the morphologies of the resulting particles. The particles assembled from the chimeric proteins were similar, although not identical, to those formed by wild-type (WT) Gag. The fact that NC could be functionally replaced (with respect to particle assembly) with the dimerizing leucine zipper motif led these investigators to propose that the function of nucleic acid in assembly is to promote dimerization. Additional support for this hypothesis comes from the fact that the minimum length of nucleic acid needed to promote assembly is roughly enough to accommodate two molecules of Gag (30, 31).Further studies in which the NC domain of HIV-1 Gag has been replaced by leucine zipper motifs have been presented by Accola et al. (1). Interestingly, they found that a Gag-Zipper (Gag-Z) chimera containing a trimeric zipper motif also assembles efficiently. However, these VLPs, as well as those formed by a chimera containing a dimeric zipper motif, were not characterized morphologically.In the present work, we have extended the analysis of the assembly properties of these HIV-1 Gag-Z chimeras. This study includes the first analysis of recombinant Gag-Z proteins in vitro, as well as detailed characterization of the VLPs formed in mammalian cells. The in vitro assembly results suggest that Gag oligomerization alone is not sufficient to induce particle formation. We raise the possibility here that normal HIV-1 assembly requires neutralization of positive charges in matrix (MA) in addition to nucleic acid-induced oligomerization at the C terminus of the protein.  相似文献   

The recent development and use of protease inhibitors have demonstrated the essential role that combination therapy will play in the treatment of individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Past clinical experience suggests that due to the appearance of resistant HIV-1 variants, additional therapeutics will be required in the future. To identify new options for combination therapy, it is of paramount importance to pursue novel targets for drug development. Ribosomal frameshifting is one potential target that has not been fully explored. Data presented here demonstrate that small molecules can stimulate frameshifting, leading to an imbalance in the ratio of Gag to Gag-Pol and inhibiting HIV-1 replication at what appears to be the point of viral particle assembly. Thus, we propose that frameshifting represents a new target for the identification of novel anti-HIV-1 therapeutics.  相似文献   

To facilitate the release of infectious progeny virions, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) exploits the Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) pathway by engaging Tsg101 and ALIX through late assembly (L) domains in the C-terminal p6 domain of Gag. However, the L domains in p6 are known to be dispensable for efficient particle production by certain HIV-1 Gag constructs that have the nucleocapsid (NC) domain replaced by a foreign dimerization domain to substitute for the assembly function of NC. We now show that one such L domain-independent HIV-1 Gag construct (termed ZWT) that has NC-p1-p6 replaced by a leucine zipper domain is resistant to dominant-negative inhibitors of the ESCRT pathway that block HIV-1 particle production. However, ZWT became dependent on the presence of an L domain when NC-p1-p6 was restored to its C terminus. Furthermore, when the NC domain was replaced by a leucine zipper, the p1-p6 region, but not p6 alone, conferred sensitivity to inhibition of the ESCRT pathway. In an authentic HIV-1 Gag context, the effect of an inhibitor of the ESCRT pathway on particle production could be alleviated by deleting a portion of the NC domain together with p1. Together, these results indicate that the ESCRT pathway dependence of HIV-1 budding is determined, at least in part, by the NC-p1 region of Gag.Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and other retroviruses hijack the cellular Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) pathway to promote the detachment of virions from the cell surface and from each other (3, 21, 42, 44, 47). The ESCRT pathway was initially identified based on its requirement for the sorting of ubiquitinated cargo into multivesicular bodies (MVB) (50, 51). During MVB biogenesis, the ESCRT pathway drives the membrane deformation and fission events required for the inward vesiculation of the limiting membrane of this organelle (26, 29, 50, 51). More recently, it emerged that the ESCRT pathway is also essential for the normal abscission of daughter cells during the final stage of cell division (10, 43). Most of the components of the ESCRT pathway are involved in the formation of four heteromeric protein complexes termed ESCRT-0, ESCRT-I, ESCRT-II, and ESCRT-III. Additional components include ALIX, which interacts both with ESCRT-I and ESCRT-III, and the AAA ATPase Vps4, which mediates the disassembly of ESCRT-III (29, 42).The deformation and scission of endocytic membranes is thought to be mediated by ESCRT-III, which, together with Vps4, constitutes the most conserved element of the pathway (23, 26, 42). Indeed, it was recently shown that purified yeast ESCRT-III induces membrane deformation (52), and in another study three subunits of yeast ESCRT-III were sufficient to promote the formation of intralumenal vesicles in an in vitro assay (61). In mammals, ESCRT-III is formed by the charged MVB proteins (CHMPs), which are structurally related and tightly regulated through autoinhibition (2, 33, 46, 53, 62). The removal of an inhibitory C-terminal domain induces polymerization and association with endosomal membranes and converts CHMPs into potent inhibitors of retroviral budding (34, 46, 53, 60, 62). Alternatively, CHMPs can be converted into strong inhibitors of the ESCRT pathway and of HIV-1 budding through the addition of a bulky tag such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) or red fluorescent protein (RFP) (27, 36, 39, 54). Retroviral budding in general is also strongly inhibited by catalytically inactive Vps4 (22, 41, 55), or upon Vsp4B depletion (31), confirming the crucial role of ESCRT-III.Retroviruses engage the ESCRT pathway through the activity of so-called late assembly (L) domains in Gag. In the case of HIV-1, the primary L domain maps to a conserved PTAP motif in the C-terminal p6 domain of Gag (24, 28) and interacts with the ESCRT-I component Tsg101 (15, 22, 40, 58). HIV-1 p6 also harbors an auxiliary L domain of the LYPxnL type, which interacts with the V domain of ALIX (20, 35, 39, 54, 59, 63). Interestingly, Tsg101 binding site mutants of HIV-1 can be fully rescued through the overexpression of ALIX, and this rescue depends on the ALIX binding site in p6 (20, 56). In contrast, the overexpression of a specific splice variant of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 has been shown to rescue the release and infectivity of HIV-1 mutants lacking all known L domains in p6 (12, 57). Nedd4 family ubiquitin ligases had previously been implicated in the function of PPxY-type L domains, which also depend on an intact ESCRT pathway for function (4, 32, 38). However, HIV-1 Gag lacks PPxY motifs, and the WW domains of Nedd4-2, which mediate its interaction with PPxY motifs, are dispensable for the rescue of HIV-1 L domain mutants (57).ALIX also interacts with the nucleocapsid (NC) region of HIV-1 Gag (18, 49), which is located upstream of p6 and the p1 spacer peptide. ALIX binds HIV-1 NC via its Bro1 domain, and the capacity to interact with NC and to stimulate the release of a minimal HIV-1 Gag construct is shared among widely divergent Bro1 domain proteins (48). Based on these findings and the observation that certain mutations in NC cause a phenotype that resembles that of L domain mutants, it has been proposed that NC cooperates with p6 to recruit the machinery required for normal HIV-1 budding (18, 49).NC also plays a role in Gag polyprotein multimerization, and this function of NC depends on its RNA-binding activity (5-8). It has been proposed that the role of the NC-nucleic acid interaction during assembly is to promote the formation of Gag dimers (37), and HIV-1 assembly in the absence of NC can indeed be efficiently rescued by leucine zipper dimerization domains (65). Surprisingly, in this setting the L domains in p6 also became dispensable, since particle production remained efficient even when the entire NC-p1-p6 region of HIV-1 Gag was replaced by a leucine zipper (1, 65). These findings raised the possibility that the reliance of wild-type (WT) HIV-1 Gag on a functional ESCRT pathway is, at least in part, specified by NC-p1-p6. However, it also remained possible that the chimeric Gag constructs engaged the ESCRT pathway in an alternative manner.In the present report, we provide evidence supporting the first of those two possibilities. Particle production became independent of ESCRT when the entire NC-p1-p6 region was replaced by a leucine zipper, and reversion to ESCRT dependence was shown to occur as a result of restoration of p1-p6 but not of p6 alone. Furthermore, although the deletion of p1 alone had little effect in an authentic HIV-1 Gag context, the additional removal of a portion of NC improved particle production in the presence of an inhibitor of the ESCRT pathway. Together, these data imply that the NC-p1 region plays an important role in the ESCRT-dependence of HIV-1 particle production.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Gag drives virus particle assembly. The capsid (CA) domain is critical for Gag multimerization mediated by protein–protein interactions. The Gag protein interaction network defines critical aspects of the retroviral lifecycle at steps such as particle assembly and maturation. Previous studies have demonstrated that the immature particle morphology of HIV-2 is intriguingly distinct relative to that of HIV-1. Based upon this observation, we sought to determine the amino acid residues important for virus assembly that might help explain the differences between HIV-1 and HIV-2. To do this, we conducted site-directed mutagenesis of targeted locations in the HIV-2 CA domain of Gag and analyzed various aspects of virus particle assembly. A panel of 31 site-directed mutants of residues that reside at the HIV-2 CA inter-hexamer interface, intra-hexamer interface and CA inter-domain linker were created and analyzed for their effects on the efficiency of particle production, particle morphology, particle infectivity, Gag subcellular distribution and in vitro protein assembly. Seven conserved residues between HIV-1 and HIV-2 (L19, A41, I152, K153, K157, N194, D196) and two non-conserved residues (G38, N127) were found to significantly impact Gag multimerization and particle assembly. Taken together, these observations complement structural analyses of immature HIV-2 particle morphology and Gag lattice organization as well as provide important comparative insights into the key amino acid residues that can help explain the observed differences between HIV immature particle morphology and its association with virus replication and particle infectivity.  相似文献   

Characterization of virus-specific immune responses to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is important to understanding the early virus-host interactions that may determine the course of virus infection and disease. Using a comprehensive panel of serological assays, we have previously demonstrated a complex and lengthy maturation of virus-specific antibody responses elicited by attenuated strains of SIV that was closely associated with the development of protective immunity. In the present study, we expand these analyses to address several questions regarding the nature of the virus-specific antibody responses to pathogenic SIV, SIV/HIV-1 (SHIV), and HIV-1 infections. The results demonstrate for the first time a common theme of antibody maturation to SIV, SHIV, and HIV-1 infections that is characterized by ongoing changes in antibody titer, conformational dependence, and antibody avidity during the first 6 to 10 months following virus infection. We demonstrate that this gradual evolution of virus-specific antibody responses is independent of the levels of virus replication and the pathogenicity of the infection viral strain. While the serological assays used in these studies were useful in discriminating between protective and nonprotective antibody responses during evaluation of vaccine efficacy with attenuated SIV, these same assays do not distinguish the clinical outcome of infection in pathogenic SIV, SHIV, or HIV-1 infections. These results likely reflect differences in the immune mechanisms involved in mediating protection from virus challenge compared to those that control an established viral infection, and they suggest that additional characteristics of both humoral and cellular responses evolve during this early immune maturation.  相似文献   

HIV感染中的细胞凋亡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CD4^ T细胞的丢失在HIV感染引起免疫缺陷过程中起着重要作用。但造成CD4^ T细胞丢失的具体机制还不清楚,细胞凋亡可能是CD4^ T细胞丢失的一个重要因素,HIV感染以后,病毒蛋白的持续性产出导致免疫系统的持续性激活,引起Th1细胞的丢失,Th1细胞通过合成Ⅰ型细胞因子,抑制淋巴细胞的自发凋亡,另外,病毒蛋白或其他因素能够使CD4^ ,CD8^ T细胞和APC转化为凋亡的效应细胞,通过Fas/FasL或其他途径引起细胞凋亡,HIV感染人体后凋亡细胞不仅有CD4^ T细胞,还包括B细胞,NK细胞,粒细胞,神经细胞和单细胞,凋亡作为机体的自我防护措施,在清除感染细胞的同时,并没有抑制HIV在单细胞/巨噬细胞内的复制,反而造成大量未感染细胞的凋亡,导致对HIV复制的失控,发展为严重的免疫缺陷,引起AIDS相关的机会性感染。  相似文献   

Vaccine-induced protection of chimpanzees against laboratory-adapted and syncytium-inducing, multiply passaged primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates, but not against non-syncytium-inducing, minimally passaged ones, has been demonstrated. Following challenge with such an isolate, HIV-15016, we obtained complete protection in one of three chimpanzees previously protected against low- and high-dose HIV-1SF2 exposures after immunization with an adenovirus-HIV-1MN gp160 priming–HIV-1SF2 gp120 boosting regimen. At challenge, the protected chimpanzee exhibited broad humoral immunity, including neutralizing antibody activity. These results demonstrate the potential of this combination vaccine strategy and suggest that vaccine protection against an HIV isolate relevant to infection of people is feasible.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of rhesus macaques causes immune depletion and disease closely resembling human AIDS and is well recognized as the most relevant animal model for the human disease. Experimental investigations of viral pathogenesis and vaccine protection primarily involve a limited set of related viruses originating in sooty mangabeys (SIVsmm). The diversity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has evolved in humans in about a century; in contrast, SIV isolates used in the macaque model evolved in sooty mangabeys over millennia. To investigate the possible consequences of such different evolutionary histories for selection pressures and observed diversity in SIVsmm and HIV-1, we isolated, sequenced, and analyzed 20 independent isolates of SIVsmm, including representatives of 7 distinct clades of viruses isolated from natural infection. We found SIVsmm diversity to be lower overall than HIV-1 M group diversity. Reduced positive selection (i.e., less diversifying evolution) was evident in extended regions of SIVsmm proteins, most notably in Gag p27 and Env gp120. In addition, the relative diversities of proteins in the two lineages were distinct: SIVsmm Env and Gag were much less diverse than their HIV-1 counterparts. This may be explained by lower SIV-directed immune activity in mangabeys relative to HIV-1-directed immunity in humans. These findings add an additional layer of complexity to the interpretation and, potentially, to the predictive utility of the SIV/macaque model, and they highlight the unique features of human and simian lentiviral evolution that inform studies of pathogenesis and strategies for AIDS vaccine design.  相似文献   

Our understanding of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-induced pathogenesis is hampered by the inability to detect HIV-1 gene expression in infected viable cells. In this report, we describe two HIV-1 reporter constructs that are replication competent and cytopathic in vivo. These constructs contain DNA regions of two different lengths that bear the cDNA for the murine heat-stable antigen in the vpr region of a CXCR4-tropic virus. We used the SCID-hu mouse model and these reporter viruses to perform detailed kinetic studies of HIV-1 infection of human thymocytes in vivo. We document that the CD4+/CD8+ thymocytes are the first to express virus and that this subset demonstrates the most rapid and extensive HIV-1-induced cell depletion. Following depletion of this subset, subsequent virus expression occurs predominantly in phenotypically CD4 cells, suggesting that CD4 down-regulation occurs in HIV-1-infected thymocytes in vivo. These results demonstrate the utility of these HIV-1 reporter constructs to monitor HIV pathogenesis in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The Nef protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 downregulates the CD4 coreceptor from the surface of host cells by accelerating the rate of CD4 endocytosis through a clathrin/AP-2 pathway. Herein, we report that Nef has the additional function of targeting CD4 to the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway for eventual delivery to lysosomes. This targeting involves the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery. Perturbation of this machinery does not prevent removal of CD4 from the cell surface but precludes its lysosomal degradation, indicating that accelerated endocytosis and targeting to the MVB pathway are separate functions of Nef. We also show that both CD4 and Nef are ubiquitinated on lysine residues, but this modification is dispensable for Nef-induced targeting of CD4 to the MVB pathway.Primate immunodeficiency viruses infect helper T lymphocytes and cells of the macrophage/monocyte lineage by binding of their viral envelope glycoprotein, Env, to a combination of two host cell-specific surface proteins, CD4 and either the CCR5 or CXCR4 chemokine receptors (reviewed in reference 62). Ensuing fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell plasma membrane delivers the viral genetic material into the cytoplasm. Remarkably, the most highly transcribed viral gene in the early phase of infection does not encode an enzyme or structural protein but an accessory protein named Nef. Early expression of Nef is thought to reprogram the host cell for optimal replication of the virus. Indeed, Nef has been shown to enhance virus production (19, 24, 59, 74) and to promote progression to AIDS (23, 47, 48), making it an attractive candidate for pharmacologic intervention.Nef is an N-terminally myristoylated protein with a molecular mass of 27 kDa for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and 35 kDa for HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus (27, 29, 50, 65). Nef has been ascribed many functions, the best characterized of which is the downregulation of the CD4 coreceptor from the surface of infected cells (28, 35, 57). CD4 downregulation is believed to prevent superinfection (8, 52) and to preclude the cellular retention of newly synthesized Env (8, 49), thus allowing the establishment of a robust infection (30, 71).The molecular mechanism by which Nef downregulates CD4 has been extensively studied. A consensus has emerged that Nef accelerates the endocytosis of cell surface CD4 (2, 64) by linking the cytosolic tail of CD4 to the heterotetrameric (α-β2-μ2-σ2) adaptor protein-2 (AP-2) complex (17, 25, 34, 45, 67). Determinants in the CD4 tail bind to a hydrophobic pocket comprising tryptophan-57 and leucine-58 on the folded core domain of Nef (34). On the other hand, a dileucine motif (i.e., ENTSLL, residues 160 to 165) (14, 22, 32) and a diacidic motif (i.e., DD, residues 174 and 175) (3) (residues correspond to the NL4-3 clone of HIV-1) within a C-terminal, flexible loop of Nef bind to the α and σ2 subunits of AP-2 (17, 18, 25, 51). AP-2, in turn, binds to clathrin, leading to the concentration of CD4 within clathrin-coated pits (15, 33). These pits eventually bud from the plasma membrane as clathrin-coated vesicles that deliver internalized CD4 to endosomes. In essence, then, Nef acts as a connector that confers on CD4 the ability to be rapidly internalized in a manner similar to endocytic receptors (75).Unlike typical endocytic recycling receptors like the transferrin receptor or the low-density lipoprotein receptor, however, CD4 that is forcibly internalized by Nef does not return to the cell surface but is delivered to lysosomes for degradation (4, 64, 68). Thus, expression of Nef decreases both the surface and total levels of CD4. What keeps internalized CD4 from returning to the plasma membrane? We hypothesized that Nef might additionally act on endosomes to direct CD4 to lysosomes. This is precisely the fate followed by signaling receptors, transporters, and other transmembrane proteins that undergo ubiquitination-mediated internalization and targeting to the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway (40, 46). This targeting involves the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), including the ESCRT-0, -I, -II, and -III complexes, which function to sort ubiquitinated cargoes into intraluminal vesicles of MVBs for eventual degradation in lysosomes (40, 46). Herein, we show that Nef indeed plays a novel role in targeting internalized CD4 from endosomes to the MVB pathway in an ESCRT-dependent manner. We also show that both Nef and CD4 undergo ubiquitination on lysine residues, but, strikingly, this modification is not required for CD4 targeting to the MVB pathway.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 particle assembly is directed by the Gag polyprotein Pr55gag, the precursor for the matrix (MA), capsid (CA), and nucleocapsid proteins of the mature virion. We now show that CA sequences N terminal to the major homology region (MHR), which form a distinct domain, are dispensable for particle formation. However, slightly larger deletions which extend into the MHR severely impair particle production. Remarkably, a deletion which removed essentially all MA and CA sequences between the N-terminal myristyl anchor and the MHR reduced the yield of extracellular particles only moderately. Particle formation even exceeded wild-type levels when additional MA sequences, either from the N or the C terminus of the domain, were retained. We conclude that no distinct region between the myristyl anchor and the MHR is required for efficient particle assembly or release.  相似文献   

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