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Dehydration and hyperthermia may impair gastricemptying (GE) during exercise; the effect of these alterations onintestinal water flux (WF) is unknown. Thus the purpose of this studywas to determine the effect of hypohydration (~2.7% body weight) on GE and WF of a water placebo (WP) during cycling exercise (85 min, 65%maximal oxygen uptake) in a cool environment (22°C) and to alsocompare GE and WF of three carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions (CES)while the subjects were hypohydrated. GE and WF were determined simultaneously by a nasogastric tube placed in the gastric antrum andvia a multilumen tube that spanned the duodenum and the first 25 cm ofjejunum. Hypohydration was attained 12-16 h before experiments bylow-intensity exercise in a hot (45°C), humid (relative humidity 50%) environment. Seven healthy subjects (age 26.7 ± 1.7 yr,maximal oxygen uptake 55.9 ± 8.2 ml · kg1 · min1)ingested either WP or a 6% (330 mosmol), 8% (400 mosmol), or a 9%(590 mosmol) CES the morning following hypohydration. For comparison,subjects ingested WP after a euhydration protocol. Solutions (~2.0liters total) were ingested as a large bolus (4.6 ml/kg body wt) 5 minbefore exercise and as small serial feedings (2.3 ml/kg body wt) every10 min of exercise. Average GE rates were not different amongconditions (P > 0.05). Mean(±SE) values for WF were also similar(P > 0.05) for the euhydration (15.3 ± 1.7 ml · cm1 · h1)and hypohydration (18.3 ± 2.6 ml · cm1 · h1)experiments. During exercise after hypohydration, waterabsorption was greater (P < 0.05)with ingestion of WP (18.3 ± 2.6) and the 6% CES (16.5 ± 3.7),compared with the 8% CES (6.9 ± 1.5) and the 9% CES (1.8 ± 1.7). Mean values for final core temperature (38.6 ± 0.1°C),heart rate (152 ± 1 beats/min), and change in plasma volume(5.7 ± 0.7%) were similar among experimental trials. Weconclude that 1) hypohydration to~3% body weight does not impair GE or fluid absorption duringmoderate exercise when ingesting WP, and2) hyperosmolality (>400 mosmol)reduced WF in the proximal intestine.


Gastric emptying is increased during running (50%-70% maximal aerobic uptake, VO2max) as compared to rest. Whether this increase varies as a function of mode (i.e. walking vs running) and intensity of treadmill exercise is unknown. To examine the gastric emptying characteristics of water during treadmill exercise performed over a wide range of intensities relative to resting conditions, 10 men ingested 400 ml of water prior to each of six 15 min exercise bouts or 15 min of seated rest. Three bouts of walking exercise (1.57 m.s-1) were performed at increasing grades eliciting approximately 28%, 41% or 56% of VO2max. On a separate day, three bouts of running (2.68 ms-1) exercise were performed at grades eliciting approximately 57%, 65% or 75% of VO2max. Gastric emptying was increased during treadmill exercise at all intensities excluding 75% VO2max as compared to rest. Gastric emptying was similar for all intensities during walking and at 57% and 65% VO2max during running. However, running at 74% VO2max decreased the volume of original drink emptied as compared to all lower exercise intensities. Stomach secretions were markedly less during running as compared to walking and rest. These data demonstrate that gastric emptying is similarly increased during both moderate intensity (approximately 28%-65% VO2max) walking or running exercise as compared to resting conditions. However, gastric emptying decreases during high intensity exercise. Increases in gastric emptying during moderate intensity treadmill exercise may be related to increases in intragastric pressure brought about by contractile activity of the abdominal muscles.  相似文献   

Four male subjects at a high level of physical fitness were put on a controlled diet 4 days prior to a 4-hr exposure in a hot room(49°C) in separate experiments at rest or with exercise on a treadmill and free or no access to drinking water.The experiments were repeated at 24°C.Each experiment was followed by a recovery period of 8 hr. The water intake during the heat exposure was roughly proportional to the work load. The rate of water consumption during the recovery period was independent of the level of hypohydration. Previously hypohydrated men took longer to regain their water debt than previously hydrated men.
Zusammenfassung Vier gut tränierte Personen wurden nach 4 Tagen Ernährung mit einer Kontrolldiät 4 Stunden in einer Klimakammer bei 49°C in Ruhe oder mit Belastung (Laufband)mit oder ohne Wasser zum Trinken exponiert.Die Werte wurden verglichen mit dem Verhalten der gleichen Personen bei 24°C. Den Exponierungsversuchen folgte eine Erholungsperiode von 8 Stunden bei 24°C. Die Wasserbedarf während der Hitzeexponierung war ungefähr proportional der körperlichen Leistung. Die Geschwindigkeit der Wasseraufnahme in der Erholungsphase war unabhängig von den Ausmass der Hypohydration. Die Auffüllung der Wasserschuld dauerte mehrere Stunden. Unabhängig von der Ausmass der Wasserschuld stieg die Wasseraufnahme während der Mahlzeiten an.

Resume Après avoir été mis durant 4 jours à une diète contrôlée, 4 personnes bien entraînées ont été placées dans une chambre climatisée. Ces personnes y restèrent durant 4 hr par 49°C avec ous sans eau à boire, soit au repos,soit en effectuant un effort (roue). On a alors comparé les résultats obtenus à ceux des mêmes personnes soumises aux mêmes épreuves, mais par 24°C. Les expositions au chaud furent suivies de périodes de repos de 8 hr par 24°C. Les besoins en eau furent, lors des essais, environ proportionnels à l'effort fourni. La rapidité avec laquelle l'eau fut absorbée pendant la phase de récupération fut indépendante du degré de déshydratation. La compensation du déficit hydrique dura plusieurs heures. Indépendemment de l'importance du déficit hydrique, on a constaté une augmentation de la consommation en eau durant les repas.

Armstrong, Lawrence E., Carl M. Maresh, Catherine V. Gabaree, Jay R. Hoffman, Stavros A. Kavouras, Robert W. Kenefick, JohnW. Castellani, and Lynn E. Ahlquist. Thermal and circulatory responses during exercise: effects of hypohydration, dehydration, andwater intake. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(6):2028-2035, 1997.This investigation examined the distinct andinteractive effects of initial hydration state, exercise-induceddehydration, and water rehydration in a hot environment. On fouroccasions, 10 men performed a 90-min heat stress test (treadmillwalking at 5.6 km/h, 5% grade, 33°C, 56% relative humidity).These heat stress tests differed in pretest hydration [2euhydrated (EU) and 2 hypohydrated (HY) trials] and water intakeduring exercise [2 water ad libitum (W) and 2 no water (NW)trials]. HY + NW indicated greater physiological strain than allother trials (P < 0.05-0.001)in heart rate, plasma osmolality(Posm), sweat sensitivity(g / °C · min), and rectal temperature.Unexpectedly, final HY + W and EU + W responses for rectal temperature,heart rate, and Posm were similar,despite the initial 3.9 ± 0.2% hypohydration in HY + W. Weconcluded that differences in pretestPosm (295 ± 7 and 287 ± 5 mosmol/kg for HY + W and EU + W, respectively) resulted in greaterwater consumption (1.65 and 0.31 liter for HY + W and EU + W,respectively), no voluntary dehydration (0.9% body mass increase), andattenuated thermal and circulatory strain during HY + W.


This study was designed to examine aspects of digestive function that may limit assimilation of water and oxidation of orally ingested carbohydrate (CHO) during exercise. Eight males completed a crossover study in which each cycled on four occasions for 80 min at 70% maximal O2 consumption. Beverage was consumed at 0, 20, 40, and 60 min. Beverages were water, 4.5% glucose (4.5G), 17% glucose (17G), and 17% maltodextrin (17MD). CHO beverages contained 20 meq/l NaCl and were 13C enriched to measure exogenous CHO oxidation. Gastric (beverage) volume was measured at 80 min. Water uptake was estimated by including 2H2O in the beverage and measuring 2H accumulation in blood. Jejunal perfusion tests were conducted at rest with the same subjects and beverages. In 60 min, 1,294 +/- 31 (SE) ml were ingested; at 80 min, volumes emptied with H2O (1,257 +/- 32 ml) and 4.5G (1,223 +/- 32 ml) were greater than with 17G (781 +/- 56 ml) and 17MD (864 +/- 71 ml; P less than 0.05). Total CHO oxidized was similar with all beverages, but there was a greater increase in exogenous CHO oxidation over time with 17G and 17MD than with 4.5G; 54, 19, and 18% of the CHO ingested with 4.5G, 17G, and 17MD, respectively, was oxidized. This represents 57, 32, and 27%, respectively, of the CHO emptied from the stomach. 2H accumulation in the blood was more rapid with H2O and 4.5G than with 17G or 17MD. Net jejunal water absorption was greater from 4.5G than from water. Net water absorption was also observed from 17MD, whereas net secretion was observed with 17G.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To determine the influence of a diuretic-induced reduction in plasma volume (PV) on substrate turnover and oxidation, 10 healthy young males were studied during 60 min of cycling exercise at 61% peak oxygen uptake on two separate occasions > or =1 wk apart. Exercise was performed under control conditions (CON; placebo), and after 4 days of diuretic administration (DIU; Novotriamazide; 100 mg triamterene and 50 mg hydrochlorothiazide). DIU resulted in a calculated reduction of PV by 14.6 +/- 3.3% (P < 0.05). Rates of glucose appearance (R(a)) and disappearance (R(d)) and glycerol R(a) were determined by using primed constant infusions of [6,6-(2)H]glucose and [(2)H(5)]glycerol, respectively. No differences in oxygen uptake during exercise were observed between trials. Main effects for condition (P < 0.05) were observed for plasma glucose and glycerol, such that the values observed for DIU were higher than for CON. No differences were observed in plasma lactate and serum free fatty acid concentrations either at rest or during exercise. Hypohydration led to lower (P < 0.05) glucose R(a) and R(d) at rest and at 15 and 30 min of exercise, but by 60 min, the effects were reversed (P < 0. 05). Hypohydration had no effect on rates of whole body lipolysis or total carbohydrate or fat oxidation. A main effect for condition (P < 0.05) was observed for plasma glucagon concentrations such that larger values were observed for DIU than for CON. A similar decline in plasma insulin occurred with exercise in both conditions. These results indicate that diuretic-induced reductions in PV decreases glucose kinetics during moderate-intensity dynamic exercise in the absence of changes in total carbohydrate and fat oxidation. The specific effect on glucose kinetics depends on the duration of the exercise.  相似文献   

To examine the role of a reduction in plasma volume (PV) on the cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses to submaximal exercise, ten untrained males (VO2 peak = 3.96 +/- 0.14 L x min(-1); mean +/- SE) performed 60 min of cycle exercise at -61% of VO2 peak while on a diuretic (DIU) and under control (CON) conditions. Participants consumed either Novotriamazide (100 mg triameterene + 50 mg hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic) or a placebo, in random order, for 4 days prior to the exercise. Diuretic resulted in a calculated 14.6% reduction (P < 0.05) in resting PV. Heart rate was higher (P < 0.05) at rest and throughout exercise for DIU compared with CON. No differences were observed for cardiac output (Qc) and stroke volume (SV) at rest for the two conditions, but during exercise both Qc and SV were lower (P < 0.05) with DIU. Exercise VO2 (L x min(-1)) for CON and DIU at 30 min (2.39 +/- 0.09 vs 2.43 +/- 0.08) and 60 min (2.56 +/- 0.08 vs 2.53 +/- 0.12) were similar between conditions. Whole body a-vO2 difference was significantly greater (P < 0.05) for DIU both at rest and during exercise as compared with CON. Rectal temperature (Tre) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) during DIU from 15 min to the end of exercise. Blood concentrations of norepinephrine were higher (P < 0.05) with DIU compared to CON at 15 min of exercise and beyond. For blood epinephrine, no differences were observed between DIU and CON. These results suggest that reductions in PV led to greater circulating concentrations of norepinephrine which likely resulted from increased cardiac and thermoregulatory stresses. In addition, reductions in PV do not appear to increase cardiovascular instability during prolonged dynamic exercise.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of graded hypohydration levels on thermoregulatory and blood responses during exercise in the heat. Eight heat-acclimated male subjects attempted four heat-stress tests (HSTs). One HST was attempted during euhydration, and three HSTs were attempted while the subjects were hypohydrated by 3, 5, and 7% of their body weight. Hypohydration was achieved by an exercise-heat regimen on the day prior to each HST. After 30 min of rest in a 20 degrees C antechamber the HST consisted of a 140-min exposure (4 repeats of 10 min rest and 25 min treadmill walking) in a hot-dry (49 degrees C, 20% relative humidity) environment. The following observations were made: 1) a low-to-moderate hypohydration level primarily reduced plasma volume with little effect on plasma osmolality, whereas a more severe hypohydration level resulted in no further plasma volume reduction but a large increment in plasma osmolality; 2) core temperature and heart rate responses increased with severity of hypohydration; 3) sweating rate responses for a given rectal temperature were systematically decreased with severity of hypohydration; and 4) the reduction in sweating rate was more strongly associated with plasma hyperosmolality than hypovolemia. In conclusion, an individual's thermal strain increases linearly with the severity of hypohydration during exercise in the heat, and plasma hyperosmolality influences the reduction in sweating more profoundly than hypovolemia.  相似文献   

Five women were studied during exercise and passive heating to determine whether PV dynamics were affected by the menstrual cycle. The exercise bout (80% VO2 peak) on a modified cycle ergometer and the passive heat stress were done in a hot environment (Ta = 50 degrees C, Pw = 1.61 kPa) during the follicular and luteal phase. Esophageal temperature (Tes) was measured continuously. Blood samples were drawn after each 0.2 degree C increase in Tes and VO2 was measured at that time. Initial PV was estimated at rest during the follicular phase. PV changes from rest were calculated at each Tes from Hb and Hct. During passive heating, PV decreased by a mean volume of 156 (+/- 80) ml to 2.83 (+/- 0.09) l in the follicular phase. During the luteal phase, there was a larger volume reduction (300 +/- 100 ml) during passive heating, and the final PV was lower than in the follicular phase and averaged 2.47 +/- 0.18 l. During exercise, PV decreased 463 (+/- 90) ml to 2.50 (+/- 0.11) l in the follicular and 381 (+/- 70) ml to 2.50 (+/- 0.23) l in the luteal phase. These data indicate that there is a menstrual cycle effect on PV dynamics during passive heating such that more fluid is shifted out of the vasculature during the luteal phase. During severe exercise there is a greater fluid loss during the follicular phase, yet the final PV is not different between phases.  相似文献   

Seven young (Y, 22-28 yr) and seven middle-aged (MA, 49-60 yr) normotensive men of similar body size, fatness, and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) were exposed to a heat challenge in an environmental chamber (48 degrees C, 15% relative humidity). Tests were performed in two hydration states: hydrated (H, 25 ml water/kg body wt 1 h before the test, 2.5 h before exercise) and hypohydrated (Hypo, after 18-20 h of water deprivation). Each test began with a 90-min rest period during which the transiently increased plasma volume and decreased osmolality after drinking in the H condition returned to base line. This period was followed by 30 min of cycle exercise at a mean intensity of 43% VO2max and a 60-min resting recovery period with water ad libitum. Although prior drinking caused no sustained changes in plasma osmolality, Hypo increased plasma osmolality by 7-10 mosmol/kg in both groups. There were no significant age differences in water intake, urine output or osmolality, overall change in body weight, or sweating rate. In the H state, the percent change in plasma volume was less (P less than 0.01) during exercise for the Y group (-5.9 +/- 0.7%) than for the MA group (-9.4 +/- 0.6%). Esophageal temperature (Tes) was higher in the Hypo condition for both groups with no age-related differences. Throughout the 3-h period, mean skin temperature was higher in the Y group and significantly so (P less than 0.05) in the Hypo condition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effect of heat stress on glucose kinetics during exercise   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hargreaves, Mark, Damien Angus, Kirsten Howlett, Nelly MarmyConus, and Mark Febbraio. Effect of heat stress on glucose kinetics during exercise. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1594-1597, 1996.To identify themechanism underlying the exaggerated hyperglycemia during exercise inthe heat, six trained men were studied during 40 min of cyclingexercise at a workload requiring 65% peak pulmonary oxygen uptake(O2 peak) on twooccasions at least 1 wk apart. On one occasion, the ambient temperaturewas 20°C [control (Con)], whereas on the other, it was40°C [high temperature (HT)]. Rates ofglucose appearance and disappearance were measured by using a primedcontinuous infusion of[6,6-2H]glucose. Nodifferences in oxygen uptake during exercise were observed betweentrials. After 40 min of exercise, heart rate, rectal temperature,respiratory exchange ratio, and plasma lactate were all higher in HTcompared with Con (P < 0.05). Plasmaglucose levels were similar at rest (Con, 4.54 ± 0.19 mmol/l; HT,4.81 ± 0.19 mmol/l) but increased to a greater extent duringexercise in HT (6.96 ± 0.16) compared with Con (5.45 ± 0.18;P < 0.05). This was the result of ahigher glucose rate of appearance in HT during the last 30 min ofexercise. In contrast, the glucose rate of disappearance and metabolicclearance rate were not different at any time point during exercise.Plasma catecholamines were higher after 10 and 40 min of exercise in HTcompared with Con (P < 0.05),whereas plasma glucagon, cortisol, and growth hormone were higher in HTafter 40 min. These results indicate that the hyperglycemia observedduring exercise in the heat is caused by an increase in liver glucoseoutput without any change in whole body glucoseutilization.


To investigate the hypothesis that a reduction in plasma volume (PV) induced by diuretic administration would result in an increase in the fluid and electrolyte hormonal response to exercise, ten untrained males (VO(2) peak = 3.96 +/- 0.14 l/min) performed 60 min of cycle ergometry at 61 % VO(2) peak twice. The test was carried out once under control conditions (CON) (placebo) and once after 4 days of diuretic administration (DIU) (Novotriamazide; 100 mg triamterene and 50 mg hydrochlorothiazide). Calculated resting PV decreased by 14.6 +/- 3.3 % (p < 0.05) with DIU. No difference in plasma osmolality was observed between conditions. For the hormones measured, differences (p < 0.05) between conditions at rest were noted for plasma renin activity (PRA) (0.62 +/- 0.09 vs. 5.61 +/- 0.94 ng/ml/h), angiotensin I (ANG 1) (0.26 +/- 0.03 vs. 0.56 +/- 0.08 ng/ml), aldosterone (ALD) (143 +/- 14 vs. 1603 +/- 302 pg/ml), arginine vasopressin (AVP) (4.13 +/- 1.1 vs. 9.58 +/- 1.6 pg/ml) and atrial natriuretic peptide (alpha-ANP) (11.5 +/- 2.8 vs. 6.33 +/- 1.0 pg/ml). The exercise resulted in increases (p < 0.05) in PRA, ANG I, ALD, AVP, alpha-ANP. DIU led to higher levels of PRA, ANG I, and ALD (p < 0.05) and lower levels of alpha-ANP (p < 0.05) compared to CON. Arginine vasopressin was not affected by the loss of PV. For the catecholamines--norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI)--only NE was higher during exercise with DIU compared to CON (p < 0.05). For PRA and ALD, the higher levels observed during exercise with DIU could be explained both by higher resting levels and a greater increase during exercise itself. For ANG I and NE, the effect of DIU only manifested itself during exercise. In contrast, the lower alpha-ANP observed during exercise with DIU was due to the lower resting levels. These results support the hypotheses that hypohydration leads to alterations in the secretion of all of the fluid and electrolyte hormones with the exception of AVP. The specific mechanisms of these alterations remain unclear, but appear to be related directly to the decrease in PV.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with a number of physiological changes that may cause the kidney to rely to a greater extent on vasodilatory PGs for normal functioning. Acute exercise has been shown to cause renal vasoconstriction that may be partially buffered by vasodilatory PGs. To determine the relative importance of renal PGs during exercise in older adults, we compared the renal effects of the PG inhibitor ibuprofen (1.2 g/day for 3 days) vs. a placebo control in a cohort of eight younger (24 +/- 2 yr) and eight older (64 +/- 2 yr) women during treadmill exercise ( approximately 57% maximal oxygen consumption) in the heat (36 degrees C). This over-the-counter dose of ibuprofen reduced renal PG (i.e., PGE2) excretion by 47% (P < 0. 05). Acute exercise in the heat caused dramatic decreases in glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow, and sodium excretion in both age groups. PG inhibition was associated with greater decreases in urine production and free water clearance (P < 0.05). There were no drug-related declines in glomerular filtration rate or renal blood flow. We conclude that PG inhibition has only modest effects on renal function during exercise. Also, the lack of hemodynamic changes with PG inhibition indicates that healthy well-hydrated older women are not in a renal PG-dependent state.  相似文献   

Muscle blood flow and muscle metabolism during exercise and heat stress   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The effect of heat stress on blood flow and metabolism in an exercising leg was studied in seven subjects walking uphill (12-17%) at 5 km/h on a treadmill for 90 min or until exhaustion. The first 30 min of exercise were performed in a cool environment (18-21 degrees C); then subjects moved to an adjacent room at 40 degrees C and continued to exercise at the same speed and inclination for a further 60 min or to exhaustion, whichever occurred first. The rate of O2 consumption, 2.6 l/min (1.8-3.3) (average from cool and hot conditions), corresponded to 55-77% of their individual maximums. In the cool environment a steady state was reached at 30 min. When the subjects were shifted to the hot room, the core temperature and heart rate started to rise and reached values greater than 39 degrees C and near-maximal values, respectively, at the termination of the exercise. The leg blood flow (thermodilution method), femoral arteriovenous O2 difference, and consequently leg O2 consumption were unchanged in the hot compared with the cool condition. There was no increase in release of lactate and no reduction in glucose and free net fatty acid uptake in the exercising leg in the heat. Furthermore, the rate of glycogen utilization in the gastrocnemius muscle was not elevated in the hot environment. There was a tendency for cardiac output to increase in the heat (mean 15.2 to 18.4 l/min), which may have contributed to the increase in skin circulation, together with a possible further reduction in flow to other vascular beds, because muscle blood flow was not reduced.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of graded levels of hypohydration (3, 5, and 7% of body weight) on hormonal responses to exercise in the heat were examined in six heat-acclimated male volunteers. On the day following dehydration, subjects performed light (approximately 25% maximal O2 consumption, 1.03 1 X min-1) exercise in a hot (49 degrees C, 20% relative humidity) environment for four consecutive 25-min intervals interspaced by 10-min rests; blood was obtained before exercise and at approximately 10 min before completion of each exercise period. During euhydration, plasma cortisol (PC) levels manifested significant decrements over time (e.g., time 0, 14.2 micrograms X 100 ml-1 vs. time 2, 8.9 micrograms X 100 ml-1), probably related to its diurnal periodicity. However, during hypohydration, levels of PC were increased and correlated with hypohydration intensity (e.g., time 0, 0, 3, 5, and 7% hypohydration, 14.2, 16.5, 19.8, and 36.2 micrograms X 100 ml-1, respectively). Plasma renin activity (PRA) was increased significantly by hypohydration (e.g., time 0, euhydrated vs. 3%, 3.7 vs. 6.2 units) but was unaffected by exercise in the heat. Plasma aldosterone (ALD) levels were generally increased by exercise in the heat (e.g., time 0 vs. time 4, 3% hypohydration, 12.1 vs. 18.7 ng X 100 ml-1). Regression analysis illustrated that graded intensities of hypohydration were correlated with incremented PRA and ALD through 5% hypohydration. Conversely, PC was incrementally elevated through 7% hypohydration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Factors limiting gastric emptying during rest and exercise   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Time-weighted averaging is a traditional method used in heat stress analyses to approximate, in terms of a single continuous level of heat production, the rate of heat production from complex intermittent exercise patterns. Physiological responses during intermittent and continuous exercise were studied in four subjects exposed to heat stress in which evaporation was either free or severely restricted. Intermittent work consisted of repeated 10-min exercise-rest patterns. Continuous work was at the time-weighted average of intermittent exercise: 3.3 mets. When heat stress was uncompensable, intermittent work induced more physiological strain than continuous work: endurance time was 14 min less (P less than 0.05); core temperature at 60 min was 0.40 degrees C higher (P less than 0.05); and, after 30 min of exposure, the rate of core temperature rise was 33% greater. The difference in the rate of heat storage was not satisfactorily explained by a discrepancy in the average rate of heat production or in the calculated rate of surface heat loss. Alternatively, the results may be partially explained by interruptions in the usual rate of heat transport via the cutaneous circulation. These interruptions may be caused by nonthermal factors associated with postural and work load transitions. Although the mechanisms are not totally understood, it is clear that application of the time-weighted averaging method can lead to erroneous overprediction of endurance time and should be applied with discretion.  相似文献   

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