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Parasite aggregation is viewed as a natural law in parasite-host ecology but is a paradox insofar as parasites should follow the Poisson distribution if hosts are encountered randomly. Much research has focused on whether parasite aggregation in or on hosts is explained by aggregation of infective parasite stages in the environment, or by heterogeneity within host samples in terms of host responses to infection (e.g., through representation of different age classes of hosts). In this paper, we argue that the typically aggregated distributions of parasites may be explained simply. We propose that aggregated distributions can be derived from parasites encountering hosts randomly, but subsequently by parasites being 'lost' from hosts based on condition-linked escape or immunity of hosts. Host condition should be a normally distributed trait even among otherwise homogeneous sets of hosts. Our model shows that mean host condition and variation in host condition have different effects on the different metrics of parasite aggregation. Our model further predicts that as host condition increases, parasites become more aggregated but numbers of attending parasites are reduced overall and this is important for parasite population dynamics. The effects of deviation from random encounter are discussed with respect to the relationship between host condition and final parasite numbers.  相似文献   

Information about the population genetic structures of parasites is important for an understanding of parasite transmission pathways and ultimately the co-evolution with their hosts. If parasites cannot disperse independently of their hosts, a parasite's population structure will depend upon the host's spatial distribution. Geographical barriers affecting host dispersal can therefore lead to structured parasite populations. However, how the host's social system affects the genetic structure of parasite populations is largely unknown. We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to describe the spatio-temporal population structure of a contact-transmitted parasitic wing mite ( Spinturnix bechsteini ) and compared it to that of its social host, the Bechstein's bat ( Myotis bechsteinii ). We observed no genetic differentiation between mites living on different bats within a colony. This suggests that mites can move freely among bats of the same colony. As expected in case of restricted inter-colony dispersal, we observed a strong genetic differentiation of mites among demographically isolated bat colonies. In contrast, we found a strong genetic turnover between years when we investigated the temporal variation of mite haplotypes within colonies. This can be explained with mite dispersal occuring between colonies and bottlenecks of mite populations within colonies. The observed absence of isolation by distance could be the result from genetic drift and/or from mites dispersing even between remote bat colonies, whose members may meet at mating sites in autumn or in hibernacula in winter. Our data show that the population structure of this parasitic wing mite is influenced by its own demography and the peculiar social system of its bat host.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that individual behavior can stabilize classical (Nicholson-Bailey) host-parasite population dynamics. Our model assumes that hosts can be divided into at least two phenotypes and that parasites either do not attack one of the phenotypes or attack them facultatively. The former case corresponds to a behavioral refuge (Hassell 1978) and it is known that other kinds of refuges lead to stability of population dynamics. Behavioral refuges can stabilize the population dynamics in the same way that spatial refuges do. When parasites attack hosts facultatively within the year, strange attractors may arise in the year-to-year population dynamics, in response to the nonlinear nature of the facultative response to the distribution of host densities.  相似文献   

Many hosts are infected by several parasite genotypes at a time. In these co-infected hosts, parasites can interact in various ways thus creating diverse within-host dynamics, making it difficult to predict the expression and the evolution of virulence. Moreover, multiple infections generate a combinatorial diversity of cotransmission routes at the host population level, which complicates the epidemiology and may lead to non-trivial outcomes. We introduce a new model for multiple infections, which allows any number of parasite genotypes to infect hosts and potentially coexist in the population. In our model, parasites affect one another''s within-host growth through density-dependent interactions and by means of public goods and spite. These within-host interactions determine virulence, recovery and transmission rates, which are then integrated in a transmission network. We use analytical solutions and numerical simulations to investigate epidemiological feedbacks in host populations infected by several parasite genotypes. Finally, we discuss general perspectives on multiple infections.  相似文献   

Among parasitic organisms, inbreeding has been implicated as a potential driver of host–parasite co‐evolution, drug‐resistance evolution and parasite diversification. Yet, fundamental topics about how parasite life histories impact inbreeding remain to be addressed. In particular, there are no direct selfing‐rate estimates for hermaphroditic parasites in nature. Our objectives were to elucidate the mating system of a parasitic flatworm in nature and to understand how aspects of parasite transmission could influence the selfing rates of individual parasites. If there is random mating within hosts, the selfing rates of individual parasites would be an inverse power function of their infection intensities. We tested whether selfing rates deviated from within‐host random mating expectations with the tapeworm Oochoristica javaensis. In doing so, we generated, for the first time in nature, individual selfing‐rate estimates of a hermaphroditic flatworm parasite. There was a mixed‐mating system where tapeworms self‐mated more than expected with random mating. Nevertheless, individual selfing rates still had a significant inverse power relationship to infection intensities. The significance of this finding is that the distribution of parasite infection intensities among hosts, an emergent property of the transmission process, can be a key driver in shaping the primary mating system, and hence the level of inbreeding in the parasite population. Moreover, we demonstrated how potential population selfing rates can be estimated using the predicted relationship of individual selfing rates to intensities and showed how the distribution of parasites among hosts can indirectly influence the primary mating system when there is density‐dependent fecundity.  相似文献   

We analytically study a deterministic model for the spread of drug resistance among human malaria parasites. The model incorporates all major characteristics of the complex malaria transmission cycle and accounts for the fact that only a fraction α of infected hosts receive drug treatment. Furthermore, the model incorporates that hosts can be co-infected. The number m of parasites co-infecting a host is either a constant or, more generally, follows a given frequency distribution.Although the model is formulated in a multilocus setup, for our results we assume that drug resistance is caused by a single locus with two alleles — a sensitive one and a resistant one. We assume that the resistant allele has a selective advantage only in treated hosts and pays metabolic costs, which causes this allele to be deleterious in untreated hosts. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the fixation of the resistant allele. Moreover, provided the resistant allele will sweep through the population, we derive a formula for the time until it reaches a given frequency and in particular for the time until quasi-fixation.Furthermore, we establish an analytical solution for allele frequency changes at a linked neutral biallelic locus due to the rapid increase in frequency of the resistant allele. Our solution describes a local reduction in heterozygosity among parasite chromosomes around the resistant allele, the effect commonly referred to as the hitchhiking effect, as a function of α and m. The result therefore allows the investigation of selective sweep patterns under specific demographic settings. We find that the hitchhiking effect is similar but different from the standard model of genetic hitchhiking that assumes random mating and homogeneous selection. In particular, the process of recombination and selection cannot be decoupled. We further explain why standard hitchhiking theory cannot be applied to drug resistance in malaria. Furthermore, we will show that a genome-wide reduction in relative heterozygosity can occur provided a fraction of hosts is infected by a single parasite haplotype.Finally, we show how to incorporate host heterogeneity, and generalize our results to this biologically more realistic case.  相似文献   

Biologists commonly assume that parasites are locally adapted since they have shorter generation times and higher fecundity than their hosts, and therefore evolve faster in the arms race against the host's defences. As a result, parasites should be better able to infect hosts within their local population than hosts from other allopatric populations. However, recent mathematical modelling has demonstrated that when hosts have higher migration rates than parasites, hosts may diversify their genes faster than parasites and thus parasites may become locally maladapted. This new model was tested on the Canarian endemic lizard and its blood parasite (haemogregarine genus). In this host–parasite system, hosts migrate more than parasites since lizard offspring typically disperse from their natal site soon after hatching and without any contact with their parents who are potential carriers of the intermediate vector of the blood parasite (a mite). Results of cross-infection among three lizard populations showed that parasites were better at infecting individuals from allopatric populations than individuals from their sympatric population. This suggests that, in this host–parasite system, the parasites are locally maladapted to their host.  相似文献   

Abstract. Here I present a deterministic model of the coevolution of parasites with the acquired immunity of their hosts, a system in which coevolutionary oscillations can be maintained. These dynamics can confer an advantage to sexual reproduction within the parasite population, but the effect is not strong enough to outweigh the twofold cost of sex. The advantage arises primarily because sexual reproduction impedes the response to fluctuating epistasis and not because it facilitates the response to directional selection—in fact, sexual reproduction often slows the response to directional selection. Where the cost of sexual reproduction is small, a polymorphism can be maintained between the sexuals and the asexuals. A polymorphism is maintained in which the advantage gained due to recombination is balanced by the cost of sex. At much higher costs of sex, a polymorphism between the asexual and sexual populations can still be maintained if the asexuals do not have a full complement of genotypes available to them, because the asexuals only outcompete those sexuals with which they share the same selected alleles. However, over time we might expect the asexuals to amass the full array of genotypes, thus permanently eliminating sexuals from the population. The sexuals may avoid this fate if the parasite population is finite. Although the model presented here describes the coevolution of parasites with the acquired immune responses of their hosts, it can be compared with other host-parasite models that have more traditionally been used to investigate Red Queen theories of the evolution of sex.  相似文献   

Vertebrate hosts differ in their level of parasite susceptibility and infestation. In avian broods, variation in susceptibility of nestlings to ectoparasites may be associated with non‐uniform distributions of parasites among brood mates, with parasites concentrating feeding on the most vulnerable hosts. The presence of a highly susceptible nestling in a brood can benefit the remaining young by reducing the parasite pressure they experience; however, from a parasite’s perspective, broods with fewer susceptible hosts may provide effectively fewer resources than broods of the same size containing a greater abundance of susceptible hosts, and this could limit the number of parasites that a host brood can sustain. To test whether variation in number of susceptible hosts affects the number of parasites in bird nests, we first examined the role of host sex and induced immunity (via methionine supplementation) on susceptibility of mountain bluebirds Sialia currucoides to parasitism by blow flies Protocalliphora spp. We then assessed the effect of variation in number of susceptible hosts on the number of parasites inhabiting the nest. Only females showed a benefit of methionine supplementation, gaining mass more rapidly following supplementation compared to males. This suggests that females are more susceptible to parasites in this system; this was further supported by parasite feeding trials, in which parasites extracted larger blood meals from female than male hosts. Finally, the abundance of parasites in nests was predicted by brood sex ratio: broods containing more female young harboured more parasites. Hence, within‐brood variation in host susceptibility to parasites can not only influence the costs of parasitism for individual nestlings, but may also have consequences for the size of parasite populations within nests. If patterns of maternal investment affect the abundance of nest‐dwelling parasites, these interactions may be important for understanding fitness consequences of maternal resource allocation in many vertebrate hosts.  相似文献   

Many epidemic models lead to an approximately Poisson distribution of parasites among hosts. This is at variance with observation, where heavy overdispersion is the rule. A simple model is proposed that, while treating individuals alike, nonetheless gives rise to highly variable parasite loads.  相似文献   

Accurate inferences on population genetics data require a sound underlying theoretical null model. Organisms alternating sexual and asexual reproduction during their life-cycle have been largely neglected in theoretical population genetic models, thus limiting the biological interpretation of population genetics parameters measured in natural populations. In this article, we derive the expectations of those parameters for the life-cycle of monoecious trematodes, a group comprising several important human and livestock parasites that obligatorily alternate sexual and asexual reproduction during their life-cycle. We model how migration rates between hosts, sexual and asexual mutation rates, adult selfing rate and the variance in reproductive success of parasites during the clonal phase affect the amount of neutral genetic diversity of the parasite (effective population size) and its apportionment within and between definitive hosts (using F-statistics). We demonstrate, in particular, that variance in reproductive success of clones, a parameter that has been completely overlooked in previous population genetics models, is very important in shaping the distribution of the genetic variability both within and among definitive hosts. Within definitive hosts, the parameter F(IS) (a measure of the deviation from random mating) is decreased by high variance in clonal reproductive success of larvae but increased by high adult self-fertilisation rates. Both clonal multiplication and selfing have similar effects on between-host genetic differentiation (F(ST)). Migration occurring before and after asexual reproduction can have different effects on the patterns of F(IS), depending on values of the other parameters such as the mutation rate. While the model applies to any hermaphroditic organism alternating sexual and clonal reproduction (e.g. many plants), the results are specifically discussed in the light of the limited population genetic data on monoecious trematodes available to date and their previous interpretation. We hope that our model will encourage more empirical population genetics studies on monoecious trematodes and other organisms with similar life-cycles.  相似文献   

The vast majority of parasites exhibit an aggregated frequency distribution within their host population, such that most hosts have few or no parasites while only a minority of hosts are heavily infected. One exception to this rule is the trophically transmitted parasite Pterygodermatites peromysci of the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus), which is randomly distributed within its host population. Here, we ask: what are the factors generating the random distribution of parasites in this system when the majority of macroparasites exhibit non-random patterns? We hypothesise that tight density-dependent processes constrain parasite establishment and survival, preventing the build-up of parasites within individual hosts, and preclude aggregation within the host population. We first conducted primary infections in a laboratory experiment using white-footed mice to test for density-dependent parasite establishment and survival of adult worms. Secondary or challenge infection experiments were then conducted to investigate underlying mechanisms, including intra-specific competition and host-mediated restrictions (i.e. acquired immunity). The results of our experimental infections show a dose-dependent constraint on within-host-parasite establishment, such that the proportion of mice infected rose initially with exposure, and then dropped off at the highest dose. Additional evidence of density-dependent competition comes from the decrease in worm length with increasing levels of exposure. In the challenge infection experiment, previous exposure to parasites resulted in a lower prevalence and intensity of infection compared with primary infection of naïve mice; the magnitude of this effect was also density-dependent. Host immune response (IgG levels) increased with the level of exposure, but decreased with the number of worms established. Our results suggest that strong intra-specific competition and acquired host immunity operate in a density-dependent manner to constrain parasite establishment, driving down aggregation and ultimately accounting for the observed random distribution of parasites.  相似文献   

Most models for coevolution of hosts and parasites are based on the assumption that resistance of hosts to parasites is an all-or-nothing effect. In many cases, for example where parasites require an appropriate receptor on host cells, this is a reasonable assumption. However, in many other cases, for example where hosts mount an immune response, this picture may be too simple. An immune system is expensive to maintain, which poses a question as to how much of its resources a host should allocate to resist parasites: if the risk of infection is low, natural selection may favour hosts with less effective immune systems. As optimal allocation to defence will depend on the force of infection, and the force of infection, in turn, depends on the level of defence in the rest of the host population, a game-theoretic approach is necessary. Here I analyse a simple model for the evolution of the ability to recover from infection. If parasites are not allowed to coevolve, the outcome is a single evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS). If the parasites coevolve, multiple evolutionary outcomes are possible, one in which the parasites are relatively avirulent and common and the hosts invest little in recovery ability, and another (the escalated arms race) where parasites are rare but virulent and the hosts invest heavily in defence.  相似文献   

Parasite specialization on one or a few host species leads to a reduction in the total number of available host individuals, which may decrease transmission. However, specialists are thought to be able to compensate by increased prevalence in the host population and increased success in each individual host. Here, we use variation in host breadth among a community of avian Haemosporida to investigate consequences of generalist and specialist strategies on prevalence across hosts. We show that specialist parasites are more prevalent than generalist parasites in host populations that are shared between them. Moreover, the total number of infections of generalist and specialist parasites within the study area did not vary significantly with host breadth. This suggests that specialists can infect a similar number of host individuals as generalists, thus compensating for a reduction in host availability by achieving higher prevalence in a single host species. Specialist parasites also tended to infect older hosts, whereas infections by generalists were biased towards younger hosts. We suggest that this reflects different abilities of generalists and specialists to persist in hosts following infection. Higher abundance and increased persistence in hosts suggest that specialists are more effective parasites than generalists, supporting the existence of a trade‐off between host breadth and average host use among these parasites.  相似文献   

A number of hypotheses exist to explain aggregated distributions, but they have seldom been used to investigate differences in parasite spatial distribution between native and introduced hosts. We applied two aggregation models, the negative binomial distribution and Taylor’s power law, to study the aggregation patterns of helminth populations from Liza haematocheilus across its native (Sea of Japan) and introduced (Sea of Azov) distribution ranges. In accordance with the enemy release hypothesis, we predicted that parasite populations in the introduced host range would be less aggregated than in the native host area, because aggregation is tightly constrained by abundance. Contrary to our expectation, aggregation of parasite populations was higher in the introduced host range. However, the analyses suggested that the effect of host introduction on parasite aggregation depends on whether parasite species, or higher level taxonomic groups, were acquired in or carried into the new area. The revealed similarity in the aggregation parameters of co-introduced monogeneans can be attributed to the repeatability and identity of the host–parasite systems. In contrast, the degree of aggregation differed markedly between regions for higher level taxa, which are represented by the native parasites in the Sea of Japan versus the acquired species in the Sea of Azov. We propose that the host species plays a crucial role in regulating infra-population sizes of acquired parasites due to the high rate of host-induced mortality. A large part of the introduced host population may remain uninfected due to their resistance to native naïve parasites. The core concept of our study is that the comparative analysis of aggregation patterns of parasites in communities and populations, and macroecological relationships, can provide a useful tool to reveal cryptic relationships in host–parasite systems of invasive hosts and their parasites.  相似文献   

Abstract Why do parasites harm their hosts? The general understanding is that if the transmission rate and virulence of a parasite are linked, then the parasite must harm its host to maximize its transmission. The exact nature of such trade‐offs remains largely unclear, but for vertebrate hosts it probably involves interactions between a microparasite and the host immune system. Previous results have suggested that in a homogeneous host population in the absence of super‐ or coinfection, within‐host dynamics lead to selection of the parasite with an intermediate growth rate that is just being controlled by the immune system before it kills the host (Antia et al. 1994). In this paper, we examine how this result changes when heterogeneity is introduced to the host population. We incorporate the simplest form of heterogeneity–random heterogeneity in the parameters describing the size of the initial parasite inoculum, the immune response of the host, and the lethal density at which the parasite kills the host. We find that the general conclusion of the previous model holds: parasites evolve some intermediate growth rate. However, in contrast with the generally accepted view, we find that virulence (measured by the case mortality or the rate of parasite‐induced host mortality) increases with heterogeneity. Finally, we link the within‐host and between‐host dynamics of parasites. We show how the parameters for epidemiological spread of the disease can be estimated from the within‐host dynamics, and in doing so examine the way in which trade‐offs between these epidemiological parameters arise as a consequence of the interaction of the parasite and the immune response of the host.  相似文献   

On the capacity of macroparasites to control insect populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A graphical model of the population dynamics of macroparasites and their hosts is developed. Three principal means by which the parasites can be regulated are considered: reduction in host density as a result of parasite-induced host mortality, reduction in host density as a result of parasite-induced host sterility, and competition among parasites within multiply-infected hosts. The means by which parasites are regulated has a major effect on the degree to which they can depress host population densities. In particular, a parasite that sterilizes its host is expected to reduce host density more than one that causes an equivalent decline in host fitness through increased mortality. A special case of the model is developed for herbivorous insects that, in the absence of parasites, are limited by larval food resources. Parasites that are regulated via parasite-induced host sterility will control the insect populations below the level set by larval resources if the threshold host density for the parasites (N(T)) is less than the ratio of carrying capacity to net reproductive rate of the insects (K/R). Data are presented showing that all three means of parasite regulation, but especially parasite-induced host sterility, can operate in Howardula aoronymphium, a nematode parasite of mycophagous Drosophila flies. Data from a field cage experiment show that, if these nematodes are regulated primarily via reductions in host density due to this sterility, the parameters N(T), K, and R are such that Howardula is likely to play an important role in controlling Drosophila populations. However, this conclusion must be tempered by the fact that these nematodes also cause increased host mortality and experience within-host competition, making the conditions for parasite control of the flies more stringent.  相似文献   

Avian brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of their hosts, which rear the parasite's progeny. The costs of parasitism have selected for the evolution of defence strategies in many host species. Most research has focused on resistance strategies, where hosts minimize the number of successful parasitism events using defences such as mobbing of adult brood parasites or rejection of parasite eggs. However, many hosts do not exhibit resistance. Here we explore why some hosts accept parasite eggs in their nests and how this is related to the virulence of the parasite. We also explore the extent to which acceptance of parasites can be explained by the evolution of tolerance; a strategy in which the host accepts the parasite but adjusts its life history or other traits to minimize the costs of parasitism. We review examples of tolerance in hosts of brood parasites (such as modifications to clutch size and multi‐broodedness), and utilize the literature on host–pathogen interactions and plant herbivory to analyse the prevalence of each type of defence (tolerance or resistance) and their evolution. We conclude that (i) the interactions between brood parasites and their hosts provide a highly tractable system for studying the evolution of tolerance, (ii) studies of host defences against brood parasites should investigate both resistance and tolerance, and (iii) tolerance and resistance can lead to contrasting evolutionary scenarios.  相似文献   

A parasite's host range essentially defines its niche breadth, which, as foraging theory predicts, is influenced by resource availability. For parasites, the interaction of infection and transmission characteristics with host population dynamics determines host availability. An epidemiological model, involving two host types and describing competition between a "generalist" parasite strain and a related "specialist" strain, is used to examine the interplay among host range, relative host availabilities, and adaptational compromises engendered by increased host range. Results show that the generalist can predominate even when it cannot maintain itself in either host alone, but that the specialist can persist if its reproductive rate attains some threshold relative to either of the generalist's respective rates in its two hosts. The model is in rough, qualitative agreement with observed dynamics of two Leishmania parasite-host systems, and overall results suggest that infection of two species with a common parasite can lead to complex, indirect coevolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

R. Arditi  O. Glaizot 《BioControl》1995,40(2):235-262
A model for superparasitism in insect parasitoids is developed. This model combines the study of superparasitism in terms of distribution of eggs among hosts (for a given number of hosts) and in terms of functional response (number of hosts attacked for a varying number of hosts available). Thus, it gives a synthetic treatment of problems that had been previously handled with separate models (e.g., Bakkeret al. (1972) on one hand and Arditi (1983) on the other hand). The combined model involves several parameters, among which important ones are the propensity to superparasitise, δ, and the average handling times spent on healthy and parasitised hosts, Th and Tp. Special cases are those of an indiscriminate parasitoid (δ=1 and Tp=Th) and of a “predator-like” parasitoid (δ=0 and Tp=0). In this paper, the emphasis is put on the problems related with model identification and parameter estimation from experimental data. According to the data available, three situations are considered: egg distribution alone, functional response alone, and both combined. The main conclusions are the following. (i) Egg distributions are described correctly when the parasitoid/host ratio is not too high. When the situation is very strained, i.e., when a small number of hosts are available per parasitoid, superparasitism occurs more frequently than predicted by the model. (ii) Functional response data are usually not precise enough to estimate all model parameters, particularly Tp. That is, it will usually not be possible to assess the discrimination capacity of a given species on the basis of a functional response curve only. (iii) If both a functional response and the corresponding egg distributions are available, it is better to fit the egg distribution model first and, depending on the estimated value of δ, to fit thereafter the appropriate functional response model.  相似文献   

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