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Notch proteins are transmembrane receptors that control cell-fate decisions. Upon ligand binding, Notch receptors undergo proteolytic cleavage leading to the release of their intracellular domain (NICD). Overexpression of NICD impairs osteoblastogenesis, but the mechanisms are not understood. We examined consequences of the constitutive activation of Notch 1 in ST-2 cells. Notch opposed the effects of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 and Wnt 3a on alkaline phosphatase activity (APA). BMP-2 induced the phosphorylation of Smad 1/5/8 and the transactivation of a BMP/Smad-responsive construct (12xSBE-Oc-pGL3), but the effect was not modified by Notch. BMP-2 had minimal effects on the phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK, p38, and JNK, in the absence or presence of NICD. Notch overexpression decreased the transactivating effect of Wnt 3a, cytoplasmic beta-catenin levels, and Wnt-dependent gene expression. Transfection of a mutant beta-catenin expression construct, or the use of a glycogen synthase kinase 3beta inhibitor to stabilize beta-catenin, partially blocked the inhibitory effect of NICD on Wnt signaling and on APA. HES-1 or Groucho1/TLE1 RNA interference enhanced basal and induced Wnt/beta-catenin signaling opposing NICD effects, but only HES-1 silencing enhanced Wnt 3a effects on APA. In conclusion, NICD overexpression prevents BMP-2 and Wnt biological effects by suppressing Wnt but not BMP signaling. HES-1 appears to mediate effects of Notch on osteoblastogenesis.  相似文献   

Recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins (rhBMPs) can stimulate bone formation and growth in the treatment of spinal fusions and nonunions. However, it is still unclear whether rhBMPs function in the prevention of intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD). Here, we discovered that BMP levels were decreased in IDD patients, which impaired the BMP/Smad (Mothers against decapentaplegic homologs) signaling. Conducting a microarray assay in Smad4-knockdown cells, we found that expression of PUMA (p53-upregulated modulator of apoptosis) was significantly induced. The molecular analysis revealed that Smad4 recruited HDAC1 (histone deacetylase 1) and the phosphorylated Smad1/5/8 to dock on the promoter of PUMA to repress its expression. The impairment of BMP/Smad signaling in IDD patients caused the significant induction of Puma-dependent apoptosis and resulted in the pathogenesis of IDD. In vitro knockdown of BMP receptors (BMPR1a and BMPR2) in nucleus pulposus (NP) cells could mimic the molecular changes of BMP/Smad signaling and Puma-dependent apoptotic signaling that were observed in IDD patients. Exposing NP cells to RITA (reactivating p53 and inducing tumor apoptosis) small molecule and rhBMP2 (or rhBMP7), we observed that rhBMP2/7 could significantly decrease protein levels of Puma and its downstream proapoptotic molecules, blocking cell apoptosis. Importantly, administration of rhBMPs in aged rats could inhibit the occurrence of IDD. Our results provide a link between BMP/Smad signaling and Puma-dependent apoptotic signaling, revealing a new mechanism of how BMPs contribute to IDD pathogenesis and providing evidence that rhBMPs may decrease apoptosis and improve the outcome of IDD.  相似文献   

Although many regulators of skeletogenesis have been functionally characterized, one current challenge is to integrate this information into regulatory networks. Here, we discuss how the canonical Wnt and Smad‐dependent BMP pathways interact together and play antagonistic or cooperative roles at different steps of osteogenesis, in the context of the developing vertebrate embryo. Early on, BMP signaling specifies multipotent mesenchymal cells into osteochondroprogenitors. In turn, the function of Wnt signaling is to drive these osteochondroprogenitors towards an osteoblastic fate. Subsequently, both pathways promote osteoblast differentiation, albeit with notable mechanistic differences. In osteocytes, the ultimate stage of osteogenic differentiation, the Wnt and BMP pathways exert opposite effects on the control of bone resorption by osteoclasts. We describe how the dynamic molecular wiring of the canonical Wnt and Smad‐dependent BMP signaling into the skeletal cell genetic programme is critical for the generation of bone‐specific cell types during development.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus impairs osteogenesis in bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs). Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) has been extensively applied for bone defect restoration and has been shown to activate the Wnt signaling pathway. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of BMP2 on the cell proliferation and osteogenesis of type 2 diabetic BMSCs in rats and explore whether BMP2 induced osteogenesis via the stimulation of Wnt signaling pathway. The cell experiments were divided into DM (diabetic BMSCs), BMP25 (induced with 25 ng/ml BMP2), BMP100 (induced with 100 ng/ml BMP2) and BMP25  + XAV groups. All cells with or without the different concentrations of BMP2 were cultured under the same experimental conditions. The in vitro results indicated that BMP2 enhanced cell proliferation by 130%–157% and osteogenic differentiation by approximately two-fold in type 2 diabetic BMSCs. The expression levels of β-catenin, cyclin D1, Runx2 and c-myc related to the Wnt signaling pathway were also upregulated from 180% to 212% in BMP2-induced type 2 diabetic rat BMSCs, while the level of GSK3β decreased to 43%. In BMP2-induced type 2 diabetic BMSCs with calcium phosphate cement (CPC) scaffolds for osteoblast study in vivo, the appearance of newly formed bone dramatically increased to 175% compared with type 2 diabetic BMSCs. These data demonstrated that BMP2 enhanced bone regeneration in diabetic BMSCs by stimulating the Wnt signaling pathway with the accumulation of β-catenin and the depressed expression of GSK3β. Diabetic BMSCs associated with BMP2 might be a potential tissue-engineered construct for bone defects in type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

The requirement of large amounts of the recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein‐2 (BMP‐2) produces a huge translational barrier for its routine clinical use due to high cost. This leads to an urgent need to develop alternative methods to lower costs and/or increase efficacies for using BMP‐2. In this study, we describe the development and optimization of a cell‐based assay that is sensitive, reproducible, and reliable in identifying reagents that potentiate the effects of BMP‐2 in inducing transdifferentiation of C2C12 myoblasts into the osteoblastic phenotype. The assay is based on a BMP‐responsive Smad1‐driven luciferase reporter gene. LIM mineralization protein‐1 (LMP‐1) is a novel intracellular LIM domain protein that has been shown by our group to enhance cellular responsiveness to BMP‐2. Our previous report elucidated that the binding of LMP‐1 with the WW2 domain in Smad ubiquitin regulatory factor‐1 (Smurf1) rescues the osteogenic Smads from degradation. Here, using the optimized cell‐based assay, we first evaluated the activity of the recombinantly prepared proteins, LMP‐1, and its mutant (LMP‐1ΔSmurf1) that lacks the Smurf1‐WW2 domain‐binding motif. Both the wild type and the mutant proteins were engineered to contain an 11‐amino acid HIV‐TAT protein derived membrane transduction domain to aid the cellular delivery of recombinant proteins. The cell‐based reporter assay confirmed that LMP‐1 potentiates the BMP‐induced stimulation of C2C12 cells towards the osteoblastic phenotype. The potentiating effect of LMP‐1 was significantly reduced when a specific‐motif known to interact with Smurf1 was mutated. We validated the results obtained in the reporter assay by also monitoring the expression of mRNA for osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) which is widely accepted osteoblast differentiation marker genes. Finally, we provide further confirmation of our results by measuring the activity of alkaline phosphatase in support of the accuracy and reliability of our cell‐based assay. Direct delivery of synthesized protein can be limited by high cost, instability or inadequate post‐translational modifications. Thus, there would be a clear benefit for a low cost, cell penetrable chemical compound. We successfully used our gene expression‐based assay to choose an active compound from a select group of compounds that were identified by computational screenings as the most likely candidates for mimicking the function of LMP‐1. Among them, we selected SVAK‐3, a compound that showed a dose‐dependent potentiation of BMP‐2 activity in inducing osteoblastic differentiation of C2C12 cells. We show that either the full length LMP‐1 protein or its potential mimetic compound consistently exhibit similar potentiation of BMP‐2 activity even when multiple markers of the osteoblastic phenotype were parallely monitored. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

BMP I type receptor inhibitor can selectively inhibit BMP/Smad signaling pathways, mainly by inhibiting the BMP I type receptor activity to prevent phosphorylation of Smad1, Smad5 and Smad9. The aim of the present study was to explore the effects of mouse ovarian granulosa cell function and related gene expression by suppressing BMP/Smad signaling pathway with LDN-193189(A type of BMP I type receptor inhibitor). In this study, we cultivate the original generation of mouse ovarian granular cells then collect cells and cell culture medium after treatment. Cellular localization and expression of Smad9 and P-smad9 proteins was studied by immunofluorescence (IF) in the ovarian granulosa cells of mouse; Related genes mRNA and proteins expression was checked by QRT-PCR and Western blot; Detected the concentration of related hormones by using ELISA kit; finally, the growth of the cells was analyzed by plotting cell growth curve with CCK-8 assay. The results indicate that, suppression of BMP/Smad signaling pathway can inhibit the expression of LHR and FSHR, inhibit cell proliferation and decrease E2 secretion, the mechanism of action maybe reduce the expression of smad9, at the same time, we found that the feedback regulation of smad9 may affect the expression of FSHR and cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) regulate many processes in the embryo, including cell type specification, patterning, apoptosis, and epithelial-mesenchymal interaction. They also act in soft and hard tissues in adult life. Their signals are transduced from the plasma membrane to the nucleus through a limited number of Smad proteins. The list of Smad-interacting proteins is however growing and it is clear that these partners determine the outcome of the signal. We summarize the present status in BMP/Smad signaling, with emphasis on recently identified Smad partners and how these proteins may cooperate in the regulation of the expression of BMP target genes.  相似文献   

The bone morphogenetic protein family and osteogenesis.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The BMPs (bone morphogenetic proteins) are a group of related proteins originally identified by their presence in bone-inductive extracts of demineralized bone. By molecular cloning, at least six related members of this family have been identified and are called BMP-2 through BMP-7. These molecules are part of the TGF-beta superfamily, based on primary amino acid sequence homology, including the absolute conservation of seven cysteine residues between the TGF-betas and the BMPs. The BMPs can be divided into subgroups with BMP-2 and BMP-4 being 92% identical, and BMP-5, BMP-6, and BMP-7 being an average of about 90% identical. To examine the individual activities of these molecules, we are producing each BMP in a mammalian expression system. In this system, each BMP is synthesized as a precursor peptide, which is glycosylated, processed to the mature peptide, and secreted as a homodimer. These reagents have been used to demonstrate that single molecules, such as BMP-2, are capable of inducing the formation of new cartilage and bone when implanted ectopically in a rodent assay system. Whether each of the BMPs possesses the same inductive activities in an animal is the subject of ongoing research. Based on the chondrogenic and osteogenic abilities of the BMPs in the adult animal, the expression of the mRNAs for the BMPs has been examined in the development of the embryonic skeleton by in situ hybridization. These studies demonstrate that the BMP mRNAs are spatially and temporally expressed appropriately for the proteins involved in the induction and development of cartilage and bone in the embryonic limb bud.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neurogenesis is the process in which neurons are generated from neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs/NPCs). It involves the proliferation and neuronal fate specification/differentiation of NSCs, as well as migration, maturation and functional integration of the neuronal progeny into neuronal network. NSCs exhibit the two essential properties of stem cells: self-renewal and multipotency. Contrary to previous dogma that neurogenesis happens only during development, it is generally accepted now that neurogenesis can take place throughout life in mammalian brains. This raises a new therapeutic potential of applying stem cell therapy for stroke, neurodegenerative diseases and other diseases. However, the maintenance and differentiation of NSCs/NPCs are tightly controlled by the extremely intricate molecular networks. Uncovering the underlying mechanisms that drive the differentiation, migration and maturation of specific neuronal lineages for use in regenerative medicine is, therefore, crucial for the application of stem cell for clinical therapy as well as for providing insight into the mechanisms of human neurogenesis. Here, we focus on the role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in NSCs during mammalian brain development.  相似文献   

Functions of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are initiated by signaling through specific type I and type II serine/threonine kinase receptors. In previous studies, we have demonstrated that the type IB BMP receptor (BMPR-IB) plays an essential and specific role in osteoblast commitment and differentiation. To determine the role of BMP receptor signaling in bone formation in vivo, we generated transgenic mice, which express a truncated dominant-negative BMPR-IB targeted to osteoblasts using the type I collagen promoter. The mice are viable and fertile. Tissue-specific expression of the truncated BMPR-IB was demonstrated. Characterization of the phenotype of these transgenic mice showed impairment of postnatal bone formation in 1-mo-old homozygous transgenic mice. Bone mineral density, bone volume, and bone formation rates were severely reduced, but osteoblast and osteoclast numbers were not significantly changed in the transgenic mice. To determine whether osteoblast differentiation is impaired, we used primary osteoblasts isolated from the transgenic mice and showed that BMP signaling is blocked and BMP2-induced mineralized bone matrix formation was inhibited. These studies show the effects of alterations in BMP receptor function targeted to the osteoblast lineage and demonstrate a necessary role of BMP receptor signaling in postnatal bone growth and bone formation in vivo.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To determine if the fetus was affected by maternal antibodies to BMP‐2, the antibody response and developmental effects in fetuses from does immunized against recombinant human BMP‐2 were evaluated. METHODS: Female New Zealand White rabbits received four intramuscular injections (on premating days 1, 8, 22, and 43 [3 days before mating]) of saline and adjuvant (TiterMax® Gold [control]) or recombinant human BMP‐2 (2 mg/dose) and adjuvant (treated). On GD 29, fetuses were examined, and maternal and fetal anti‐BMP‐2 titer levels and neutralizing activity were assessed. RESULTS: Anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies were detected in 17 of 18 treated does (127 of 151 fetuses), and low levels were detected in 2 of 16 control does (no fetal exposure observed). In general, levels of fetal anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies were similar to those in the does, and pregnancy did not boost the immune response to BMP‐2. There were no effects of immunization or anti‐BMP‐2 antibody titer levels on embryo–fetal viability, fetal weight, or fetal external, visceral, or skeletal development. Only a small number of fetuses (n = 4) displayed detectable neutralizing anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies, but there were no treatment‐related effects in those fetuses. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of embryo–fetal effects may be due to dosage effects of neutralizing anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies, timing of exposure (stage and duration) to neutralizing anti‐BMP‐2 antibodies, and/or redundancy of effects of the various BMPs. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 92:543–552, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We previously proposed a model that DALLY, a Drosophila glypican, acts as a trans co-receptor to regulate BMP signaling in the germ line stem cell niche. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of contact-dependent BMP signaling, we developed novel in vitro assay systems to monitor trans signaling using Drosophila S2 cells. Using immunoblot-based as well as single-cell assay systems, we present evidence that Drosophila glypicans indeed enhance BMP signaling in trans in a contact-dependent manner in vitro. Our analysis showed that heparan sulfate modification is required for the trans co-receptor activity of DALLY. Two BMP-like molecules, Decapentaplegic (DPP) and Glass bottom boat, can mediate trans signaling through a heparan sulfate proteoglycan co-receptor in S2 cells. The in vitro systems reflect the molecular characteristics of heparan sulfate proteoglycan functions observed previously in vivo, such as ligand specificity and biphasic activity dependent on the ligand dosage. In addition, experiments using a DALLY-coated surface suggested that DALLY regulates DPP signaling in trans by its effect on the stability of DPP protein on the surface of the contacting cells. Our findings provide the molecular foundation for novel contact-dependent signaling, which defines the physical space of the stem cell niche in vivo.  相似文献   

Maintenance of the articular surface depends on the function of articular chondrocytes (ACs) which produce matrix and are constrained from undergoing the maturation program seen in growth plate chondrocytes. Only during pathologic conditions, such as in osteoarthritis, are maturational constraints lost causing recapitulation of the process that occurs during endochondral ossification. With the aim of establishing a model to identify regulatory mechanisms that suppress AC hypertrophy, we examined the capability of 5-azacytidine (Aza) to have an impact on the maturational program of these cells. Primary ACs do not spontaneously express markers of maturation and are refractory to treatment by factors that normally regulate chondrocyte maturation. However, following exposure to Aza, ACs (i) were induced to express type X collagen (colX), Indian hedgehog, and alkaline phosphatase and (ii) showed altered colX and AP expression in response to bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), and parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP). Since Aza unmasked responsiveness of ACs to BMP-2 and TGF-beta, we examined the effect of Aza treatment on signaling via these pathways by assessing the expression of the TGF-beta Smads (2 and 3), the BMP-2 Smads (1 and 5), and the Smad2 and 3-degrading ubiquitin E3 ligase Smurf2. Aza-treated ACs displayed less Smad2 and 3 and increased Smad1, 5, and Smurf2 protein and showed a loss of TGF-beta signaling on the P3TP-luciferase reporter. Suggesting that Aza-induction of Smurf2 may be responsible for the loss of Smad2 and 3 protein via this pathway, immunoprecipitation and metabolic labeling experiments confirmed that Aza accelerated the ubiquitination and degradation of these targets. Overall, Aza-treated ACs represent a novel model for the study of mechanisms that regulate maturational potential of articular cartilage, with the data suggesting that maturation of these cells may be due to up-regulation of Smad1 and 5 coupled with a Smurf2-dependent degradation of Smad2 and 3 and loss of TGF-beta signaling.  相似文献   

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