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An example of predator facilitation is that a microhabitat shiftin a prey species induced by one predator increases the probabilityof the prey falling victim to other predators. Least weasels(Mustela nivalis) hunt in dense plant cover, whereas kestrels(Falco tinnunculus) hunt in habitats with sparse plant cover.Field voles (Microtus agrestis), the main food of weasels andkestrels, prefer open country with a high grass layer. We simulateda multipredator environment in an aviary (3.0 x 4.8 x 2.2 m)to find out whether predator facilitation plays a role in theinteractions between voles, small mustelids, and raptors. Ineach replicate, we placed a field vole in a pen including sidesof high and low grass layers (cover and open). In a predator-freesituation, voles preferred cover but shifted to open when aweasel was introduced to cover. In the presence of a kestrel,voles occupied cover and decreased their mobility. In the presenceof a weasel plus a kestrel, voles behaved as under the kestrelrisk alone. Therefore, in these aviary circumstances, volesperceived the kestrel risk as greater than the weasel risk.Predator facilitation in the assemblage of predators subsistingon rodent prey may contribute to the crash of the four-yearvole cycle: microhabitat shift due to an avoidance of weaseljaws may drive voles to raptor talons.  相似文献   

Tornberg R  Helle P  Korpimäki E 《Oecologia》2011,166(3):577-584
The plant cycle hypothesis says that poor-quality food affects both herbivorous voles (Microtinae spp.) and grouse (Tetraonidae spp.) in vole decline years, leading to increased foraging effort in female grouse and thus a higher risk of predation by the goshawk Accipiter gentilis. Poor-quality food (mainly the bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus) for these herbivores is induced by seed masting failure in the previous year, when the bilberry is able to allocate resources for chemical defence (the mast depression hypothesis; MDH). The predation facilitation hypothesis (PFH) in turn states that increased searching activity of vole-eating predators during or after the decline year of voles disturbs incubating and brooding grouse females. The behaviours used by grouse to avoid these terrestrial predators make them more vulnerable to predation by goshawks. We tested the main predictions of the MDH and PFH by collecting long-term (21-year) data from black grouse Tetrao tetrix hens and cocks killed by breeding goshawks supplemented with indices of bilberry crop, vole abundance and small carnivores in the vicinity of Oulu, northern Finland. We did not find obvious support for the prediction of the MDH that there is a negative correlation of bilberry crop in year t with vole abundance and with predation index of black grouse hens in year t + 1. We did find obvious support for the prediction of the PFH that there is a positive correlation between predator abundance and predation index of grouse hens, because the stoat Mustela erminea abundance index was positively related to the predation index of black grouse hens. We suggest that changes in vulnerability of grouse hens may mainly be caused by the guild of vole-eating predators, who shift to alternative prey in the decline phase of the vole cycle, and thus chase grouse hens and chicks to the talons of goshawks and other avian predators.  相似文献   

Summary We studied responses of stoats and least weasels to fluctuating vole abundances during seven winters in western Finland. Density indices of mustelids were derived from snow-tracking, diet composition from scat samples, and vole abundances from snap-trapping. Predation rate was estimated by the ratio of voles to mustelids and by the vole kill rate by predators (density of predator x percentage of voles in the diet). We tested the following four predictions of the hypothesis that small mustelids cause the low phase of the microtine cycle. (1) The densities of predators should lag well behind the prey abundances, as time lags tend to have destabilizing effects. The densities of stoats fluctuated in accordance with the vole abundances, whereas the spring densities of least weasels tracked the vole abundances with a half-year lag and the autumn densities with a 1-year lag. (2) Predators should not shift to alternative prey with declining vole densities. The yearly proportion of Microtus voles (the staple prey) in the diet of stoats varied widely (range 16–82%) and was positively correlated with the winter abundance of these voles. In contrast, the same proportion in the food of least weasels was independent of the vole abundance. (3) The ratio of voles to small mustelids should be smallest in poor vole years and largest in good ones. This was also observed. (4) Vole densities from autumn to spring should decrease more in those winters when vole kill rates are high than when they are low. The data on least weasels agreed with this prediction. Our results from least weasels were consistent with the predictions of the hypothesis, but stoats behaved like semi-generalist predators. Accordingly, declines and lows in the microtine cycle may be due to least weasel predation, but other extrinsic factors may also contribute to crashes.  相似文献   

The perception of danger represents an essential ability of prey for gaining an informational advantage over their natural enemies. Especially in complex environments or at night, animals strongly rely on chemoreception to avoid predators. The ability to recognize danger by chemical cues and subsequent adaptive responses to predation threats should generally increase prey survival. Recent findings suggest that European catfish (Silurus glanis) introduction induce changes in fish community and we tested whether the direction of change can be attributed to differences in chemical cue perception. We tested behavioral response to chemical cues using three species of freshwater fish common in European water: rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus), roach (Rutilus rutilus), and perch (Perca fluviatilis). Further, we conducted a prey selectivity experiment to evaluate the prey preferences of the European catfish. Roach exhibited the strongest reaction to chemical cues, rudd decreased use of refuge and perch did not alter any behavior in the experiment. These findings suggest that chemical cue perception might be behind community data change and we encourage collecting more community data of tested prey species before and after European catfish introduction to test the hypothesis. We conclude that used prey species can be used as a model species to verify whether chemical cue perception enhances prey survival.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation is pivotal to maintain species separation and it can be achieved through a plethora of mechanisms. In addition, the development of barriers to gamete interaction may drive speciation. Such barriers to interspecific gamete interaction can be prezygotic or postzygotic. Considering the great diversity in animal species, it is easy to assume that regulation of the early steps of fertilization is critical to maintain species identity. One prezygotic mechanism that is often mentioned in the literature is that gamete interaction is limited to gametes of the same species. But do gametes of all animals interact in a species‐specific way? Are gamete interactions completely species‐specific or perhaps just species‐restricted? In species in which species‐restrictions have been described, is the interspecies barrier at one major step in the fertilization process or is it a combination of partially restricted steps that together lead to a block in interspecific fertilization? Are the mechanisms used to avoid interspecific crosses different between free‐spawning organisms and those with internal fertilization? This review will address these questions, focusing on prezygotic barriers, and will describe what is known about the molecular biology that may account for species‐limited gamete recognition and fertilization. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 73: 1422–1429, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In a study on leaf-inhabiting tetranychid mites (Tetranychus urticae Koch–TSSM and Panonychus ulmi (Koch)–ERM) we investigated the effects of an extrinsic factor on the mites environment, namely phylloplane fungi. In a research orchard four trees were selected and treated with an aerosol application of a phylloplane fungus (Alternaria alternata) in a tap-water emulsion. Applications were made immediately after each sampling, with the exception of the last sample date. Two tap water controls for each treated tree were also sampled: a nearest neighbour (< 3 m from the treated trees) and a distant neighbour (> 30 m from the treated trees with other apple trees in between). Due to possible migration from the treated trees to near neighbours, the distant control best reflected normal orchard conditions. Eight samples were taken throughout the 1994 growing season; however, appreciable mite populations were only observed on the last four sample dates. On the treated trees, the ERM maintained a steady low population (less than ten per leaf) whereas the TSSM showed a population outbreak (up to 44 mites per leaf). Conversely, on the distant trees, the TSSM maintained a low population (less than ten per leaf) while the ERM showed an outbreak (up to 33 per leaf). Observing on a leaf by leaf basis, when tetranychids were present on a leaf, either one species dominated or the other, suggesting mutual competitive exclusion, the outcome of which was reversed to favour TSSM on trees that received an application of fungus. We concluded that the application of additional or supplemental amounts of A. alternata to apple leaves enhanced the population growth of TSSM compared to that of ERM. Possible mechanisms are discussed. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

R. Aerts  H. de Caluwe  B. Beltman 《Oikos》2003,101(3):489-498
Correlative studies have shown a ‘hump‐backed’ relation between the vegetation N:P ratio and plant species diversity with the highest diversity at balanced N:P ratios (between 10 and 14). We tested the hypothesis that adding growth‐limiting nutrients to mesotrophic grasslands that were in shortage of either N (N:P ratio<10) or P (N:P ratio>14) would lead to an increase of plant diversity. Thereto, we studied the effects of long‐term (11 yr) experimentally increased N and/or P supply on soil nutrient pools, vegetation nutrient dynamics and biodiversity in a riverine grassland in the Netherlands with a low soil N:P ratio (N shortage) and a peat grassland with a high soil N:P ratio (P shortage), respectively. Eleven years of nutrient addition hardly had any effects on the total stocks of C, N and P in the soils of both sites, due to the large size of the soil nutrient pools already present and to the management at both sites (annual hay‐making and ‐removal). However, in the riverine grassland the treatments increased the cycling of the small pool of labile N and P compounds resulting in large increases in annual fluxes of especially N. In the unfertilised controls, species establishments balanced more or less species losses during an 11 year period, thus leading to a dynamic equilibrium of the species pool. However, contrary to our hypothesis, addition of the growth‐limiting nutrient led at both sites to a reduction of species diversity even when total biomass remained below critical levels. Species diversity and species evenness were strongly determined by N mineralisation and to a lesser extent by total soil N and extractable P, respectively. Total aboveground biomass of the vegetation was determined by total soil N. Our study shows that patterns found in correlative studies of the relation between plant diversity and soil and vegetation N:P ratio can not be translated into successful experimental manipulations to enhance biodiversity. The most likely explanation is that colonization limitation occurred in the fertilized plots and that not sufficient diaspores of potentially new species could reach and/or colonize the plots to compensate for the species extinctions as a result of increased nutrient supply.  相似文献   

The deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) is an ectoparasitic fly on cervids that has expanded its distribution rapidly in Northern Europe. However, the regulating biotic factors such as predation remain unknown. The host‐independent pupal stage of the fly lasts for several months. Blackish pupae are visible against snow, especially on the bedding sites of hosts, and are thus exposed to predators. To evaluate the role of predation on the invasion dynamics and evolution of L. cervi, we monitored pupal predation on artificial bedding sites in three geographical areas in Finland during winter. We explored: (1) possible predators; (2) magnitude of predation; and (3) whether predation risk is affected by host‐derived cues. We demonstrate that pupae are predated by a number of tit species. Any reddish brown snow discoloration on bedding sites, indicating heavy infestation of the host, serves as an exploitable cue for avian predators, thereby increasing the risk of pupal predation. The ability of tits to use this host‐derived cue seems to be dependent on the prevalence of L. cervi and the period of invasion history, which suggests that it may be a learned behavioural response. Predation by tits may potentially affect the L. cervi population dynamics locally. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 275–286.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that species recolonization follows from the restoration of key habitat structure. Thus, forest restoration focuses on the recovery of trees into deforested landscapes, so that a multitude of associated organisms can achieve “colonization credit” and recolonize from remnant source populations into restored habitat. This opportunity for recolonization exists because species vulnerable to habitat loss may experience an “extinction debt,” during which their remnant populations decline only slowly to equilibrium with a deforested landscape. These persistent but declining populations become propagule sources for recolonization. To test limits to “colonization credit,” this study focused on old‐growth dependent lichen epiphytes, using a simulation to identify a hypothetical threshold at which: (1) the number of remnant populations, and (2) their population sizes, are too low to achieve recolonization and population recovery, despite efforts placed into forest restoration. The results show that for a landscape scenario relevant to the industrialized temperate zone, with less than 5% of old‐growth forest remaining, and ambitions for restoration to circa 10–15% forest cover, there is a failure to achieve population recovery over long timescales (i.e. within 600 years), making translocation a necessary option. This delay represents a “colonization deficit” that may be a common feature in ecological restoration more generally.  相似文献   

Human‐induced changes to fire regimes result in smaller, more patchy fires in many peri‐urban areas, with a concomitant increase in potential edge effects. In sclerophyll vegetation, many structurally dominant serotinous plants rely on the immediate post‐fire environment for recruitment. However, there is little information about how fire attributes affect seed predation or recruitment for these species. We examined the influence of distance to unburnt vegetation on post‐dispersal seed predation for five serotinous species from sclerophyll vegetation in the Sydney region, south‐eastern Australia; Banksia serrata L.f., Banksia spinulosa Sm. var. spinulosa, Hakea gibbosa (Sm.) Cav., Hakea teretifolia (Salisb.) Britten (all Proteaceae) and Allocasuarina distyla (Vent.) L. Johnson (Casuarinaceae). We used cafeteria trials and differential exclusion of vertebrates and invertebrates to test whether rates of seed removal for these five species differed among (i) unburnt, (ii) burnt‐edge (approx. 10 m from unburnt vegetation) and (iii) burnt‐interior (approx. 100 m from unburnt vegetation) locations. When all animals had access to seeds, seeds were removed at lower rates from burnt‐interior areas than from other locations. Vertebrates (small mammals) showed this pattern markedly the first time the experiment was run, but in a repeat trial this effect disappeared. Rate of seed removal by invertebrates differed among plant species but we did not detect any such differences for removal by vertebrates. Overall rates of seed removal also differed significantly between the two fires studied. Our results indicate that small mammal seed predation can be substantial for large‐seeded serotinous shrubs, and that differences in the perimeter: area ratio, severity or size of a fire are likely to affect seed predation.  相似文献   

Carotenoid reserves in copepods seem costly in terms of predation risk because they make individuals conspicuous. However, carotenoids also seem to play an important role in immune defence as free radical scavengers. To test whether predation risk influences carotenoid levels and whether changes in carotenoid levels are related to changes in immune defence, I examined individual changes in large carotenoid and other lipid droplets upon exposure to predation risk and subsequent exposure to parasites in the copepod Macrocyclops albidus. Copepods reduced carotenoid reserves upon exposure to predators, through which they potentially avoided the costs of being conspicuous under predation risk. Thus, the size of carotenoid reserves is a plastic trait. Such a decrease in carotenoid reserves may also have a negative impact on the copepods' immune system as individuals that decreased their reserves suffered higher parasite prevalence upon exposure to the cestode Schistocephalus solidus. These results suggest that carotenoid reserves may be individually optimized to trade-off each individual's unique costs (predation risk) and benefits (immune defence) of having these reserves.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that regulate skin pigmentation have been the subject of intense research in recent decades. In contrast with melanin biogenesis and transport within melanocytes, little is known about how melanin is transferred and processed within keratinocytes. Several models have been proposed for how melanin is transferred, with strong evidence supporting coupled exo/endocytosis. Recently, two reports suggest that upon internalization, melanin is stored within keratinocytes in an arrested compartment, allowing the pigment to persist for long periods. In this commentary, we identify a striking parallelism between melanin processing within keratinocytes and the host‐pathogen interaction with Plasmodium, opening new avenues to understand the complex molecular mechanisms that ensure skin pigmentation and photoprotection.   相似文献   

Petr Dostl 《Ecography》2005,28(6):745-756
In species with fragmented distribution, regional turnover dynamics is given by the processes of local population extinction and patch (re)colonization by migrants spreading from neighboring occupied patches. In plants with dormant stages (e.g. seeds) and limited dispersal capacity, regional dynamics based on dispersal processes can be overridden by pseudo-turnover determined by signals inducing or breaking dormancy (e.g. due to changes in habitat quality) resulting in a low importance of habitat configuration and size.
In this study, I investigated the turnover dynamics of 5 annual plant species growing on ant mounds of Lasius flavus over three years. I analyzed whether the grassland-scale dynamics of these annuals is influenced by dispersal processes, or alternatively, by pseudo-turnover of soil seed populations. For that purpose I 1) searched for populations formed from soil seeds only, 2) compared the relative contribution of the soil seed bank and seed rain for population restoration after disappearance from the vegetation and 3) investigated whether colonization and extinction events are affected by patch isolation. I assumed if population turnover was rather a result of the soil seed bank dynamics then spatial effects would be hard to detect.
In spite of the presence of populations formed from soil seed and the relatively more important soil seed bank for potential population reestablishment, turnover dynamics followed the predictions of metapopulation theory. Population appearance was more probable in larger and less isolated patches. Probability of disappearance increased with decrease of population size that was negatively influenced by the patch size and its isolation. These findings indicate dispersal processes to be important in the turnover dynamics and only limited contribution of soil seed populations. Their small effectiveness is probably related to the low chance of recurrent disturbance on the mound surface.  相似文献   

This paper asks whether population growth is conducive to the sustainability of cooperation. A simple model is developed in which farmers who live around a circular lake engage in trade with their adjacent neighbors. The payoffs from this activity are governed by a prisoner's dilemma “rule of engagement.” Every farmer has one son when the population is not growing, or two sons when it is growing. In the former case, the son takes over the farm when his father dies. In the latter case, one son stays on his father's farm, whereas the other son settles around another lake, along with the “other” sons of the other farmers. During his childhood, each son observes the strategies and the payoffs of his father and of the trading partners of his father, and imitates the most successful strategy when starting farming on his own. Then mutant defectors are introduced into an all-cooperator community. The defector strategy may spread. A comparison is drawn between the impact in terms of the sustainability of cooperation of the appearance of the mutants in a population that is not growing, and in one that is growing. It is shown that the ex-ante probability of sustaining the cooperation strategy is higher for a community that is growing than for a stagnant community.  相似文献   

The evolution of resistance to antimicrobial chemotherapy is a major and growing cause of human mortality and morbidity. Comparatively little attention has been paid to how different patient treatment strategies shape the evolution of resistance. In particular, it is not clear whether treating individual patients aggressively with high drug dosages and long treatment durations, or moderately with low dosages and short durations can better prevent the evolution and spread of drug resistance. Here, we summarize the very limited available empirical evidence across different pathogens and provide a conceptual framework describing the information required to effectively manage drug pressure to minimize resistance evolution.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of the seed damaging gall midge larva Geomyia alpina on its perennial alpine host plant Geum reptans. We analysed the effect of seed predation on reproduction by seeds, i.e. seed number, seed mass, and seed viability and on growth and clonal propagation of non-protected plants in comparison to plants protected from predation by an insecticide. Additionally, we assessed the consequences of seed predation for population growth using matrix projection modelling. Seed predation resulted in a decrease in total seed mass per flower head by 23.8% in non-protected plants (P < 0.05). Individual seed mass decreased with increasing infestation intensity (P < 0.05). Seed number remained unaffected because the sucking feeding behaviour by gall midge larvae does not evoke seed abortion. Percent germination of seeds from non-protected plants was reduced by 97.9% compared to seeds from protected plants. According to reduced seed viability, modelling revealed a decrease in population growth rate from λ = 1.055 to λ = 1.041. Predation did neither influence total plant biomass nor biomass fractions. But stolon dry-weight of non-protected plants increased by 24.1% (P < 0.05), which may indicate a trade-off between sexual reproduction and clonal propagation. Our results demonstrate that despite substantial reduction of viable seeds, predation by gall midge larvae only slightly affected population growth of G. reptans suggesting that in this alpine species, persistence by longevity and clonal propagation can balance potential seed losses by predation, at least for local population growth.  相似文献   

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