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Cortisol induces glutamine synthetase (GS) in gliocytes of chick embryo neural retina. Using adherent cultures of retina cells we have demonstrated that responsiveness of the gliocytes to GS induction by the hormone requires contact with neurons. GS is not inducible in high-density cultures depleted of neurons and consisting only of gliocytes. In neuron-containing cultures, induced GS was detected immunohistochemically only in those gliocytes that were closely juxtaposed with clusters of neurons. Unlike the induction of GS, the expression of carbonic anhydrase-C (which does not require cortisol) persisted in these glia cells also in the absence of neurons. The nature and role of glia-neuron interactions in the hormonal induction of GS are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracturing and surface labelling of embryonic neural retina cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freeze-fracturing of dissociated and aggregating neural retina cells from 7-day chick embryos revealed on the inner faces (PF) of the cell membrane numerous particles 6–20 nm in size. In contrast, the PF faces of blebs and some of the lobopodia that project from the cell surface were practically devoid of such particles. However, the elongated filopodia that abound on these cells showed numerous particles on their PF faces. These regional differences in the distribution of particles on PF faces of these cells are interpreted as reflecting membrane activity that leads to the formation of blebs and lobopodia. The frequent presence of “pits” at the basis of blebs and lobopodia is described. It is suggested that the “pits” are associated with the formation of these membrane projections; they may represent anchoring sites for microfilaments and for microtubules involved in the dynamic structure of the cell surface. ConA-binding sites on these cells were studied by scanning electron microscopy, using labeling with hemocyanin. The distribution of these sites on different regions of the cell surface coincided with the regional differences in the distribution of the inner membrane particles.  相似文献   

Isolation of a cell-surface receptor for chick neural retina adherons   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
Embryonic chick neural retina cells release glycoprotein complexes, termed adherons, into their culture medium. When absorbed onto the surface of petri dishes, neural retina adherons increase the initial rate of neural retina cell adhesion. In solution they increase the rate of cell-cell aggregation. Cell-cell and adheron-cell adhesions of cultured retina cells are selectively inhibited by heparan-sulfate glycosaminoglycan, but not by chondroitin sulfate or hyaluronic acid, suggesting that a heparan-sulfate proteoglycan may be involved in the adhesion process. We isolated a heparan-sulfate proteoglycan from the growth-conditioned medium of neural retina cells, and prepared an antiserum against it. Monovalent Fab' fragments of these antibodies completely inhibited cell-adheron adhesion, and partially blocked spontaneous cell-cell aggregation. An antigenically and structurally similar heparan-sulfate proteoglycan was isolated from the cell surface. This proteoglycan bound directly to adherons, and when absorbed to plastic, stimulated cell-substratum adhesion. These data suggest that a heparan-sulfate proteoglycan on the surface of chick neural retina cells acted as a receptor for adhesion-mediating glycoprotein complexes (adherons).  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of in vitro reaggregation of trypsin-dissociated neural retina cells from 10-day chick embryos revealed that filopodial projections participate in the assembly of the dispersed cells into clusters. Freshly dissociated cells displayed numerous elongated, randomly projecting filopodia. With the onset of cell reaggregation these filopodia bridged and connected distant cells becoming shorter as the cells came together and formed aggregates. In 24-h cell aggregates only short microvilli were seen, mostly on cell surfaces facing the periphery of the aggregate. Cells dissociated from retina tissue pre-treated with inhibitors of protein synthesis, or cells exposed to these inhibitors immediately after dissociation were mostly devoid of filopodial projections; such cells failed to re-aggregate histotypically. Thus, metabolic and biosynthetic processes are required for the changes in the cell periphery which result in formation or maintenance of filopodia, and which enable trypsin-dissociated cells to reform histotypic associations. Possible relationships between the formation of filopodia and histotypic reaggregation of cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific cell-surface antigens in embryonic cells   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
With the use of antisera prepared in rabbits against suspensions of live embryonic chick tissue cells, qualitative differences in cell surface antigens were demonstrated on cells from different embryonic chick tissues by immune agglutination and immunofluorescence. Unabsorbed antisera reacted with both homologous and nonhomologous cells; thorough absorption of the antisera with heterologous tissues removed cross-reacting antibodies, and the antisera acquired a high degree of tissue specificity. Thus, antiretina cell serum absorbed with nonretina cells or tissues, agglutinated only neural retina cells, and was shown by immunofluorescence tests to react specifically with the surface of retina cells, both in cell suspensions and in frozen tissue sections. Comparable results with antisera against cells from embryonic liver and other tissues demonstrated the existence of tissue-specific, phenotypic disparities in the antigenicities of embryonic cell surfaces, in addition to the presence of cell-surface antigens shared by certain classes of cells, and of antigens common to all cells in the embryo. The results are discussed in terms of the possible involvement of such phenotypic determinants in the specification of cell surfaces, in relation to cell recognition and developmental interactions.  相似文献   

Ligatin, a filamentous protein previously found in suckling rat ileum, has been purified from plasma membranes of embryonic chick neural retina. The isolated plasma membranes are covered in part by 4.5-nm filaments that can be released from the membranes by treatment with Ca++. Subsequent dialysis against EGTA followed by sieve chromatography results in purification of the 10,000-dalton ligatin monomer. When labeled either with radioisotopes or with fluorescamine, the monomer is shown to electrophorese as a single discrete band in polyacrylamide gels. However, during standard fixing and staining procedures it diffuses from the gels and thus is not visualized. Ligatin's amino acid composition is distinguished by its high content of polar residues, especially Glx and Asx, and by the presence of phosphorylated serine. Upon re-addition of Ca++, purified ligatin monomers polymerize to form filaments 3 nm in Diam, identical to those formed by purified ileal ligatin. However, in both retina and ileum, the filaments observed on plasma membranes are greater than 3 nm in Diam. In ileum, this enlargement results from ligatin's function as a baseplate for the attachment of another protein, a beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase, to the cell surface. In retina, a corresponding difference in diameter between filaments seen in vivo and those formed from repolymerized ligatin alone and the co-solubilization of other proteins with ligatin suggest that ligatin may also function there as a baseplate for other cell surface proteins. The proteins associated with ligatin in retina differ morphologically from beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase and do not possess this enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Plant lectins and other agents which are mitogenic for lymphocytes and fibroblasts were tested for their effects on DNA synthesis in primary monolayer cultures of neural retina cells from 10-day chick embryos. Concanavalin A (ConA), phytohemagglutinin (PHA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and anti-retina cell antiserum significantly stimulated [3H]TdR incorporation; the maximum increase was reached 15 h after exposure of the cultures to these agents. Cells stimulated by ConA to synthesize DNA subsequently divided. The divalent succinyl derivative of ConA had a considerably lesser effect than the native tetramer, suggesting that cross-linking of cell surface components may be an important aspect of the changes that lead to the stimulation of DNA synthesis in these cells.Using [125I]ConA, the average number of ConA-binding sites per 10-day retina cell was estimated to be 1.7 × 106 (under the culture conditions employed); binding of the lectin to 25–50% of these sites was sufficient to elicit the maximal stimulation of DNA synthesis. Continuous association of the lectin with the cell surface for up to 8 h was essential for the maximal effect, since removal of the lectin from the cell surface (with α-methyl mannose) prior to this time reduced or prevented the stimulation of DNA synthesis.The stimulation by ConA of DNA synthesis in these cultures was dependent on the cell density and was reduced or absent at lower than optimal densities. Examination of this effect suggested that the frequency of intercellular contacts or specific cell associations play a role in the responsiveness of these cells to stimulation of DNA synthesis by ConA.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that the progressive layering and differentiation of cell types during the development of the neural retina are associated with cell surface alterations we have separated distinct cell populations from the 14-day embryonic chick retina. Cells of these populations have been shown to differ in associative behavior and intramembrane particle content. We now report that these cells differ in cell surface glycoproteins. Proteins were labeled with two different extrinsic labels and one metabolic label. We used enzymatic transfer of galactose from UDP-gal to cellular acceptors, and borotritide reduction after galactose oxidation as extrinsic labels. Glucosamine incorporation was used as the metabolic label. In all these cases, we were able to identify bands on electrophoretic gels which were unique to individual populations.  相似文献   

Hydrocortisone (HC) induces glutamine synthetase in the embryonic chick neural retina. The binding of cytoplasmic receptor-hydrocortisone (R-HC) complexes to isolated retina nuclei has been studied in a cell-free system. Optimal conditions, specificity and quantitative aspects of binding were determined. The isolated nuclei retained binding specificity for the R-HC complex prepared from retina cytosol. Free HC, estradiol-receptor complexes from retina cytosol and HC-receptor complexes from mouse brain cytosol or from chick serum did not bind to the nuclei. Assuming monovalency of the binding sites, the number of nuclear acceptor sites per retina cell for the R-HC complex was estimated to be in the range of 1500. These sites were resistant to RNAse but sensitive to DNAse.  相似文献   

The reaggregation kinetics of embryonic chick neural retina cells prepared using several different dissociation procedures were monitored through decreases in the small-angle light scattering of aggregating samples. Two distinct modes of aggregation were revealed, one Ca2+ independent, the other Ca2+ dependent, suggesting the existence of two separate adhesion mechanisms. By varying the concentrations of Ca2+ and trypsin in the dissociation medium, we obtained cells which exhibited both, either, or neither mode of aggregation. The Ca2+-independent adhesiveness is active in the absence of proteolysis, is resistant to low levels of trypsin (0.001%), but is readily inactivated at higher trypsin concentrations in either the presence or absence of Ca2+. It is relatively temperature independent. By contrast, the Ca2+-dependent adhesiveness is not detected before exposure of the cells to proteolysis. It is expressed after tryptic proteolysis in the presence of Ca2+ and is then highly temperature dependent. It is resistant to further digestion by trypsin in the continued presence of Ca2+ but is lost when Ca2+ is subsequently removed, apparently through the expression of tryptic cleavage incurred earlier. We suggest that its increased activity may result at least in part from the clustering of surface components into adhesive patches. A provisional model is presented correlating these data.  相似文献   



Interactions of cells with the extracellular matrix (ECM) are critical for the establishment and maintenance of stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. However, the ECM is a complex mixture of matrix molecules; little is known about the role of ECM components in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) differentiation into neural progenitors and neurons.  相似文献   

Chick embryo neural retinal cells transdifferentiate extensively into lens cells when cultured in Eagle's MEM containing horse and fetal calf sera (FHMEM). Such cultures express elevated levels of pp60c-src-associated tyrosine kinase activity relative to parallel cultures prevented from transdifferentiating by the addition of supplementary glucose (FHGMEM) or replacement of MEM by medium 199 (F199). Northern blotting and in vitro translation studies suggest that c-src mRNA levels are only slightly higher in late transdifferentiating (FHMEM) cultures as compared to parallel blocked (FHGMEM or F199) cultures. By immunocytochemical staining, we show that pp60c-src protein is largely localized in cell groups undergoing conversion into lens (i.e. expressing delta crystallin) in late FHMEM cultures. Initial studies of pp60c-src in chick lens tissues during development indicate that higher kinase activity is found in the epithelial cells relative to mature lens fibres. Thus pp60c-src may be expressed both during the differentiation of lens cells in vivo and during the transdifferentiation of neural retina cells into lens in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary When embryonic retina is dissociated into a single cell suspension and maintained in stationary culture, a population of flat cells is found on the culture dish. We have carried out a morphologic and immunologic study of the emergence of this population in vitro. Ten- and fourteen-day-old chick embryo retinas were dissociated with trypsin, seeded on glass cover slips for various times, and prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and immunofluorescence (IF) for Vimentin, an intermediate filament protein. SEM indicates that the characteristic flat cell morphology is initiated in some cells in as little as 30 min after the start of the culture. Not all of the cells that attach flatten. As incubation proceeds, small clusters of cells that had formed in suspension attach to the substrate, and flat cells emerge from them. The flattened cells are positive for Vimentin by IF within 10 min of attachment. The percent of fluorescent cells found on the substrate is constant during the time in culture. This suggests that flat cells do not attach first, followed by neural cells, but that the neural cells and flat cells attach to the dish at the same rate. When aggregates that had formed in suspension attach to the substrate, they are anchored by flat cells that migrate out of the aggregate. Since Vimentin appears in the cultured cells within 10 min, it is unlikely that it has been newly synthesized. Thus, the same cells that contained Vimentin in the retina now express it as flat cells. this supports the hypothesis that flat cells derive from the same cells in the retina that give rise to Müller cells. We have also observed the emergence of a population of cells with short (0.5μm) microvilli that appear within 8 h of culture. They seem to be a distinct subpopulation of the cells on the upper portion of attached clusters. This research was supported in part by grant EY-04892 and RR-0715 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and a grant from the W.W. Smith Foundations  相似文献   

Studies on normal and hybrid sea urchin embryos show that, beginning at gastrulation, hybrid cells express cell-surface antigens specific to both species. The appearance of these antigens is shown to be correlated with a change in the adhesive specificity of hybrid cells: Beginning at gastrulation, hybrid cells recognize and adhere to embryonic cells of both normal genotypes. Prior to gastrulation, hybrid cells adhere to cells of the maternal genotype only. Two adhesion assays demonstrate these adhesive preferences. (i) When cell aggregates are placed together in a dish, Lytechnius aggregates fuse together, and Tripneustes aggregates fuse together, but aggregates of the two species do not fuse with each other. Hybrid cell aggregates, if they are past the beginning of gastrulation, fuse to both Tripneustes and Lytechinus aggregates. (ii) In a collection assay, midgastrula cells of the hybrid embryos are collected at a high rate to aggregates of either species. Pregastrula hybrid cells collect at a high rate to aggregates of the maternal species only. This change in adhesive preference is temporally correlated with the appearance of new cell surface antigens. Antiserum was prepared in rabbits against membranes from Lytechinus gastrulae. Indirect immunofluorescence tests show that hybrid cells of the cross (T♀ × L♂) express Lytechinus-specific antigens at the cell surface beginning at gastrulation. Furthermore, an apparent relationship between the new cell-surface antigens and adhesion exists in that Lytechinus cell adhesion is inhibited specifically after binding Fab fragments of the Lytechinus antiserum. The antiserum has no effect on Tripneustes adhesion. The Lytechinus adhesion-inhibiting activity can be removed by absorption of the antiserum with Lytechinus cells.  相似文献   

视网膜退行性病变影响着全世界数百万人。然而,视网膜是人体再生能力很差的一类组织,成年机体无法自我更新那些病变中丢失的视网膜细胞,导致视网膜退行性病变的不可逆性。因此,恢复患者视觉将依赖于引入外源细胞替代丢失的视网膜神经元。胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)具有无限的自我更新能力和形成机体所有类型细胞的巨大分化潜力。这两个特性使得ES细胞成为细胞替代疗法的理想供体细胞。近年来,人们在探索将ES和诱导多能干细胞(iPS细胞)体外定向诱导分化为视网膜神经元,甚至整个视网膜方面已取得多项进展,并且体外形成的视网膜细胞可以与宿主视网膜整合。在此篇综述中,首先简要概括哺乳动物视网膜的组织结构、发育过程和调控机制,然后,重点阐述近年来科研工作者探索ES/iPS细胞体外诱导分化为视网膜细胞和组织的研究进展。  相似文献   

The growth of cell numbers in a normal embryonic population of neural retinal cells is described. The numbers were estimated from a time shortly after the neural retina first becomes recognizable to a time when numbers of retinal cells have become steady. Cell numbers were estimated in preparations of an entire neural retina dispersed into a suspension of single nuclei which were then counted in a Coulter counter. The growth curve of the ln numbers of cells has three phases of growth: an exponential phase during which there is steady-state exponential growth, a differentiative phase during which cell proliferation ceases and an end phase when no further change in cell numbers can be detected. The variances of the ln numbers of cells were highest during the exponential phase. The variances decreased during the differentiative phase and were at their lowest during the end phase. For variances to decrease requires mechanisms which control the final numbers of cells in the neural retina very precisely. The implications of mechanisms which operate by controlling cell lineages are explored.  相似文献   

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