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Two-year-old 1·5-kg rainbow trout were held in cages and conditioned by feeding either on low-fat chopped herring (H trout) or dry pellets (P trout) for 15 weeks. Their satiation amounts were then determined under standard conditions. On a wet weight basis H trout ate 2·5-3·5 times more food than P trout; this was sufficient to compensate for the high water content of herring and thereby maintain the dry matter intake. When P trout were offered herring (PH trout) they consumed more food than when offered dry pellets but not as much as H trout. Stomach capacity restricted the intake and their dry matter intake was reduced by c. 40%. When H trout were offered dry pellets (HP trout) they adjusted their intake immediately close to the level of P trout although their larger stomachs could have accommodated more than twice this volume of dry food. The return of appetite after a satiation meal was almost linear with time. Appetite increased at c. 556 mg g-1 body weight h-1 for H trout and at 142 mg g-1 bw h-1 for P trout. The return of appetite in PH trout was significantly slower (c. 370 mg g-1 bw h-1) than in H trout; the previous dietary history of the PH trout limited their capacity to process larger volumes of wet food in a single meal. Fish offered dry diet (P and HP trout) had similar rates of appetite return despite their previous feeding history suggesting that the property of the dry feed itself might limit meal size. The total gastric emptying time of diets of similar dry matter content (with and without large amounts of water) was similar, but the delay time before gastric emptying starts tended to be longer for dry diets. Dry pellets appear to impose a demand for water that prolongs the gastric delay. This water demand is met partly by drinking since the trout fed on dry pellets drank significantly more (436 ± 189 mg kg-1 h-1) than unfed and herring-fed trout which drank little or not at all (65 ± 113 and 70 ± 66 mg kg-1 h-1 respectively). Dietary water facilitated food processing and increased daily dry matter intake of trout when fed four times a day. When only one satiation meal per day was allowed, dietary water had no effect. It is concluded from this work that, in addition to gastric volume, a short-term limitation on the size of satiation meals in the rainbow trout is the availability of water to moisturize the food and thus to promote gastric digestion and emptying.  相似文献   

The digestion of plant material in mammalian herbivores basically depends on the chemical and structural composition of the diet, the mean particle size to which the forage is processed, and the ingesta retention time. These different factors can be influenced by the animal, and they can presumably compensate for each other. The pygmy hippopotamus, a non-ruminating foregut fermenter, has longer mean retention times than ruminants; however hippos do not achieve higher (fibre) digestibilities on comparable diets, which could be due to ineffective mastication. We performed feeding trials with six pygmy hippos (Hexaprotodon liberiensis) and six banteng cattle (Bos javanicus) on a grass diet. As predicted, both species achieved similar dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and gross energy digestibilities. However, neutral and acid detergent fibre digestibility was lower in pygmy hippos. Apparently, in these species, fibre digestibility was more influenced by particle size, which was larger in pygmy hippos compared to banteng, than by retention time. In spite of their higher relative food intake, the banteng in this study did not have greater relative gut fills than the hippos. Ruminants traditionally appear intake-limited when compared to equids, because feed particles above a certain size cannot leave the rumen. But when compared to nonruminating foregut fermenters, rumination seems to free foregut fermenters from an intrinsic food intake limitation. The higher energy intakes and metabolic rates in wild cattle compared to hippos could have life-history consequences, such as a higher relative reproductive rate.  相似文献   

Birds on migration often alternate between feeding and nonfeeding periods, in part because food resources may be patchily distributed and in part because birds on migration may adopt a risk-prone foraging strategy characterized by selection of variable rather than constant food rewards. Optimal digestion models predict that increases in intermeal interval like those encountered by some migratory birds should result in longer retention time of digesta and higher digestive efficiency if birds are maximizing their rate of energy intake. We tested these predictions by comparing residence time of digesta and extraction efficiency of lipid for captive yellow-rumped warblers (Dendroica coronata) feeding adlibitum and when we added intervals of time when the birds received no food. We increased the likelihood that the warblers were maximizing their rate of energy intake by increasing light levels during spring to induce hyperphagia (treatment birds (16L:8D light: dark cycle) ate 2.13 ± 0.14 g dry food day−1 (n = 8) while control birds (10L:14D) ate 1.25 ± 0.03 g dry food day−1 (n = 6)). Treatment birds offered food only every other 2–3 h ate 50% more during the 4-h test period than when they were always feeding adlibitum. Despite these differences in food intake, extraction efficiency of glycerol trioleate remained high and constant (93%), and mouth-to-anus total mean retention time (TMRT) did not change (overall mean: 54.8 ± 6.0 min). Residence time of lipid in the stomach increased whereas residence time of lipid in the intestine decreased when birds fed only every other 2–3 h compared to when birds always fed ad libitum. None of the results were consistent with the predictions of the optimal digestion model unless we assume that birds were minimizing their feeding time rather than maximizing their rate of energy gain. Furthermore, the ability of yellow-rumped warblers to maintain high extraction efficiency with no change in TMRT suggests some spare digestive capacity when food intake increases by as much as 50%. Received: 14 June 1997 / Accepted: 20 November 1997  相似文献   

Ingestion time, digestion time, and assimilation efficiency by the sea anemone Aiptasia pallida were studied in the laboratory by feeding individual anemones preweighed pellets of freeze-dried Artemia salina nauplii. There was no significant correlation between anemone size, measured as dry weight, and either ingestion time, digestion time or assimilation efficiency. Similarly, there was no significant correlation between meal size (i.e., dry weight of ingested brine shrimp pellet) and either ingestion time, digestion time or assimilation efficiency. These results suggest that, under these conditions, assimilation efficiency is unaffected by either “meal” size or anemone size.  相似文献   

Gastric emptying time in Scophthalmus maximus , when fed friable artificial pellets based on fishmeal, is composed of two phases:
(a) a delay time (td) during which the meal forms a bolus and which shortens with temperature, and
(b) an emptying phase (duration tend ) which varies with meal size ( S ), body weight ( W ) and temperature (71 according to:
(where t end is in h, S is in g, W is in g and T is °C). During the emptying phase, stomach contents decrease curvilinearly according to:
(where St , & So is in g and t is in h) in which the instantaneous digestion rate, K , varies with fish weight and temperature as:
Food pellets were prepared which remained separate and did not form a bolus in the stomach; K increased if a given meal size was subdivided to increase surface area. If meal size was increased by ingestion of identical pellets, K decreased. After a satiation meal, appetite in young turbot returns in direct relation to the degree of stomach emptiness. When food is regularly available, young turbot feed steadily at a rate which maintains their stomachs at c. 85% maximum fullness. When trained to use demand feeders, the fish interact as a group to feed rhythmically, but feeding rate falls 33% to only two-thirds of the previous rate since stomach fullness, and hence digestion rate (g h−1), is maintained at a lower level. Reduction in dietary energy density below 1 kCal g−1 increases gastric emptying rate and the turbot demonstrate partial compensation by increasing food intake. On energy-rich diets, protein nitrogen and energy assimilation efficiencies remain high (97 5% and 91% respectively) irrespective of feeding rate and frequency.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior has been analyzed in Large-White and Chinese pig breeds. Maximally automatized apparatuses, especially adapted to animal size, were used. Besides the usual parameters measured such as food intake, meal size, meal duration, meal frequency, intermeal intervals and postprandial correlation, these apparatuses also permitted us to measure the rate of intake during the meal. This rate was constant throughout the meal in ad libitum conditions and after 24-hour deprivation. A positive correlation between meal size and length of the postmeal interval was found in only half of the animals. During this work, we began to study the mechanisms initiating food intake.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is ideal for studying lifespan modulated by dietary restriction (DR) and oxidative stress, and also for screening prolongevity compounds. It is critical to measure food intake in the aforementioned studies. Current methods, however, overlook the amount of the food excreted out of the flies as feces or deposited in eggs. Here we describe a feeding method using a radioactive tracer to measure gender-specific food intake, retention and excretion in response to DR and oxidative stress to account for all the ingested food. Flies were fed a full, restricted or paraquat-containing diet. The radioactivity values of the food in fly bodies, feces and eggs were measured separately after a 24-hr feeding. Food intake was calculated as the sum of these measurements. We found that most of the tracer in the ingested food was retained in the fly bodies and < 8% of the tracer was excreted out of the flies as feces and eggs in the case of females during a 24-hr feeding. Under a DR condition, flies increased food intake in volume to compensate for the reduction of calorie content in the diet and also slightly increased excretion. Under an oxidative stress condition, flies reduced both food intake and excretion. Under all the tested dietary conditions, males ingested and excreted 3-5 fold less food than females. This study describes an accurate method to measure food intake and provides a basis to further investigate prandial response to DR and prolongevity interventions in invertebrates.  相似文献   

Sandbar sharks maintained in an enclosure in the natural environment were fed meals of soft blue crab, Callinectes sapidus , or menhaden, Brevoortia lyrannus , and were sacrificed at intervals after feeding to measure rates of gastric emptying. Regression analysis was used to evaluate the adequacy of various models in describing the decrease in stomach contents with time after feeding. A Gompertz growth curve provided the best fit to the data for both food types. This model suggests that gastric emptying is characterized by an initial lag phase during which evacuation rate increases, a period of maximal evacuation, and a decreasing evacuation rate during the later stages of digestion. Passage of food from the stomach was slow relative to other species of fish studied. The time required to evacuate 98% of a meal was 92–3 and 70–7 h for sharks fed menhaden and blue crab respectively. Evacuation rates did not differ between day and night periods.  相似文献   

Four Holstein heifers (264 ± 12 kg initial BW) were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-day experimental periods to determine the effect of increasing levels of sodium bicarbonate (BICARB) (0%, 1.25%, 2.5% and 5%, of concentrate dry matter (DM) basis) on chewing and feed intake behavior when fed high-concentrate diets. Concentrate (13.41% CP, 13.35% NDF) and barley straw were fed once a day at 0830 h ad libitum. Feed bunks placed on scales and video recording were used to measure 24-h feed intake and chewing behavior, respectively. The patterns of feeding behavior (feed intake, meal size and length) and chewing behavior (eating, ruminating and total chewing) were studied by dividing the day into 12 intervals of 2-h each, beginning at feeding (interval 1 through 12). Number of meals per day and eating rate decreased linearly with increasing buffer level, but meal length increased linearly. No treatment effects were observed in sum of daily meal lengths or average meal size. The treatment × interval interaction was significant on meal size, length and feed intake. The size and length of those meals occurring during the 4 h post-feeding increased linearly. However, meal size tended to decrease in the evening between 8 and 12 h, whereas feed intake decreased linearly from 6 to 10 h and from 12 to 14 h post-feeding. Buffer concentration did not affect the percentage of time spent ruminating, eating or drinking per day but the buffer level × interval interaction was significant. Time spent eating expressed as min per kg of DM or organic matter (OM) intake increased linearly with buffer levels. Proportion of time spent eating increased linearly during the intervals between 0 and 4 h post-feeding. Time spent ruminating decreased linearly during the 2 h post-feeding, and also in the evening from 12 to 14 h, and at night from 18 to 22 h post-feeding, but the effect was quadratic between 8 and 10 h when intermediate buffer levels showed the greatest ruminating time. Time spent drinking decreased linearly from 6 to 8 h but increased during the 2 h following feeding and from 10 to 12 h post-feeding. Daily eating rate and meal frequency decreased linearly as the buffer level increased, but average meal size and daily chewing times were not affected. However, significant time of the day × buffer level interactions were observed for feed intake, meal size and length and chewing behavior.  相似文献   

Objective: Food intake is known to be affected by macronutrient composition of the diet, and protein manipulation has been reported to alter food intake, but the effect of individual amino acids on eating behavior has not been fully studied. This study investigated the effect of diet supplementation with three individual amino acids on meal pattern in male rats. Research Methods and Procedures: Thirty‐two Sprague‐Dawley rats were randomly divided into four equal groups and fed control diet or histidine (5%)‐, leucine (5%)‐, or tyrosine (5%)‐supplemented diet for 2 weeks and were monitored for their meal pattern. Results: Total food intake and feeding rate of the different groups were not affected, although other components of meal pattern were altered. Histidine supplementation reduced diurnal meal size by 42% (p < 0.05), whereas that of leucine increased nocturnal meal size by ~35% (p < 0.05). Tyrosine supplementation increased food intake of the nocturnal period and decreased that of the diurnal period. Both histidine and tyrosine supplementation elevated fasting plasma insulin levels and suppressed fasting glucose significantly. Discussion: Individual amino acids were found to alter meal pattern differently. Further investigations are required to dissect the involvement of central and peripheral factors in these alterations.  相似文献   

We previously reported that MK-801 (dizocilpine), an antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptors, increased meal size and duration in rats. MK-801 did not increase sham feeding or attenuate reduction of sham feeding by intraintestinal nutrient infusions. These results suggested that the MK-801-induced increase in meal size did not depend on antagonism of postgastric satiety signals. Consequently, we hypothesized that the NMDA antagonist might increase food intake by directly antagonizing gastric mechanosensory signals or by accelerating gastric emptying, thereby reducing gastric mechanoreceptive feedback. To test this hypothesis, we recorded intake of 15% sucrose in rats implanted with pyloric cuffs that could be closed to prevent gastric emptying. Sucrose intake was increased when the pyloric cuffs were open, allowing the stomach to empty. However, intake was not increased when the pyloric cuffs were inflated, causing gastric retention of all ingested sucrose. Direct measurements of gastric emptying revealed that MK-801 accelerated the emptying of 5-ml loads of 0.9% NaCl and 15% sucrose. Furthermore, MK-801 also accelerated the rate of emptying of freely ingested sucrose regardless of the volume ingested. Taken together with our previous findings, these results indicate that blockade of NMDA receptors with MK-801 does not increase food intake by antagonizing gastric mechanosensation. Rather, it accelerates gastric emptying, and thereby may indirectly reduce gastric mechanoreceptive cues, resulting in prolongation of eating. Modulation of gastric emptying rate by NMDA receptors could play an important role in the control of meal sizes.  相似文献   

For five species of hummingbirds in the laboratory, time between meals was related to energy intake on the first meal and rate of energy expenditure between meals. Field observations gave similar results. Average meal sizes were similar at one intake rate independent of food caloric density; females averaged longer bouts than males. When rate of intake was approximately halved, meal duration approximately doubled and volume intake remained similar. We postulate that feeding is initiated when crop contents reach a lower threshold and that feeding is terminated after ingestion of an optimal volume determined by the added weight of the meal.  相似文献   

1. Within the broad field of optimal foraging, it is increasingly acknowledged that animals often face digestive constraints rather than constraints on rates of food collection. This therefore calls for a formalization of how animals could optimize food absorption rates. 2. Here we generate predictions from a simple graphical optimal digestion model for foragers that aim to maximize their (true) metabolizable food intake over total time (i.e. including nonforaging bouts) under a digestive constraint. 3. The model predicts that such foragers should maintain a constant food retention time, even if gut length or food quality changes. For phenotypically flexible foragers, which are able to change the size of their digestive machinery, this means that an increase in gut length should go hand in hand with an increase in gross intake rate. It also means that better quality food should be digested more efficiently. 4. These latter two predictions are tested in a large avian long-distance migrant, the Bewick's swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii), feeding on grasslands in its Dutch wintering quarters. 5. Throughout winter, free-ranging Bewick's swans, growing a longer gut and experiencing improved food quality, increased their gross intake rate (i.e. bite rate) and showed a higher digestive efficiency. These responses were in accordance with the model and suggest maintenance of a constant food retention time. 6. These changes doubled the birds' absorption rate. Had only food quality changed (and not gut length), then absorption rate would have increased by only 67%; absorption rate would have increased by only 17% had only gut length changed (and not food quality). 7. The prediction that gross intake rate should go up with gut length parallels the mechanism included in some proximate models of foraging that feeding motivation scales inversely to gut fullness. We plea for a tighter integration between ultimate and proximate foraging models.  相似文献   

In many fish and reptiles, gastric digestion is responsible for the complete breakdown of prey items into semi-liquid chyme. The responses of the stomach to feeding and to periods of fasting are, however, unknown for many lower vertebrates. We inserted data loggers into the stomachs of free-swimming captive adult blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) to quantify gastric pH, motility and temperature during fasting and following ingestion of food. Gastric acid secretion was continuous, even during long periods of fasting, with a mean pH of 1.66 ± 0.40 (± 1 SD) when the stomach was empty. Stomach contractions were greater following meals of mackerel than for those of squid. Gastric motility following feeding on mackerel, was positively influenced by ambient temperature, and followed a quadratic relationship with meal size, with maximum motility occurring after meals of 0.8-1.0% body weight. Diel changes in gastric motility were apparent, and were most likely caused by diel changes in ambient temperature. Gastric digestion in blacktip reef sharks is affected by both biotic and abiotic variables. We hypothesize that behavioral strategies adopted by sharks in the field may be an attempt to optimize digestion by selecting for appropriate environmental conditions.  相似文献   

There is a relationship between the normal progress of digestion and the retention or elimination of the proteins ingested with the meal by Aedes aegyti females. The addition of soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) to a protein meal prevented digestion and resulted in a rapid elimination of the undigested proteins. The addition of a mix of free amino acids to a protein meal together with STI resulted in a significant increase in the retention of the undigested proteins during the first 10-15 hrs after feeding. The effect of the free amino acids on the retention of the proteins was concentration-dependent between 250 microg/ml and 5 mg/ml. Free amino acids were also important for the retention of non-protein meals. When females were fed a meal containing FITC-dextran (20 kD), most of this compound was eliminated into the feces by 10 hrs; the addition of free amino acid resulted in a significant increase in the retention of the FITC-dextran by the midgut during the first 15 hrs after feeding. The presence of free amino acids in the midgut lumen seems to be an important signal used by the mosquito to regulate the retention of the meal.  相似文献   

Three species of the fresh water carnivore hydra, H. littoralis, H. pseudoligactis, and C. viridissima present a graduation in size with the first species the largest and albino Chlorohydra the smallest. When presented with a daily overabundance of food (artemia), considerable variation in food intake and gross efficiency of growth (proportion of food energy consumed that is turned into new protoplasm or buds) existed among the species. The degree of association between size of species and food intake was highly significant. However, budding efficiency among the species was found to be independent of food intake (when the effects of species size were eliminated) and of species size (when the effects of food intake were removed). However, species with high (low) efficiencies have significantly higher (lower) reproductive rates. A lowering of the temperature from 25° to 15° C. increased the size of the species, increased food intake, but decreased reproductive rate. In all species except H. pseudoligactis a corresponding increase in the production of bud energy with no change in efficiency also occurred. On the other hand, lowering of the temperature for H. pseudoligactis significantly lowered reproductive efficiency but had no effect on the total calorific output of buds. This species, in constrast to the others, appears to have a compensatory ability to adjust its efficiency to maintain a high calorific output when temperature increases. It was also found that albino Chlorohydra have budding efficiencies of around 35 percent which are not influenced by changes in food intake or light. Normal green hydras, however, have efficiencies which range from 40 to 62 percent above their albino counterparts when fed once a day and once every two days in light respectively. It it concluded first, that the symbiotic algae in the gastrodermals cells of green hydra contribute quantitatively in the order of the above amounts to the growth process in this species, and second, that green hydras have the ablity to increase their growth efficiency when food intake is reduced thus reducing the drop in calorific but output that normally occurs in the albino (control) form.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The feeding behaviour of nymphs Schistocerca americana (Drury) was recorded throughout the light phases of the first stadium using a behavioural event recording program on a microcomputer. Most food was ingested on day 4 of the stadium, very little on day 1 and none on day 6, the final day of the stadium. Only 26–45% of the total food intake over the stadium occurred during the dark periods and more food was eaten in the last 4 h of each light period than earlier. Feeding occupied only about 5% of the total time. Variation in food intake was a consequence primarily of changes in the numbers of meals. After day 1, the average meal size did not change significantly. Meal length increased relatively slightly compared with meal size as a consequence of an increase in the proportion of time spent feeding in each meal as meal size increased. Meal size was correlated with the length of the previous interfeed suggesting a volumetric regulation. The distribution of pauses within meals was also consistent with the thesis that meal size is governed by the level of excitation in the central nervous system at the start of the meal.  相似文献   

We measured oxygen consumption in juvenile Chinese striped-necked turtles (Ocadia sinensis) after they ingested food, either as a single meal or as double meals, to examine the influence of meal type and feeding frequency on specific dynamic action (SDA). Temporal variation in oxygen consumption after feeding was evident in the ingesting turtles but not in the unfed control turtles. In the single-meal experiment, the peak metabolic rate and the integrated SDA response (the whole energetic cost for the processes of digestion) both did not differ between turtles ingesting mealworms and shrimps when the influence of variation in ingested energy was removed, and the time to reach peak metabolic rate was not affected by meal type and the amount of food ingested. Turtles in the double-meal experiment ingested more energy and hence had a prolonged duration of SDA response than did those in the single-meal experiment, but the integrated SDA response did not differ between both experimental treatments when the influence of variation in ingested energy was removed. Our results show that meal type and feeding frequency have important consequences on the SDA response of juvenile O. sinensis. As the integrated SDA response remained remarkably constant either between turtles ingesting different food or between turtles ingesting the same food but at different frequencies when the influence of variation in ingested energy was removed, we therefore conclude that the energetic cost associated with ingestion is primarily determined by energy content of food ingested in juvenile O. sinensis.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The rate of gastric evacuation in perch (Perca fluviatilis) (89–170 mm length) fed on fish larvae was studied at temperatures between 12.0 and 21.7°C. Gastric evacuation rates were usually described by an exponential function. The instantaneous rate of gastric evacuation ( R ) was constant for a large number of different meal sizes. At higher food rations, a lag phase in digestion was found during the first part of digestion, and this ration size was smaller for smaller perch (89–110 mm) than for bigger perch (120–170 mm). Below these larger meal sizes, gastric evacuation was similar for the different size classes studied. The relation between R and temperature was described by an exponential function. The effects of meal size, number of food items, fish size and temperature on the rate of gastric evacuation are discussed.  相似文献   

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