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Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKP) dephosphorylates and concomitantly deactivates multifunctional Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (CaMKs), such as CaMKI, CaMKII, and CaMKIV. In the present study, a nuclear CaMKP-related protein, CaMKP-N, was identified. This protein consisted of 757 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 84,176. Recombinant CaMKP-N dephosphorylated CaMKIV. The activity of CaMKP-N requires Mn(2+) ions and is stimulated by polycations. Transiently expressed CaMKP-N in COS-7 cells was localized in the nucleus. This finding together with previous reports regarding localization of CaMKs indicates that CaMKP-N dephosphorylates CaMKIV and nuclear CaMKII, whereas CaMKP dephosphorylates CaMKI and cytosolic CaMKII.  相似文献   

In mammals, nuclear localization of U-snRNP particles requires the snRNA hypermethylated cap structure and the Sm core complex. The nature of the signal located within the Sm core proteins is still unknown, both in humans and yeast. Close examination of the sequences of the yeast SmB, SmD1, and SmD3 carboxyl-terminal domains reveals the presence of basic regions that are reminiscent of nuclear localization signals (NLSs). Fluorescence microscopy studies using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion proteins indicate that both yeast SmB and SmD1 basic amino acid stretches exhibit nuclear localization properties. Accordingly, deletions or mutations in the NLS-like motifs of SmB and SmD1 dramatically reduce nuclear fluorescence of the GFP-Sm mutant fusion alleles. Phenotypic analyses indicate that the NLS-like motifs of SmB and SmD1 are functionally redundant: each NLS-like motif can be deleted without affecting yeast viability whereas a simultaneous deletion of both NLS-like motifs is lethal. Taken together, these findings suggest that, in the doughnut-like structure formed by the Sm core complex, the carboxyl-terminal extensions of Sm proteins may form an evolutionarily conserved basic amino acid-rich protuberance that functions as a nuclear localization determinant.  相似文献   

Finding nuclear localization signals   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Cokol M  Nair R  Rost B 《EMBO reports》2000,1(5):411-415
A variety of nuclear localization signals (NLSs) are experimentally known although only one motif was available for database searches through PROSITE. We initially collected a set of 91 experimentally verified NLSs from the literature. Through iterated ‘in silico mutagenesis’ we then extended the set to 214 potential NLSs. This final set matched in 43% of all known nuclear proteins and in no known non-nuclear protein. We estimated that >17% of all eukaryotic proteins may be imported into the nucleus. Finally, we found an overlap between the NLS and DNA-binding region for 90% of the proteins for which both the NLS and DNA-binding regions were known. Thus, evolution seemed to have used part of the existing DNA-binding mechanism when compartmentalizing DNA-binding proteins into the nucleus. However, only 56 of our 214 NLS motifs overlapped with DNA-binding regions. These 56 NLSs enabled a de novo prediction of partial DNA-binding regions for ~800 proteins in human, fly, worm and yeast.  相似文献   



NOL7 is a candidate tumor suppressor that localizes to a chromosomal region 6p23. This locus is frequently lost in a number of malignancies, and consistent loss of NOL7 through loss of heterozygosity and decreased mRNA and protein expression has been observed in tumors and cell lines. Reintroduction of NOL7 into cells resulted in significant suppression of in vivo tumor growth and modulation of the angiogenic phenotype. Further, NOL7 was observed to localize to the nucleus and nucleolus of cells. However, the mechanisms regulating its subcellular localization have not been elucidated.  相似文献   

Myeloid leukemia factor 1 (MLF1) was first identified as part of a leukemic fusion protein produced by a chromosomal translocation, and MLF family proteins are present in many animals. In mammalian cells, MLF1 has been described as mainly cytoplasmic, but in Drosophila, one of the dMLF isoforms (dMLFA) localized mainly in the nucleus while the other isoform (dMLFB), that appears to be produced by the alternative splicing, displays both nuclear and cytoplasmic localization. To investigate the difference in subcellular localization between MLF family members, we examined the subcellular localization of deletion mutants of dMLFA isoform. The analyses showed that the C-terminal 40 amino acid region of dMLFA is necessary and sufficient for nuclear localization. Based on amino acid sequences, we hypothesized that two nuclear localization signals (NLSs) are present within the region. Site-directed mutagenesis of critical residues within the two putative NLSs leads to loss of nuclear localization, suggesting that both NLS motifs are necessary for nuclear localization.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid protein VP15 of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a basic DNA-binding protein. Three canonical bipartite nuclear localization signals (NLSs), called NLS1 (aa 11-27), NLS2 (aa 33-49) and NLS3 (44-60), have been detected in this protein, using the ScanProsite computer program. To determine the nuclear localization sequence of VP15, the full-length open reading frame, or the sequence of one of the three NLSs, was fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene, and transiently expressed in insect Sf9 cells. Transfection with full-length VP15 resulted in GFP fluorescence being distributed exclusively in the nucleus. NLS 1 alone could also direct GFP to the nucleus, but less efficiently. Neither of the other two NLSs (NLS2 and 3) was functional when expressed alone, but exhibited similar activity to NLS1 when they were expressed as a fusion peptide. Furthermore, a mutated VP15, in which the two basic amino acids (11RR12) of NLSI were changed to two alanines (11AA12), caused GFP to be localized only in the cytoplasm of Sf9 cells. These results demonstrated that VP15, as a nuclear localization protein, needs cooperation between its three NLSs, and that the two residues (11RR12) of NLS1 play a key role in transporting the protein to the nucleus.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):2623-2632
Through a series of label transfer experiments, we have identified a HeLa cell nuclear protein that interacts with nuclear localization signals (NLSs). The protein has a molecular weight of 66,000 and an isoelectric point of approximately 6. It associates with a synthetic peptide that contains the SV-40 T antigen NLS peptide but not with an analogous peptide in which an asparagine is substituted for an essential lysine (un-NLS peptide). In addition to these peptides, several proteins have been tested as label donors. With the proteins, there is a correlation between nuclear localization (assayed with lysolecithin-permeabilized cells) and label transfer to the 66-kD protein. The NLS peptide (but not the un-NLS peptide) competes with the proteins in label transfer experiments, but neither wheat germ agglutinin nor ATP has an effect. These results suggest that the 66-kD protein functions as an NLS receptor in the first step of nuclear localization. In the course of this work, we have observed that the Staphylococcus aureus protein A is a strongly karyophilic protein. Its dramatic nuclear localization properties suggest that it may have multiple copies of an NLS.  相似文献   

NLSdb is a database of nuclear localization signals (NLSs) and of nuclear proteins. NLSs are short stretches of residues mediating transport of nuclear proteins into the nucleus. The database contains 114 experimentally determined NLSs that were obtained through an extensive literature search. Using 'in silico mutagenesis' this set was extended to 308 experimental and potential NLSs. This final set matched over 43% of all known nuclear proteins and matches no currently known non-nuclear protein. NLSdb contains over 6000 predicted nuclear proteins and their targeting signals from the PDB and SWISS-PROT/TrEMBL databases. The database also contains over 12 500 predicted nuclear proteins from six entirely sequenced eukaryotic proteomes (Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Arabidopsis thaliana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae). NLS motifs often co-localize with DNA-binding regions. This observation was used to also annotate over 1500 DNA-binding proteins. NLSdb can be accessed via the web site: http://cubic.bioc.columbia.edu/db/NLSdb/.  相似文献   

G9a is one of the well-characterized histone methyltransferases. G9a regulates H3K9 mono- and dimethylation at euchromatic region and consequently plays important roles in euchromatic gene regulation. Mammalian G9a contains several distinct domains, such as GHD (G9a homology domain), ANK, preSET, SET and PostSET. These domains are highly conserved between mammals and Drosophila. Although mammalian G9a has nuclear localization signal (NLS) in its N-terminal region, the amino acid sequences of this region are not conserved in Drosophila. Here we have examined the subcellular localization of a series of truncated forms of Drosophila G9a (dG9a). The identified region (aa337-aa470) responsible for nuclear localization of dG9a contains four short stretches of positively charged basic amino acids (NLS1, aa334-aa345; NLS2, aa366-aa378; NLS3, aa407-aa419; NLS4, aa461-aa472). Each of NLS1, NLS3 and NLS4 is sufficient for the nuclear localization when they are fused with the enhanced green fluorescent protein. These NLSs of dG9a are distinct from those of mammalian G9a in their positions and amino acid sequences.  相似文献   

Yu M  Liu X  Cao S  Zhao Z  Zhang K  Xie Q  Chen C  Gao S  Bi Y  Sun L  Ye X  Gao GF  Liu W 《Journal of virology》2012,86(9):4970-4980
The nuclear export of the influenza A virus ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) is crucial for virus replication. As a major component of the vRNP, nucleoprotein (NP) alone can also be shuttled out of the nucleus by interacting with chromosome region maintenance 1 (CRM1) and is therefore hypothesized to promote the nuclear export of the vRNP. In the present study, three novel nuclear export signals (NESs) of the NP--NES1, NES2, and NES3--were identified as being responsible for mediating its nuclear export. The nuclear export of NES3 was CRM1 dependent, whereas that of NES1 or NES2 was CRM1 independent. Inactivation of these NESs led to an overall nuclear accumulation of NP. Mutation of all three NP-NESs significantly impaired viral replication. Based on structures of influenza virus NP oligomers, these three hydrophobic NESs are found present on the surface of oligomeric NPs. Functional studies indicated that oligomerization is also required for nuclear export of NP. Together, these results suggest that the nuclear export of NP is important for virus replication and relies on its NESs and oligomerization.  相似文献   

The regions of the large subunit ribosomal protein L25 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae responsible for nuclear localization of the protein were identified by constructing fusion genes encoding various segments of L25 linked to the amino terminus of beta-galactosidase. Indirect immunofluorescence of yeast cells expressing the fusions demonstrated that amino acid residues 1 to 17 as well as 18 to 41 of L25 promote import of the reporter protein into the nucleus. Both nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequences appear to consist of two distinct functional parts: one showed relatively weak nuclear targeting activity, whereas the other considerably enhances this activity but does not promote nuclear import by itself. Microinjection of in vitro prepared intact and N-terminally truncated L25 into Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrated that the region containing the two NLS sequences is indeed required for efficient nuclear localization of the ribosomal protein. This conclusion was confirmed by complementation experiments using a yeast strain that conditionally expresses wild-type L25. The latter experiments also indicated that amino acid residues 1 to 41 of L25 are required for full functional activity of yeast 60 S ribosomal subunits. Yeast cells expressing forms of L25 that lack this region are viable, but show impaired growth and a highly abnormal cell morphology.  相似文献   

Proline-tyrosine nuclear localization signals (PY-NLSs) are recognized and transported into the nucleus by human Karyopherin (Kap) beta2/Transportin and yeast Kap104p. Multipartite PY-NLSs are highly diverse in sequence and structure, share a common C-terminal R/H/KX2-5PY motif, and can be subdivided into hydrophobic and basic subclasses based on loose N-terminal sequence motifs. PY-NLS variability is consistent with weak consensus motifs, but such diversity potentially renders comprehensive genome-scale searches intractable. Here, we use yeast Kap104p as a model system to understand the energetic organization of this NLS. First, we show that Kap104p substrates contain PY-NLSs, demonstrating their generality across eukaryotes. Previously reported Kapbeta2-NLS structures explain Kap104p specificity for the basic PY-NLS. More importantly, thermodynamic analyses revealed physical properties that govern PY-NLS binding affinity: (1) PY-NLSs contain three energetically significant linear epitopes, (2) each epitope accommodates substantial sequence diversity, within defined limits, (3) the epitopes are energetically quasi-independent, and (4) a given linear epitope can contribute differently to total binding energy in different PY-NLSs, amplifying signal diversity through combinatorial mixing of energetically weak and strong motifs. The modular organization of the PY-NLS coupled with its combinatorial energetics lays a path to decode this diverse and evolvable signal for future comprehensive genome-scale identification of nuclear import substrates.  相似文献   

W E Mears  V Lam    S A Rice 《Journal of virology》1995,69(2):935-947
Previous work has shown that the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) regulatory protein ICP27 localizes to the cell nucleus and that certain mutant ICP27 polypeptides localize preferentially in nucleoli. To map the signals in ICP27 which mediate its nuclear localization, we identified the portions of ICP27 which can direct a cytoplasmic protein, pyruvate kinase (PK), to nuclei. Our results demonstrate that ICP27 contains multiple nuclear localization signals (NLSs) that function with differing efficiencies. First, ICP27 possesses a strong NLS, mapping to residues 110 to 137, which bears similarity to the bipartite NLSs found in Xenopus laevis nucleoplasmin and other proteins. Second, ICP27 possesses one or more weak NLSs which map to a carboxyl-terminal portion of the protein between residues 140 and 512. Our PK-targeting experiments also demonstrate that ICP27 contains a relatively short sequence, mapping to residues 110 to 152, that can function as a nucleolar localization signal (NuLS). This signal includes ICP27's strong NLS as well as 15 contiguous residues which consist entirely of arginine and glycine. This latter sequence is very similar to an RGG box, a putative RNA-binding motif found in a number of cellular proteins which are involved in nuclear RNA processing. To confirm the results of the PK-targeting experiments, we mutated the ICP27 gene by deleting sequences encoding either the strong NLS or the RGG box. Deletion of the strong NLS (residues 109 to 138) resulted in an ICP27 molecule that was only partially defective for nuclear localization, while deletion of the RGG box (residues 139 to 153) resulted in a molecule that was nuclear localized but excluded from nucleoli. Recombinant HSV-1s bearing either of these deletions were unable to replicate efficiently in Vero cells, suggesting that ICP27's strong NLS and RGG box carry out important in vivo functions.  相似文献   

Cui P  Qin B  Liu N  Pan G  Pei D 《Experimental cell research》2004,293(1):154-163
The interaction between phosphatidylserine and its receptor on phagocytic cells plays a critical role in the clearance of apoptotic bodies under normal physiological condition. A specific receptor for phosphatidylserine (PSR) has recently been identified by phage display and shown to mediate phosphatidylserine dependent phagocytosis. Here we show that the protein encoded by the PSR cDNA is localized in the nuclei through multiple nuclear localization signals. First, a fusion between PSR and GFP is localized in the nuclei of transfected cells, suggesting that PSR have intrinsic nuclear localization capability. Indeed, affinity-purified anti-PSR antibodies identified a 47 kDa protein species in cells transfected with untagged PSR and localized this protein in the nuclei by immunofluorescent confocal microscopy. In NIH3T3 cells, which express endogenous PSR mRNA, a similar 47 kDa species was detected and localized in the nuclei. Finally, multiple nuclear localization signals were identified in PSR sequence, each capable of targeting GFP to the nuclei. Together, these results suggest that PSR may serve a dual role both on the cell surface and in the nuclei.  相似文献   

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