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Investigating ancient duplication events in the Arabidopsis genome   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The complete genomic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana has shown that a major fraction of the genome consists of paralogous genes that probably originated through one or more ancient large-scale gene or genome duplication events. However, the number and timing of these duplications still remains unclear, and several different hypotheses have been put forward recently. Here, we reanalyzed duplicated blocks found in the Arabidopsis genome described previously and determined their date of divergence based on silent substitution estimations between the paralogous genes and, where possible, by phylogenetic reconstruction. We show that methods based on averaging protein distances of heterogeneous classes of duplicated genes lead to unreliable conclusions and that a large fraction of blocks duplicated much more recently than assumed previously. We found clear evidence for one large-scale gene or even complete genome duplication event somewhere between 70 to 90 million years ago. Traces pointing to a much older (probably more than 200 million years) large-scale gene duplication event could be detected. However, for now it is impossible to conclude whether these old duplicates are the result of one or more large-scale gene duplication events. abbreviations dA, fraction of amino acid substitutions; Kn, number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site; Ks, number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site; MYA, million years ago  相似文献   

Complete genome sequence data led rapidly to the conclusion that ancient genome duplications had shaped the genomes of the model organisms Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Arabidopsis thaliana. Recent contributions have gone on to refine date estimates for these duplications and, in the case of Arabidopsis, to infer additional, more ancient, rounds of duplication by reconstructing gene order before the most recent duplication event. It is becoming widely accepted that an ancient duplication occurred before the radiation of the ray-finned fish. However, despite methodological advances and the availability of complete genome sequence data the debate over whether very ancient genome duplications have occurred early in the vertebrate lineage has not yet been fully resolved.  相似文献   

There are approximately 25 000 species in the division Teleostei and most are believed to have arisen during a relatively short period of time ca. 200 Myr ago. The discovery of 'extra' Hox gene clusters in zebrafish (Danio rerio), medaka (Oryzias latipes), and pufferfish (Fugu rubripes), has led to the hypothesis that genome duplication provided the genetic raw material necessary for the teleost radiation. We identified 27 groups of orthologous genes which included one gene from man, mouse and chicken, one or two genes from tetraploid Xenopus and two genes from zebrafish. A genome duplication in the ancestor of teleost fishes is the most parsimonious explanation for the observations that for 15 of these genes, the two zebrafish orthologues are sister sequences in phylogenies that otherwise match the expected organismal tree, the zebrafish gene pairs appear to have been formed at approximately the same time, and are unlinked. Phylogenies of nine genes differ a little from the tree predicted by the fish-specific genome duplication hypothesis: one tree shows a sister sequence relationship for the zebrafish genes but differs slightly from the expected organismal tree and in eight trees, one zebrafish gene is the sister sequence to a clade which includes the second zebrafish gene and orthologues from Xenopus, chicken, mouse and man. For these nine gene trees, deviations from the predictions of the fish-specific genome duplication hypothesis are poorly supported. The two zebrafish orthologues for each of the three remaining genes are tightly linked and are, therefore, unlikely to have been formed during a genome duplication event. We estimated that the unlinked duplicated zebrafish genes are between 300 and 450 Myr. Thus, genome duplication could have provided the genetic raw material for teleost radiation. Alternatively, the loss of different duplicates in different populations (i.e. 'divergent resolution') may have promoted speciation in ancient teleost populations.  相似文献   

Gene duplication has certainly played a major role in structuring vertebrate genomes but the extent and nature of the duplication events involved remains controversial. A recent study identified two major episodes of gene duplication: one episode of putative genome duplication ca. 500 Myr ago and a more recent gene-family expansion attributed to segmental or tandem duplications. We confirm this pattern using methods not reliant on molecular clocks for individual gene families. However, analysis of a simple model of the birth-death process suggests that the apparent recent episode of duplication is an artefact of the birth-death process. We show that a constant-rate birth-death model is appropriate for gene duplication data, allowing us to estimate the rate of gene duplication and loss in the vertebrate genome over the last 200 Myr (0.00115 and 0.00740 Myr(-1) lineage(-1), respectively). Finally, we show that increasing rates of gene loss reduce the impact of a genome-wide duplication event on the distribution of gene duplications through time.  相似文献   

Wagner A 《Genome biology》2002,3(5):reviews1012.1-reviews10123
Immediately after a gene duplication event, the duplicate genes have redundant functions. Is natural selection therefore completely relaxed after duplication? Does one gene evolve more rapidly than the other? Several recent genome-wide studies have suggested that duplicate genes are always under purifying selection and do not always evolve at the same rate.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that duplications have played a major role in eucaryotic genome evolution. Sequencing data revealed the presence of large duplicated regions in the genomes of many eucaryotic organisms, and comparative studies have suggested that duplication of large DNA segments has been a continuing process during evolution. However, little experimental data have been produced regarding this issue. Using a gene dosage assay for growth recovery in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we demonstrate that a majority of the revertant strains (58%) resulted from the spontaneous duplication of large DNA segments, either intra- or interchromosomally, ranging from 41 to 655 kb in size. These events result in the concomitant duplication of dozens of genes and in some cases in the formation of chimeric open reading frames at the junction of the duplicated blocks. The types of sequences at the breakpoints as well as their superposition with the replication map suggest that spontaneous large segmental duplications result from replication accidents. Aneuploidization events or suppressor mutations that do not involve large-scale rearrangements accounted for the rest of the reversion events (in 26 and 16% of the strains, respectively).  相似文献   

Ferns, the second largest group of vascular plants, originated ~400 mil ion years ago(Mya). They became dominant in the ancient Earth landscape before the angiosperms and are stil important in current ecosystems.Many ferns have exceptional y high chromosome numbers,possibly resulting from whole-genome duplications(WGDs).However, WGDs have not been investigated molecularly across fern diversity. Here we detected and dated fern WGDs using a phylogenomic approach and by calculating synonymous substitution rates(Ks). We also investigated a possible correlation between proposed WGDs and shifts in species diversification rates. We identified 19 WGDs: three ancient events along the fern phylogenetic backbone that are shared by 66%–97% of extant ferns, with additional lineage-specific WGDs for eight orders, providing strongevidence for recurring genome duplications across fern evolutionary history. We also observed similar Ks peak values for more than half of these WGDs, with multiple WGDs occurring close to the Cretaceous(~145–66 Mya). Despite the repeated WGD events, the biodiversity of ferns declined during the Cretaceous, implying that other factors probably contributed to the floristic turnover from ferns to angiosperms. This study provides molecular evidence for recurring WGDs in ferns and offers important clues to the genomic evolutionary history of ferns.  相似文献   

Microbial genome sequences provide us with the fossil records for inferring their origination and evolution. Assuming that current microbial genomes are the evolutionary results of ancient genomes or fragments and the neighboring genes in ancient genomes are more likely neighbors in current genomes, in this paper we proposed a paleontological algorithm and assembled the orthologous gene groups from 66 complete and current microbial genome sequences into a pseudo-ancient genome, which consists of continuous fragments of various sizes. We performed bootstrap resampling and correlation analyses and the results showed that the assembled ancient genome and fragments are statistically significant and the genes of the same fragment are inherently related and likely derived from common ancestors. This method provides a new computational tool for studying microbial genome structure and evolution.  相似文献   



Recent comparative genomic studies claim local syntenic gene-interleaving relationships in Ashbya gossypii and Kluyveromyces waltii are compelling evidence for an ancient whole-genome duplication event in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We here test, using Hannenhalli-Pevzner rearrangement algorithms that address the multiple genome rearrangement problem, whether syntenic patterns are proof of paleopolyploidization.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to outline the sequence of eventsthat gave rise to the vertebrate insulin-relaxin gene familyand the chromosomal regions in which they reside. We analyzedthe gene content surrounding the human insulin/relaxin geneswith respect to what family they belonged to and if the duplicationhistory of investigated families parallels the evolution ofthe insulin-relaxin family members. Markov Clustering and phylogeneticanalysis were used to determine family identity. More than 15%of the genes belonged to families that have paralogs in theregions, defining two sets of quadruplicate paralogy regions.Thereby, the localization of insulin/relaxin genes in humansis in accordance with those regions on human chromosomes 1,11, 12, 19q (insulin/insulin-like growth factors) and 1, 6p/15q,9/5, 19p (insulin-like factors/relaxins) were formed duringtwo genome duplications. We compared the human genome with thatof Ciona intestinalis, a species that split from the vertebratelineage before the two suggested genome duplications. Two insulin-likeorthologs were discovered in addition to the already describedCi-insulin gene. Conserved synteny between the Ciona regionshosting the insulin-like genes and the two sets of human paralogonsimplies their common origin. Linkage of the two human paralogons,as seen in human chromosome 1, as well as the two regions hostingthe Ciona insulin-like genes suggests that a segmental duplicationgave rise to the region prior to the genome doublings. Thus,preserved gene content provides support that genome duplication(s)in addition to segmental and single-gene duplications shapedthe genomes of extant vertebrates.  相似文献   



Coloration and color patterning belong to the most diverse phenotypic traits in animals. Particularly, teleost fishes possess more pigment cell types than any other group of vertebrates. As the result of an ancient fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD), teleost genomes might contain more copies of genes involved in pigment cell development than tetrapods. No systematic genomic inventory allowing to test this hypothesis has been drawn up so far for pigmentation genes in fish, and almost nothing is known about the evolution of these genes in different fish lineages.  相似文献   

Song C  Guo J  Sun W  Wang Y 《遗传学报》2012,39(7):361-368
Whole genome duplication(WGD)events have been proven to occur in the evolutionary history of most angiosperms.Tomato is considered a model species of the Solanaceae family.In this study,we describe the details of the evolutionary process of the tomato genome by detecting collinearity blocks and dating the WGD events on the tree of life by combining two different methods:synonymous substitution rates(Ks)and phylogenetic trees.In total,593 collinearity blocks were discovered out of 12 pseudo-chromosomes constructed. It was evident that chromosome 2 had experienced an intra-chromosomal duplication event.Major inter-chromosomal duplication occurred among all the pseudo-chromosome.We calculated the Ks value of these collinearity blocks.Two peaks of Ks distribution were found,corresponding to two WGD events occurring approximately 36-82 million years ago(MYA)and 148-205 MYA.Additionally, the results of phylogenetic trees suggested that the more recent WGD event may have occurred after the divergence of the rosidasterid clade,but before the major diversification in Solanaceae.The older WGD event was shown to have occurred before the divergence of the rosid-asterid clade and after the divergence of rice-Arabidopsis(monocot-dicot).  相似文献   

The proopiomelanocortin gene (POMC) encodes several bioactive peptides, including adrenocorticotropin hormone, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, and the opioid peptide beta-endorphin, which play key roles in vertebrate physiology. In the human, mouse, and chicken genomes, there is only one POMC gene. By searching public genome projects, we have found that Tetraodon (Tetraodon nigroviridis), Fugu (Takifugu rubripes), and zebrafish (Danio rerio) possess two POMC genes, which we called POMCalpha and POMCbeta, and we present phylogenetic and mapping evidence that these paralogue genes originated in the whole-genome duplication specific to the teleost lineage over 300 MYA. In addition, we present evidence for two types of subfunction partitioning between the paralogues. First, in situ hybridization experiments indicate that the expression domains of the ancestral POMC gene have been subfunctionalized in Tetraodon, with POMCalpha expressed in the nucleus lateralis tuberis of the hypothalamus, as well as in the rostral pars distalis and pars intermedia (PI) of the pituitary, whereas POMCbeta is expressed in the preoptic area of the brain and weakly in the pituitary PI. Second, POMCbeta genes have a beta-endorphin segment that lacks the consensus opioid signal and seems to be under neutral evolution in tetraodontids, whereas POMCalpha genes possess well-conserved peptide regions. Thus, POMC paralogues have experienced subfunctionalization of both expression and peptide domains during teleost evolution. The study of regulatory regions of fish POMC genes might shed light on the mechanisms of enhancer partitioning between duplicate genes, as well as the roles of POMC-derived peptides in fish physiology.  相似文献   

Lathe WC  Bork P 《FEBS letters》2001,502(3):113-116
The tuf gene of eubacteria, encoding the EF-tu elongation factor, was duplicated early in the evolution of the taxon. Phylogenetic and genomic location analysis of 20 complete eubacterial genomes suggests that this ancient duplication has been differentially lost and maintained in eubacteria.  相似文献   

Extensive duplication and reshuffling in the Arabidopsis genome   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Systematic analysis of the Arabidopsis genome provides a basis for detailed studies of genome structure and evolution. Members of multigene families were mapped, and random sequence alignment was used to identify regions of extended similarity in the Arabidopsis genome. Detailed analysis showed that the number, order, and orientation of genes were conserved over large regions of the genome, revealing extensive duplication covering the majority of the known genomic sequence. Fine mapping analysis showed much rearrangement, resulting in a patchwork of duplicated regions that indicated deletion, insertion, tandem duplication, inversion, and reciprocal translocation. The implications of these observations for evolution of the Arabidopsis genome as well as their usefulness for analysis and annotation of the genomic sequence and in comparative genomics are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromatin and gene regulatory molecules tend to operate in multisubunit complexes in the process of controlling gene expression. Accumulating evidence suggests that varying the amount of any one member of such complexes will affect the function of the whole via the kinetics of assembly and other actions. In effect, they exhibit a "balance" among themselves in terms of the activity of the whole. When this fact is coupled with genetic and biological observations stretching back a century, a synthesis emerges that helps explain at least some aspects of a variety of phenomena including aneuploid syndromes, dosage compensation, quantitative trait genetics, regulatory gene evolution following polyploidization, the emergence of complexity in multicellular organisms, the genetic basis of evolutionary gradualism and potential implications for heterosis and co-evolving genes complexes involved with speciation. In this article we will summarize the evidence for this potential synthesis.  相似文献   

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