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A study was conducted to determine the primary source of volatile cues within the plant-host complex used by hostseeking freeflying female Microplitis cro-ceipesCresson in flight tunnel bioassays. In single-source and two-choice tests, using wasps given an oviposition experience on either cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)or cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)seedlings damaged by corn earworm (CEW; Helicoverpa zeaBoddie), the damaged seedlings were significantly more attractive than the CEW frass, which was in turn more attractive than the larvae themselves. In a series of two-choice wind-tunnel tests, the discriminatory ability of the wasps was examined, following various oviposition experiences. Significantly more wasps flew to plants with old damage than to plants with fresh damage, regardless of whether they had experience on fresh or old damage. In a comparison of plant species, wasps with only one experience on either hostdamaged cotton or host-damaged cowpea were unable to distinguish between them, and showed no preference for either plant, whereas wasps with multiple experiences on a particular plant preferentially flew to that plant in the choice test. In comparing hosts with nonhosts, wasps successfully learned to distinguish CEW from beet armyworm (BAW; Spodoptera exigua)on cotton but were unable to distinguish CEW from either BAW or cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni)on cowpea. The results show the important role played by plant volatiles in the location of hosts by M. croceipesand indicate the wasps limitations in discriminating among the various odors. The ecological advantages and disadvantages of this behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Toxic and behavior-modifying actions of several formulated insecticides were determined forMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson), a braconid parasitoid ofHeliothis spp. Exposure of adult parasitoids to cotton plants sprayed at recommended field rates with a pyrethroid/formamidine mixture (fenvalerate/chlordimeform) resulted in significantly higher mortality rates (10.4 to 22.6 percent) than in controls. Exposure to the carbamate thiodicarb resulted in similar rates of mortality. Only methomyl, a type of carbamate different from thiodicarb, caused mortality significantly higher than all other treatments, ranging to about 70%. Flight activity was measured by attraction to cotton in a laboratory wind tunnel bioassay. Females sprayed directly with a fenvalerate/chlordimeform mixture had significantly decreased flight activity up to 20 h post-treatment. Alternatively, attraction to cotton sprayed with either the fenvalerate/chlordimeform mixture or with methomyl to unsprayed females was significantly decreased, compared to plants sprayed with water only. These results suggest that the actions of insecticides, other than those of direct toxicity, may be important on beneficial parasitoids. Behaviors, such as flight activity and foraging, may be altered by even relatively non-toxic insecticides, thus potentially modifying the effectiveness of natural enemies. This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute endorsement or a recommendation for its use by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

The specialist parasitoidMicroplitis croceipes Cresson can parasitize only noctuid larvae in the generaHelicoverpa andHeliothis. To be successful in their search for hosts, the ability to distinguish hosts from nonhosts feeding on the same plant is beneficial. In flight tunnel experiments, we found that prior to landing on the odor sourceM. croceipes were able to distinguish volatiles released from frass of host larvae(Helicoverpa zea Boddie) and nonhost larvae (Spodoptera exigua Hübner andSpodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith) fed on cotton. However, an initial contact experience with frass of cotton-fed host larvae appeared to be critical for this ability. Wasps that had antennated frass of host larvae fed pinto bean diet were equally attracted to frass of host and nonhost larvae fed on pinto bean diet. In short-range walking experiments, wasps located cotton-fed host larvae faster than diet-fed larvae, regardless of their experience. Wasps that had antennated frass of cotton-fed host larvae were less attracted to cotton-fed nonhost larvae, compared to host larvae, and preferred to sting host larvae. Plant-related volatiles in host frass and larvae appear to play a major role in the successful location of host larvae.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to determine roles of odor learning in food foraging of the larval parasitoid,Microplitis croceipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Females that had neither fed on sucrose water nor experienced any odor and females that had experienced an odor without feeding failed to respond to any odors in a wind tunnel. Most of the females that had fed without an odor also did not respond to odors. However, most of the females that had experienced an odor during feeding on sucrose water flew to the odor. These results indicate that when females experience an odor during feeding, they learn to associate the odor with food and subsequently respond to the odor. As age of females increased, their response to an experienced odor increased, peaked 2 to 5 days after emergence, and then decreased. With an increasing number of odor experiences while feeding, accuracy of females choosing the experienced odor increased. Females that experienced an odor while feeding three to five times chose the experienced odor 90% of the time. When females experienced an odor while feeding five times, the memory of food associated odor lasted at least 2 days. When they experienced food with two odors successively, they could memorize both odors, and multiple experiences did not cause memory interference. Even when females had learned a food-associated odor, their response to the learned odor ceased after several visits on patches containing the odor but no food. Such negative experience may cause switching of food searching to new odors by females.  相似文献   

Single and dual choice tests in a flight tunnel revealed that plants damaged by host larvae are the main source of the volatiles that attract females of the parasitoidCotesia marginiventris (Cresson) to the microhabitat of its hosts. Frass and host larvae, the other two major components of a complete plant-host complex, were significantly less attractive than the damaged seedlings; frass alone was more attractive than larvae alone. However, a recombination of larvae with the damaged seedlings was significantly more attractive than the damaged leaves alone, or damaged leaves with frass. This was due to the additional feeding damage done by the larvae. The role of plants in the host-finding behaviour of parasitoids is discussed.L'hyménoptèreC. marginiventris Cresson, parasite solitaire, est connu comme étant attiré par les odeurs liées à l'hôte émises par un complexe de chenilles consommant des feuilles. La source exacte de ces substances attractives restait encore à déterminer. Pour cela, des expériences en tunnel de vol ont été réalisées dans lesquelles différents composés du complexe plante et hôte ont été testés individuellement et en combinaisons diverses. Les 3 composés testés ont été:
1)  des plantules de maïs endommagées par des chenilles deSpodoptera exigua (BAW);
2)  des excréments produits par les chenilles de BAW consommant du maïs;
3)  des chenilles de BAW en l'absence de plantes et d'excréments.
Les plantes endommagées ont été significativement plus attractives que les excréments ou les chenilles. En expériences de choix, les excréments étaient plus attractifs que les chenilles. Différentes combinaisons de ces 3 composantes principales ont montré que l'attractivité augmentait quand les chenilles étaient associées à des feuilles endommagées. Ajouter des excréments n'augmentait pas significativement l'attractivité. Quand des chenilles étaient associées avec des feuilles endommagées, mais en présence d'écran les empêchant de consommer les feuilles, l'attractivité était celle des feuilles endommagées seules. Des feuilles de maïs n'ayant jamais été exposées aux dégâts des chenilles étaient à peine attractives. On peut en conclure que les feuilles endommagées par les chenilles sont la principale source de substances volatiles qui orientent le parasitoïdeC. marginiventris vers le voisinage de ses hôtes. La consommation active par les chenilles augmente probablement la quantité de substances émises par les plantes, ce qui se traduit par une attractivité accrue. Les substances volatiles des plantes jouent un rôle dans la découverte de l'habitat de l'hôte par les parasitoïdes. De plus en plus d'éléments suggèrent qu'une interaction sophistiquée entre hôte, plante et parasitoïde sera éventuellement révélée.  相似文献   

The ability of free- ranging parasitoids to discriminate between previously visited and unvisited sites containing host kairomone (caterpillar frass) but not hosts was tested. Females of Microplitis croceipes,a host specialist and plant generalist larval parasitoid of Helicoverpa (Heliothis) zea,were allowed to fly freely in a simulated plant patch in a flight chamber. Wasps spent less time searching frass sites previously searched by themselves or by conspecifics than unsearched frass sites. In addition to chemical marking, spatial memory of visual cues was implicated as a mechanism for discriminating against self-visited, host-free sites.  相似文献   

Microplitis croceipes (Cresson), a parasitoid ofHeliothis spp., was treated topically with field rates of 5 formulated insecticides commonly used in cotton to controlHeliothis spp. Treatment with the pyrethroid fenvalerate, a mixture of the formamidine chlordimeform plus fenvalerate, and the carbamate thiodicarb resulted in nearly 100% survival at both the lowest and highest field rates recommended for these insecticides. The organophosphate acephate and the carbamate methomyl were extremely toxic to adultM. croceipes, causing 100% mortality at the lowest recommended field rates. Comparisons are made to previously reported laboratory toxicity data for some of these insecticides for adultM. croceipes. Choice of insecticides to control pyrethroid-resistantHeliothis spp., and the effects of these insecticides on adultM. croceipes survival, are discussed. This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute endorsement or a recommendation for its use by the U. S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments using a wind tunnel to determine the effects of prior experience on the learning and retention of learned responses in the larval parasitoid Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Although most females that had either antennated host frass or oviposited in a host in the presence of vanilla odor, made oriented flight to the odor from downwind in the wind tunnel at 30 min after experience, only those that had oviposited in a host with the odor responded to the odor at 24 h after experience. Females that had oviposited in the non‐natural host beet armyworm (BAW) larva with or without the odor did not respond to the odor at 30 min after experience. These results indicate that an oviposition in the host in the presence of odors strongly affects associative learning and the persistence of learned response to the odors. When females were allowed to antennate host frass in the presence of vanilla and to subsequently oviposit in a host within an interval of 5 min or less, their learned response to vanilla also persisted for 24 h. Similarly, when females were conditioned to link vanilla with host frass and then allowed to make an ovipositor contact with host hemolymph, their learned response persisted for 24 h. However, antennal contact with hemolymph after such conditioning of vanilla with host frass did not improve the persistence of learned response to the odor. These results indicate that ovipositor contact with host hemolymph during oviposition is partially responsible for an increased retention of learned response. Females responded to vanilla 48% of the time at 30 min after antennating host frass without the odor, but their response to the odor significantly decreased after oviposition in a BAW larva subsequent to the antennation of host frass. This result indicates that oviposition in a BAW larva decreases subsequent response to general odors. Based on the results, we discuss the foraging behavior of M. croceipes dependent on learning and subsequent experiences.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel flight behavior of inexperienced female Campoletis sonorensis (Cameron) (Hymenoptera; Ichneumonidae) in response to its larval host Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) feeding on the host plant cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is described. The flight behavioral sequence was determined by quantification of frequencies of observed behaviors and probabilities of first-order behavioral transitions. Comparison of inexperienced C. sonorensis flights to undamaged and damaged cotton indicated that stimuli from undamaged plants alone are adequate to elicit the complete flight behavioral sequence observed in response to H. virescens feeding on cotton.Parasitoid foraging behavior was also analyzed after landing on the stimulus. This behavior appeared to be random in its initial stages, but became sequential after location of evidence of a host. Analysis of foraging on undamaged and 3 treatments of damaged cotton resulted in the determination that parasitoids tend to remain on damaged plants longer than undamaged plants although no significant difference was detected. C. sonorensis spent a greater percentage of their time foraging on host damaged plants than on undamaged plants.
Résumé Les comportements d'évaluation de l'effectif d'hôtes potentiels et de la position des hôtes par C. sonorensis (Hyméno.: Iccheumonidae) ont été quantifiés pour déterminer les séquences significatives des événements comportementaux. La localisation de la colonie potentielle d'hôtes est apparue comme une séquence régulière des événements comportementaux. Une fois que le parasitoïde a localisé une colonie potentielle, on a constaté que la recherche au hasard des hôtes se poursuit jusqu'à ce qu'il ait la démonstration qu'il s'agit d'une plante attaquée. La localisation par le parasitoïde d'un hôte certain a consitué une autre séquence régulière des événements comportementaux terminant la localisation de l'hôte.L'influence de pieds de coton intacts, de pieds abîmés mécaniquement et de pieds occupés par des chenilles du 3ème stade de l'hôte et de plantes dont les chenilles ont été retirées juste avant l'expérience a été déterminée en modifiant la composition du complexe hôte/plante. Des femelles naïves de C. sonorensis ont montré en présence de pieds de coton intacts apparemment toutes les séquences comportementales de vol impliquées dans la localisation d'une colonie potentielle d'hôtes. Une fois que le parasitoïde a atteint la colonie potentielle d'hôtes, la présence de dégâts de l'hôte n'a pas modifié le temps passé sur la plante, mais a modifié le temps consacré à la prospection.

Microplitis demolitor Wilkinson, a solitary larval parasitoid of several species of Noctuidae, has been imported into the United States from Australia. A closely related species, Microplitis croceipes (Cresson), is native to the United States. The host-selection behavior of M. demolitor females is similar to that of M. croceipes in that it is stimulated by kairomones (including 13-methylhentriacontane) in the frass of Heliothis zea (Boddie) larvae, larval diet affects the kairomonal activity of the frass, and exposure to frass prior to release stimulates host-selection behavior. M. demolitor females also respond to frass from Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) larvae that had fed on Pink Eye Purple Hull Cowpea cotyledons.
Réponse de femelles de Microplitis demolitor sur la nourriture de chenilles de noctuelles et sur 13-methylhentriacontane
Résumé Microplitis demolitor, un parasitoïde solitaire de plusieurs espèces de chenilles de noctuelles, a été introduit d'Australie aux Etats-Unis comme agent potentiel de contrôle biologique. Les fèces des chenilles d'Heliothis zea et Trichoplusia ni élevées sur des cotyledons de pois (Pink Eye Purple Hull Cowpea) stimulent les femelles à sélectionner un hôte, mais les fèces des chenilles des deux espèces élevées sur diète CSM ne possèdent pas cette activité. Un extrait hexanique des fèces des chenilles de H. zea élevées sur cotyledons de pois stimule également ce comportement, de même que le 13-methylhentriacontane, substance présente dans les fèces des chenilles de H. zea (Jones et al., 1971). Les femelles de M. demolitor exposées immédiatement avant leur lâcher en serre aux fèces des chenilles de H. zea, nourries de cotyledons de pois, parasitent un plus fort pourcentage (41.7%) de chenilles de H. zea que cells qui n'ont pas été exposées aux fèces (13.9%).Le comportement de sélection de l'hôte des femelles de M. demolitor est donc semblable à celui des femelles de Microplitis croceipes, un parasitoïde étroitement apparenté indigène des Etats-U-nis. La femelle, par exemple, est stimulée par une kairomone des fèces des larves de H. zea nourries sur des cotyledons de pois (incluant le 13-methyl-hentriacontane), la diète affecte l'activité kairomonale des fèces, et une exposition préalable aux fèces avant le lâcher stimule le comportement de sélection de l'hôte.La stimulation du comportement de sélection de l'hôte, au moment du lâcher peut être utilisée pour améliorer l'efficacité des lâchers des parasitoïdes dans les programmes de contrôle biologique.

The relative attractiveness of velvet leaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medicus), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (host plants) and groundcherry (Physalis angulata L.) (nonhost plant), and cotton plants with or without nectaries and with or without glands to Microplitis croceipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was determined in a wind tunnel. Female parasitoids flew significantly more to glandless than to glanded cotton; response to nectaried and nectariless cotton was similar. Velvet leaf and cotton were favored significantly over groundcherry; parasitoids being equally responsive to both host plant species. Addition of larval frass alone or in combination with host larvae significantly improved the attractivity of the nonhost plant (groundcherry) to the parasitoids. There was no difference in attractiveness of groundcherry terminals with or without host larvae. Parasitoid search time was significantly increased with addition of larval frass. In the presence of cotton, however, kairomone-treated groundcherry remained unattractive.
Résumé L'influence des nectaires et des glandes du coton, et l'attractivité des feuilles veloutées du coton (plante hôte) et de Physalis angulata sur Microplitis croceipes, ont été déterminées dans des expériences avec tunnel à vent. Les résultats ont montré que les parasitoïdes femelles sont significativement plus attirés par les cotons sans glandes que par les cotons glanduleux, tandis que la présence ou l'absence de nectaires ne modifie pas l'attractivité du coton. Elles réagissent de la même façon aux feuilles veloutées. P. angulata traité avec des crottes de chenilles, présenté seul ou en combinaison avec du coton, attire plus de femelles que des pousses de P. angulata non traitées. L'addition de chenilles hôtes seules n'améliore pas significativement l'attractivité de la plante. P. angulata traité avec des kairomones est demeuré inattractif quand il était proposé en même temps que du coton.

Teratocytes, cells which originate from the serosal membrane of some Braconidae and Scelionidae, can be found in the hemocoel of permissive hosts during part or all of the developmental time of the parasitoid larva. Teratocytes from Microplitis croceipes are known to secrete biologically active proteins, which contribute to developmental arrest and failure to pupate of Heliothis virescens larvae. One such protein, which has a molecular weight of approximately 14 kDa is called TSP14. The presence of parasitoid larvae is essential to maintain teratocytes under in vitro conditions with protein-free EX-CELL 400. The teratocyte viability was maintained in vitro for at least 12 days in the presence of larvae when medium was exchanged every three days. Western blots show that TSP14 was secreted during the entire period of exchanges. In the absence of parasitoid larvae, teratocyte viability was only 30% by day 6 and no TSP14 had been secreted. In the absence of parasitoid larvae, teratocytes maintained in vitro in EX-CELL 400 medium supplemented with 10% FBS remained viable for at least nine days and secreted TSP14 for at least six days. This suggests that parasitoid larval secretions are sufficient but not uniquely essential to maintain teratocyte viability. Parasitoid larvae maintained in the absence of teratocytes did not secrete TSP14 and their secretory products did not inhibit pupation of H. virescens larvae.  相似文献   

Productivity and longevity decreased in a laboratory colony of the parasitoid wasp Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Using light microscopy, it was determined that the colony was free of microsporidia. However, samples of the colony examined for pathogens by electron microscopy revealed three types of viruses: a nonpathogenic polydnavirus which is produced by all female wasps; a nonoccluded baculovirus which is pathogenic to late-stage pupae and adults; and a picorna-like virus which is present in larvae, pupae, and adults. The nonoccluded baculovirus was eliminated from the laboratory colony of M. croceipes by selection of progeny from wasps which had oviposited within 2 to 3 days after emergence from the cocoons and which had lived for at least 14 days post-emergence. Upon death, the wasps were examined by negative stain electron microscopy and only progeny from baculovirus-free wasps were retained. Parasitoid colonies should be systematically examined for pathogenic viruses that may reduce their productivity and efficacy as biological control agents. In addition, exotic parasitoids and predators should be evaluated for viruses and other pathogens while in quarantine.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of antennal contact with host-related stimuli on the subsequent flight response to host-specific volatiles was examined in the specialist parasitoid, Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). In a choice test between two species of caterpillars feeding on cowpea, free-flying female M.croceipes lacking prior contact with host cues landed more often on sources of odour from its host, Heliothis tea (Boddie), than from non-host Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith). After female parasitoids contacted host cues with their antennae, more landings on sources containing hosts were observed only when caterpillars used in the pre-flight treatment and in the odour sources fed on the same plant species. The degree to which host-experienced wasps landed more often on hosts as compared with non-hosts varied with host-instar and plant species. The role of learning in host finding in specialist parasitoids is discussed.  相似文献   

The host suitability of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), for development of Biosteres arisanus (Sonan), a braconid parasitoid, was compared with three other fruit fly species, namely, Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata Weidemann, melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquilett, and Malaysian fruit fly, Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel). In addition, effects of five different fruit species, namely, Carica papaya L. (solo papaya), Musa sapientum (L.) O. Ktze. (apple banana), Mangifera indica (L.) (Haden mango), Terminalia catappa (L.) (false kamani), and Citrus aurantiifolia (Christman) Swingle (common lime), on the parasitization rate of B. dorsalis and sex ratio of parasitoid progenies were evaluated. Effects of host egg to female B. arisanus ratios on parasitoid progeny yields were likewise determined. The host suitability of fruit flies for development of B. arisanus was ranked as: B. dorsalis>C. capitata=B. latifrons=B. cucurbitae. Based on percent parasitization of B. dorsalis, preference of B. arisanus females for host eggs varied with fruit species, however, preferential oviposition displayed by female parasitoids did not influence sex ratios of subsequent parasitoid progenies. Increases in host egg to female parasitoid ratios of 5:1, 10:1, 20:1, 25:1, and 30:1 corresponded with increases in parasitoid progeny yield reaching a plateau at 20:1.  相似文献   

In natural populations, plants demonstrate an array of indirect and direct defence strategies that help to protect them from their herbivores and pathogens. Indirect defences include the release of odours that attract the natural enemies of herbivores, whereas direct defences may include the production of secondary compounds, allelochemicals that impair herbivore development or repel herbivore attack. Although both strategies have been well studied independently, comparatively little attention has been paid to examining the conflict that may arise between indirect and direct defences, such as when the performance of ‘recruited’ parasitoids or predators is negatively affected by plant allelochemicals. Here, we examine the growth and development of polyphagous and oligophagous folivores and their respective endoparasitoids on three crucifer species. One of the species, Brassica oleracea, was recently cultivated, whereas populations of B. nigra and Barbarea vulgaris occur naturally. Additionally, these species possess contrasting life‐history patterns and are also known to exhibit differences in secondary chemistry. The development of the generalist herbivore–parasitoid system was much more variable over the three crucifers than that exhibited by the specialists. Moreover, generalist herbivore and/or parasitoid fitness‐related traits (survival, development time, pupal, or adult size) were much more negatively affected on the wild crucifers than in the specialist association. Our results suggest that the relative importance of direct and indirect defences in plants may rest on the degree of dietary specialisation exhibited by herbivores and their natural enemies, and on the level of toxicity in the plant species under investigation.  相似文献   

Flight responses of the parasitoid, Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to two phenological stages of spring host plants (crimson clover, Trifolium incarnatum L., hairy vetch, Vicia villosa Corbiere, and cutleaf geranium, Geranium dissectum L.) and summer host plants (cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., sorghum, Sorghum bicolor L., and soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr.) of Heliothis virescens (F.), were measured in a dual choice situation in a wind tunnel. Preflowering clover was more attractive than preflowering geranium, followed by preflowering vetch. Clover was preferred over geranium in flowering stages as well. No within species differences were detected for the two phenological stages. Preflowering and flowering cotton and soybean were preferred over preflowering and flowering sorghum. The findings could be important in pre-determining release sites for M. croceipes in the field.  相似文献   

Encapsulation and development of the endoparasitoid,Microplitis croceipes (Cresson), were studied in six atypical lepidopteran host species whose usual host isHelicoverpa zea (Boddie). The candidate hosts examined were: the fall armywormSpodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith); the beet armyworm,Spodoptera exigua (Hübner); the cabbage looper,Trichoplusia ni (Hübner); the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella (L.); the Indian meal moth,Plodia interpunctella (Hübner); and the diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella (L.). BothS. exigua andT. ni were completely unsuitable forM. croceipes development due to the high rate of eggs that were encapsulated within three days after parasitism. Encapsulation inS. frugiperda included mainly parasitoid eggs and was first detected six days after parasitization at 25°C and two days at 30°C. Encapsulation inG. mellonella occurred only in the larval stage of the parasitoid. InP. interpunctella, parasitoid larvae reached the 3rd stadium, but none of them pupated. OnlyS. frugiperda andG. mellonella supported successful development ofM. croceipes from egg to adult. The percentage of parasitoids reaching the adult stage in these hosts was higher at 30°C than at 25°C (13% vs. 4% inS. frugiperda, and 21% vs. 3% inG. mellonella, respectively). However, these percentages were too low to substitute them as a more economical host for rearingM. croceipes. This biological information will be useful in additional laboratory studies directed toward reducing the rate of encapsulation (e.g., manipulation of host rearing temperature) to increase production ofM. croceipes on these hosts.  相似文献   

Upon initiating a research project on the role of volatile infochemicals in the tritrophic system Cotesia (= Apanteles) glomerata (L.)-Pieris brassicae (L.)-cabbage, a bioassay was developed to investigate the response of C. glomerata. The bioassay should be effective in terms of high responsiveness and minimum variability and constructed through a comparative approach. Twenty seven treatments, organized in a factorial randomized block design, compared the effect of three bioassay set-ups (glasshouse flight chamber, wind-tunnel and Y-tube olfactometer), three parasitoid age groups (1–2, 4–5 and 8–9 days old females), three pre-treatment experiences (naive, damage experienced and oviposition experienced wasps) and the day-to-day effect on response of C. glomerata to clean cabbage (CC) and planthost complex (PHC) in a dual choice test.The best results with regard to the strength and consistency of response to the PHC were obtained in the glasshouse flight-chamber by 4–5 days old female wasps with either damage or oviposition experience (94 and 90%, respectively). It is therefore recommended as a suitable bioassay for studying the role of volatile infochemicals in host-habitat location by C. glomerata.A day-to-day variation in response was found in the glasshouse and wind-tunnel. It was correlated with the direction of change in barometric pressure within the time period of the experiment, showing that steadily increasing atmospheric pressure yields a significantly higher response than steadily decreasing or fluctuating barometric flux. To control for the day effect it is suggested to conduct further experiments in a block design, having day as a block. Several aspects of the infochemical ecology of C. glomerata are discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of host resource utilization and sex ratio manipulation in relation to host size were investigated for two solitary ectoparasitoid wasps,Atanycolus initiator andSpathius brevicaudis (Hymenoptera Braconidae). Both species parasitize subcortical beetles on the trunks of Japanese pine trees.A. initiator is on average 8 times larger in body weight and has an ovipositor that is 3.7 times longer than that ofS. brevicaudis. In both parasitoids, the size of emerging wasps was positively correlated with host size, but the host/wasp size regressions were linear for all three major host species inA. initiator, whereas inS. brevicaudis the regression was logarithmic for a relatively large host species. The sex ratios (proportion of males) of both parasitoids emerging from different host species decreased with increasing host size, but the overall sex ratio on each host species was male-biased inA. initiator, while female-biased inS. brevicaudis. How the proportion of host consumed changed in response to host size, differed between the two parasitoids for the same host species. In the field survey, the size and sex ratio of the emerging two parasitoids from a dead tree were closely related to host size. However, the spatial distribution of the two parasitoids depended on the bark thickness of the trunk. The data suggest that differences in the relative evaluation of host size and in ovipositor length may enable the coexistence of the two parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

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