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M D Cole  M Ono    R C Huang 《Journal of virology》1981,38(2):680-687
The sequences coding for intracisternal A-particle RNA form a family of related but not identical genetic elements which are present in 650 to 1,000 copies within the mouse genome. We showed that different intracisternal A-particle genes had a terminally redundant sequence of about 400 base pairs, one-half of which arose from the 3' end of the intracisternal A-particle RNA. A second portion of the redundant region did not contain 3-related sequences and was probably derived from the 5' end of intracisternal A-particle RNA. Thus, there were endogenous intracisternal A-particle genes in the cellular DNA-3'-5'--3'-5'-cellular DNA configuration identified for type B and C retroviruses. This indicated that the initial integration of intracisternal A-particle genes into the Mus musculus genome occurred by the same mechanism as the integration of other retroviruses. Two types of heterogeneity were identified among the 5' sequences of the two genes.  相似文献   

We present a linkage map of intracisternal A-particle (IAP) proviral loci. The IAP family consists of 2000 endogenous proviral elements that are widely dispersed in the mouse genome. The map was constructed by using an interspecific backcross and markers defined by oligonucleotide probes specific for subclasses of expressed IAP elements. In genomic DNA from C57BL/6J mouse, these probes each detected from 12 to 44 HindIII restriction fragments that represent junctions between proviral and 5-flanking DNA. The fragments have characteristic strain distribution patterns (SDPs) that are particularly polymorphic in the DNAs of C57BL/6J and Mus spretus mice used for the backcross. IAP loci were placed on the map by comparison of their distribution patterns with those of known genetic markers in the backcross. The map includes 51 IAP loci that have not been previously mapped and 23 IAP proviruses that had been previously mapped in recombinant inbred (RI) strains. Comparable map positions were obtained with the IAP markers in the interspecific backcross and the RI strains. The mapped IAP loci were widely dispersed on the X Chromosome (Chr) and all of the autosomes except Chrs 9 and 19, providing useful genetic markers for linkage studies.  相似文献   

Metaphase chromosomes of Syrian hamster and BALB/c mice were hybridized in situ with radiolabeled probes derived from cloned intracisternal A-particle (IAP) genes of the corresponding species. The DNAs of these species are known to contain about 900 and 1,000 copies, respectively, of the retrovirus-like IAP sequence elements per haploid genome. Multiple IAP sequences were found on all chromosomes of both hamster and mouse. In the hamster, more than half of the IAP sequences were located in regions of non-centromeric constitutive heterochromatin, at an average concentration per unit chromosome length 5 times greater than in the euchromatic regions. The other dispersed sequences showed marked local variations in concentration along the chromosome lengths; both discrete foci and large grain clusters were observed as well as regions apparently lacking IAP sequences. Within the resolution of the techniques, IAP sequences appeared to be more evenly distributed over the mouse chromosomes; however, some prominent variations in concentration were seen. The number of potentially active IAP genes in the Syrian hamster, and by extension in the mouse, may be restricted by the preferential location of IAP sequences in genetically inert regions of the genome.  相似文献   

Intracisternal A-particle (IAP) elements are present in multiple copies in the mouse and other rodent genomes. The bulk of this sequence family in Mus musculus consists of 7 Kb long elements, but the majority of IAP sequences involved in known transpositions have been deleted forms. The present study describes a subset of deleted IAP sequences (type II IAP) characterized by insertion of a particular short sequence element (AIIins). AIIins are interspersed and the majority occur as part of the type II IAP elements in the mouse genome. AIIins sequences are absent or in low copy number outside Mus musculus. We have isolated clones containing AIIins from a mouse genomic DNA library and have sequenced three isolates of AIIins and their surrounding IAP sequences to define the detailed structure of type II elements. AIIins are 272, 268 and 264 bp long and 90% homologous in sequence. They are bracketed by 9 bp duplications, suggesting they may be inserted elements. A 75 bp region containing a core enhancer sequence is repeated at the 5' end in type II IAP elements. Insertion into the IAP genome, with potential to encode an integrase function, may have played a role in the amplification of AIIins.  相似文献   

Sequences of DNA that hybridize on Southern blots with cloned intracisternal A-particle (IAP) sequences have been examined in genomic DNAs of neonatal mice, livers of adult mice (3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 26 months old), and the solid myeloma tumor MOPC-315. The isoschizomers HpaII (CCGG or mCCGG) and MspI (CCGG or CmCGG) were used to assess methylation. All the DNAs produced a major 0.5-kilobase MspI fragment that hybridizes with IAP probe. Only the myeloma DNA, and to a much lesser degree DNA from senescent mouse liver, produced this fragment in HpaII digest; the other DNAs all had IAP sequences resistant to HpaII digestion. These sequences thus become fully methylated to CmCGG early and remain so in adult life, except in the myeloma cells that are expressing the IAP genes. An increase in MspI-sensitive sites in IAP gene-containing DNA was observed in aging mice. The probe used to assess methylation, a 0.8-kilobase fragment produced by BamHI-HindIII double digestion, is common to several cloned IAP genes and is part of a region of DNA which is conserved in genomes of all mouse tissues. The probe hybridized to 1.5- and 1.4-kilobase doublet bands produced by BamHI, HindIII, and EcoRI triple digestions of neonatal DNA. These two bands were found in neonatal livers of Swiss Webster, BALB/c, and C57BL/6J mouse strains, showed less in adult liver, and were barely detectable in senescent livers from C57BL/6J mice.  相似文献   

We isolated DNA clones of intracisternal A-particle (IAP) genes from the genome of an Asian wild mouse, Mus caroli. A typical M. caroli IAP gene was 6.5 kilobase pairs in length and had long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences at both ends. The size of the LTR was 345 base pairs in clone L20, and two LTRs at both ends of this clone were linked to directly repeating cellular sequences of 6 base pairs. Each LTR possessed most of the structural features commonly associated with the retrovirus LTR. The restriction map of the M. caroli IAP gene resembled that of Mus musculus, although the M. caroli IAP gene was 0.4 kilobase pairs shorter than the M. musculus IAP gene in two regions. Sequence homology between the M. caroli and M. musculus IAP LTRs was calculated as about 80%, whereas the LTR sequence of the Syrian hamster IAP gene was about 60% homologous to the M. caroli LTR. The reiteration frequency of the M. caroli IAP genes was estimated as 200 to 400 copies per haploid genome, which is at least 10 times the reported value. These results suggest that the IAP genes observed in the genus Mus are present in multiple copies with structures closely resembling the integrated retrovirus gene.  相似文献   

Type IIB intracisternal A-particle (IAP) elements have undergone marked amplification and transposition in the genomic DNA of some mouse myelomas. We have made a cDNA library from one such myeloma, MOPC 315, to determine whether some property of the elements themselves has a role in this process. Sequencing of several type IIB cDNAs and one genomic type IIB IAP element has shown that they are nearly identical (greater than 99%) and contain 2 open reading frames (ORFs). ORF2 is capable of encoding the IAP integrase, an enzyme which catalyzes integration of proviral DNA into the genome. An antiserum to a synthetic peptide based on the IAP integrase gene sequence reacted with ORF2 product expressed in bacteria as a fusion protein, and detected a 47 kDa protein, predicted from the size of ORF2, in myeloma cell fractions by Western blotting.  相似文献   

Synthesis and turnover of the main structural protein (P73) of intracisternal A-particles were studied in mouse neuroblastoma cells in tissue culture. Triton X-100:EDTA-insoluble pellets containing 95% of the A-particle antigen in the cells were prepared and analyzed by electrophoresis in Na dodecyl-SO4-minus polyacrylamide gels. A 73,000 molecular weight component was prominent in pellets from three lines of neuroblastoma which contain numerous A-particles and this component was identified as the A-particle structural protein P73. It was absent in pellets prepared from cells which do not contain A-particles. Incorporation of labeled amino acids into P73 represented approximately 1.2% of total cell incorporation and this proportion did not change when the cell growth changed from log phase to stationary phase. Label appeared P73 within 2 min after radioactive amino acids were added to the medium. Pulse-chase and inhibitor studies confirmed antigenic measurements in demonstrating that the pool of P73 not assembled into A-particles was small. Turnover studies showed that P73 gained and lost label more rapidly than the average cell protein. In one cell line which was thoroughly characterized, approximately 60% of the main A-particle protein was estimated to turn over in a 24-hour period. Although the cells released approximately 10% of the proteins synthesized into the culture fluid, A-particle protein did not appear to be released. Analysis of culture fluid failed to reveal A-particles, soluble A-particle proteins, or A-particle antigen. It appears, therefore, that the particles are relatively rapidly synthesized and degraded, and that turnover occurs entirely intracellularly.  相似文献   

M Horowitz  S Luria  G Rechavi    D Givol 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(12):2937-2941
In the mouse myeloma XRPC-24 the DNA of an intracisternal A-particle (IAP) is inserted within the coding region of c-mos. This insertion splits the c-mos into a 3' rc-mos and a 5' rc-mos separated by approximately 4.7 kb of IAP DNA. The insertion is in a head-to-head orientation and brings the 5' LTR of the IAP in juxtaposition to the 3' rc-mos such that the IAP and the 3' rc-mos are transcribed in opposite directions. The intact c-mos gene is usually dormant, whereas the 3' rc-mos is actively transcribed and is capable of transforming NIH3T3 cells. In an effort to understand the nature of this activation we mapped the 5' ends of the 3' rc-mos mRNA present in XPRC-24. We found two main mRNA start sites, one mapping to the junction of the 3' rc-mos and the 5' LTR, and the other located 10 nucleotides upstream to this junction, within the 5' LTR. This result indicates that the 3' rc-mos in XRPC-24 was activated by insertion of a promoter provided by the LTR of an IAP genome. Furthermore, the 5' LTR appears to possess promoter activities in two directions. This conclusion was confirmed by the fact that this 5' LTR, in both orientations, was able to activate the bacterial gene coding for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) in the modular vector pSVOCAT.  相似文献   

A comparison of the expression of two mobile genetic elements A1 and B2 was studied in normal and tumor tissues. The A1 element is a chromosomal homolog of IAP genes, and B2 is a short ubiquitous repetitive sequences of the mouse genome. These sequences were earlier cloned in our laboratory and in this study were used as probes in hybridization experiments with RNA isolated from different mouse tumor and normal tissues. Both elements were efficiently transcribed in tumor cells. The level of expression of A1 sequences in tumors was 100-200 times higher than in normal tissues. The amount of B2 small cytoplasmic RNA significantly varied in different normal tissues. The content of this RNA was much higher in tumors. Closed circular DNA molecules containing IAP sequences were found in Ehrlich carcinoma cells. These DNA molecules are considered as intermediate forms of the mobile elements. The role of these mobile elements in the regulation of RNA expression and tumor progression is discussed.  相似文献   

The 7,095-nucleotide sequence of a mouse genomic intracisternal A-particle (IAP) element, MIA14, is reported. MIA14 is known to be colinear with IAP 35S RNA and to contain functional long terminal repeats. Its internal genetic organization was determined by comparisons with a homologous Syrian hamster element and the related retroviruses simian retrovirus 1 (simian type D) and Rous sarcoma virus (avian type C). MIA14 contains a gag-protease open reading frame of 827 codons and a pol region of 867 codons entered by a frame shift of -1. The env region of 1,100 base pairs has multiple stop codons in all reading frames, consistent with the failure thus far to detect IAP-related glycosylated envelope components. RNA transcribed in vitro from a cDNA clone containing a closely homologous gag-protease open reading frame was translated in a cell-free system. The main product was a 73-kilodalton polypeptide immunoprecipitable with antiserum against the authentic IAP gag-related structural protein p73. Rather than ending at the gag-protease boundary, p73 appears to contain 7 to 8 kilodaltons of peptide encoded by the protease domain, a peculiarity possibly related to the observed impairment of normal protein processing in IAPs. The N-terminal 217 codons of gag are unique to murine IAPs and may have been contributed by recombination with a cellular gene. The mouse-specific region of gag encodes a hydrophobic signal peptide with an atypical cleavage site. Delayed cleavage of this peptide could result in anchoring of newly synthesized p73 to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and restriction of particle assembly to this site.  相似文献   

Retrovirus like sequences homologous to mouse IAP are present in Chinese hamster genome (Lueders K.K. and Kuff, E.L., 1981, 1983, Servenay et al., 1990). Murine IAP long terminal repeats (LTRs) can function as effective promoters in different cell types (Horowitz M. et al., 1984, Howe, C.C. et al., 1986). Thus CHO IAP sequences could act as retrotransposons in the cellular genome, and in this way affect the expression of other genes at the target sites. We had sequenced previously a Chinese hamster IAP genomic region corresponding mainly to the gag gene and including 57 nucleotides of U5 5' LTR (Servenay et al., 1988). In this paper, we present the 5' LTR complete nucleotide sequence of the Chinese hamster IAP element and its comparison with those of mouse and Syrian hamster.  相似文献   

Mammalian genomes contain numerous evolutionary harbored mobile elements, a part of which are still active and may cause genomic instability. Their movement and positional diversity occasionally result in phenotypic changes and variation by causing altered expression or disruption of neighboring host genes. Here, we describe a novel microarray-based method by which dispersed genomic locations of a type of retrotransposon in a mammalian genome can be identified. Using this method, we mapped the DNA elements for a mouse retrotransposon, intracisternal A-particle (IAP), within genomes of C3H/He and C57BL/6J inbred mouse strains; consequently we detected hundreds of probable IAP cDNA–integrated genomic regions, in which a considerable number of strain-specific putative insertions were included. In addition, by comparing genomic DNAs from radiation-induced myeloid leukemia cells and its reference normal tissue, we detected three genomic regions around which an IAP element was integrated. These results demonstrate the first successful genome-wide mapping of a retrotransposon type in a mammalian genome.  相似文献   

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