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Ampullary receptor organs of African mormyrids consist of a cavity beneath the epidermis. The wall of the cavity contains embedded receptor cells and two types of supporting cells. A canal extends from the cavity to an opening at the surface. The lumen of the canal and the ampulla are filled with a jelly-like material and dense cylinders apparently secreted by two types of supporting cells. Flattened cells of the canal wall are joined by occluding junctions. Synapses between receptor cells and the afferent nerve fiber are characterized by a presynaptic dense body, but presynaptic vesicles were not observed. Degenerating receptor cells are occasionally seen among normal receptor cells in the base of the organ.  相似文献   

Ampullary organs of the transparent catfish, Kryptopterus bicirrhus, are present in large numbers on the head and in a regular pattern of lines on the body and fins. The organs lie in the epidermis, and have a pore that opens to the surface. Flattened cells form a roof and walls. On the floor of the organ there are a “sensory hillock,” composed of spherical receptor cells and columnar supporting cells, and a “secretory hillock” composed of columnar secretory cells. The receptor cells are nonciliated and have only afferent innervation. The organ cavity is filled with jelly. The organs are compared with ampullary organs of the weakly electric fish Eigenmannia, ampullae of Lorenzini of Raja, and small pit organs of Amiurus. Structural characteristics of the ampullary organs of Kryptopterus make them especially suitable for electrophysiological studies.  相似文献   

The nocturnally active weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii is known to employ active electrolocation for the detection of objects and for orientation in its environment. The fish emits pulse‐type electric signals with an electric organ and perceives these signals with more than 3,000 epidermal electroreceptor organs, the mormyromasts, which are distributed over the animal's skin surface. In this study, we measured the metric dimensions of the mormyromasts from different body regions to find structural and functional specialization of the various body parts. We focused on the two foveal regions of G. petersii, which are located at the elongated and movable chin (the Schnauzenorgan; SO) and at the nasal region (NR), the skin region between the mouth and the nares. These two foveal regions were compared to the dorsal part (back) of the fish, which contains typical nonfoveal mormyromasts. While the gross anatomy of the mormyromasts from all skin regions is similar, the metric dimensions of the main substructures differed. The mormyromasts at the SO are the smallest and contain the smallest receptor cells. In addition, the number of receptor cells per organ is lowest at the SO. In contrast, at the back the biggest receptor organs with the highest amount of receptor cells per organ occur. The mormyromasts at the NR are in several respects intermediate between those from the back and the SO. However, mormyromasts at the NR are longer than those at all other skin regions, the canal leading from the receptor pore to the inner chambers were the longest and the overlaying epidermal layers are the thickest. These results show that mormyromasts and the epidermis they are embedded in at both foveal regions differ specifically from those found on the rest of the body. The morphological specializations lead to functional specialization of the two foveae. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology of ampullary organs in Plicofollis argyropleuron, collected from a southeast Queensland estuary, was examined by light and electron microscopy to assess the morphological characteristics of teleost ampullary organs in environments with fluctuating salinities. This catfish possesses both macroampullae and microampullae. Both have the typical teleost arrangement of an ampullary pore linked by a canal to a single ampulla that is lined with receptor and supportive cells. The canal wall of macroampullae consists of a collagen sheath, a basement membrane, and two layers of squamous epithelial cells adjacent to the lumen, joined by desmosomes and tight junctions near the surface of the epithelium. Ampullary pore diameters are similar in range for both the macroampullae and the microampullae, with microampullae always arising from the larger pores within a single region of the head. Canal length of the macroampullae is longer than those of the microampullae. Macroampullae also contain approximately 10 times as many receptor cells compared with the microampullae. In both organs, these pear‐shaped receptor cells alternate with supportive cells along the entire luminal surface of the ampulla. The apical region of receptor cells extends into the lumen and bears numerous microvilli. The basal region of receptor cells adjoins to either individual or multiple unmyelinated neural terminals. The coexistence of two markedly different ampullary organ morphologies within a single species support theories concerning the possible multifunctionality of these sensory organs. J. Morphol., 276:1405–1411, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the cerebral organs is described in three species of monostiliferous hoplonemerteans. Amphiporus lactifloreus, Paranemertes peregrina and Tetrastemma candidum. There are two distinct groups of sensory cells in the cerebral organs of all three species. The ultrastructure of the sensory elements in these species is consistent with a chemoreceptive function of the dendrites. Incurrent and excurrent channels of the canal are postulated, based on the fine structure of the ciliary axonemes. Flow through the canal is such that each of the two groups of dendrites is downstream from a group of glandular cell outlets and upstream from a group of vesicular cells. It is suggested that the glandular, sensory and vesicular cells form a functional unit in which glandular cells secrete a coating material over the dendrites and vesicular cells actively remove this coating by endocytosis. Vesicular material is also found in glandular cells, where it probably arises in situ through crinophagy. There is no ultrastructural evidence that vesicular material is transferred to the vascular system. Small fibres containing dense vesicles are present among the ciliated cells and may represent an efferent nerve supply controlling the rate of flow through the canal.  相似文献   

The special cutaneous receptor organs of the fresh water weakly electric fish have previously been proposed to be electroreceptors. In the gymnotid, E. virescens, two types of special cutaneous receptor organs, ampullary and tuberous, are distinguished from each other, as well as from the ordinary lateral line receptor organs, by their characteristic distribution and size. The tuberous organs usually contain 25 to 35 elongate nonciliated receptor cells within a cellular capsule. A single layer of supporting cells is present between the base of the receptor cells and the base of the capsule. A single thin myelinated nerve fiber innervates each group of organs and branches so that the base of each receptor cell is supplied with a single nerve ending. Synaptic contact is made at many points on each nerve ending. The synapses are characterized by fingers of receptor cell cytoplasm which contain dense presynaptic rods. The organ capsule is open toward the surface of the fish. A cellular plug partly obscures the opening, but continuity is maintained between the intracapsular fluid and the external water. Microvilli, projecting from the surfaces of the receptor cells, maintain an open gap between adjacent receptor cells. About 95% of the surface area of these cells is therefore in contact with the fluid. The functional implications of some of the ultrastructural observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Whole body staining of Arius graeffei revealed that ampullary pores cover the body with their highest densities occurring on the head and lowest densities on the mid‐ventral surface. Each ampullary organ consists of a long canal (0.2–1.75 mm) passing perpendicular to the basement membrane, through the epidermis into underlying dermal connective tissues, curving thereafter to run roughly parallel to the epidermis. Histochemical staining techniques (Alcian blue and Lillie′s allochrome) indicate that the canals contain a neutral to acidic glycoprotein‐based mucopolysaccharide gel that varies in composition along the length of the canal. Collagen fibers, arranged in a sheath, surround a layer of squamous epithelium that lines each ampullary canal. At the proximal end of the canal, squamous cells are replaced by cuboidal epithelial cells that protrude into the lumen, thus constricting the lumen to form a small pore into the ampulla. The ampulla is lined with receptor and supportive cells. The numerous (60–120) pear‐shaped receptor cells bear microvilli on their luminal surface. Two forms of receptor cells exist in each ampullary organ: basal and equatorial receptor cells. Each receptor cell is connected to an unmyelinated nerve. Each receptor cell is surrounded by supportive cells on all but the apex. Tight junctions and underlying desmosomes occur between adjacent receptor and supportive cells. This form of ampullary organ has not previously been described for teleosts. J. Morphol. 239:97–105, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The multicellular epithelial organs in Proteus anguinus, which Bugnion (1873) assumed to be developing neuromasts, have been analyzed by lightand electron-microscopy. Their fundamental structure consists of single ampullae with sensory and accessory cells with apical parts that extend into the pit of the ampulla, and of a short jelly-filled canal connecting the ampulla pit with the surface of the skin. The organs are located intra-epithelially and are supported by a tiny dermal papilla. The cell elements of sensory epithelium are apically linked together by tight junctions. The free apical surface of the sensory cell bears several hundred densely packed stereocilia-like microvilli whereas the basal surface displays afferent neurosensory junctions with a pronounced round synaptic body. The compact uniform organization of the apical microvillous part shows a hexagonal pattern. A basal body was found in some sensory cells whereas a kinocilium was observed only in a single cell. The accessory cells have their free surface differentiated in a sparsely distributed and frequently-forked microvilli. The canal wall is built of two or three layers of tightly coalescent flat cells bordering on the lumen with branching microvilli. The ultrastructure of the content of the ampulla pit is presented.In the discussion stress is laid on the peculiarities of the natural history of Proteus anguinus that support the view that the morphologically-identified ampullary organs are electroreceptive. The structural characteristics of ampullary receptor cells are dealt with from the viewpoint of functional morphology and in the light of evolutionary hypotheses of ampullary organs.  相似文献   

Summary Ampullary organs were found in the epidermis of the paddle-fish Sorubim lima; they are distributed all over the skin surface of the fish but are particularly densely grouped in the head region and on the dorsal surface of the paddle. Histological and electron microscopical observations show that their structure is similar to the type of cutaneous ampullary organs characteristic of other Siluroidea. Composed of a relatively large mucus-filled ampulla, the organ possesses a short and narrow canal which leads to the outer epidermal surface. The wall of the ampulla is formed of several layers of flat epidermal cells. In general four sensory cells, each one surrounded by supporting cells, compose the sensory epithelium at the bottom of the ampulla. The inner surface of the sensory cells in contact with the ampullary mucus bears only microvilli. The contact between the nerve endings and the sensory cells show the characteristic structure of an afferent neuro-sensory junction. Two ampullae are innervated in some cases by the same afferent nerve fibre.The author expresses her gratitude to Dr. Szabo for his scientific advice during her stay in Gif sur Yvette  相似文献   

Two types of ampullary organs are present in the skin of the freshwater salmontail catfish, Arius graeffei, each consisting of a short canal (0.2-0.5 mm) oriented perpendicular to the basement membrane and ending in an ampulla. Histochemical staining techniques (Alcian blue and Lillie's allochrome) indicate that the ampullary canals contain an acidic mucopolysaccharide gel, which is uniform in its staining properties along the canals. Type II ampullary organs consist of a canal, the wall of which is lined with cuboidal epithelial cells. The canal opens into an ampulla with 50-60 receptor cells. Electron microscopy reveals that the pear-shaped receptor cells bear microvilli on their luminal surface and lie adjacent to an unmyelinated neuron. Type III ampullary organs differ from Type II in that the canal wall consists of cells that possess a protein-rich sac at the luminal apex and have a polymorphic nucleus. The canals of Type III ampullary organs open to an ampulla with 8-30 receptor cells similar in both staining properties and structure to those of the Type II organ. In both types of ampullary organs, supportive cells surround each receptor cell except at the apex of the receptor cell.  相似文献   

The digestive organs possibly involved in food absorption in Loligo vulgaris and L. forbesi are the caecum, the intestine, the digestive gland, and the digestive duct appendages. The histology and the fine structure showed that the ciliated organ, the caecal sac, and the intestine are lined with a ciliated epithelium. The ciliary rootlets are particularly well developed in the ciliated organ, apparently in relation to its function of particle collection. Mucous cells are present in the ciliated organ and the intestine. Histologically, the digestive gland appears rather different from that of other cephalopods. However, the fine structure of individual types of squid digestive cell is actually similar to that of comparable organs in other species, and the squid cells undergo the same stages of activity. Digestive cells have a brush border of microvilli, and numerous vacuoles, which sometimes contain “brown bodies.” However, no “boules” (conspicuous protein inclusions of digestive cells in other species) could be identified in their cytoplasm; instead only secretory granules are present. In the digestive duct appendages, numerous membrane infoldings associated with mitochondria are characteristic features of the epithelial cells in all cephalopods. Two unusual features were observed in Loligo: first, the large size of the lipid inclusions in the digestive gland, in the caecal sac, and in the digestive duct appendages; and second, the large number of conspicuous mitochondria with well-developed tubular cristae. When injected into the caecal sac, ferritin molecules can reach the digestive gland and the digestive duct appendages via the digestive ducts, and they are taken up by endocytosis in the digestive cells. Thus, it appears that the digestive gland of Loligo can act as an absorptive organ as it does in other cephalopods.  相似文献   

Myzostoma cirriferum Leuckart, 1836 possesses five paired, serially arranged, blindending nephridial organs which are described for the first time. Ultrastructural investigations reveal that each nephridium is composed of three terminal cells and one tubular cell that forms the emission tubule. The central lumen of the individual terminal cells contains six to nine flagella, each of which is surrounded regularly by cytoplasmic rods arranged in parallel. Weir-like fenestrations in the peripheral wall of the terminal cells make up the connection between the central lumina and the extracellular space around the nephridial organ. The canal of the emission tubule possesses cilia, microvilli and cytoplasmic structures, suggesting involvement of this cell with active transport and storage. It opens into the cuticle at the ventral surface of the animal.  相似文献   

The ampulla of Lorenzini of juvenile Carcharhlinus leucas differ histologically from those previously described for other elasmobranchs. The wall of the ampullary canal consists of protruding hillock-shaped epidermal cells that appear to secrete large quantities of a mucopolysaccharide gel. The ampullary organs comprise a long canal sheathed in collagen terminating in an ampulla. Each ampulla contains six alveolar sacs, with each sac containing hundreds of receptor cells. The receptor cells are characteristic of others described for elasmobranchs being pear-shaped cells with a central nucleus and bearing a single kinocilium in the exposed apical region of the cell. The supportive cells differ from general elasmobranch ampullary histology in that some have an apical nucleus. These ampullary structures allow Carcharhinus leucas to detect and respond to artificial electrical fields. Carcharhinus leucas from freshwater habitats respond to electrical signals supplied in freshwater aquaria by abruptly turning towards low voltage stimuli (< or = 10 microA) and either swimming over or biting at the origin of the stimulus.  相似文献   

 Lattice organs consist of five pairs of sensory organs situated on the dorsal carapace in cypris larvae of the Crustacea Cirripedia. The lattice organs in cypris larvae of Trypetesa lampas (Acrothoracica) and Peltogaster paguri (Rhizocephala) represent the two main types found in cirripedes, but only minor differences exist at the TEM level. Each lattice organ is innervated by two bipolar, primary receptor cells. The inner dendritic segment of each receptor cell carries two outer dendritic segments. The outer dendritic segments contain modified cilia with a short ciliary segment (9×2+0 structure). Two sheath cells envelop the dendrite except for the distal ends of the outer dendritic segments. This distal end enters a cavity in the carapace cuticle and reaches a terminal pore situated at the far end of the cavity. The cuticle above the cavity is modified. In both species the epicuticle is partly perforated by numerous small pores and the underlying exocuticle is much thinner and less electron dense than the regular exocuticle. Lattice organs very probably have a chemosensory function and are homologous with the sensory dorsal organ of other crustacean taxa. Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

This paper begins a series aimed at clarifying the structure and function of reproductive organs in Gastrotricha Macrodasyida. Morphological data are presented for Dolichodasys carolinensis sp.n. and D. delicatus sp.n. Both are elongate, have reduced adhesive organs and complex accessory reproductive organs, termed the frontal-caudal organ system. The system consists of a band of cells behind the gonads in the central body chamber. The anterior portion, the frointal organ, stores foreign spermatozoa; the posterior portion, the caudal organ, may function as a copulatory organ. The caudal organ has two canals forming a loop opening at a single ventral pore. One canal contains a spiralled secretion, the other elongated filaments that appear to be muscle cell derivatives. Systematic groupings are made for other long-bodied Gastrotricha Macrodasyida.  相似文献   

We describe the ultrastructural organization of the anal organs of Craterostigmus tasmanianus, which are located on the ventral side of the bivalvular anal capsule. Each part of the capsule bears four pore fields with several anal pores. The pores lead into a pore canal, which is surrounded by the single-layered epithelium of the anal organs. Each anal organ is composed of four different cell types: transporting cells of the main epithelium, junctional cells, isolated epidermal glands, and the cells forming the pore canal. The transporting cells exhibit infoldings of the outer cell membranes, forming a basal labyrinth and a poorly developed apical complex. The cells are covered by a specialized cuticle with a widened subcuticular layer. Only the cuticle of the main epithelium is covered by a mucous layer, secreted by the epidermal glands. The ultrastructural organization of the anal organ is comparable to the coxal and anal organs of other pleurostigmophoran Chilopoda. It is likely that the coxal and anal organs of the Pleurostigmophora are homologous, due to their identical ultrastructural organization. Differences concerning the location on the trunk of Pleurostigmophora are not sufficient to reject a hypothesis of homology. Anal organs are found not only in Craterostigmomorpha, but also in most adult Geophilomorpha, and in larvae and most adults of Lithobiomorpha. The anal organs of C. tasmanianus are thought to play an important role in the uptake of atmospheric water. J. Morphol.  相似文献   

Ling EA 《Tissue & cell》1970,2(4):569-588
The glandular cells of these paired neuroglandular organs pour their secretions (neutral mucopolysaccharide) into a cerebral (cephalic) canal connecting the organ lobule to the external medium. The secretions are then taken up by the 'vesicular cells' lining the blind end of the tube. They are transformed into acid -mucopolysaccharide in the vesicular cell and are discharged at the basal surface of the cell. The discharged materials are phagocytosed by cells of another type which resembles macrophages; these enter the blood lacuna by 'diapedesis' through the wall of the organ. The activity of the glandular cells and vesicular cells changes coincidentally with light and with salt concentration in the external medium. The function of the organ is discussed.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic observations of the lateral-line organs of larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis confirmed earlier reports of the occurrence of two different types of lateral-line organs. One type, the ampullary organ, possesses 15–26 egg-shaped sensory cells. Each sensory cell extends a single kinocilium surrounded by a few microvilli into the ampullary lumen. This is in contrast to the ampullary organs of urodele amphibians that contain only microvilli. The second type of organ, the ordinary neuromast, has 15–24 pear-shaped sensory cells arranged in two to three rows. Each sensory cell shows a kinocilium that is asymmetrically placed with respect to both a basal plate and approximately 60 stereovilli. The sensory cells of ampullary organs are always separated by supporting cells; those of neuromasts are occasionally in contact with one another. Numerous (neuromasts) or few (ampullary organs) mantle cells separate the organs from the epidermal cells. Only afferent synapses are found in the ampullary organs whereas vesicle-filled fibers together with afferent nerve terminals are found in neuromasts. Both organs contain similarly sized presynaptic spheres adjacent to the afferent fibers. It is suggested that the neuromasts have a mechanoreceptive function, whereas the ampullary organs have an electroreceptive one.  相似文献   

Sorrentino M., Manni L., Lane N. J. and Burighel P. 2000. Evolution of cerebral vesicles and their sensory organs in an ascidian larva. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 243–258 The ascidian larval nervous system consists of the brain (comprising the visceral ganglion and the sensory vesicle), and, continuous with it, a caudal nerve cord. In most species two organs, a statocyst and an ocellus with ciliary photoreceptors, are contained in the sensory vesicle. A third presumptive sensory organ was sometimes found in an ‘auxiliary’ ganglionic vesicle. The development and morphology of the sensory and auxiliary ganglionic vesicles in Botryllus schlosseri and their associated organs was studied. The sensory vesicle contains a unique organ, the photolith, responding to both gravity and light. It consists of a unicellular statocyst, in the form of an expanded pigment cup receiving six photoreceptor cell extensions. Presumptive mechano‐receptor cells (S1 cells), send ciliary and microvillar protrusions to contact the pigment cup. A second group of distinctive cells (S2), slightly dorsal to the S1 cells, have characteristic microvillar extensions, resembling photoreceptor. We concur with the idea that the photolith is new and derived from a primitive statocyst and the S2 cells are the remnant of a primitive ocellus. In the ganglionic vesicle some cells contain modified cilia and microvillar extensions, which resemble the photoreceptor endings of the photolith. Our results are discussed in the light of two possible scenarios regarding the evolution of the nervous system of protochordates.  相似文献   

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