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Odours are represented as unique combinations of activated glomeruli in the antennal lobes of insects. Receptor neurons arborizing in the glomeruli are not only qualitatively selective, but in addition respond to variations in stimulus concentration. As each glomerulus likely represents a single receptor neuron type, optical recordings of calcium changes in insect antennal lobes show how concentration variations affect a large population of afferents. We measured the glomerular responses in the moth Spodoptera littoralis to different concentrations of plant-related odorants. Localized calcium responses were shown to correspond to individual glomeruli. We found that the dynamic range of glomerular responses spanned 3-4 log units of concentration and the most strongly responding glomeruli often reached a plateau at high stimulus doses. Further, we showed that the single most active glomerulus was often not the same across concentrations. However, if the principal glomerulus moved, it was generally to an adjacent or proximal glomerulus. As concentration increased, a higher number of glomeruli became activated. Correlations of glomerular representations of the same compound at different doses decreased as the difference in concentration increased. Moreover, representations evoked by different odorants were more correlated at high than at low doses, which means that the uniqueness of activity patterns decreased with increasing concentration. Thus, if odours are coded as spatial patterns of glomerular activity, as has been suggested, these olfactory codes are not persistent across concentrations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The flight of male Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Noctuidae) towards a pheromone source was recorded during the early part of the night using a cine camera and an image intensifier. The cine films were analysed frame by frame to produce flight tracks from which it was possible to calculate the mean advance rate of moths towards the pheromone source and their projected ground speed, for a series of positions downwind of the source. As wind speed was measured the moth's air speed was also estimated. The moths compensated for changes in wind speed by varying their air speed, hence maintaining a ground speed independent of wind speed. The ground speed itself was found to decrease as moths flew closer to the pheromone source.  相似文献   

The control of Spodoptera littoralis sex pheromone biosynthesis has been investigated with synthetic pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) and different labeled tracers using an in vitro isolated gland system. Responsiveness of the glands to PBAN stimulation was impaired by careless tissue manipulation. The fact that PBAN is active in the isolated gland system suggests that this might be a target organ for this peptide in S. littoralis. As reported previously with Br-SOG extracts and intact females, label incorporation into the pheromone increased in glands treated with PBAN from all the precursors tested. However, the formation of labeled intermediates from d5E11–14:Acid also occurred in glands incubated in the absence of the peptide, but the amounts of d5Z9, E11–14:Acid were lower in PBAN treated glands than in controls. These results indicate that PBAN controls pheromone biosynthesis in S. littoralis by regulating the reduction of acyl moieties. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of 10,11-methylenetetradec-10-enoic acid on the sex pheromone biosynthetic pathway of Spodoptera littoralis is reported. This new cyclopropene fatty acid inhibited the biosynthesis of the main pheromone component from labeled myristicacid. The study of each Z desaturation step revealed that the Z9-desaturase of E11–14:Acid was inhibited, whereas the Z11-desaturase of 16:Acid was not affected. The results presented in this article agree with our hypothesis that the methylenehexadecenoic acids are beta-oxidized in the pheromone gland to the corresponding methylenetetradecenoic acids. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Selected tissues presumably involved in the control of sex pheromone production were analyzed by ELISA for the presence of PBAN-like immunoreactivity (PBAN-IR) in Spodoptera littoralis. The temporal distribution pattern of PBAN-IR in the hemolymph is similar to that of pheromone production in the gland. On the other hand, analysis of the retrocerebral complex, brain-subesophageal ganglion complex, and terminal abdominal ganglion (TAG) revealed similar PBAN-IR levels in both photophase and scotophase periods. Pheromonotropic activity exhibited by both hemolymph and TAG, as determined by a modified in vitro bioassay, agrees with the results of the immunochemical analyses. Severing the ventral nerve cord anterior to the TAG impaired normal sex pheromone production by second-scotophase females. These results are discussed in the context of how sex pheromone biosynthesis is regulated by PBAN in S. littoralis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of plume intermittency and volume on behavioural and flight responses to pheromone of male Cadra cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Phycitinae) were investigated in a pulling wind tunnel. The fine-scale structure of turbulent pheromone plumes was mimicked and manipulated using a pulser device that generated continuous ribbon plumes or intermittent plumes with defined pulse frequency and volume. As pulse frequency increased from 0.6 to 5 Hz and injected volume increased from 0.5 to 5 mls-1, males flew progressively higher air and ground speeds, turned less frequently, and steered smaller course angles, resulting in straighter flight tracks. The faster the frequency of pulses and the greater the volume of the plume, the higher the proportion of males responding, the shorter their latencies, and the less time spent in the behaviour. Flight tracks of male C.cautella to point sources of pheromone depend on the frequency of filaments encountered.  相似文献   

Males of the E and Z strains of the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) are attracted to different blends of the same pheromone components. The difference in male behavioral response is controlled by the sex-linked locus Resp. The two types of males have identical neuroanatomy but their physiological specificity is reversed, suggesting that variation at the periphery results in behavioral change. Differences in the olfactory receptors (ORs) could explain the strain-specific antennal response and blend preference. Gene genealogies can provide insights into the processes involved in speciation and allow delineation of genome regions that contribute to reproductive barriers. We used intronic DNA sequences from five OR-encoding genes to investigate whether they exhibit fixed differences between strains and therefore might contribute to reproductive isolation. Although two genealogies revealed shared polymorphism, molecular polymorphism at three genes revealed nearly fixed differences between strains. These three OR genes map to the sex chromosome, but our data indicate that the distance between Resp and the ORs is >20 cM, making it unlikely that variation in pheromone-sensitive OR genes is directly responsible for the difference in behavioral response. However, differences in male antennal response may have their origin in the selection of strain-specific alleles.  相似文献   

Pheromones play pivotal roles in the reproductive behavior of moths, most prominently for the mate finding of male moths. Accordingly, the molecular basis for the detection of female‐released pheromones by male moths has been studied in great detail. In contrast, little is known about how females can detect pheromone components released by themselves or by conspecifics. In this study, we assessed the antenna of female Heliothis virescens for elements of pheromone detection. In accordance with previous findings that female antennae respond to the sex pheromone component (Z)‐9‐tetradecenal, we identified olfactory sensory neurons that express its cognate receptor, the receptor type HR6. All HR6 cells coexpressed the “sensory neuron membrane protein 1” (SNMP1) and were associated with supporting cells expressing the pheromone‐binding proteins PBP1 and PBP2. These features are reminiscent to male antennae and point to congruent mechanisms for pheromone detection in the two sexes. Further analysis of the SNMP1‐expressing cells revealed a higher number in females compared to males. Moreover, in females, the SNMP1 neurons were arranged in clusters, which project their dendrites into a common sensillum, whereas in males there were only solitary SNMP1‐neurons and only 1 per sensillum. Not all SNMP1 positive cells in female antennae expressed HR6 but instead the putative pheromone receptors HR11 and HR18, respectively. Neurons expressing 1 of the 3 receptor types were assigned to different sensilla. Together the data indicate that on the antenna of females, sensory neurons in a subset of sensilla trichodea are equipped with molecular elements, which render them responsive to pheromones.  相似文献   

Floral to green: mating switches moth olfactory coding and preference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mating induces profound physiological changes in a wide range of insects, leading to behavioural adjustments to match the internal state of the animal. Here, we show for the first time, to our knowledge, that a noctuid moth switches its olfactory response from food to egg-laying cues following mating. Unmated females of the cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) are strongly attracted to lilac flowers (Syringa vulgaris). After mating, attraction to floral odour is abolished and the females fly instead to green-leaf odour of the larval host plant cotton, Gossypium hirsutum. This behavioural switch is owing to a marked change in the olfactory representation of floral and green odours in the primary olfactory centre, the antennal lobe (AL). Calcium imaging, using authentic and synthetic odours, shows that the ensemble of AL glomeruli dedicated to either lilac or cotton odour is selectively up- and downregulated in response to mating. A clear-cut behavioural modulation as a function of mating is a useful substrate for studies of the neural mechanisms underlying behavioural decisions. Modulation of odour-driven behaviour through concerted regulation of odour maps contributes to our understanding of state-dependent choice and host shifts in insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Pheromone production in the female turnip moth, Agrotis segetum, is under the control of a brain factor. This factor was demonstrated to be a proteinaceous substance termed pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide-like substance (PBAN-like substance). The sex pheromone of Swedish A. segetum includes (Z)-5-decenyl acetate, (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate, and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate as major components. Decapitation of a female decreased pheromone production significantly. Pheromone production was restored by injection of homogenates of either male or female brain-suboesophageal ganglion or the corpora cardiaca alone. Pheromonotropic activity was also found in homogenates of the female thoracic ganglion and abdominal ganglion that were obtained during scotophase. Injection of female brain and thoracic ganglion homogenates made from insects during the scotophase induced two and four times as much Z7-12:OAc, respectively, as injection with similar homogenates from photophase. As little as one-eighth female equivalent (FE) brain homogenate was sufficient to increase the amount of Z7-12:OAc. The effect of brain homogenate on pheromone titer reached its maximum after 30 min. The activity of the PBAN-like substance present in female brain extracts was not correlated to the age of the donor. Injection of hemolymph collected during either photophase or scotophase into decapitated females did not increase the pheromone titer. The target site of the PBAN-like substance was not the pheromone gland, and the ventral nerve cord was not involved in the transportation of the PBAN-like substance, which implies a mode of action different from what has been reported in other moths. Brain homogenates obtained during photophase from females of African A. segetum, Spodoptera littoralis, or Ostrinia nubilalis as well as synthetic Bombyx-PBAN also induced pheromone production in decapitated Swedish female A. segetum. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Inheritance patterns of female sex pheromone production and male behavioral response were studied in Ostrinia orientalis. Results showed that the production of the female sex pheromone in O. orientalis was mainly controlled by a single autosomal factor, while the male behavioral response was controlled by a sex‐linked major gene.  相似文献   

Evolutionary diversification of sexual communication systems in moths is perplexing because signal and response are under stabilizing selection in many species, and this is expected to constrain evolutionary change. In the moth Heliothis virescens, we consistently found high phenotypic variability in the female sex pheromone blend within each of four geographically distant populations. Here, we assess the heritability, genetic basis and behavioural consequences of this variation. Artificial selection with field-collected moths dramatically increased the relative amount of the saturated compound 16:Ald and decreased its unsaturated counterpart Z11–16:Ald, the major sex pheromone component (high line). In a cross between the high- and low-selected lines, one quantitative trait locus (QTL) explained 11–21% of the phenotypic variance in the 16:Ald/Z11–16:Ald ratio. Because changes in activity of desaturase enzymes could affect this ratio, we measured their expression levels in pheromone glands and mapped desaturase genes onto our linkage map. A delta-11-desaturase had lower expression in females producing less Z11–16:Ald; however, this gene mapped to a different chromosome than the QTL. A model in which the QTL is a trans-acting repressor of delta-11 desaturase expression explains many features of the data. Selection favouring heterozygotes which produce more unsaturated components could maintain a polymorphism at this locus.  相似文献   

范伟民  盛承发 《昆虫学报》2000,43(-1):114-118
室内行为实验表明,在高浓度性信息素环境中棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) 雌蛾更加活跃、觅偶行为更加积极主动、求偶时间显著延长,而雄蛾主动求偶时间显著缩短、静止时间显著延长。高浓度性信息素并未引起成虫在取食活动和产卵行为的明显改变,也未能有效阻断其交配行为,而是推迟了它们的交配日期、夜间初始交配时间,缩短了交配蛾的交配持续时间。因此,高浓度性信息素主要影响其交配质量,而不是交配率。  相似文献   

A pulsed cloud of sex pheromone elicits upwind flight in male moths   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
ABSTRACT. Male oriental fruit moths do not fly upwind in a continuous uniform cloud of pheromone, but readily do so when the cloud is pulsed at 1 or 0.5/s or when a plume from a point source of pheromone is placed within the continuous cloud. It is suggested that males of moth species that require such fluctuating pheromone stimulation for upwind flight will normally receive it from a filamentous, point-source-produced plume. However, we hypothesize that upwind progress may cease close to the source due to excessively high emission rates or inappropriate blend ratios, when fluctuating sensory output becomes attenuated, despite higher actual molecular concentration fluctuations.  相似文献   

Males of the noctuid moths, Heliothis virescens and H. subflexa locate mates based on species-specific responses to female-emitted pheromones that are composed of distinct blends of volatile compounds. We conducted genetic crosses between these two species and used AFLP marker-based mapping of backcross families (H. subflexa direction) to determine which of the 30 autosomes in these moths contained quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling the proportion of specific chemical components in the pheromone blends. Presence/absence of single H. virescens chromosomes accounted for 7-34% of the phenotypic variation among backcross females in seven pheromone components. For a set of three similar 16-carbon acetates, two H. virescens chromosomes interacted in determining their relative amounts within the pheromone gland and together accounted for 53% of the phenotypic variance. Our results are discussed relative to theories about population genetic processes and biochemical mechanisms involved in the evolution of new sexual communication systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. High percentages of naive Cadra cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) males not pre-exposed to pheromone flew upwind to sources containing 50 ng (83%) and 500 ng (97%) of pheromone, but not to sources containing 5 μg (23%) and 50 μg (4%).Of the naive males that flew upwind in response to 50 ng sources, 67% located and landed on the source, whereas fewer than 19% of the naive males that flew upwind in response to higher doses located and landed on the sources.A 2-minute pre-exposure of C.cautella males to a spray cloud containing 50 ng, 500 ng, 5 μg or 50 μg of pheromone, induced shifts in response levels such that in wind-tunnel bioassays performed 1 h later, there was an increase in the doses that optimally elicited upwind flight and landing on the source that was proportional to the pre-exposure dose.Few of the pre-exposed males flew upwind to (10–43%) and landed on (0–33%) 50 ng sources, whereas they now perferentially flew upwind to(58–81% and 52–73%) and landed on (33–68% and 55–60%) pheromone sources of doses of 500 ng and 5 μg, respectively.Therefore pre-exposure to pheromone promoted a shift of threshold for response, and not an overall reduction in responsiveness to pheromone.  相似文献   

Pheromone biosynthesis in the redbanded leafroller moth, Argyrotaenia velutinana, was stimulated by homogenates of the bursa copulatrix. Although pheromonotropic activity was also extractable from the ovary, the activity of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) or bursa extracts was not impaired in isolated abdomens by removal of the ovary. Response to the bursa extracts was dependent on the dose administered and the time of incubation. Amounts of pheromone present in adult females of different ages appeared to be correlated with the extractable amount of pheromonotropic activity from their bursa copulatrix. Decapitation did not result in the suppression of burse factor production. Homogenates of the bursa elicited similar effects in both isolated gland and isolated abdomen incubations, but the brain neuropeptide, PBAN, was less active in the former than in the latter. Bursa extracts stimulated pheromone production in isolated abdomen incubations deprived of the bursa copulatrix, but PBAN did not. Loss of activity of bursa homogenates after treatment with either pronase E or carboxypeptidase Y indicated that the pheromonotropic factor is a proteinaceous substance. The mechanism through which pheromone production is regulated in redbanded leafroller moths is discussed. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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