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The factors controlling normal placental development are poorly understood. We have previously reported the presence of ovine placental growth hormone (oPGH) and growth hormone receptors in ovine placenta, and oPGH production by the trophectoderm and syncitium during the second month of pregnancy. To identify factors regulating oPGH production, we developed a perifusion system to measure oPGH and ovine placental lactogen (oPL) production by Day 45 ovine placental explants. The mRNAs for both hormones were quantitated by real-time polymerase chain reaction in explants collected after perifusion periods of up to 8 h. Ovine PGH and oPL were released into the medium at mean rates of 2.45 +/- 0.2 and 353.6 +/- 13.6 ng/g/h, respectively. Ovine placenta produces growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), but addition of GHRH to the perifusion medium did not modify either oPGH or oPL production. In vivo, oPGH production occurs between Days 30 and 60 of pregnancy. Because modulation of the maternal diet during this period affects placental development, the potential regulation of oPGH and oPL production by glucose was evaluated. Glucose supplementation of the perifusion medium resulted in a concentration-dependent decrease in oPGH release after 4 h, but oPGH mRNA levels were not affected. Production of oPL was not affected by glucose. Thus, oPGH and oPL belong to the same growth hormone/prolactin family but are differentially regulated by glucose. Ovine PGH modulations should be taken into account in metabolic experiments performed during the first trimester of pregnancy in sheep.  相似文献   

瘦素对GH3细胞分泌和凋亡的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu YL  Zhong YQ  Chi SM  Zhu YL 《生理学报》2005,57(2):254-258
本文旨在探讨瘦素(leptin)对垂体瘤GH3细胞的生长激素(growth hormone,GH)分泌的作用及可能机制。我们观察了leptin对GH3细胞生长激素的分泌、细胞的增殖和凋亡的影响,结果显示:leptin(1、10和100 nmol/L)对GH3细胞的基础GH分泌有抑制作用(P<0.05),并存在剂量依赖效应。用10 nmol/L的leptin作用30 min、1和3 h对GH分泌无明显影响,而作用1、2和3 d则可抑制GH分泌(P<0.05)。应用噻唑蓝(MTT)比色分析法和流式细胞仪研究leptin对GH3细胞增殖和凋亡的影响,我们发现leptin对GH3细胞的增殖有抑制作用,并存在剂量依赖效应;同时leptin可减低GH3细胞的S期细胞比例,而G1期的细胞比例明显增加,进入2相和4相的凋亡细胞比例增加。上述结果表明,leptin可抑制GH3 细胞的基础GH分泌,其作用可能是通过抑制GH3细胞的DNA合成,促进GH3细胞的凋亡,从而影响GH的分泌。  相似文献   

The effects of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and insulin on placental lactogen production (hPL) by term human placental explants were studied. The hPL content in medium and explant decreased rapidly after first 24 hours of culture. The decrease thereafter was gradual and reached a plateau by day 4 of culture. The decrease of HPL content in placental culture has previously been suggested being due to the depletion of a rapidly secreting preformed pool of hPL. Addition of IGF-I (0.1-10 micrograms/ml) and insulin (1-20 micrograms/ml) stimulated the decreased level of hPL in tissue and medium after 24 hours in culture. IGF-I was 10 times more potent than insulin in stimulating hPL. These findings suggest that IGF-I and insulin effects the production of hPL by placenta. The lower potency of insulin may indicate that the effect of insulin on hPL production is via IGF-I receptor.  相似文献   

We have shown recently that fasting permits leptin to modulate both luteinizing hormone (LH) and insulin secretion in cows. In rodents, leptin causes divergent effects on LH and insulin release that are dose dependent. To test the hypothesis that leptin effects on LH and insulin secretion in fasted cows are dose related, we examined the effects of various doses of recombinant ovine leptin (oleptin) in mature cows. Twenty ovariectomized beef cows, each bearing an estradiol implant to maintain basal estradiol concentrations, were used. All cows were fasted for 60 hr with free access to water and were assigned randomly to one of four groups (n = 5/group): 1) saline control; 2) leptin, 0.2 microg/kg; 3) leptin, 2.0 microg/kg; and 4) leptin, 20 microg/kg body wt. Blood samples were collected at 10-min intervals for 6 hr on Days 0 and 2, with saline or oleptin injected intravenously immediately after the first intensive sample on Day 2 (54 hr). Leptin caused a dose-related increase (P < 0.001) in mean concentrations of circulating LH. Stimulation of LH release by leptin was significant at the lowest (141% of control) and middle (122% of control) doses used, but no increase was observed for the highest dose. Increased mean concentrations of LH appeared to result from an augmentation of basal secretion, as pulse characteristics were not affected. After 54 hr of fasting, plasma insulin concentrations were lowered (P < 0.01) in all treatment groups compared to Day 0. After leptin injections, plasma insulin concentrations increased (P < 0.01) and reached highest concentrations during the first hour of sampling. However, this increase was sustained for several hours only in the intermediate (2.0 microg/kg) dose group. Collectively, our results show that leptin has potent positive effects on both LH and insulin secretion in fasted cows, but the anterior pituitary and endocrine pancreas appear to become downregulated in the presence of excess ligand.  相似文献   

Maternal insulin and placental 3-O-methyl glucose transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of insulin in the maternal circulation on the placental clearance of 3-O-methyl glucose were investigated in 7 animals in the presence of a constant maternal glucose concentration. While maternal insulin concentration changed from 12 +/- 4 to 175 +/- 33 mu Units/ml, the placental clearance remained constant at 16.2 +/- 1.2 (control) and 15 +/- 1.3 ml/min per kg fetus under the influence of the insulin. To test the secondary hypothesis that in the control condition the hexose transport system was saturated, we performed a further series of experiments in 6 fasted animals. In these animals the control maternal plasma insulin concentration was 2 +/- 0.3 mu Units/ml and after the infusion of insulin it increased to 562 +/- 26 mu Units/ml. Under conditions of constant maternal and fetal plasma glucose concentrations, this massive elevation of plasma insulin did not change the placental clearance of 3MeG which was 15.2 +/- 1.6 in the control condition and 13.3 +/- ml/min per kg under the influence of high insulin. We conclude that maternal insulin ranging from 2 mu Units/ml to supraphysiologic doses does not effect a physiologically significant change in placental hexose transfer. Placental glucose transfer can probably therefore, be changed only be changing the concentration of glucose in the maternal and fetal plasma.  相似文献   

To determine the influence of dietary fructose and glucose on circulating leptin levels in lean and obese rats, plasma leptin concentrations were measured in ventromedial hypothalamic (VMH)-lesioned obese and sham-operated lean rats fed either normal chow or fructose- or glucose-enriched diets (60% by calories) for 2 wk. Insulin resistance was evaluated by the steady-state plasma glucose method and intravenous glucose tolerance test. In lean rats, glucose-enriched diet significantly increased plasma leptin with enlarged parametrial fat pad, whereas neither leptin nor fat-pad weight was altered by fructose. Two weeks after the lesions, the rats fed normal chow had marked greater body weight gain, enlarged fat pads, and higher insulin and leptin compared with sham-operated rats. Despite a marked adiposity and hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance was not increased in VMH-lesioned rats. Fructose brought about substantial insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in both lean and obese rats, whereas glucose led to rather enhanced insulin sensitivity. Leptin, body weight, and fat pad were not significantly altered by either fructose or glucose in the obese rats. These results suggest that dietary glucose stimulates leptin production by increasing adipose tissue or stimulating glucose metabolism in lean rats. Hyperleptinemia in VMH-lesioned rats is associated with both increased adiposity and hyperinsulinemia but not with insulin resistance. Dietary fructose does not alter leptin levels, although this sugar brings about hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, suggesting that hyperinsulinemia compensated for insulin resistance does not stimulate leptin production.  相似文献   

After parturition, dairy cows suffer from an intense energy deficit caused by the onset of copious milk secretion and an inadequate increase in voluntary food intake. We previously showed that this energy deficit contributes to a decline in plasma leptin. This decline mirrors that of plasma insulin but is reciprocal to the profile of plasma growth hormone (GH), suggesting that both hormones may regulate plasma leptin in periparturient dairy cows. To study the role of insulin, hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps were performed on six dairy cows in late pregnancy (LP, 31 days prepartum) and early lactation (EL, 7 days postpartum). Infusion of insulin (1 microg.kg body wt-1.h-1) caused a progressive rise in the plasma concentration of leptin that reached maximum levels at 24 h during both physiological states. At steady states, the absolute increase in plasma leptin was greater in LP than in EL cows (2.4 vs. 0.4 ng/ml). Insulin infusion increased leptin mRNA in adipose tissue during LP but not during EL. During lactation, mammary epithelial cells expressed leptin mRNA but insulin did not increase milk leptin output. In contrast, a 3-day period of GH administration had no effect on plasma leptin during LP or EL. Therefore, insulin increases plasma leptin in LP by stimulating adipose tissue synthesis but has only marginal effects in EL, when cows are in negative energy balance. Other factors, such as increased response of adipose tissue to beta-adrenergic signals, probably contribute to the reduction of plasma leptin in early lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Since the effects of ketamine sedation seem to differ between subspecies of baboons, we assessed the endocrine response to an intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) in 12 hamadryas baboons. The first phase insulin secretion, basal insulin, and glucose levels, as well as the glucose clearance, were significantly lower in sedated baboons as compared to fully awake animals. Glucagon and Cortisol were significantly higher, while growth hormone was lower during ketamine sedation. Papio hamadryas appears to be a promising pre-clinical model for the study of endocrine replacement therapy in insulin-dependent diabetes. However, the data obtained must be interpreted with the knowledge that the anesthetic employed to allow for testing of the animals does have an effect on the parameters described in this report.  相似文献   

Effects of intravenous (IV) infusion of secretin during IV infusion of glucose were examined in normal men. Secretin was administered according to three schedules: with each schedule a comparable priming dose was delivered in the first minute, but this was followed by a maintained (120 min) infusion of secretin at a relatively high rate, or by maintained infusion at one-third that rate, or by brief (15 min) infusion at the lower rate. The lower infusion rate produced increments in secretin in the blood within the range attainable during endogenous secretion. By comparison with effects of glucose alone each secretin infusion enhanced the increments of immunoreactive insulin in the blood. Enhancement of the early release (0-5 min) of insulin was similar with each type of secretin infusion, but the integrated changes in insulin levels through the total infusion period were related to the total doses of secretin. With each dose of secretin glucose tolerance was improved but the three mean glucose curves observed during infusions of secretin were not distinguishable from one another in spite of widely different integrated insulin responses. Secretin did not modify suppression of immunoreactive glucagon or free fatty acids in the blood during hyperglycemia. The results suggest that the effect of continuous administration of secretin on glucose tolerance is not simply related to its integrated insulinotropic action. It is suggested that the effect may be highly dependent on enhancement of insulin secretion early in the response to glycemia, or that it may be due to effects of secretin on glucose production or disposal which are not mediated by insulin.  相似文献   

The in vivo actions of growth hormone (GH) on insulin activity and glucose homeostasis were examined in the GH-deficient Little mouse. The insulin-like action of GH was revealed during glucose tolerance tests on the animals after acute treatment with the hormone and the insulin-antagonistic action was demonstrated in both glucose tolerance tests and insulin tolerance tests on the mice after chronic GH infusion. The primary mechanism of the GH actions is to influence the responses of the target tissues to circulating insulin in vivo. The pancreatic function seems to be of little importance in the alteration of glucose metabolism after acute exposure to GH as no significant change of the levels of plasma insulin was detected. It is concluded that the GH-deficient Little mouse is an ideal laboratory model for the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of the interaction between insulin and GH in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Ghrelin, an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, was originally purified from the rat stomach. Although ghrelin has been recognized as an important regulator of energy metabolism, the regulation of the ghrelin secretion is largely unknown. Here, we examined the direct effects of insulin, leptin, and glucagon on the release of ghrelin from the isolated rat stomach. The isolated pancreas-spleen-duodenum deprived preparation of rat stomach was used. After a baseline control infusion into the left gastric artery, insulin, leptin, or glucagon were infused for 15 min at concentrations of 0.1, 1, and 10 nM. The levels of immunoreactive ghrelin in the venous effluents were measured with a radioimmunoassay. Insulin and leptin inhibited ghrelin secretion dose-dependently (total amount of ghrelin release: insulin at 1 nM, 73.5+/-7.3% of the control infusion; leptin at 1 nM, 81.8+/-2.5% of the control infusion; n=5, P<0.05), while glucagon increased it dose-dependently (total amount of ghrelin released at 10 nM was 143.9+/-19.3% of the control infusion; n=5, P<0.01). These results indicate that the ghrelin responses observed in vivo could be due to direct effects of multiple hormonal signals on the stomach.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the spontaneous leptin secretion in patients with myelomeningocele (MMC) and growth hormone deficiency (GHD). METHODS: Serum leptin levels were studied in 10 prepubertal MMC patients with GHD (CA 6.2 +/- 0.5 years), 10 patients with idiopathic GHD (IGHD; CA 7.6 +/- 0.7 years) and 12 children with normal variant short stature (NVSS; CA 7.6 +/- 0.5 years). Mean BMI (kg/m(2)) values of the groups did not differ significantly. Nocturnal leptin levels were analyzed over 10 h (blood samples every 20 min) and measured by specific radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: Mean leptin concentrations did not correlate with BMI in MMC patients. Nocturnal leptin secretion of MMC patients was significantly different to those of children with IGHD and NVSS. Morning leptin levels did not decline as observed in both other groups. CONCLUSION: Since all groups were matched for BMI values, we suggest a hypothalamic dysregulation of leptin secretion in MMC patients.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of exposure to hypoxia from birth to 7 days of age on leptin, insulin, growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), glucose, corticosterone, body weight, and body composition in rats studied at 7 days of age and then after return to normoxia. Hypoxia for the first 7 days of life resulted in a significant decrease in plasma leptin, body weight, and an increase in corticosterone and insulin with no change in plasma glucose, GH or IGF-1. There was no significant effect of hypoxia on % lean body mass, but a small but significant increase in % body fat. Bone mineral density (BMD) was lower in 7-day-old hypoxic rats as compared to normoxic controls. All hormonal variables and BMD had normalized by 7 days after return to normoxia. However, body weight remained lower even 5 weeks after return to normoxia. We conclude that leptin is decreased during neonatal hypoxia despite no change in adiposity. Furthermore, insulin is increased probably to overcome the effects of increased counterregulatory hormones (such as corticosterone).  相似文献   

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