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Summary The angioarchitecture of the superficial vascular hyaloid system (membrana vasculosa retinae) of the frog eye was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. The terminal vessels form a single-layered sheath intimately adjacent to the vitreal side of the avascular retina. The hyaloid system is subdivided by the ventral venous trunk into three central areas: the dorsal, the temporo-ventral, and the naso-ventral area. Toward the ora serrata, the hyaloid system is bordered by an arterial ring, and by nasal and temporal venous branches forming more or less complete hemicircles. A vascular zone composed of several tongue-like sectors establishes an inter-connection between the peripheral vascular rings and the central areas of the fundus. The arterial blood is supplied from the arterial ring. The drainage of the hyaloid system is provided via two routes: (1) the Y-shaped ventral trunk collects blood from the central areas, (2) the two peripheral venous branches drain the tongue-like sectors. The vessels within the dorsal area follow preferentially a dorso-ventral meridional direction. This densely capillarized territory corresponds in localization to the area centralis retinae. The ultrastructure of microvessels of the hyaloid system is characterized by features typical for capillaries of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Vascular corrosion casts of the thymus of adult individuals of the European common frog, Rana temporaria, were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. The main arterial vessel, which is derived either from the temporal artery or from the auricular ramus, approaches the central territory of the gland and branches into twigs that, on penetrating the parenchyma, give rise to capillaries. Most of these capillaries run vertically towards the surface of the gland; they either join the superficial capillary plexus or follow this plexus for a variable distance and then run back towards the medulla, forming capillary loops. The former capillaries link with the extensive venous plexus composed of irregular meshes, whereas the latter capillaries join the venules at the cortico-medullary boundary and finally escape into collecting veins on the gland surface. The venous twigs, which join together near the gland, form the main thymic vein, which empties into the external jugular vein. The details of the thymic vasculature of the anuran amphibian, R. temporaria, are compared with those described in mammalian species, viz. the mouse, rat and guinea pig.  相似文献   

Summary The surface specializations of the wall of the third cerebral ventricle of Rana temporaria were investigated with the scanning electron microscope. These specializations can be divided into three types: cilia, large bulbous protrusions, and microvillus-like protrusions.Most parts of the ventricular surface are densely ciliated. In contrast, other regions are either scantily ciliated or devoid of cilia. Four areas of the ventricular surface are studded with numerous large bulbous protrusions. These large protrusions can be divided into two types: One type consists of intraventricular end bulbs of dendrites of secretory neurons. The other type is represented by large cytoplasmic extensions of ependymal cells.In the third ventricle of Rana, microvillus-like surface specializations of ependymal cells are ubiquitous structures. Generally, filiform protrusions of varying length are the predominant type. The microvillus-like specializations are transient structures, the number of which varies according to different physiological states of the ependymal cells.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der Methode zur fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Lokalisation von Catechol- und Tryptaminen wurde die Verteilung dieser Stoffe im ZNS von Rana esculenta untersucht. Catecholamin- und serotoninhaltige Neurone liegen im Nucleus reticularis mesencephali. Außerdem finden sich catecholaminhaltige Nervenzellen im Organon vasculosum hypothalami und in der Area praeoptica. Diese aminproduzierenden Zellen entsenden Zellfortsätze durch die Ependymschicht in den Ventrikel. Über diese Ausläufer erfolgt möglicherweise eine Sekretion biogener Amine in den Liquor cerebrospinalis. Catecholamin- und serotoninhaltige Axone erreichen voneinander verschiedene Kerngebiete und Areale. Neben dem periventrikulären Zellager im Tuber cinereum und in der Area praeoptica werden vor allem der ventrolaterale Teil des lateralen Septumkerns, Striatum ventrale und Epistriatum von Endstrecken catecholaminhaltiger Axone durchdrungen. Serotoninhaltige Varicositäten finden sich dagegen vor allem in Kerngebieten, die in sensorische Bahnen eingeschaltet sind (Nucleus isthmi, corpus geniculatum laterale, Area praetectalis, Tectum opticum, Thalamus dorsalis, Neostriatum). Weitere Ausbreitungsgebiete 5-Hydroxytryptamin-haltiger Fasern sind die Habenula und der Nucleus interpeduncularis, Kerngebiete, über die Erregungen aus dem limbischen System auf vegetative Zentren der Medulla oblongata geleitet werden.
Biogenic amines in the brain of the frog (Rana esculenta)
Summary The distribution of biogenic amines in the central nervous system of Rana esculenta was investigated by means of the fluorescence-microscopical detection of catecholand tryptamines. The nucleus reticularis mesencephali was found to contain numerous neurones rich in catechol- and tryptamines. Apart from this nucleus nerve cells in the organon vasculosum hypothalami and in the area praeoptica were found to contain catecholamines. The clublike processes of these neurones penetrate the ependymal layer and extend into the ventricle. These structures are presumably responsible for a secretion of biogenic amines into the cerebrospinal fluid. Catecholamine- and serotonin-containing axons terminate on different nuclei and areas. Besides the periventricular cellular layer of the tuber cinereum and the area praeoptica, the pars ventrolateralis of the nucleus septalis lateralis, striatum ventrale and epistriatum are pervaded by terminals of catecholamine-containing neurons. Serotonincontaining varicosities are mainly to be found in nuclei, which are intercalated in sensory pathways (nucleus isthmi, corpus geniculatum laterale, area praetectalis, tectum opticum, thalamus dorsalis, neostriatum). Further areas of distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine-fibers are the habenula and the nucleus interpeduncularis, nuclei which coordinate impulses from the limbic system projecting them on visceral centers of the medulla oblongata.
Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary In the pars distalis, the pars intermedia and the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis of Rana temporaria, an annual mitotic cycle is described.In the pars distalis there exists a gradient of mitotic activity, corresponding to a gradient of distribution of the PAS positive cells.In the pars distalis, the rate of cell degeneration and of cell renewal of the PAS positive cells seems to be faster than of the orange G positive cells.The replacement of degenerated PAS positive cells of the pars distalis seems to occur mainly during the months immediately following on the period of maximal activity of the PAS positive cells.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Endothelzellen der Wirbeltiere enthalten spezifische Organellen, deren Funktion unbekannt ist. Diese Organellen werden beim Frosch (Rana temporaria) nach unterschiedlichen Fixierungen elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Die Organellen sind walzenförmig mit mannigfachen Abweichungen, bis zu 2 lang und 0,1 bis 0,5 dick. Ihre oft unterbrochene Außenmembran ist dicker als zytoplasmatische Membranen. Das Innere der Organellen besteht aus Tubuli, die in eine elektronendichte Matrix eingebettet sind. Die Dichte dieser Matrix zeigt deutliche Abstufungen. Die Tubuli sind möglicherweise aus einer spiralförmigen Molekülkette aufgebaut. Das Verteilungsmuster der Organellen wird mit stereologischen Methoden untersucht. Die größte Volumendichte weisen die Aortae thoracicae mit 8% auf. Die Volumendichte der Organellen im Zytoplasma der Endothelzellen scheint mehr von der Entfernung der betreffenden Gefäßstrecke zum Herzen abzuhängen als von der Gefäßgröße. Es werden Verbindungen der Organellen zu zytoplasmatischen Membransystemen aufgezeigt. Auf Besonderheiten des Endothels, darunter Aggregationen von Ribosomen, wird hingewiesen.
Electron microscopic studies on specific organelles of endothelial cells in the frog (Rana temporaria)
Summary Endothelial cells of vertebrates contain specific organelles of unknown function. These organelles are studied by electron microscopy with different fixations. The organelles are rod-shaped with many variations, up to 2 in length and 0.1 to 0.5 in thickness. Their outer membrane, which is often discontinuous, is thicker than cytoplasmic membranes. The density of the matrix shows distinct gradations. The organelles contain tubules, possibly built up by a spiral molecular chain. The distribution of the organelles is investigated with stereological methods. Their volume density in endothelial cell cytoplasm appears to depend more on the distance from the heart than on vessel size, the thoracic aortae showing the highest organellae content of 8%. Connections between organelles and cytoplasmic membranes are demonstrated. Particularities of endothelium, among them aggregations of ribosomes, are pointed out.
Herrn Prof. Dr. med. F. Hammersen und Fräulein Dr. med. M. Lewerenz danke ich herzlich für Anregungen, Unterstützung und Kritik. Die Arbeit entstand während eines vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst dankenswerterweise gewährten Stipendiums; sie wurde unterstützt vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Kredit-Nr. 3952.  相似文献   

Summary A characteristic structure in the apical junctional belt of the olfactory epithelium in Rana temporaria is visible in freeze-fracture preparations. This structure is described as a funnel with channel across the junctional belt. It is supposed to represent a possible way for discarding used molecules after stimulation, and to allow the stimulation of free nerve endings in the depth of olfactory epithelia.I wish to thank Prof. C.F. Bardele and Mr. H. Schoppmann for their kind support and technical help  相似文献   

Summary The optic tracts and centres of optic terminals of Rana temporaria have been investigated with silver impregnation techniques after unilaterally cutting the optic nerve and autoradiographically after injection of a mixture of tritiated amino acids into the vitreous body of the left eye.The observations on the course of the optic tracts and on the optic terminals in the thalamus and optic tectum are to a great extent in agreement with those of other authors. The probability of a retino-preoptic pathway is supported by the detection of fibres running in dorsal direction in front of the place where the optic nerve penetrates the brain. In horizontal sections these fibres can be seen deviating from the optic tract, covering a short distance in frontal direction and then turning upward under an angle of about 90 degrees. They disappear between the ventral aldehyde-fuchsin positive cells of the preoptic nucleus. The ventral and median parts of the ipsilateral preoptic nucleus contain fragments of degenerated fibres.Autoradiographic data are also in favour of the presence of an ipsilateral retino-preoptic tract. After carefully counting the number of grains over left and right preoptic nucleus, it appeared that over the ventral and median parts of the left preoptic nucleus more grains occur than over the identical areas of the right one.It is a pleasure to acknowledge Prof. Dr. J. C. van de Kamer and Dr. F. C. G. van de Veerdonk for their helpful encouragement and constructive suggestions, Dr. L. Boomgaart for checking and amending the English writing. Thanks are also due to Miss Ans de Groot and Miss Thera Verstappen for their technical assistance and to the staff of the photographic department for making the illustrations.  相似文献   

Summary In the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis of Rana temporaria, which shows the ultrastructural characteristics of a polypeptide hormone secreting endocrine gland, seasonal changes of the ultrastructure are described. In accordance with the literature, these seasonal changes of ultrastructure are interpreted as the morphological expression of seasonal changes of endocrine activity of the pars tuberalis.  相似文献   

Summary The median eminence (ME) of the adult frog, Rana temporaria, was studied by means of electron microscopy including quantitative electron-microscopic autoradiography. In frogs captured in May and June numerous peptidergic neurosecretory fibres extending via the internal zone to the pars nervosa display large swellings containing few granules, mitochondria, neurotubules and cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, few secretory globules up to 1.5 m in diameter occur in these varicosities. In animals collected during the autumn period many of these neurosecretory swellings filled with neurosecretory granules and polymorphic inclusions resemble Herring bodies. Three types of granule-containing neurosecretory fibres were observed in the external zone (EZ) of the ME of adult R. temporaria. Peptidergic A1- and A2-type fibres are characterized by granules 150–220 nm and 100–160 nm in diameter, respectively. Monoaminergic fibres of type B with granules approximately 100 nm in diameter represent 50% of all neurosecretory elements in the EZ of the frog ME; 12% of the total number of granule-bearing axons in the EZ actively taking up radiolabelled 5-hydroxytryptophan are thought to be serotoninergic terminals. Neurosecretory terminals of all types and glial vascular endfeet establish direct contacts with the perivascular space of the primary portal capillaries. Some neurosecretory terminals are separated from the lumen of the third ventricle by a thin cytoplasmic lamella of tanycytes. The possible physiological significance of this structural pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of a long daily photoperiod and continuous darkness was studied on the hypothalamo-hypophysial system of Rana temporaria. After six weeks of treatment (December-January 1968/1969) the secretory activity of the hypothalamo-hypophysial system of the light-treated animals was enhanced.The amount of aldehyde-fuchsin positive material in the preoptic nucleus increased as a result of the light treatment, and decreased in the median eminence, whereas in the posterior lobe no difference could be observed between the light- and dark-treated animals.The karyometric results showed an increase of the nuclear volume of the cells of the preoptic nucleus after light treatment; small differences were noticed between distinct areas of the preoptic nucleus.Autoradiographic data especially showed that light influenced the hypothalamo-hypophysial system to a high degree. Half an hour after the injection of 35S-cysteine, the incorporation of the isotope in the preoptic nucleus of the light-treated animals was five times as much as in the dark-treated animals. In the median eminence and in the posterior lobe, the autoradiographic results confirmed the results found with regard to the amount of aldehyde-fuchsin positive material. Labelled material is released only from the median eminence and not from the posterior lobe.The author is indebted to Prof. Dr. J. C. van de Kamer and Dr. F. C. G. van de Veerdonk for their interest and helpful encouragement. Thanks are also due to Ir. J. J. Bezem for his assistance in solving the statistical problems and to Mr. H. van Kooten and his staff for making the illustrations. The co-operation of the student Mr. E. Schenk is gratefully acknowledged. Dr. L. Boomgaart was so kind to check and amend the English writing.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of Methallibure on the gonadotropic stimulation of the regressed gonads and secondary sex characters of the pars distalis-ectomized adult green frog, Rana esculenta, were studied. Regression of the gametogenetic activity and reduction of oviducts and thumb pads are the eventual consequences of the removal of pars distalis. Homoplastic pars distalis homogenates restimulate the gametogenesis and regressed secondary sex characters due to their gonadotropic hormone contents. Methallibure in this case blocks the stimulation of these organs by homoplastic pars distalis, which indicates that this compound inhibits the action of gonadotropic hormones upon their target tissues.Work supported by the Population Council (Grants M70.082 C & M71.0132 C) of New York, and National Research Council of Italy.  相似文献   

Jan Ryser 《Oecologia》1989,78(2):264-268
Summary The consequences of reproduction for body weight, growth and survival were studied in a Swiss population of the explosive breeder, Rana temporaria. Males and females continuously loss weight in the range of 0.5% of total body weight per day from the breeding migration throughout May. Females also lost about 33% (1983) and 29% (1984) due to spawning. In addition to this significant year-to-year variation, there was also considerable individual variation in reproductive output. Skeletochronological techniques indicated that breeding male or female frogs experienced a growth reduction of several millimeters relative to non-breeding frogs of the same body size. There was no relationship between an individual female's reproductive output in consecutive years or with her subsequent growth or survival. It was concluded that weight loss is caused by a seasonally elevated metabolism in combination with a lack of feeding and represents a basic energetic cost of reproduction, resulting in lowered growth. Individual variation in relative reproductive output is mostly environmentally induced and is not an expression of different reproductive strategies. This may explain the lack of trade-offs that are predicted by the cost-of-reproduction-hypothesis.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vorkommen und Verteilung biogener Amine im Gehirn von Rana temporaria-Kaulquappen wurden fluoreszenzmikroskopisch untersucht. Catecholaminhaltige Perikaryen erscheinen ab Stadium 20 im Nucleus reticularis mesencephali, im Tuber cinereum und im Bulbus olfactorius, ab Stadium 22 in den Flügelplatten der Medulla oblongata und in der Area praeoptica. Ab Entwicklungsstufe 20 zeigen sich ventrolateral in Medulla oblongata und Mittelhirn, lateral vom Organon vasculosum hypothalami, im Bereich des medialen Vorderhirnbündels und im Striatum catecholaminhaltige Faseranschwellungen, ab Stadium 22 außerdem in der Eminentia mediana und dem Hypophysenzwischenlappen, in der Commissura transversa (bis zur Stufe 26), in der Commissura anterior (bis zur Stufe 26) und in der Pars ventrolateralis nuclei lateralis septi. Im Striatum ist von dieser Entwicklungsstufe an ein zweites Areal mit grün fluoreszierenden Varikositäten nachweisbar. Ab Stadium 26 finden sich auch in der Pars dorsolateralis des lateralen Septumkerns catecholaminhaltige Faseranschwellungen.Ab Entwicklungsstufe 22 sind 5-HT-haltige, gelb fluoreszierende Perikaryen im Nucleus raphes und in seiner Umgebung zu beobachten, gelb fluoreszierende Varikositäten im Nucleus interpeduncularis und zwischen medialem und lateralem Septumkern.
Ontogeny of the amine-containing nerve cell systems in the brain of Rana temporaria
Summary The occurrence and distribution of biogenic amines in the brain of Rana temporaria tadpoles have been investigated with the fluorescence-microscope. From the embryonic developmental stage 20 onwards catecholamine-containing cell bodies are shown to be present in the nucleus reticularis mesencephali, the tuber cinereum and the olfactory bulb, and from stage 22 onwards also within the dorsolateral areas of the medulla oblongata and within the preoptic area. Catecholamine-containing enlargements of nerve fibres occur in the ventrolateral parts of the medulla oblongata and the midbrain, in an area lateral to the hypothalamic organon vasculosum, within the region of the medial forebrain bundle and within the striatum, in all stages following stage 20. These enlargements also occur in the median eminence and the pars intermedia of the hypophysis, in the commissura transversa (up to stage 26), in the commissura anterior (also up to stage 26) and in the pars ventrolateralis nuclei lateralis septi in all stages after 22. From the same stage onwards a second area of green fluorescent varicosities can be demonstrated within the striatum. After stage 26 catecholamine-containing enlargements of nerve fibres additionally are to be found in the dorsolateral part of the lateral septal nucleus.After appearing at stage 22 5-HT-containing, yellow fluorescent perikarya are to be observed within the nucleus raphes and its neighbourhood, and yellow fluorescent varicosities in the interpeduncular nucleus and in an area between the medial and the lateral septal nucleus.
Herrn Professor Dr. med. W. Bargmann zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Summary Crystalline inclusions in parathyroid gland cell nuclei of Rana temporaria were studied by electron microscopy using a specimen tilting stage. Images were analysed by optical diffraction. Results were compared with X-ray and electron microscopic data of trigonal bovine liver catalase to which a striking resemblance of the inclusions was found.We are grateful to Professor R. Mosebach (Giessen) for discussions, to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for a grant (La 229/4) and instruments and to Messrs. Spindler & Hoyer, Göttingen and Messrs. Rank Precision Instruments, Nürnberg for putting apparatus at our disposal and performing diffraction photographs.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Plexusepithel von Rana temporaria L. enthält zwei verschiedene Typen von Lipidkugeln, die einen Durchmesser bis zu 8 erreichen können. Diese Einschlüsse haben keine Zytomembran. Die Struktur der Einschlußkörper wird mit Hinweisen auf die Fixierung und den Stoffwechsel diskutiert.
Lipid droplets in the epithelium of the choroid plexus of Rana temporaria L.
Summary The epithelium of the choroid plexus of Rana temporaria L. contains two different types of spherical lipid inclusions up to 8 in diameter. The droplets do not have a limiting membrane. The preservation and metabolism of the lipid bodies are discussed.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

We have studied the sound and vibration sensitivity of 164 amphibian papilla fibers in the VIIIth nerve of the grassfrog, Rana temporaria. The VIIIth nerve was exposed using a dorsal approach. The frogs were placed in a natural sitting posture and stimulated by free-field sound. Furthermore, the animals were stimulated with dorso-ventral vibrations, and the sound-induced vertical vibrations in the setup could be canceled by emitting vibrations in antiphase from the vibration exciter. All low-frequency fibers responded to both sound and vibration with sound thresholds from 23 dB SPL and vibration thresholds from 0.02 cm/s2. The sound and vibration sensitivity was compared for each fiber using the offset between the rate-level curves for sound and vibration stimulation as a measure of relative vibration sensitivity. When measured in this way relative vibration sensitivity decreases with frequency from 42 dB at 100 Hz to 25 dB at 400 Hz. Since sound thresholds decrease from 72 dB SPL at 100 Hz to 50 dB SPL at 400 Hz the decrease in relative vibration sensitivity reflects an increase in sound sensitivity with frequency, probably due to enhanced tympanic sensitivity at higher frequencies. In contrast, absolute vibration sensitivity is constant in most of the frequency range studied. Only small effects result from the cancellation of sound-induced vibrations. The reason for this probably is that the maximal induced vibrations in the present setup are 6–10 dB below the fibers' vibration threshold at the threshold for sound. However, these results are only valid for the present physical configuration of the setup and the high vibration-sensitivities of the fibers warrant caution whenever the auditory fibers are stimulated with free-field sound. Thus, the experiments suggest that the low-frequency sound sensitivity is not caused by sound-induced vertical vibrations. Instead, the low-frequency sound sensitivity is either tympanic or mediated through bone conduction or sound-induced pulsations of the lungs.Abbreviations AP amphibian papilla - BF best frequency - PST peristimulus time  相似文献   

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