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Extracellular lipase of the yeast Candida rugosa was produced via high cell density fed-batch fermentations using palm oil as the sole source of carbon and energy. Feeding strategies consisted of a pH-stat operation, foaming-dependent control and specific growth rate control in different experiments. Compared to foaming-dependent feeding and the pH-stat operation, the specific growth rate control of feeding proved to be the most successful. At the specific growth rate control set at 0.05 h−1, the final lipase activity in the culture broth was the highest at ∼700 U L−1. This was 2.6-fold higher than the final enzyme activity obtained at a specific growth rate control set at 0.15 h−1. The peak enzyme concentration achieved using the best foaming-dependent control of feeding was around 28% of the peak activity attained using the specific growth rate control of feeding at 0.05 h−1. Similarly, the peak enzyme concentration attained using the pH-stat feeding operation was a mere 9% of the peak activity attained by specific growth rate control of feeding at a set-point of 0.05 h−1. Fed-batch fermentations were performed in a 2 L stirred-tank bioreactor (30 °C, pH 7) with the dissolved oxygen level controlled at 30% of air saturation.  相似文献   

High cell density cultures of CHO cells growing in a bioreactor under dissolved oxygen control were found to undergo spontaneous bifurcations and a subsequent loss of stability some time into the fermentation. This loss of stability was manifested by sustained and amplified oscillations in the bioreactor dissolved oxygen concentration and in the oxygen gas flow rate to the reactor. To identify potential biological and operational causes for the phenomenon, linear stability analysis was applied in a neighborhood of the experimentally observed bifurcation point. The analysis revealed that two steady state process gains, K(P1) and K(P2), regulated k(l)a and gas phase oxygen concentration inputs, respectively, and the magnitude of K(P1) was found to determine system stability about the bifurcation point. The magnitude of K(P1), and hence the corresponding open-loop steady state gain K(OL1), scaled linearly with the bioreactor cell density, increasing with increasing cell density. These results allowed the generation of a fermentation stability diagram, which partitioned K(C)-N operating space into stable and unstable regions separated by the loci of predicted critically stable controller constants, K(C,critical), as a function of bioreactor cell density. This consistency of this operating diagram with experimentally observed changes in system stability was demonstrated. We conclude that time-dependent increases in cell density are the cause of the observed instabilities and that cell density is the critical bifurcation parameter. The results of this study should be readily applicable to the design of a more robust controller.  相似文献   

A methodology for the design and evalution of bioprocess control strategies is presented. The strategies manage nutrient supply with demand and vary with the metabolic condition and phase of fermentation operation. Six carbon source addition strategies are based on different combinations of available measurements; they are described and evaluated under different operating conditions for yeast cultivation. It is concluded that a single control strategy is not the most appropriate under all possible operating conditions. An oxygen uptake rate-based control strategy performs better with a mean respiratory quotient (RQ) value less than 1.1 during an oxygen limitation than an ethanol control strategy which had a mean RQ of 14. The designed strategies and an approach of applying the strategy that best matches fermentation conditions consistently enables achievement of high cell densities 78.7 g DCW/L and yields 0.50 g DCW/g glucose as the mean values for three fermentations.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant proteins is an industrially important technique in the biopharmaceutical sector. Many recombinant proteins are problematic to generate in a soluble form in bacteria as they readily form insoluble inclusion bodies. Recombinant protein solubility can be enhanced by minimising stress imposed on bacteria through decreasing growth temperature and the rate of recombinant protein production. In this study, we determined whether these stress-minimisation techniques can be successfully applied to industrially relevant high cell density Escherichia coli fermentations generating a recombinant protein prone to forming inclusion bodies, CheY–GFP. Flow cytometry was used as a routine technique to rapidly determine bacterial productivity and physiology at the single cell level, enabling determination of culture heterogeneity. We show that stress minimisation can be applied to high cell density fermentations (up to a dry cell weight of >70 g L?1) using semi-defined media and glucose or glycerol as carbon sources, and using early or late induction of recombinant protein production, to produce high yields (up to 6 g L?1) of aggregation-prone recombinant protein in a soluble form. These results clearly demonstrate that stress minimisation is a viable option for the optimisation of high cell density industrial fermentations for the production of high yields of difficult-to-produce recombinant proteins, and present a workflow for the application of stress-minimisation techniques in a variety of fermentation protocols.  相似文献   

A generic methodology for feeding strategy optimization is presented. This approach uses a genetic algorithm to search for optimal feeding profiles represented by means of artificial neural networks (ANN). Exemplified on a fed-batch hybridoma cell cultivation, the approach has proven to be able to cope with complex optimization tasks handling intricate constraints and objective functions. Furthermore, the performance of the method is compared with other previously reported standard techniques like: (1) optimal control theory, (2) first order conjugate gradient, (3) dynamical programming, (4) extended evolutionary strategies. The methodology presents no restrictions concerning the number or complexity of the state variables and therefore constitutes a remarkable alternative for process development and optimization. This revised version was published online in June 2005 with corrections to the Appendix.  相似文献   

Simulation studies have predicted that maximum lipase activity is reached with fed-batch operation strategies. In this work, two different fed-batch operational strategies have been studied: constant substrate feeding rate and specific growth rate control. A constant substrate feeding rate strategy showed that maximum aqueous lipolytic activity (55 U/mL) was reached at low substrate feeding rates, whereas lipase tends to accumulate inside the cell at higher rates of substrate addition. In the second fed-batch strategy studied, a feedback control strategy has been developed based on the estimation of state variables (X and mu) from the measurement of indirect variables such as CER by means of mass spectrometry techniques. An on-off controller was then used to maintain the specific growth rate at the desired value by adjusting the substrate feeding rate. A constant specific growth rate strategy gave higher final levels of aqueous lipolytic activity (117 U/mL) at low specific growth rates. At higher specific growth rates the enzyme remained accumulated inside the cell, as was observed with a constant feeding fed-batch strategy. With a constant specific growth rate strategy, lipase production by Candida rugosa was enhanced 10-fold compared to a batch operation. Purification studies have demonstrated that lipolytic and esterasic specific activity ratios of Candida rugosa isoenzymes can be modified by using different operational conditions. These studies have also showed that the isoenzymes obtained in a controlled growth rate strategy are around three- to four-fold more active than those obtained in a constant feeding rate strategy.  相似文献   

Candida cylindracea NRRL Y-17506 was grown to produce extracellular lipase from oleic acid as a carbon source. Through flask cultures, it was found that the optimum initial oleic acid concentration for cell growth was 20 g l−1. However, high initial concentrations of oleic acid up to 50 g l−1 were not inhibitory. The highest extracellular lipase activity obtained in flask culture was 3.0 U ml−1 after 48 h with 5 g l−1 of initial oleic acid concentration. Fed-batch cultures (intermittent and stepwise feeding) were carried out to improve cell concentration and lipase activity. For the intermittent feeding fed-batch culture, the final cell concentration was 52 g l−1 and the extracellular lipase activity was 6.3 U ml−1 at 138.5 h. Stepwise feeding fed-batch cultures were carried out to simulate an exponential feeding and to investigate the effects of specific growth rate (0.02, 0.04 and 0.08 h−1) on cell growth and lipase production. The highest final cell concentration obtained was 90 g l−1 when the set point of specific growth rate (μset) was 0.02 h−1. High specific growth rate (0.04 and 0.08 h−1) decreased extracellular lipase production in the later part of fed-batch cultures due to build-up of the oleic acid oversupplied. The highest extracellular lipase activity was 23.7 U ml−1 when μset was 0.02 h−1, while the highest lipase productivity was 0.31 U ml−1 h−1 at μset of 0.08 h−1.  相似文献   

Productivity in many fungal fermentations is detrimentally affected by high broth viscosity and consequent reduced oxygen mass transfer capacity. The goal here was to determine whether pulsed feeding of limiting carbon in a fungal fermentation could lead to reduced viscosity and improved oxygen mass transfer. As a model, an industrially relevant recombinant strain of Aspergillus oryzae was grown in carbon-limited, fed-batch mode. Maltodextrin was used as a carbon source and was added either continuously or in 1.5-min pulses, 3.5 min apart. In both feeding modes the same total amount of carbon was added, and carbon feed rate was at sufficiently low levels to ensure cultures were always carbon-limited. Compared to continuous feeding, pulsed addition of substrate led to smaller fungal elements, which resulted in a significant reduction in broth viscosity. This in turn led to higher dissolved oxygen concentrations and increased oxygen uptake rates during pulsed feeding.  相似文献   

A fed-batch process was developed for high cell density culture of the diatom Nitzschia laevis for enhanced production of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Firstly, among the various medium components, glucose (Glu) was identified as the limiting substrate while nitrate (NO3), tryptone (Tr) and yeast extract (Ye) were found to promote cell growth by enhancing specific growth rate. Therefore, these components were considered essential and were included in the feed medium for subsequent fed-batch cultivation. With the optimized ratio of NO3:Tr:Ye being 1:2.6:1.3 (by weight), the relative proportions of glucose to the nitrogen sources in the feed were investigated. The optimal ratios of Glu:NO3 for specific growth rate and EPA productivity were both determined to be 32:1 (by weight). Finally, based on the residual glucose concentration in the culture, a continuous medium feeding strategy for fed-batch fermenter cultivation was developed, with which, the maximal cell dry weight and EPA yield obtained were 22.1 g l−1 and 695 mg l−1, respectively, which were great improvements over those of batch cultures.  相似文献   

The objective of this contribution is the design of optimal feeding strategies for fed-batch bioprocesses, where complex dynamic models with input and state constraints are present. For the solution of this dynamic optimization problem a transformation to a finite dimensional optimization problem is made using piecewise linear control profiles. The optimization of these profiles is performed by a sequential approach, that includes an ODE solver for the solution of the model ODE's. Further an adaptive mesh selection algorithm was investigated for an appropriate discretization of the control profiles. The implementation of the resulting optimal feeding profiles is shown for a process example, namely the production of nikkomycin by Streptomyces tendae. This implementation uses a hierarchical process control framework, that consists of components for process monitoring, state estimation, and trajectory control.  相似文献   

The influence of oxygen on alkaline lipase production by Acinetobacter radioresistens was studied under two operating modes: controlled dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and controlled aeration rate. Compared with cell growth, the lipase production depended more extensively on oxygen. The intrinsic factor determining cell growth and lipase production was oxygen transfer rate (OTR) rather than DO concentration. Improvements in OTR, either by aeration or agitation, resulted in an increase in lipase yield and/or a reduction in fermentation time. The formation of A. radioresistens lipase could be described by a mixed-growth-associated model, and the enzyme was mainly a growth-associated product. The overall productivity for the lipase, which depended more strongly on agitation than aeration, could be related with kLa. DO concentration could not be employed in this correlation, though it has been useful as a criterion for ensuring no oxygen limitation in an aerobic fermentation.  相似文献   

A xylanase gene (xyn2) from Trichoderma reesei ATCC 58350 was previously cloned and expressed in Kluyveromyces lactis GG799. The production of the recombinant xylanase was conducted in a developed medium with an optimised batch and with fed-batches that were processed with glucose. The glucose served as a carbon source for cell growth and as an inducer for xylanase production. In a 1-L batch system, a glucose concentration of 20 g L?1 and 80 % dissolved oxygen were found to provide the best conditions for the tested ranges. A xylanase activity of 75.53 U mL?1 was obtained. However, in the batch mode, glucose depletions reduced the synthesis of recombinant xylanase by K. lactis GG799. To maximise the production of xylanase, further optimisation was performed using exponential feeding. We investigated the effects of various nitrogen sources combined with the carbon to nitrogen (C/N) molar ratio on the production of xylanase. Of the various nitrogen sources, yeast extract was found to be the most useful for recombinant xylanase production. The highest xylanase production (110.13 U mL?1) was measured at a C/N ratio of 50.08. These conditions led to a 45.8 % increase in xylanase activity compared with the batch cultures. Interestingly, the further addition of 500 g L?1 glucose led to a 6.2-fold increase (465.07 U mL?1) in recombinant xylanase activity. These findings, together with those of the exponential feeding strategy, indicate that the composition of the C/N molar ratio has a substantial impact on recombinant protein production in K. lactis.  相似文献   

A dynamic model for the degradation of phenol in a two-phase partitioning bioreactor has been developed based on mechanistic balances around the bioreactor. The key process characteristics including substrate transfer between the organic and aqueous phases, substrate inhibition, oxygen limitation, and cell entrainment were incorporated into the model. The model predictions were validated against existing experimental data obtained for a 2-L bioreactor, and good correlation was observed for the time frames of the simulations, as well as for trends in cell and substrate concentrations. Optimal fed-batch, phenol feeding strategies were then developed based on two approaches: (1) maximization of phenol consumption in a fixed time interval and (2) consumption of a fixed amount of phenol in minimal time. The optimal feeding policies, determined using the Iterative Dynamic Programming algorithm, provided substantial improvements in the amount of phenol consumed when compared to a typical experimental heuristic approach. For example, 45.73 g of phenol was predicted to be consumed in 50 h (not including lag phase) using the optimal feeding profile compared to 10.26 g of phenol consumed in the simulated experimental approach. Oxygen limitation was predicted to be a recurring operational challenge in the partitioning bioreactor, and had a strong impact on the optimization results.  相似文献   

The volumetric productivity of the beer fermentation process can be increased by using a higher pitching rate (i.e., higher inoculum size). However, the decreased yeast net growth observed in these high cell density fermentations can have a negative impact on the physiological stability throughout subsequent yeast generations. The use of different oxygen conditions (wort aeration, wort oxygenation, yeast preoxygenation) was investigated to improve the growth yield during high cell density fermentations and yeast metabolic and physiological parameters were assessed systematically. Together with a higher extent of growth (dependent on the applied oxygen conditions), the fermentation power and the formation of unsaturated fatty acids were also affected. Wort oxygenation had a significant decreasing effect on the formation of esters, which was caused by a decreased expression of the alcohol acetyl transferase gene ATF1, compared with the other conditions. Lower glycogen and trehalose levels at the end of fermentation were observed in case of the high cell density fermentations with oxygenated wort and the reference fermentation. The expression levels of BAP2 (encoding the branched chain amino acid permease), ERG1 (encoding squalene epoxidase), and the stress responsive gene HSP12 were predominantly influenced by the high cell concentrations, while OLE1 (encoding the fatty acid desaturase) and the oxidative stress responsive genes SOD1 and CTT1 were mainly affected by the oxygen availability per cell. These results demonstrate that optimisation of high cell density fermentations could be achieved by improving the oxygen conditions, without drastically affecting the physiological condition of the yeast and beer quality.  相似文献   

The use of small scale bioreactors that are mechanically and functionally similar to large scale reactors is highly desirable to accelerate bioprocess development because they enable well-defined scale translations. In this study, a 25-mL miniaturized stirred tank bioreactor (MSBR) has been characterized in terms of its power input, hydrodynamics, and volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (k(L)a) to assess its potential to grow high cell density (HCD) cultures using adequate scale-down criteria. Engineering characterization results show scale down, based on matched specific power input (P(G)/V), is feasible from a 20-L pilot scale stirred tank bioreactor. Results from fed-batch fermentations performed using Fab' producing E. coli W3110 at matched (P(G)/V) in the MSBR and 20-L STR demonstrated that the MSBR can accurately scale down the 20-L fermentation performance in terms of growth and Fab' production. Successful implementation of a fed-batch strategy in the MSBR resulted in maximum optical density of ca. 114 and total Fab' concentration of 940 μg/mL compared with ca. 118 and 990 μg/mL in 20-L STR. Furthermore, the use of the MSBR in conjunction with primary recovery scale-down tools to assess the harvest material of both reactors showed comparable shear sensitivity and centrifugation performance. The conjoint use of the MSBR with ultra scale-down (USD) centrifugation mimics can provide a cost-efficient manner in which to design and develop bioprocesses that account for good upstream performance as well as their manufacturability downstream.  相似文献   

In recent times, it has been realized that novel vaccines are required to combat emerging disease outbreaks, and faster optimization is required to respond to global vaccine demands. Although, fed-batch operations offer better productivity, experiment-based optimization of a new fed-batch process remains expensive and time-consuming. In this context, we propose a novel computational framework that can be used for process optimization and control of a fed-batch baculovirus-insect cell system. Since the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) is known to be widely used platforms for recombinant protein/vaccine production, we chose this system to demonstrate the identification of optimal profile. Toward this, first, we constructed a mathematical model that captures the time course of cell and virus growth in a baculovirus-insect cell system. Second, the proposed model was used for numerical analysis to determine the optimal operating profiles of control variables such as culture media, cell density, and oxygen based on a multiobjective optimal control formulation. Third, a detailed comparison between batch and fed-batch culture was perfromed along with a comparison between various alternatives of fed-batch operation. Finally, we demonstrate that a model-based quantification of controlled feed addition in fed-batch culture is capable of providing better productivity as compared to a batch culture. The proposed framework can be utilized for the estimation of optimal operating regions of different control variables to achieve maximum infected cell density and virus yield while minimizing the substrate/media, uninfected cell, and oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Fed-batch techniques were employed to obtain high cell density cultures (92-100 g DCW/L) of Escherichia coli strain X90 producing a recombinant serine protease, rat anionic trypsin, secreted to the periplasm. The specific growth rate was controlled to minimize growth-inhibiting acetate formation by utilizing an exponential feeding profile determined from mass balance equation. The volumetric yield of recombinant rat anionic trypsin was 56 mg/L, and the final cell density was 92 g DCW/L when the culture was induced in the late logarithmic phase. However, when the culture was induced in the early logarithmic phase, the volumetric yield was 13 mg/L and the final cell density was 14 g DCW/L. Thus, the induction timing is shown to have a significant effect on the final cell density as well as the overall volumetric yield of the recombinant protease. (c) 1993 Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A fed batch system using the dissolved oxygen concentration as substrate feed indicator has been developed to perform high cell density E. coli culture. A cell density of about 110 g/l (dw) has been obtained within 12 hours with an overall growth yield of about 0.68 gX/gGlucose.  相似文献   

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