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Alpha-thalassemia in blacks is due to gene deletion.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We used molecular hybridization to test if alpha-thalassemia is due to gene deletion in the black. In 10 families with clinically well-defined alpha-thalassemia-1 (alpha-thal-1), hydribization of alpha-globin cDNA was reduced to the same level as that found in Asians with alpha-thal-1, where two of the four normally present alpha-globin genes are deleted. A black child with hemoglobin H (Hb H) disease also has three globin genes deleted, as do Asian patients with Hb H disease. We conclude that alpha-thalassemia in the black is most commonly due to gene deletion.  相似文献   

The beta-globin gene of a patient with mRNA-deficient beta o-thalassemia has been sequenced. We find a single nucleotide deletion in amino acid codon 44 that produces a UGA terminator at codon 60. We have previously shown that the beta-globin mRNA of this patient is correctly spliced and polyadenylated, but rapidly turns over with a half-life of less than 30 min. We suggest that the rapid mRNA turnover is influenced by the deletion of this single nucleotide as well as by the nonsense codon.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage libraries of mouse DNA were screened for sequences homologous to the v-myb oncogene and two overlapping clones containing the v-myb related region were isolated. Restriction enzyme mapping, heteroduplex analysis and nucleotide sequence analysis revealed the presence of nine exons. Six of these exons are homologous to the v-myb region while the other three exons are derived from the 5' region which is deleted in the viral oncogene. The sequences downstream to the sixth v-myb exon are not included in the 17 kbp of DNA sequences analyzed in this study. Comparison of the structure of the normal c-myb clone with its rearranged couterpart present in plasmacytoid lymphosarcomas revealed that the rearrangements occur in this locus as a result of viral integration. Present studies demonstrate that such a viral insertion interrupts the c-myb coding region at a region identical to that observed in the generation of the v-myb gene of avian myeloblastosis virus and results in the synthesis of mRNAs that lack the same 5' coding region.  相似文献   

A beta globin gene from a patient with homozygous beta+ thalassemia has been cloned and completely sequenced. No changes from normal are found in the 200 nucleotides 5' to the cap site, in the 3' untranslated region up to the poly A addition site, in the small intervening sequence (IVS 1), or in the coding sequence except for a third base change in codon 2. The only other differences are in the large intervening sequence (IVS 2). One of these, at a position 16 nucleotides from the 5' end of IVS 2, has been reported previously in normal individuals, and is probably a polymorphism. Four other changes, at positions 74, 81, 666, and 705 are also seen in IVS 2. Abnormal beta globin mRNA precursors detected in the bone marrow cells of this patient, and abnormal beta globin RNA splicing observed when this gene is transcribed in a tissue culture system taken together with these IVS 2 changes, suggest that the beta+ thalassemia phenotype is produced by a decrease in normal beta globin mRNA processing.  相似文献   

The pigmentation (Pgm+) phenotype of Yersinia pestis encompasses a variety of different physiological traits, all of which are missing in Pgm- mutants. We have previously shown that loss of the Pgm+ phenotype is accompanied by the spontaneous deletion of at least 45 kb of chromosomal DNA, referred to as the pgm locus. Using chromosomal walking, we have now mapped the full extent of the pgm locus in Y. pestis strain KIM6+. Our results indicate that the locus spans 102 kb of DNA which is absent in the spontaneous Pgm- mutant, KIM6. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PB1/0 contains sequences homologous to the entire pgm locus while only part of this region hybridized to Yersinia enterocolitica WA-LOX DNA. Restriction enzyme mapping and hybridization studies revealed the presence of a repetitive element at both ends of the pgm locus and in multiple copies elsewhere in the Y. pestis genome. This element may be responsible for generating the deletion.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of human plasma apolipoprotein A-IV has been detected by isoelectric focusing techniques followed by immunoblotting. The molecular basis for this apoA-IV polymorphism has been elucidated. Analysis of the protein coding sequences of the apoA-IV alleles 1 and 2 revealed a single G to T substitution in the apoA-IV-2 allele. The point mutation, occurring in a region highly conserved among the mouse, rat, and human A-IV apolipoproteins, converts the glutamine at position 360 of the mature protein to a histidine. This amino acid substitution adds one positive charge unit to the apoA-IV-1 isoprotein (pI 4.97) thus creating the more basic apoA-IV-2 isoprotein (pI 5.02). Computer analysis of the apoA-IV-2 allele revealed that the single G to T substitution results in the loss of a BbvI and a Fnu4HI restriction enzyme site and in the formation of a new restriction site for the enzyme SfaNI. Protein primary and secondary structure predictions were largely unaffected by this amino acid exchange. These results on the structure of the apoA-IV-1 and apoA-IV-2 alleles suggest that the three other rare isoproteins (apoA-IV-0, apoA-IV-3, and apoA-IV-4) are also due to nucleotide and subsequent amino acid substitutions in the apoA-IV sequence.  相似文献   

Duplication/deletion polymorphism 5' - to the human beta globin gene.   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
DNA sequence analysis of the human beta globin locus has identified an array of simple tandem repeated sequences upstream from the beta globin structural gene. Comparison of several cloned human beta globin alleles demonstrated a high frequency of sequence heteromorphism at this site apparently due to duplication or deletion of single units of the repeat array. At least two such duplication/deletion events are necessary to account for the observed variation. No other sequence variation was observed, suggesting that duplication/deletion events within the tandem repeat array may be at least 13 to 14 times more frequent than nucleotide substitutions in the surrounding DNA.  相似文献   

Dna2 is a dual polarity exo/endonuclease, and 5' to 3' DNA helicase involved in Okazaki Fragment Processing (OFP) and Double-Strand Break (DSB) Repair. In yeast, DNA2 is an essential gene, as expected for a DNA replication protein. Suppression of the lethality of dna2Δ mutants has been found to occur by two mechanisms: overexpression of RAD27scFEN1, encoding a 5' to 3' exo/endo nuclease that processes Okazaki fragments (OFs) for ligation, or deletion of PIF1, a 5' to 3' helicase involved in mitochondrial recombination, telomerase inhibition and OFP. Mapping of a novel, spontaneously arising suppressor of dna2Δ now reveals that mutation of rad9 and double mutation of rad9 mrc1 can also suppress the lethality of dna2Δ mutants. Interaction of dna2Δ and DNA damage checkpoint mutations provides insight as to why dna2Δ is lethal but rad27Δ is not, even though evidence shows that Rad27ScFEN1 processes most of the Okazaki fragments, while Dna2 processes only a subset.  相似文献   

Dna2 is a dual polarity exo/endonuclease, and 5′ to 3′ DNA helicase involved in Okazaki Fragment Processing (OFP) and Double-Strand Break (DSB) Repair. In yeast, DNA2 is an essential gene, as expected for a DNA replication protein. Suppression of the lethality of dna2Δ mutants has been found to occur by two mechanisms: overexpression of RAD27scFEN1, encoding a 5′ to 3′ exo/endo nuclease that processes Okazaki fragments (OFs) for ligation, or deletion of PIF1, a 5′ to 3′ helicase involved in mitochondrial recombination, telomerase inhibition and OFP. Mapping of a novel, spontaneously arising suppressor of dna2Δ now reveals that mutation of rad9 and double mutation of rad9 mrc1 can also suppress the lethality of dna2Δ mutants. Interaction of dna2Δ and DNA damage checkpoint mutations provides insight as to why dna2Δ is lethal but rad27Δ is not, even though evidence shows that Rad27ScFEN1 processes most of the Okazaki fragments, while Dna2 processes only a subset.Key words: yeast, RAD27, RAD9, RAD53, Okazaki fragment processing, DNA replication, exo1  相似文献   

An unusually long repeated DNA sequence was identified in cloned DNA, three kb 3' to the human beta-globin gene. Other members of this repeated sequence family were isolated from a human genomic DNA library and characterized by Southern blotting techniques, electron microscopy, and solution hybridization. The copy located next to the beta-globin gene was found to be 6.4 +/- 0.2 kb long and continuous over that length. This repeated sequence family comprises about 1% of the human genome and contains 3000-4800 copies of moderate sequence divergence which are interspersed with other less-highly repeated DNA. The 6.4 kb repeated unit does not appear to be composed of any smaller tandemly repeated subunits, nor is it expressed at a high level in bone marrow cell RNA.  相似文献   

A 7.5 kb Hsu I restriction fragment of genomic DNA containing a beta-globin gene has been isolated from a patient doubly heterozygous for beta + thalassaemia and a delta beta (Lepore globin fusion gene. This fragment must be derived from the chromosome carrying the beta +-thalassaemia determinant. The gross structure of the cloned gene plus flanking sequences is indistinguishable from that of a normal beta-globin gene. Within in 1606 base-pair transcribed region of the gene there is only one nucleotide difference from the normal beta-globin gene sequence. This is a G leads to A replacement 21 nucleotides upstream from the 3' terminus of the small intron. This nucleotide lies within a 10 base-pair sequence repeated in an inverted configuration near the 5' terminus of the small intron. The nucleotide replacement may result in a precursor mRNA less amenable to RNA splicing than its normal counterpart.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis bacteriophages SP beta c1 is a deletion mutant of SP beta   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary The restriction fragment patterns of two mutant forms of the temperate Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SP have been examined. The DNA of a heat-inducible mutant, SPc2, which has a molecular size of 128 kilobases (kb), yields the same restriction pattern as the wild type SPc+ DNA. The DNA of a clear-plaque mutant, SPc1, has a molecular size of 117 kb, and is deleted for an 11 kb region of phage DNA. Neither SPc1 nor SPc2 DNA is cleaved by the endonuclease HaeIII.  相似文献   

A new deletion causing alpha thalassemia has been characterised in a Greek family. Detailed mapping of the alpha gene complex shows that the deletion extends for 5.2 kb and removes the whole of the alpha 2 gene and the 5' end of the alpha 1 gene. The affected chromosome, therefore produces no normal alpha chains and results in a phenotype of alpha thalassemia 1.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence analysis of a cloned deletion beta-globin gene from a patient with beta(0)-thalassemia demonstrates a 619 nucleotide deletion extending from the 3' third of the second intervening sequence through 209 bases of 3' flanking DNA. However, an additional novel heptanucleotide was identified between the deletion endpoints, suggesting a complex etiology for this rearrangement.  相似文献   

We have used restriction endonucleases for mapping the δ globin gene within the genomic DNA obtained from an individual homozygous for δ thalassemia. The results of our analyses indicate that δ thalassemia is not due to a detectable structural gene deletion as found in α thalassemia, δβ thalassemia or hereditary persistance of fetal hemoglobin, but probably consist of molecular lesions similar to those found in the β° or β+ thalassemias.  相似文献   

Many human diseases result from the influence of the nutritional environment on gene expression. The environment interacts with the genome by altering the epigenome, including covalent modification of nucleosomal histones. Here, we report a novel and dramatic influence of diet on the phenotype and survival of mice in which histone deacetylase 3 (Hdac3) is deleted postnatally in heart and skeletal muscle. Although embryonic deletion of myocardial Hdac3 causes major cardiomyopathy that reduces survival, we found that excision of Hdac3 in heart and muscle later in development leads to a much milder phenotype and does not reduce survival when mice are fed normal chow. Remarkably, upon switching to a high fat diet, the mice begin to die within weeks and display signs of severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Down-regulation of myocardial mitochondrial bioenergetic genes, specifically those involved in lipid metabolism, precedes the full development of cardiomyopathy, suggesting that HDAC3 is important in maintaining proper mitochondrial function. These data suggest that loss of the epigenomic modifier HDAC3 causes dietary lethality by compromising the ability of cardiac mitochondria to respond to changes of nutritional environment. In addition, this study provides a mouse model for diet-inducible heart failure.  相似文献   

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