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Burkholderia comprises more than 60 species of environmental, clinical, and agro-biotechnological relevance. Previous phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA, recA, gyrB, rpoB, and acdS gene sequences as well as genome sequence comparisons of different Burkholderia species have revealed two major species clusters. In this study, we undertook a multilocus sequence analysis of 77 type and reference strains of Burkholderia using atpD, gltB, lepA, and recA genes in combination with the 16S rRNA gene sequence and employed maximum likelihood and neighbor-joining criteria to test this further. The phylogenetic analysis revealed, with high supporting values, distinct lineages within the genus Burkholderia. The two large groups were named A and B, whereas the B. rhizoxinica/B. endofungorum, and B. andropogonis groups consisted of two and one species, respectively. The group A encompasses several plant-associated and saprophytic bacterial species. The group B comprises the B. cepacia complex (opportunistic human pathogens), the B. pseudomallei subgroup, which includes both human and animal pathogens, and an assemblage of plant pathogenic species. The distinct lineages present in Burkholderia suggest that each group might represent a different genus. However, it will be necessary to analyze the full set of Burkholderia species and explore whether enough phenotypic features exist among the different clusters to propose that these groups should be considered separate genera.  相似文献   

12株酵母菌的亲缘关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克隆了9株假线酵母和1株克鲁维酵母的25SrDNA片段,测定其5′端部分苷酸序列与报道的Candidaalbicans及Saccharomycescerevisiae25SrDNA相应区域的核苷酸序列比较,采用neighbor-joining和boot-strap法分析并绘制系统树,结果提示CandidakefyrCBS834与Kluyveromyces cicerisporusCBS4857亲缘  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - Fungi of the genus Fusarium are well known as major plant pathogens but also cause a broad spectrum of human infections. Sixty-three clinical isolates, collected during...  相似文献   

对六种灵猫科物种线粒体12 S rRNA基因及其中四种的Cytb基因部分序列进行了测定,并从Gen-Bank获得斑林狸(Prionodon pardicolor)、熊狸(Arctictis binturong)的Cytb基因同源序列。两基因整合序列比对后长755 bp,12 S rRNA基因序列中有70个变异位点,31个简约信息位点,在Cytb基因序列中,共有120个位点呈现变异,60个简约信息位点,Cytb基因的碱基变异百分比高于12 S rRNA基因的碱基变异百分比。使用邻接法(NJ)、最大似然法(ML)重建的分子系统树显示:斑林狸从灵猫亚科中分离出来,支持灵猫亚科的多系起源,而且斑林狸可能是中国起源最早且最特化的灵猫科动物。另外,同属于灵猫亚科的大灵猫(Viverra zibe-tha)、小灵猫(Viverricula indica)聚为一支,同属于棕榈狸亚科的果子狸(Viverricula indica)、熊狸聚为姐妹群,这些与传统形态学分类观点一致。  相似文献   

本实验对影响SRAP-PCR体系中的Mg2+、dNTPs和引物浓度等因子进行了体系优化,建立了一套适合白簕SRAP检测的25μL反应体系:1.5mmol/LMg2+,1.5mmol/LdNTPs,1μmol/L引物,10ng模板DNA,1.5UTaqDNA聚合酶;进一步以白梗簕菜为模板,利用优化的体系进行多态性标记引物组合分析,共筛选出17对引物;利用这些引物对7个白簕品种进行SRAP遗传多样性分析,共扩增出461条谱带。其中多态性谱带155条,多态性谱带比率为33.6%,白簕品种间的相似系数为0.7077~0.9474。经UPGMA聚类分析结果显示,所检测的7个白簕品种分为两大类,其中亲缘关系较近的青梗簕菜和细叶密刺簕菜聚成了一组;而其余的4个种,包括白梗簕菜、细叶小刺簕菜、紫柄簕菜、大叶大刺簕菜和红梗簕菜,聚成另一组。  相似文献   

淡水刚毛藻目一新组合种及其系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者于2012-2014年先后在湖北省采集到4株刚毛藻目的丝状绿藻。经鉴定,其形态特征和莫拉瓦刚毛藻Cladophora moravica Gardavsk(1986)非常相似;但相较于刚毛藻属各个种的形态,4株藻体更接近黑孢藻科的分类特征。基于SSU和LSU rDNA序列构建的系统发育树显示,4株刚毛藻目的丝状绿藻均属于黑孢藻科拟湖球藻属(Aegagropilopsis)。据此,作者建议将该种名称作为一个新组合处理,即莫拉瓦拟湖球藻Aegagropilopsis moravica(Dvoˇrák)Zhao et Liu com.nov。拟湖球藻属仅含有3个种:莫拉瓦拟湖球藻、硬枝拟湖球藻和棒状拟湖球藻,其形态特征与湖球藻相近且易混淆,故采用核基因组序列分析方法区分二者是非常有效的。  相似文献   

Menthol is an organic compound with diverse medicinal and commercial applications, and is made either synthetically or through extraction from mint oils. The aim of the present study was to investigate menthol levels in selected menthol-producing species belonging to the Lamiaceae family, and to determine phylogenetic relationships of menthol dehydrogenase gene sequence among these species. Three genus of Lamiaceae, namely Mentha, Salvia, and Micromeria, were selected for phytochemical and phylogenetic analyses. After identification of each species based on menthol dehydrogenase gene in NCBI, BLAST software was used for the sequence alignment. MEGA4 software was used to draw phylogenetic tree for various species. Phytochemical analysis revealed that the highest and lowest amounts of both essential oil and menthol belonged to Mentha spicata and Micromeria hyssopifolia, respectively. The species Mentha spicata and Mentha piperita, which were assigned to one cluster in the dendrogram, contained the highest amounts of essential oil and menthol while Micromeria species, which was in the distinct cluster and placed in the farther evolutionary distance, contained the lowest amount of essential oil and menthol. Phylogenetic and phytochemistry analyses showed that essential oil and menthol contents of menthol-producing species are associated with menthol dehydrogenase gene sequence.  相似文献   

Summary As the genusHansenula is at present constituted,H. fabianii appears to be the first species of its phylogenetic line to have become independent of trees and bark beetles. It is also the last species of its line to occur in nature with the haploid, or basic, number of chromosomes. So near is it to the diploid level of evolution that a sporulation medium rich in malt extract favors the development of diploid vegetative cells in the period between conjugation of opposite sexes and the onset of sporulation. The diploid form is easily isolated from the mixture and, as long as sporulation is prevented, may be kept in pure state. Media that favor vegetative development of the species favor its occurrence as haploid vegetative cell.H. fabianii is most closely related toHansenula subpelliculosaBedford, which occurs in nature as the diploid form. Both species have been isolated almost exclusively as contaminants of fermentations, and both have been used industrially in Oriental fermentations to make alcoholic beverages or foods.This is a laboratory of the Northern Utilization Research and Development Division, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of rice blast have been a threat to the global production of rice. Members of the Magnaporthe grisea species complex cause blast disease on a wide range of gramineous hosts, including cultivated rice and other grass species. Recently, based on phylogenetic analyses and mating tests, isolates from crabgrass were separated from the species complex and named M. grisea. Then other isolates from grasses including rice were named as M. oryzae. Here, we collected 103 isolates from 11 different species of grasses in Korea and analyzed their phylogenetic relationships and pathogenicity. Phylogenetic analyses of multilocus sequences and DNA fingerprinting revealed that the haplotypes of most isolates were associated with their hosts. However, six isolates had different haplotypes from the expectation, suggesting potential host shift in nature. Results of pathogenicity tests demonstrated that 42 isolates from crabgrass and 19 isolates from rice and other grasses showed cross-infectivity on rice and crabgrass, respectively. Interestingly, we also found that the isolates from rice had a distinct deletion in the calmodulin that can be used as a probe.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the evolutionary history of the morphologically recognized filamentous ascomycete Neurospora tetrasperma, and to reveal the genetic and reproductive relationships among its individuals and populations. We applied both phylogenetic and biological species recognition to a collection of strains representing the geographic and genetic diversity of N. tetrasperma. First, we were able to confirm a monophyletic origin of N. tetrasperma. Furthermore, we found nine phylogenetic species within the morphospecies. When using the traditional broad biological species recognition all investigated strains of N. tetrasperma constituted a single biological species. In contrast, when using a quantitative measurement of the reproductive success, incorporating characters such as viability and fertility of offspring, we found a high congruence between the phylogenetic and biological species recognition. Taken together, phylogenetically and biologically defined groups of individuals exist in N. tetrasperma, and these should be taken into account in future studies of its life history traits.  相似文献   

应用ACGM标记分析禾本科几个物种间的系统发生关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢泳全  叶子弘  吴为人 《遗传学报》2006,33(12):1127-1131
为了验证水稻基因组数据的通用性,利用ACGM标记分析了禾本科几个不同种属植物的亲缘关系。选用10份材料,它们分别代表禾本科的5个属(Oryza,Zea, Setaria ,Triticum,和Phyllostachys)。根据遗传距离建立了一个聚类树。这5个属的亲缘关系可以简单地表示为:((Oryza+(Zea+Setaria))+Triticum)+Phyllostachys。研究结果表明,水稻与玉米或水稻与粟之间的遗传距离比水稻和小麦或水稻与竹子之间的遗传距离近。  相似文献   

The arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction(AP-PCR) technique was applied to the analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among species of Chinese Sagittaria except S. natans which is not included in this study. One hundred and twenty-seven polymorphism DNA fragments were generated by ten arbitrarily primers and used to calculate the genetic distance. A phylogenetic dendrogram was constructed based on genetic distance by UP-GMA method. The results show that Chinese Sagittaria can be divided into three groups, which are composed of seven species and three varieties or forms except S. natans. Thethree groups are: group I ,with only one species S. guayanensis; group Ⅱ ,composed of S. tengtsungensis, S. wuyiensis, S. lichuanensis and Segittaria sp.; group Ⅲ, S. potamogetifolia, S. pygmaea, S. trifolia var. trifolia, S. trifolia var. sinensis, S. trifolia f. longiloba. Results of the present study are congruent with those based on morphologi-cal and karyotypical ones.  相似文献   

利用CoI基因序列对雀科鸟类的分子系统发育关系初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于线粒体DNA(mtDNA)中Col基因的部分序列(1300bp)对雀形目雀科(Fringillidae)36种鸟类进行系统发育分析.对数据集构建NJ树、Baycs树和ML树.对建树结果进行分析,发现铁爪鸦(Calcarius lapponicus)与鸦属(Emberiza)鸟类的亲缘关系比其他雀科的鸟类更近;支持蓝鹀(Latoucheornis siemsseni)隶属于鹀属的观点:证实了黄颈拟蜡嘴雀(Mycerobas affinis)与黑尾蜡嘴雀(Eophona migratorius)之间紧密的亲缘关系;发现长尾雀(Uragus sibiricus)和朱鸦(Urocynchramus pylzowi)之间亲缘关系很远,而与朱雀属(Carpodacus)有较近的亲缘关系:结果支持雀类与鸦类的亚科级分类水平.  相似文献   

3种杓兰属植物菌根真菌系统发育和多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兰科植物菌根真菌(Orchid mycorrhizal fungi, OrMF)在兰科植物种子萌发和后续生长发育过程中具有重要作用。该研究采用培养(菌丝团分离)和非培养(克隆文库)2种方法获得同一栖息地3种不同杓兰属植物根中菌根真菌ITS序列并划分可操作分类单元(Operational taxonomic units, OTUs),分析其系统发育关系和多样性。结果表明:(1)所有根段中都有菌丝团定植,共分离出菌根真菌64株,其中63株为胶膜菌科(Tulasnellaceae)真菌,1株为角担菌科(Ceratobasidiaceae)真菌;可划分为7个OUT,每个OTU代表菌株的菌丝都能形成OrMF典型的近球形或椭球形链状排列的念珠状细胞;分离出来的菌根真菌均为无性型菌丝且不产生无性孢子。(2) 非培养法得到的3种杓兰属植物的根中OrMF分别隶属于胶膜菌科(Tulasnellaceae),腊壳菌科(Sebacinaceae)、角担菌科(Ceratobasidiaceae)和革菌科(Thelephoraceae),其中胶膜菌科OTU在种类和数量上占有绝对优势,培养和非培养2种方法得到的OrMF OTU类型和数量均为西藏杓兰(Cypripedium tibeticum)>无苞杓兰(C. flavum)>黄花杓兰(C. bardolphianum),但培养法少于非培养法。(3)对胶膜菌进行系统发育分析显示,优势和非优势OTU均分布在系统发育树的3个不同分支上,这种与多种亲缘关系较远的OrMF共生的现象可能与杓兰属植物对环境的适应性有关,且不同杓兰的OrMF物种丰富度没有显著差异,但群落结构存在差异。  相似文献   

为了解我国常用桉树树种的亲缘关系,利用扫描电镜观察7种桉属(Eucalyptus)树种的花粉形态。结果表明,粗皮桉(E.pellita)、窿缘桉(E. exserta)的7个花粉性状大多处于前2位,其中粗皮桉花粉的赤道面长、宽和面积最大,分别为17.522、17.090μm和300.830μm~2,而窿缘桉花粉的萌发沟长、宽和大小最大,分别为6.576、0.720μm和4.718μm~2;赤桉(E. camaldulensis)花粉的赤道面最小,韦塔桉(E.wetarensis)花粉的萌发沟最小。聚类分析表明,在信息保留87.5%时,7树种可以分为3组,粗皮桉和窿缘桉聚在一组,韦塔桉和巨桉(E. grandis)聚在一组,其余聚在一组。粗皮桉、窿缘桉的花粉外壁纹饰较光滑,细叶桉(E. tereticornis)和赤桉属常规,尾叶桉(E. urophylla)、韦塔桉和巨桉较粗糙。从花粉形态分析,粗皮桉和窿缘桉的亲缘关系较近,韦塔桉、尾叶桉的亲缘关系较远,细叶桉、赤桉和巨桉的亲缘关系与传统分类结果一致。因此,7种桉树花粉形态反映了一些新的亲缘关系,对桉树的杂交育种有指导意义。  相似文献   



Although Cryptococcus laurentii has been considered saprophytic and its taxonomy is still being described, several cases of human infections have already reported. This study aimed to evaluate molecular aspects of C. laurentii isolates from Brazil, Botswana, Canada, and the United States.


In this study, 100 phenotypically identified C. laurentii isolates were evaluated by sequencing the 18S nuclear ribosomal small subunit rRNA gene (18S-SSU), D1/D2 region of 28S nuclear ribosomal large subunit rRNA gene (28S-LSU), and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the ribosomal region.


BLAST searches using 550-bp, 650-bp, and 550-bp sequenced amplicons obtained from the 18S-SSU, 28S-LSU, and the ITS region led to the identification of 75 C. laurentii strains that shared 99–100% identity with C. laurentii CBS 139. A total of nine isolates shared 99% identity with both Bullera sp. VY-68 and C. laurentii RY1. One isolate shared 99% identity with Cryptococcus rajasthanensis CBS 10406, and eight isolates shared 100% identity with Cryptococcus sp. APSS 862 according to the 28S-LSU and ITS regions and designated as Cryptococcus aspenensis sp. nov. (CBS 13867). While 16 isolates shared 99% identity with Cryptococcus flavescens CBS 942 according to the 18S-SSU sequence, only six were confirmed using the 28S-LSU and ITS region sequences. The remaining 10 shared 99% identity with Cryptococcus terrestris CBS 10810, which was recently described in Brazil. Through concatenated sequence analyses, seven sequence types in C. laurentii, three in C. flavescens, one in C. terrestris, and one in the C. aspenensis sp. nov. were identified.


Sequencing permitted the characterization of 75% of the environmental C. laurentii isolates from different geographical areas and the identification of seven haplotypes of this species. Among sequenced regions, the increased variability of the ITS region in comparison to the 18S-SSU and 28S-LSU regions reinforces its applicability as a DNA barcode.  相似文献   

贵州3种车前草的随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)亲缘关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对贵州车前草的3个种进行了分析,建立了它们的指纹图谱.从60个随机引物中筛选出的9个引物共产生94条DNA片段,大小分布在0.1~0.2kb之间,其中71个条带具有遗传多态性,约占总数的75.53%.平均每个引物扩增的DNA带数为10.44条.应用NTSYSpc软件进行聚类,将聚类结果转化为3种车前草之间的遗传关系树形图.结果显示,车前和平车前首先聚类,其Dice相似性系数为0.76,在三者中它们的亲缘关系较近;而大车前与它们的遗传相似性系数为0.56,亲缘关系较远.  相似文献   

分别对棕榈科11种省藤属植物的基因组总DNA进行EcoRⅠ+TaqⅠ与EcoRⅠ+PstⅠ限制性双酶切,采用AFLP标记技术分析其亲缘关系.用12对引物对11种棕榈藤的30个代表植株进行选择性扩增,共得到扩增谱带998条,其中多态条带981条,多态性带达98.3%.用MEGA 4.0软件中p-distance计算结果显示,11种棕榈藤30份样本间的遗传距离在0.050~0.391之间,平均为0.297;当遗传距离为0.15时,11种棕榈藤可聚为4个组;第Ⅰ组包括直立省藤、滇南省藤、杖藤、小省藤、勐腊鞭藤、长鞭藤、褐鞘省藤共7个种,第Ⅱ组仅有云南省藤1个种,第Ⅲ组由宽刺藤和泽生藤2个种构成,第Ⅳ组仅含省藤一种,可能为新种.AFLP检测结果表明,以形态特征为依据所划分的鞭轴亚属(Rhachicirrus)植物单独聚为一类;而原始省藤亚属(Protocalamus)和省藤亚属(Calamus)两个亚属的物种在整个聚类图上互相交叉渗透,各亚属植物未能独立成组;省藤亚属植物种之间遗传分化程度较高.因此,省藤属植物之间的亲缘关系和分亚属的标准、依据还需更深入地研究.  相似文献   

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