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The transition from biotic to abiotic pollination was investigated using Schiedea, a genus exhibiting a remarkable diversity of inflorescence architecture associated with pollination biology. Heritabilities and genetic correlations of inflorescence traits were estimated in gynodioecious Schiedea salicaria (Caryophyllaceae), a species that has likely undergone a recent transition to wind-pollination. Using a partial diallel crossing design, significant narrow-sense heritabilities were detected for inflorescence condensation (h2 = 0.56 to 0.68 in the two sexes) and other traits related to the extent of wind pollination in Schiedea species. Heritabilities were generally higher in hermaphrodites than in females. Strong genetic correlations may constrain the evolution of some inflorescence traits that facilitate wind pollination, such as simultaneous shortening of inflorescence length and elongation of the subtending internode. The presence of significant narrow-sense heritabilities for traits associated with wind pollination suggests, however, that selection for more effective wind pollination in the windy, pollinator-limited environments where S. salicaria grows could lead to the evolution of the highly condensed inflorescences characteristic of other wind-pollinated species of Schiedea.  相似文献   

We investigated inbreeding depression and selfing in hermaphroditic Schiedea menziesii to assess the stability of the breeding system. A combination of high selfing rates and strong inbreeding depression suggests that the mating system is unstable. The population-level selfing rate measured in three years ranged considerably from 0.425 (SE = 0.138) to 0.704 (0.048); family measures of selfing rate varied from zero to one in all three years. Inbreeding coefficients did not differ from zero, suggesting that inbred plants do not survive to reproduction in the field. Average inbreeding depression measured in two greenhouse experiments was 0.608-0.870, with values for individual plants ranging from -0.170 to 0.940. The magnitude of inbreeding depression expressed at different life-history stages depended on experimental conditions. When plants were grown during the winter, inbreeding depression was expressed at early and late life-history stages. When plants were grown during the summer, inbreeding depression was detected for germination but not for later life-history stages. Inbreeding depression for vegetative and inflorescence biomass was also measured using field-collected seeds where cross status was assigned using genotypes determined electrophoretically. We did not detect a relation between inbreeding depression and the selfing rate at the level of the individual plant. We saw no evidence for intrafloral selfing, suggesting that the evolution of increased selfing through autogamy is unlikely, despite high selfing rates. A more likely outcome of breeding system instability is the evolution of gynodioecy, which occurs in species of Schiedea closely related to S. menziesii. Females have been detected in progeny of S. menziesii that have been raised in the greenhouse. In the absence of biotic pollen vectors, the failure of these females to establish in the natural population may result from the absence of adaptations for wind pollination.  相似文献   

Abstract Levels of selfing and resource allocation patterns were investigated in Schiedea salicaria (Caryophyllaceae), a gynodioecious species with high levels of inbreeding depression and nuclear control of male sterility. Selfing levels were higher in hermaphrodites than females, especially when adjusted for early acting inbreeding depression. The sexes of S. salicaria were similar in most allocation patterns including number of flowers and capsules per inflorescence, seeds per flower, and seed mass. Seeds produced by females had higher levels of germination than seeds of hermaphrodites, a likely result of high selfing levels and the expression of inbreeding depression in the progeny of hermaphrodites. Invasion of females in populations of S. salicaria is probably related to the expression of inbreeding depression at germination and in later life history stages. Comparisons with related species of Schiedea that also have nuclear control of male sterility suggest that reallocation of resources in hermaphrodites to male function occurs as females increase in frequency, but that resource reallocation is not important for the success of females when they first invade populations.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism may be especially pronounced in wind-pollinated species because they lack the constraints of biotically pollinated species that must present their pollen and stigmas in similar positions to ensure pollen transfer. Lacking these constraints, the sexes of wind-pollinated species may diverge in response to the different demands of pollen dispersal and receipt, depending on the magnitude of genetic correlations preventing divergence between sexes. Patterns of sexual dimorphism and genetic variation were investigated for inflorescence traits in Schiedea adamantis (Caryophyllaceae), a species well adapted to wind-pollination, and compared to S. salicaria, a species with fewer adaptations to wind pollination. For S. adamantis, dimorphism was pronounced for inflorescence condensation and its components, including lateral flower number and pedicel length. Within sexes, genetic correlations between traits may constrain the relative shape of the inflorescence. Correlations detected across sexes may retard the evolution of sexual dimorphism in inflorescence structure, including features favoring enhanced dispersal and receipt of pollen. Despite genetic correlations across sexes, common principal components analysis showed that genetic variance-covariance matrices (G matrices) differed significantly between the sexes, in part because of greater genetic variation for flower number in hermaphrodites than in females. G matrices also differed between closely related S. adamantis and S. salicaria, indicating the potential for divergent evolution of inflorescence structure despite general similarities in morphology and pollination biology.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones may serve as bridges permitting gene flow between species, including alleles influencing the evolution of breeding systems. Using greenhouse crosses, we assessed the likelihood that a hybrid zone could serve as a conduit for transfer of nuclear male‐sterility alleles between a gynodioecious species and a hermaphroditic species with very rare females in some populations. Segregation patterns in progeny of crosses between rare females of hermaphroditic Schiedea menziesii and hermaphroditic plants of gynodioecious Schiedea salicaria heterozygous at the male‐sterility locus, and between female S. salicaria and hermaphroditic plants from the hybrid zone, were used to determine whether male‐sterility was controlled at the same locus in the parental species and the hybrid zone. Segregations of females and hermaphrodites in approximately equal ratios from many of the crosses indicate that the same nuclear male‐sterility allele occurs in the parent species and the hybrid zone. These rare male‐sterility alleles in S. menziesii may result from gene flow from S. salicaria through the hybrid zone, presumably facilitated by wind pollination in S. salicaria. Alternatively, rare male‐sterility alleles might result from a reversal from gynodioecy to hermaphroditism in S. menziesii, or possibly de novo evolution of male sterility. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that some species of Schiedea have probably evolved separate sexes independently, but not in the lineage containing S. salicaria and S. menziesii. High levels of selfing and expression of strong inbreeding depression in S. menziesii, which together should favour females in populations, argue against a reversal from gynodioecy to hermaphroditism in S. menziesii.  相似文献   

Both changes in sex allocation and pollination mode may promote the separation of sexes in plant populations. Simultaneous evolution of wind pollination and dimorphism has occurred in Schiedea, where species with different female frequencies provide an opportunity to observe the effect of wind pollination on sex allocation and floral morphology. Differences among species in the ratio of anther to ovary volume were not the result of sex allocation trade-offs, but instead resulted from production of vestigial stamens in females; there were no changes in ovary volume in males and hermaphrodites (MH) of dimorphic species. Relative to hermaphroditic species, dimorphic species had more condensed inflorescences, a pattern often associated with wind pollination. Within dimorphic species, MH had longer filament lengths than females, and females had longer stigmas than MHs. These traits are characteristic of wind pollination, but there was no relationship between the degree of sexual dimorphism and female frequency. Ovary volume and ovule number and size had positive phenotypic correlations between females and MH of dimorphic species, making sex specialization more difficult. In dimorphic Schiedea species, selection for wind pollination may have a greater effect on floral traits than trade-offs in allocation between male and female function.  相似文献   

Evolution of dimorphic breeding systems may involve changes in ecophysiological traits as well as floral morphology because of greater resource demands on females. Differences between related species suggest that ecophysiological traits should be heritable, and species with higher female frequencies should show greater sexual differentiation. We used modified partial diallel crossing designs to estimate narrow-sense heritabilities and genetic correlations of sex-specific ecophysiological and morphological traits in closely related gynodioecious Schiedea salicaria (13% females) and Schiedea adamantis (39% females). In S. salicaria, hermaphrodites and females differed in photosynthetic rate and specific leaf area (SLA). Narrow-sense heritabilities were significant for stomatal conductance, SLA and inflorescence number in hermaphrodites, and for SLA and inflorescence number in females. Schiedea adamantis had no sexual dimorphism in measured traits; stomatal conductance, stem number and inflorescence number were heritable in females, and stem number was heritable in hermaphrodites. In both species, significant genetic correlations of traits between sexes were rare, indicating that traits can evolve independently in response to sex-differential selection. Significant genetic correlations were detected between certain traits within sexes of both species. Low heritability of some ecophysiological traits may reflect low additive genetic variability or high phenotypic plasticity in these traits.  相似文献   

The transition from biotic to wind pollination and the consequencesof this transition for the evolution of dioecious breeding systems wereinvestigated in Schiedea and Alsinidendron(Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae), genera endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. The potential for wind pollination was studied for five species ofSchiedea using a wind tunnel. Morphological correlates of windpollination for these species were then used to infer the presence orabsence of wind pollination in the remaining Schiedea species. Hermaphroditic Alsinidendron and Schiedea species,which occur in mesic to wet forests, or less commonly in dry habitats,show little or no indication of wind pollination. These species had lowpollen:ovule ratios, large relative pollen size, diffuse inflorescences,substantial nectar production in several cases, and appear to bebiotically pollinated or autogamous. Sexually dimorphic species, whichall occur in dry habitats, are wind pollinated, based on wind tunnelresults or morphological adaptations indicating the potential for windpollination. These adaptations include high pollen:ovule ratios, smallpollen size, moderately to highly condensed inflorescences, and reducednectaries and nectar production. Shifts to wind pollination anddimorphism are strongly correlated in Schiedea, suggesting theclose functional relationship of the twophenomena.  相似文献   

The influence of outcrossing and pollination biology on the maintenance of hermaphroditism was studied for Schiedea lydgatei (Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae), a species endemic to Moloka`i in the Hawaiian Islands. Schiedea lydgatei is the only hermaphroditic species in an otherwise dimorphic clade and hermaphroditism is likely the result of a reversal from a gynodioecious ancestor. Both wind and native moths in the family Pyralidae are responsible for pollination in S. lydgatei. Outcrossing rates were generally high (0.80), especially in years when the greatest number of plants were flowering. The combination of high outcrossing rates and substantial inbreeding depression indicates that at present females would not be favored in the population. Pollination by both wind and insects is consistent with the hypothesis that hermaphroditism is the result of a relatively recent reversal, as the ancestor of S. lydgatei was probably wind pollinated and gynodioecious with few females in the populations. A shift from wind to predominately insect pollination on Moloka`i may have resulted in increased outcrossing rates and prevented the expression of high inbreeding depression among progeny of hermaphrodites, a condition that would select against females and favor a reversal to hermaphroditism. Because few females were likely to have been present in ancestral populations that colonized Moloka`i, founder effect is another potential explanation for loss of females. In either case, current high levels of outcrossing prevent re-establishment of females in populations of S. lydgatei.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual dimorphism depends in part on the additive genetic variance-covariance matrices within females, within males, and across the sexes. We investigated quantitative genetics of floral biomass allocation in females and hermaphrodites of gynodioecious Schiedea adamantis (Caryophyllaceae). The G-matrices within females (G(f)), within hermaphrodites (G(m)), and between sexes (B) were compared to those for the closely related S. salicaria, which exhibits a lower frequency of females and less-pronounced sexual dimorphism. Additive genetic variation was detected in all measured traits in S. adamantis, with narrow-sense heritability from 0.34-1.0. Female allocation and floral size traits covaried more tightly than did those traits with allocation to stamens. Between-sex genetic correlations were all <1, indicating sex-specific expression of genes. Common principal-components analysis detected differences between G(f) and G(m) , suggesting potential for further independent evolution of the sexes. The two species of Schiedea differed in G(m) and especially so in G(f) , with S. adamantis showing greater genetic variation in capsule mass and tighter genetic covariation between female allocation traits and flower size in females. Despite greater sexual dimorphism in S. adamantis, genetic correlations between the two sexes (standardized elements of B) were similar to correlations between sexes in S. salicaria.  相似文献   

Island radiations are often regarded as natural laboratories that allow us to study evolution in action. The genus Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae) is one of the largest radiations of angiosperms in the Hawaiian Islands, and Schiedea globosa is one of the few species in the genus to be found on more than one of the main islands. DNA sequences from nineteen nuclear and three chloroplast regions show a pattern of colonization from older to younger islands (west to east), with a concomitant decrease in genetic diversity eastwards (π=0.53% for O'ahu, 0.43% for Moloka'i and 0.36% for Maui). While polymorphisms in the maternally inherited chloroplast have become fixed on different islands (F(ST)=0.804), significant gene flow between islands is inferred for the nuclear genome (F(ST)=0.270). This gene flow appears to be uneven, with most gene flow outwards from the central island. The extent of inter-island gene flow through wind pollination was assessed in an isolation-migration framework; the inferred rate, c. 1 migrant per generation, may be sufficient to prevent divergence of S. globosa populations and ensure cohesion of the species following the colonization of new islands.  相似文献   

Abstract The evolution of dioecy was studied in Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae), a genus endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Eight of the 22 species are diclinous, possessing gynodioecious, subdioecious, or dioecious breeding systems. A biogeographic analysis of the genus indicates that the ancestor of Schiedea colonized early in the history of the Hawaiian Islands. Subsequently, hermaphroditic species appear to have engaged in inter-island colonization more frequently than diclinous species. For this reason, single-island endemism and dicliny are more common on the older Hawaiian Islands. Strong inbreeding depression was detected in three species of Schiedea , indicating that genetic factors have played a role in the evolution of dicliny. Depending on the level of natural selfing, the expression of inbreeding depressioin may have favored the outcrossed progeny of rare females in populations, and eventually the evolution of dioecy. In contrast to evidence for inbreeding depression, there was very little evidence that resource allocation, sex lability, or habitat partitioning have played an important role in the evolution of dioecy. In subdioecious S. globosa hermaphrodites were largely male in function, and in gynodioecious S. salicaria females and hermaphrodites were equivalent in nearly all aspects of female function that could be measured. Variation in breeding systems in Schiedea and the closely related Alsinidendron may result from the past history of population bottlenecks that have resulted in varying levels of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The natural hybridization that occurs between two sympatric species of Rhododendron subgenus Hymenanthes in Yunnan, China, was investigated. In field observations, it was noted that the putative hybrids between R. delavayi Franch. and R. cyanocarpum (Franch.) Franch. ex W.W. Sm. had intermediate morphologies. On the basis of morphology, chloroplast DNA (trnL-rpl32) and nuclear DNA (waxy), hybrids and parental species were identified. Hybridization occurred in both directions, but was asymmetrical, with R. delavayi as the major maternal parent. Reciprocal hand pollination treatments showed that either species, as pollen donor or pollen receiver, could produce fruits. It was noted that fruit set varied among treatments. The same pollinators (bumblebees) were shared in both parental species. From these results, we conclude that individuals with intermediate morphologies are indeed of hybrid origin from natural hybridization between R. cyanocarpum and R. delavayi. Furthermore, we presume the hybridization at the study site could have been initiated by habitat disturbance in the 1950s, and we may hence witness the early stages of hybrid swarm formation.  相似文献   

We compared inbreeding depression in hermaphroditic Schiedea lydgatei and its gynodioecious sister species, S. salicaria, to infer the level of inbreeding depression in their common ancestor. With measurements of selfing rates, this information can be used to assess the importance of inbreeding depression in the evolution of breeding systems in S. lydgatei and S. salicaria. Morphological and physiological characters related to fitness were compared for inbred and outcrossed S. lydgatei in high- and low-fertilizer environments in the greenhouse. Seed mass, number of seeds per capsule, germination, survival, biomass, number of flowers, and age at first flowering were compared for inbred versus outcrossed progeny. We also measured inbreeding depression in maximal rates of photosynthetic carbon assimilation and stomatal conductance to water vapor, traits that affect fitness through their influence on plant carbon balance and water-use efficiency (ratio of carbon gain to water loss). All traits except number of seeds per capsule in parents and survival showed inbreeding depression, with the magnitude depending on family and environment. High inbreeding depression is likely in the ancestor of S. lydgatei and S. salicaria, indicating that, with sufficiently high selfing rates, females could spread in populations. Hermaphroditism in S. lydgatei is probably favored by low selfing rates. In contrast, the evolution of gynodioecy in S. salicaria apparently has been favored by relatively high selfing rates in combination with high inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Geomorphological changes have been demonstrated to have had profound impacts on biodiversity, often leading to demographic expansions and contractions and allopatric divergence of taxa. We examined DNA sequence variation at two nuclear and one maternally inherited plastid locus among 10 populations of Schiedea globosa on the Hawaiian Islands to assess the primary factors shaping genetic structure, phylogeographic patterns, and the importance of geographic isolation to population divergence. Schiedea globosa has characteristics that may promote gene flow, including wind pollination and rafting of plants in ocean currents. However, we detected significant differentiation among populations on all islands except Hawaii, with the maternally inherited plastid locus having the greatest genetic structure (F(ST) = 0.81). Migration rates across all loci are less than one migrant per generation. We found evidence of growth in several populations and on the islands of Molokai and Maui, which supports population expansion associated with the formation of Maui Nui during the last glacial maximum. Similar to data for many other Hawaiian taxa, these data suggest S. globosa originated on Oahu and subsequently colonized Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii in progression. Given the high level of genetic structure, allopatric divergence will likely contribute to further divergence of populations.  相似文献   

In closely related plant species that display strong similarities in phenology and pollinator communities, differences in breeding system and associated shifts in floral traits may have important effects on the magnitude and direction of heterospecific pollen flow and hybridization. Here, we quantified the strength of several pre‐ and postzygotic barriers acting between the facultatively outcrossing Centaurium erythraea and the predominantly selfing C. littorale via a suite of experiments, and estimated the frequency of hybridization in the field using molecular markers. The reproductive barriers primarily responsible for preventing hybridization were essentially prezygotic and these acted asymmetrically. Due to differences in floral display, pollen production, and pollen transfer rates, heterospecific pollen flow occurred predominantly from C. erythraea to C. littorale. In C. littorale, on the other hand, close anther–stigma positioning and resulting higher capacity for autonomous selfing functioned as an efficient barrier to counterbalance the higher risk for hybrid mating. In both species the action of all reproductive barriers resulted in a small opportunity for hybrid establishment, which was confirmed by the occurrence of only ~1% putative hybrids in the field. Our findings confirm that differences in breeding system affect heterospecific pollen transfer patterns and that autonomous selfing may efficiently prevent hybridization.  相似文献   

Summary A series of fusion experiments were performed between protoplasts of a cytoplasmic albino mutant of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum (ALRC), and gamma-irradiated protoplasts of L. hirsutum and the Solanum species S. commersonii, S. etuberosum and S. nigrum. These species were chosen for their different phylogenetic relationships to tomato. In all fusion combinations except from those between ALRC and S. nigrum, green calli were selected as putative fusion products and shoots regenerated from them. They were subsequently analyzed for their morphology, nuclear DNA composition and chloroplast DNA origin. The hybrids obtained between ALRC and L. hirsutum contained the chloroplasts of L. hirsutum and had the flower and leaf morphology of L. esculentum. After Southern blot analysis, using 13 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) randomly distributed over all chromosomes, all hybrids showed L. esculentum hybridization patterns. No chromosomes of L. hirsutum were found. These results indicate that these hybrids were true cybrids.The putative asymmetric hybrids, obtained with S. commersonii and S. etuberosum, showed phenotypic traits of both parents. After hybridization with species-specific repetitive nuclear DNA probes it was found that nuclear material of both parents was present in all plants. In the case of S. nigrum, which combination has the greatest phylogenetic distance between the fusion parents, no hybrid plants could be obtained. The chloroplast DNA of all hybrid plants was of the donor type suggesting that chloroplast transfer by asymmetric protoplast fusion can overcome problems associated with large phylogenetic distances between parental plants.  相似文献   

The level of genetic diversity and population structure of Acacia senegal variety kerensis in Kenya was examined using seven polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci and two chloroplast microsatellite loci. In both chloroplast and nuclear datasets, high levels of genetic diversity were found within all populations and genetic differentiation among populations was low, indicating extensive gene flow. Analysis of population structure provided support for the presence of two groups of populations, although all individuals had mixed ancestry. Groups reflected the influence of geography on gene flow, with one representing Rift Valley populations whilst the other represented populations from Eastern Kenya. The similarities between estimates derived from nuclear and chloroplast data suggest highly effective gene dispersal by both pollen and seed in this species, although population structure appears to have been influenced by distributional changes in the past. The few contrasts between the spatial patterns for nuclear and chloroplast data provided additional support for the idea that, having fragmented in the past, groups are now thoroughly mixed as a result of extensive gene flow. For the purposes of conservation and in situ management of genetic resources, sampling could target a few, large populations ideally distributed among the spatial groups identified. This should ensure the majority of extant variation is preserved, and facilitate the investigation of variation in important phenotypic traits and development of breeding populations.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that homoploid hybrid speciation will be facilitated by selfing, yet most well-documented hybrid species are outcrossers. One possible explanation for this puzzle is that conditions in hybrid populations may favor selfing, even in otherwise outcrossing species. For example, in self-incompatible plants, mixtures of self and interspecific pollen often induce selfing. Here, we examine patterns of mating in three hybrid zones and four “pure” populations of Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris, wild, self-incompatible sunflower species that are thought to have parented three homoploid hybrid species. Fourteen to 16 maternal families from each pure population and 44–46 maternal families from each hybrid zone were analyzed for seven polymorphic isozyme loci. Maximum-likelihood (ML) methods were used to estimate multilocus outcrossing rates (Tm) and hybridization frequencies for each maternal family, each phenotypic group within each hybrid zone (annuus-like, hybrid, and petiolaris-like), and each population. As predicted for self-incompatible species, all four parental populations have outcrossing rate ML estimates of 1.0. Within the hybrid zones, outcrossing rates were lowest in the H. annuus–like fraction of the population (0.73, 0.72, and 0.74 in the three hybrid zones, respectively), largely intermediate in the H. petiolaris–like group (0.94, 0.90, and 0.94), and highest in the hybrid group (0.97, 0.93, and 0.97). Although outcrossing rates are lower in hybrid zones than in pure populations, it is unlikely that the observed decrease facilitates hybrid speciation because outcrossing rates in the critical hybrid fraction of the population do not differ significantly from 1.0. Dividing the outcrossed pollen pool into intraspecific and interspecific components revealed that maternal plants are largely fertilized by conspecific pollen, confirming an important role for pollen competition as a reproductive barrier. Highly sterile hybrid plants do not appear to discriminate between parental species pollen, but hybrids with higher fertility tend to be fertilized by pollen from the parental group they resemble genetically. Thus, gametic selection leads to substantial assortative mating in these hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Although often considered as evolutionary dead ends, selfing taxa may make an important contribution to plant evolution through hybridization with related outcrossing lineages. However, there is a shortage of studies examining the evolutionary dynamics of hybridization between outcrossing and selfing taxa. On the basis of differential pollinator attractiveness, production and competitive ability of pollen, as well as levels of inbreeding depression, we predict that the early products of hybridization between outcrossing and selfing lineages will be F1s and first-generation backcrosses sired mainly by the outcrossing lineage, together with selfed F2s containing a limited genetic contribution from the outcrosser. These predictions were tested using amplified fragment length polymorphism and chloroplast markers to analyze the composition of a recent hybrid swarm between predominantly outcrossing Geum rivale and predominantly selfing Geum urbanum. In line with predictions, the hybrid swarm comprised both parental species together with F1s and first-generation backcrosses to G. rivale alone. Chloroplast data suggested that G. rivale was the pollen parent for both observed hybrid classes. However, there was no evidence for F2 individuals, despite the fact that the F1 was fully self-compatible and able to auto-pollinate. The pollen fertility of F1s was only 30% lower than that of the parental taxa, and was fully restored in backcross hybrids. Predicting future evolution in the hybrid swarm will require an understanding of the mating patterns within and among the mix of parental, F1 and backcross genotypes that are currently present. However, these results support the hypothesis that introgression is likely to be asymmetrical from selfing to outcrossing lineages.  相似文献   

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