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Summary Callus culture was initiated from expiants of mature root tissues of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) on MS medium enriched with 2,4-D. The ageing callus produced numerous embryoids in this medium. Reculture of these embryoids in media (1/2 MS or B5) supplemented with benzyladenine and gibberellic acid resulted in profuse plantlet regeneration.  相似文献   

Cotyledon explants of ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) produced somatic embryos directly on medium without growth regulators, with 89% of the explants forming somatic embryos. Cytokinin treatment greatly suppressed somatic embryo formation but stimulated the direct formation of adventitious buds. BAP treatment was more effective than the kinetin treatment for adventitious bud formation. Auxin (0.05 mg/l IBA) in combination with cytokinin enhanced adventitious bud formation, with the highest frequency, 40%, at 0.05 mg/l IBA and 5 mg/l BAP. Adventitious buds were mainly formed near the distal portion of the cotyledons, while somatic embryos were formed near the proximal excised margins. Shoots were developed from adventitious buds after transfer to MS medium with 10 mg/l GA3. Root formation from the shoots was obtained after the shoots were transferred to half-strength MS medium with auxin (IAA). When the plants derived from adventitious buds were transferred to greenhouse soil, 36% were successfully acclimatized. Received: 7 November 1997 / Revision received: 12 January 1998 / Accepted: 7 February 1998  相似文献   

 This report describes a protocol for the regeneration of plants from protoplasts isolated from proembryogenic masses (PEMs) in a suspension culture derived from the nucellar callus of mango (Mangifera indica L. cv 'Amrapali'). The maximum yield (24.6±1.1×106), with 81.04±4.1% viable protoplasts per gram PEMs, was obtained with an enzyme mixture containing 1.2% cellulase, 1.0% hemicellulase and 0.6% pectinase. An optimum density of 5×104 cultured protoplasts per milliliter culture medium was required for the highest frequency (88.89±5.40%) of division. Dividing protoplasts developed into microcalli that proliferated on medium supplemented with growth regulators (auxins or kinetin alone, or auxins with kinetin) and produced somatic embryos after transfer to a growth regulator-free medium. The protocallus on 2,4-D-containing medium produced the maximum number (102.50±6.93) of somatic embryos. Maturation of somatic embryos depended upon the presence, and the nature and combination of growth regulators in the medium during proliferation of the callus. The mature somatic embryos germinated and developed into plants that were transferred to soil. Received: 1 April 1999 / Revision received: 27 July 1999 / Accepted: 23 August 1999  相似文献   

Summary We report the isolation and regeneration of protoplasts from an embryogenic banana (Musa spp.) cell suspension culture initiated from in vitro proliferating meristems. A high yielding isolation method (up to 6×107 protoplasts.ml–1 packed cells) is discussed. Optimal regeneration, with more than 50% of the protoplasts showing initial cell division, occurred when high inoculation densities (106 protoplasts.ml–1) or nurse cultures were applied. Under these conditions, the frequency of microcolony formation was 20–40%. These microcolonies developed directly, without an intervening callus phase, into somatic embryos which later germinated and formed plantlets.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were released from embryogenic suspension culture of Paspalum scrobiculatum and cultured in either liquid or semisolid KM medium supplemented with 2,4-D in the dark at 24°C with or without a feeder layer. Cell wall formation was observed in 75% of the plated protoplasts. Microcolonies developed after 10 d of culture, which in turn formed callus upon transfer to M-2 medium (Nayak and Sen, 1989). The highest plating effeciency (ca 7%) was obtained in thin-layer liquid culture. The macrocalli formed somatic embryos which regenerated to plantlets. The plantlets were grown to flowering plants upon transfer to soil.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FDA Fluoresceine diacetate - MES 2-(N-Morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog medium (1962)  相似文献   

A method to obtain plants from embryogenic callus of Brassica nigra and protoplasts of hypocotyl expiants is described. Callus was initiated on Murashige and Skoog medium containing kinetin (kn) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D). Lowering of auxin induced embryo formation. Supplementation with gibberellic acid (GA3) enhanced embryogenic response tenfold. Passage through liquid medium devoid of growth regulators was essential for the growth of embryos. Secondary embryos were produced on transfer to solid basal medium. Embryogenic callus retained its morphogenic ability even after 12 subcultures. Both primary and secondary embryos produced fertile plants. Hypocotyl-derived protoplasts were also regenerated to plants following the same protocol. The survival of plants on transfer to soil was about 80%. The seeds from plants derived from callus and protoplasts were viable.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - IAA indole acetic acid - kn kinetin - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Although many reports have been published regarding the pharmacological effects of ginseng, little is known about the biochemical pathways operant in ginsenoside biosynthesis, or the genes involved therein. Proteomics analysis is an approach to elucidate the physiological characteristics and biosynthetic pathways of ginsenosides, main components of ginseng. In this review, we introduced the recent progress in proteomics studies of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). We briefly reference the genomic analyses of P. ginseng, without which proteomics approaches would have been impossible. Functional genomics studies regarding secondary metabolism in P. ginseng are also introduced here, in order to introduce possible future prospects for further study.  相似文献   

We isolated the full-length cDNA of PgCDPK2DS1 gene whose expression was significantly increased at early stages of embryo development in cell cultures of ginseng P. ginseng 2c3. Interest in this gene also was supported by its nonstandard structure: the amino acid sequence of the PgCDPK2DS1 gene contained only the N-terminal domain and 80% of the kinase domain. Overexpression of the PgCDPK2DS1 gene in nonembryonic calli 1c resulted in the appearance of embryonic structures in the PgCDPK2DS1-transgenic ginseng cell culture 1c-2d. Also, expression of the plant embryogenesis marker genes WUS and SERK significantly increased in cell culture 1c-2d. The observed embryo-like structures were at early stages of embryo development; attempts to obtain adult plants from these embryo-like structures were unsuccessful. Overexpression of PgCDPK2DS1 gene in the embryonic cell culture PG resulted in a decrease of embryonic structures in the PgCDPK2DS1-transgenic ginseng cell culture PG-2d. Moreover, expression of plant embryogenesis marker genes WUS and SERK and expression of the endogenous PgCDPK2DS1 significantly decreased in the cell culture PG-2d. Thus, for the first time it was shown that the PgCDPK2DS1 gene is involved in the regulation of somatic embryogenesis in P. ginseng cell cultures.  相似文献   

Culture conditions were optimized for somatic embryogenesis ofPanax ginseng. The highest frequency of embryo formation was obtained when tissues were excised from the middle region of the cotyledon segments of zygotic embryos. Only treatment with light could stimulate the formation of single-type somatic embryos, whereas multiple-type somatic embryos and calli were observed under dark conditions. The highest production of somatic embryos was found with an NH4 +:NO3 ratio of 21:39. Among the tested media (MS, B5, and SH), maximum formation of somatic embryos was obtained when cotyledon expiants were cultured on an 1% agar MS medium supplemented with 5% sucrose. Regenerated ginseng plantlets were transferred to an autoclaved soil mixture in the greenhouse. These transformants showed no detectable variations in their morphology or growth characteristics compared with the donor plant.  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from embryogenic callus of Citropsis schweinfurthii (Engl.) Swing. & M. Kell were cultured in MT (Murashige and Tucker 1969) basal medium containing 5% sucrose supplemented with 0.0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 or 1.0 mg l–1 BA, 0, 300, 600 or 900 mg l–1 malt extract and 0.6 M sorbitol. The highest plating efficiency was obtained on MT basal medium containing 5% sucrose supplemented with 0.01 mg l–1 BA and 600 mg l–1 malt extract. MT basal medium containing 5% sucrose and supplemented with 0.01 mg l–1 kinetin was found to be a medium suitable for the development of globular somatic embryos derived from protoplasts into heart-shaped somatic embryos with cotyledon-like structures. The highest percentage of shoot formation was obtained using 0.1 mg l–1 GA3. A complete protoplast to-plant system was developed for C. schweinfurthii, which could facilitate the transfer of nuclear and cytoplasmic genes from this species into cultivated Citrus through protoplast fusion.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FDA fluorescein diacetate - GA3 gibberellin A3 - ME malt extract  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis and subsequent formation of plantlets was obtained from callus cultures derived from leaves of mature (over 60years old) Soapnut (Sapindus trifoliatus L.) tree. Callus was induced from leaf explants and grown on Murashige and Skoog's medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and kinetin. Reduction of 2,4-D concentration during subsequent subcultures resulted in formation of embryoids. These embryoids developed further when transferred to a medium containing benzylaminopurine and kinetin and then to a hormone-free medium. Unless 5-methyl tryptophan was added and the level of sucrose raised, the embryoids began to recallus and failed to form plantlets.  相似文献   

In asthma, T helper 2 (T(H)2)-type cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, and IL-13 are produced by activated CD4(+) T cells. Dendritic cells played an important role in determining the fate of naive T cells into either T(H)1 or T(H)2 cells. We determined whether RG-II regulates the T(H)1/T(H)2 immune response by using an ovalbumin-induced murine model of asthma. RG-II reduced IL-4 production but increased interferon- gamma production, and inhibited GATA-3 gene expression. RG-II also inhibited asthmatic reactions including an increase in the number of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, an increase in inflammatory cell infiltration in lung tissues, airway luminal narrowing, and airway hyperresponsiveness. This study provides evidence that RG-II plays a critical role in ameliorating the pathogenic process of asthmatic inflammation in mice. These findings provide new insights into the immunotherapeutic role of RG-II in terms of its effects in a murine model of asthma.  相似文献   

Panax japonicus is one of the important medicinal plants. Here, we established the protocol for plant regeneration of P. japonicus via direct somatic embryogenesis. Somatic embryos were directly obtained from the segments of zygotic embryos on MS medium with 4.4 μM 2,4-D. Thereafter, somatic embryos were produced by repetitive secondary somatic embryogenesis. The secondary somatic embryo formation was enhanced by plasmolyzing pretreatment (1.0 M mannitol for 10 h). Frequency of secondary somatic embryo formation from cotyledon segments was lowered by plasmolyzing pretreatment, but the number of somatic embryos per explants was greatly increased. Plasmolyzing pretreatment resulted in retardation of embryo growth and required subculture to fresh medium for further growth of embryos into cotyledonary stage. Without plasmolyzing pretreatment, cotyledonary embryos were obtained after 8 weeks of culture. All the cotyledonary somatic embryos germinated by 5 μM GA3 treatment, but only 15.3% were germinated on hormone-free medium. After 2 months of culture on 1/2 strength WPM medium, plantlets produced flowers spontaneously. In the anthers of in vitro flowers, microsporogenesis occurred normally with low number of pollen grains.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts were isolated from immature cotyledons of Vigna sinensis and cultured in a modified MS Liquid medium containing 0. 2 mg/l 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D), 1 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 0. 5 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) in the dark at a density of 1 × 105/ml. The protoplasts began to divide in 3–5 days. Sustained cell division resulted in formation of cell clusters and small calli, with the cell division frequency and plating efficiency of cell colonies reaching 27. 7% and 1. 7% respectively. When calli of 2 mm in size were transferred onto MSB medium (MS salts and B5 vitamins) containing 500mg/l NaCl, 500 mg/ 1 casein hydrolysate (CH), 2 mg/l 2,4-D and 0. 5 mg/l BAP for further growth, approximately 5% of the calli developed embryogenically. The embryogenic calli were selected and subcultured on the same composition of MSB medium and were able to maintain somatic embryogenesis capacity in subculture for a long time. When the calli were moved to MSB medium with 0. 1 mg/l indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 0. 5mg/l kinetin(KT), 3–5% mannitol and 2% sucrose in the light, many somatic embryos formed from the calli. Only part of the embryoids developed further to the cotyledonary stage, and the others died at the globular, heart-shaped or torpedo stages. Finally, some cotyledonary embryoids germinated and developed into plants or shoots. The shoots were readily rooted on 1/2 strength MS medium with 0. 1–0.3 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). The plants grew well in soil and were fertile.Abbreviations 2, 4-D dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - KT kinetin - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - CH casein hydrolysate - CM coconut milk - ZT zeatin  相似文献   

Protoplasts ofVicia narbonensis isolated from epicotyls and shoot tips of etiolated seedlings were embedded in 1.4% sodium-alginate at a final density of 2.5×105 protoplasts/ml and cultivated in Kao and Michayluk-medium containing 0.5 mg/I of each of 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, naphthylacetic acid and 6 -benzylaminopurine. A division frequency of 36% and a plating efficiency of 0.40–0.5% were obtained. Six weeks after embedding, protoplast-derived calluses were transferred onto gelrite-solidified Murashige and Skoog-media containing various growth regulators. Regeneration of plants was achieved via two morphologically distinguishable pathways. A two step protocol (initially on medium with a high auxin concentration followed by a culture phase with lowered auxin amount) was used to regenerate somatic embryos, whereas cultivation on medium containing thidiazuron and naphthylacetic acid resulted in shoot morphogenesis. Mature plants were recovered from both somatic embryos as well as from thidiazuron-induced shoots.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BA 6 -benzylaminopurine - CH casein hydrolysate - FDA fluorescein diacetate - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - KM Kao and Michayluk's medium (1975) - MS Murashige and Skoog's medium (1962) - NAA naphthylacetic acid - TDZ thidiazuron  相似文献   

Richter R  Basar S  Koch A  König WA 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(23):2708-2713
The volatile constituents of the roots of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer have been investigated after hydrodistillation and analysed by means of different analytical methods. Besides several compounds already known three sesquiterpene hydrocarbons have been isolated from the essential oil. Structure elucidation of the bicyclic panaxene as well as of the tricyclic panaginsene and ginsinsene was performed by MS and NMR. They have been identified as (1R*,2S*,5S*)-2-ethenyl-1(1-methylethenyl)-2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.2.0]heptane (panaxene), (1S*,8S*,11R*)-4,7,7,11-tetramethyltricyclo[,5)]undec-4-ene (panaginsene) und (1R*,6R*,7R*)-3,7,10,10-tetramethyltricyclo[,6)]undec-2-ene (ginsinsene).  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis of Panax ginseng CA Meyer was initiated from suspension aggregates of an embryogenic callus, in a liquid medium consisting of half strength Murashige and Skoog (1962) supplemented with the synthetic auxin benzoselenienyl-3 acetic acid. The addition of spermidine to this initiation medium significantly increased the production of somatic embryos. In this case, the total polyamine content of the embryogenic mass was higher than that of cultures without spermidine. At day 6 of the culture, a transient accumulation of free polyamines, mainly spermidine, was observed. After this peak, free and conjugated polyamines levels did not show significant variation nor did the polyamine oxidase activity. The results clearly demonstrated that spermidine supplied to the medium was oxidised by polyamine oxidase and partially metabolised into putrescine. The role of spermidine and its interaction with auxin in the initiation of the embryogenic process in Panax ginseng are discussed in relation to embryogenic potential.  相似文献   

Direct somatic embryos were differentiated on cotyledon transverse Thin Cell Layers (tTCLs) of Panax ginseng after 9 weeks in the Murashige and Skoog basal (MS) medium containing 2,4-d (5M). When MS medium containing 2,4-d (5M) was used for seedling pretreatment and for tTCLs culture, somatic embryos were observed 2 weeks earlier, i.e. after 7 weeks of culture. On the tTCLs from seedlings pretreated with 2,4-d (5M) combined with benzyladenine and zeatin at 0.1 M (BZ), somatic embryos were observed after 6 weeks of culture and the percentage of embryogenesis was higher (62%) than when 2,4-d was used alone for pretreatment (40%). Similar results were also obtained from pretreatment with combinations of 2,4-d (5M) and thidiazuron (TDZ) (0.01, 0.1M). When a combination of 2,4-d (5M) and BZ (0.1M) was used both for seedling pretreatment and for tTCLs culture, both somatic embryos and shoots were observed after only 3 weeks. As the concentration of BZ increased, the percentage of somatic embryogenesis decreased but the percentage of organogenesis increased. Similar responses were obtained with a combination of 2,4-d (5M) and TDZ (0.01M). On the medium containing both NAA (0.3M) and BZ (1M), globular- and heart- stage embryos developed after 4 weeks of culture into cotyledonary-staged embryos which remained dormant after a short elongation of the embryo axis. The importance of seedling pretreatment by growth substances in enhancing somatic embryogenesis is reported.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - BZ combination of BA and zeatin - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - MS medium Murashige and Skoog basal medium - NAA a-naphthaleneacetic acid - TDZ thidiazuron - tTCLs transverse thin cell layers - TCL longitudinal thin cell layer  相似文献   

H J Hwang  E H Kim  Y D Cho 《Phytochemistry》2001,58(7):1015-1024
Arginase (EC was purified to homogeneity from root tissues of three-year-old ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer), shade plant, and was found to be an extraordinarily large molecule relatively stable to heat. The enzyme was decameric having a molecular mass of 352,000 Da, with an optimal temperature and pH of 60 degrees C and 9.5, respectively. Analogues of arginine could not replace it as substrate, and a cysteine residue is at or near the active site. Maximum activity was obtained with Mn(2+) and Co(2+) also activated the proteins, whereas, both agmatine and 5'-deoxy-methylthioadenosine were inhibitors. Specific activities of the enzyme in sliced ginseng roots were increased by plant hormones such as GA(3), IAA, kinetin and putrescine, whereas the activities of the purified enzyme were unaffected by putrescine. Increases in arginase activities by these plant hormones could affect metabolism of polyamine intracellularly.  相似文献   

Plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis in Quercus suber   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cork oak ( Quercus suber L.) zygotic embryos, endosperm and ovules were treated with different concentrations of 2,4-D for induction of somatic embryos. Plant material was collected during the embryo development season, from June to September. Immature embryos proved to be the most reactive initial explant. Callus and somatic embryos developed a few weeks after the beginning of the 2,4-D treatment. For embryo development experiments, different growth regulators and cold and desiccation treatments were tested. Cold storage of somatic embryos matured in vitro at 5°C was the best treatment for breaking dormancy.  相似文献   

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