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Coexisting populations of the mussels, Perna perna and Mytilusgalloprovincialis, were monitored at two sites on the NorthAfrican coast, east of Algiers, over a five year period (1985–1989).While spatfalls were observed throughout the year, only themajor spring-summer recruitment, which occurred during favourableweather conditions, contributed to the renewal of both musselspecies at both sites. Very high densities (>10, 000 ind.m–2) were observed at both sites, but the mussel bedswere composed principally of young and small specimens due toharvesting of the largest animals for use as bait and for humanconsumption. The maximal length observed was 75 mm in P. pernaand 49 mm in M. galloprovincialis. The life span of the specieswas low, 12–24 months in P. perna and 11–28 monthsin M. galloprovincialis. This survey showed that M. galloprovincialisbecame dominant in both mussel beds due to its resistance todisturbance by human activities. (Received 5 January 1995; accepted 18 April 1995)  相似文献   

The diet of the starfish, Marthasterias glacialis (L.), consists of a variety of mollusc species, as well as ascidians and barnacles. Starfish densities are maximal where mussels, Choromytilus meridionalis (Krauss), are abundant and in such areas mussels form the bulk of the diet. Laboratory feeding experiments indicate that Marthasterias glacialis select mussels of particular sizes and that the length of prey taken is an increasing function of predator arm length. The time taken to consume each mussel is determined by the ratio of shell length to starfish size. The number of mussels consumed per day increases only slightly with starfish size, but because the prey taken increase in size, energy consumption is maintained at a relatively consistent 1% of predator body energy per day. Using prey selection and feeding rate data for different sized starfish, predictive three dimensional predation surfaces are developed for a natural starfish population feeding on either one or two cohort Choromytilus meridionalis populations. The models indicate that predatory effort should be concentrated on the smallest mussels when a single adult cohort is present, but on recruiting mussels just above the minimum prey size limit where two cohorts are present. Other major predators of mussels, the rock lobster, Jasus lalandii (Milne Edwards), and the whelk, Natica tecta Anton, appear to select similar size-ranges of prey to starfish, despite their differing body forms and feeding methods. Since the juveniles of all three predators can only take small mussels, predator recruitment may well depend upon the successful settlement of strong mussel cohorts. Evidence for such entrainment of predator cohorts to settlements of mussels is presented.  相似文献   

On sheltered rocky beaches in Hong Kong, Linatella caudata preysupon the lower-littoral and sub-littoral fringe fauna. Ascidiantests are cut with the radula, while the proboscis is insertedbetween the parted shell valves of bivalves. The salivary glandssecrete sulphuric acid that is not used in prey penetration,as in the Cassidae, but is more likely used in digestion ordefence. In preference experiments, prey were chosen in the sequence:Barbatia virescens (Bivalvia: Arcidae) > Styela plicata (Ascidiacea)/Saccostreacucullata (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) > Lunella coronata (Gastropoda:Turbinidae) > Balanus amphitrite (Crustacea: Cirripedia).52% of all attacks were upon Barbatia Lunella and Balanus wereattacked rarely. Prey preferences by individual gastropods werealso demonstrated. Calibration plots of total weight against wet and dry tissueweight of prey (Barbatia virescens) and, finally, the predatorwere obtained and used in estimations of consumption. On average,an adult Linatella caudata (10-15g) consumed three B. virescens.week–1 The mean weight of B. virescens flesh consumed.week–1 ranged between 0. 208–0.412g dry weight prey.gdry weight predator–1, i.e., a mean of 28.2% of the predator'body weight.week–1 or 4%.day–1. Such a figure accordswell with estimates of consumption obtained for other adultpredatory gastropods from Hong Kong. (Received 4 September 1989; accepted 5 December 1989)  相似文献   

Feeding on natural plankton populations and respiration of thesmall cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis were measured duringthe warm season in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA. AlthoughO.similis did not significantly ingest small autotrophic andheterotrophic flagellates (2–8 µn), this copepodactively fed on >10 µm particles, including autotrophic/heterotrophic(dino)flagel-lates and ciliates, with clearance rates of 0.03–0.38ml animal–1 h–1. The clearance rates increased withthe prey size. O.similis also fed on copepod nauplii (mainlycomposed of the N1 stage of Acartia tonsa with a clearance rateof 0.16 ml animal–1 h–1. Daily carbon ration fromthe combination of these food items averaged 148 ng C animal–1day–1 (41% of body C day–1), with ciliates and heterotrophicdino-flagellates being the main food source ({small tilde}69%of total carbon ration). Respiration rates were 020–0.23µl O2 animal–1 day–1. Assuming a respiratoryquotient of 0.8 and digestion efficiency of 0.7, the carbonrequirement for respiration was calculated to be 125–143ng C animal–1 day–1, close to the daily carbon rationestimated above. We conclude that predation on ciliates andheterotrophic dinoflagellates was important for O.similis tosustain its population in our study area during the warm season.  相似文献   

The incidence of the shell-boring parasite Polydora ciliatain Mytilus edulis from the Conwy estuary, North Wales is described.Amongst mussels >40 mm in shell length both the occurrenceand abundance of P. ciliata increased steeply with host size.Infestation was highest amongst mussels near the mouth of theestuary where around 60–65% of the population was parasitized;no systematic relationship between the incidence of P. ciliataand tidal elevation was observed. Mussel condition was negativelycorrelated with the degree of infestation. Moderately and heavilyinfested mussels, however, never accounted for more than ca.10% of this population and the overall detrimental effects ofP. ciliata on growth and production is thus probably quite small.Whilst heavily infested mussels were evidently more vulnerableto predation, the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, selected smaller,non-infested mussels whenever these were available. No obviousrelationships were found between the presence of P. ciliataand the incidence of either pearls or pea crabs. (Received 14 January 1991; accepted 2 April 1991)  相似文献   

Gonad maturation and sexuality in Ghanaian populations of Anadarasenilis were studied by means of macroscopic examination ofthe visceral mass, microscopic examination of smears of sexualproducts and by histological methods. Sexual differentiationinto either distinct male or female, begins at a shell lengthof 10–12mm. Only 1% or less have both ovary and testis.First spawnings take place at shell size 18–20mm. Althoughin tidal lagoons the sex ratio is 1:1, in the adverse conditionsof closed lagoons, the male to female ratio is about 1:2. Unbalancedsex ratios recorded in a population in Lagos, Nigeria, led aprevious worker to the conclusion that the species is a protandrichermaphrodite.It is argued here that hermaphroditism is an insignificant featurein A. senilis and that the species is basically gonochoristic(dioecious). * PRESENT ADDRESS: Department of Zoology, University Collegeof Swansea, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales (Received 16 June 1981;  相似文献   

Feeding and metabolism of the siphonophore Sphaeronectes gracilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The in situ predation rate of the siphonophore Sphaeronectesgracilis was estimated from gut content analysis of hand-collectedsiphonophores and from laboratory data on digestion rates ofprey organisms. At daytime prey densities of 0.25 copepods 1–1,S. gracilis was estimated to consume 8.1 – 15.4 prey day–1siphonophore–1. From data on abundances of siphonophoresand copepods, S. gracilis was estimated to consume 2–4%of the copepods daily. In laboratory experiments, ingestionrates averaged 13.8 prey day–1 siphonophore–1 atprey densities of 5 copepods 1–1 and 36.9 at 20 copeods1–1. This was equivalent to a specific ingestion rate(for both carbon and nitrogen) of –17% day–1 and45% day–1, respectively, while specific ingestion in situwas only 2% day–1. Ammonium excretion averaged 0.095 µg-atsiphonophore–1 day–1 at 5 prey 1–1, and 0.162at 20 prey 1–1. The specific respiration (carbon) andspecific excretion (nitrogen as ammonium) were calculated tobe 3% day–1 at the lower experimental food level, and5% day–1 at the higher food level. 1Contribution from the Catalina Marine Science Center No. 66. 2Present address: Dept. of Biology, University of Victoria,Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 2Y2.  相似文献   

Retusa obtusa held individually in the laboratory carried largeoocytes in the gonad but did not spawn in December-late January.In late Jan-early Feb, however, the first few individuals producedbatches of 8–17 eggs and, by early February, most individualswere producing means of 2–4 eggs d–1 and maximain late Feb of <7.9 d–1. Spawning declined to low levelsin few individuals in late March. By early April, spawning hadvirtually ceased prior to the drastic loss of adults in thepopulation by May. Larger R. obtusa generally produced more eggs than smaller onesand the few specimens shorter than 3.8 mm produced markedlyfewer than those of 3.8–5.0 mm shell length. Twenty of the 34 R. obtusa held in the main breeding period(4 sets started 29 Jan-3 Mar) spawned in 3 or more successiveweeks whereas only 6 of them failed to spawn in 2 consecutiveweeks, so indicating that several successive batches of eggsare commonly produced. Yet in virtually all individuals (exceptat the start of breeding) more eggs were produced in the firstweek of captivity than subsequently. These first-week valuesimply total production by individuals in the spawning seasonof some 112-305 eggs comprising about 2.8-7.6 mg dry weightor, by the Forth estuary population, of 26880-73200 eggs m–2comprising 0.67-1.83 g dry weight m–2. (Received 19 August 1988; accepted 30 September 1988)  相似文献   

The heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans has anegligible swimming ability and feeds predominantly on immobileprey. How, then, does it encounter prey? Noctiluca scintillansis positively buoyant and, therefore, we hypothesized that itintercepts prey particles during ascent and/or that microscaleshear brings it into contact with prey. Noctiluca scintillanshas a specific carbon content 1–2 orders of magnitudeless than that typical for protists and, thus, an inflated volume.It also has a density slightly less than that of the ambientwater and therefore ascends at high velocities (-1 m h–1).In stagnant water, clearance rates of latex spheres (5–80µm) increased approximately with prey particle size squared.This scaling is consistent with N.scintillans being an interceptionfeeder. However, absolute clearance rates were substantiallylower than those predicted by modeling N.scintillans both asa spherical and as a cylindrical collector. The latter modelassumes that prey particles are collected on the string of mucusthat may form at the tip of the tentacle. Feeding, growth andprey selection experiments all demonstrated that diatoms arecleared at substantially higher rates than latex beads and otherphytoplankters, particularly dinoflagellates. We propose thatdiatoms stick more efficiently than latex beads to the mucusof N.scintillans and that dinoflagellates reduce fatal contactbehaviorally. We conclude that N.scintillans is an interceptionfeeder and that the high ascent velocity accounts for encounterswith prey. However, the flow field around the cell-mucus complexis too complicated to be described accurately by simple geometricmodels. Fluid shear (0.7–1.8 s–1 had a negativeimpact on feeding rates, which were much less than predictedby models. Noctiluca scintillans can survive starvation forlong periods (>3 weeks), it can grow at low concentrationsof prey (-15 µg C l–1), but growth saturates onlyat very high prey concentrations of 500–1000 µgC l–1 or more. We demonstrate how the functional biologyof N.scintillans is consistent with its spatial and seasonaldistribution, which is characterized by persistence in the plankton,blooms in association with high concentrations of diatoms, andsurface accumulation during quiescent periods or exponentialdecline in abundance with depth during periods of turbulentmixing.  相似文献   

All three races of Neotricula aperta, an epilithic, schistosometransmitting, snail of the Mekong and Mul rivers of NortheastThailand and southern Laos, were found to take up acetate froma dilute solution. After 48 h incubation the mean specific netuptake rates (µmol–1 g–1 h–1), from750 µM acetate, were: 1.86, -race; 1.39, ß-raceand 3.25, y-race. Over 48 h the snails were able to achievereductions in the ambient acetate concentration of up to 60%.Incubations under bacteriostatis suggested that bacteria arenot involved in the uptake of acetate by N. aperta. The uptakecharacteristics conform to the Michaelis-Menten model. The transportconstants, Jmax (µmol–1 g–1 h–1) andKt (µM) were 1.10 and 102 respectively (-race). Racialdifferences in uptake characteristics are discussed in relationto micro-habitat differences. HPLC indicated concentrations of acetate in y-N. aperta microhabitatsof around 325 µM. This suggests a pool size sufficientto satisfy only 6% of the snail's basal metabolic rate (BMR).Levels within the epilithic aufwuchs, however, are probablyhigh enough to provide for more than 50% of the BMR. The possible role of acetate in the energy metabolism of N.aperta is discussed. Short-chain carboxylic acids (such as acetate),arising from the decomposition of the aufwuchs, could representsources of fermentable organics that may be taken up by N. apertasnails and used to supplement their nutrition during times offood shortage. However, further investigations involving 14C-labellingtechniques are required. The findings of this investigationhave implications for the chemical ecology and life-cycle ofN. aperta. (Received 16 June 1994; accepted 28 July 1994)  相似文献   

Aspects of the physiology and feeding behaviour of the scavengingsnails, Babylonia lutosa and Nassarius festivus have been studiedand compared. N. festivus has a wider physiological tolerancethan B. lutosa; upper lethal temperatures being 31.5°C and28.5°C respectively and lower lethal salinities 15.5 and11.5. N. festivus was also more resistant to desiccation. N.festivus is adapted to an intertidal environment that is morevariable than the subtidal habitat of B. lutosa. The metabolicrate of adult N. festivus was two to three times higher thanthat of adult B. lutosa, the specific oxygen consumption rateof the former being 7.91±0.49x10–6 mol of O2.g–1wet wt.hr–1. This correlates with estimates of consumptionobtained for the two animals, B. lutosa eating, on average,6.57% of its wet tissue weight per day, N. festivus 15.33%.Standardization of the data for 2 g animals of both species,however, reveals no significant difference in terms of oxygenconsumption and thus the enhanced consumption by N. festivussimply reflects its smaller size. Both species are opportunisticfeeders and can survive long periods of starvation (>100days). The feeding strategies of the two are also different,N. festivus eating faster than B. lutosa, possibly because ofthe more ephemeral nature of carrion in the intertidal. Starvationaffected the feeding behaviour of N. festivus more than B. lutosaand N. festivus was able to perceive carrion from greater relativedistances than B. lutosa. (Received 27 February 1989; accepted 24 July 1989)  相似文献   

In a series of batch experiments in the dark the heterotrophicdinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina grazed three phytoplankton prey(Phaeodactylun tricornutum, Isochrysis galbana and Dunaliellateriolecta) with equal efficiency. Growth rates of the dinoflagellateranged between 0.8 and 1.3 day–1 Maximum observed ingestionrates on a cell basis varied according to the size of the preyfrom about 50 cells flagellate–1 day–1 when D.tertiolectawas the prey to 250–350 cells fiagellate–1 day–1when the other species were eaten. However, when compared ona nitrogen basis, ingestion rates were independent of prey type.Both ingestion and growth ceased when prey cell concentrationsfell below a threshold concentration of about 105 cells ml–1.Maximum specific clearance rates were 0.8x1040ndash;5.7x104it day which is considerably lower than that found for heterotrophicdinoflagellates in oceanic waters and may explain why O.marinagenerally thrives only in productive waters. The timing of NHregeneration was linked to the C:N ratio of the prey at thestart of grazing. Regeneration efficiencies for NH4. never exceeded7%; during the exponential phase and were 45% well into thestationary phase. These results are comparable to those obtainedwith heterotrophic flagellates and demonstrate that the bioenergeticpatterns of grazing and nutrient cycling by different protozoaare very similar. Moreover, they support the notion that toachieve 90+% nutrient regeneration in the open ocean, as iscurrently believed, the microbial food loop must consist ofmultiple feeding steps. Alternatively, nutrient regenerationefficiencies may be considerably lower than 90%.  相似文献   

Reproductive characters and growth of Punctum pygmaeum wereinvestigated under laboratory conditions. Eggs were laid singlyat intervals of 2–8 days. Egg size averaged 0.41 by 0.50mm. Due to a variable period of egg retention, newly depositedeggs contained differently developed embryos resulting in anincubation period varying from 1 to 34 days. Each snail on averagelaid 6.0 eggs (range 1–16 eggs) during its life. Egg productionrate and hatching success in individuals kept in isolation werethe same as in individuals kept in pairs. Hatchlings measured0.49 mm in shell breadth. Snails grew throughout their life,but the growth rate declined significantly at a shell breadthof 1.3–1.4 mm, the point at which the onset of sexualmaturity occurred. Comparison of reproductive characters ofsnails living in leaf litter revealed that very small-sizedspecies produce few, but in relation to their shell size largeeggs, which they oviposit singly. *Present address: Zoological Institute, University of Basel,Rhein-sprung 9. CH-4051 Basel, Switzertand (Received 23 May 1988; accepted 11 July 1988)  相似文献   

Ephyra larvae and small medusae (1.7–95 mm diameter, 0.01–350mg ash-free dry wt, AFDW) of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aureliaaurita were used in predation experiments with phytoplankton(the flagellate Isochrysis galbana, 4 µm diameter, {smalltilde}6 x 10–6 µg AFDW cell–1), ciliates (theoligotrich Strombidium sulcatum, 28 µm diameter, {smalltilde}2 x 10–3 µg AFDW), rotifers (Synchaeta sp.,0.5 µg AFDW individual–1) and mixed zooplankton(mainly copepods and cladocerans, 2.1–3.1 µg AFDWindividual–1). Phytoplankton in natural concentrations(50–200 µg C I–1) were not utilized by largemedusae (44–95 mm diameter). Ciliates in concentrationsfrom 0.5 to 50 individuals ml"1 were consumed by ephyra larvaeand small medusae (3–14 mm diameter) at a maximum predationrate of 171 prey day–1, corresponding to a daily rationof 0.42%. The rotifer Synchaeta sp., offered in concentrationsof 100–600 prey I–1, resulted in daily rations ofephyra larvae (2–5 mm diameter) between 1 and 13%. Mixedzooplankton allowed the highest daily rations, usually in therange 5–40%. Large medusae (>45 mm diameter) consumedbetween 2000 and 3500 prey organisms day"1 in prey concentrationsexceeding 100 I–1. Predation rate and daily ration werepositively correlated with prey abundance. Seen over a broadsize spectrum, the daily ration decreased with increased medusasize. The daily rations observed in high abundance of mixedzooplankton suggest a potential ‘scope for growth’that exceeds the growth rate observed in field populations,and this, in turn, suggests that the natural populations areusually food limited. The predicted predation rate at averageprey concentrations that are characteristic of neritic environmentscannot explain the maximum growth rates observed in field populations.It is therefore suggested that exploitation of patches of preyin high abundance is an important component in the trophodynamicsof this species. 1Present address: University of Bergen, Department of MarineBiology, N-5065 Blomsterdalen, Norway  相似文献   

The association between the green alga Coccomyxa parasitica (Chlorococcales)and the mussel Mytilus edulis chilensis at Goose Green, Falkland Islandsis reported. C. parasitica occurred within the soft tissueswith an overall infestation rate of 16%. The highest levelsof infestation (23%) occurred in individuals from the middleof the main mussel bed, with considerably lower levels of infestation inthe upper and lower regions (<1% and 5% respectively). Noconsistent seasonal pattern in infestation rate was detectedbetween September 1993 and February 1996. C. parasitica wasmost commonly observed in tissues located in the posterior territoryof the host, in areas most directly exposed to light. Tissuesof infested mussels were rather watery and translucent and theadductor muscle appeared weak and stringy. During the summermonths when Falkland mussels are in peak reproductive condition,dry flesh weight of infested mussels was significantly lowerthan non–infected mussels of comparable size suggestingthat infestation by C. parasitica may reduce reproductive output.However it is uncertain whether poor condition of the host isdue to the presence of the parasitic alga or whether C. parasiticainfests only those mussels that are already in poor condition. 1 Present address: 3, St Marys Walk, PO Box 530, Stanley, Falkland Islands (Received 10 June 1998; accepted 8 September 1998)  相似文献   

Hydrococcus brazieri and Arthritica semen on a sandflat at Coodanup,Peel Inlet, Western Australia, accounted for 89.5% of totalmollusc numbers. The mean density of H. brazieri was 9487 m–2and A. semen averaged 8105 m–2. H. brazieri grew at 0.5mm month–1 and reached maturity in 4 months; A. semengrew at 0.3 mm month–1 and reached maturity in 6 months.Somatic production in the Peel-Harvey estuarine system was estimatedto be 0.5 g m–2yr–1for H. brazieri and 4.1 g m–2yr–1for A. semen. The positions of these two species in the estuarinefoodweb is discussed. (Received 26 June 1981;  相似文献   

Two limpet species occur intertidally on subantarctic SouthGeorgia, the patellid Nacella concinna and the siphonarlid Kerguelenellalateralis. N. concinna is confined to the lower shore closeto LWS; K. lateralis occurs in middle shore pools, so theirdistributions do not overlap. N. concinna has a much narrowerthermal niche (–12.9°C to +15.6°C) than K. lateralis(–17.8°C to +31.8°C). Environmental data are presentedto show that the upper lethal temperature of N. concinna islow enough to prevent the limpet living higher on the shore.Both limpet species are slow-moving, but K. lateralis showsincreasing speed with rising temperature, peaking at 15–20°C.In contrast, N. concinna moves actively down to –1.9°C(when sea water freezes), but there is a steady decrease inspeed of locomotion above +2°C. Locomotion ceases at 14°Cin N. concinna (c.f. 30°C in K. lateralis). Both speciesexhibit very low tenacities, but in N. concinna tenacity decreaseswith increasing shell length. In K. lateralis there is no effectof temperature on tenacity. Both species show a positive allometricrelationship between foot area and shell length. N. concinnafeeds upon microbial films and microepiflora, but K. lateraliseats colonial diatoms and Enteromorpha bulbosa. Observationson shell middens of the kelp gull Larus dominicanus showed thatthe gulls did not eat K. lateralis, though they ate great quantitiesof the less accessible N. concinna. Gulls ate N. concinna assmall as 11 mm shell length (within the size range of K. lateralis).Experiments on gulls demonstrated an unwillingness to eat K.lateralis, probably because the siphonariid extrudes a viscidwhite mucus when the foot is touched. (Received 9 May 1996; accepted 8 July 1996)  相似文献   

This paper examines the biology and ecology of Helix lucorumL. which lives in mainland Greece, as well as its growth andsecondary production. A demographic study revealed that (a)3 cohorts exist at any time during the year (when adults ofall generations belong to the same cohort) (b) egg-laying andhatching occur during the months of July and August respectively,(c) the most rapid growth takes place during spring. Study ofH. lucorum genitalia in relation to age showed that the snailsaxe sexually mature 3 years after hatching, when the largestdiameter of their shell (D) is equal to or greater than 35 mm Von Bertallanffy's method suggests that Helix lucorum may liveup to 14 years or more in order to reach its possible maximumsize (48.80 mm) The study of relative growth of D in relation to Ps (peristomesurface) of Helix lucorum shows that D grows faster than Pswhen D12.50 mm; juveniles change their growth rate when theirD arrives at 22.05 mm, and growth becomes slower when adultsarrive at 36.27 mm Annual secondary production calculated by the size frequencymethod gave a mean annual density of 3.39 individuals per m2,a mean annual crop (biomass) of 4.04 g-m–2 and an annualproduction (P) of 5.02 g · m–2. The annual turnoverratio (P//b) is equal to 1.24 (Received 23 June 1987;  相似文献   

Measurements of densities and distribution of populations ofH. ulvae were made in the lower Medway estuaryduring the period1969–1975, together with measurements of salinity, substrateparticle size and macrophyte distribution. Results indicatedthat sheltered siteswere more favourable to the snail as shownby higher population density and greater shell size. *Current address: Southern Water Authority, Maidstone, Kent (Received 20 May 1979;  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of the large heterotrophic dinoflagellateNoctiluca scintillans, together with the changes in its potentialprey items, were monitored in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, duringsummer 1997 (17 July-11 August). Growth and grazing rates ofNscintillans fed natural plankton populations were also measuredeight and seven times, respectively, during the survey period.The abundance and biomass of N scintillans averaged over thewater column (19 m) were in the range 1–345 cells 1–1(temporalaverage = 93 cell1–1) and 0.1–49.6 µg C l–1(temporalaverage = 13.8 µg C l–1; three times higher thanthat of calanoid copepods during the same period). Noctilucascintillans populations followed the changes in phytoplankton:N.scintillans biomass was increasing during the period of diatomblooms and was at a plateau or decreasing during periods oflow chlorophyll a. The growth rates of N.scintillans (µ)were also consistent with the wax and wane of the N.scintillanspopulation: N.scintillans showed highest growth rates duringdiatom blooms. A simple relationship between µ and chlorophylla concentration was established, and the production of N.scintillanswas estimated using this relationship and the measured biomass.The estimated production averaged over the water column wasin the range >0.1–5.2 µg C l–1 day–1(temporalaverage = 1.4 µg C l–1 day–1; 64% of the productionof calanoid copepods during the same period). Diatom clearancerates by N.scintillans were in the range 0.10–0.35 mlcell–1 day–1, and the phytoplankton population clearanceby N.scintillans was >12% day–1. Thus, although thefeeding pressure of N.scintillans on phytoplankton standingstock was low, N.scintillans was an important member of themesozooplank-ton in terms of biomass and production in the SetoInland Sea during summer.  相似文献   

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