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We sequenced mitogenomes of five skippers (family Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera) to obtain further insight into the characteristics of butterfly mitogenomes and performed phylogenetic reconstruction using all available gene sequences (PCGs, rRNAs, and tRNAs) from 85 species (20 families in eight superfamilies). The general genomic features found in the butterflies also were found in the five skippers: a high A + T composition (79.3%–80.9%), dominant usage of TAA stop codon, similar skewness pattern in both strands, consistently length intergenic spacer sequence between tRNAGln and ND2 (64–87 bp), conserved ATACTAA motif between tRNASer (UCN) and ND1, and characteristic features of the A + T-rich region (the ATAGA motif, varying length of poly-T stretch, and poly-A stretch). The start codon for COI was CGA in four skippers as typical, but Lobocla bifasciatus evidently possessed canonical ATG as start codon. All species had the ancestral arrangement tRNAAsn/tRNASer (AGN), instead of the rearrangement tRNASer (AGN)/tRNAAsn, found in another skipper species (Erynnis). Phylogenetic analyses using all available genes (PCGs, rRNAS, and tRNAs) yielded the consensus superfamilial relationships ((((((Bombycoidea + Noctuoidea + Geometroidea) + Pyraloidea) + Papilionoidea) + Tortricoidea) + Yponomeutoidea) + Hepialoidea), confirming the validity of Macroheterocera (Bombycoidea, Noctuoidea, and Geometroidea in this study) and its sister relationship to Pyraloidea. Within Rhopalocera (butterflies and skippers) the familial relationships (Papilionidae + (Hesperiidae + (Pieridae + ((Lycaenidae + Riodinidae) + Nymphalidae)))) were strongly supported in all analyses (0.98–1 by BI and 96–100 by ML methods), rendering invalid the superfamily status for Hesperioidea. On the other hand, current mitogenome-based phylogeny did not find consistent superfamilial relationships among Noctuoidea, Geometroidea, and Bombycoidea and the familial relationships within Bombycoidea between analyses, requiring further taxon sampling in future studies.  相似文献   

Melanic polymorphism in B. betularia has been extensively studied. Correlations between high melanic frequency and high levels of air pollution have been demonstrated. Kettlewell and others have shown that differential bird predation has an important effect on the maintenance of the polymorphism, and coefficients of visual selection have been obtained on the assumption that the moth habitually rests on tree trunks. Computer models based on these selective coefficients show that they are not sufficient accurately to explain observed melanic frequencies. Other non-visual selective factors and weak frequency-dependent selection have been invoked to improve fits. Analysis of the resting positions of moths recorded in the wild demonstrates that B. betularia does not usually rest in exposed positions on tree trunks, but rather rests on the underside of branches, on trunks in shaded positions just below major branch joints or on foliate twigs. The results of a pilot selection experiment, while agreeing qualitatively with Kettlewell's results, suggest that fitness estimates that assume trunk-resting are quantitively incorrect. The error is greatest for melanic moths in rural areas. It is suggested that visual selective coefficients based on a true assessment of the resting behaviour of the moths may considerably improve the fit between computer predictions and observed phenotype frequency distributions.  相似文献   

Genus Lateolabrax consists of three species, Japanese sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus, spotted sea bass Lateolabrax maculatus and blackfin sea bass Lateolabrax latus. The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the three sea basses were amplified and sequenced to characterize and discuss their phylogenetic relationships. The length of mitogenomes was 16,593 bp, 16,479 bp and 16,600 bp, respectively, and all of them consisted of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) and a control region, which are typical for mtDNA of vertebrate. Most genes were encoded on the H-strand, except for the ND6 and eight tRNA genes encoding on the L-strand. A significant variation among the three species was detected in length of the control region. Phylogenetic relationship among the three species was constructed based on the datasets, including the 12 protein-coding genes (except ND6 gene), 22 tRNA and 2 rRNA sequences. The results supported the sister taxon between L. japonicus and L. maculatus. The genetic resources reported here are useful for further studies in taxonomy and phylogeny of the three sea basses and related species.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome is now widely used in the study of phylogenetics and molecular evolution due to its maternal inheritance, fast evolutionary rate, and highly conserved gene content. To explore the phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Aeromachini within the subfamily Hesperiinae at the mitochondrial genomic level, we sequenced and annotated the complete mitogenomes of 3 skippers: Ampittia virgata, Halpe nephele, and Onryza maga (new mitogenomes for 2 genera) with a total length of 15,333 bp, 15,291 bp, and 15,381 bp, respectively. The mitogenomes all contain 13 protein‐coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 2 ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), and a noncoding A + T‐rich region and are consistent with other lepidopterans in gene order and type. In addition, we reconstructed the phylogenetic trees of Hesperiinae using maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) methods based on mitogenomic data. Results show that the tribe Aeromachini in this study robustly constitute a monophyletic group in the subfamily Hesperiinae, with the relationships Coeliadinae + (Euschemoninae + (Pyrginae + ((Eudaminae + Tagiadinae) + (Heteropterinae + ((Trapezitinae + Barcinae) + Hesperiinae))))). Moreover, our study supports the view that Apostictopterus fuliginosus and Barca bicolor should be placed out of the subfamily Hesperiinae.  相似文献   

We have constructed a linkage map for the peppered moth (Biston betularia), the classical ecological genetics model of industrial melanism, aimed both at localizing the network of loci controlling melanism and making inferences about chromosome dynamics. The linkage map, which is based primarily on amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and genes, consists of 31 linkage groups (LGs; consistent with the karyotype). Comparison with the evolutionarily distant Bombyx mori suggests that the gene content of chromosomes is highly conserved. Gene order is conserved on the autosomes, but noticeably less so on the Z chromosome, as confirmed by physical mapping using bacterial artificial chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization (BAC-FISH). Synteny mapping identified three pairs of B. betularia LGs (11/29, 23/30 and 24/31) as being orthologous to three B. mori chromosomes (11, 23 and 24, respectively). A similar finding in an outgroup moth (Plutella xylostella) indicates that the B. mori karyotype (n=28) is a phylogenetically derived state resulting from three chromosome fusions. As with other Lepidoptera, the B. betularia W chromosome consists largely of repetitive sequence, but exceptionally we found a W homolog of a Z-linked gene (laminin A), possibly resulting from ectopic recombination between the sex chromosomes. The B. betularia linkage map, featuring the network of known melanization genes, serves as a resource for melanism research in Lepidoptera. Moreover, its close resemblance to the ancestral lepidopteran karyotype (n=31) makes it a useful reference point for reconstructing chromosome dynamic events and ancestral genome architectures. Our study highlights the unusual evolutionary stability of lepidopteran autosomes; in contrast, higher rates of intrachromosomal rearrangements support a special role of the Z chromosome in adaptive evolution and speciation.  相似文献   

Five rare species, Macaria halituaria (Guenée, [1858]), Chelegnophos ravistriolaria (Wehrli, 1922), Ch. tholeraria (Pungeler, 1901), Scotopteryx transbaicalica (Djakonov, 1955), and Xanthorhoe stupida (Alphéraky, 1897), are described. Chelegnophos tholeraria was found for the first time in the territory of Russia, and Ch. ravistriolaria and S. transbaicalica, in the territory of the Altai. Drawings of genitalia are given for all the species studied, and some differences from closely related species are presented. The male genitalia of X. stupida and Scotopteryx burgaria and the female genitalia of S. transbaicalica are described for the first time.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of Chesias legatella Schiffermiiller and C. rufata Fabricius is described and compared. Eggs of C. rufata develop in approximately nine days at 20°C; those of C. legatella overwinter and hatch after five or six months. The morphology of the developing embryo is described in detail and is essentially similar in both species except during the formation and early development of the germ band. Morphogenesis is divided into a number of arbitrary stages and the relative duration of the different stages is compared in these and other species.  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes were sequenced from representatives of three lacertid lizards: Podarcis siculus, Podarcis muralis and Phoenicolacerta kulzeri. In all three genomes the arrangement of the 22 tRNAs, the two rRNAs and the 13 protein‐coding genes conforms to the common vertebrate arrangement. The phylogenetic position of Lacertidae within the order Squamata was determined through sequence analyses based on large sections of complete mt genomes. The number of nucleotide sites used for tree construction was 9234 when outgroup taxa were included, and 10 499 when only Squamata were compared. The phylogenetic analyses confirmed the sister group relationship between Lacertidae and Amphisbaenia as previously proposed on the basis of molecular data. Additionally, Bayesian analysis revealed a well supported clade comprising (Gekkonidae (Lacertidae + Amphisbaenia)), which is not in accordance with the traditional morphological view and most of the previous molecular studies. It confirms, however, the close relationship between Gekkonidae and Amphisbaenia as revealed in a recent study based on complete mt genomes from a smaller number of taxa. Intra‐ and intergeneric sequence comparisons of six commonly used marker genes showed rather high levels of divergence within the Lacertidae. In the intrageneric comparison the control region proved to be considerably more conserved than the protein coding genes.  相似文献   

Melanic and typical morphs of Biston betularius (L.), Oligia latruncula (D. & S.) and 0. strigilis (L.) made choices between vertical trunks and horizontal branches, sprayed with white and black paints, in a transparent plastic cylinder in natural illumination. The moths settled in exposed positions. In neither Biston nor Oligia did the choice for white/black backgrounds differ between the morphs. Biston moths settle on narrow branches (not on twigs) with the body at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the branch. The Oligias showed an asymmetrical light reaction: one eye is kept in shadow so that they settle as a continuation of an irregularity of the surface, often of a lichen.
In nature, Biston betularius probably rests high up in the canopies, on the under surfaces of horizontal branches. The visual selection acting on the morphs is expected to be less intensive than that measured on tree trunks. The mark-release-recapture results of Kettlewell (1955a, 1956) do not show any qualitative change during the self-determination of the moths but the material is too limited for firm conclusions.
Newly-hatched Biston males take off straight from the trunk where they have expanded their wings but the females may climb higher in the tree. A hypothesis is presented to explain the black-and-white coloration of f. carbonaria : the short-winged moths climbing up the trunks might deter bird predation.  相似文献   

猫眼尺蠖在三种女贞属植物上的实验种群两性生命表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡良雄  何正盛  张小谷 《昆虫学报》2014,57(12):1408-1417
【目的】猫眼尺蠖Problepsis superans是一种鳞翅目尺蛾科食叶害虫, 有报道称它只危害园林植物小叶女贞Ligustrum quihoui Carr., 关于其他寄主及其寄主对其生命特征的影响很少研究。开展本研究有助于了解小叶女贞及其可能寄主金叶女贞Ligustrum×vicaryi Hort.和女贞Ligustrum lucidum Ait.对猫眼尺蠖生长发育和繁殖的影响。【方法】在室内25±1℃, 相对湿度为75%±5%, 光周期为16L∶8D条件下, 组建了猫眼尺蠖在这3种植物上的实验种群年龄-龄期两性生命表。【结果】金叶女贞、小叶女贞和女贞对猫眼尺蠖幼虫历期、产卵量有明显影响, 对卵期、蛹期、产卵前期(指雌虫羽化至开始产卵)、雄虫存活时间等无显著影响。猫眼尺蠖取食金叶女贞幼虫历期(21.33 d)显著短于取食小叶女贞(23.46 d)和女贞(27.28 d), 产卵量(529.1粒/雌)显著高于在小叶女贞(442.5粒/雌)和女贞(339.7粒/雌)上。猫眼尺蠖在金叶女贞和小叶女贞上的内禀增长率(r)、周限增长率(λ)、净增殖率(R0)无显著差异, 但两者都显著大于在女贞上。猫眼尺蠖在3种植物上的平均世代周期(T)差异显著, 它们从小到大为: 金叶女贞、小叶女贞、女贞, 在3种植物上总繁殖率(GRR)没有显著差异。【结论】金叶女贞和小叶女贞相比女贞提供了猫眼尺蠖较好质量的食物, 金叶女贞和女贞具备作为猫眼尺蠖的寄主或临时寄主的可能。  相似文献   

记录中国分布的片尺蛾属6种,并记述中国3新纪录种:黑片尺蛾Fascellina porphyreofusa Hampson, 1895; F. inornata Warren, 1893; F. rectimarginata Warren, 1894。文中提供了属种描述和鉴别特征,给出了种检索表及成虫和外生殖器图。  相似文献   

Oxya is a genus of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) attacking rice and other gramineous plants in Africa and Asia. In the present study, we characterized complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of three species, Oxya japonica japonica (15,427 bp), Oxya hainanensis (15,443 bp) and Oxya agavisa robusta (15,552 bp) collected from China. The three mitogenomes contained a typical gene set of metazoan mitogenomes and shared the same gene order with other Acridid grasshoppers, including the rearrangement of tRNAAsp and tRNALys. Analyses of pairwise genetic distances showed that ATP8 was the least conserved gene, while COI the most conserved. To determine the position of Oxya grasshoppers in the phylogeny of Acrididae, we reconstructed phylogenetic trees among 64 species from across 11 subfamilies using nucleotide sequences of mitogenomes. While the tree confirms traditional classifications of Acrididae at major higher-levels, it suggests a few modifications for classifications at lower-levels.  相似文献   

The Mountains of Southwest China (MSC) – the most important mountain system in East Asia – creates physical barriers to migration and isolates organisms in different regions. In this study, we explored the genetic structure and phylogeography of Biston suppressaria, a moth species widely distributed in MSC and south China, based on three mtDNA and three ncDNA loci. MtDNA revealed high genetic differentiation among the geographical populations and divided B. suppressaria into five phylogroups (A–E). With the exception of phylogroups B and E which are sympatric, the other three phylogroups have their own distinct distribution areas. Four population differentiations occurred, and the divergence time was consistent with the three phases of the Qinghai–Tibet Movement and Kunhuang Movement, respectively. In contrast, ncDNA did not reveal any phylogeographical structure. Incomplete lineage sorting is considered the most plausible cause of the discordance between mtDNA and ncDNA genes, after excluding secondary admixture and Wolbachia infection. A complex combination of topography and geological movements of south China and MSC contributes to the complex evolutionary history of B. suppressaria.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Among forty species of the Korean Cidariini, a tribe of Larentiinae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), nineteen species of ten genera are revised: Ecliptopera Warren, Lampropteryx Stephens, Eustroma Hübner, Eveeliptopera Inoue, Lobogonodes Bastelberger, Hysterura Warren, Sibatania Inoue, Eulithis Hiibner, Gandaritis Moore, and Electrophaes Prout. The diagnostic characters and monophyly of each genus are provided. Figures of adults including male and female genitalia, and distribution maps in Korea are also provided.  相似文献   

Eight genera and 16 species of the Korean Cidariini, a tribe of Larentiinae (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), were revised: Dysstroma Hübner, Paradysstroma Choi, Callabraxas Butler, Thera Stephens, Heterothera Inoue, Pennithera Viidalepp, Polythrena Guenée and Xenortholitha Inoue. Pennithera comis (Butler) was newly added to the Korean fauna. Diagnostic and phylogenetic characters supporting the monophyly of the genera and a key to the genera were provided. For the species, diagnoses with figures of male and female genitalia and distributional data with maps in Korea, and taxonomic remarks were provided.  相似文献   

We sequenced the mitogenomes of Astictopterus jama, Isoteinon lamprospilus and Notocrypta curvifascia to obtain further insight into the mitogenomic architecture evolution and performed phylogenetic reconstruction using 29 Hesperiidae mitogenome sequences. The complete mitogenome sequences of A. jama, I. lamprospilus and N. curvifascia are 15,430, 15,430 and 15,546 bp in size, respectively. All contain 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, and an A + T-rich region. Nucleotide composition is A + T biased, and the majority of the protein-coding genes exhibit a negative AT-skew, which is reflected in the nucleotide composition, codon, and amino acid usage. The A + T-rich region is comprised of nonrepetitive sequences, including the motif ATAGA followed by a poly-T stretch, a microsatellite-like element next to the ATTTA motif, and a poly-A adjacent to tRNAs. Although most genes evolve under a strong purifying selection, the entire nad gene family (especially nad6) exhibits somewhat relaxed purifying selection, and atp8, evolving under a highly relaxed selection, is an outlier in the family Hesperiidae. Several different approaches relatively consistently indicated that nad6, atp8 and nad4 are comparatively fast-evolving genes in this family, which may have implications for future phylogenetic, population genetics and species diagnostics studies. For phylogenetic analyses of Hesperiidae, we tested a few datasets, and found that the one comprising all 37 genes produced the highest node support, indicating that the inclusion of RNAs improves the phylogenetic signal. Results indicate that subfamilies Euschemoninae, Heteropterinae, and Coeliadinae are monophyletic with strong nodal support, but Pyrginae and Eudaminae are paraphyletic. Finally, we confirm that A. jama and I. lamprospilus are close relatives.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes are frequently used to infer phylogenetic relationships. Some taxa are, however, poorly represented. To facilitate better understanding of the potential of mitochondrial genome data in freshwater mussels, we present here, for the first time, the mitochondrial sequences of 4 complete F-type mitochondrial genomes from the European freshwater bivalveUnio pictorum (Unionidae). These genomes are very compact (15 761 bp) but have a typical gene complement for bilaterian mitochondrial genomes and a very similar organization to other unionid genomes available in databases. Very low nucleotide diversity within the species suggests a small effective population size of PolishU. pictorum, a phenomenon of potential importance for environmental management policies.  相似文献   

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