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Aim The aim of this study was to test hypotheses regarding some of the main phylogeographical patterns proposed for European plants, in particular the locations of glacial refugia, the post‐glacial colonization routes, and genetic affinities between southern (alpine) and northern (boreal) populations. Location The mountains of Europe (Alps, Balkans, Carpathians, Central Massif, Pyrenees, Scandinavian chain, Sudetes), and central European/southern Scandinavian lowlands. Methods As our model system we used Pulsatilla vernalis, a widely distributed European herbaceous plant occurring both in the high‐mountain environments of the Alps and other European ranges and in lowlands north of these ranges up to Scandinavia. Based on a distribution‐wide sampling of 61 populations, we estimated chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation along six regions using polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment‐length polymorphisms (PCR–RFLPs) (trnH–trnK, trnK–trnK, trnC–trnD, psbC–trnS, psaA–trnS, trnL–trnF) and further sequencing of trnL–trnF and trnH–psbA. In addition, 11 samples of other European species of Pulsatilla were sequenced to survey the genus‐scale cpDNA variation. Results Eleven PCR–RFLP polymorphisms were detected in P. vernalis, revealing seven haplotypes. They formed two distinct genetic groups. Three haplotypes representing both groups dominated and were widely distributed across Europe, whereas the others were restricted to localized regions (central Alps, Tatras/Sudetes mountains) or single populations. Sequencing analysis confirmed the reliability of PCR–RFLPs and homology of haplotypes across their distribution. The chloroplast DNA variation across the section Pulsatilla was low, but P. vernalis did not share haplotypes with other species. Main conclusions The genetic distinctiveness of P. vernalis populations from the south‐western Alps with respect to other Alpine populations, as well as the affinities between the former populations and those from the eastern Pyrenees, is demonstrated, thus providing support for the conclusions of previous studies. Glacial refugia in the Dolomites are also suggested. Isolation is inferred for the high‐mountain populations from the Tatras and Sudetes; this is in contrast to the case for the Balkans, which harboured the common haplotype. Specific microsatellite variation indicates the occurrence of periglacial lowland refugia north of the Alps, acting as a source for the post‐glacial colonization of Scandinavia. The presence of different fixed haplotypes in eastern and western Scandinavia, however, suggests independent post‐glacial colonization of these two areas, with possible founder effects.  相似文献   

Geographically separated populations tend to be less connected by gene flow, as a result of physical or nonphysical barriers preventing dispersal, and this can lead to genetic structure. In this context, highly mobile organisms such as seabirds are interesting because the small effect of physical barriers means nonphysical ones may be relatively more important. Here, we use microsatellite and mitochondrial data to explore the genetic structure and phylogeography of Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of a European endemic seabird, the European shag, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, and identify the primary drivers of their diversification. Analyses of mitochondrial markers revealed three phylogenetic lineages grouping the North Atlantic, Spanish/Corsican and eastern Mediterranean populations, apparently arising from fragmentation during the Pleistocene followed by range expansion. These traces of historical fragmentation were also evident in the genetic structure estimated by microsatellite markers, despite significant contemporary gene flow among adjacent populations. Stronger genetic structure, probably promoted by landscape, philopatry and local adaptation, was found among distant populations and those separated by physical and ecological barriers. This study highlights the enduring effect of Pleistocene climatic changes on shag populations, especially within the Mediterranean Basin, and suggests a role for cryptic northern refugia, as well as known southern refugia, on the genetic structure of European seabirds. Finally, it outlines how contemporary ecological barriers and behavioural traits may maintain population divergence, despite long‐distance dispersal triggered by extreme environmental conditions (e.g. population crashes).  相似文献   

We studied the genetic population structure and phylogeography of the montane caddisfly Drusus discolor across its entire range in central and southern Europe. The species is restricted to mountain regions and exhibits an insular distribution across the major mountain ranges. Mitochondrial sequence data (COI) of 254 individuals from the entire species range is analysed to reveal population genetic structure. The data show little molecular variation within populations and regions, but distinct genetic differentiation between mountain ranges. Most populations are significantly differentiated based on F(ST) and exact tests of population differentiation and most haplotypes are unique to a single mountain range. Phylogenetic analyses reveal deep divergence between geographically isolated lineages. Combined, these results suggest that past fragmentation is the prominent process structuring the populations across Europe. We use tests of selective neutrality and mismatch distributions, to study the demographic population history of regions with haplotype overlap. The high level of genetic differentiation between mountain ranges and estimates of demographic history provide evidence for the existence of multiple glacial refugia, including several in central Europe. The study shows that these aquatic organisms reacted differently to Pleistocene cooling than many terrestrial species. They persisted in numerous refugia over multiple glacial cycles, allowing many local endemic clades to form.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms generating variation within the highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes remains incomplete. Assessing MHC variation across multiple populations, of recent and ancient divergence, may facilitate understanding of geographical and temporal aspects of variation. Here, we applied 454 sequencing to perform a large-scale, comprehensive analysis of MHC class II in the closely related, hybridizing newts, Lissotriton vulgaris (Lv) and Lissotriton montandoni (Lm). Our study revealed an extensive (299 alleles) geographically structured polymorphism. Populations at the southern margin of the Lv distribution, inhabited by old and distinct lineages (southern Lv), exhibited moderate MHC variation and strong population structure, indicating little gene flow or extensive local adaptation. Lissotriton vulgaris in central Europe and the northern Balkans (northern Lv) and almost all Lm populations had a high MHC variation. A much higher proportion of MHC alleles was shared between Lm and northern Lv than between Lm and southern Lv. Strikingly, the average pairwise F(ST) between northern Lv and Lm was significantly lower than between northern and southern Lv for MHC, but not for microsatellites. Thus, high MHC variation in Lm and northern Lv may result from gene flow between species. We hypothesize that the interspecific exchange of MHC genes may be facilitated by frequency-dependent selection. A marginally significant correlation between the MHC and microsatellite allelic richness indicates that demographic factors may have contributed to the present-day pattern of MHC variation, but unequivocal signatures of adaptive evolution in MHC class II sequences emphasize the role of selection on a longer timescale.  相似文献   

The shape of hybrid zones provides insight into genetic isolation between the evolutionary lineages involved: the greater the limitation to gene flow, the farther along the unimodal to bimodal continuum. We study hybrid zone modality in a group of closely related species at a variety of levels of genetic divergence. We explore the degree and the geography of hybridization in 12 transects of Triturus newts, for nine of the ten secondary contact zones in Europe, using nuclear and mitochondrial encoded genetic data and morphological characteristics. Species status is verified by examining the correlation between the three marker systems in a geographical context. At 40 allozyme loci, two transects classify as unimodal, three as bimodal and two as intermediate, while the signal for hybridization is weak or absent in five transects. One zone studied in duplicate was classified as intermediate in one region and as bimodal in another region. mtDNA introgression is frequent and extends beyond nuclear introgression in two transects. Morphology provides additional evidence for hybridity, including one transect for which the signal of nuclear gene flow is weak. Compared to simulations allowing panmixia, the observed allozyme transitions at contact zones show a deficit of backcrossing to various degrees. Over all transects, there is a weak negative relationship between the level of hybridization and allozyme genetic distance for species pairs, consistent with Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller effects. This observation, based upon highly comparable data for a single genus, supports conclusions derived from analyses over a wide variety of other taxa. © 2014 The Authors. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 604–622.  相似文献   

Paedomorphs and metamorphs of the smooth newt ( Triturus vulgaris ) and alpine newt ( Triturus alpestris ) were compared with respect to body size, age structure, age at sexual maturity, survivorship, and female and male fecundity. Paedomorphs were significantly smaller than metamorphs, except for the alpine newt males. Non-significant differences between morphs in both species in terms of the life span, age of sexual maturity, survival rates and male fecundity were found. The relationships concerning female-fecundity parameters were not so straightforward. The total number of oocytes was significantly higher in smooth-newt paedomorphs, while in the alpine newt the difference was insignificant. When ovary mass was compared, significant differences appeared only in the alpine newt, in favour of metamorphic females. Oviductal egg size was similar in both morphs of T. vulgaris . The maintenance of both life-history strategies in the species studied is discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

Phylogeography can help to determine LGM refugia and postglacial migration routes. However, the locations of LGM refugial areas in eastern Europe are not clear. Moose (Alces alces) is presently a common species in central and north-eastern Europe, but there are no studies showing its phylogenetic pattern and genetic diversity across its whole continuous range. Moose never became extinct in the eastern part of its range, and the eastern mtDNA lineage has the largest effective population size. The present study shows the phylogeographic pattern and genetic diversity of European moose and compares the results of mtDNA analyses with the archaeological record of the species to identify its LGM refugia and postglacial migration routes. I combined the mtDNA control region sequences obtained in all studies of moose in Europe and western Asia. The genetic data were then compared with the archaeological records of the species dated to the LGM. I found that the European moose lineage inhabits Europe and western Asia. It is composed of two clades: the eastern and the central-western, consisting of a total of six discrete haplogroups. The most complex, the eastern clade, has the largest range. Some of the haplogroups have narrow or scattered distributions and two are common in almost the whole range. Genetic diversity hotspots were detected in contact zones of different mtDNA haplogroups rather than in the LGM refugial areas of moose. Archaeological records dated to the LGM were found in several localities in central, southern and eastern Europe as well as in western Asia. The range of the moose during the LGM was much larger than previously thought. The eastern clade survived the LGM in western Siberia, the Ural Mountains and Russian plain. LGM refugia of moose were also located in the Caucasus, Carpathians, Balkans and northern Italy.  相似文献   

石甜  莫忠妹  吴敏  赵财 《植物研究》2022,42(4):574-583
对我国14个地区的药食同源植物薤白(Allium macrostemon)的叶绿体基因片段(psbA-trnH、rps16和trnL-F)与核基因片段(ITS)进行测序分析,揭示薤白的遗传变异分布式样、单倍型地理分布格局,并推断其在第四纪冰期的避难所。结果表明:薤白叶绿体基因(cpDNA)遗传多样性低于核基因(nrDNA)遗传多样性(cpDNA:HT=0.868;nrDNA:HT=0.890)。cpDNA和nrDNA的分子变异分析(AMOVA)结果显示:薤白遗传变异主要发生在居群间(cpDNA:92.84%;nrDNA:98.40%),存在遗传分化(cpDNA:Nst=0.918,Gst=0.866,Fst=0.928;nrDNA:Nst=0.984,Gst=0.855,Fst=0.984),且Nst均大于Gst,表明该物种具有明显的谱系地理结构。在薤白居群中,共检测到11个叶绿体单倍型和14个nrDNA基因型;单倍型网络图及地理分布图表明,叶绿体单倍型H3、核DNA基因型H1频率最高,位于网络结构图的中心位置,可能为古老单倍型。此外,冰期避难所假说认为遗传多样性高、拥有古老单倍型和较多特有单倍型的区域可能是该物种的冰期避难所,因此推测薤白在第四纪冰期时可能在大盘山、天水和通化地区存在多个冰期避难所。这些分析可为类似草本植物的进化提供参考,丰富对东亚草本植物分子系统与生物地理学的认识。  相似文献   

Noonan BP  Gaucher P 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(10):3017-3031
We investigated the genetic structure of populations of Guianan harlequin toads (genus Atelopus) and their evolutionary affinities to extra-Guianan congeners. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene sequences produced well-supported clades largely corresponding to the four recognized taxa in the Guianas (Atelopus spumarius hoogmoedi, Atelopus spumarius barbotini, Atelopus franciscus, and Atelopus flavescens). Our findings suggest that the Guianan A. spumarius represent distinct evolutionary lineages that merit distinction from Amazonian conspecifics, and that the status of A. flavescens and A. franciscus is somewhat less clear. Approximately 69% of the observed genetic variation is accounted for by differences between these four recognized taxa. Coalescent-based estimates of gene flow between taxa suggest that these lineages are largely isolated from one another. Negligible rates of migration between populations and significant divergence within such close proximity suggests that although the region inhabited by these taxa is almost entirely undisturbed, significant habitat heterogeneity exists as to have produced a remarkable diversification of Atelopus within the eastern Guiana Shield. These results contradict the commonly held view of the Guiana Shield as a 'refuge' whose stability during late Tertiary and Quaternary climatic fluctuations served as a biotic reservoir. Instead, we provide evidence that climatic fluctuations during this time had a diversifying effect within the Guianan region.  相似文献   

青藏高原及其周边地区高山植物谱系地理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原及其周边地区是世界上高山植物最丰富的地区,通过谱系地理学研究可以探讨高山植物演化历史与高原隆升和第四纪冰期的关系。根据对已经报道的36种高山植物的谱系地理分析,其谱系地理模式主要表现为:一、冰期退却到高原边缘的避难所,冰后期回迁到高原面;二、地理隔离造成冰期存在多处避难所(含微型避难所),冰后期发生局域性扩张。青藏高原在晚第三纪的快速隆升促进了物种的分化和成种,而第四纪冰期更是加剧了物种的快速分化,高原隆升和第四纪周期性气候波动是形成青藏高原高山植物现代谱系地理格局的主要原因。横断山脉地区作为第四纪冰期高山植物的主要避难所,在进化生物学和保护生物学方面具有重要启示。最后在物种选择、采样策略、基因片段选择和研究方法等4个方面提出青藏高原地区谱系地理学的研究方向。  相似文献   

Chemical, i.e. cuticular hydrocarbons, and molecular data were used to probe the phylogeography of Reticulitermes termites collected from various parts of France, Spain and Portugal. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred from sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes as well as from two partial mitochondrial DNA segments, the cytochrome oxidase II gene and a sequence combining the tRNA-Leu gene and fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase I and ribosomal 16S genes. Two species, namely, R. grassei and R. banyulensis, were identified based on an analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons and the identification was confirmed by ITS2 haplotyping. However, phylogeny based on the analysis of mitochondrial DNA was not completely in agreement with the conclusions drawn from the chemical and nuclear data. An analysis of 56 R. grassei colonies revealed intraspecific differentiation into two major lineages with distinct geographical ranges. Whereas analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons showed that R. banyulensis was chemically distinct from R. grassei, analysis of mitochondrial DNA showed its close kinship with the R. grassei lineage occurring in southern Spain. This kinship could be explained by their evolution from a common polymorphic ancestor species in this ice age refugium.  相似文献   

The fire-bellied toads Bombina bombina and Bombina variegata, interbreed in a long, narrow zone maintained by a balance between selection and dispersal. Hybridization takes place between local, genetically differentiated groups. To quantify divergence between these groups and reconstruct their history and demography, we analysed nucleotide variation at the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1096 bp) in 364 individuals from 156 sites representing the entire range of both species. Three distinct clades with high sequence divergence (K2P = 8-11%) were distinguished. One clade grouped B. bombina haplotypes; the two other clades grouped B. variegata haplotypes. One B. variegata clade included only Carpathian individuals; the other represented B. variegata from the southwestern parts of its distribution: Southern and Western Europe (Balkano-Western lineage), Apennines, and the Rhodope Mountains. Differentiation between the Carpathian and Balkano-Western lineages, K2P approximately 8%, approached interspecific divergence. Deep divergence among European Bombina lineages suggests their preglacial origin, and implies long and largely independent evolutionary histories of the species. Multiple glacial refugia were identified in the lowlands adjoining the Black Sea, in the Carpathians, in the Balkans, and in the Apennines. The results of the nested clade and demographic analyses suggest drastic reductions of population sizes during the last glacial period, and significant demographic growth related to postglacial colonization. Inferred history, supported by fossil evidence, demonstrates that Bombina ranges underwent repeated contractions and expansions. Geographical concordance between morphology, allozymes, and mtDNA shows that previous episodes of interspecific hybridization have left no detectable mtDNA introgression. Either the admixed populations went extinct, or selection against hybrids hindered mtDNA gene flow in ancient hybrid zones.  相似文献   

We analyzed mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms to search for evidence of the genetic structure and patterns of admixture in 124 populations (N = 1407 trees) across the distribution of Scots pine in Europe and Asia. The markers revealed only a weak population structure in Central and Eastern Europe and suggested postglacial expansion to middle and northern latitudes from multiple sources. Major mitotype variants include the remnants of Scots pine at the north-western extreme of the distribution in the Scottish Highlands; two main variants (western and central European) that contributed to the contemporary populations in Norway and Sweden; the central-eastern European variant present in the Balkan region, Finland, and Russian Karelia; and a separate one common to most eastern European parts of Russia and western Siberia. We also observe signatures of a distinct refugium located in the northern parts of the Black Sea basin that contributed to the patterns of genetic variation observed in several populations in the Balkans, Ukraine, and western Russia. Some common haplotypes of putative ancient origin were shared among distant populations from Europe and Asia, including the most southern refugial stands that did not participate in postglacial recolonization of northern latitudes. The study indicates different genetic lineages of the species in Europe and provides a set of genetic markers for its finer-scale population history and divergence inference.  相似文献   

The repeated advance and retreat of glaciers during the Pleistocene ice ages have played a major role in shaping the present patterns of genetic variation within and among plant and animal populations of the temperate zone. In Europe, the geographic ranges of many species were confined to a few, mostly southern refugia during periods of full glaciation. Distribution ranges then reexpanded, and uninhabited northern areas were recolonized during the interglacials. These contraction–expansion cycles were repeated at least four times. Paleontological and molecular phylogeographic studies during the last decade have greatly increased our knowledge of refugial areas and postglacial recolonization patterns of European trees, shrubs and Alpine plants since the last glacial maximum about 20,000 years ago. Much less is known yet about non-Alpine herbaceous plants. In the present review, we summarize recent phylogeographic work on halophytic (salt-adapted) plants from coastal and inland habitats in Europe. Major refugial areas for these plants have been identified along the Mediterranean coasts, but some species could also have survived in saline inland localities. In general, recolonization of N and NW Europe occurred in a stepwise fashion along the Atlantic coastline. For a number of species, molecular studies revealed concordant genetic discontinuities on the background of an essentially continuous geographic distribution. Such congruency could be explained by the preferential seed dispersal through sea currents. However, phylogeographic patterns of halophytes also proved to be influenced by other factors like sea-level fluctuations during the Pleistocene, secondary contact between divergent lineages, long-distance dispersal, clonal growth, and special habitat and temperature requirements.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of morphological and genetic polymorphisms between the two banded killifish sub-species ( Fundulus diaphanus diaphanus and F. d. menona ) provide evidence that these sub-species represent distinct evolutionary lineages corresponding to glacial races of Atlantic and Mississippian origins. Individuals with intermediate phenotypes in Lake Ontario and the upper St Lawrence River probably result from secondary contacts between these races. The hybrid zone unexpectedly extends to Lake Erie and involves the introgression of the F. d. diaphanus mitochondrial genome into fish with morphology like that of F. d. menona .  相似文献   

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