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The crucial role of glutamate receptors of theN-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) type in many fundamental cortical functions has been firmly established, as has its involvement in several neuropsychiatric diseases, but until recently, very little was known of the anatomical localization of NMDA receptors in the cerebral cortex of mammals. The recent application of molecular biological techniques to the study of NMDA receptors has allowed the production of specific tools, the use of which has much increased our understanding of the localization of NMDA receptors in the cerebral cortex. In particular, immunocytochemical studies on the distribution of cortical NMDA receptors have:
  1. Demonstrated the preferential localization of NMDA receptors in dendritic spines, in line with previous work;
  2. Disclosed a thus far unknown fraction of presynaptic NMDA receptors on both excitatory and inhibitory axon terminals; and
  3. Shown that cortical astrocytes express NMDA receptors.
These studies indicate that the effects of cortical NMDA receptor activation are not caused exclusively by the opening of NMDA channels on neuronal postsynaptic membranes, as previously assumed, and that the activation of presynaptic and glial NMDA receptors can contribute significantly to these effects.  相似文献   

Among the erythrocytes of chicken, trout, carp, and sucker, the relative proportion of the lysine-rich histone H5 varied from 20 to 0% of the total histones. Following digestion of nuclear chromatin with micrococcal nuclease, each of them displayed a longer DNA repeat length and greater repeat length heterogeneity than found in liver chromatin. Fish erythrocytes possessed similar repeat lengths of 207-209 base pairs which was 10-12 base pairs shorter than in chicken erythrocyte chromatin and approximately 10 base pairs longer than in liver chromatin. No correlation existed between the DNA repeat length or repeat length heterogeneity and the relative proportion of H5.  相似文献   

Protein-free DNA in a cytosolic extract supplemented with SV40 large T-antigen (T-Ag), is assembled into chromatin structure when nuclear extract is added. This assembly was monitored by topoisomer formation, micrococcal nuclease digestion and psoralen crosslinking of the DNA. Plasmids containing SV40 sequences (ori- and ori+) were assembled into chromatin with similar efficiencies whether T-Ag was present or not. Approximately 50-80% of the number of nucleosomes in vivo could be assembled in vitro; however, the kinetics of assembly differed on replicated and unreplicated molecules. In replicative intermediates, nucleosomes were observed on both the pre-replicated and post-replicated portions. We conclude that the extent of nucleosome assembly in mammalian cell extracts is not dependent upon DNA replication, in contrast to previous suggestions. However, the highly sensitive psoralen assay revealed that DNA replication appears to facilitate precise folding of DNA in the nucleosome.  相似文献   

Depletion of histone H1, changes in nucleosome repeat lengths, and extents of DNA elongation were investigated in synchronized Chinese hamster (line CHO) cells using the general conditions of hydroxyurea treatment that appear to increase the frequency of gene amplification, i.e., synchronized cultures of G1 cells were allowed to begin to enter S phase before treatment with hydroxyurea was effected to retard DNA synthesis (Mariani, B.D. and Schimke, R.T. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 1901-1910). During the time that synchronized G1 cells begin to enter S phase, there occur considerable synchrony decay and accumulation of new DNA that increase with time before treatment with hydroxyurea is initiated. During exposure to hydroxyurea, there occur depletion of histone H1 and shortened repeat lengths for the DNA synthesized in the presence of hydroxyurea. In contrast, DNA synthesized in S phase before exposure to hydroxyurea has essentially the same repeat lengths as bulk chromatin at both the time that hydroxyurea treatment is effected and after 6 h in its presence. Sedimentation measurements indicate that the early replicating DNA undergoes considerable elongation both before and during 6 h of exposure to 0.3 mM hydroxyurea. Thus, nearly all of the early replicating DNA is elongated to greater than average replicon size under those conditions of hydroxyurea treatment that appear to favor gene amplification. Because the extents of DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression vary as functions of drug concentration, treatment times, and unknown factors (from experiment to experiment), it would appear that the parameters must be carefully monitored in each experiment if biochemical results are to be related to the position of cells in the growth cycle.  相似文献   

We previously reported that HMGB1, which originally binds to chromatin in a manner competitive with linker histone H1 to modulate chromatin structure, enhances both intra-molecular and inter-molecular ligations. In this paper, we found that histone H1 differentially enhances ligation reaction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB). Histone H1 stimulated exclusively inter-molecular ligation reaction of DSB with DNA ligase IIIbeta and IV, whereas HMGB1 enhanced mainly intra-molecular ligation reaction. Electron microscopy of direct DNA-protein interaction without chemical cross-linking visualized that HMGB1 bends and loops linear DNA to form compact DNA structure and that histone H1 is capable of assembling DNA in tandem arrangement with occasional branches. These results suggest that differences in the enhancement of DNA ligation reaction are due to those in alteration of DNA configuration induced by these two linker proteins. HMGB1 and histone H1 may function in non-homologous end-joining of DSB repair and V(D)J recombination in different manners.  相似文献   

The accumulation of histone H1o has been studied in neuronal and glial nuclei from rat cerebral cortex during postnatal development. In neurons H1o represents ~2% of the H1 content at birth and remains unchanged until day 8. Beyond this point H1o accumulates rapidly until day 18, where it levels off at 16% of H1. The midpoint of the transition is at day 14. In glial cells H1o represents ~2.5% of the H1 at birth. It starts to accumulate between days 18 and 21; its concentration raises rapidly up to day 30 slowing down from then on. At day 300 (the farthest point examined) it represents 21% of H1. These results are discussed in relation to the events of the postnatal development of the cerebral cortex in the rat. It is concluded that Ho probably does not suppress cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Nuclear ultrastructure of neurons and glial cells of the rat sensomotor cortex was studied under chronic alcoholic intoxication. During 24 h the animals drank up about 10 ml of 20 degrees alcohol. In the course of prolonged alcoholic intoxication there occurred processes leading to deformation of the nuclei of neurons and glial cells and to the deficiency of nuclear and cytoplasmic substances. These changes are regarded as an atrophic process responsible for the corrugation of the nucleus and diminution of the cell size.  相似文献   

The nucleosome repeat structure of a rat liver chromatin component containing the satellite I DNA (repeat length 370 bp) was investigated. Digestion experiments with micrococcal nuclease, DNAase II, and the Ca2+/Mg2+-dependent endogenous nuclease of rat liver nuclei revealed a repeat unit of 185 nucleotide pairs which is shorter by approximately 10 bp than the repeat unit of the bulk chromatin of this cell type. The difference seems not to be related to the histone composition which was found to be similar in the two types of chromatin.  相似文献   

1. A procedure has been developed for the separation of intact metabolically active neuronal and glial cells in bulk from rat cerebral cortex. Separation depended on dispersion of the tissue in a Ficoll medium followed by centrifugation on a discontinuous Ficoll gradient. Up to 1.5x10(7) neuronal cells could be collected from 12 brains within 3hr. The morphological appearance of these cells seemed good, and the fraction was 8.5-fold purified in terms of dry weight. Average dry weight per neuron was 2300mumug. Maximum glial contamination of the neuronal fraction was 11% as determined by carbonic anhydrase measurements. The glial fraction was free from neurons but contained various subcellular contaminants. 2. Concentrations of nucleic acids, phospholipid, protein and phosphoprotein were determined in the separated fractions. The neuronal fraction was richer than the glial in all except phospholipid. Succinate dehydrogenase was equally distributed between neurons and glia but the neuronal fraction was 1.8-fold enriched in cytochrome oxidase. 3. Measurement of respiration by the cells showed an endogenous uptake of 117mmumoles of oxygen/mg./hr. in neurons, and 173mmumoles of oxygen/mg./hr. in glia. Addition of substrate at 10mm stimulated uptake to similar values in both fractions. With glucose it was 390, with pyruvate 355, and with glutamate 215mmumoles of oxygen/mg./hr. This represented a larger stimulation of neuronal than of glial respiration compared with the basal level. 4. Respiration in cell suspensions was 70-80% of that of slices, whereas fractionated tissue homogenates had respiratory rates of only one-third those of the cell suspensions. Lactate dehydrogenase content of cell suspensions was maintained during gradient centrifugation and washing. 5. The possible uses of isolated cell preparations are discussed.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity and differentiation potential of mitotically active cells in the adult brain were studied by labeling adult rats with BrdU, and isolating an enriched population of cycling cells from neocortex and from subcortical white matter. The majority of this population isolated from either brain region labeled with O4, an early oligodendrocyte marker. In tissue culture, these O4(+) progenitors acquired galactocerebroside, a glycolipid of mature oligodendrocytes, but not GFAP, an intermediate filament of astrocytes. A minority population expressed the intermediate filament protein, vimentin, but not O4. This population expressed GFAP after several days in culture. A third population of cycling cells, expressing the gangliosides labeled with the A2B5 antibody, represented a minority population in subcortical white matter, but one of the major cycling populations in cortex, with substantial overlap with O4. Small populations of cycling NG2(+) cells also were observed. Thus, the cycling cells in the adult brain are heterogeneous, and the majority appear to belong to glial lineages.  相似文献   

Relative DNA contents of somatic nuclei of ox,sheep and goat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diploid ox nuclei contain about 14% more DNA than nuclei from sheep of the same sex. Goat nuclei have a similar DNA content to those of sheep. In view of the similar chromosome banding patterns in these species, it appears that chromosome evolution must have involved numerous minute interstitial deletions or additions of DNA. Although chromosomes which have similar banding patterns in these three species may be regarded as homologous in this respect, and can be regarded as having a common evolutionary origin, they are not homologous for the quantity of their DNA.  相似文献   

H2 histaminic receptors in rat cerebral cortex. 1. Binding of [3H]histamine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Saturable binding of [3H]histamine in equilibrium with homogenates of rat cerebral cortex reveals Hill coefficients between 0.4 and 1.0, depending upon the conditions. Data from individual experiments are well described assuming one or two classes of sites. Only the sites of higher affinity (KP1 = 3.9 +/- 0.5 nM) are observed when binding is measured by isotopic dilution at a low concentration of the radioligand (less than 1.5 nM) in the presence of magnesium or by varying the concentration of the radioligand. The sites of lower affinity (KP2 = 221 +/- 26 nM) appear during isotopic dilution at higher concentrations of the radioligand or at lower concentrations either upon the addition of guanylyl imidodiphosphate (GMP-PNP) or upon the removal of magnesium. Estimates of the second- and first-order rate constants for association and dissociation of [3H]histamine agree well with KP1. Apparent capacities corresponding to KP1 and KP2 are of the order of 100 ([R1]t) and 1300 pmol/g of protein ([R2]t), respectively. Simple interconversion cannot account for the changes in binding that occur upon adding GMP-PNP or removing magnesium, since the increase in [R2]t exceeds the decrease in [R1]t. Moreover, the apparent amount of high-affinity complex exhibits a biphasic dependence on the concentration of [3H]histamine; an increase at low concentrations is offset by a decrease that occurs at higher concentrations. The latter appears to be positively cooperative and concomitant with formation of the low-affinity complex. These and other observations indicate that the binding of histamine is inconsistent with models commonly invoked to rationalize the binding of agonists to neurohumoral receptors. GMP-PNP and magnesium reciprocally alter capacity at the sites of higher affinity, however, and the reduction caused by GMP-PNP reflects a substantial increase in the rate constant for dissociation at the sites that appear to be lost. The sites labeled by [3H]histamine thus reveal the properties of neurohumoral receptors linked to a nucleotide-specific G/F protein.  相似文献   

Linker histones play essential roles in the chromatin structure of higher eukaryotes. While binding to the surface of nucleosomes is directed by an ~ 80-amino-acid-residue globular domain, the structure and interactions of the lysine-rich ~ 100-residue C-terminal domain (CTD), primarily responsible for the chromatin-condensing functions of linker histones, are poorly understood. By quantitatively analyzing binding of a set of H1 CTD deletion mutants to nucleosomes containing various lengths of linker DNA, we have identified interactions between distinct regions of the CTD and nucleosome linker DNA at least 21 bp from the edge of the nucleosome core. Importantly, partial CTD truncations caused increases in H1 binding affinity, suggesting that significant entropic costs are incurred upon binding due to CTD folding. van't Hoff entropy/enthalpy analysis and intramolecular fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies indicate that the CTD undergoes substantial nucleosome-directed folding, in a manner that is distinct from that which occurs upon H1 binding to naked DNA. In addition to defining critical interactions between the H1 CTD and linker DNA, our data indicate that the H1 CTD is an intrinsically disordered domain and provide important insights into the biological function of this protein.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis in rat cerebral hemispheres at 1, 5, and 10 days of age and the relative contribution brought by neuronal and glial nuclei to RNA synthesis was investigated. The experiments were carried out both in vivo (by i.p. injection of [3H]uridine) and in vitro (either by incubation of tissue slices with [3H]uridine or by determination of RNA polymerase activities). The labeling of RNA decreases from 1 to 10 days of age both in vivo and in vitro; the decrease is of the same extent in neuronal and glial nuclei. RNA polymerase activity Mg2+-dependent does not change significantly from 1 to 10 days of age either in total, in neuronal, or in glial nuclei, whereas the Mn2+-dependent activity increases significantly over the same developmental period studied. The significance of RNA polymerase assay as an index of in vivo RNA synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Chromatin diminution (CD) in two Cyclopoida species, Cyclops kolensis and C. insignis, was studied by static digital Feulgen cytophotometry. DNA content (pg/cell) was evaluated by standard curves builded up using blood cells of five organisms with known DNA content, which ranged from 1.25 to 14.70 pg. According to data obtained, diploid genome of C. kolensis has about 40 pg DNA before CD and 1.8-2.0 pg DNA after CD. These values are similar for both Moscow and Baikal populations of C. kolensis and 6-10 times exceed estimates made earlier (Grishanin, 2008), Our data confirm that CD in C. kolensis is 94-96% of DNA. In mitotic dividing cells of C. insignis, DNA content was about 7.5 pg both in early and late embryos, and CD was not revealed for this species. The data obtained show that, among Cyclopoida studied, the genome of C. kolensis before CD has a maximum content of DNA.  相似文献   

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