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Pyle JL  Kavalali ET  Choi S  Tsien RW 《Neuron》1999,24(4):803-808
Fluorescence imaging of presynaptic uptake and release of styryl dyes such as FM1-43 has provided valuable insights into synaptic function. However, in studies of CNS neurons, the utility of these dyes has been severely limited by nonsynaptic background fluorescence. This has thwarted the use of FM dyes in systems more intact than dissociated neuronal cultures. Here, we describe an approach to selectively reduce undesired fluorescence through quenching of the surface-bound FM1-43 signal. The introduction of sulforhodamine, a fluorophore that is not taken up by synaptic vesicles, selectively reduced the nonsynaptic fluorescence in FM1-43-labeled hippocampal cultures. When applied to rat hippocampal slices, this procedure allowed us to observe activity-dependent staining and destaining of functional synapses. Extending the usefulness of styryl dyes to slice preparations may help make functional synaptic networks amenable to optical measurements.  相似文献   

Pressure affects reaction kinetics because chemical transitions involve changes in volume, and therefore pressure is a standard thermodynamic parameter to measure these volume changes. Many organisms live in environments at external pressures other than one atmosphere (0.1 MPa). Marine animals have adapted to live at depths of over 7000 m (at pressures over 70 MPa), and microorganisms living in trenches at over 110 MPa have been retrieved. Here, kinetic changes in secretion from chromaffin cells, measured as capacitance changes using the patch-clamp technique at pressures of up to 20 MPa are presented. It is known that these high pressures drastically slow down physiological functions. High hydrostatic pressure also affects the kinetics of ion channel gating and the amount of current carried by them, and it drastically slows down synaptic transmission. The results presented here indicate a similar change in volume (activation volume) of 390 ± 57 Å3 for large dense-core vesicles undergoing fusion in chromaffin cells and for degranulation of mast cells. It is significantly larger than activation volumes of voltage-gated ion channels in chromaffin cells. This information will be useful in finding possible protein conformational changes during the reactions involved in vesicle fusion and in testing possible molecular dynamic models of secretory processes.  相似文献   

The membrane dye FM 1-43 has frequently been used to quantify exocytosis in neurons. In epithelia, intense lateral intracellular space staining and fluctuations in baseline labeling produced inconsistent results. Membrane retrieved in the presence of FM 1-43 retains the dye, however, and cells that undergo compensatory endocytosis during and following evoked exocytosis contain punctate, fluorescent particles after washout of external stain. As an alternative measure of trafficking, we quantified the fluorescent puncta retained after dye washout and tested our method on both coverslip-grown cell clusters and filter-grown intact monolayers. Images for analysis were acquired using serial sectioning with either epifluorescence or confocal microscopy. Tests with an intestinal goblet cell line that exhibits basal and ATP-stimulated granule trafficking confirmed that 1), the algorithm identified the same number of internalized particles with either epifluorescence or confocal microscopy acquired images; 2), low density clusters exhibited significantly more internalized particles per cell than either filter-grown monolayers or high density clusters; 3), ATP stimulation significantly increased the number of internalized particles in all preparations; and 4), the number of particles internalized was comparable to capacitance measurements of exocytosis. This method provides a single technique for quantifying membrane trafficking in both monolayers and unpolarized cells.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF-Microscopy) allows the observation of individual secretory vesicles in real-time during exocytosis. In contrast to electrophysiological methods, such as membrane capacitance recording or carbon fiber amperometry, TIRF-Microscopy also enables the observation of vesicles as they reside close to the plasma membrane prior to fusion. However, TIRF-Microscopy is limited to the visualization of vesicles that are located near the membrane attached to the glass coverslip on which the cell grows. This has raised concerns as to whether exocytosis measured with TIRF-Microscopy is comparable to global secretion of the cell measured with membrane capacitance recording. Here we address this concern by combining TIRF-Microscopy and membrane capacitance recording to quantify exocytosis from adrenal chromaffin cells. We found that secretion measured with TIRF-Microscopy is representative of the overall secretion of the cells, thereby validating for the first time the TIRF method as a measure of secretion. Furthermore, the combination of these two techniques provides a new tool for investigating the molecular mechanism of synaptic transmission with combined electrophysiological and imaging techniques.  相似文献   

Sikdar SK  Kreft M  Pangrsic T  Grilc S  Zorec R 《FEBS letters》2005,579(29):6575-6580
We have explored the existence of fusion- and secretion-competent sites on the plasma membrane of peptide secreting rat pituitary melanotrophs at rest, and following stimulation with glutamate. We monitored changes in fluorescence of FM1-43, a styryl dye which labels plasma membrane. The results show spontaneous local increases in FM1-43 reporting changes in membrane surface area due to cumulative exocytosis. Addition of glutamate, further increased the occurrence of these events. Statistical analysis of local FM1-43 fluorescence changes suggests that this is due to the recruitment of inactive exocytotic domains and due to the stimulation of already active exocytotic domains.  相似文献   

Using FM1-43 to study neuropeptide granule dynamics and exocytosis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In the study of neuropeptide secretion and membrane trafficking, the fluorescent dye FM1-43 provides the ability to label selectively those structures that are undergoing exocytosis and endocytosis in living cells in real time. This review describes the unique properties of the FM dyes that make them ideal for studying neuropeptide granule dynamics and discusses various techniques that take advantage of FM dyes.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that endocytosis in neuroendocrine cells and neurons can be tightly coupled to exocytosis, allowing rapid retrieval from the plasma membrane of fused vesicles for future use. This can be a much faster mechanism for membrane recycling than classical clathrin-mediated endocytosis. During a fast exo-endocytotic cycle, the vesicle membrane does not fully collapse into the plasma membrane; nevertheless, it releases the vesicular contents through the fusion pore. Once the vesicle is depleted of transmitter, its membrane is recovered without renouncing its identity. In this report, we show that chromaffin cells contain catecholamine-free granules that retain their ability to fuse with the plasma membrane. These catecholamine-free granules represent 7% of the total population of fused vesicles, but they contributed to 47% of the fusion events when the cells were treated with reserpine for several hours. We propose that rat chromaffin granules that transiently fuse with the plasma membrane preserve their exocytotic machinery, allowing another round of exocytosis.  相似文献   

Bovine chromaffin cells have been used in a variety of studies designed to reveal different aspects of neuropeptide Y (NPY) action. Pharmacological data have defined five NPY receptor subtypes, only one of which (Y3) has not been cloned. Some studies with bovine chromaffin cells have concluded that the effects of NPY on this cell type are mediated by the Y3 subtype. Previous work from our laboratory demonstrates that a Y1 subtype mediates the effect of NPY in this tissue. In the current studies we provide further evidence for the existence of the Y1 subtype in bovine chromaffin cells. BIBP3226, the selective Y1 antagonist, potently displaces [125I]NPY from its binding site IC50 = 1.91 x 10(-9) M. Moreover, [125I]BIBP3226 binds to bovine chromaffin cell membranes with high affinity (IC50 = 5.9 x 10(-8) M). Examination of BIBP3226 antagonism of NPY inhibition of forskolin stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation reveals that it is a competitive antagonist with a K(B) similar to the IC50 for [125I]BIBP3226 binding. Northern blot analysis using a porcine cDNA clone for the Y1 subtype demonstrates a 3.5-kb mRNA species in chromaffin cells. These data identify the bovine chromaffin cell NPY receptor as a Y1 subtype.  相似文献   

We quantified the spatial variability in release properties at different synaptic vesicle clusters in frog motor nerve terminals, using a combination of fluorescence and electron microscopy. Individual synaptic vesicle clusters labeled with FM1-43 varied more than 10-fold in initial intensity (integrated FM1-43 fluorescence) and in absolute rate of dye loss during tetanic electrical nerve stimulation. Most of this variability arose because large vesicle clusters spanned more than one presynaptic active zone (inferred from postsynaptic acetylcholine receptor stripes labeled with rhodamine-conjugated alpha-bungarotoxin); when the rate of dye loss was normalized to the length of receptor stripe covered, variability from spot to spot was greatly reduced. In addition, electron microscopic measurements showed that large vesicle clusters (i.e., those spanning multiple active zones) were also thicker, and the increased depth of vesicles led to increased total spot fluorescence without a corresponding increase in the rate of dye loss during stimulation. These results did not reveal the presence of "hot zones" of secretory activity.  相似文献   

Cultured adrenal chromaffin cells, representing a virtually homogeneous population of neuronai elements, have been utilized to examine the final enzymes in the formation of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), namely, choline phosphotransferase, ethanolaminephosphotransferase, and the N-methyltransferases in the sequential methylation of PE to PC. Each enzyme has been characterized extensively in terms of substrate requirements, pH optima, detergent and cation effects, and response to inhibitors revealing properties very similar to those in other neural preparations. The respective activities are stable for up to two weeks of adrenal chromaffin cell culture suggesting that this system is a suitable model for examining the relative roles and the regulation of each pathway in PC formation.Abbreviations EPT ethanolaminephosphotransferase - CPT cholinephosphotransferase - NMT N-methyltransferase This work supported by funds provided to the Section of Pediatric Neurology by Texas Children's Hospital.  相似文献   

In chromaffin cells the number of large dense-core vesicles (LDCVs) which can be released by brief, intense stimuli represents only a small fraction of the 'morphologically docked' vesicles at the plasma membrane. Recently, it was shown that Munc13-1 is essential for a post-docking step of synaptic vesicle fusion. To investigate the role of Munc13-1 in LDCV exocytosis, we overexpressed Munc13-1 in chromaffin cells and stimulated secretion by flash photolysis of caged calcium. Both components of the exocytotic burst, which represent the fusion of release-competent vesicles, were increased by a factor of three. The sustained component, which represents vesicle maturation and subsequent fusion, was increased by the same factor. The response to a second flash, however, was greatly reduced, indicating a depletion of release-competent vesicles. Since there was no apparent change in the number of docked vesicles, we conclude that Munc13-1 acts as a priming factor by accelerating the rate constant of vesicle transfer from a pool of docked, but unprimed vesicles to a pool of release-competent, primed vesicles.  相似文献   

Adenosine transport in bovine chromaffin cells in culture   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Bovine adrenal chromaffin cells in culture have a high capacity and affinity for adenosine uptake with Vmax = 14 +/- 2.4 pmol/10(6) cells/min (133 pmol/mg of protein/min) and Km = 1 +/- 0.2 microM. Transport studies, at short time periods, in recently isolated chromaffin cells have Vmax = 15 pmol/10(6) cells/min and Km = 1.1 microM in ATP-depleted cells. Endogenous levels of the various purine nucleosides and bases were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography, with adenosine (3 +/- 1 nmol/10(6) cells), inosine (5.3 +/- 1.2 nmol/10(6) cells), and hypoxanthine (2.1 +/- 0.8 nmol/10(6) cells) being the purine metabolites found in the highest concentration. Taking into account the intracellular water, endogenous levels of 2.1, 3.8, and 1.5 mM, respectively, were obtained. Radioactively labeled adenosine inside the cell underwent enzymatic transformations, producing inosine, hypoxanthine, xanthine, and nucleotides, with their appearance and distribution being a function of the incubation time. When nicotine was used as a secretagogue, the adenosine transformed into the nucleotide pool was released, reaching 18 +/- 8% of the total adenosine found in the nucleotides. Dipyridamole, extensively used clinically, was a strong inhibitor for the adenosine uptake into these cells, with Ki = 5 +/- 0.5 nM and noncompetitive kinetically.  相似文献   

FM1-43, a fluorescent styryl dye that penetrates into and stains membranes, was used to investigate kinetics of constitutive endocytosis and to visualize the fate of endocytic organelles in resting and activated human T lymphocytes. The rate of dye accumulation was strongly temperature dependent and approximately 10-fold higher in activated than in resting T cells. Elevation of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration with thapsigargin or ionomycin further accelerated the rate of FM1-43 accumulation associated with cytosolic actin polymerization. Direct modulation of actin polymerization affected membrane trafficking. Actin condensation beneath the plasma membrane with calyculin A abolished FM1-43 internalization, whereas actin depolymerization with cytochalasin D had no effect. Photoconversion of DAB by FM1-43 revealed altered endocytic compartment targeting associated with T cell activation. Internalized cargo was carried to lysosome-like compartments in resting T cells and to multivesicular bodies (MVB) in activated T cells. Externalization of exosomes from MVB occurred commonly in activated but not in resting T cells. T cell exosomes contained raft-associated CD3 proteins, GM1 glycosphingolipids, and phosphatidylserine at the outer membrane leaflet. The present study demonstrates the utility of FM1-43 as a marker of membrane trafficking in T cells and reveals possible mechanisms of its modulation during T cell activation.  相似文献   

Tomosyn, a soluble R-SNARE protein identified as a binding partner of the Q-SNARE syntaxin 1A, is thought to be critical in setting the level of fusion-competent SNARE complexes for neurosecretion. To date, there has been no direct evaluation of the dynamics in which tomosyn transits through tomosyn-SNARE complexes or of the extent to which tomosyn-SNARE complexes are regulated by secretory demand. Here, we employed biochemical and optical approaches to characterize the dynamic properties of tomosyn-syntaxin 1A complexes in live adrenal chromaffin cells. We demonstrate that secretagogue stimulation results in the rapid translocation of tomosyn from the cytosol to plasma membrane regions and that this translocation is associated with an increase in the tomosyn-syntaxin 1A interaction, including increased cycling of tomosyn into tomosyn-SNARE complexes. The secretagogue-induced interaction was strongly reduced by pharmacological inhibition of the Rho-associated coiled-coil forming kinase, a result consistent with findings demonstrating secretagogue-induced activation of RhoA. Stimulation of chromaffin cells with lysophosphatidic acid, a nonsecretory stimulus that strongly activates RhoA, resulted in effects on tomosyn similar to that of application of the secretagogue. In PC-12 cells overexpressing tomosyn, secretagogue stimulation in the presence of lysophosphatidic acid resulted in reduced evoked secretory responses, an effect that was eliminated upon inhibition of Rho-associated coiled-coil forming kinase. Moreover, this effect required an intact interaction between tomosyn and syntaxin 1A. Thus, modulation of the tomosyn-syntaxin 1A interaction in response to secretagogue activation is an important mechanism allowing for dynamic regulation of the secretory response.  相似文献   

This study was focussed on the identification of the endocytic organelles in chromaffin cells which retrieve large, dense core vesicle (LDCV)-membrane components from the plasma membrane. For this purpose, 'on-cell' capacitance measurements and electron microscopy were employed. We found capacitance steps and capacitance flickers, corresponding to single exo- and endocytic events. The analysis revealed that the total membrane surface of completely fused LDCVs is recycled by large endocytic vesicles and smaller, most likely clathrin-coated vesicles, at approximately the same ratio. These results were confirmed by rapid-freeze immuno-electron microscopy, where an extracellular marker was rapidly internalized into endocytic vesicles that morphologically resembled LDCVs.  相似文献   

Ciguatoxins and brevetoxins are neurotoxic cyclic polyether compounds produced by dinoflagellates, which are responsible for ciguatera and neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP) respectively. Recently, brevenal, a natural compound was found to specifically inhibit brevetoxin action and to have a beneficial effect in NSP. Considering that brevetoxin and ciguatoxin specifically activate voltage-sensitive Na+ channels through the same binding site, brevenal has therefore a good potential for the treatment of ciguatera. Pacific ciguatoxin-1B (P-CTX-1B) activates voltage-sensitive Na+ channels and promotes an increase in neurotransmitter release believed to underpin the symptoms associated with ciguatera. However, the mechanism through which slow Na+ influx promotes neurosecretion is not fully understood. In the present study, we used chromaffin cells as a model to reconstitute the sequence of events culminating in ciguatoxin-evoked neurosecretion. We show that P-CTX-1B induces a tetrodotoxin-sensitive rise in intracellular Na+, closely followed by an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ responsible for promoting SNARE-dependent catecholamine secretion. Our results reveal that brevenal and beta-naphtoyl-brevetoxin prevent P-CTX-1B secretagogue activity without affecting nicotine or barium-induced catecholamine secretion. Brevenal is therefore a potent inhibitor of ciguatoxin-induced neurotoxic effect and a potential treatment for ciguatera.  相似文献   

Marengo FD 《Cell calcium》2005,38(2):87-99
The relationship between the localized Ca(2+) concentration and depolarization-induced exocytosis was studied in patch-clamped adrenal chromaffin cells using pulsed-laser Ca(2+) imaging and membrane capacitance measurements. Short depolarizing voltage steps induced Ca(2+) gradients and small "synchronous" increases in capacitance during the pulses. Longer pulses increased the capacitance changes, which saturated at 16 fF, suggesting the presence of a small immediately releasable pool of fusion-ready vesicles. A Hill plot of the capacitance changes versus the estimated Ca(2+) concentration in a thin (100 nm) shell beneath the membrane gave n = 2.3 and K(d) = 1.4 microM. Repetitive stimulation elicited a more complex pattern of exocytosis: early pulses induced synchronous capacitance increases, but after five or more pulses there was facilitation of the synchronous responses and gradual increases in capacitance continued between pulses (asynchronous exocytosis) as the steep submembrane Ca(2+) gradients collapsed. Raising the pipette Ca(2+) concentration led to early facilitation of the synchronous response and early appearance of asynchronous exocytosis. We used this data to develop a kinetic model of depolarization-induced exocytosis, where Ca(2+)-dependent fusion of vesicles occurs from a small immediately releasable pool with an affinity of 1-2 microM and vesicles are mobilized to this pool in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The release of regulated secretory granules is known to be calcium dependent. To examine the Ca2+-dependence of other exocytic fusion events, transferrin recycling in bovine chromaffin cells was examined. Internalised 125I-transferrin was released constitutively from cells with a half-time of about 7 min. Secretagogues that triggered catecholamine secretion doubled the rate of 125I-transferrin release, the time courses of the two triggered secretory responses being similar. The triggered 125I-transferrin release came from recycling endosomes rather than from sorting endosomes or a triggered secretory vesicle pool. Triggered 125I-transferrin release, like catecholamine secretion from the same cells, was calcium dependent but the affinities for calcium were very different. The extracellular calcium concentrations that gave rise to half-maximal evoked secretion were 0.1 m m for 125I-transferrin and 1.0 m m for catecholamine, and the intracellular concentrations were 0.1 μ m and 1 μ m , respectively. There was significant 125I-transferrin recycling in the virtual absence of intracellular Ca2+, but the rate increased when Ca2+ was raised above 1 n m , and peaked at 1 μ m when the rate had doubled. Botulinum toxin type D blocked both transferrin recycling and catecholamine secretion. These results indicate that a major component of the vesicular transport required for the constitutive recycling of transferrin in quiescent cells is calcium dependent and thus under physiological control, and also that some of the molecular machinery involved in transferrin recycling/fusion processes is shared with that for triggered neurosecretion.  相似文献   

When pituitary lactotroph granules undergo exocytosis in the presence of FM1-43, their cores absorb dye and fluoresce brightly. We report that different granules fluoresce with different colors, despite being stained with a single fluorescent dye; emission spectra from individual granules show up to a 25 nm difference between the greenest and reddest granules. We found a correlation between granule color and average fluorescence intensity, suggesting that granule color depends upon dye concentration. We confirmed this in two ways: by increasing FM dye concentration in granules, which red shifted granule color, and by partially photobleaching the FM dye in granules, which green shifted granule color. Increasing stimulation intensity (by increasing KCl concentration) increased the proportion of red granules, indicating that granules exocytosing during intense stimulation bound more dye. This, perhaps, reflects differences in granule core maturation and condensation in which mature granules with condensed cores bind more FM dye but require more intense stimulation to be released. Concentration-dependent color shifts of FM dyes may be useful for monitoring aggregation processes occurring on a size scale smaller than the optical limit.  相似文献   

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