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DNA hybridization techniques showed Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata and C. kessleri to be homogeneous species with DNA homologies of 90–100% C. fusca var. fusca and var. rubescens, however, have only about 15% DNA homology with C. fusca var. vacuolata and should no longer be regarded as varieties. A good correlation was found so far between biochemical and physiological characters used in the taxonomy of Chlorella and DNA relatedness. Mutant strains of Chlorella were tested for DNA homologies to prove the reliability of the taxonomical interpretation.  相似文献   

DNA homologies of 14 strains of Chlorella protothecoides were determined. All strains are related by a high degree of DNA similarity (96–102% D) with the exception of strain 211-11 a which proved to belong to C. kessleri. There is, however, no detectable DNA homology with strains of the genus Prototheca which is supposed to have evolved from C. protothecoides by loss of photosynthetic pigments. Even within Prototheca the low degree of DNA similarity indicates a heterogeneity similar to that observed in the genus Chlorella.  相似文献   

Four species of the unicellular green alga Chlorella, C. vulgaris, C. luteoviridis, C. minutissima, and C. zofingiensis, were characterized with respect to DNA similarities as determined by quantitative DNA hybridization procedures. In contrast to previous DNA hybridization procedures. In contrast to previous results, C. vulgaris turned out to be a homogeneous species with the exception of strain 211-11c of the Göttingen collection, which was shown to belong to C. kessleri. Similary, C. luteoviridis and C. minutissima represent well defined species in terms of phenotypic and genotypic features. Whitin C. zofingiensis on strain is clearly different with respect to DNA base composition and DNA hybridization data even though it shares phenotypic characteristics with the other strains of C. zofingiensis.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the genusChlorella were studied by means of DNA/DNA hybridization under both optimal and relaxed reassociation conditions as well as by determination of the thermal stability of hybrid DNA duplexes. The results indicate a relationship betweenC. fusca var.fusca, C. fusca var.rubescens, C. fusca var.vacuolata, and the genusScenedesmus. In addition, the strains endosymbiotic withParamecium bursaria seem to be related with theC. vulgaris/sorokiniana group. The relations between most other species, however, could not be sufficiently resolved by the above methods. This implies considerable phylogenetic divergency within the genusChlorella.  相似文献   

DNA-DNA reassociation studies were performed with coagulase-positive staphylococci belonging to the biotypes A, B, C, D, E and F. These studies present genetic evidence for the existence of at least two distinct species within this group of organisms. The common Staphylococcus aureus strains were represented by organisms from biotypes A to D, and their DNA revealed over 80% nucleotide sequence homology under restrictive conditions. Less than 15% DNA homology was detected between strains from biotypes A to D (S. aureus) and those from biotypes E and F. The DNA of organisms from either the biotypes E or F displayed over 70% homology. Together, both biotypes are considered to represent the species S. intermedius. However, DNA homology values dropped to 50–65% between strains from different biotypes. This may justify the separation of S. intermedius biotypes E and F on a subspecies level.Abbreviations O.D. optical density - SSC standard saline citrate buffer (0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M sodium citrate, pH 7.0) This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of the alga Chlorella saccharophila was investigated under different growth conditions. Using glucose as the sole carbon source, heterotrophically-grown Chlorella saccharophila produced a greater proportion of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (C18: 2 and C18: 3) than photosynthetic cultures, with linoleic acid (C18: 2) predominating. An unexpected discovery was the observation that at the lowest glucose concentration (2.5 gl–1) the lipid content of the algae increased to between 36–47% of the cell weight, depending on the temperature. At glucose concentrations of 5 g l–1 or more, the lipid content fell to 10–12% of the cell, although total fatty acid yield was higher due to higher biomass concentrations. Aeration of heterotrophic cultures promoted the production of unsaturated fatty acids compared to non-aerated cultures.  相似文献   

Sequence variation in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) as measured by DNA reassociation was examined in 12 grass species to address systematic problems in thePoaceae at the subfamilial and tribal levels. Two species,Petunia (Solanaceae) andGlycine (Leguminosae), were included to determine degrees of sequence divergence in cpDNA between monocots and dicots. The data were analyzed phenetically and phylogenetically. Species were segregated into four major groups that corresponded to the subfamiliesPooideae, Oryzoideae, Chloridoideae, andPanicoideae. Representatives of thePooideae andOryzoideae grouped together as did members of theChloridoideae andPanicoideae. ThePooideae split into two major groups corresponding to the recently recognized supertribesTriticanae andPoanae. Internodes between subfamily branches were short which might indicate a burst of divergence in the family early in its evolution. Sequence similarity values between the monocot grass species and the two dicot taxa ranged from 0.15 to 0.27, representing the highly conserved sequences of the chloroplast genome.  相似文献   

Results of a study of the genus Malassezia on the basis of genome characters confirm that two species should be maintained, M. furfur and M. pachydermatis. The two forms associated with skin disease, frequently referred to as Pityrosporum orbiculare and P. ovale, were found to be synonymous, the name M. furfur having priority. Malassezia pachydermatis, hitherto regarded as a strictly zoophilic species, may also be found on humans.  相似文献   

Starch hydrolysis, i.e., the production of extracellular amylolytic enzymes, was found to be a specific character for most species of the genus Chlorella. C. fusca var. vacuolata, C. spec. 211-30, and C. spec. 211-11r hydrolyse starch, whereas C. vulgaris, C. fusca var. rubescens, C. zofingiensis, C. fusca var. fusca, C. minutissima, C. homosphaera, C. kessleri, C. luteoviridis, and C. protothecoides are unable to hydrolyse starch. Only C. sorokiniana and C. saccharophila appear heterogenous; within C. sorokiniana, 7 strains hydrolyse starch and 9 do not; and within C. saccharophila, 6 strains exhibit amylolytic activity and 2 do not. — A key for the identification, according to 9 easily determined physiological and biochemical characters, of the Chlorella species is presented.  相似文献   

梭菌属分类研究进展:现状和展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前构成梭菌属的微生物在系统发育和表型特征上不一致。多相分类数据表明,梭菌属物种之间差异大。大量基于16S rRNA 基因的系统发育研究表明,梭菌属应被限定为梭菌属类群I,作为狭义梭菌属(Clostridium sensu stricto)。尽管有这方面认识,梭菌属新物种仍持续增加,这些新物种并不能与梭菌属类群I 和标准种丁酸梭菌(C. butryicum)形成一致分支,引发梭菌属分类上的混乱。本文明确了梭菌属物种的范围,即只包括模式种和梭菌属类群I。此外,4 个物种念珠状真杆菌(Eubacterium moniliforme)、旋舞真杆菌(Eubacterium tarantellae)、最大八叠球菌(Sarcina maxima)和胃八叠球菌(Sarcina ventriculi)应被调至梭菌属,分别命名为念珠状梭菌(Clostridium moniliforme)、旋舞梭菌(Clostridium tarantellae)、最大梭菌(Clostridium maximum)和胃梭菌(Clostridium ventriculi)。一个新属哈撒韦氏菌属(Hathewaya)被提议成立,3 个梭菌属物种溶组织梭菌(Clostridium histolyticum)、泥渣梭菌(Clostridium limosum)和解朊梭菌(Clostridiumproteolyticum)重新归为溶组织哈撒韦氏菌(Hathewaya histolytica)、泥渣哈撒韦氏菌(Hathewaya limosa)和解朊哈撒韦氏菌(Hathewaya proteolytica),其中Hathewaya histolytica 为模式种。  相似文献   

A multilocus sequence analysis of the genus Xanthomonas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of strains representing all validly published Xanthomonas spp. (119 strains) was conducted using four genes; dnaK, fyuA, gyrB and rpoD, a total of 440 sequences. Xanthomonas spp. were divided into two groups similar to those indicated in earlier 16S rDNA comparative analyses, and they possibly represent distinct genera. The analysis clearly differentiated most species that have been established by DNA-DNA reassociation. A similarity matrix of the data indicated clear numerical differences that could form the basis for species differentiation in the future, as an alternative to DNA-DNA reassociation. Some species, X. cynarae, X. gardneri and X. hortorum, formed a single heterogeneous group that is in need of further investigation. X. gardneri appeared to be a synonym of X. cynarae. Recently proposed new species, X. alfalfae, X. citri, X. euvesicatoria, X. fuscans and X. perforans, were not clearly differentiated as species from X. axonopodis, and X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans are very probably synonyms. MLSA offers a powerful tool for further investigation of the classification of Xanthomonas. Based on the dataset produced, the method also offers a relatively simple way of identifying strains as members of known species, or of indicating their status as members of new species.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the intragenomic DNA sequence homologies of twelve species of birds representing five orders, and emphasizing Galliformes. This study differs in two important ways from the classical approaches taken in constructing and evaluating phylogenies based on DNA sequence similarities. Comparisons are made on the basis of sequence homologieswithin genomes of related birds, rather than between genomes. DNA is reassociated at 50°C in 0.5M phosphate buffer; these conditions allow formation and detection of duplexes containing more mismatch than would normally be permitted using more stringent conditions, affording an opportunity to observe more ancient sequence homologies. Thermal stability profiles of DNA duplexes formed under these conditions are the basis of comparison; three general patterns were observed. This approach emphasizes differences in sequence composition between genomes while the more traditional method of intergenomic tracer DNA hybridization at higher stringency emphasizes sequence similarities.No correlation was found between taxonomic position and intragenomic sequence composition, either within or between lineages. The thermal stability profiles of DNA duplexes formed within avian genomes did not reflect the biological similarities inferred from morphology, karyotype, and studies of interspecific hybridization. While all of the differences observed could have occurred over geological time, it was surprising that the genomes of the domestic chicken and the Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus) differ in their sequence compositions. It appears that amplification/reduction events and/or positional changes occur rather often during evolution of a lineage.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - PB equimolar sodium phosphate buffer pH 6.8 - Cot concentration of DNA in moles of nucleotide per liter times the incubation time in seconds - Equiv. or Equivalent Cot Cot corrected for the monovalent cation concentration effect on re-association rate - HAP hydroxylapatite - Te1/2 temperature at which one-half the DNA has eluted from HAP - SSC 0.15M sodium chloride-0.015M sodium citrate  相似文献   

The optimal parameters in the use of nuclease S1 in DNA reassociation kinetics in the presence of formamide have been determined. The conditions are especially suitable for the study of DNA rich in mole percent GC. A 10-fold dilution of the reassociation samples leading to a decrease in both NaCl and formamide concentrations, consequently resulting in a lowering of Tm by only 1.5 degree C, and the S1 digestion at temperatures identical to the reassociation assay in order to retain the stability of the duplex, are two important aspects of this system. Under these conditions, the kinetics of reassociation followed the theoretically predicted pattern, while the earlier reported methods have shown lower values.  相似文献   

The genus Nadsonia Sydow is revised on the basis of morphology, physiology, amino acid and fatty acid composition, electrophoretic patterns of some enzymes and DNA relatedness. Two species, N. commutata (type CBS 6640) and N. fulvescens, with two varieties, N. fulvescens var. fulvescens (type CBS 2596) and N. fulvescens var. elongata (type CBS 2594) nov. comb. are recognized. A modified diagnosis of the genus and a key are given.Parts of this work were presented at the IXth International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts (Smolenice, SSR, April 18–22, 1983); VIth General Symposium on Yeasts (Montpellier, France, July 9–13, 1984) and International Symposium The Expanding Realm of Yeast-like Fungi (Amersfoort, The Netherlands, August 3–7, 1987).  相似文献   

Prototheca zopfii (12 strains) is able to use glucose, fructose, propanol, glycerol, and acetate as sources of carbon for growth. One of the strains is biochemically (utilization also of galactose and mannose), and two strains are morphologically slightly different.Two strains can be identified as P. wikerhamii. They exhibit good growth with glucose, fructose, galactose, trehalose, propanol, glycerol, acetate, and glutamate as sources of carbon. P. spec. 263-2 grows only with glucose and acatate. P. zopfii and P. wickerhamii are able to use urea, glycine, and glutamate as sources of nitrogen. P. spec. 263-2, on the other hand, cannot utilize these organic nitrogen compounds for growth.Four strains of Chlorella protothecoides are able to use glucose, fructose, galactose, and acetate as sources of carbon for growth in the dark. Three of them utilize also mannose, trehalose, and glutamate. Two strains can grow with glycerol, and one is able to use lactose. — Urea and glycine can serve as sources of nitrogen for the four strains of C. protothecoides. Glutamate supports growth of three strains, and one strain is able to use nicotinamide.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid base composition of simonsiellaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The molar percentages of guanine plus cytosine in the DNA of 51 strains of Simonsiellaceae were determined by buoyant density ultracentrifugation of cell lysates in CsCl. The DNA base ratios ranged from 41–55 mole-% guanine plus cytosine. These values fall within the range known for the Order Cytophagales, the non-fruiting gliding bacteria, and are out-side the range of the Order Myxobacterales, the fruiting myxobacteria. Among the strains of the genus Simonsiella, four distinct groups can be delineated on the basis of source of origin (sheep, dog, cat, human) and GC content. The neotype of Alysiella filiformis has a GC content of 45.4 mole-%.  相似文献   

Reassociation kinetics ofDaucus carota andPetroselinum crispum (Apiaceae), andDatura innoxia (Solanaceae) are presented. Hybridization of3H-labelled DNA of two carrot cultivars indicate strong qualitative homologies of DNA sequences; nevertheless, certain quantitative differences in some Cotregions seem to exist. However, homologous sequences ofDaucus DNA with DNA ofDatura, and, suprisingly, even with DNA ofPetroselinum are very restricted: between 8% in the repeated regions and ca. 7–9% in the unique regions.  相似文献   

The morphology of an unarmored chain-forming harmful dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides and its similar species such as Cochlodinium catenatum, Cochlodinium fulvescens, and Cochlodinium convolutum was carefully observed, emphasizing the single cell stage for clarifying taxonomically important morphological features. To differentiate C. polykrikoides from C. convolutum, the shape and the position of the nucleus are useful characters. C. polykrikoides also differs from C. fulvescens in being smaller in size, possessing many rod-shaped chloroplasts and having the sulcus running just below the cingulum on the dorsal surface. Careful observation of the ichnotype of C. catenatum suggests that C. catenatum sensu Kofoid and Swezy collected from off La Jolla, CA, USA, is not identical to C. catenatum sensu Okamura and is probably a different species, in having no chloroplasts and a nucleus positioned at the center of the cell. In addition, C. polykrikoides has many morphological features in common with C. catenatum sensu Okamura except for slightly elongate cells and is probably a junior synonym of this species.  相似文献   

The medicinal leech is the most famous representative of the Hirudinea. It is one of few invertebrates widely used in medicine and as a scientific model object. It has recently been given considerable conservation effort. Despite all attention there is confusion regarding the taxonomic status of different morphological forms, with many different species described in the past, but only two generally accepted at present. The results of the phylogenetic analysis of a nuclear (ITS2+5.8S rRNA) and two mitochondrial gene sequences (12S rRNA, COI) suggest that the genus Hirudo is monophyletic. It consists, apart form the type Hirudo medicinalis and the East Asian Hirudo nipponia, of three other, neglected species. All of them have already been described either as species or morphological variety, and can readily be identified by their coloration pattern. The type species is in weakly supported sister relation with Hirudo sp. n. (described as variety orientalis) from Transcaucasia and Iran. Sister to them stands Hirudo verbana from southeastern Europe and Turkey, which is nowadays predominantly bred in leech farms and used as 'medicinal leech.' The North African Hirudo troctina is the sister taxon to this group of Western Eurasian species, whereas the basal split is between H. nipponia and the Western Palaearctic clade.  相似文献   

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