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We have studied the relationship between MHC-restricted, Ag-specific recognition and TCR structure in a panel of seven Th-hybridomas specific for the foreign protein Ag, hen egg-white lysozyme, and the I-Ak class II MHC molecule. The fine specificity of these Th cells had been determined previously by their reactivity to a panel of APC lines bearing mutant I-Ak molecules and to proteolytic fragments of HEL. TCR gene segment composition was determined by cDNA cloning and DNA sequencing. A heterogeneous, yet repetitive usage of gene segments was observed within the panel. The same V alpha C10-J alpha MD13 rearrangement was used in three of the hybridomas, two with identical Ag and MHC-restriction fine specificities. The prevalent usage of the V beta 14 gene segment and members of J beta 2 cluster was noted. Inasmuch as gene segment usage did not correlate with MHC-restriction or Ag fine specificity alone, these results favor an interactive Ag model of T-cell recognition, in which Ag and MHC are recognized as a bimolecular complex.  相似文献   

Coding sequence polymorphisms among V beta T cell receptor genes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The four V beta gene segments, V beta 1, 3.1, 6, and 10, which previously have been shown by RFLP analyses to differ between TCR V beta a and V beta b haplotypes, were cloned and sequenced from V beta a SWR mice and compared with V beta b strains to define coding sequence polymorphisms distinguishing these haplotypes. V beta 3.1 and 6 alleles differed between strains by a single amino acid, whereas V beta 1 and 10 alleles differed by 4 and 6 amino acids, respectively. The overall interhaplotypic V beta polymorphisms appeared to be limited when based upon compilation of this information and previously published V beta sequences. One application of these data was to attempt to elucidate the molecular basis underlying the recently reported allele-specific autoimmune disease, collagen-induced arthritis. Based on the present structural data and the additional evidence, contrary to what was suggested, the V beta 6 gene does not appear to be the sole participant in anticollagen responses.  相似文献   

Intracerebral infection of certain strains of mice with Theiler's virus results in chronic immune-mediated demyelination in spinal cord. We used mouse mutants with deletion of the V beta class of TCR genes to examine the role of TCR genes in this demyelinating disease which is similar to multiple sclerosis. Quantitative analysis of spinal cord lesions demonstrated a markedly increased number and extent of demyelinated lesions in persistently infected RIII S/J mice which have a massive deletion of the TCR V beta-chain (V beta 5.2, V beta 8.3, V beta 5.1, V beta 8.2, V beta 5.3, V beta 8.1, V beta 13, V beta 12, V beta 11, V beta 9, V beta 6, V beta 15, V beta 17) compared with B10.RIII mice which are of identical MHC haplotype (H-2r) but have normal complement of V beta TCR genes. In contrast, infection of C57L (H-2b) or C57BR (H-2k) mice which have deletion of the V beta TCR genes (V beta 5.2, V beta 8.3, V beta 5.1, V beta 8.2, V beta 5.3, V beta 8.1, V beta 13, V beta 12, V beta 11, and V beta 9) resulted in few demyelinating lesions. Genetic segregation analysis of (B10.RIII x RIII S/J) x RIII S/J backcrossed mice and (B10.RIII x RIII S/J) F2 mice demonstrated correlation of increased susceptibility to demyelination with deletion of TCR V beta genes. The increase in number of demyelinating lesions correlated with increase in number of virus-Ag+ cells in spinal cord. These experiments provide strong evidence that the structural diversity at the TCR beta-complex can influence susceptibility to virus-induced demyelination.  相似文献   

All of the T cell receptor alpha- and beta-chain rearrangements present in a dual reactive T cell clone were characterized. This clone exhibits allelic exclusion of its beta-chain genes in that only one of the two alleles is productively rearranged. Unexpectedly, it displays two productive V alpha-gene rearrangements, which are both transcribed into 1.5 kb mRNA. The contribution of each of the two productive alpha genes to the dual recognition was analyzed by gene transfer. To this end, each of the two alpha genes was separately transfected with the single productively rearranged beta gene. Transfer of only one of the two alpha beta combinations restored both allogeneic MHC recognition and self MHC-restricted antigen recognition. Thus, T cell dual recognition results from the cross-reactive recognition of an allo-MHC product by a single antigen-specific and MHC-restricted alpha beta T cell receptor. Furthermore, the presence of two productively rearranged alpha-chain genes in a T cell clone raises questions concerning the level at which allelic exclusion operates in T cells.  相似文献   

V beta gene polymorphism and a major polyclonal T cell receptor idiotype   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
G K Sim  A A Augustin 《Cell》1985,42(1):89-92
Genetic polymorphism in the beta variable gene pool (V beta) is responsible for the strain-specific distribution of the KJ16 T cell receptor (TcR) marker on 20% of peripheral T cells. KJ16+ strains carry two homologous V beta genes that are absent in KJ16- strains. All functional KJ16+ T cell hybrids tested express a member of this V beta subset. mRNA hybridizing to this variable-region probe can be easily detected in total splenic T cells of a prototype KJ16+ strain. Thus, 20% of the TcR from the cytotoxic and helper T cell population, with various MHC restrictions and antigen reactivities, can be generated from two V beta genes. However, their deletion appears to have no effect on the functionality of the T cell repertoire.  相似文献   

We have examined the chromosomal location of human T cell-specific genes which are involved in antigen recognition and of a gene which specifically rearranges in T cells. The genes encoding both the variable and constant region segments of the T cell receptor alpha chain are found on chromosome 14 while the delta chain gene of the T cell receptor-associated T3 complex is localised to chromosome 11. Further, the two tandemly arranged T cell-specific rearranging genes, designated gamma, were mapped to chromosome 7, but apparently not closely linked to the previously mapped T cell receptor beta-chain gene. The locations of the three different genes, which undergo rearrangement in T cells, may correlate with the chromosomal breakpoints known to be involved in translocations within abnormal human T cells.  相似文献   

IL-4 has been shown to act as a growth factor for human T cells. In addition, IL-4 can enhance CTL activity in MLC, but blocks IL-2 induced lymphokine activated killer cell activity in PBL. In our study, the cloning efficiencies, Ag-specific CTL activity and non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity of CTL clones generated in IL-2 were compared to those generated in IL-4. In a first experiment, T cells were stimulated with the EBV-transformed B cell line JY and cloned 7 days later with feeder cells and either IL-2 or IL-4. In a second experiment, stimulation of the T cells was carried out in the presence of IL-2 plus anti-IL-4 antibodies or IL-4 plus anti-IL-2 antibodies in order to block the effects of IL-4 and IL-2, respectively, produced by the feeder cells. Although the cloning efficiencies in the second experiment were lower than those obtained in the first experiment, the cloning efficiencies obtained with IL-2 or IL-4 were similar in both experiments. The overall proportion of TCR alpha beta+ T cell clones cytotoxic for the stimulator cell JY established in IL-2 or IL-4 were comparable. A striking difference between the clones obtained in IL-2 or IL-4 was that a large proportion of the clones obtained in IL-4 expressed CD4 and CD8 simultaneously, whereas none of the clones isolated in IL-2 were double positive. Also gamma delta+ T cell clones could be established with IL-4 as a growth factor. TCR gamma delta+ T cell clones isolated in either IL-2 or IL-4 were CD4-CD8- or CD4-CD8+, but the proportion of CD4-CD8+ clones isolated in IL-4 was higher. Interestingly, one TCR gamma delta+ clone isolated in IL-2 was CD4+CD8-. Most of the TCR alpha beta+ and TCR gamma delta+ CTL-clones isolated in IL-2 lysed the NK cell sensitive target cell K562. In contrast, only a small proportion of the TCR alpha beta+ or TCR gamma delta+ CTL clones isolated in IL-4, lysed K562. One TCR gamma delta+ T cell clone (CD-124) isolated in IL-4 and subsequently incubated in IL-2 acquired lytic activity against K562.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To determine whether T cell receptor genes follow the same principle of allelic exclusion as B lymphocytes, we have analyzed the rearrangements and expression of TCR alpha and beta genes in the progeny of the CD3+, CD4-/CD8- M14T line. Here, we show that this line can undergo secondary rearrangements that replace the pre-existing V alpha-J alpha rearrangements by joining an upstream V alpha gene to a downstream J alpha segment. Both the productively and nonproductively rearranged alleles in the M14T line can undergo secondary rearrangements while its TCR beta genes are stable. These secondary recombinations are usually productive, and new forms of TCR alpha polypeptides are expressed in these cells in association with the original C beta chain. Developmental control of this V alpha-J alpha replacement phenomenon could play a pivotal role in the thymic selection of the T cell repertoire.  相似文献   

Soluble forms of the mouse MHC class I molecule, Dd, were produced in which the peptide binding groove was uniformly occupied by peptides attached via a covalent flexible peptide linker to the N terminus of the associated beta2-microglobulin. The MHC heavy chain and beta2-microglobulin were firmly associated, and the molecules displayed an Ab epitope requiring proper occupancy of the peptide binding groove. Soluble Dd containing a covalent version of a well-characterized Dd-binding peptide from HIV stimulated a T cell hybridoma specific for this combination. Furthermore, a tetravalent version of this molecule bound specifically with apparent high avidity to this hybridoma.  相似文献   

The underlying generic properties of alphabeta TCRs that control MHC restriction remain largely unresolved. To investigate MHC restriction, we have examined the CTL response to a viral epitope that binds promiscuously to two human leukocyte Ags (HLAs) that differ by a single amino acid at position 156. Individuals expressing either HLA-B*3501 (156Leucine) or HLA-B*3508 (156Arginine) showed a potent CTL response to the 407HPVGEADYFEY417 epitope from EBV. Interestingly, the response was characterized by highly restricted TCR beta-chain usage in both HLA-B*3501+ and HLA-B*3508+ individuals; however, this conserved TRBV9+ beta-chain was associated with distinct TCR alpha-chains depending upon the HLA-B*35 allele expressed by the virus-exposed host. Functional assays confirmed that TCR alpha-chain usage determined the HLA restriction of the CTLs. Structural studies revealed significant differences in the mobility of the peptide when bound to HLA-B*3501 or HLA-B*3508. In HLA-B*3501, the bulged section of the peptide was disordered, whereas in HLA-B*3508 the bulged epitope adopted an ordered conformation. Collectively, these data demonstrate not only that mobile MHC-bound peptides can be highly immunogenic but can also stimulate an extremely biased TCR repertoire. In addition, TCR alpha-chain usage is shown to play a critical role in controlling MHC restriction between closely related allomorphs.  相似文献   

Three independent T cell hybridomas were isolated that have identical specificities for antigen and products of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). All three react with the same clone-specific antireceptor antibody, and Southern blots show all three contain the same rearranged alpha and beta genes. Variants of one of these hybridomas, DO-11.10, were isolated that had lost the ability to respond to antigen plus MHC. These proved to have lost the DO-11.10-specific alpha or beta genes or both. Fusion of alpha-loss variants to beta-loss variants restored reactivity. These results indicate that the specific recognition of antigen plus MHC is determined solely by the alpha/beta-containing T cell receptor.  相似文献   

The recovery process in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Lewis rats is characterized by an increasing diversity of T cell clones directed at secondary epitopes of myelin basic protein. Of particular interest, residues 55 to 69 of guinea pig basic protein could induce protection against EAE. A nonencephalitogenic T cell clone, C455-69, that was specific for this epitope transferred protection against both active and passive EAE. Clone C4 was found to express V beta 8.6 in its Ag receptor, and residues 39 to 59 of the TCR V beta 8.6 sequence were found to be highly crossreactive with the corresponding residues 39 to 59 of TCR V beta 8.2, which is known to induce protective anti-idiotypic T cells and antibodies. Like the TCR V beta 8.2 peptide, the V beta 8.6 sequence induced autoregulation and provided effective treatment of established EAE. Thus, the EAE-protective effect of the guinea pig basic protein 55-69 sequence was most likely mediated by T cell clones such as C4 that could efficiently induce anti-TCR immunity directed at a cross-reactive regulatory idiotope.  相似文献   

The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are amongst the most variable in vertebrates and represent some of the best candidates to study processes of adaptive evolution. However, despite the number of studies available, most of the information on the structure and function of these genes come from studies in mammals and birds in which the MHC class I and II genes are tightly linked and class II alpha exhibits low variability in many cases. Teleost fishes are among the most primitive vertebrates with MHC and represent good organisms for the study of MHC evolution because their class I and class II loci are not physically linked, allowing for independent evolution of both classes of genes. We have compared the diversity and molecular mechanisms of evolution of classical MH class II α and class II β loci in farm populations of three salmonid species: Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo salar. We found single classical class II loci and high polymorphism at both class II α and β genes in the three species. Mechanisms of evolution were common for both class II genes, with recombination and point mutation involved in generating diversity and positive selection acting on the peptide-binding residues. These results suggest that the maintenance of variability at the class IIα gene could be a mechanism to increase diversity in the MHC class II in salmonids in order to compensate for the expression of one single classical locus and to respond to a wider array of parasites.  相似文献   

Proteolipid protein (PLP) is the major protein of central nervous system myelin. SJL (H-2s) mice immunized with a synthetic peptide corresponding to PLP residues 139-151 develop acute EAE. In this study, 6 IAs-restricted, CD4+, TCR alpha beta-bearing T cell clones were derived from SJL/J mice after immunization with this synthetic peptide. The clones responded in in vitro proliferative assays to the whole PLP molecule and to PLP peptide 139-151, but not to irrelevant Ag. They also responded to truncated and overlapping forms of the peptide but five distinct reactivity patterns were observed using these peptides. A panel of anti-TCR V beta mAb and TCR V beta-specific cDNA probes were used to determine the TCR V beta usage of the clones. Five clones were found to use four different V beta (V beta 2, V beta 6, V beta 10, or V beta 17a), whereas the V beta on the sixth clone could not be identified. Five of the clones induced EAE of varying severity upon adoptive transfer into naive syngeneic mice or mice pretreated with irradiation and pertussis and one clone was nonencephalitogenic. The Ag-specific proliferative response of all but the nonencephalitogenic clone could be blocked by an anti-CD4 mAb. Thus, the clones showed differences in their fine specifity, TCR V beta usage, sensitivity to antibody blocking, and encephalitogenic potency. These data demonstrate that the T cell response to the encephalitogenic PLP peptide 139-151 is heterogeneous.  相似文献   

To study T cell tolerance, transgenic mice were generated that expressed the Mlsa-reactive T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain V beta 8.1 (cDNA) under the control of the H-2Kb promoter/immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer on approximately 90% of peripheral T cells. In transgenic mice bearing Mlsa, thymocytes expressing the TCR at a high density were deleted and the percentage of Thy 1.2+ lymph node cells was reduced. The CD4/CD8 ratio of mature T cells was reversed in Mlsa and Mlsb transgenic mice independent of the H-2. RNA analysis and immunofluorescence with TCR V beta-specific antibodies revealed that expression of endogenous TCR beta genes was suppressed. Both Mlsa and Mlsb TCR beta chain transgenic mice mounted a T-cell-dependent IgG response against viral antigens, whereas the capacity to generate alloreactive and virus-specific cytotoxic T cells was impaired in TCR beta chain transgenic Mlsa, but not in transgenic Mlsb mice.  相似文献   

Mice of strain B6, but not AKR/J, respond to immunization with Torpedo acetylcholine receptor (AChR) by manifesting in vitro an Ag-specific T lymphocyte proliferative response. Our analysis of (AKR x B6)F1 mice reveals that the T cell unresponsiveness of AKR/J is inherited as a dominant trait, possibly associated with expression of the Mls-1a allele. Mice derived from backcrossing (AKR x B6)F1 x B6 were selected for H-2b homozygosity and were classified as Mls-1a or Mls-1b according to the relative numbers of peripheral blood T cells that expressed the TCR V beta 6 gene product. After challenge by injection with AChR in CFA, lymph node cells from mice classified as having less than 2% of V beta 6+ peripheral T cells had low responsiveness to AChR, whereas mice with greater than 7% V beta 6+ peripheral T cells had high T cell responsiveness to AChR. These results are consistent with the notion that regulation of the T cell repertoire by Mls loci may be a determinant of susceptibility to autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Both cDNA and genomic clones of the T cell receptor (TCR) alpha- and beta-chain genes of the alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clone F3 were examined. Two distinct rearrangement events, one functional and one non-functional, were found for both the alpha and beta loci. Thus only a single functional TCR alpha beta heterodimer could be defined, consistent with allelic exclusion in the TCR genes. The V alpha gene employed by F3 is part of a six-member V alpha subfamily. Genomic clones containing each member of this subfamily were isolated and the V alpha nucleotide sequences determined. Five of these six genes are functional; these genes differ from each other by 7-14% at the amino acid level. A single dominant hypervariable region was defined within this subfamily, in contrast to the pattern of variability seen between V alpha genes in general.  相似文献   

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