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Root colonization and induction of an iron stress regulated promoter for siderophore production by Pseudomonas fluorescens 2-79RLI was studied in vitro and in the rhizosphere of different plant species. P. fluorescens 2-79RLI was previously genetically modified with an iron regulated ice nucleation reporter, which allowed calibration of ice nucleation activity with siderophore production. Initial experiments examined ice nucleation activity and siderophore production under different growth conditions in vitro. These studies demonstrated that P. fluorescens 2-79RLI could utilize both Fe-citrate and Fe-phytosiderophore as iron sources, suggesting that production of these compounds by plants would increase iron availability for P. fluorescens 2-79RLI in the rhizosphere. Fe demand and Fe stress were further shown to be a function of nutrient availability and were reduced when carbon was limiting for growth. Subsequent experiments extended these observations to rhizosphere cells. Cells were sampled from the rhizosphere and the rhizoplane. Results of a soil microcosm experiment showed that Fe stress was reduced for P. fluorescens 2-79RLI in the barley rhizosphere as compared to the cells in the rhizosphere.of lupin. In lupin, relative Fe stress of P. fluorescens 2-79RLI was greater at the root tip than in the lateral root zone. In a second experiment comparing zucchini and bean, iron stress was greater for P. fluorescens 2-79RLI associated with zucchini than with bean. In a third experiment with rape plants under P deficient conditions, addition of soluble P was shown to increase Fe stress for P. fluorescens 2-79RLI located at the root tip, but not in the lateral root zone. This study showed that Fe stress of P. fluorescens 2-79RLI in the rhizosphere may be influenced by plant species, P source, root zone and localization of the cells within the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown in nutrient solution with low or high N supply (NH4NO3 as N source). To further evaluate the influence of N form and its interaction with the nutrient solution pH, wheat plants were grown with NH 4 + or NO 3 - either in an conventional nutrient solution or in a nutrient solution in which the pH was maintained at pH 6.5 using a pH-stat system. The nutrient solution was inoculated with Pseudomonas fluorescens 2-79RLI, a genetically modified bacterium that contains lux genes activated by a ribosomal promoter. Cell numbers and physiological status of P. fluorescens 2-79RLI (length of the lag phase of bioluminescence) in the rhizosphere were determined at the root tip and in the lateral root zone. Nitrogen deficiency decreased both plant growth and root colonization by P. fluorescens 2-79RLI at the root tip while it had no effect on root colonization in the lateral root zone. The physiological status of P. fluorescens 2-79RLI was not affected by nitrogen deficiency. Ammonium nutrition increased root colonization by P. fluorescens 2-79RLI at the root tip and in the lateral root zone when the pH of the nutrient solution was allowed to change according to the N form provided. Under these conditions, the physiological status of P. fluorescens 2-79RLI was higher in the lateral root zone than at the root tip. In contrast, N source had no effect on root colonization or physiological status of P. fluorescens 2-79RLI in the nutrient solution maintained at pH 6.5. It is concluded that the stimulation of root colonization by NH 4 + in the nutrient solution, not maintained at a constant pH, may be due to increased leakage of solutes into the rhizosphere as a result of impaired exudate retention by high H+ concentration in the rhizosphere or the apoplast. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ultramafic (serpentine) soils from and adjacent to the Dun Mountain Ophiolitic Belt, South Island, New Zealand were analysed for 11 elements in order to establish to what degree edaphic factors influenced the character of the overlying vegetation. Using principal components analysis with a mutual plot of the first two principal components, involving the total elemental concentrations in the soils, it was possible to divide the soils into 6 virtually non-overlapping fields, each of which represented a specific vegetation community. Component 1 was essentially an ultramafic plot with heavy loadings from the elements chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, manganese, and nickel. Component 2 was a non ultramafic plot with heavy loadings from aluminium, copper and zinc. For elements extracted from the soils at pH 5.9, discrimination was somewhat poorer but confirmed the great importance of magnesium and nickel as controlling elements for the serpentine vegetation. It was concluded that the results indicated the overriding importance of edaphic factors in controlling the serpentine vegetation.  相似文献   

 The effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens DF57 on growth and P uptake of two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in symbiosis with cucumber plants was studied in compartmentalised growth systems. Hyphae of Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith (BEG87) or G. caledonium (Nicol. & Gerd.) Trappe & Gerdeman (BEG15) grew into lateral root-free compartments. Non-mycorrhizal plants served as control. The soil in half of the growth units of each mycorrhizal treatment was inoculated with P. fluorescens DF57. P. fluorescens DF57 enhanced hyphal length density of one of the AM fungi, G. caledonium, but this was not reflected in a higher hyphal transport of P from the root-free soil to the plant. The total P content was higher in plants grown in symbiosis with G. intraradices than in plants in the other treatments. G. caledonium and P. fluorescens DF57 had a synergistic effect in that total P content in plants inoculated with G. caledonium was higher in the presence than in the absence of P. fluorescens DF57. Accepted: 7 January 1999  相似文献   

油松菌根促生细菌——荧光假单胞菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了探讨菌根促生细菌荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)与菌根真菌的互作关系,本实验从油松菌根上分离得到36株在紫外灯下产荧光的细菌菌株,以荧光假单胞菌9702作为标准菌株,对分离菌株进行显微观察、生物学鉴定和16S rDNA序列分析,结果确定HDY-8、HDY-9、HDY-20、HDY-35共 4株菌株为荧光假单胞菌,并分别命名为P.fluorescens HDY-8、P.fluorescens HDY-9、P.fluorescens HDY-20、P.fluorescens HDY-35.用这4株细菌菌株分别与外生菌根真菌(ECMF)粘盖牛肝菌(Suillus bovinus)、褐环粘盖牛肝菌(Suillus luteus)和褐黄牛肝菌(Boletus luridus)进行纯培养互作研究.结果表明,只有P.fluorescens HDY-20对3种外生菌根真菌有不同程度的促生作用,并对S.luteus促进效果最好,S.bovinus次之,B.luridus最差;P.fluorescens HDY-20促进S.bovinus、S.luteus和B.luridus菌丝生长的最佳浓度分别为2.4×109 cfu/mL、0.8×109~2.4×109 cfu/mL和0.8×109 cfu/mL,与对照相比S.bovinus和S.luteus的生物量达到极显著差异(P<0.01),B.luridus的达到显著差异(P<0.05),且分别比对照增加6.5%、9.1%和4.3%.  相似文献   

Interactions between Pseudomonas fluorescens biocontrol agents and Glomus mosseae , an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, were studied. The biocontrol agents included the genetically modified strains CHA96 and CHA0 pME3424 which produced enhanced levels of antifungal compounds. Tomato ( Lycopersicum esculentum ) and leek ( Allium porrum ) host plants were grown in sterile Terra-Green (calcined attapulgite clay) with limited nutrients. Mycorrhizal activity was indicated by shoot dry weight and phosphorus content. In all experiments, plants grown in the presence of G. mosseae had a significantly higher shoot dry weight than those grown in the absence of G. mosseae . Colonisation and activity of G. mosseae was unaltered in the presence of P. fluorescens isolates and presence of G. mosseae increased the population of P. fluorescens in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess whether Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 and its genetically modified derivatives, CHA0/pME3424 (antibiotic over-producer) and CHA89 (antibiotic-deficient) could have an impact on the fungal community structure and composition in the rhizosphere of mungbean. METHODS AND RESULTS: Under glasshouse conditions, mungbean was grown repeatedly in the same soil, which was inoculated with CHA0, CHA0/pME3424, CHA89 or was left untreated. Treatments were applied to soil at the start of each 36-day mungbean growth cycle, and their effects on the diversity of the rhizosphere populations of culturable fungi were assessed at the end of the first, second and third cycles. The effects of CHA0 and CHA0/pME3424 did differ from the controls while CHA89 did not. Whereas all major fungal species were frequently isolated from both bacterized and nonbacterized rhizospheres, certain fungal species were exclusively promoted or specifically suppressed from Pseudomonas-treated soils. In general, fungal diversity and equitability tended to decrease with time while species richness slightly increased. Whilst a total of 29 fungal species were isolated from the mungbean rhizosphere, only eight species colonized the root tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Soil inoculation with Ps. fluorescens CHA0 or CHA0/pME3424 altered fungal community structure in mungbean rhizosphere but strain CHA89 failed to produce such effect. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Pseudomonas fluorescens-mediated alteration in the composition and structure of fungal communities might have acute or lasting effects on ecosystem functioning. Furthermore, the study provides useful data pertinent to characterization of the fate of genetically modified inoculants (e.g. antibiotic-overproducing Pseudomonas strains) released into the environment.  相似文献   

Confocal microscopy combined with three-dimensional olive root tissue sectioning was used to provide evidence of the endophytic behaviour of Pseudomonas fluorescens PICF7, an effective biocontrol strain against Verticillium wilt of olive. Two derivatives of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), the enhanced green and the red fluorescent proteins, have been used to visualize simultaneously two differently fluorescently tagged populations of P. fluorescens PICF7 within olive root tissues at the single cell level. The time-course of colonization events of olive roots cv. Arbequina by strain PICF7 and the localization of tagged bacteria within olive root tissues are described. First, bacteria rapidly colonized root surfaces and were predominantly found in the differentiation zone. Thereafter, microscopy observations showed that PICF7-tagged populations eventually disappeared from the root surface, and increasingly colonized inner root tissues. Localized and limited endophytic colonization by the introduced bacteria was observed over time. Fluorescent-tagged bacteria were always visualized in the intercellular spaces of the cortex region, and no colonization of the root xylem vessels was detected at any time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time this approach has been used to demonstrate endophytism of a biocontrol Pseudomonas spp. strain in a woody host such as olive using a nongnotobiotic system.  相似文献   

The bioluminescently marked Pseudomonas fluorescens strain 5RL, has been used previously to follow colonisation of soy bean roots (De Weger et al. [1991] Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57:36-41). In the present paper the method has been further developed and optimized for wheat roots and it is used to get a quick overview of the colonisation patterns of many different root systems at the same time. Colonisation was followed on wheat plants grown in our gnotobiotic sand system (Simons et al., 1996. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 9: 600–607) and the following results were obtained. (i) A spatio-temporal analysis of the colonisation of wheat roots showed that 4 days after planting the highest bacterial activity was observed at the upper part of the root. After 6 days the high bacterial activity at the upper part was further increased, whereas spot-like activities were observed on the lower root parts, possibly due to micro-colonies. (ii) Bacterial mutations causing lack of motility or auxotrophy for amino acids resulted in impaired colonisation of the lower root parts, indicating that motility and prototrophy for the involved amino acid(s) are important factors for wheat root colonisation by strain 5RL. (iii) Coinoculation of strain 5RL with other wild type Pseudomonas strains on the root influenced the colonisation pattern observed for strain 5RL. Colonisation was not visually affected when the competing strain was a poor root coloniser, but was severely reduced when the competing strain was a good root coloniser. The results show that the spatio-temporal colonisation of wheat root by P. fluorescens strain 5RL and derivatives is similar to that of strain WCS365 on tomato. The advantage of the use of lux-marked strains is that the results are obtained much quicker than when conventional methods are used and that the result is supplied as an image of the colonisation pattern of many different roots.  相似文献   

The processes leading to bacterial colonization on solidwater interfaces are adsorption, desorption, growth, and erosion. These processes have been measured individually in situ in a flowing system in real time using image analysis. Four different substrata (copper, silicon, 316 stainless-steel and glass) and 2 different bacterial species (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens) were used in the experiments. The flow was laminar (Re = 1.4) and the shear stress was kept constant during all experiments at 0.75 N m(-2). The surface roughness varied among the substrata from 0.002 mum (for silicon) to 0.015 mum (for copper). Surface free energies varied from 25.1 dynes cm(-1) for silicon to 31.2 dynes cm(-1) for copper. Cell curface hydrophobicity, reported as hydrocarbon partitioning values, ranged from 0.67 for Ps. fluorescens to 0.97 for Ps. aeruginosa.The adsorption rate coefficient varried by as much as a factor of 10 among the combinations of bacterial strain and substratum material, and was positively correlated with surface free energy, the surface roughness of the substratum, and the hydrophobicity of the cells. The probability of desorption decreased with increasing surface free energy and surface roughness of the substratum. Cell growth was inhibited on copper, but replication of cells overlying an initial cell layer was observed with increased exposure time to the cell-containing bulk water. A mathematical model describing cell accumulation on a substratum is presented.  相似文献   

The influence of Glomus intraradices (BEG87) on Pseudomonas fluorescens DF57 in hyphosphere and rhizosphere soil was examined. Cucumis sativus (Aminex, F1 hybrid) was grown in symbiosis with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus G. intraradices in PVC tubes, consisting of a central root compartment and two lateral root-free compartments. Two Tn 5 - lux AB-marked strains of P. fluorescens DF57 were used. Strain DF57-P2, which has an insertion of Tn 5::lux AB in a phosphate starvation-inducible locus, was used as a phosphate starvation reporter. Another lux -tagged strain DF57-40E7, which carries a constitutively expressed lux AB fusion, was used as control for strain DF57-P2 and for measuring the metabolic activity of P. fluorescens DF57. A strain of P. fluorescens DF57, which carries a constitutively expressed gfp gene, was used in studies of attachment between the bacteria and the hyphae. G. intraradices decreased the culturability of P. fluorescens DF57 significantly, both in rhizosphere and hyphosphere soil, whereas the total number of P. fluorescens DF57 measured by immunofluorescence microscopy was decreased in hyphosphere soil only. G. intraradices did not induce a phosphorus starvation response in P. fluorescens DF57, and the metabolic activity of the bacteria was not affected by the fungus after 48 h. P. fluorescens DF57 did not attach to G. intraradices hyphae and was not able to use the hyphae as carbon substrate. The negative effect of G. intraradices on culturability and on number of P. fluorescens DF57 in hyphosphere soil is discussed.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica and its serovars have been associated with pathogen contamination of tomatoes with numerous outbreaks of salmonellosis. To improve food safety, pathogen control is of immediate concern. The aim of this research was to assess the populations of natural microflora (aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and moulds and Pseudomonas species) on tomatoes, and evaluate the efficacy of Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf) and Pseudomonas chlororaphis (Pc) for inactivation of Salmonella on tomatoes. Microflora were determined on sanitised and unsanitised produce and enumerated on Plate Count Agar, de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe medium, Potato Dextrose Agar and Pseudomonas Agar F media. The efficacy of Pc and Pf for inactivation of S. enterica serovars Montevideo, Typhimurium and Poona was determined on spot-inoculated tomato stem scars. The effects of storage time on bacterial populations were also investigated. On unsanitised tomatoes, lactic acid bacteria, Pseudomonas sp., aerobic mesophilic bacteria and yeasts and moulds ranged from 3.31–4.84, 3.93–4.77, 4.09–4.80 and 3.83–4.67 log CFU/g of produce, respectively. The microflora were similar at 0 and 24 storage hours on sanitised produce. The suppression of Salmonella Montevideo by P. chlororaphis and P. fluorescens on tomatoes ranged from 0.51 to 2.00 log CFU/g of produce. On Salmonella Montevideo and S. Typhimurium, the suppressive effects ranged from 0.51 to 0.95 and 0.46 to 2.00 log CFU/g of produce, respectively. The pathogen suppressive effects may be attributed to competition ability of Pseudomonas relative to Salmonella strains. Pseudomonas strains may be effective against Salmonella strains as a post-harvest application, but strain synergy is required to optimise pathogen reductions.  相似文献   

Plant diseases are among the main constraints affecting the production and productivity of crops both in terms of quality and quantity. Use of chemicals continues to be the major tactic to mitigate the menace of crop diseases. However, because of the environmental concerns, health conscious attitude of human beings and other hazards associated with the use of chemicals, use of bio agents to suppress the disease-causing activity of plant pathogens is gaining importance. With the emergence and increase of microbial organisms resistant to multiple antibiotics, and the continuing emphasis on health-care costs, many researchers have tried to develop new and effective antimicrobial reagents that do not stimulate resistance and are less expensive. Nanoscale materials have emerged as novel antimicrobial agents owing to their high surface area to volume ratio and the unique chemical and physical properties, which increases their contact with microbes and their ability to permeate cells. Since silver displays multiple modes of inhibitory action to micro-organisms, it may be used for controlling various plant pathogens in a relatively safer way compared to synthetic fungicides. Development of reliable and eco-friendly processes for synthesis of metallic nanoparticles is an important step in the field of application of nanotechnology. One of the options to achieve this objective is to use synthesis of nanoparticles of silver by reduction of aqueous Ag+ ions with the culture supernatant of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. In this study, P. fluorescens CHA0 that has a medium impact on Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici was selected. Then, P. fluorescens CHA0 was used for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. The morphology of the nanoparticles was characterised by Transmission Electron Microscopy and UV–vis spectroscopy. The silver nanoparticles of approximate size 50 nm were observed. The process of reduction is extracellular which makes it an easier method for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles.  相似文献   


Pseudomonas fluorescens strains which are proven biocontrol agents in black pepper against foot rot (caused by Phytophthora capsici ) were also found to enhance root proliferation and fibre root production. Experiments conducted in the greenhouse with five efficient strains of P. fluorescens (IISR-6, IISR-8, IISR-11, IISR-13 and IISR-51) showed that the bacterial strains could significantly increase the root biomass of the plants (30 – 135%). Parameters for total root length, root area and root tips were estimated by scanning the entire root system and analysis through GS Root® software (PP systems, Winterstreet, USA). All the strains increased the root length in the treated plants (12 – 127%), the highest being with IISR-6, which was on a par with IISR-11 and IISR-51. A similar trend was observed with the total root area after bacterization (43 – 200%). The P. fluorescens treated plants had a higher number of feeder roots as evidenced by the increased number of root tips (82 – 137%). The enhanced growth parameters upon root bacterization could be corroborated with the production of the plant growth hormones IAA & GA by the bacterial strains and their P-solubilization potential.  相似文献   

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