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22 tRNA genes corresponding to 17 tRNA species were localized on the master circle of Petunia hybrida mitochondrial (mt) DNA. Genes for trnN, trnM, trnS-GGA, trnW and trnH are of the chloroplast-like type and presumably originate from promiscuous chloroplast (cp) DNA sequences inserted into the petunia mitochondrial genome. A comparison of the mt tRNAs or tRNA genes population present in two monocotyledonous plants (wheat and maize) and two dicotyledonous plants (petunia and potato) show slight differences in the genetic origin of individual tRNAs. The organization of the petunia mt tRNA genes as well as the number of tRNA gene copies, compared to other plant species, is discussed.  相似文献   

We have characterized the only mutation detected so far in S-Pcf, the mitochondrial cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)-specific locus of petunia. This locus consists of three open reading frames (ORFs): the first contains part of atp9, an intron-less cox2 pseudogene (which does not contain the original cox2 ATG) and the unidentified reading frame urf-s; the second and third ORFs correspond to the only copies of nad3 and rps12 genes in the genome, respectively. In the cell line R13-138, which was generated from a male-sterile somatic hybrid (line SH13-138), a change in the first ORF of the S-Pcf locus has been characterized: the atp9 sequence has been lost, while exon1 of the normal copy of the cox2 gene (including the original ATG sequence) and the adjacent 5′ sequence of the petunia recombination repeat, have been introduced. The data suggest that this reorganization of mtDNA is the consequence of a homologous recombination event involving part of the cox2 coding region, and that the cox2 coding region may serve as an active site for inter- or intra-mtDNA homologous recombination. The results further suggest that in line SH13-138 (or during its maintenance in tissue culture), segregation of the S-Pcf-containing mtDNA molecules has occurred, and the mutant mtDNA is now predominant in the population.  相似文献   

D P Ma  Y T King  Y Kim  W S Luckett  J A Boyle  Y F Chang 《Gene》1992,119(2):253-257
Based on the nucleotide (nt) sequences of cob and L2a, two oligodeoxyribonucleotides (oligos) were synthesized and used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the termini of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondrial (mt) genome. A 0.8-kb PCR product was detected by agarose-gel electrophoresis when using unligated mt DNA as the template for PCR. This may have indicated the presence of a naturally occurring circular mt DNA molecule that acted as the PCR template. The 0.8-kb DNA could also be amplified from the linear mt DNA via an intramolecular jump during PCR. The sequence data from the 0.8-kb PCR product, and the right 0.6-kb and left 1-kb terminal fragments of the linear mt DNA, along with Southern hybridization analysis, indicated that a 0.49-kb inverted repeat (IR) sequence is present at the right and left termini of the linear mt DNA. The IR contains A+T-rich clusters, as well as numerous short direct repeats (DR) and IR, and might be involved in the recombination, replication and expression of the C. reinhardtii mt genome.  相似文献   

Summary ThePetunia hybrida mutant RL01 is white flowering due to a genetic block in the anthocyanin pathway. The introduction of the maize Al cDNA under the control of the CaMV 35S RNA promoter leads to the production of pelargonidin derivatives, resulting in a brick red flower phenotype. Among the transgenic petunia plants the pigmentation of the petals exhibited different expression patterns which could be categorized into the red, the variegated, and the white phenotype. This system proved to be especially suitable for the investigation of gene expression by simply looking at the pigmentation pattern of the petals. The uniformity of floral pelargonidin pigmentation is inversely correlated with the number of integrated Al copies. Furthermore, a correlation was found between the methylation status of the 35S RNA promoter and the instability of the floral pelargonidin coloration. The status of promoter methylation controlling the expression of the Al gene seems to be influenced by the copy number and the chromosomal position of the transferred gene.  相似文献   

Gonococci express a family of related outer membrane proteins designated protein II (P.II). These surface proteins are subject to both phase variation and antigenic variation. The P.II gene repertoire of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain JS3 was found to consist of at least ten genes, eight of which were cloned. Sequence analysis and DNA hybridization studies revealed that one particular P.II-encoding sequence is present in three distinct, but almost identical, copies in the JS3 genome. These genes encode the P.II protein that was previously identified as P.IIc. Comparison of their sequences shows that the multiple copies of this P.IIc-encoding gene might have been generated by both gene conversion and gene duplication.  相似文献   

R Ohki  M Oishi    R Kiyama 《Nucleic acids research》1995,23(24):4971-4977
The human alphoid Sau3A repetitive family DNA is one of the DNA species that are actively amplified to form extrachromosomal circular DNA in several cell lines. The circularization takes place between two of the five approximately 170 bp subunits with an average of 73.1% homology as well as between identical subunits. To investigate the nature of the recombination reaction, we cloned and analyzed the subunits containing recombination junctions. Analysis of a total of 68 junctions revealed that recombination had occurred preferentially at four positions 10-25 (A), 40-50 (B), 85-90 (C) and 135-160 (D) in the 170bp subunit structure. Two regions (B and C) were overlapped with the regions with higher homology between subunits, while other two regions (A and D) cannot be explained solely by the regional homology between the subunits. These regions were located at both junctions of the nucleosomal and the linker region, and overlapped with the binding motifs for alpha protein and CENP-B. Approximately 90% of the recombination occurred between the subunits located next but one (+/- 2 shift), although the frequency of recombination between the adjoining subunits (+/- 1 shift) was approximately 10%.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of diploid nuclear genotypes have concluded that recombination has occurred in populations of the yeast Candida albicans. To address the possibilities of clonality and recombination in an effectively haploid genome, we sequenced seven regions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 45 strains of C. albicans from human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients in Toronto, Canada, and 3 standard reference isolates of C. albicans, CA, CAI4, and WO-1. Among a total of 2,553 nucleotides in the seven regions, 62 polymorphic nucleotide sites and seven indels defined nine distinct mtDNA haplotypes among the 48 strains. Five of these haplotypes occurred in more than one strain, indicating clonal proliferation of mtDNA. Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA haplotypes resulted in one most-parsimonious tree. Most of the nucleotide sites undergoing parallel change in this tree were clustered in blocks that corresponded to sequenced regions. Because of the existence of these blocks, the apparent homoplasy can be attributed to infrequent, past genetic exchange and recombination between individuals and cannot be attributed to parallel mutation. Among strains sharing the same mtDNA haplotypes, multilocus nuclear genotypes were more similar than expected from a random comparison of nuclear DNA genotypes, suggesting that clonal proliferation of the mitochondrial genome was accompanied by clonal proliferation of the nuclear genome.  相似文献   

The genesis of small repeats involved in infrequent recombinations in plant mitochondrial genomes remains unclear. We propose that at least some of the small repeats are generated in a similar way to the large, highly recombinogenic, plant mitochondrial repeats. A 314-bp sequence was detected as a small, rarely recombining mitochondrial repeat in the genus Phaseolus. Two of the recombinational forms were predominant, while two others were found in substoichiometric amounts in the species P. vulgaris, P. polyanthus and P. coccineus. However, the pairs of predominant and substoichiometric forms were distinct in each genome, indicating that a mechanism other than recombination is responsible for their maintenance in high or low copy number. In P. lunatus, which is phylogenetically quite remote from the other species examined, only one form of the 314-bp repeat was predominant, while the other forms were present in substoichiometric amounts. In this genome, we also identified sequences containing the terminal 11 or 7 bp of the 314-bp repeat. These configurations could serve as intermediates during generation of the repeat. We presume that two site-specific recombinations between the intermediates and the predominant form found in P. lunatus resulted in creation of the two new forms of the repeat. The fourth form of the repeat appeared after a further recombination that occurred at the substoichiometric level. The nature of this recombination, whether site-specific or homologous, is discussed. Beyond the evident similarities between the model presented in this work and the three-recombination models previously proposed to explain the formation of large, frequently recombining repeats, we did not detect any specific deletion associated with generation of the repeat.  相似文献   

Somatic hybridization of Lycopersicon peruvianum and Petunia hybrida was carried out to transfer cytoplasmic male sterility from Petunia to Lycopersicon. Cytological, morphological and biochemical analyses were performed to characterize the regenerated plants. Two regenerated plants, R3 and R6, were male sterile. R3 possessed chromosomes morphologically similar to those of both parental types. Leaf morphologies of these two plants and a third plant, R7, were intermediate between the two parents. The stability of RUBPCase was verified during parental plant development and after in vitro culture. Plant R7 presented a new form of the large subunit of RUBPCase.  相似文献   

We have introduced the Apetala2 (Ap2) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana into Petunia hybrida. Four out of 10 Ap2 transgenic plants flowered and exhibited an altered inflorescence architecture. Internode elongation suggests that the transition from the vegetative to the inflorescence phase does occur, although flower formation is delayed and the cymose branching pattern is not established. Instead, the inflorescence continues to produce bracts and eventually terminates in an aberrant flower with an excess of floral organs. New inflorescence branches then develop from the axillary meristems of the bracts, repeating the formation of a number of bracts before conversion into a terminal, aberrant flower. These results indicate that the Ap2 gene plays a role in the determination of inflorescence meristem identity, but not as a typical A-like function, adding to the existing doubt about the general role of Ap2 gene(s) in floral development.  相似文献   

Various cytoplasms of broad bean contain three mitochondrial plasmids (mtp1, 2 and 3), previously described. In cytoplasm 350 we have observed several additional mitochondrial plasmids, varying in number and in identity according to the nuclear background. Replacement of the nucleus by backcrossing led to the appearance or disappearance of additional plasmids, indicating that the nuclear genome controls either the creation or the copy level of mitochondrial plasmids. Analysis of eight variant additional plasmids (mtp4-11) suggests that they all result from a double recombination event between mtp1 and mtp2. In all cases, one recombination point was located within a 276-bp sequence, identical in both plasmids. For 7 plasmids, the region in which the second recombination event occurred could be narrowed down to a short stretch containing imperfect tandem repeats of a 31-bp motif. The largest sequence shared by the recombination regions was hexanucleotide GCGACG.  相似文献   

Flavanone 3beta-hydroxylase (FHT) catalyzes a pivotal reaction in the formation of flavonoids, catechins, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanidins. In the presence of oxygen and ferrous ions the enzyme couples the oxidative decarboxylation of 2-oxoglutarate, releasing carbon dioxide and succinate, with the oxidation of flavanones to produce dihydroflavonols. The hydroxylase had been cloned from Petunia hybrida and expressed in Escherichia coli, and a rapid isolation method for the highly active, recombinant enzyme had been developed. Sequence alignments of the Petunia hydroxylase with various hydroxylating 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases revealed few conserved amino acids, including a strictly conserved serine residue (Ser290). This serine was mutated to threonine, alanine or valine, which represent amino acids found at the corresponding sequence position in other 2-oxoglutarate-dependent enzymes. The mutant enzymes were expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity. The catalytic activities of [Thr290]FHT and [Ala290]FHT were still significant, albeit greatly reduced to 20 and 8%, respectively, in comparison to the wild-type enzyme, whereas the activity of [Val290]FHT was negligible (about 1%). Kinetic analyses of purified wild-type and mutant enzymes revealed the functional significance of Ser290 for 2-oxoglutarate-binding. The spatial configurations of the related Fe(II)-dependent isopenicillin N and deacetoxycephalosporin C synthases have been reported recently and provide the lead structures for the conformation of other dioxygenases. Circular dichroism spectroscopy was employed to compare the conformation of pure flavanone 3beta-hydroxylase with that of isopenicillin N synthase. A double minimum in the far ultraviolet region at 222 nm and 208-210 nm and a maximum at 191-193 nm which are characteristic for alpha-helical regions were observed, and the spectra of the two dioxygenases fully matched revealing their close structural relationship. Furthermore, the spectrum remained unchanged after addition of either ferrous ions, 2-oxoglutarate or both of these cofactors, ruling out a significant conformational change of the enzyme on cofactor-binding.  相似文献   

We have devised a two-step procedure by which multiple copies of a heterologous gene can be consecutively integrated into the Bacillus subtilis 168 chromosome without the simultaneous integration of markers (antibiotic resistance). The procedure employs the high level of transformability of B. subtilis 168 strains and makes use of the observation that thymine-auxotrophic mutants of B. subtilis are resistant to the folic acid antagonist trimethoprim (Tmpr), whereas thymine prototrophs are sensitive. First, a thymine-auxotrophic B. subtilis mutant is transformed to prototrophy by integration of a thymidylate synthetase-encoding gene at the desired chromosomal locus. In a second step, the mutant strain is transformed with a DNA fragment carrying the heterologous gene and Tmpr colonies are selected. Approximately 5% of these appear to be thymine auxotrophic and contain a single copy of the heterologous gene at the chromosomal locus previously carrying the thymidylate synthetase-encoding gene. Repetition of the procedure at different locations on the bacterial chromosome allows the isolation of strains carrying multiple copies of the heterologous gene. The method was used to construct B. subtilis strains carrying one, two, and three copies of the Bacillus stearothermophilus branching enzyme gene (glgB) in their genomes.  相似文献   

Intact recombinant DNAs containing single copies of either component of the cassava latent virus genome can elicit infection when mechanically inoculated to host plants in the presence of the appropriate second component. Characterisation of infectious mutant progeny viruses, by analysis of virus-specific supercoiled DNA intermediates, indicates that most if not all of the cloning vector has been deleted, achieved at least in some cases by intermolecular recombination in vivo between DNAs 1 and 2. Significant rearrangements within the intergenic region of DNA 2, predominantly external to the common region, can be tolerated without loss of infectivity suggesting a somewhat passive role in virus multiplication for the sequences in question. Although packaging constraints might impose limits on the amount of DNA within geminate particles, isolation of an infectious coat protein mutant defective in virion production suggests that packaging is not essential for systemic spread of the viral DNA.  相似文献   

M. -L. Botha  C. S. Whitehead 《Planta》1992,188(4):478-483
Senescence of Petunia hybrida L. flowers is accompanied by a climacteric pattern in ethylene production and a rapid decline in the levels of putrescine and spermidine during the preclimacteric phase. The decrease in spermidine is caused by the decline in the availability of putrescine which is initially synthesized from L-arginine via agmatine and N-carbamoylputrescine. Inhibition of putrescine and polyamine synthesis resulted in a rapid drop in the levels of putrescine and spermidine without resulting in a concomitant increase in ethylene production. These results indicate that polyamine synthesis is not involved in the control of ethylene synthesis through its effect on the availability of S-adenosylmethionine, and is confirmed by the results obtained with pollinated flowers. Treatment with polyamines may stimulate or suppress ethylene production in the corolla, depending on the concentrations applied. In unpollinated flowers the onset of the climacteric rise in ethylene production was accelerated after treatment with polyamines. However, in pollinated flowers this process was delayed as a result of treatment with low concentrations of polyamines. The effects of exogenous polyamines on ethylene production in both pollinated and unpollinated flowers indicate that ethylene synthesis in these flowers is not regulated by a feedback control mechanism. Although polyamines do not play a key role in the control of ethylene production during the early stages of senescence through their effect on the availability of S-adenosylmethionine, it appears that they play an important role in some of the other processes involved in senescence.Abbreviations ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - MGBG methylglyoxal bis-(guanylhydrazone) - SAM S-adenosylmethionine  相似文献   

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