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A high-speed air-driven ultracentrifuge (Airfuge) has been used to study the molecular weights of proteins in heterogeneous mixtures. The method is based on previous studies (M. A. Bothwell, G. J. Howlett, and H. K. Schachman, 1978, J. Biol. Chem., 253, 2073–2077) which showed that at sedimentation equilibrium in the Airfuge the fraction of a protein remaining in an upper fraction of the Airfuge tube is almost linearly related to the exponential of the reduced molecular weight of the protein. In this study the total fraction of each particular protein remaining in an upper fraction of the Airfuge tube is determined by quantitative sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. This procedure allows a wide range of proteins to be analyzed in a single Airfuge experiment. The method yields the “native” molecular weights of the protein components and is independent of the shape of the macromolecules being studied. Interactions occurring between the components in solution can be detected from the Airfuge data, and procedures are described which allow the experimental data for such interactions to be analyzed in terms of an equilibrium constant for the interaction. Results obtained for the electrostatic interaction at neutral pH between lysozyme and ovalbumin (K = 1.1 × 105, m?1) and lysozyme and bovine serum albumin (K = 1.0 × 105, m?1) agree well with literature values.  相似文献   

Equilibrium ultracentrifugation of high molecular weight DNA at moderate centrifuge speed leads to the formation of gel at the bottom of the centrifuge cell. The swelling pressures of the gels are strongly affected by the ionic strength of the medium and by polyvalent counterions in the medium. Scaled particle theory applied to the DNA gels gives values to the effective particle length and particle radius of the DNA. Different models for DNA conformations in the gels were required for the monovalent, the divalent, and the tetravalent cations used in this study.  相似文献   

The molecular weight of pyruvate carboxylase isolated from pigeon and rat liver mitochondria was examined using analytical ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy. The enzyme molecule appeared as a tetramer with the four subunits arranged at the corners of a square. Sedimentation studies in the analytical ultracentrifuge, extrapolated to infinite dilution, showed the tetramer to have a molecular weight Mc=0r of 280 000 and an So20,w of 12.7 S. The tetramer could be dissociated into trimers and dimers of lower specific enzymic activity by storage at 4 degrees C or incubation at -- 20 degrees C at low protein concentrations. The isolated trimers and dimers had a molecular weight Mc=0r of 210 000 and 140 000, respectively, and an So20,w of 10.85 S and 7.55 S, respectively. Incubation with 2 M urea at 20 degrees C yielded enzymically inactive subunits (Mc=0r = 70 000; So20,w = 4.95 S). The molecular weights (for pyruvate carboxylase and its subunits), as calculated from the subunit diameter observed in the electron microscope, were consistent with the values obtained from sedimentation studies.  相似文献   

Insulin rapidly stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins which migrate between 165 and 190 kDa during SDS-PAGE. These proteins, collectively called pp185, were originally found in anti-phosphotyrosine antibody (alpha PY) immunoprecipitates from insulin-stimulated Fao rat hepatoma cells. Recently, we purified and cloned IRS-1, one of the phosphoproteins that binds to alpha PY and migrates near 180 kDa following insulin stimulation of rat liver [Sun, X. J., et al. (1991) Nature 352, 73-77]. IRS-1 and pp185 undergo tyrosine phosphorylation immediately after insulin stimulation and show an insulin dose response similar to that of insulin receptor autophosphorylation. However, IRS-1 was consistently 10 kDa smaller than the apparent molecular mass of pp185. The pp185 contained some immunoblottable IRS-1; however, cell lysates depleted of IRS-1 with anti-IRS-1 antibody still contained the high molecular weight forms of pp185 (HMW-pp185). Furthermore, the tryptic phosphopeptide map of IRS-1 was distinct from that of HMW-pp185, suggesting that at least two substrates migrate in this region during SDS-PAGE. Moreover, the phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase and its 85-kDa associated protein (p85) bound to IRS-1 in Fao cells, but weakly or not at all to HMW-pp185. Our results show that Fao cells contain at least two insulin receptor substrates, IRS-1 and HMW-pp185, which may play unique roles in insulin signal transmission.  相似文献   

A panel of monoclonal antibodies against human prekallikrein was raised in mice and characterized with respect to the major antigenic epitopes. Of 18 antibodies, nine were directed against the light chain portion performing the proteolytic function of activated kallikrein, and nine recognized the heavy chain mediating the binding of prekallikrein to high molecular weight (H-)kininogen. Among the anti-heavy chain antibodies, one (PK6) interfered with the procoagulant activity of prekallikrein, and prolonged in a concentration-dependent manner the activated partial thromboplastin time of reconstituted prekallikrein-deficient plasma (Fletcher type). Antibody PK6 was subtyped IgG1,k and had an apparent Kass of 6.8 +/- 0.44.10(8) M-1 for prekallikrein. Functional analyses revealed that PK6 does not interfere with prekallikrein activation by activated Hageman factor (beta-F XIIa), and has no effect on the kininogenase function of activated kallikrein. Monoclonal antibody PK6 but none of the other anti-heavy chain antibodies completely prevented complex formation of prekallikrein with H-kininogen, and readily dissociated preformed complexes of prekallikrein and H-kininogen. Likewise, Fab' and F(ab')2 fragments of PK6 blocked H-kininogen binding to prekallikrein. A synthetic peptide of 31 amino acid residues encompassing the entire prekallikrein binding region of H-kininogen effectively competed with PK6 for prekallikrein binding indicating that the target epitope of PK6 is juxtaposed to, if not incorporated in the H-kininogen-binding site of prekallikrein. Extensive cross-reactivity of PK6 with another H-kininogen-binding protein of human plasma, i.e. factor XI, suggested that the structure of the target epitope of PK6 is well conserved among prekallikrein and factor XI, as would be expected for the kininogen-binding site shared by the two proteins. It is anticipated that monoclonal antibody PK6 will be an important tool for the precise mapping of the hitherto unknown kininogen-binding site of prekallikrein.  相似文献   

Theoretical and practical advantages of neutron scattering for the determination of molecular weights of particles in solution are discussed. The method presented does not use known particles for calibration and is applicable to a wide molecular weight range (104–109); it is not sensitive to assumptions about the partial specific volume of the particles, and the experiments are performed quite easily in standard spectrophotometer cells using 100–500 μg of material. The method is nondestructive and the sample can be recovered totally. The use of D2O in solvents has particular advantages especially for multicomponent particles, for which the in situ molecular weight of each component can be determined separately.  相似文献   

Determination of molecular weight from protein crystals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Different methods for the determination, of molecular weight from protein crystals are summarized, and in some cases extended. The use of crystal density measurements is discussed, and several approaches based on such measurements, including density extrapolation (Colman &; Matthews, 1971) and crosslinking (Cornick et al., 1973), are described and illustrated by density measurements of crystals of γ-chymotrypsin and β-amylase. The importance of allowing for “bound water” in molecular weight estimation is illustrated by examples, and a summary is given of information which may be gained from densities of crystals soaked in heavy water.The determination of molecular weight from measurement of the loss of weight of crystals on drying is discussed and illustrated using North's (1959) data.Also the method of molecular weight estimation from “crystal volume and protein content” (Love, 1957; Heidner et al., 1971) is reviewed, and a new method based on “crystal mass and protein content” is proposed.  相似文献   

Recently there has been some debate regarding the presence and associated health risk of low molecular weight carrageenan in foodstuffs. Unfortunately measurement of the low molecular weight tail (LMT) of food-grade carrageenans (defined here as the carrageenan having relative molecular mass (Mr) below 50,000) is not trivial, largely due to its low abundance. So far methods employing light scattering have been unsuccessful in producing reproducible results, probably due to the poor detector response at low masses. In this work a method based on high performance size exclusion chromatography coupled to a refractive index detector (HPSEC-RI) has been used for the measurement of the LMT in food-grade carrageenan ingredients and in a carrageenan-containing finished product (a jelly). Over the course of half a year, 19 measurements were made on a reference carrageenan; the results demonstrated that the method had excellent reproducibility. Applied to a number of different carrageenan ingredients, it was found that, in general, the LMT represents less than 8% of the total carrageenan in ingredients, and under the correct conditions increases little during food processing. The data also indicated that pH appears to be a critical factor during food processing and pH levels below 4.0 should be avoided.  相似文献   

Thirty-four monoclonal antibodies directed against human high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) kininogens and their derivatives were obtained, and the specificities of the antibodies were assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). By use of HMW kininogen, kinin-free HMW kininogen, kinin-free and fragment 1.2 (fr 1.2) free HMW kininogen, fr 1.2-light chain of HMW kininogen, LMW kininogen, kinin-free LMW kininogen, heavy chain of LMW kininogen, and light chain of LMW kininogen, the monoclonal antibodies were characterized and classified into four groups: (A) 20 monoclonal antibodies reacting with only the heavy chain, a common region of HMW and LMW kininogens; each of these monoclonal antibodies possessed the specificity to domain 1 (2 monoclonal antibodies), domain 2 (2 monoclonal antibodies), domain 3 (7 monoclonal antibodies), and both domains 2 and 3 (7 monoclonal antibodies) of the heavy chain; (B) 7 monoclonal antibodies reacting with fr 1.2, a unique histidine-rich region; (C) 5 monoclonal antibodies reacting with the light chain of HMW kininogen; (D) 2 monoclonal antibodies reacting with the light chain of LMW kininogen. Two monoclonal antibodies in the first group (group A), designated HKG H7 and H12, effectively suppressed the thiol proteinase inhibitor activity of HMW kininogen to papain and calpains and of LMW kininogen to papain, but the others did not affect it. Further, all the monoclonal antibodies which recognized the fr 1.2 or light chain of HMW kininogen (groups B and C) suppressed the clotting activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Viscoelastic retardation-time experiments on the DNA released from spheroplasts of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae yield a molecular weight of 2 × 109 for the largest DNA, assuming linear unbranched DNA, and of 4.3 × 109 assuming circular unbranched DNA. Both log and stationary-phase cells give the same results. Comparison of these results with the nuclear DNA content of S. cerevisiae determined by renaturation kinetics suggests that the largest piece of DNA in the yeast nucleus may, at least during part of the cell cycle, consist of from one-fourth to all of the yeast genome.  相似文献   

A method has been described for determination of the molecular weights of acidic mucopolysaccharides by thin-layer chromatography on Sephadex G100-Cellulose (4:1). The distance of migration of chondroitin sulphate A, B and C, heparin and duodenal mucopolysaccharides varied linearly with the lograithm of the molecular weight of each mucopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

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