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Summary The black carpenter antCamponotus pennsylvanicus (DeGeer), a predominantly nocturnal Formicine ant, responds to a hierarchy of visual and tactile cues when orienting along odor trails at night. Under illumination from moonlight or artificial light, workers rely upon these beacons to mediate phototactic orientation. In the absence of moonlight or artificial lights, ants were able to orient visually to terrestrial landmarks. In the absence of all landmarks, save for overhanging tree branches, ants could negotiate shortcuts or make directional changes in response to visual landmarks presented within the tree canopy on a moonless night. When experimental manipulations placed the ants in total darkness, they could no longer negotiate shortcuts and would resort to thigmotactic orientation along structural guidelines to reach a food source. The hierachical organization of these diverse cues in a foraging strategy is discussed, as well as their adaptive significance toC. pennsyhanicus.  相似文献   

Colony kin structure and spatial population structure were studied in multiple populations of the ant Formica lemani , using allozymes and DNA microsatellites. Average genetic relatedness between nestmate workers varied little between populations ( r  = 0.51–0.76), indicating that the average colony kin structure was relatively simple. Worker genotypes could not be explained with a single breeding pair in all nests, however, and the distribution of relatedness estimates across nests was bimodal, suggesting that single- and multi-queen colonies co-occur. We studied spatial population structure in a successional boreal forest system, which is a mixture of different aged habitats. Newly clear-cut open habitat patches are quickly colonized by F. lemani , where it is able to persist for a limited number of generations. Newly-founded populations showed signs of a founder effect and spatial substructuring, whereas older populations were more homogenous. This suggests that new populations are founded by a limited number of colonizers arriving from more than one source. Genetic differentiation among local populations was minor, indicating strong migration between them. There were, however, indications of both isolation by distance and populations becoming more isolated as habitat patches grew older.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 247–258.  相似文献   

徐阳  南小宁  魏琮  贺虹 《昆虫学报》2016,(6):632-640
[目的]在长期的进化过程中,蚂蚁和微生物之间建立了复杂的联系,尤其肠道微生物对蚂蚁的食性进化和物种分化产生了巨大的影响.弓背蚁属Camponotus蚂蚁消化道内普遍存在内共生菌Blochmannia及其他肠道细菌,这些细菌在寄主蚂蚁营养补充方面发挥了重要的作用,此外肠道微生物对食物类型的变化十分敏感,这些信息可能有助于调查寄主蚂蚁在不同季节的取食习性.本研究旨在揭示弓背蚁属蚂蚁肠道微生物是否存在季节特征.[方法]采用16S rRNA-RFLP方法分析比较了了2个日本弓背蚁蚁巢(巢1和2)的工蚁在4个月份时间点(2012年6月12日,8月15日和10月10日,2013年4月15日)的肠道茵群组成.[结果]在8个样品中共发现了17个属的细菌和1种未知细菌,弓背蚁属蚂蚁特有的内共生茵Blochmannia是优势细菌,出现在所有样品中,占67.1%~98.8%;假单胞菌属Pseudomonas和肠杆菌属Enterobacter在大多数的样本中都检测到,其他属的细菌则零星分布在个别样品中,只占较低的比例.两个蚁巢工蚁肠道茵群在4个月份没有呈现一致的变化趋势,都具有低的细菌多样性.在巢1中,4月和10月的肠道细菌多样性相对较高,在6月和8月较低;而在巢2中,8月的肠道细菌多样性明显高于4,6和10月.两个蚁巢6月和10月的肠道茵群组成相似,但是8月和4月差异较大.[结论]日本弓背蚁两个蚁巢的工蚁肠道菌群组成和多样性都随季节产生变化,但是没有呈现一致的变化趋势,没有表现出明显的季节特征.  相似文献   

To control population of Monochamus beetles that transmit pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, a variety of insecticides have been applied to forest ecosystems in Korea. Non-target predatory insects can be directly or indirectly exposed to insecticides. We evaluated potential lethal and sublethal effects of thiacloprid on survival and behavior of carpenter ants, Camponotus japonicus Mayr. Field-collected ants were directly exposed to several food items such as thiacloprid-exposed Monochamus beetles, 10% sugar water with thiacloprid concentrations, and 10% sugar water at group and individual levels. In experiment for groups of individuals, dead beetle bodies generally had possible adverse effects on ants through dietary exposure, because two forager ants were dead or paralysis after they were exposed to thiacloprid-exposed Monochamus beetles. At individual level, dietary exposure to thiacloprid at concentrations of 10 and 50?mg/L was lethal to ants, causing paralysis and impaired walking. Mortality of ant workers was higher in direct or indirect exposure treatments than that in the control. Some ants exposed to thiacloprid showed abnormal behavior within a few days, especially at thiacloprid concentrations of 10 and 50?mg/L. However, some of them sometimes recovered from the abnormal behavior in a day. In consequence, application of thiacloprid in pine forests may disrupt species interaction and foraging behavior of ants, but the effect of thiacloprid through trophallaxis behavior should be further assessed using more extensive colonies composed of queen, workers, brood, and so on.  相似文献   

Comparative ultrastructure of ant spermatozoa (Formicidae: Hymenoptera)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mature spermatozoa from spermathecae of founding queens were obtained from 5 species of ants, representing the major subfamilies Myrmicinae (Acromyrmex versicolor, Crematogaster sp.) and Dolichoderinae (Tapinoma sessile, Conomyrma insana, Conomyrma wheeleri). The ultrastructure of ant spermatozoa has many features in common with that of higher insects and is similar to that of other Hymenoptera. Structural similarities to spermatozoa of other Hymenoptera include an acrosome containing an internal rod that extends into the nucleus, two elongate mitochondrial derivatives, a centriolar adjunct, and an axonemal arrangement of 9 + 9 + 2 that includes well-developed coarse, or accessory, tubules. Spermatozoa obtained from A. versicolor, a species that is known to store and utilize viable sperm from this supply for over 10 years, show greater development of the mitochondrial derivatives than do the other species. The most distinctive feature of ant spermatozoa in comparison to other Hymenoptera is the large size of the centriolar adjunct relative to the other organelles. The centriolar adjunct is located posterior to the nucleus, anterior to the mitochondrial derivatives, and opposite the axoneme.  相似文献   

Abstract. The results of recent surveys for ants on Staniel Cay, Exumas (and surrounding small cays) and the northeastern region of Andros are presented. These records are compiled with all previously published collection records of ants from the Bahamas into a single database. A list of all known Bahamian species is presented, in accord with current taxonomy. Distributions within the Bahamas are given, along with the status of each species with reference to its origin (endemic, native, or exotic). At present seventy-five named species of ants are known from the Bahamas, which shares 60% of its ant fauna with Florida and 71% with Cuba. More than one third of the species (37%) are exotics, which appear to exist primarily in areas characterized by human disturbance, and apparently have not invaded the native vegetation to a large degree. Both historical and ecological factors are likely to have played important roles in shaping present-day Bahamian ant species diversity and distribution. The number of species on all major Bahamian islands from which ants have been collected is presented as a function of island area. Most islands have not been very thoroughly surveyed. The species-area relationship for the more thoroughly surveyed islands is relatively flat (z= 0.06). Further collecting in this archipelago will probably lead to the discovery of additional species.  相似文献   

Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are dominant social insects that play important ecological roles in terrestrial ecosystems. Camponotus leydigi (Forel) is widely distributed in the Neotropical region and is frequently found in the Brazilian cerrado savanna interacting with plants and other insects. Field observations indicate that C. leydigi has a polydomous nesting habit, but little is known about the genetic relationship among workers. In this study, we identify the first nine microsatellite loci for C. leydigi that will allow further investigation on its genetic diversity. We used a microsatellite-enriched library method. According to this method, repetitive sequences are captured with (CT)8 and (GT)8 biotin-linked probes, with subsequent recovery by streptavidin magnetic-coated beads. We observed that eight loci were polymorphic. The mean (± standard error) observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.55 ± 0.23 and 0.73 ± 0.28, respectively. The rarified allelic richness ranged from 1 to 5.32. The polymorphism contents were similar to diversity estimates found in markers previously developed for other Camponotus ants. These markers will be useful for future studies on population genetics and ecology of Camponotus ants in cerrado, including nesting ecology, colony structure, dispersal and conservation.  相似文献   

Revision of the dolichoderine ant genus Turneria (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The Australasian ant genus Turneria is revised. T.bidentata Forel, T.dahlii Forel and T.pacifica Mann are redescribed and a lectotype designated for T.bidentata. T.frenchi Forel is transferred to Stigmacros (comb.n.), and T.butteli Forel is transferred to Iridomyrmex (comb.n.). Three new species, T.arbusta, T.collina and T.postomma, are described from Papua New Guinea. Males of the genus are described for the first time. A key to the workers of recognized species and a distribution map are provided. The group is analysed cladistically and the resulting species relationships are discussed, along with a comment on the use of polymorphic characters.  相似文献   

The interrelationships within ant subfamilies remain elusive, despite the recent establishment of the phylogeny of the major ant lineages. The tribe Myrmicini belongs to the subfamily Myrmicinae, and groups morphologically unspecialized genera. Previous research has struggled with defining Myrmicini, leading to considerable taxonomic instability. Earlier molecular phylogenetic studies have suggested the nonmonophyly of Myrmicini, but were based on limited taxon sampling. We investigated the composition of Myrmicini with phylogenetic analyses of an enlarged set of taxa, using DNA sequences of eight gene fragments taken from 37 representatives of six of the seven genera (Eutetramorium, Huberia, Hylomyrma, Manica, Myrmica, and Pogonomyrmex), and eight outgroups. Our results demonstrate the invalidity of Myrmicini as currently defined. We recovered sister‐group relationships between the genera Myrmica and Manica, and between Pogonomyrmex and Hylomyrma. This study illustrates that to understand the phylogeny of over 6000 myrmicine species, comprehensive taxon sampling and DNA sequencing are an absolute requisite. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 482–495.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis was undertaken to determine relationships among extant genera of the ant subfamily Dolichoderinae. Twenty-one of the twenty-two currently recognized genera within the subfamily were examined using 104 morphological characters. A single fully resolved, most-parsimonious tree was found when a combination of ordered and unordered characters was used. When all characters were coded as unordered, seventy most-parsimonious trees were found. The following results were found with both character coding methods. Leptomyrmex was placed basal to the remainder of the subfamily and the monophyletic sets Dolichoderus + Liometopum + Axinidris + Tapinoma + Technomyrmex, Froggattella + Iridomyrmex + Ochetellus + Papyrius + Philidris + Turneria , and Bothriomyrmex + Dorymyrmex + Forelius + Loweriella were suggested. The genera Linepithema and Doleromyrma showed a small amount of instability in moving between neighbouring sister groups when the character coding method changed. The genera Anillidris and Anonychomyrma were difficult to place as they showed major differences in their positions between the two character coding methods.  相似文献   

Field observations indicate that Euphorbia cotinifolia escapes attack by leaf cutting ants, which are the largest generalist herbivores of the Neotropics. We used controlled bioassays to evaluate the effect of E. cotinifolia on the foraging of the Atta cephalotes ant. In a free-choice trial, to five colonies were offered Mangifera indica leaves with a 10% aqueous E. cotinifolia extract, leaves with distilled water and untreated leaves. The carrying time and leaf area consumed were determined over a five-hour period. The effect of E. cotinifolia on the development of the symbiotic fungus on three sets of five colonies fed the leaves of this plant were compared to the controls fed M. indica and oat flakes, and the effect of the addition of extracts on the culture medium used for the symbiotic fungus isolation was evaluated. Euphorbia leaf consumption was lower than that of the other diets; its consumption as the exclusive foraging resource significantly affected the symbiotic fungus, resulting in changes in colour and texture and an 83.57% decrease in volume that occasionally caused 100% mortality. Although the aqueous extract of E. cotinifolia is not a phagodeterrent for foraging workers, it is evident that E. cotinifolia is not a preferred resource for A. cephalotes due to the negative effect on the growth and viability of the symbiotic fungus.  相似文献   

The potential aggressiveness of nine ant species belonging to the same community was estimated by means of two laboratory approaches: individual confrontations and group confrontations. Interspecific aggressiveness was not directly related to size of species in individual tests, although in group tests mortality of smaller ants increased with increasing size difference between the opponents. Tempo was related to the defense strategy of species (low-tempo species used immobility as a mechanism to avoid attacks, while high-tempo species tended to escape when coming into contact with more aggressive ones), but not with their potential aggressiveness: the most aggressive ants in individual and group tests were both low-tempo and high-tempo species when only these two categories were considered. No specific level of aggression was related to the subfamily to which the species belong (both myrmicines and formicines dominated in individual and group tests) or to the degree of taxonomic similarity between species.  相似文献   

Minor workers of the ant Zacryptocerus pusillus have unusual exocrine secretions in both their mandibular and Dufour glands. The mandibular glands contain a 3:1 mixture of 4-heptanone and 4-heptanol, a mixture found only in the related species Z. varians. The Dufour gland contains a mixture of 13 aldehydes from C9 to C18, not previously encountered in ant secretions. The venom glands gave variable results with only nonanal present consistently.  相似文献   

Abstract. Until now the ant subfamily Leptanillinae has been closely linked with the army ant subfamilies Dorylinae and Ecitoninae, but on relatively tenuous evidence. The current phylogenetic study strongly indicates that this view is incorrect and that the leptanillines really constitute the sister-group of subfamily Ponerinae, and are at a consider- ably greater taxonomic distance from the Army Ant subfamilies. Three tribes are now recognized within the Leptanillinae (Leptanillini; Anomalornyrmini, new tribe; and Apomyrmini, transferred here from Ponerinae: Arnblyoponini), containing a total of eight genera with fewer than fifty species in all. The subfamily and its component tribes are diagnosed and discussed here, and a key to genera provided. New taxa described include Anomalomyrma Taylor gen.n., type-species A. taylori Bolton sp.n. and Protanilla Taylor gen.n., type-species P. rafflesi Taylor sp.n.  相似文献   

Myrmica ruginodis workers are able to distinguish black or white circles from black or white squares, black or white ellipses from black or white rectangles as well as hollow circles or ellipses from hollow squares or rectangles. They can also distinguish differently oriented elements as well as objects containing a various number of elements. These workers are also able to perceive and discriminate transparent cues on a black background and even small luminous spots on a black ceiling. Such visual abilities are in agreement with the species?? eye morphology and system of navigation: the eyes are rather large with a well-developed posterio-dorsal part, and the foragers rely exclusively on cues located above them, neglecting odorous elements as long as visual perception is possible. Probably, they might use cues located in the canopy and the sky to travel in certain circumstances.  相似文献   

Abstract. Secostruma , a very specialized new subterranean ant recovered from a soil-core sample taken in Sabah, East Malaysia, is described for the first time. Its most striking adaptations and their possible functions are discussed, and its affinities investigated. Analysis of its main features and comparison with two possible parent-groups leads to the conclusion that Secostruma is a member of the Tetramorium-group of genera.  相似文献   

Summary The Neotropical ant Prionopelta amabilis, a cryptobiotic species in the phylogenetically primitive tribe Amblyoponini, lives in subterranean habitats, where it preys preferentially on campodeid diplurans and other small arthropods. Here we report that the species employs chemical recruitment and orientation trails during foraging and nest emigrations. The trail pheromone originates in a hitherto unknown basitarsal gland located in the basitarsus of the hindlegs. Trails are laid by a special foot dragging behavior. During the recruitment process the chemical trail signal is complemented by body shaking on the part of the recruiting ant. Foragers frequently wipe the basitarsal gland opening in the hindlegs with the grooming apparatus of the front legs. This latter structure is equipped with unusual glands evidently specialized for this purpose.  相似文献   

Cost-effective detection of invasive ant colonies before establishment in new ranges is imperative for the protection of national borders and reducing their global impact. We examined the sampling efficiency of food-baits and pitfall traps (baited and nonbaited) in detecting isolated red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) nests in multiple environments in Gainesville, FL. Fire ants demonstrated a significantly higher preference for a mixed protein food type (hotdog or ground meat combined with sweet peanut butter) than for the sugar or water baits offered. Foraging distance success was a function of colony size, detection trap used, and surveillance duration. Colony gyne number did not influence detection success. Workers from small nests (0- to 15-cm mound diameter) traveled no >3 m to a food source, whereas large colonies (>30-cm mound diameter) traveled up to 17 m. Baited pitfall traps performed best at detecting incipient ant colonies followed by nonbaited pitfall traps then food baits, whereas food baits performed well when trying to detect large colonies. These results were used to create an interactive model in Microsoft Excel, whereby surveillance managers can alter trap type, density, and duration parameters to estimate the probability of detecting specified or unknown S. invicta colony sizes. This model will support decision makers who need to balance the sampling cost and risk of failure to detect fire ant colonies.  相似文献   

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