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The maize B chromosome is a dispensable chromosome and therefore serves as a model system to study centromere function. The B centromere region is estimated to be approximately 9,000 kb in size and contains a 1.4 kb repeat that is specific to this centromere. When maintained as a univalent, the B chromosome occasionally undergoes centric misdivision. Consecutive misdivision analysis of the maize B chromosome centromere has generated a collection of functional centromeres that are greatly reduced in complexity. These small centromeres are often correlated with strongly reduced meiotic transmission. Molecular analyses of the misdivision collection have revealed that the smallest functional maize B centromere is a minimum of 110 kb in size. Considering the collection as a whole, meiotic transmission becomes severely compromised when the estimated centromere size is reduced to a few hundred kilobases.  相似文献   

Page BT  Wanous MK  Birchler JA 《Genetics》2001,159(1):291-302
Previous work has identified sequences specific to the B chromosome that are a major component of the B centromere. To address the issue of the origin of the B and the evolution of centromere-localized sequences, DNA prepared from plants without B chromosomes was probed to seek evidence for related sequences. Clones were isolated from maize line B73 without B chromosomes by screening DNA at reduced stringency with a B centromeric probe. These clones were localized to maize centromere 4 using fluorescence in situ hybridization. They showed homology to a maize centromere-mapped sequence, to maize B chromosome centromere sequences, and to a portion of the unit repeat of knobs, which act as neocentromeres in maize. A representative copy was used to screen a BAC library to obtain these sequences in a larger context. Each of the six positive BACs obtained was analyzed to determine the nature of centromere 4-specific sequences present. Fifteen subclones of one BAC were sequenced and the organization of this chromosome 4-specific repeat was examined.  相似文献   

Summary The B 9 chromosome of maize exhibits a very ordered type of instability at the second pollen mitosis, when nondisjunction may reach a level of 95%. Much less commonly the chromosome is unstable during early development of the kernel. Instability in the kernel produces recessive sectors in either the endosperm or the sporophyte, reflecting the absence of dominant markers carried by the B 9. The causes of B 9 loss in the endosperm and the sporophyte were investigated for the two observable classes of sectoring: fractional loss (single event) and multiple loss (mosaic pattern). The fractional class represents isochromosome formation by the B 9 (Carlson, 1970, 1971). Data presented here suggest that the isochromosome is a by-product of telocentric formation at the second pollen mitosis, and does not arise directly from the B 9 chromosome. The chromosomal basis for the mosaic pattern of B 9 loss is not completely known. However, one class of mosaic kernels displays a heritable instability of the B 9 chromosome which apparently results from ring chromosome formation by the B 9. The time of origin of the ring B 9 chromosome is prior to the second pollen mitosis, since the unstable chromosome generated in the male parent is transmitted to both the endosperm and the sporophyte. Finally, a genetic factor controlling B 9 stability in the developing endosperm has been found. A single plant (1818-1), crossed as a female parent to a B 9-containing stock, induced a mosaic pattern of B 9 loss in the endosperm at a very high rate. The characteristics of this plant are being investigated.Dedicated with much appreciation and respect to Dr. M. M. Rhoades on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Molecular and functional diversity of maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past 10,000 years, man has used the rich genetic diversity of the maize genome as the raw material for domestication and subsequent crop improvement. Recent research efforts have made tremendous strides toward characterizing this diversity: structural diversity appears to be largely mediated by helitron transposable elements, patterns of diversity are yielding insights into the number and type of genes involved in maize domestication and improvement, and functional diversity experiments are leading to allele mining for future crop improvement. The development of genome sequence and germplasm resources are likely to further accelerate this progress.  相似文献   

 Irradiation-induced deletion mapping was exploited to construct a detailed locus-order map around the centromere of tomato chromosome 6 (CEN  6). An F1 hybrid heterozygous for the marker loci thiamineless (tl), yellow virescent (yv) and potato leaf (c), and homozygous recessive for the nematode resistance gene mi, was pollinated with γ-irradiated pollen from cultivar VFNT Cherry carrying the wild-type alleles at the corresponding loci. A dose of 100 Gy was found optimal for inducing mutants. By screening for pseudo-dominant plants showing the marker phenotypes and/or nematode susceptibility, 30 deletions encompassing one or more of the four loci were detected in the M1 generation. Molecular-marker analysis revealed that 29 of these mutants included the tl and mi loci on the short arm and originated from terminal deletions of different sizes. Remarkably, the breakpoints of these deletions were not randomly distributed along the short arm but located within the centromeric heterochromatin. Only one yv interstitial deletion and no c mutations on the long arm of the chromosome were detected. Mapping of the various chromosomal breakpoints in the isolated mutants permitted the resolution of a cluster of molecular markers from the centromeric heterochromatin that was hitherto unresolvable by genetic linkage analysis. The usefulness of such a deletion-mapping approach for whole-genome mapping is discussed. Received: 4 March 1997 / Accepted: 2 June 1997  相似文献   

 The centromere of maize chromosome 4 was previously localized to a 26-cM interval using molecular markers and B-A translocations. The objective of the present study was to refine the placement of the centromere using secondary trisomics. Two independently isolated secondary trisomics (having an isochromosome plus two normal homologs) for 4S were recovered. RFLP analysis of populations segregating for them placed the centromere of chromosome 4 between bnl15.45 and bnl7.20, two RFLP loci that are 5.4-cM apart on the UMC map and 11.5-cM apart on the BNL map. Received: 19 May 1997 / Accepted: 6 October 1997  相似文献   

Fourteen minichromosomes derived from the B chromosome of maize are described. The centromeric region of the B chromosome contains a specific repetitive DNA element called the B repeat. This sequence was used to determine the transmission frequency of the different types of minichromosomes over several generations via Southern blot analysis at each generation. In general, the minichromosomes have transmission rates below the theoretical 50% frequency of a univalent chromosome. The gross structure of each minichromosome was determined using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on root tip chromosome spreads. The presence of the B centromeric repeat and of the adjacent heterochromatic knob sequences was determined for each minichromosome. In two cases, the amount of the centromeric knob repeat is increased relative to the progenitor chromosome. Other isolates have reduced or undetectable levels of the knob sequence. Potential uses of the minichromosomes are discussed.  相似文献   

Cheng YM  Lin BY 《Genetics》2004,166(4):1947-1961
The supernumerary B chromosome has no apparent effects on plant growth, and its molecular makeup is difficult to unravel, due to its high homology to the normal complement, which prevents conventional cloning. This difficulty was overcome previously by microdissecting the B chromosome under the microscope to result in 19 B clones, one of which is B specific and highly repetitive, dispersing over one-third of the B long arm and most regions of the centromeric knob. To gain insights into the molecular structure of the B chromosome, this sequence was used to screen a genomic library constructed from W22 carrying 16 B's. Five clones (>10 kb each) were isolated, and all were repetitive, showing homology with A chromosomes in Southern and FISH analyses. Two of them were further characterized and sequenced. Each is composed of several restriction fragments with variable degrees of repetitiveness. Some of these are B specific and others have variable degrees of homology with the A chromosomes. The order of each characteristic group is not contiguous; they intersperse within those of other groups. Sequence analysis reveals that their sequences ( approximately 26 kb) have no homology with any published gene other than sequences of transposable elements (retrotransposons and MITEs) and the B as well as the A centromeres. We uncovered a 1.6-kb CL-repeat sequence, seven units of which were present in the two clones in defective forms. Those repeats mostly arrange in tandem array in the B chromosome. Moreover, we detected transposition of a retrotransposon and a MITE element involved in the genesis of these two sequences.  相似文献   

Bianchi et al. (1961) found that sectored losses of B-translocation chromosomes occur at a significant rate during early development of the endosperm and sporophyte. The losses were attributed to nondisjunction of the chromomosome, since B type chromosomes are known to undergo nondisjunction at the second pollen mitosis. Sector formation was further analyzed in the present paper, using the translocation, TB-9b. It was found that losses of the B9 chromosome during early endosperm mitoses occur only if the 9B chromosome is present. In addition, sectors are produced in the sporophyte only if the 9B and B9 chromosomes are inherited from the male parent. Both of these findings suggest that nondisjunction is indeed responsible for the B9 losses (see text). However, cytological observation of sectored plants demonstrates that isochromosome formation, rather than nondisjunction, produces most B9 losses in the sporophyte. The conflicting results can be reconciled by assuming that the same basic event, perhaps stickiness of the B9 chromosome, produces nondisjunction at the second pollen mitosis and isochromosome formation in the developing sporophyte. Observation of the isochromosome in pachytene reveals that a heterochromatic region corresponding to the short arm of the normal B9 is missing. The normal B9 chromosome is, therefore, an acrocentric chromosome.  相似文献   

Genetic dissection of centromere function.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A system to detect a minimal function of Saccharomyces cerevisiae centromeres in vivo has been developed. Centromere DNA mutants have been examined and found to be active in a plasmid copy number control assay in the absence of segregation. The experiments allow the identification of a minimal centromere unit, CDE III, independently of its ability to mediate chromosome segregation. Centromere-mediated plasmid copy number control correlates with the ability of CDE III to assemble a DNA-protein complex. Cells forced to maintain excess copies of CDE III exhibit increased loss of a nonessential artificial chromosome. Thus, segregationally impaired centromeres can have negative effects in trans on chromosome segregation. The use of a plasmid copy number control assay has allowed assembly steps preceding chromosome segregation to be defined.  相似文献   

Regional control of nondisjunction of the B chromosome in maize   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Lin BY 《Genetics》1978,90(3):613-627
Control of nondisjunction in the maize B chromosome was studied using a set of B-10 translocations. The study focused on the possible effect of the proximal region of the B long arm. The experimental procedure utilized a combination of a 10B chromosome from one translocation with a B10 from another translocation. The breakpoints of the two translocations were so located that combination of the two elements created a deletion in the proximal region of the B chromosome, but no deletion in chromosome 10. Two different types of deletions were established; one involved a portion of the euchromatic region and the other the entire heterochromatic portion comprising the distal half of the B long arm, except for the small euchromatic tip. Deletion of the heterochromatic portion did not exert any effect on nondisjunction. Deletions of different portions of the euchromatic region produce different responses. Some deletions resulted in typical B nondisjunctional activity; others resulted in the disappearance of this activity. It is concluded that a region within the euchromatic portion of the chromosome is critical for the nondisjunction of B chromosomes. Among 22 translocations with breakpoints in the euchromatic regions, three were proximal to the critical region, 16 were distal and the position of three others was not determined.  相似文献   

We describe an unusual marker chromosome Y. This marker is present in 5% of the lymphocytes of a dysgenetic woman showing a mosaic karyotype 45,X/46,XY/ 47,XY+mar. Q-banding revealed that the marker was morphologically identical to the Y chromosome of the patient but presented the primary constriction in the heterochromatic region. C-banding confirmed that the heterochromatic region was C-positive; furthermore, it showed two spots in the euchromatic region in a position corresponding to that of the centromere in the normal Y Fluorescence in situ hybridization with the centromere-specific probe pDP 97 and the pancentromeric alpha-satellite probe 2730 failed to detect any signal at the primary constriction site. To improve the characterization of the marker chromosome, hybridization was performed using pDP 105, a probe located on the short arm of the Y chromosome, together with chromosome-Y- specific paint-hybridizing to the single sequence spanning the Y short arm. In both cases, positive signals telomeric to the inactive centromere were observed. Possible mechanisms resulting in the formation of the marker chromosome are discussed.  相似文献   

Lamb JC  Kato A  Birchler JA 《Chromosoma》2005,113(7):337-349
Maize chromosome spreads containing the supernumerary B chromosome were hybridized with probes from various repetitive elements including CentC, CRM, and CentA, which have been localized to centromeric regions on the A chromosomes. Repetitive elements that are enriched or found exclusively near the centromeres of A chromosomes hybridized to many sites distinct from the centromere on the B chromosome. To examine whether these elements recruit kinetochore proteins at locations other than the canonical B centromere, cells were labeled with antibodies against CENH3, a key kinetochore protein. No labeling was detected outside the normal centromere and no evidence of B chromosome holocentromeric activity was observed. This finding suggests that, as in other higher eukaryotes, DNA sequence alone is insufficient to dictate kinetochore location in plants. Additionally, examination of the B centromere region in pachytene chromosomes revealed that the B-specific element ZmBs hybridizes to a much larger region than the site of hybridization of CentC, CRM, and CentA and the labeling by anti-CENH3 antibodies.This revised version was published online in December 2004 with corrections to Table 1.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized a 17- to 18-kD Ser50-phosphorylated form of maize (Zea mays) CENTROMERIC HISTONE H3 (phCENH3-Ser50). Immunostaining in both mitosis and meiosis indicates that CENH3-Ser50 phosphorylation begins in prophase/diplotene, increases to a maximum at prometaphase-metaphase, and drops during anaphase. Dephosphorylation is precipitous (approximately sixfold) at the metaphase-anaphase transition, suggesting a role in the spindle checkpoint. Although phCENH3-Ser50 lies within a region that lacks homology to any other known histone, its closest counterpart is the phospho-Ser28 residue of histone H3 (phH3-Ser28). CENH3-Ser50 and H3-Ser28 are phosphorylated with nearly identical kinetics, but the former is restricted to centromeres and the latter to pericentromeres. Opposing centromeres separate in prometaphase, whereas the phH3-Ser28-marked pericentromeres remain attached and coalesce into a well-defined tether that binds the centromeres together. We propose that a centromere-initiated wave of histone phosphorylation is an early step in defining the two major structural domains required for chromosome segregation: centromere (alignment, motility) and pericentromere (cohesion).  相似文献   

Structural features of the rice chromosome 4 centromere   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
Zhang Y  Huang Y  Zhang L  Li Y  Lu T  Lu Y  Feng Q  Zhao Q  Cheng Z  Xue Y  Wing RA  Han B 《Nucleic acids research》2004,32(6):2023-2030

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