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HARVEY  D. M.; GOODWIN  J. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1091-1998
The effect of the ‘leafless’ mutation (in whichtendrils replace leaflets and the stipules are reduced to avestigial form) upon foliage area, photosynthetic net CO2 uptakepotential, dry matter production and seed yield in Pisum sativumwas studied by comparing two near-isogenic lines of genotypeafafstst and ++++. The mutation is of potential agronomic valuein that it offers improved lodging resistance, crop drying andharvester throughput. In the conventional phenotype the total foliage area of themain axis attained a plateau (456 cm2) at day 56 from seedlingemergence, whereas corresponding values for the ‘leafless’mutant showed a total area of 208 cm2 at day 68 with no indicationof a plateau. The agronomic consequence of this is discussed.During the vegetative phase of the plant the maximum CO2 uptakepotential in the fully expanded conventional leaf was 8·5mg CO2 leaf–1 h–1 and in the ‘leafless’mutant this value was 7·0 mg CO2 leaf–1 h–1.For most ‘leaves’ of the latter phenotype this valuewas between 30 and 60 per cent less than for their conventionalcounterpart. There was a consistently higher photosyntheticpotential per unit area in tendrils of the ‘leafless’mutant than in leaflets of the conventional phenotype. The respectivemean specific values for the two phenotypes were 53 and 37 mgCO2 dm–2 h–1. The problem of obtaining a meaningfulsurface area value for tendrils is discussed and the cylindricalnature of tendrils is taken into account. The ‘leafless’ mutant consistently accumulated 50per cent less dry matter than did conventional plants in theperiod from seedling emergence to anthesis and yield of maturedry seed per plant showed a reduction of 50 per cent both inseed number and total seed weight. The implications for future breeding and selection programmesaimed at haulm reduction are discussed in relation to evaluatingthe ability of the background genotype to produce adequate tendrilsin the presence of afafstst. Triticum aestivum, wheat, callus culture, organogenesis  相似文献   

The effect of genotype and plant density, over the range from100 to 277 plants m–2, on plant to plant variation inprecision sown microplots has been assessed for three ‘leafless’(afafstst) pea (Pisum sativum) lines. This range of plantingdensities did not significantly affect the total above groundbiological yield per unit area of two of the genotypes (BS5and BS4) whereas the biological yield of the third (BS151) declinedat densities above 156 plants m–2. The differences weredue to changes in seed yield. The effect of planting densityon the variation between plants for biological yield withinthe microplots differed between the genotypes. The distributionpattern of BS4 and BS5 changed from normal to skewed with increaseddensity, while the distribution for BS151 remained skewed atall planting densities. The differences between the three genotypes in the proportionof biological yield partitioned into seed yield (harvest index)on a unit area basis was due almost entirely to the differencesin structure of the plant populations. The maximum level ofpartitioning by individual plants was similar for all threelines. The difference between this maximum for an individualand the crop harvest index therefore represents the area forimprovement of crop harvest index through breeding. It is suggestedthat improvements in dried pea yields will come, therefore,by selecting plants which form more uniform populations withregard to plant size and to the proportion of plant biomasspartitioned into seed (plant harvest index). Pisum sativum, leafless pea, population, genetic variation, distribution patterns, harvest index  相似文献   

In chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) flowering and pod developmentproceed acropetally. In plants grown under normal field conditionsat Hyderabad, in peninsular India, and at Hissar in north India,at successively apical nodes of the branches there was a declinein pod number per node, weight per pod, seed number per podand/or weight per seed. The percentage of nitrogen in the seedswas the same in earlier and later-formed pods at Hyderabad;at Hissar the later-formed seeds contained a higher percentage.Earlier- and later-formed flowers contained similar numbersof ovules. The decline in seed number and/or weight per seedin the later-formed pods of 28 out of 29 cultivars indicatedthat pod-filling was limited by the supply of assimilates orother nutrients. By contrast, in one exceptionally small-seededcultivar there was no decline in the number or weight of seedsin later-formed pods, indicating that yield was limited by ‘sink’size. Cicer arietinum L., chickpea, flowering, pod development, seed number, seed weight, nitrogen content  相似文献   

ROBSON  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(3):321-329
Simulated swards of each of two selection lines of Lolium perennecv. S23 with ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ ratesof ‘mature tissue’ respiration were establishedin growth rooms at 20/15 °C day/night temperatures and studiedover four successive regrowth periods of 46, 30, 26 and 53 daysduration. The ‘slow’ line outyielded the ‘fast’,both in harvestable shoot (above a 5 cm cut) and in root andstubble. Its advantage increased over successive regrowth periodsto 23 per cent (total biomass). Gas analysis measurements onthe entire communities (including roots), during the final regrowthperiod, showed that the ‘slow’ line had a 22–34per cent lower rate of dark respiration per unit dry weight.This enabled it to maintain its greater mass of tissue for thesame cost in terms of CO2 efflux per unit ground area. Halfthe extra dry weight produced by the ‘slow’ line,relative to the ‘fast’, could be attributed to itsmore economic use of carbon. The rest could be traced to a 25per cent greater tiller number which enabled the ‘slow’line to expand leaf area faster (though not at a greater rateper tiller), intercept more light and fix more carbon, earlyin the regrowth period. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, respiration, maintenance respiration, tiller production, simulated swards, canopy photosynthesis, carbon economy  相似文献   

HARVEY  D. M. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(2):331-336
The photosynthetic and respiratory net CO2 exchange potentialof the fruit of Pisum sativum was evaluated in one normal andthree mutant genotypes differing widely with respect to foliagearea and morphology: AfAf.StSt, conventional; AfAf.StSt, vestigialstipules; afaf.St.St, all leaflets replaced by tendrils butstipules normal (here termed ‘semi-leafless’) andafaf.stst, tendrils and vestigial stipules (‘leafless’).Agronomically the latter phenotype offered improvement in resistanceto lodging, crop drying, and harvester through-put. On a dry weight basis, fruits of the leafless mutant were consistentlymore active photosynthetically in terms of CO2 uptake from theatmosphere during the initial 18 days post-anthesis than werethe corresponding fruits of the other three phenotypes. Duringthe subsequent 16-day period of seed filling there was no markeddifference between phenotypes and the fruit continuously lostCO2 to the atmosphere, but significantly less CO2 was lost inthe light (40 k lux) than in the dark. That the fruit of theleafless mutant may therefore benefit from the increase in lightavailable to the fruit within a sward canopy comprised of tendrilsin place of leaflets is discussed. However, there was stilla significant reduction in seed yield associated with the leaflessmutant despite a normal complement of ovule initials. The growthcurves and mean dry weights per seed were not significantlydifferent between phenotypes. In fruit of the conventional phenotypethe attainment of maximal pod wall weight coincided with theinitiation of seed fillingonday 15 after anthesis. In a seriesof isogenic lines the gene af delayed maximal wall developmentby 6 days whilst the gene st markedly lowered the maximum wallweight attainable. Possible causes of yield reduction in theleafless mutant are discussed in relation to the observed actionof these genes in the homozygous double recessive condition.  相似文献   

The final number of reproductive nodes (TRN) is highly variablein pea under field conditions and can limit yield. However,the determinants of this variability are unknown. This is aproblem for crop managers and for many crop simulation models,in which the assimilate production and partitioning modulesgenerally depend on a phenological module including simulationof TRN. Previous studies in growth cabinets have linked theend of flowering to the presence of growing pods near the apex.We investigated the effects of the position of reproductiveorgans on the stem on the cessation of leaf emergence by analyticalexperiments involving pod removal. We then analysed whetherdevelopmental characteristics, obtained in the field for variousgenotypes, locations, sowing dates, plant nitrogen status, plantwater status and plant densities, could account for the observedvariation in the number of reproductive nodes. On the basisof these results, we constructed a simple model simulating TRNfrom three developmental parameters. The model was calibratedon cultivar ‘Solara’, evaluated for a wide rangeof situations and extrapolated to many genotypes, and was foundto have high predictive value.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Pisum sativumL., pea, number of reproductive nodes, model, genotype, N nutrition, pod removal, plant density, development, flowering, apical senescence  相似文献   

The branching pattern of eight sequential branching types ofgroundnut was studied and the contribution of each node (fruitingpoint) of the n, n+1 and n+2 branches (if present) to the totalnumber of mature pods per plant ascertained. The results indicatedthat n+2 branches were present in several varieties and theircontribution to mature pods was significant in some of them.The first three nodes of the n+1 branches contributed from 50.6per cent (in a variety which had significantly more n+2 branches)to 88 per cent in other varieties. The results also indicatedthat the contribution of the late formed n+1 branches was lowand the total mature pods produced from all nodes decreasedwith each successive (chronologically) n+1 branch in all thevarieties studied. Neither the total number of n+1 branchesnor the number of mature pods per node was related to the podnumber or pod yield, but the total number of fruiting pointsfrom all branches showed a high correlation with pod yield andmature pod number at harvest. The results suggest that for higherpod yield it may be desirable to have only a few n+1 branches(4 or 5) but with more fruiting points on each branch. Arachis hypogaea, branching pattern, sequential types, fruiting points  相似文献   

‘Physiological maturity’, i.e. the time when seedsreach their maximum dry weight during development, occurredwhen maturation drying on the parent plant in the field hadreduced seed moisture content to approximately 60 per cent infaba bean (Vicia faba L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.), chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.), white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), soya bean(Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) The onsetof desiccation-tolerance, i.e. the ability of seeds to germinatefollowing harvest and rapid artificial drying, coincided withphysiological maturity, except in pea where it occurred a littleearlier at about 70 per cent moisture content. Maximum seedquality as determined by maximum viability, minimum seedlingabnormalities and maximum seedling size occurred in pea, chickpeaand lupin when seeds were harvested for rapid drying at physiologicalmaturity; but for maximum seed quality in the other speciesmaturation drying had to proceed further - to about 45 per centmoisture content in soya bean and to about 30 per cent moisturecontent in lentil and faba bean seed crops. Much of this variationamongst the six species, however, was due to differences inthe variation in maturity within each seed crop. Results forindividual pods showed that peak maturity, i.e. maximum seedquality following harvest and rapid artificial drying, was achievedin all six species once maturation drying had reduced the moisturecontent of the seeds to 45–50 per cent. In pea, faba beanand soya bean there was a substantial decline in viability andan increase in seedling abnormalities when harvest was delayedbeyond the optimal moisture content for harvest.  相似文献   

HARDWICK  R. C. 《Annals of botany》1987,60(4):439-446
The ‘core-skin’ hypothesis postulates that secondarilythickened plants behave energetically as an inert ‘core’covered by an active ‘skin’, the ‘skin’being two-imensional, the ‘core’ three-dimensional.This would explain the ‘self-thinning ‘or‘–3/2’ rule of plant ecology, that is, the tendencyfor log (dry weight per plant) and log (number of plants perunit area) to progress along a straight line relationship, withslope = – 3/2’. The hypothesis was tested as follows. Plant nitrogen contentwas used as an estimate of the mass of ‘skin’ perplant, and dry weight as an estimate of the mass of the ‘core’.As plants mature the slope of the relationship between y = log(mass of nitrogen per plant) and x = log (mass of dry matterper plant) is expected to decline from an initial value of 1.0towards a final value of 0.66. The intercept of the relationshipis expected to reflect the intrinsic content of ‘skin’per unit of ‘core’. Genotypic variation in thisparameter should cause genotypic differences in the maximumattainable yield of biomass per unit area. The expectations were investigated by fitting the function y= p+qx+r exp – x to 30 sets of data on plant nitrogencontent, plant weight and time in 18 different vegetables. Simplelinear regressions of y on x were fitted to more limited setsof data on weights and nitrogen contents of mature trees. Theexpectations were, with some minor exceptions, confirmed. Nitrogen, yield, plant competition, self-thinning  相似文献   

STUTZEL  H.; AUFAMMER  W. 《Annals of botany》1991,67(6):487-495
Models for root: shoot, vegetative: generative and stem: leafpartitioning are presented to quantify dry matter partitioningof two contrasting genotypes of Vicia faba, an indeterminateand a ‘topless’. A third plant type, a determinateof which two to three inflorescences had been removed, was alsoincluded but behaved similarly to the intact plant. The root:shoot partitioning model predicts linear relationships betweenroot proportion and the product of air vapour pressure deficitand relative growth rate. Data from field experiments were consistentwith model prediction and coefficients estimated were similarfor both genotypes. Partitioning into pods was modelled as proportionalto the number of actively growing pods younger than 1000°Cd. Coefficients estimated were similar in both genotypes butdifferent between densities and years. In the indeterminategenotype, stem: leaf ratio was allometric throughout, whereasleaf growth ceased but stem growth continued in the determinateafter formation of the terminal inflorescence. Relatively moredry matter was allocated to stems than to leaves in high thanin low densities. In conclusion, the main differences in drymatter partitioning between genotypes concern leaf: stem partitioningduring early pod filling and pod partitioning due to pod numberdifferences. Partitioning, root, shoot, leaf, stem, Vicia faba L.  相似文献   

Temperature Effects on Phenological Development and Yield of Muskmelon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Our goal was to construct a simple muskmelon phenology modelthat could be run with easily obtainable weather station dataand used by growers to quantify phenological development andaid in projecting harvest dates. A growth chamber experimentwas conducted with two cultivars of muskmelon (‘Gold Rush’and ‘Mission’) to determine how main vine leaf appearancerates responded to temperature. We identified three cardinaltemperatures for leaf appearance rate: the base temperature(10 °C) at which leaf appearance rate was zero; an optimumtemperature (34 °C) at which the rate of leaf appearancewas maximal; and an upper threshold temperature (45 °C)at which leaf appearance rate returned to zero. Using thesethree cardinal temperatures, we constructed a simplified thermalunit accumulator for hourly measurements of air temperature.Main vine plastochron interval (PI), thermal time to harvest,and final yield were determined for three cultivars of muskmelon(‘Explorer’, ‘Gold Rush’ and ‘Mission’)grown in the field at Overton, TX, USA, over six transplantingdates from March to June 1998. PI was calculated for each cultivarx transplanting date combination as the reciprocal of the slopeof main vine node number vs. accumulated hourly thermal units(  相似文献   

The freezing tolerance of many plants, such as pea (Pisum sativum),is increased by exposure to low temperature or abscisic acidtreatment, although the physiological basis of this phenomenonis poorly understood. The freezing tolerance of pea shoot tips,root tips, and epicotyl tissue was tested after cold acclimationat 2C, dehydration/rehydration, applications of 10–4M abscisic acid (ABA), and deacclimation at 25C. Tests wereconducted using the cultivar ‘Alaska’, an ABA-deficientmutant ‘wil’, and its ‘wildtype’. Freezinginjury was determined graphically as the temperature that caused50% injury (T50) from electrical conductivity. Endogenous ABAwas measured using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay,and novel proteins were detected using 2-dimensional polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis. The maximum decrease in T50 for root tissuewas 1C for all genotypes, regardless of treatment. For ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyl tissue, exogenous ABA increased thefreezing tolerance by –1.5 to –4.0C, while coldtreatment increased the freezing tolerance by –7.5 to–14.8C. Cold treatment increased the freezing toleranceof shoot tips by –9 and –15C for ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’, respectively. Cold acclimationincreased endogenous ABA concentrations in ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyls 3- to 4-fold. Immunogold labeling increasednoticeably in the nucleus and cytoplasm of the epicotyl after7 d at 2C and was greatest after 30 d at the time of maximumfreezing tolerance and soluble ABA concentration. Cold treatmentinduced the production of seven, three, and two proteins inshoot, epicotyl, and root tissue of ‘Alaska’, respectively.In ‘Alaska’ shoot tissue, five out of seven novelproteins accumulated in response to both ABA and cold treatment.However, only a 24 kDa protein was produced in ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’ shoot and epicotyl tissues aftercold treatment. Abscisic acid and cold treatment additivelyincreased the freezing tolerance of pea epicotyl and shoot tissuesthrough apparently independent mechanisms that both resultedin the production of a 24 kDa protein. Key words: Pisum sativum, cold acclimation, immuno-localization  相似文献   

The freezing tolerance of many plants, such as pea (Pisum sativum),is increased by exposure to low temperature or abscisic acidtreatment, although the physiological basis of this phenomenonis poorly understood. The freezing tolerance of pea shoot tips,root tips, and epicotyl tissue was tested after cold acclimationat 2C, dehydration/rehydration, applications of 10–4M abscisic acid (ABA), and deacclimation at 25C. Tests wereconducted using the cultivar ‘Alaska’, an ABA-deficientmutant ‘wil’, and its ‘wildtype’. Freezinginjury was determined graphically as the temperature that caused50% injury (T50) from electrical conductivity. Endogenous ABAwas measured using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay,and novel proteins were detected using 2-dimensional polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis. The maximum decrease in T50 for root tissuewas 1C for all genotypes, regardless of treatment. For ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyl tissue, exogenous ABA increased thefreezing tolerance by –1.5 to –4.0C, while coldtreatment increased the freezing tolerance by –7.5 to–14.8C. Cold treatment increased the freezing toleranceof shoot tips by –9 and –15C for ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’, respectively. Cold acclimationincreased endogenous ABA concentrations in ‘Alaska’shoot tips and epicotyls 3- to 4-fold. Immunogold labeling increasednoticeably in the nucleus and cytoplasm of the epicotyl after7 d at 2C and was greatest after 30 d at the time of maximumfreezing tolerance and soluble ABA concentration. Cold treatmentinduced the production of seven, three, and two proteins inshoot, epicotyl, and root tissue of ‘Alaska’, respectively.In ‘Alaska’ shoot tissue, five out of seven novelproteins accumulated in response to both ABA and cold treatment.However, only a 24 kDa protein was produced in ‘wil’and ‘wild-type’ shoot and epicotyl tissues aftercold treatment. Abscisic acid and cold treatment additivelyincreased the freezing tolerance of pea epicotyl and shoot tissuesthrough apparently independent mechanisms that both resultedin the production of a 24 kDa protein. Key words: Pisum sativum, cold acclimation, immuno-localization  相似文献   

HUME  D.E. 《Annals of botany》1991,67(2):111-121
A detailed morphological study of three prairie grass cultivars(Bromus willdenowii Kunth) was conducted under ‘vegetative’and ‘reproductive’ growth conditions (short andlong photoperiods) and at different temperatures. Perennialryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and Westerwolds ryegrass (Loliummuhiflorum Lam.) were compared during vegetative growth. Prairie grass had higher leaf appearance rates (leaves per tillerper day) and lower site filling (tillers per tiller per leafappearance interval) than the ryegrass species. Tillering rates(tillers per tiller per day) were also lower, except under vegetativeconditions at 4C. Low tiller number in prairie grass was notdue to lack of tiller sites but a result of poor filling ofthese sites. Lower site filling occurred because of increaseddelays in appearance of the youngest axillary tiller and lackof axillary tillers emerging from basal tiller buds. In prairiegrass, no tillers came from coleoptile buds while only occasionallydid prophyll buds develop tillers. Low tiller number in prairiegrass was compensated for by greater tiller weight. Prairiegrass had more live leaves per tiller, greater area per leafand a high leaf area per plant. Considerable variation between cultivars was found in prairiegrass. The cultivar ‘Bellegarde’ had high leaf appearance,large leaves and rapid reproductive development, but had lowlevels of site filling, tillering rate, final tiller numberand herbage quality during reproductive growth. ‘Primabel’tended to have the opposite levels for these parameters, while‘Grasslands Matua’ was intermediate and possiblyprovided the best balance of all plant parameters. prairie grass, Bromus willdenowii Kunth, perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L., Westerwolds ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam., temperature, photoperiod, leaf appearance, leaf area, tillering, site filling, tillering sites, yield  相似文献   

HARVEY  D. M. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(6):673-680
Water requirements in relation to seed production was studiedin near-isogenic lines of leafless (afafstst) and conventional(++++) pea plants (Pisum sativum). The plants were grown toseed maturity in pots in a controlled environment under conditionsof high, medium and low irrigation levels. When each genotypewas irrigated independently and on demand and the soil moisturecontent maintained at 65–80 per cent of full capacitythere was no significant phenotypic difference in water useefficiency (WUE), defined as g d. wt seed per kg H2O utilized.There existed genotypically-controlled upper and lower limitsto yield between which the total dry weight of seed per plantcan be determined by water availability. There was no significantdifferential effect of genotype or of irrigation treatment onthe number of pods, number of seed, unit seed dry weight andbiological yield per plant. There was significant interactionon stem length, and leaf area at specified nodes. When the wateractually required in relation to the water available was takeninto account, the leafless phenotype consistently utilized 33–38per cent less water and produced a correspondingly lower totaldry weight of seed than the conventional counterpart. Independentlyof regime the total dry weight seed per phenotype remained anear constant proportion of the above-ground biomass. Pisum sativum L., garden pea, leafless peas, seed production, water availability  相似文献   

The Effect of Fruit Shading on Yield in Pisum sativum L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HOLE  C. C.; SCOTT  P. A. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(6):827-835
Fruits of Pisum sativum L. cv. Feltham First which initiatesonly one flower per flowering node, were selectively shadedunder varying levels of defoliation. The purpose of the experimentswas to ascertain whether the foliage could compensate for lossof the fruit's contribution to its own growth. There was evidenceof this, but fruit and seed weight per fruit and per plant werereduced by fruit shading at all levels of defoliation. The lossin yield due to shading suggested that the contribution fromthe fruit was at least 12 per cent. The number of seeds whichdeveloped to maturity was the yield component most affectedby treatment. There was no evidence to suggest that shadinghad a different quantitative effect on final weight at differentnodes, but it did increase flower abscission at the first foweringnode in an experiment done at low radiant exposure. In an experimentat higher radiant exposure, very few flowers abscised at theearlier nodes, but leaflet removal reduced final fruit yieldat the first flowering node to a greater degree than at thesecond. These differential responses could contribute to variabilityof seed size in a crop of vining peas. Pisum sativum, pea, fruit, pod, light, shading, photosynthesis, yield  相似文献   

FAWUSI  M. O. A. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(5):617-622
Three-month ‘old’ and ‘fresh’ seedsof Talinum triangulare were subjected to various treatmentsto induce early and rapid germination. Scarification and activated carbon were the most effective treatmentsin improving total germination in fresh seeds, while the 3 and5 per cent thiourea treatments were most effective in improvingtotal germination in old seeds. Activated carbon, scarificationand 5 per cent thiourea treatments enhanced early germinationin both old and fresh seeds. Cumulative percentage germinationwas very high in fresh seeds after scarification or after treatmentwith activated carbon and 5 per cent thiourea, and lowest inseeds treated with 3 per cent thiourea and hot water. In oldseeds, highest cumulative percentage germination was obtainedwith 3 and 5 per cent thiourea treatments and scarification.Generally, higher germination was obtained with fresh seedsthan with old seeds. Partial seed-coat removal and treatment with 5 per cent thiouriaresulted in a higher rate of and cumulative percentage germinationcompared with seeds with the coat partially removed but nottreated with thiourea. Constantly high temperature (34 °C) increased both rateand total germination compared with seeds planted at room temperature(20–23 °C). Treatments that did not induce germinationwere 1 per cent thiourea, H2SO4, cold water soaking at roomtemperature, 6 per cent hydrogen peroxide and soil planting.These treatments effected less than 3 per cent germination. Talinum triangulare L, seed scarification, activated charcoal, thiourea, germination  相似文献   

Spring barley cv Ark Royal was grown in pots in the open, andsoil drenches containing 6-benzyl-aminopurine were repeatedlyapplied during the pre-heading phase starting either ‘early’when the main shoot apex had reached the glume primordium stage,during tillering, or ‘later’ at the anther primordiumstage, at the start of stem elongation Although grain yield was unaffected by the ‘late’cytokinin treatments, it was increased by up to 57 per centby the ‘early’ treatments. The increase was dueto greater grain yields of the smaller shoots of each plantthere was no effect on the yields of the two largest shootsor on the total number of fertile shoots The increased grain yield of these smaller shoots was attributableto increased weights of their individual kernels, especiallyin the basal and distal parts of the ears such that a greateruniformity of kernel size within the ear was achieved Thus the cytokinin treatment increased uniformity both betweenshoots and between spikelets within the ears Hordeum vulgare L, spring barley, cytokinin, 6-benzylaminopunne, shoot dominance, harvest index, grain yield  相似文献   

Measurements on protected lettuce crops have been used to assesstwo new procedures for analysing the rate of dry-matter productionin crops or plant stands. ‘Integrated growth analysis’brings together two traditionally distinct treatments of growthanalysis by resolving crop growth rate (CGR) into stand biomassand the relative growth rate of individual plants. ‘Lightconversion analysis’ resolves CGR as the product of incidentlight receipt, efficiency of light interception by leaves, andefficiency of utilization of intercepted light in dry-matterproduction. Observations from winter lettuce trials were used to fit statisticalprogressions to the primary data and to obtain instantaneously-derivedestimates of all of the analytical components. Trials in threesuccessive years yielded similar patterns in time for the componentsof each of the analytical procedures, giving confidence in theirvalidity. In light conversion analysis, changes in CGR were due mainlyto incident light, which varied threefold, and to interceptingefficiency, which rose from a low initial value to full interceptionat hearting; the efficiency of utilization of light varied lessdramatically, with the value at hearting being about twice thatat planting. In integrated growth analysis a 30 per cent increasein CGR due to CO2 enrichment, and a 5 per cent increase dueto lower daily minimum temperature, could each be coherentlyresolved into variations in biomass, leaf area ratio and netassimilation rate. In different ways it is concluded that both of these approachescan assist in analysing growth and in identifying the optionsavailable for improving crop yield. Lactuca sativa L., lettuce, growth analysis, crop growth rate, relative growth rate, light interception, light utilization  相似文献   

Detecting and exploiting genetic variation in biomass accumulationis of great importance for increasing wheat yield when the harvestindex is close to its upper limit. This study was undertakento analyse the pattern of biomass accumulation and main stemelongation in 25 durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ‘Durum’)genotypes. Field experiments were conducted over 2 years intwo environments contrasting in the amount of available water,in northeastern Spain. Plants were sampled at the main stagesof Zadoks' scale, and dry weight per plant, crop dry weight(CDW) and main stem length were measured at each stage. Measurementsfor growth traits and thermal time from sowing fitted betterto an asymmetric logistic peak curve than to the Richards logisticmodel. Four biological variables were computed from the curve.Differences among curves describing changes in biomass werefound to be greater between irrigated and rainfed sites thanbetween years. Drought stress had less effect on main stem elongationthan on biomass accumulation. Average dry weight per plant andCDW were reduced by drought by 42 and 38%, respectively, duemainly to similar reductions in the mean rate of growth of thetwo variables. In contrast, cycle length from sowing to themaximum values of dry weight per plant and CDW was only slightlymodified by drought. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Triticum turgidum L. ‘Durum’, durum wheat, biomass, crop dry weight, stem length, rate of growth, modelling, growth analysis, logistic peak curve  相似文献   

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