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High molecular weight B cell growth factor (HMW-BCGF) and the complement component, Factor B, are antigenically related. HMW-BCGF and the physiologic Factor B activation fragment Bb, are both mitogenic for B lymphocytes and compete for binding to the B cell plasma membrane (Peters, M., Ambrus, J. L., Jr., Fauci, A., and Brown, E. (1988) J. Exp. Med. 168, 1225-1235). To understand which second messengers that occur after ligand-receptor interaction are associated with mitogenesis, we have examined the early signaling events after stimulation of activated B cells with these related growth factors. HMW-BCGF but not Bb increased [cAMP]i with a maximum between 45 and 60 min after stimulation. The increase in [cAMP]i was inhibited by indomethacin, suggesting that prostaglandin synthesis is involved in this response. Increase in [cAMP]i induced by HMW-BCGF, cholera toxin, or dibutyryl cAMP was associated with increased expression of the HMW-BCGF receptor, but there was no increase in proliferation of activated B cells when they were stimulated with cAMP agonists other than HMW-BCGF. These data suggest that cAMP is associated with regulation of receptor expression but is neither necessary nor sufficient for induction of proliferation. Both HMW-BCGF and Bb increased cellular levels of diacylglycerol and a water-soluble molecule which could be labeled with both [3H]myoinositol and [14C] glucosamine. However, only HMW-BCGF induced increases in intracellular calcium. Thus, two antigenically related B cell growth factors, HMW-BCGF and Bb, produce overlapping but distinct sets of second messengers after incubation with Sac-activated B cells. Since both induced increases in diacylglycerol and water-soluble inositol, one or both of these molecules may be involved in the proliferative signal generated by the related growth factors. In contrast, the increase in [cAMP]i caused by HMW-BCGF but not Bb is involved in the signal to increase HMW-BCGF receptor expression, but is unrelated to proliferation.  相似文献   

Regulation of the proliferation of human B lymphocytes is under the control of several different signals. Various B cell growth factors (BCGF) have been described including a 60-kDa BCGF called high m.w. BCGF (HMW-BCGF). In this paper we describe a mAb BA5 that blocks the proliferation of normal activated human B lymphocytes in response to HMW-BCGF and does not affect the proliferation of T cells in response to PHA or IL-2. BA5 shows minimum binding to resting B cells, significantly enhanced binding to resting B cells, significantly enhanced binding to activated B cells and essentially no binding to resting or activated T cells. BA5 recognizes a 90-kDa protein from solubilized membranes of activated B cells. 125I-HMW-BCGF cross-linked to its binding site on activated B cells produces a 150-kDa R-protein complex. Unlabeled HMW-BCGF cross-linked to its binding site on activated B cells produces a 150-kDa band recognized by both BA5 and BCGF/1/C2 (a mAb to HMW-BCGF) using Western blotting. Thus, BA5 recognizes a molecule intimately associated with the receptor for HMW-BCGF which includes a binding site for HMW-BCGF. BA5 can be used to explore the role of HMW-BCGF and B cell proliferation in various aspects of human B cell physiology.  相似文献   

To study possible functional differences of the 18-kD and high molecular weight forms of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), we have examined the effect of endogenous production of different bFGF forms on the phenotype of NIH 3T3 cells. Cells transfected with cDNAs coding for either 18-kD bFGF (18-kD bFGF) or all four molecular forms (18, 22, 22.5, 24 kD; wild type [WT] bFGF) exhibit increased migration and decreased FGF receptor number compared to parental cells. However, migration and FGF receptor number of cells transfected with a cDNA coding only for high molecular weight bFGF (22, 22.5, and 24 kD; HMW bFGF) were similar to that of parental cells transfected with vector alone. Cells expressing HMW, 18 kD, or WT bFGF grew to high saturation densities in 10% serum. However, only cells expressing HMW or WT bFGF grew in low serum. Cell surface or metabolic labeling of the different cell types followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-bFGF antibody showed primarily cell surface-associated 18-kD bFGF. In addition, when cells expressing exclusively HMW bFGF were transfected with a cDNA coding for 18-kD bFGF, migration was increased, bFGF receptors were down-regulated, and 18-kD bFGF was found on the cell surface. Cells expressing 18-kD bFGF transfected with a cDNA encoding FGF receptor-2 lacking the COOH-terminal domain (dominant negative bFGF receptor) exhibited a flat morphology and decreases in migration and saturation density. Cells expressing HMW bFGF transfected with the dominant negative bFGF receptor continued to grow to a high saturation density, proliferated in low serum, and exhibited no morphological changes. These results indicate that increased cell migration and FGF receptor down-regulation are mediated by the extracellular interaction of 18-kD bFGF with its cell surface receptor. Growth in low serum may be stimulated by the intracellular action of HMW bFGF through mechanisms independent of the presence of a cell surface receptor. Thus, the different molecular forms of bFGF may act through distinct but convergent pathways.  相似文献   

Both acidic and basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF), although devoid alone of growth-promoting ability on resting or activated human lymphoid B cells, were found to markedly increase the proliferative response of anti-mu-chain or SAC preactivated B cell blasts to the low molecular weight B cell growth factor (LMW-BCGF) and to enhance the costimulatory response of resting B cells to anti-mu-chain and LMW-BCGF. This potentiating effect was also observed for a LMW-BCGF-dependent B cell tumor derived from a lymphocytic nodular lymphoma. Other growth factors acting on fibroblasts, such as epidermal growth factor, alpha-thrombin, platelet-derived growth factor, and insulin-like growth factor-I did not display such enhancing effect on LMW-BCGF-driven proliferation. Activated, but not resting B cells were found to bear receptor sites for FGFs and from kinetics experiments, it is suggested that LMW-BCGF induces competence expression for FGFs in those cells. Moreover, the LMW-BCGF-elicited generation of inositoltrisphosphate resulting from polyphosphoinositides hydrolysis was increased in the presence of FGF.  相似文献   

An antibody subpopulation, anti high molecular weight (anti-HMW) kininogen-Ca2+ antibody able to bind specifically to the HMW kininogen-Ca2+ complex, was isolated from anti-HMW kininogen antiserum. Partially purified anti-HMW kininogen antibody was applied to a HMW kininogen-Sepharose column equilibrated with 40 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride buffer, pH 7.5, containing 1.0 M NaCl and 1 mM CaCl2, and anti-HMW kininogen-Ca2+ antibody was eluted with 5 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. As a result of characterization by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, this antibody specifically recognized the cyanogen bromide cleaved fragment 1 (CB-1) region (1-160 amino acid sequence) of the heavy chain of kininogen molecules in the presence of Ca2+ or Mg2+. Furthermore, circular dichroism (CD) experiments showed that the conformational changes of HMW kininogen and heavy chain were induced by metal ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ and that these changes were due to the conformational change of the CB-1 region of the heavy chain. The dissociation constant (Kd) for the heavy chain-Ca2+ measured by CD analysis at 214 nm was found to be 0.33 +/- 0.09 mM (mean +/- SD). The number of Ca2+-binding sites of heavy chain calculated from the Hill plot was 1.15 +/- 0.04 (mean +/- SD). Then, a possible Ca2+-binding site was found in the amino-terminal portion of the heavy chain of kininogen molecules.  相似文献   

A high m.w. B cell growth factor (50,000 BCGF) prepared from lectin-activated human peripheral blood lymphocyte culture supernatants acts only on B cells preactivated by a first signal. This first signal can be delivered in vitro (with anti-mu antibody (Ab)) or in vivo. Upon costimulation with anti-mu Ab the 50,000 BCGF induces an early and transient proliferative response, whereas the response to interleukin 2 (IL-2) develops more progressively. To determine the respective targets of the 50,000 BCGF and of IL-2, B cells were activated with anti-mu Ab and separated according to the expression of the IL-2 receptor (cluster designation (CD)25 antigen). CD25+ B cells do not respond to the 50,000 BCGF and do not acquire this responsiveness after an additional culture with IL-2. CD25- B cells respond to the 50,000 BCGF and not to IL-2. However, when CD25- B cells are cultured for 3 days with the 50,000 BCGF they become responsive to IL-2. These results demonstrate a pathway of B cell activation based on the ordered and sequential action of anti-mu Ab, the 50,000 BCGF, and IL-2.  相似文献   

Quiescent normal human B cells have been shown to require an activation step before proliferating in response to B cell growth factor (BCGF) of 12,000 m.w. (12 kd). One effect of cell activation has been the putative acquisition of specific cell surface growth factor receptors. In this report, the existence of such receptors has been confirmed by using purified radioiodinated BCGF-12 kd. BCGF-12 kd receptors on activated B cells have been shown to be distinct form those interacting with IL 2. Scatchard analysis revealed both high affinity receptor sites with an apparent Kd of 28.6 pM and low affinity receptor sites with Kd of 1.2 nM on freshly prepared, anti-IgM activated peripheral blood B cells. Human B cells grown in culture for extended periods of time in the presence of BCGF-12 kd also displayed high affinity receptor sites (Kd, 41.4 pM) and low affinity receptor sites (Kd, 0.9 nM). The action of BCGF-12 kd therefore appears to be mediated by binding to its lineage-specific receptors on the cell surface.  相似文献   

This work was focused on the responsiveness of B cells from blood and tonsils to typical B cell growth factors (BCGF) in the absence of anti-mu antibody. This direct responsiveness was not observed with small dense B cells from either organ. Large tonsillar B cells but not large blood B cells did respond directly to a high m.w. BCGF (m.w. 50,000 BCGF), whereas large B cells from both organs responded directly to the low m.w. BCGF (m.w. 20,000 BCGF). The tonsillar B cells directly responsive to the m.w. 50,000 BCGF express the 4F2 marker and thus belong to a population of in vivo-preactivated B cells. Moreover, this direct responsiveness to the m.w. 50,000 BCGF is localized in Leu-1+ tonsillar B cells. The Leu-1+ and Leu-1- tonsillar B cell subsets do not differ in their responsiveness to the m.w. 50,000 BCGF upon costimulation with anti-mu antibody and to the m.w. 20,000 BCGF regardless of the presence of anti-mu antibody. Thus, the Leu-1+ subset present in tonsils shows a particular reactivity to a high m.w. BCGF.  相似文献   

The high molecular weight (HMW) forms (24, 22.5, and 22 kDa) of basic fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) contain an N-terminal extension responsible for their predominantly nuclear localization. These forms of FGF-2 are post-translationally modified, resulting in a 1- to 2-kDa increase in apparent molecular mass. Here we show that this post-translational modification is inhibited by methionine starvation and by the methyltransferase inhibitors 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA) and 3-deaza-adenosine. Inhibition of the methylation-dependent modification results in a significant decrease in HMW FGF-2 nuclear accumulation, suggesting that methylation is relevant to the intracellular distribution of these forms of FGF-2. Treatment with MTA does not affect either the synthesis or the intracellular fate of another nuclear protein, the SV40 large T antigen, demonstrating that this drug does not have a generalized effect on nuclear protein accumulation. These results link HMW FGF-2 post-translational modification to its intracellular distribution.  相似文献   

The beta-glucosidase in Thermomonspora curvata was stabilized against thermal denaturation by a soluble intracellular factor. This factor had an apparent molecular weight of 6kD, was resistant to proteolytic digestion, stable to boiling but was inactivated by autoclaving. It had little effect on beta-glucosidase maximal velocities or substrate affinity but it reduced the enzyme inactivation rate five-fold at 63°C.  相似文献   

Incubation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes with zinc transferrin (with or without phytohemagglutinin) induces the synthesis of protein that elutes from a Sephadex G-75 column at aV e/V o value corresponding to a molecular weight of 6600. Synthesis depends on the concentration of zinc transferrin in the medium and is sensitive to actinomycin D. Detectable synthesis occurs 5h after initiation of lymphocyte culture and plateaus at 24–30h. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the zinc-induced protein showed two closely moving bands, both of which show immunologic identity to rat liver metallothionein. Partial characterization of this protein yielded the following results: absorbance maximum at 220 nm; zinc content of 5.8 mol/6600 daltons; sulfhydryl content of 20.2 mol/6600 daltons. Additionally, synthesis of zinc-induced protein is altered in both chronic lymphocytic leukemic and acute lymphoblastic leukemic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Human blood platelets, the richest known source of beta-transforming Growth Factor extractable under acid conditions, release in neutral extracts (pH 7.2) a latent form of this growth factor with an apparent molecular weight of 400 Kd. This latent form, poorly active on rat NRK-49F indicator cells in soft agar assays can be activated by exposure to acid pH or 8 molar urea. The acid activated beta-Transforming Growth Factor from neutral extracts elutes on Biogel P60, in 1 molar acetic acid, as a broad peak of apparent molecular weight 15-30 Kd, like when this factor is extracted from platelets by the usual acid-ethanol procedure. Moreover, beta-Transforming Growth Factor from both acid activated neutral extracts and from acid-ethanol extracts elutes on reverse phase at 30% acetonitrile. We suggest that beta-Transforming Growth Factor is stored in human blood platelets as a poorly active high molecular weight complex which may be dissociated and activated in appropriate in vivo microenvironments.  相似文献   

Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a B cell tumor affecting the pre-plasma stage of B cell differentiation. Hairy cells produce B cell growth factor (BCGF)-related growth factor(s) and we have previously shown that low mol wt (LMW)-BCGF-induced proliferation of hairy cells is inhibited in vitro and in vivo by IFN-alpha. We therefore suggested that this effect might contribute to the exquisite sensitivity of HCL to IFN-alpha therapy. To elucidate the mechanism involved in the therapeutic effect of IFN-alpha, we have analyzed the pattern of phosphorylated proteins in hairy cells. We detected the presence of a hyperphosphorylated protein with a molecular mass of about 35 kDa. This protein was identified as the CD20 molecule (B1), which is a structurally unique phosphoprotein exclusively detected on B cells and expressed during most stages of B cell development. Incubation of hairy cells with mitogenic concentrations of LMW-BCGF induces an additional increase in CD20 protein phosphorylation. In contrast, preincubation of cells with IFN-alpha, but not IFN-gamma, decreases both basal and LMW-BCGF-induced CD20 phosphorylation. CD20 phosphorylation in hairy cells is also reduced after in vivo IFN-alpha administration. In contrast, in one case of a patient unresponsive to IFN-alpha therapy, CD20 phosphorylation is not altered by in vitro IFN-alpha treatment, whereas LMW-BCGF still elicits CD20 phosphorylation stimulation. Our results suggest that IFN-alpha may act in HCL, at least in part, by inhibiting leukemic cell proliferation via regulation of phosphorylation, since CD20 phosphorylation is thought to be associated with cellular proliferation. A model involving dysregulation of CD20 is discussed.  相似文献   

A human Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive lymphoblastoid B cell line, named BA-D10-4, produces a factor of a molecular mass less than 10 kDa that promotes cell proliferation of both BA-D10-4 cells and other human T or B lymphoid cell lines, either EBV-positive or -negative. The factor synergizes with higher molecular mass autocrine growth factors and makes both BA-D10-4 cells and B cell lines from Burkitt's lymphoma, but not cells from T cell leukemia, more responsive to interleukin-1 and interleukin-6. Therefore, this low molecular mass factor seems to be an autocrine growth factor per se and to have the characteristics of a competence factor.  相似文献   

Human malignant B lymphocytes were identified that proliferate in response to small doses of anti-immunoglobulin. Proliferation was induced by monoclonal mouse anti-HIgM, polyclonal goat anti-HIgM, and F(ab')2 fragments thereof, in vitro, and was not accompanied by immunoglobulin secretion. Proliferation was found to be unaffected by T cell depletion and was not enhanced by supplementation with B cell growth factor. Culture fluids from unstimulated malignant lymphocytes as well as from malignant lymphocytes stimulated with anti-HIgM contained no measurable B cell growth factor activity. Thus, proliferation of these malignant lymphocytes was not dependent on the presence of T lymphocytes and was independent of the presence of B cell growth factor. These results imply that B cell stimulatory factors may not be required for proliferation of all human B lymphocytes. Moreover, these results imply that treatment with anti-immunoglobulin reagents may be inappropriate for some B lymphocyte malignancies.  相似文献   

A novel monoclonal antibody (anti-B8.7) is reported which recognizes an epitope expressed either on in vitro activated B cells or on a fraction of fresh large B cells (putatively in vivo preactivated). B8.7 antigen is also present on two out of eight B cell lines tested and is characterized as a membrane component displaying an approximate molecular weight of 55,000 to 60,000. By contrast, B8.7 is absent from resting B cells, monocytes, resting or activated T cells, and from the eight non-B cell lines tested. After in vitro activation, B8.7 antigen appears later than the transferrin receptor and its expression increases until day 3. The anti-B8.7 monoclonal antibody induces a dose-related inhibition of the low molecular weight B cell growth factor-dependent proliferation of activated B cells, whereas it does not affect their response to interleukin 2. This strongly suggests that the B8.7 epitope is present on a molecule selectively involved in the interaction between B cells and a B cell growth factor.  相似文献   

The facultative intracellular bacterium Bartonella henselae induces unique angiogenic lesions in immunocompromised hosts. To determine the role of intracellular calcium pools in B. henselae-induced endothelial cell proliferation, we generated B. henselae-conditioned medium (BCM) and tested the ability of these cell-free proteins to induce human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation, CXCL8 production, and intracellular Ca2+ signals. HUVECs incubated with BCM for 3 days had higher cell numbers than controls. In addition, HUVECs produced increased amounts of CXCL8 in response to BCM when compared to medium controls. When BCM was added to HUVECs and the intracellular Ca2+ response measured with the calcium-sensitive dye fura-2/AM, a Ca2+ rise was demonstrated. It was determined that this Ca2+ rise originated from intracellular Ca2+ stores through the use of the Ca2+ ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin. Further, it was demonstrated that BCM enhanced CXCL8 production and HUVEC proliferation in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Conditioned medium from B. henselae causes an intracellular Ca2+ rise in HUVECs, which is involved in B. henselae-induced HUVEC proliferation and CXCL8 production. These results implicate intracellular Ca2+ pools in B. henselae-induced angiogenesis and may lead to increased understanding of the mechanisms of pathogen-induced angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Hybridomas that secrete monoclonal antibodies specific for the high molecular weight (HMW) form of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) were established by fusing spleen cells obtained from mice immunized with purified urinary HMW-hEGF with myeloma P3 x 63Ag8.653. The resulting monoclonal antibodies were characterized basically into two groups. One group recognized both EGF and HMW-hEGF, while the other recognized HMW-hEGF specifically on radio immunoprecipitation. Surprisingly, the majority of the isolates was positive by western blotting. Utilizing these monoclonal antibodies for affinity chromatography, we purified HMW-hEGF successfully from urine. These antibodies may be an extraordinarily powerful tool for histological study related to both forms of EGF.  相似文献   

A large number of protein and molecular markers have been identified that delineate the early stages of human B cell activation and proliferation. In contrast, few if any molecules are transiently expressed precisely as activated B cells stop proliferating and undergo growth arrest. We demonstrate that the low molecular weight heat shock protein (hsp28) exhibits unique induction kinetics that specifically demarcates this interval. After mitogenic activation of unstimulated splenic B cells, hsp28 protein and phosphorylation transiently increase coinciding precisely with the peak of cellular proliferation and the onset of growth arrest. Although most neoplastic B cells constitutively express hsp28, three cell lines were identified that were hsp28-. No differences in phenotype or growth kinetics were detected between hsp28+ and hsp28- neoplastic B cells demonstrating that hsp28 expression is not essential for cell growth. However, when treated with phorbol ester or heat shock, these hsp28- cell lines synthesize hsp28 followed by the onset growth arrest. The consistency with which hsp28 induction transiently delineates the interval from peak proliferation to the onset of growth arrest suggests hsp28 itself is likely to be involved in regulating this process.  相似文献   

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