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We investigate the diversity of yeasts isolated in gardens of the leafcutter ant Atta texana. Repeated sampling of gardens from four nests over a 1-year time period showed that gardens contain a diverse assemblage of yeasts. The yeast community in gardens consisted mostly of yeasts associated with plants or soil, but community composition changed between sampling periods. In order to understand the potential disease-suppressing roles of the garden yeasts, we screened isolates for antagonistic effects against known microfungal garden contaminants. In vitro assays revealed that yeasts inhibited the mycelial growth of two strains of Escovopsis (a specialized attine garden parasite), Syncephalastrum racemosum (a fungus often growing in gardens of leafcutter lab nests), and the insect pathogen Beauveria bassiana. These garden yeasts add to the growing list of disease-suppressing microbes in attine nests that may contribute synergistically, together with actinomycetes and Burkholderia bacteria, to protect the gardens and the ants against diseases. Additionally, we suggest that garden immunity against problem fungi may therefore derive not only from the presence of disease-suppressing Pseudonocardia actinomycetes, but from an enrichment of multiple disease-suppressing microorganisms in the garden matrix.  相似文献   

James K. Wetterer 《Oecologia》1995,104(4):409-415
I compare forager size and foraging ecology of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex coronatus (Fabricius) with published data on three other leaf-cutter species in Costa Rica, Atta cephalotes (L.), Acromyrmex octospinosus (Reich), and Acromyrmex volcanus Wheeler. Intra-and interspecific differences in forager size in these leaf-cutting ants appear to reflect the economics of harvesting different preferred resources. Ac. coronatus colonies have relatively small foragers (mean mass=3.4±1.4 mg) that cut almost exclusively the thin, soft leaves and other parts of small herbaceous plants. Similarly, small A. cephalotes colonies have small foragers (3.3±1.0 mg) that attack the leaves of small herbaceous plants. In contrast, mature A. cephalotes colonies have a wider sizerange of foragers (7.3±4.1 mg) that primarily attack the leaves of trees, with larger foragers cutting thicker, tougher leaves. In A. cephalotes, the match of forager size to leaf type (both ontogenetically and behaviorally) increases foraging efficiency. Extreme forager polymorphism in mature A. cephalotes colonies appears to broaden the diversity of tree species that they can exploit efficiently. Ac. octospinosus and Ac. volcanus both have large, relatively monomorphic foragers (13.3±4.2 mg and 30.6±4.3 mg, respectively) that typically scavenge for pieces of fallen vegetation, such as dead leaves, fruit, and flowers, in addition to cutting herbs. The large foragers of Ac. octospinosus and Ac. volcanus appear to be well suited as generalist foragers, able to cut or collect any desirable vegetation encountered. Ac. coronatus is similar to A. cephalotes in other ways. Both Ac. coronatus and A. cephalotes establish and maintain cleared trunk trails for foraging, and both have minima workers that hitchhike on the loads carried by foragers, apparently serving to protect the larger foragers from attack by phorid flies. Trunk trails and hitchhikers are not known for Ac. octospinosus and Ac. volcanus. That A. coronatus and A. cephalotes show little overlap in geographic distribution within Costa Rica may relate both to differences in habitat requirements and to interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Fungus-farming ant colonies vary four to five orders of magnitude in size. They employ compounds from actinomycete bacteria and exocrine glands as antimicrobial agents. Atta colonies have millions of ants and are particularly relevant for understanding hygienic strategies as they have abandoned their ancestors'' prime dependence on antibiotic-based biological control in favour of using metapleural gland (MG) chemical secretions. Atta MGs are unique in synthesizing large quantities of phenylacetic acid (PAA), a known but little investigated antimicrobial agent. We show that particularly the smallest workers greatly reduce germination rates of Escovopsis and Metarhizium spores after actively applying PAA to experimental infection targets in garden fragments and transferring the spores to the ants'' infrabuccal cavities. In vitro assays further indicated that Escovopsis strains isolated from evolutionarily derived leaf-cutting ants are less sensitive to PAA than strains from phylogenetically more basal fungus-farming ants, consistent with the dynamics of an evolutionary arms race between virulence and control for Escovopsis, but not Metarhizium. Atta ants form larger colonies with more extreme caste differentiation relative to other attines, in societies characterized by an almost complete absence of reproductive conflicts. We hypothesize that these changes are associated with unique evolutionary innovations in chemical pest management that appear robust against selection pressure for resistance by specialized mycopathogens.  相似文献   

Adult leaf-cutting ants of the subspecies Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus were fed with an Evans Blue dye solution, which allowed the investigation of subsequent exchange of liquids between ants by oral trophallaxis. Trophallactic behavior was filmed and the antennation patterns of donor and recipient ants were described. The ants’ crop capacity was measured following ad libitum feeding on dye solution. Ants previously fed on the dye solution (donors) were placed individually with unfed ants of the same caste (recipients) and the amount of dye solution passed from the donor to the recipient by oral trophallaxis was measured after one hour. The volume received was 0.26 ± 0.15μL (mean ± SD) and the residual volume of dye in the crop of the donors was 0.49 ± 0.23μL. There were 38 trophallactic events recorded for 50 pairs of ants. Trophallaxis was observed from 2.3 min to 21.5 min after initial exposure, with a mean latency of 8.4 ± 5.6 min. The mean duration of a trophallatic event was 2.3 ± 1.3 min. As far as we know, this is the first time that trophallaxis in leaf-cutting ants has been described and quantified. Received 2 December 2005; revised 6 April 2006; accepted 10 April 2006.  相似文献   

Offspring traits are among the most important life history traits, yet we lack an adequate understanding of their role in social insect life history evolution. Colony founding in the fungus-gardening ants (Tribe Attini) is different from most other ant species because the queens forage during the founding phase. Queens of the most derived genus, Atta, are the only attines that exhibit the more typical claustral founding, where the queens seal themselves in a below-ground chamber and produce their first generation of workers with only body fat reserves. Here I report the dry weights, fat content and energetic value of newly mated queens of ten attine species. Published phylogenies were used to make inferences on the evolutionary transitions in this clade. It appears that the evolution of fungus-gardening was associated with the manufacture of smaller, leaner queens as basal taxa are characterized by small bodies that contain relatively less fat than derived taxa. Moreover, there appears to be an allometric function between fat, energetic content and dry weight, which means that for fatter and claustral queens to develop, they also must become larger.  相似文献   

Leaf-cutting ants (Atta spp.) create physical pathways to support the transport of resources on which colony growth and reproduction depend. We determined the scaling relationship between the rate of resource acquisition and the size of the trail system and foraging workforce for 18 colonies of Atta colombica and Atta cephalotes. We examined conventional power-law scaling patterns, but did so in a multivariate analysis that reveals the simultaneous effects of forager number, trail length and trail width. Foraging rate (number of resource-laden ants returning to the nest per unit time) scaled at the 0.93 power of worker numbers, the -1.02 power of total trail length and the 0.65 power of trail width. These scaling exponents indicate that individual performance declines only slightly as more foragers are recruited to the workforce, but that trail length imposes a severe penalty on the foraging rate. A model of mass traffic flow predicts the allometric patterns for workforce and trail length, although the effect of trail width is unexpected and points to the importance of the little-known mechanisms that regulate a colony's investment in trail clearance. These results provide a point of comparison for the role that resource flows may play in allometric scaling patterns in other transport-dependent entities, such as human cities.  相似文献   

2-Cyanopyridine proved to act as a powerful nitrilase inducer in Aspergillus niger K10, Fusarium solani O1, Fusarium oxysporum CCF 1414, Fusarium oxysporum CCF 483 and Penicillium multicolor CCF 2244. Valeronitrile also enhanced the nitrilase activity in most of the strains. The highest nitrilase activities were produced by fungi cultivated in a Czapek-Dox medium with both 2-cyanopyridine and valeronitrile. The specific nitrilase activities of these cultures were two to three orders of magnitude higher than those of cultures grown on other nitriles such as 3-cyanopyridine or 4-cyanopyridine.  相似文献   

The larvae of leaf-cutting ants are maintained within the fungus gardens of their colonies and are fed pieces of fungus by the adult workers. However, little else is known about the nature of the worker-larva interaction in these ecologically important ants. To examine whether workers can gauge the needs of individual larvae, we isolated larvae without adult workers for different lengths of time. We then placed workers with the larvae and recorded the type and frequency of the subsequent behaviours of the workers. Workers scraped the mouthparts of larvae, ingested their faecal fluid, fed them with fungal hyphae, transported them around the fungus garden and, most frequently, licked their bodies. The workers were also observed to ‘plant’ fungal hyphae on the bodies of larvae. Workers interacted more frequently with larvae that had been isolated without workers than with those that had not, but there was no effect of the length of isolation. The results suggest that the interactions are complex, involving a number of behaviours that probably serve different functions, and that workers are to some extent able to assess the individual needs of larvae. Received 8 November 2004; revised 31 March 2005; accepted 22 April 2005.  相似文献   

J. K. Wetterer 《Oecologia》1994,98(2):235-238
In the leaf-cutting ant Atta cephalotes (L.) small colonies produce a relatively narrow size-range of small workers, whereas large colonies produce a much wider size-range of workers. In this study, I compared the foraging of four small A. cephalotes colonies (fewer than 5000 workers) with published data on foraging of large colonies to examine how colony size and worker size-range may be related to foraging ecology in leaf-cutting ants. I found that the foraging ecology of small A. cephalotes colonies is very different from that of large colonies. In small colonies, a relatively narrow size-range of foragers (1.4–6.7 mg, mean 3.3 mg) cut primarily herbs (ferns, grasses, and other small herbaceous plants) located within 7 m of the nest. In contrast, in large colonies, a broader size-range of workers (1.4–30 mg, mean 7.3 mg) participate in foraging, generally harvesting from trees 20–80 m from the nest, with larger workers cutting on trees with thicker and tougher leaves. Small colonies' dependence on small herbaceous plants near the nest may have a profound impact on distribution of A. cephalotes. A. cephalotes colonies are rarely found in primary forest, where the low occurrence of small herbaceous plants in the understory may preclude the establishment of young colonies.  相似文献   

Summary. Mature colonies of Atta leaf-cutting ants are dominant herbivores throughout the Neotropics. Although young colonies have natural enemies, mature colonies, which live in extensive nests containing millions of workers, currently have no recognised predators. New World army ants (Ecitoninae) are specialist social predators of other ants, and the army ant Nomamyrmex esenbeckii, a primarily subterranean species, is known to prey upon young Atta colonies. Here we present the results of the first long-term study of the predator-prey interaction between N. esenbeckii and Atta. Our study establishes the army ant N. esenbeckii as the only known predator capable of successfully attacking and killing mature as well as young colonies of Atta leaf-cutting ants. In natural raids, and experimental tests, Atta rapidly recruited their largest workers (majors) as a specific defensive response to N. esenbeckii raiders and both taxa used their largest individuals in the frontline of battles. The deployment and behaviour of these large workers demonstrates a size-related division of labour and agrees with the predictions of Lanchesters Linear Law of Combat. Both taxa also used cooperative combat teams to overwhelm large combatants from the other side. The success of N. esenbeckii raids varied greatly, such that they were prevented from entering Atta nests in the least successful raids, and completely overran Atta colonies in the most successful raids. The speed and magnitude of the defensive response of mature Atta colonies was key in determining the level of success of N. esenbeckii raids.Received 12 December 2003; revised 25 March 2004; accepted 1 April 2004.Work conducted at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Ancon, Republic of Panama  相似文献   

The division of labor between the different worker castes of leaf-cutting ants may reflect in their capacity to exchange liquids by trophallaxis. The crop capacity of and trophallactic exchanges between different size classes of worker leaf-cutting ants of the sub-species Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus were investigated. Size classes were defined from head capsule widths and crop capacity of each class was determined following ad libitum feeding on dye solution. Experiments were carried out to investigate trophallactic exchanges between donor ants and recipient ants of each class size combination on a one to one basis. An experiment was also performed to investigate dye distribution within mini-colonies following introduction of three classes of donor ants. Worker ants were categorized into four size classes from their head capsule widths (C1 = 0.8-1.0 mm; C2 = 1.2-1.5 mm; C3 = 1.6-2.0 mm; C4 = 2.1-2.4 mm). C1 ants crop capacity was 0.13 μL; C2: 0.21 μL; C3: 0.52 μL; C4: 1.03 μL. Ants of each class previously fed on the dye solution (donors) were placed individually with an unfed ant of each class (recipients) and the presence of dye solution, passed from the donor to the recipient by oral trophallaxis was observed after 1 h. Results showed that all classes of donor ants performed trophallactic exchanges with all recipient classes. However, statistically fewer exchanges were seen for C2 donor ants when placed with C3 recipient ants. Ten donor ants of each of three classes (C2, C3 and C4) were introduced into mini-colonies without queen ants. It was observed that C1 and C2 ants were poor recipients, whilst C3 and C4 received the highest percentages of dye. Within 10 h of introducing the donor ants, 14 to 20% of their nest-mates had received dye solution, with 58 to 77% of dye passed to recipients. These studies show the altruistic nature of “food-laden” leaf-cutters and indicate that ants involved in garden maintenance activity are less likely to receive liquids from foraging workers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to select virulent strains of microfungi against Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, a symbiotic fungus cultivated by leaf-cutting ants. The results from in vitro assays showed that microfungal strains had a variable and significant impact on the colony development of L. gongylophorus. Specifically, Trichoderma harzianum, Escovopsis weberi CBS 810.71 and E. weberi A088 were more effective, inhibiting the L. gongylophorus colonies by 75, 68 and 67%, respectively (P < 0.05) after 15 days. Strain E. weberi A086 and Acremonium kiliense were less effective: 43 and 26%, respectively (P < 0.05). In spite of the current negative perspective of a microbiological control approach for these ants, the present work discusses the possibility of using mycopathogenic fungi for the control of these insects, and points out the importance of encouraging more studies in this area.  相似文献   

Insects are among the most successful animals of the world in terms of species richness as well as abundance. Their biomass exceeds that of mammals by far. Among insects, ants are of particular interest not only because of their enormous ecological role in many terrestrial ecosystems, but also because they have developed an impressive behavioural repertoire. In fact, a key feature of the evolutionary success of ants is their ability to form complex societies with division of labour among individuals in a colony belonging to different castes such as workers and soldiers. In addition to these complex social interactions of ants, they have shown an extraordinary capacity to build up close associations with other organisms such as other insects, plants, fungi and bacteria. In the present review we attempt to provide an overview of the various symbiotic interactions that ants have developed with microorganisms.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the surface secretions of eight species of ants on three types of pollen were bioassayed by exposure to the integument of undisturbed, living individuals for 20 min. Ant species included Atta texana which cultures fungi by means of various types of secretions. The frequency of grains showing membrane dysfunction, and therefore reduced viability, was quantified by means of a fluorochromatic test. Comparisons of treated and control samples showed that in 46 out of 50 bioassays there was a reduction in pollen viability following exposure to ants, 38 being statistically significant. Variation in the outcome of bioassays showed differential potency among ant species and differential vulnerability among pollen types. Ant pollination may be uncommon because surface secretions, often from the metapleural glands, cause membrane dysfunction in pollen. Ant species without metapleural glands may be pollinators, but ant pollinated plants may have pollen resistant to the secretion.  相似文献   

Despite the naturally high capacity for protein secretion by many species of filamentous fungi, secteted yields of many heterologous proteins have been comparatively low. The strategies for yield improvement have included the use of strong homologous promoters, increased gene copy number, gene fusions with a gene encoding a naturally well-secreted protein, protease-deficient host strains and screening for high yields following random mutagenesis. Such approaches have been effective with some target heterologous proteins but not others.Approaches used in heterologous protein production from filamentous fungi are discussed and a perspective on emerging strategies is presented.  相似文献   

This study examines the oviposition behavior of the phorid parasitoid Neodohrniphora curvinervisand the antiparasitoid defense behavior of its leafcutting ant host Atta cephalotes. N. curvinervisfemales are diurnal sit- and- wait parasitoids that attack only outbound foragers of head width 1.6 mm or greater. Females deposit a single egg through the foramen magnum of each host successfully parasitized. Pursuit of hosts is usually initiated when an outbound forager of acceptable size passes by a parasitoid perch site. Individual foragers defend themselves against pursuing parasitoids by outrunning them along the foraging trail or by standing their ground and fending them off with their legs,antennae, and mandibles. At the colony level, susceptible foragers are protected against parasitism by a shift in the forager size distribution toward smaller unsusceptible sizes during the day when parasitoids are active and toward larger sizes at night when parasitoids are inactive. The frequency of parasitism of susceptible foragers was 15%, which is more than five times the frequency found in another system involving the phorid parasitoid Apocephalus attophilusand the leafcutting ant host Atta colombica.We offer several possible explanations for such differences in the frequency of parasitism and also examine reasons for the high incidence of superparasitism (19%) observed in the system studied.  相似文献   

One-hundred and five fungal strains, belonging to 46 different species, were screened for exopolysaccharide production. Phytopathogenicity and, in particular, inability to produce conidia, were physiological characteristics positively associated and correlated with the fungal ability to produce polysaccharides. Among the 29 positive strains, Botryosphaeria rhodina DABAC-P82 was the most interesting reaching, when grown on optimal nitrogen source and concentration (NaNO3 and 2.0 g l−1, respectively) and culture medium pH (3.7), 17.7 g l−1 of exopolysaccharide production after only 24 h of fermentation; yield and productivity were 0.69 g g−1 and 0.73 g l−1 h−1, respectively. The purified polysaccharide was characterised as a homopolysaccharide of glucose with a molecular weight of 4.875·106 Da. Studies of structural analysis indicated the presence of β-1,3 and β-1,6 linkages; the EPS structure was very similar to that of scleroglucan. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The initial focus of recombinant protein production by filamentous fungi related to exploiting the extraordinary extracellular enzyme synthesis and secretion machinery of industrial strains, including Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Penicillium and Rhizopus species, was to produce single recombinant protein products. An early recognized disadvantage of filamentous fungi as hosts of recombinant proteins was their common ability to produce homologous proteases which could degrade the heterologous protein product and strategies to prevent proteolysis have met with some limited success. It was also recognized that the protein glycosylation patterns in filamentous fungi and in mammals were quite different, such that filamentous fungi are likely not to be the most suitable microbial hosts for production of recombinant human glycoproteins for therapeutic use. By combining the experience gained from production of single recombinant proteins with new scientific information being generated through genomics and proteomics research, biotechnologists are now poised to extend the biomanufacturing capabilities of recombinant filamentous fungi by enabling them to express genes encoding multiple proteins, including, for example, new biosynthetic pathways for production of new primary or secondary metabolites. It is recognized that filamentous fungi, most species of which have not yet been isolated, represent an enormously diverse source of novel biosynthetic pathways, and that the natural fungal host harboring a valuable biosynthesis pathway may often not be the most suitable organism for biomanufacture purposes. Hence it is expected that substantial effort will be directed to transforming other fungal hosts, non-fungal microbial hosts and indeed non microbial hosts to express some of these novel biosynthetic pathways. But future applications of recombinant expression of proteins will not be confined to biomanufacturing. Opportunities to exploit recombinant technology to unravel the causes of the deleterious impacts of fungi, for example as human, mammalian and plant pathogens, and then to bring forward solutions, is expected to represent a very important future focus of fungal recombinant protein technology.  相似文献   

We investigated the prevalence of entomopathogenic fungi associated with leaf-cutting ant colonies in a small area of tropical forest in Panama. There was a high abundance of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae near the colonies. Beauveria bassiana was also detected in the soil, Aspergillus flavus in dump material, and six Camponotus atriceps ants were found infected with Cordyceps sp. Based on a partial sequence of the IGS region, almost all of the M. anisopliae var. anisopliae isolates fell within one of the three main clades of M. anisopliae var. anisopliae, but with there still being considerable diversity within this clade. The vast majority of leaf-cutting ants collected were not infected by any entomopathogenic fungi. While leaf-cutting ants at this site must, therefore, regularly come into contact with a diversity of entomopathogenic fungi, they do not appear to be normally infected by them.  相似文献   

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