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Scanning-Beam Electron Microscopy of Mycoplasma pneumoniae   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The morphology and the existence of a growth cycle of Mycoplasma pneumoniae have not been clearly established. There is disagreement as to whether this organism exists as a spherical or filamentous form, and whether it progresses from filamentous to spherical forms as the organism ages. A scanning-beam electron microscope (SEM) was utilized to provide detailed observations of the cycle of morphological changes during growth phases of M. pneumoniae. Cultures of cells grown and fixed in liquid suspension displayed morphological changes from spherical to filamentous and then to larger round forms. After 8 hr to 2 days of growth (phase I), spherical forms and aggregates were revealed. Two- to 6-day-old growth (phase II) was composed of both straight and branching filaments with bulbous elements situated at intervals along their lengths, and microcolonies composed predominantly of intertwined filaments. Six- to 10-day-old growth (phase III) was characterized by flattened, spherical organisms larger than those observed in phase I, occasional membranes or ghosts, and a paucity of aggregates or microcolonies. Thus, stereo-scan electron microscopic studies suggest that M. pneumoniae undergoes an orderly and sequential metamorphosis during its life cycle.  相似文献   

Colonies of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Mycoplasma salivarium grown in PPLO agar were examined by light and electron microscopy. The main objective of the investigation was to attempt in situ fixation and minimize tonic changes in the organisms. Microscopy revealed that both organisms grew both in and upon the agar. The agar and surface growths of M. pneumoniae exhibited similar profiles, whereas those of M. salivarium differed strikingly. Both organisms are highly pleomorphic, but their matrix was denser and appeared more intact than in previously reported profiles. Cells which resemble the commonly reported mycoplasma were occasionally observed. The significance of these discrepant profiles remains unanswered. It is suggested that they may represent aged or osmotically damaged cells.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma attachment to solid surfaces: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mycoplasma attachment to glass in a protein-containing environment requires energization of the cells, probably to provide more accessibility of binding sites. The substance mediating attachment is of protein nature. Studies with monoclonal antibodies on M. pneumoniae suggest a concentration of the binding sites at the tip structure.  相似文献   

The surface structures of the spores of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus thuringiensis, and Brevibacillus laterosporus were studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Platinum deposition and negative staining with uranyl acetate revealed appendages and exosporium in B. thuringiensis and B. cereus. The exosporium structure was visualized by negative staining and ultrathin sectioning. For staining the exosporium polysaccharide, Alcian blue was used during fixation. The results obtained show the differences in structural organization of appendages and exosporium in different strains. Canoe-shaped inclusions were revealed in all Br. laterosporus strains, while strain IGM16-92 had a fibrillar capsule as well. Electron microscopy using a dual beam scanning electron microscope Quanta 200 3D provided the information of the spore surface relief without sample treatment (fixation and dehydration). The spores of Br. laterosporus strains had folded surface, unlike the smooth surface of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis spores. The diversity of external spore structures was shown within a species, which may be used for detection of bacteria at the strain level. Optimized procedures for visualization of spore surface by different electron microscopic techniques were discussed.  相似文献   

Motility of Mycoplasma pneumoniae.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cell of Mycoplasma pneumoniae FH gliding on a glass surface in liquid medium were examined by microscopic observation and quantitatively by microcinematography (30 frames per min). Comparisons were made only within the individual experiments. The cells moved in an irregular pattern with numerous narrow bends and circles. They never changed their leading end. The average speed (without pauses) was relatively constant between o.2 and 0.5 mum/s. The maximum speed was about 1.5 to 2.0 mum/s. The movements were interrupted by resting periods of different lengths and frequency. Temperature, viscosity, pH, and the presence of yeast extract in the medium influenced the motility significantly; changes in glucose, calcium ions, and serum content were less effective. The movements were affected by iodoacetate, p-mercuribenzoate, and mitomycin C at inhibitory or subinhibitory concentrations. Sodium fluoride, sodium cyanide, dinitrophenol, chloramphenicol, puromycin, cholchicin, and cytochalasin B at minimal inhibitory concentrations did not affect motility. The movements were effectively inhibited by anti-M. pneumoniae antiserum. Studies with absorbed antiserum suggested that the surface components involved in motility are heat labile. The gliding of M. pneumoniae cells required an intact energy metabolism and the proteins involved seemed to have a low turnover.  相似文献   

We had previously separated the ribosome-complexed and -free membrane fractions of Bacillus subtilis by sedimentation in a biphasic sucrose gradient. We now have found that the complexed fraction is contaminated with ribosome-free vesicles and that these can be removed by equilibrium density centrifugation. With this improved preparation, it could be shown that the penicillin-binding proteins are present almost exclusively in the ribosome-free membrane fraction. It thus appears that the fragmentation of the membrane in the lysing protoplast yields separate vesicles for the domains involved in protein translocation and for those involved in the synthesis and reshaping of the peptidoglycan. An enzyme of lipid synthesis (phosphatidylserine synthase) and also H+-ATPase were similarly found to be concentrated, but less exclusively, in the ribosome-free membrane fraction.  相似文献   

The frequency of fulminant pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae is relatively rare despite the high prevalence of Mycoplasma species infection in the general population. We recently encountered such a case and have reviewed the English-language literature on cases of M pneumoniae pneumonia that have resulted in respiratory failure or death. Due to host factors or on epidemiologic grounds, fulminant cases seem to be more common in young healthy adults, in males, and possibly in smokers among the 46 patients we found. An enhanced host cellular immune response may be responsible for the development of severe cases. A spectrum of small airways disease is characteristic, including cellular bronchiolitis and bronchiolitis obliterans with and without organizing pneumonia. Based largely on anecdotal experience, corticosteroid use may be salutary in patients with respiratory failure. For reasons that are not well known, the incidence of pulmonary thromboembolism is increased in fatal cases.  相似文献   

Summary The resorbing surfaces of exfoliated or extracted human deciduous molar teeth were studied directly in the scanning electron microscope and indirectly by a single stage carbon replica technique for the transmission electron microscope. Some specimens of resorbing bone were also examined. Some of the material was examined after a simple washing process and some after removal of the organic matrix with hot 12 diamino ethane.The typical crossbanding of collagen could be seen on resorbing cement and dentine surfaces. This is taken as an indication that demineralisation is the first step in resorption. The very highly mineralised peritubular dentine remained proud of the resorbing surfaces thus indicating that its mineral component is in some way selectively protected.Enamel prism sheaths were also found to be selectively resistant to resorption and this is assumed to be related to the protection of the mineral component in these regions by their higher and/or different organic content. No prism sheaths were found next to the enamel-dentine junction and there was only a slight step down from the enamel to the dentine.Large remineralization crystals were found located at the borders between adjacent Howship's lacunae.The natural resorbing surfaces were compared with surfaces subjected to purely physical erosion by 5 keV argon ion beam bombardment (Boyde and Stewart, 1962).Our thanks are due to Mr. A.D.G. Stewart for permission to publish Fig. 5, which was prepared by him. The Cambridge Instrument Company Stereoscan scanning electron microscope was provided by the (U. K.) Science Research Council.  相似文献   

Summary Suspensions of viable testicular cells obtained from two groups of rats (one group treated for ten days with 50 I. U. of serum gonadotropins (HCG) daily; one group not previously treated) were cultured for ten days. Numerous cells adhered to the glass to form a confluent monolayer and remained in good condition after ten days. This monolayer contained two cell types identified by electron microscopy: fibroblastic cells and Leydig cells. The relative proportion by which these two cells contributed to the monolayer was related to the condition of the donor when the culture was initiated. Fibroblastic cells were more abundant when the animal was not previously treated with HCG. However Leydig cells almost exclusively formed the monolayer when cultures were begun with testicular cells of HCG-treated rats. Gonadotropins on the other hand did not seem capable of acting in vitro.  相似文献   

Cell monolayer cultures were prepared from hamster tracheal explants by a collagenase exposure and subsequent incubation in Waymouth's MAB 87/3 medium. The epithelial outgrowth occurred on glass cover slips. Cilia on the monolayers continued to beat normally after the "parent" explant was removed. Monolayer cultures infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae had significant amounts of attachment. A morphological analysis of the attachment was conducted with scanning electron microscopy. Clusters, cocci, and filaments of M. pneumoniae all attached to the epithelial cells, but the filaments were especially common. Mycoplasmas were seen in association with both ciliated and nonciliated cell membranes. On ciliated cells, mycoplasmas were on the ciliary strands and on the cell membrane. When located immediately adjacent to or in between cilia, mycoplasmas were oriented vertically with the constricted attachment tip oriented down toward the host cell membrane. When located more than a micron away from the ciliary fibers, mycoplasmas lay horizontally along the epithelial cell membrane. The photographic data suggest that clusters or "sperules" of mycoplasmas may liberate individual mycoplasmas that attach to the cell membrane. It appears that the receptor sites for M. pneumoniae are rather uniformly distributed along the ciliated cell membrane, and are not restricted to the interciliary areas.  相似文献   

Guinea pigs experimentally infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae or immunized with the orgnaism in combination with Freund's complete adjuvant developed a delayed hypersensitive skin reaction following on intradermal injection of the M. pneumoniae antigen. The amount of protein necessary to produce the delayed skin reaction was as low as 0.01 mug. When the sonicated whole cells were extracted with aqueous acetone, the delayed skin reactivity was found mostly in the acetone insoluble (lipid-depleted) fraction. On the other hand, the lipid fraction which was isolated by a chloroform-methanol extraction of the acetone-soluble fraction and had a high titer of complement-fixing activity, exhibited little delayed skin reactivity. The lipid-depleted antigens as the whole cell antigens produced delayed skin reactivities in human patients.  相似文献   

The Mycoplasma pneumoniae terminal organelle functions in adherence and gliding motility and is comprised of at least eleven substructures. We used electron cryotomography to correlate impaired gliding and adherence function with changes in architecture in diverse terminal organelle mutants. All eleven substructures were accounted for in the prkC, prpC and P200 mutants, and variably so for the HMW3 mutant. Conversely, no terminal organelle substructures were evident in HMW1 and HMW2 mutants. The P41 mutant exhibits a terminal organelle detachment phenotype and lacked the bowl element normally present at the terminal organelle base. Complementation restored this substructure, establishing P41 as either a component of the bowl element or required for its assembly or stability, and that this bowl element is essential to anchor the terminal organelle but not for leverage in gliding. Mutants II‐3, III‐4 and topJ exhibited a visibly lower density of protein knobs on the terminal organelle surface. Mutants II‐3 and III‐4 lack accessory proteins required for a functional adhesin complex, while the topJ mutant lacks a DnaJ‐like co‐chaperone essential for its assembly. Taken together, these observations expand our understanding of the roles of certain terminal organelle proteins in the architecture and function of this complex structure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Surface bound proteins on colloid particles are widely used in biotechnological applications such as diagnostics or separation. Analysis of colloid surfaces by imaging methods provides information on the structure of these protein films, and an understanding of the functional relationships of biomolecules immobilised on solid surfaces. METHODS: In order to visualise protein molecules organised in films on surfaces of nano-sized gold-particles, an electron-microscopic approach based on the scattering absorption contrast of the specimen was applied. RESULTS: Analysing protein conjugated gold particles with a transmission electron microscope, protein films on gold particle surfaces cause a significant scattering absorption contrast based on the materials' electron density. Thus, the thickness of such films becomes directly measurable in planar projection and the shape of these films are visualised without negative staining methods. The insertion of Ruthenium-labelled antibodies instead of non-labelled antibodies as a marker with increased electron-density in these films yields a contrast enhancement of the whole film. Additional labelling with anti-Mouse IgG Gold conjugates localises the position of the surface bound antibodies in such protein films. CONCLUSIONS: The power of transmission electron microscopy to resolve protein-films on colloid surfaces without staining or labelling as a sample preparation procedure has been demonstrated. Thus, this direct method provides an analytical tool for studying protein films and their structural features on particle surfaces.  相似文献   

D. W. Cockcroft  G. A. Stilwell 《CMAJ》1981,124(11):1463-1468
Seven patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia presented with moderate to dense consolidation in one (in five patients) or more lobes. The diagnosis was suspected in five patients after failure to respond to 1 to 6 (average 2.6) antibiotics administered for 2 to 12 (average 7) days, and in one patient upon the development of hemolytic anemia. Clues to the diagnosis of nonbacterial pneumonia included a nonrespiratory viral-like prodromal period (in five), a nonproductive cough (in five), lack of rigors (in seven), recent "pneumonia" in family members (in ;three), normal total leukocyte and neutrophil counts (in six) and the absence of bacterial pathogens in smears and cultures of sputum (in all seven). The diagnosis of M. pneumoniae infection was supported by the presence of cold agglutinins (in a titre of 1.64 or greater) in ;the serum of five or six patients and was confirmed by diagnostic levels or increases in the titre of M. pneumoniae complement fixing antibodies. Awareness of the fact that M. pneumoniae can present as lobar consolidation and close attention to the clinical and laboratory data can usually suggest a nonbacterial cause and thus prevent delay in appropriate antibiotic treatment.  相似文献   

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