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The lung is an important tertiary lymphoid organ with constant trafficking of T cells through the lung in both health and disease. T cell migration is controlled by a combination of adhesion receptors and chemokines expressed on vascular endothelium and in the tissue, often in an organ-specific manner. This leads to selective accumulation of different T cell subsets, a process called lymphocyte homing. There is evidence for a distinct lung-homing pathway, but no specific lung-homing receptors have been described. We analyzed the chemokine receptor profile of lung T cells to determine the extent to which lung T cells shared homing pathways with other organs such as the gut and skin. In addition, we compared expression of receptors in normal and asthmatic individuals to determine whether different pathways were used in health and disease. We observed that lung T cells expressed a profile of chemokine and adhesion receptors distinct from that of gut- and skin-homing T cells although no chemokine receptor specific for the lung was found. In particular, lung T cells expressed CCR5 and CXCR3, but not CCR9 or cutaneous lymphocyte Ag, and only low levels of CCR4 and alpha(4)beta(7). No differences were observed between lung T cells from normal vs asthmatic subjects. This study provides added support for the concept of a lung-homing pathway separate from other mucosal organs such as the gut and suggests that the chemokine pathways that control T cell migration in normal homeostasis and Th2-type inflammatory responses are similar.  相似文献   

Influence of sleep on lung volume in asthmatic patients and normal subjects   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To assess the effect of sleep on functional residual capacity (FRC) in normal subjects and asthmatic patients, 10 adult subjects (5 asthmatic patients with nocturnal worsening, 5 normal controls) were monitored overnight in a horizontal volume-displacement body plethysmograph. With the use of a single inspiratory occlusion technique, we determined that when supine and awake, asthmatic patients were hyperinflated relative to normal controls (FRC = 3.46 +/- 0.18 and 2.95 +/- 0.13 liters, respectively; P less than 0.05). During sleep FRC decreased in both groups, but the decrease was significantly greater in asthmatic patients such that during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep FRC was equivalent between the asthmatic and normal groups (FRC = 2.46 +/- 0.23 and 2.45 +/- 0.09 liters, respectively). Specific pulmonary conductance decreased progressively and significantly in the asthmatic patients during the night, falling from 0.047 +/- 0.007 to 0.018 +/- 0.002 cmH2O-1.s-1 (P less than 0.01). There was a significant linear relationship through the night between FRC and pulmonary conductance in only two of the five asthmatic patients (r = 0.55 and 0.65, respectively). We conclude that 1) FRC falls during sleep in both normal subjects and asthmatic patients, 2) the hyperinflation observed in awake asthmatic patients is diminished during non-REM sleep and eliminated during REM sleep, and 3) sleep-associated reductions in FRC may contribute to but do not account for all the nocturnal increase in airflow resistance observed in asthmatic patients with nocturnal worsening.  相似文献   

The metabolism of exogenous leukotriene B4 (LTB4) was investigated in venous blood obtained from normal and asthmatic subjects. Using specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) techniques we have demonstrated that LTB4 is relatively stable during a 2 hr incubation period at 37 degrees C in our system in vitro. Nevertheless, chromatographic analysis revealed the presence of two products which had retention times identical to 20-hydroxy LTB4 (20-0H LTB4) and 20-carboxy LTB4 (20-C00H LTB4) in which the dicarboxylic derivative was the main metabolite present after 15 min incubation. The amount of LTB4 and its w-oxidation products observed after a 2 hr incubation period was 73% and 24% respectively. There was no basal release of LTB4 from blood. The appearance of these oxidative products was totally suppressed at 4 degrees C and with incubations performed with either venous plasma or Hartmann's control. No significant difference was observed in substrate metabolism between normal and asthmatic subjects. Our results demonstrate that LTB4 is slowly degraded in human whole blood through a cellular dependent process of w-oxidation which may be an important pathway for regulating the availability of this potent biologically active substance.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes on specially prepared and coloured blood smears can be classified not only by idcture analysis but also by phase contrast microscopy. Parameters of change for the peripheral zone area and pallor area (phase contrast value PW and index of erythrocyte changes Ev-I) serve as classificators of visual technique. 449 blood smears of the same number of male and female grown-up persons, whose diagnosis was unknown at the time of evaluation, were used for evaluation. In 145 cases these were healthy test persons in clinical and laboratory respect (group I). 163 test persons were ill, but without any malignous neoplasias (group II), and in 141 patients an ensured malignous neoplasia could be found (group III). From those 308 test persons or patients respectively in group I + II 11 blood smears were falsely classified as positive (= 3.6%). In 5 from 141 cases in group III blood smears were falsely evaluated as negative (= 3.6%). The findings were statistically ensured by the t-test. Clinical parameters of evaluation gained with visual techniques of classification are in accordance with those gained with automatic picture analysis. The reasons for the good separating ability of PW and Ev-I are discussed. Visual techniques of classification are suitable for institutions of all grades of equipment.  相似文献   

The number of DNA-synthesizing lymphocytes in the phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated cultures of the peripheral blood of schizophrenic patients was determined. Under the mentioned conditions the number of DNA-synthesizing lymphocytes of the schizophrenic patients was 18% less than in the cultures of healthy donors. When the PHA-treated lymphocytes of normal donors were incubated with the serum of schizophrenic patients the number of lymphocytes capable of synthesizing DNA in the presence of PHA fell by 21%.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence points to a close relationship between the autonomic nervous system and the immune system. To further investigate mechanisms regulating beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2R) expression in lymphocytes, the influence of cytokines on the density of beta2R on purified CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes was determined in vitro. beta2R were determined by means of a radioligand binding assay with (125I)iodocyanopindolol. CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes were incubated with catecholamines, interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) and interleukin 2 (IL-2) for 6-72 h. The results demonstrate declining beta2R numbers on CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in vitro augmented by epinephrine. IL-1beta has no effect on beta2R expression compared to medium. However, incubation with IL-2 resulted in an up-regulation of beta2R on CD8+ lymphocytes. Thus, the study demonstrates a differential regulation of beta2R on T-lymphocyte subpopulations with CD8+ lymphocytes being more susceptible to mechanisms of beta2R modulation than CD4+ lymphocytes. The findings further strengthen the concept of a close interplay between the autonomic nervous system and the immune system.  相似文献   

By using the OKM1 monoclonal antibody and the fluorescence-activated cell sorter to identify lymphocytes bearing iC3b (type 3) complement receptors, two principal populations of OKM1+ lymphocytes have been identified in human peripheral blood. One subset exhibited azurophilic granules and Fc receptors for IgG stained by Leu-11. The other population did not display FcR, but was enriched in cells reacting with OKT3 and OKT8 (low intensity). In healthy subjects, approximately 60% of CR3+ lymphocytes were granular FcR-bearing cells and only 18% co-expressed OKT3 determinants. In patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), CR3+ lymphocytes were predominantly FcR negative cells and 71% lacked granules. Only 33% reacted with Leu-11, but 50% co-expressed OKT3, 44% reacted with OKT8+, and 15% were OKT4+. We tested the hypothesis that agranular OKT3+ Leu-11- lymphocytes, such as those found in SLE patients, contained the precursors of natural killer (NK) cells. Leu-11+ cells were removed from normal lymphocytes by complement lysis, and the remaining cells were treated with recombinant IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma, or IL 2. These procedures were ineffective in generating typical NK effector cells. Our studies do not support the hypothesis that CR3+ Leu-11- lymphocytes are the precursors of granular Leu-11+ NK cells.  相似文献   

Differentiation of B lymphocytes was studied by adoptive transfer of bone marrow into irradiated mice which were then assayed for generation of splenic lymphocytes with complement receptors. These cells developed to normal numbers between 20 and 25 days following marrow cell transplant. Quantitative enhancement of CRL generation occurred when recipient mice were antigen stimulated prior to assay. CRL levels returned to those of normal adults sooner than those found in mice which were not antigen stimulated. A third form of CRL development occurred in mice that were reconstituted with bone marrow cells from antigen-primed donor mice. Here complement receptor-bearing cells appeared much earlier but increased in numbers at a slower, more constant rate to a maximum level on Day 25. Attempts to T-cell deplete recipient mice did not alter receptor development.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional liquid chromatography separation scheme coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (2-D LC-MS/MS) was utilized to profile the proteome of human CSF. Ventricular CSF samples acquired post-mortem from 10 cognitively normal elderly subjects (mean +/- SEM Braak stage = 1.7 +/- 0.2) were analyzed to determine their protein composition. Raw CSF samples were subjected to an immunobased processing method to remove highly abundant albumin and immunoglobulin (Ig), allowing better detection of lower-abundance proteins. Samples were subjected to trypsin proteolysis followed by C18 solid-phase extraction. Tryptic CSF peptides were separated using a 2-D LC column, in which both strong cation exchange (SCX) and C18 phases were packed into a single capillary. MS/MS spectra of CSF peptides were searched against a human sub-database of the NBCI nonredundant database using the SEQUEST algorithm. Search results were further filtered using DTAselect, and individual samples were compared to one another using Contrast. Using this method, we were able to unambiguously identify 249 CSF proteins from 10 subjects. Of these proteins, 38% were unique to individual subjects, whereas only 6% were common to all 10 subjects. These results suggest considerable subject-to-subject variability in the CSF proteome.  相似文献   

Somatosensory potentials were evoked by stimulation of the tibial nerve at the ankle and recorded over the spine and scalp in 16 normal subjects and 26 patients with known or suspected spinal cord disease, with the aim of developing a method of measuring spinal sensory conduction velocity using a tolerable number of stimuli, applied unilaterally to alert subjects.In normal subjects N21 was consistently recorded overL1 vertebra and in most subjects a complex, N27/N29/P33, was recorded over the cervical spine referred to the vertex. Constant latencies at different spinal levels and, in one subject, comparison with the latency of the ascending volley indicate that the complex was not derived from the spinal cord but from more rostral structures, and therefore only transit time, rather than velocity, could be measured.In patients with clinically definite multiple sclerrosis, even with minimal clinical signs, the N27/N29/P33 complex was always abnormal. Abnormalities in this and other forms of spinal cord disease were commonly absence or distortion of the complex, prolonged transit time being rare. The clinical value of the method is limited by the very low amplitude of the responses.  相似文献   

Spine and scalp somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to peroneal nerve stimulation were recorded from 20 normal subjects using 1 restricted and 3 open frequency filter bandpasses. Spine to spine and spine to scalp propagation velocities were calculated. Of those recording parameters investigated, optimal recordings were obtained using an open bandpass (5–1500 or 30–1500 Hz) and recording from 3 surface spine bipolar channels and 1 scalp bipolar channel. This method was then investigated in 40 patients with disease of the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. Focal spinal cord compressive lesions generally resulted in slowing of spine to spine and spine to scalp propagation velocities. Diffuse or multifocal lesions of the spinal cord generally resulted in the absence of scalp responses. Although there was no consistent correlation of the SEP findings with the sensory exam, there was a correlation of the SEP findings with the clinical prognosis.  相似文献   

The presence of autonomic dysfunction in HIV patients is largely unknown. Early studies found autonomic dysfunction in patients with AIDS. Antiretroviral combination therapy (ART) has dramatically changed the course of the disease and improved prognosis and decreased morbidity.


To evaluate whether autonomic dysfunction is present in an ART treated HIV population and if so to identify factors of importance.


HIV patients receiving ART for at least 12 months (n = 97) and an age-matched control group of healthy volunteers (n = 52) were included. All were non-diabetic and had never received medication for hypertension. Following a 10 min resting period a 15 min ECG recording was performed. Heart-rate variability (HRV) analysis was performed in accordance with current guidelines and data reported as mean [interquartile range].


Mean normal-to-normal (NN) and total HRV measured as standard deviation of normal-to-normal (SDNN) was lower in HIV patients compared to controls (905 vs. 982 ms; p<0.001 and 48 vs. 54 ms; p = 0.028, respectively). No differences were found between the groups in parasympathetic activity measured as square root of the mean squared difference of successive NN-intervals (RMSSD) or the percent of differences between adjacent NN intervals greater than 50 ms (pNN50). In the HIV positives, haemoglobin A1c correlated inversely with SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50 (p<0.05). Total cholesterol and LDL-C correlated inversely with RMSSD and pNN50 (p<0.05). Neither HIV duration, HIV-RNA, CD4 cell count nor CD4 nadir correlated with time or phase domain HRV variables.


Moderate autonomic dysfunction is present in HIV positives patients even with suppressed viral load due to ART. The dysfunction is correlated with HbA1c and hypercholesterolemia but not to duration of HIV or whether the patients were receiving protease inhibitors as part of the ART regime.  相似文献   

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