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Buddenbrockia plumatellae, an enigmatic worm-like myxozoan, was observed as continuously writhing free and attached 'worms' and as free mature spores in the coelom of the freshwater bryozoans Plumatella fungosa, Hyalinella punctata, and Fredericella sp. 'Worm' numbers could double every three days. 'Worms' and spores could be expelled from colonies by external pressure. Some mature 'worms' exited actively, entraining release of free spores, and gradually ceased movement outside the host. Bryozoans sealed off infected regions of the colony. Infected colonies grew slowly, produced no statoblasts, and eventually regressed and died. Transmission was not achieved and prevalence was low. Electron microscopy of 'worms' revealed a single layer of mural cells on a fibrous basal lamina overlying four longitudinal muscle blocks and an inner sheet of two types of proliferating cells, an organization indicative of the bilaterian ancestry of the Myxozoa. Primary type A cells were attached directly by striated tubules to mural cells at positions between muscle blocks. Secondary type A cells had a secretory function. Type B cells underwent meiosis and subsequently developed to typical malacosporean myxozoan spores filling the internal cavity of the 'worms'. External tubes were formed during capsulogenesis in 'worms' from Fredericella sp. Tetracapsula bryozoides is synonymised with Buddenbrockia plumatellae and a new genus is proposed for Tetracapsula bryosalmonae.  相似文献   

Myxozoans, belonging to the recently described Class Malacosporea, parasitise freshwater bryozoans during at least part of their life cycle, but no complete malacosporean life cycle is known to date. One of the 2 described malacosporeans is Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of salmonid proliferative kidney disease. The other is Buddenbrockia plumatellae, so far only found in freshwater bryozoans. Our investigations evaluated malacosporean life cycles, focusing on transmission from fish to bryozoan and from bryozoan to bryozoan. We exposed bryozoans to possible infection from: stages of T. bryosalmonae in fish kidney and released in fish urine; spores of T. bryosalmonae that had developed in bryozoan hosts; and spores and sac stages of B. plumatellae that had developed in bryozoans. Infections were never observed by microscopic examination of post-exposure, cultured bryozoans and none were detected by PCR after culture. Our consistent negative results are compelling: trials incorporated a broad range of parasite stages and potential hosts, and failure of transmission across trials cannot be ascribed to low spore concentrations or immature infective stages. The absence of evidence for bryozoan to bryozoan transmissions for both malacosporeans strongly indicates that such transmission is precluded in malacosporean life cycles. Overall, our results imply that there may be another malacosporean host which remains unidentified, although transmission from fish to bryozoans requires further investigation. However, the highly clonal life history of freshwater bryozoans is likely to allow both long-term persistence and spread of infection within bryozoan populations, precluding the requirement for regular transmission from an alternate host.  相似文献   

Members of the phylum Myxozoa are obligate parasites, primarily of aquatic organisms. Their phylogeny has remained problematic, with studies placing them within either the Bilateria or Cnidaria. The discovery that the enigmatic Buddenbrockia plumatellae is a myxozoan that possesses distinct bilaterian features appeared to have finally resolved the debate. B. plumatellae is described as a triploblastic 'worm-like' organism, within which typical myxozoan malacospores form. Using EM we examined the early development of the B. plumatellae 'worms' within the bryozoan host Plumatella repens. The initial development involved numerous unicellular, amoeboid pre-saccular stages that were present within the basal lamina of the host's body wall. These stages migrate immediately beneath the peritoneum where a significant host tissue reaction occurs. The stages aggregate, initiating the formation of a 'worm'. The base of a developing 'worm' forms a pseudosyncytium which resolves into an ectoderm surrounding a mesendoderm. The pseudosyncytium is directly anchored into neighbouring host cells via masses of striated fibres. The replication of the ectodermal and mesendodermal cells extends the developing 'worm' into the coelom of the host. The mesendoderm resolves to form a mesoderm and an endoderm. Myogenesis appears to be initiated from the anchored end of the 'worm' and develops along the mesoderm. The aggregation and differentiation of amoeboid pre-saccular stages to initiate the 'worm' draws analogies to the sacculogenesis observed for Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, B. plumatellae's sister taxon within the class Malacosporea. The development of a multicellular, spore forming organism, from single cells does not correlate to any bilaterian or cnidarian species. Current phylogenies indicate the Myxozoa are basal bilaterians along with the Acoela and Mesozoa. Comparison with these other basal groups may help to resolve the placement of Myxozoa within the tree of life.  相似文献   

Abstract. Myxozoans belonging to the recently described class Malacosporea parasitize freshwater bryozoans during at least part of their life cycle. There are at present only two species described in this class: Buddenbrockia plumatellae and Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae . The former can exist as vermiform and sac-like stages in bryozoan hosts. The latter, in addition to forming sac-like stages in bryozoans, is the causative agent of salmonid proliferative kidney disease (PKD). We undertook molecular and ultrastructural investigations of new malacosporean material to further resolve malacosporean diversity and systematics. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA sequences provided evidence for two new putative species belonging to the genus Buddenbrockia , revealing a two-fold increase in the diversity of malacosporeans known to date. One new malacosporean is a vermiform parasite infecting the bryozoan Fredericella sultana and the other occurs as sac-like stages in the rare bryozoan, Lophopus crystallinus . Both bryozoans represent new hosts for the genus Buddenbrockia . Our results have established that the malacosporean which infected F. sultana was not a vermiform stage of T. bryosalmonae , although it was collected from a site endemic for PKD. Ultrastructural investigation of new material of B . plumatellae revealed the presence of numerous external tubes associated with developing polar capsules, confirming that the absence of external tubes should no longer be considered as a character of the class Malacosporea.  相似文献   

The development of a new species of microsporidian, infecting a freshwater Plumatellid bryozoan, is described. The small-subunit rDNA, internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), and partial large-subunit rDNA genes were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the parasite clustered with Schroedera plumatellae. However, while there were morphological affinities with this species, significant differences were also observed. The infection initially appeared as a roughening of the peritoneum lining the metacoelom of the bryozoan. This roughening resolved into meront-infected syncytia, composed of interconnected cells of the body wall that detached to float in the coleomic cavity. Spores were observed to develop within these syncytia. All stages of development were diplokaryotic in contrast to S. plumatellae, which has a distinct monokaryotic merogony preceding sporogony. The infection was pathogenic to the host. Direct bryozoan-bryozoan transmission was not observed. We propose to name the microsporidian Schroedera aithreyi n. sp.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD), caused by the malacosporean parasite, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, is a major disease of salmonid culture both in western Europe and North America. The fish are infected from spores that develop within freshwater bryozoans and are released into the water column. Although sporogenesis has been studied in the bryozoan host and occurs within sacs, the formation of these sacs from presaccular stages has only been hypothesized. Examination of infected bryozoans by using a range of techniques identified proliferating, presaccular amoeboid stages of T. bryosalmonae on the body wall of the bryozoan Fredericella sultana. These stages possessed unique electron-dense bodies and were observed as aggregating within the bryozoan metacoel, differentiating to form spore sacs. Spore sac growth was associated with the assimilation of the presaccular parasites rather than through cryptomitosis of sac mural cells. This sac formation through aggregation and assimilation suggests an intriguing mechanism by which T. bryosalmonae can cross-fertilize.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) is a hyperplastic condition of the lymphoid tissue of salmonids infected with the spores of Tetracapsula bryosalmonae, a myxozoan parasite formerly designated PKX, which has recently been described as a parasite of several species of bryozoans. The occurrence of PKD is generally associated with seasonal increase in water temperature, with research indicating that transmission of the disease does not occur below 12 to 13 degrees C. This suggested that the infectious stages are absent from about November to March/April. Here we document the transmission of PKD at water temperatures and seasons previously considered to be non permissive for PKD infection. The exposure of naive rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) to PKD-infected water ranging from 8 to 13 degrees C during the Autumn, Winter and early Spring, resulted in the infection of kidney interstitium once the trout were transferred to 16 degrees C. In addition, cohabitation studies were conducted with the bryozoan host Fredericella sultana collected from a river at times of low seasonal temperatures because this bryozoan species overwinters as living colonies. Cohabitation of trout with colonies of F sultana in parasite-free city water at 16 degrees C, also led to renal lymphoid tissue infection with the parasite and even to nephromegaly. Our results provide evidence that the infectious stages of T bryosalmonae for rainbow trout were present in the water throughout the entire year and that the impact of temperature on the development of PKD is primarily a result of the kinetics of Tetracapsula multiplication in bryozoan and fish hosts.  相似文献   

The complete life cycle of the microsporidium Hyalinocysta chapmani is described from the primary mosquito host Culiseta melanura and the intermediate copepod host Orthocyclops modestus. Infections are initiated in larval C. melanura following the oral ingestion of uninucleate spores from infected copepods. Spores germinate within the lumen of the midgut and directly invade fat body tissue where all development occurs. Uninucleated schizonts undergo binary division (schizogony) followed by karyokinesis (nuclear division) to form diplokaryotic meronts. Merogony is by synchronous binary division. The onset of sporogony is characterized by the simultaneous secretion of a sporophorous vesicle and meiotic division of the diplokaryon resulting in the formation of eight ovoid meiospores enclosed within a sporophorous vesicle. Most infected larvae die during the fourth stadium and there is no evidence of a developmental sequence leading to vertical transmission. Hyalinocysta chapmani is horizontally transmitted to O. modestus via oral ingestion of meiospores. Infections become established within ovarian tissue of females and all parasite development is haplophasic. Uninucleate schizonts divide by binary division during an initial schizogonic cycle. Newly formed uninucleate cells produce a thin sporophorous vesicle and undergo repeated nuclear division during sporogony to produce a rosette-shaped, multinucleated sporogonial plasmodium with up to 18 nuclei. This is followed by cytoplasmic cleavage, sporogenesis, and disintegration of the sporophorous vesicle to form membrane-free uninucleate spores. Infected females eventually die and there is no egg development. The small subunit rDNA sequence of H. chapmani isolated from meiospores from C. melanura was identical to the small subunit rDNA sequence obtained from spores from O. modestus, corroborating the laboratory transmission studies and confirming the intermediary role of O. modestus in the life cycle. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted with closely related microsporidia from mosquitoes. Hyalinocysta chapmani did not cluster within described Amblyospora species and can be considered a sister group, warranting separate genus status.  相似文献   

The circulating antibody which reacted with sonicated spores of Myxobolus artus was detected in some naturally infected carp. However, some other fish had no detectable sign of infection, though they had the antibody. When carp were injected either with intact or sonicated spores, the antibody was not produced, while fish injected either with developing stages (presporogonic and sporoblast stages) of the parasite or sonicated spores with bovine serum albumin elicited the antibody production. The results of the injection experiments suggest that (1) developing stages have antigenicity to carp, and (2) spores have lost the antigenicity; sonicated spores are haptens, with which the antibody can react. In an indirect fluorescent antibody technique, sera positive for the antigen reacted with developing stages of the parasite, but not with the spore.
The mechanism of the host immune response against M. artus is discussed in relation to a previous observation that the parasite sometimes underwent abnormal development, in which host encapsulation was imperfect or even lacking, probably leading to degeneration of pseudocysts before the completion of spore formation. It is plausible that the antibody was produced when pseudocysts which showed abnormal growth ruptured during their developing stages, resulting in exposure of the young parasite to the host immune system.  相似文献   

Coptotermes gestroi is an exotic species of termite that is a pest of great economical importance in Brazil. This paper relates the occurrence of a coelomic gregarine (Apicomplexa: Neogregarinida) in the abdomen of the foraging workers recently collected from field colonies of this termite. The termite hosts presented large, white abdomens because they carried 1 up to 3 cysts of gregarines filled with numerous lemon-shaped spores. Earlier developmental stages of this gregarine were not observed in the scanning microscope preparations nor in the histological slides of the infected termites. However, the lemon-shaped spores suggest a parasite gregarine of Mattesia genus, family Lipotrophidae.  相似文献   

Nosema bombi is an obligate intracellular parasite that infects different bumblebee species at a substantial, though variable, rate. To date its pathology and impact on host fitness are not well understood. We performed a laboratory experiment investigating the pathology and fitness effects of this parasite on the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. We experimentally infected one group of colonies with N. bombi spores at the start of the worker production, while a second uninfected group of colonies served as controls. During colony development we collected live workers for dissections to measure infection intensities. In parallel, we measured several life history traits, to investigate costs to the host. We succeeded in infecting 11 of 16 experimental colonies. When infection occurred at an early stage of colony development, virtually all individuals were infected, with spores being found in a number of tissues, and the functional fitness of males and young queens was reduced to zero. Further, the survival of workers from infected colonies and infected males were reduced. With such severe effects, N. bombi appears to decrease its opportunities for transmission to the next host generation.  相似文献   

The myxozoan, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, exploits freshwater bryozoans as definitive hosts, occurring as cryptic stages in bryozoan colonies during covert infections and as spore-forming sacs during overt infections. Spores released from sacs are infective to salmonid fish, causing the devastating Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD). We undertook laboratory studies using mesocosm systems running at 10, 14 and 20 °C to determine how infection by T. bryosalmonae and water temperature influence fitness of one of its most important bryozoan hosts, Fredericella sultana, over a period of 4 weeks. The effects of infection were context-dependent and often undetectable. Covert infections appear to pose very low energetic costs. Thus, we found that growth of covertly infected F. sultana colonies was similar to that of uninfected colonies regardless of temperature, as was the propensity to produce dormant resting stages (statoblasts). Production of statoblasts, however, was associated with decreased growth. Overt infections imposed greater effects on correlates of host fitness by: (i) reducing growth rates at the two higher temperatures; (ii) increasing mortality rates at the highest temperature; (iii) inhibiting statoblast production. Our results indicate that parasitism should have a relatively small effect on host fitness in the field as the negative effects of infection were mainly expressed in environmentally extreme conditions (20 °C for 4 weeks). The generally low virulence of T. bryosalmonae is similar to that recently demonstrated for another myxozoan endoparasite of freshwater bryozoans. The unique opportunity for extensive vertical transmission in these colonial invertebrate hosts couples the reproductive interests of host and parasite and may well give rise to the low virulence that characterises these systems. Our study implies that climate change can be expected to exacerbate PKD outbreaks and increase the geographic range of PKD as a result of the combined responses of T. bryosalmonae and its bryozoan hosts to higher temperatures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new microsporidian parasite of the Artemia intestinal epithelium has been studied. The microsporidium developed within a membranous parasitophorous vesicle from the host rough endoplasmic reticulum consisting of two membranes, with the proximal one usually lacking ribosomes.
All developmental stages had isolated nuclei. Unikaryotic meronts developed into merogonial plasmodia. Merogonial division occurred by binary fission and rosette-shaped fragmentation. In young sporonts, an electron-lucent space, corresponding to the developing endospore, was immediately observed between both the plasmalemma and the exospore primordium. Sporogonial division occurred also by rosette-shaped fragmentation, resulting in at least eight sporoblasts that developed directly into spores. Fresh spores were 1.7 × 0.9 μm in size and oval-shaped. The 8–11 coil isofilar polar filament was arranged in two rows. The polaroplast was bipartite. The nature of the parasitophorous envelope, host-parasite interaction, developmental cycle and taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Amblyospora indicola, a parasite of the mosquito Culex sitiens, was revealed by field observations and laboratory infection experiments conducted in Australia. In northern Queensland, infected C. sitiens larvae were often found breeding in association with two cyclopoid copepods: Apocyclops dengizicus and an undescribed species of the same genus. The latter species was found to be an intermediate copepod host of this microsporidium whereas A. dengizicus was not. One complete cycle of the parasite extends over two mosquito generations (by transovarial transmission from females with binucleate spores to their eggs) and by horizontal transmission between mosquitoes and copepods. The latter involves horizontal transmission from mosquitoes to copepods via meiospores produced in larval fat body infections and horizontal transmission from copepods to mosquitoes via uninucleate spores produced within infected copepods. Uninucleate clavate spores were formed in Apocyclops sp. nov. copepods 7-10 days after exposure to larval meiospores and were infectious to larvae of a microsporidian-free colony of C. sitiens. The development of A. indicola within mosquito larvae exposed to infected copepods is similar to that of A. dyxenoides infecting C. annulirostris. It proceeds from stages with a single nucleus to diplokaryotic binucleate cells in oenocytes. These stages persist through pupation to adult emergence after which time a proportion of male mosquitoes and female mosquitoes may develop binucleate spores without the need for a blood meal. A proportion of both male and female larval progeny of infected females with binucleate spores develop patent fat body infections via transovarial transmission and die in the fourth larval instar.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In Aedes cantator, Amblyospora sp. is transovarially transmitted and has two developmental sequences. The life cycle is initiated in the adult female with the release of sporoplasms from binucleated spores not bounded by membranes, lying free within host oenocytes. Sporoplasms infect the developing oocytes and are transmitted to the filial generation when the eggs are laid. In some of the female progeny that hatch from infected eggs, diplokaryotic cells infect host oenocytes and divide by binary fission during merogony. Sporulation and spore formation do not occur until a blood meal is taken by the host and they coincide with the development and maturation of the oocytes to complete the cycle. In other female and all male progeny, pathogen development occurs within fat body tissue of the host where diplokaryotic cells divide by multiple fission during merogony to spread the infection. Sporulation in this developmental sequence is characterized by the secretion of an accessory membrane and the meiotic division of diplokaryotic sporonts, which result in the formation of octonucleated plasmodia that undergo cytokinesis to form eight haploid spores which are not perorally infectious to other mosquito larvae. There is no increase in the prevalence of either type of infection in field populations during juvenile development, indicating that there is no direct horizontal transmission of the pathogen within any one generation. Data obtained from laboratory rearings of infected progeny, however, show that infections cannot persist relying solely upon maternal-mediated transmission and that some other mode of transmission must be operative for continued maintenance of this microsporidium in A. cantator.  相似文献   

Infection of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, with the microsporidium Vairimorpha sp. strongly influences the development of the host in ways typical of many species of terrestrial entomopathogenic Microsporidia; growth is reduced while development time is extended in infected insects. The appearance of the different stages of the parasite in the host relative to the elapsed time after oral infection, as well as the influence of the parasite proliferation on food utilization of the host, were examined. At 3 days postinfection, midgut muscle cells were infected with primary spores, and the fat body tissues contained meronts, sporonts, and primary spores. Many more fat body cells contained vegetative stages and primary spores at 4 and 5 days postinfection, and diplokaryotic spores and immature octospores were also present. Approximate digestibility of infected larvae increased during this time period, whereas the conversion of ingested and digested food to body substance decreased. The relative growth rate of infected and uninfected groups did not differ significantly between 4 and 5 days postinfection, although the relative consumption rate in infected L. dispar larvae was higher. Between 8 and 10 days postinfection, the relative growth rate of uninfected larvae increased. The infected group did not demonstrate this increase at a time period characterized by maturation of diplokaryotic spores and octospores in larval fat body tissues. Total body weight of uninfected larvae remained higher than that of infected larvae after 8 days postinfection.  相似文献   

A novel microsporidian parasite is described, which infects the crustacean host Gammarus duebeni. The parasite was transovarially transmitted and feminised host offspring. The life cycle was monomorphic with three stages. Meronts were found in host embryos, juveniles, and in the gonadal tissue of adults. Sporoblasts and spores were restricted to the gonad. Sporogony was disporoblastic giving rise to paired sporoblasts, which then differentiated to form spores. Spores were not found in regular groupings and there was no interfacial envelope. Spores were approximately 3.78 x 1.22 microns and had a thin exospore wall, a short polar filament, and an unusual granular polaroplast. All life cycle stages were diplokaryotic. A region from the parasite small subunit ribosomal RNA gene was amplified and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis based on these data places the parasite within the genus Nosema. We have named the species Nosema granulosis based on the structure of the polaroplast.  相似文献   

Parasites often produce large numbers of offspring within their hosts. High parasite burdens are thought to be important for parasite transmission, but can also lower host fitness. We studied the protozoan Ophryocystis elektroscirrha, a common parasite of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus), to quantify the benefits of high parasite burdens for parasite transmission. This parasite is transmitted vertically when females scatter spores onto eggs and host plant leaves during oviposition; spores can also be transmitted between mating adults. Monarch larvae were experimentally infected and emerging adult females were mated and monitored in individual outdoor field cages. We provided females with fresh host plant material daily and quantified their lifespan and lifetime fecundity. Parasite transmission was measured by counting the numbers of parasite spores transferred to eggs and host plant leaves. We also quantified spores transferred from infected females to their mating partners. Infected monarchs had shorter lifespans and lower lifetime fecundity than uninfected monarchs. Among infected females, those with higher parasite loads transmitted more parasite spores to their eggs and to host plant leaves. There was also a trend for females with greater parasite loads to transmit more spores to their mating partners. These results demonstrate that high parasite loads on infected butterflies confer a strong fitness advantage to the parasite by increasing between-host transmission.  相似文献   

An experimental microsporidiosis of the wax moth caterpillars from laboratory population had been caused by oral infecting of early stages larvae and by intracavity injections of the spores of the microsporidian species Vairimorpha ephestiae. Peculiarities of microsporidiosis proceeding, manifestations of host defence reactions, and also an effect of the temperature of caterpillars cultivation and conditions of spores keeping on liability of the insects to the infection were studied. The effect of the microsporidia on the host organism was the early death or the delay of larvae development, but in several cases external manifestations of the effect of the parasite on the host were absent. The development of the parasites from the moment of infecting to the appearing of the mature spores congestions in the host organism proceeded 6 days. Microsporidia invaded insect fat body and caused its hypertrophy and disappearance of lipid granules. In the intestine and salivary glands microsporidia were not observed in the period from 6 to 16 day of the development. On the final stage of microsporidiosis the all contents of fatty tissue cells were replaced by spores of microsporidia. Under microscope only diplocaryotic spores of the Nozema type had been found in infected and died specimens, but not octospores. The spores threw out polar tubes under the change of pH in incubating solution from neutral to alkaline. The effects of microsporidiosis on the wax moth haemolymph were the increased rate of prohaemocytes, appearing of multinuclear free-circulating cells at 6 day after infection, and suppression of the reaction of haemolymph melanization with the mass sporogenesis of the parasite. The characteristic symptom of the wax moth microsporidiosis had been revealed, accumulation of black points and small spots of irregular form under cuticle ("reaction of attretization"). Increase of the temperature of insect cultivation up to 32 degrees C during 3 days after infection contributed to the full deliverance of the insects from the infection in first and second generations. It can be considered as a method of treatment of wax moth laboratory colonies from microsporidiosis. Oral infection of III and IV stage caterpillars by the spores being kept during 3-6 months under 4 degrees C in form of water suspension caused the death of 63.0-61.5 and 91% of caterpillars being cultivated under 25 and 21 degrees C respectively. Under the temperature of cultivation equal 30 degrees C the mortality did not differ from the control sample (8-10%). The spores extracted from dried bodies of caterpillars lost their vitality. It was demonstrated by the test on infectious ability in vivo and by acridine orange staining. This host-parasite system appears to be perspective in investigations of resistance mechanisms in insects and immunosuppressive features of entomopathogen microsporidia.  相似文献   

In this report, an experimental infection of Apis mellifera by Nosema ceranae, a newly reported microsporidian in this host is described. Nosema free honeybees were inoculated with 125,000 N. ceranae spores, isolated from heavily infected bees. The parasite species was identified by amplification and sequencing the SSUrRNA gene of the administered spores. Three replicate cages of 20 honeybees each were prepared, along with one control cage (n=20) supplied with sugar syrup only. The infection rate was 100% at the dosage administered. The presence of Nosema inside ventricular cells was confirmed in the samples using ultrathin sectioning and transmission electron microscopy. By day 3 p.i. a few cells (4.4%+/-1.2) were observed to be parasitized, whereas by 6 days p.i. more than half of the counted cells (66.4%+/-6) showed different parasite stages, this value increasing on day 7 p.i. (81.5%+/-14.8). Only one control bee died on day 7 p.i. In the infected groups, mortality was not observed until day 6 p.i. (66.7%+/-5.6). Total mortality on day 7 p.i. was 94.1% in the three infected replicates and by day 8 p.i. no infected bee was alive. After the infection, the parasites invaded both the tip of folds and the basal cells of the epithelium and the autoinfective capacity of the spores seemed to spread the infection rapidly between epithelial cells. On day 3 p.i., mature spores could be seen inside host cell tissue implying that the developmental cycle had been completed. The large number of parasitized cells, even the regenerative ones, the presence of autoinfective spores and the high mortality rate demonstrate that N. ceranae is highly pathogenic to Apis mellifera. Possible relation with bee depopulation syndrome is discussed by authors.  相似文献   

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