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Particle-in-cell simulations show that the inhomogeneity scale of the plasma produced in the interaction of high-power laser radiation with gas targets is of fundamental importance for ion acceleration. In a plasma slab with sharp boundaries, the quasistatic magnetic field and the associated electron vortex structure produced by fast electron beams both expand along the slab boundary in a direction perpendicular to the plasma density gradient, forming an extended region with a quasistatic electric field, in which the ions are accelerated. In a plasma with a smooth density distribution, the dipole magnetic field can propagate toward the lower plasma density in the propagation direction of the laser pulse. In this case, the electron density in an electric current filament at the axis of the magnetic dipole decreases to values at which the charge quasineutrality condition fails to hold. In electric fields generated by this process, the ions are accelerated to energies substantially higher than those characteristic of plasma configurations with sharp boundaries.  相似文献   

Results are presented from full-scale numerical simulations of the excitation of wake waves by a sequence of weakly relativistic laser pulses in a subcritical plasma. Computations were carried out with a 2D3V version of the SUR-CA code that is based on the local-recursive nonlocal-asynchronous algorithm of the particle-in-cell method. The parameters of a train of laser pulses were chosen to correspond to the resonant excitation of the wake field. The curvature of the envelope of the pulses was chosen to depend on the number of the pulse in the train. Numerical simulations showed that there are plane waves during the first period of the plasma wave behind the pulse train.  相似文献   

A review is given of theoretical and experimental investigations and numerical simulations of the generation of intense electromagnetic fields in accelerators based on collective methods of charged particle acceleration at rates two or three orders of magnitude higher than those in classical resonance accelerators. The conditions are studied under which the excitation of accelerating fields by relativistic electron bunches or intense laser radiation in a plasma is most efficient. Such factors as parametric and modulational processes, the generation of a quasistatic magnetic field, and the acceleration of plasma electrons and ions are investigated in order to determine the optimum conditions for the most efficient acceleration of the driven charged-particle bunches.  相似文献   

A numerical model of the return stroke of a downward lightning is used to quantitatively analyze the error in recovering the parameters of a lightning current pulse from the electromagnetic field recorded in the far wave zone. It is shown that the error is mainly caused by the deformation of the current wave propagating along the plasma channel from the ground to the cloud and the dependence of the wave phase velocity on the current, rather than by the deviation of lighting from the vertical. The recovery error caused by the nonlinear dependence of the recorded magnetic field on the excitation current can reach a few hundred percent. Results of direct measurements of the lightning current at high-rise buildings and during trigger lightnings cannot be used to calibrate systems for remote monitoring of thunderstorm activity, because radiation from current-carrying metal structures substantially reduces the error caused by the damping of the return stroke wave in the plasma channel.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the principles of magneto-inertial fusion and laser-plasma methods of generation of a Megagauss field during spherical implosion of a magnetized target. A model based on a magnetic confinement system, namely, a cusp configuration with inertial compression of the target by a laser driver, is developed. The dynamics of plasma in a cusp compressed under the effect of laser beams is precalculated. Analytical and numerical estimates of the particle number and magnetic field intensity during magneto-inertial plasma compression are obtained. The problems of irradiation of a spherically closed volume by a high-energy laser pulse are discussed.  相似文献   

Cherenkov emission from a short laser pulse propagating in an underdense plasma along a constant magnetic field is considered. The spectral, angular, energy, and spatiotemporal parameters of the emitted radiation are investigated. It is shown that the spectral content of the radiation and its directionality depend sensitively on the plasma and laser-pulse parameters. For instance, the most intense backward radiation at the upper hybrid frequency is generated by a tightly focused laser pulse.  相似文献   

A theory is presented of the generation of low-frequency transition radiation by a short laser pulse at a plasma-vacuum interface. The wave electromagnetic fields are excited by the vortex electric current that is generated at the plasma boundary by the ponderomotive force of the laser field. The spectral, angular, and energy parameters of the transition radiation, as well as the spatiotemporal structure of the emitted waves in vacuum and in plasma, are investigated. It is shown that the parameters of the transition radiation depend essentially on the ratio of the laser pulse duration to the plasma oscillation period. Under conditions typical of present-day laser-plasma experiments, the transition electromagnetic radiation is generated in the terahertz frequency range and its power can reach several megawatts.  相似文献   

A study is made of the interaction (“collision”) of two laser pulses with the same frequency but different durations, propagating toward one another in a low-density plasma. It is found that, in the interaction region, the excitation of small-scale plasma fields localized within a distance on the order of the length of the longer pulse is accompanied by the backscattering of each of the pulses. The frequency shift of the backscattered radiation and its duration depend strongly on the lengths of the interacting pulses. It is shown that the spectrum of the long backscattered radiation “tail” that arises behind the shorter pulse as a result of its interaction with the longer pulse contains satellites shifted from the laser frequency by the plasma frequency.  相似文献   

The decay instability of a lser pulse propagating across an external magnetic field in a subscritical plasma is investigated analytically and numerically. It is shown that, when the relaxation of the pulse is taken into account, the hydrodynamic growth rate of the decay instability is slower than that obtained earlier in the constant-amplitude pump wave approximation. The results of numerical simulations by a particle-in-cell method demonstrate that an increase in the amplitude of the parametrically excited waves is accompanied by a decrease in their group velocity; in this case, up to 85% of the laser energy is converted into the energy of the plasma particles. It is found that, under resonance conditions, the magnetic field acts to increase the energy of the accelerated ions that escape from the plasma slab through its front boundary.  相似文献   

One-dimensional equations are derived that describe the hydrodynamic and electrodynamic properties of a plasma created through gas ionization by a short intense laser pulse. Different approaches (in particular, the particle-in-cell method) are used to show that, with ionization processes included, the excitation of a wakefield by an intense laser pulse can be described by the method of slowly varying amplitudes. It is shown that ionization processes enhance the wakefield excited by a moderate-intensity laser by about 10% in the case of a linearly polarized laser and by about 50% in the case of a circularly polarized laser. Ionization processes in light gases irradiated with high-intensity laser pulses have essentially no effect on the wakefield during the resonant excitation of a plasma wave by the ponderomotive force and play a governing role far from the resonance.  相似文献   

Kelvin-Helmholtz MHD instability in a plane three-layer plasma is investigated. A general dispersion relation for the case of arbitrarily orientated magnetic fields and flow velocities in the layers is derived, and its solutions for a bounded plasma flow in a longitudinal magnetic field are studied numerically. Analysis of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability for different ion acoustic velocities shows that perturbations with wavelengths on the order of or longer than the flow thickness can grow in an arbitrary direction even at a zero temperature. Oscillations excited at small angles with respect to the magnetic field exist in a limited range of wavenumbers even without allowance for the finite width of the transition region between the flow and the ambient plasma. It is shown that, in a low-temperature plasma, solutions resulting in kink-like deformations of the plasma flow grow at a higher rate than those resulting in quasi-symmetric (sausage-like) deformations. The transverse structure of oscillatory-damped eigenmodes in a low-temperature plasma is analyzed. The results obtained are used to explain mechanisms for the excitation of ultra-low-frequency long-wavelength oscillations propagating along the magnetic field in the plasma sheet boundary layer of the Earth’s magnetotail penetrated by fast plasma flows.  相似文献   

The propagation of a nonlinear right-hand polarized wave along an external magnetic field in subcritical plasma in the electron cyclotron resonance region is studied using numerical simulations. It is shown that a small-amplitude plasma wave excited in low-density plasma is unstable against modulation instability with a modulation period equal to the wavelength of the excited wave. The modulation amplitude in this case increases with decreasing detuning from the resonance frequency. The simulations have shown that, for large-amplitude waves of the laser frequency range propagating in plasma in a superstrong magnetic field, the maximum amplitude of the excited longitudinal electric field increases with the increasing external magnetic field and can reach 30% of the initial amplitude of the electric field in the laser wave. In this case, the energy of plasma electrons begins to substantially increase already at magnetic fields significantly lower than the resonance value. The laser energy transferred to plasma electrons in a strong external magnetic field is found to increase severalfold compared to that in isotropic plasma. It is shown that this mechanism of laser radiation absorption depends only slightly on the electron temperature.  相似文献   

A study is made of the generation of strong quasistatic magnetic fields by counterpropagating moderate-intensity laser pulses of different frequencies in a low-density plasma. Strong magnetic fields are generated by small-scale large-amplitude plasma waves excited at different frequencies by ponderomotive forces in the interaction region of laser pulses. It is shown that magnetic fields are generated most efficiently under resonance conditions such that the frequency difference between laser pulses coincides with the plasma frequency. The spatial distribution of quasistatic magnetic fields is investigated, and the pattern of the contour lines of the electric current is calculated.  相似文献   

It is shown that a short laser pulse propagating in a plasma with electron density fluctuations can emit electromagnetic waves with frequencies much lower than the laser carrier frequency. Emissions with frequencies close to the plasma frequency and the doubled plasma frequency in a nonisothermal plasma, as well as emission generated in a turbulent plasma, are examined. The effects in question are related to the transformation of the laser pulse wakefield into electromagnetic radiation by electron density fluctuations. The phenomenon under study opens new possibilities for diagnostics of both plasma fields excited by laser pulses and electron density fluctuations in a plasma.  相似文献   

The change in the membrane potential of Jurkat cells in response to nanosecond pulsed electric fields was studied for pulses with a duration of 60 ns and maximum field strengths of approximately 100 kV/cm (100 V/cell diameter). Membranes of Jurkat cells were stained with a fast voltage-sensitive dye, ANNINE-6, which has a subnanosecond voltage response time. A temporal resolution of 5 ns was achieved by the excitation of this dye with a tunable laser pulse. The laser pulse was synchronized with the applied electric field to record images at times before, during, and after exposure. When exposing the Jurkat cells to a pulse, the voltage across the membrane at the anodic pole of the cell reached values of 1.6 V after 15 ns, almost twice the voltage level generally required for electroporation. Voltages across the membrane on the side facing the cathode reached values of only 0.6 V in the same time period, indicating a strong asymmetry in conduction mechanisms in the membranes of the two opposite cell hemispheres. This small voltage drop of 0.6-1.6 V across the plasma membrane demonstrates that nearly the entire imposed electric field of 10 V/mum penetrates into the interior of the cell and every organelle.  相似文献   

The generation of low-frequency (terahertz) electromagnetic radiation in the reflection of a laser pulse from the boundary of a dense plasma is considered. Low-frequency wave electromagnetic fields in vacuum are excited by a vortex electric current that is induced at the plasma boundary by the ponderomotive force of the laser pulse. The spectral, angular, and energy parameters of the low-frequency radiation, as well as the spatiotemporal structure of the emitted waves, are investigated. It is shown that for typical parameters of present-day laser plasma experiments, the power of terahertz radiation can amount to tens of megawatts.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic fields excited by circular loop antennas in a magnetized plasma in the whistler frequency range are simulated by the finite-difference time-domain method. The spatial structure of quasi-monochromatic fields excited in the near- and far-field zones by an antenna with a harmonic current, as well as the dynamics of the electromagnetic field excited by an antenna with a current in the form of a single video pulse, is studied. Simulations performed for a uniform plasma and uniform ambient magnetic field agree well with the results of theoretical analysis and model laboratory experiments performed on large-scale plasma devices.  相似文献   

A mechanism for the formation of the structure of an optical discharge in Besselian laser beams is proposed on the basis of analyzing numerous experiments. The discharge structure is determined by the periodicity of the field of a Besselian beam in the radial and longitudinal directions and also depends on the power and duration of the heating pulse. In the initial stage of the plasma channel formation, the configuration of the channel inhomogeneities follows the discharge structure. If the spatial scale of the discharge structure is small, then the developing channel evolves into a homogeneous state. The time required for the structural inhomogeneities of the plasma channel to be smoothed out is estimated as a function of their scale length. __________ Translated from Fizika Plazmy, Vol. 27, No. 9, 2001, pp. 846–858. Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2001 by Pyatnitsky.  相似文献   

The time evolution of a nonequilibrium plasma channel created in a noble gas by a high-power femtosecond KrF laser pulse is investigated. It is shown that such a channel possesses specific electrodynamic properties and can be used as a waveguide for efficient transportation and amplification of microwave pulses. The propagation of microwave radiation in a plasma waveguide is analyzed by self-consistently solving (i) the Boltzmann kinetic equation for the electron energy distribution function at different spatial points and (ii) the wave equation in the parabolic approximation for a microwave pulse transported along the plasma channel.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the glow dynamics of a plasma jet generated during the irradiation of a plane aluminum target by an iodine laser pulse with the wavelength 1.315 μm. The laser pulse energy was 330–480 J, the pulse duration was 0.5 ns, and the focal spot diameter was 3 mm, the laser intensity on the target surface being ∼1013 W/cm2. The jet expanded across an external magnetic field with the strength ∼1 kOe. The residual air pressure in the vacuum chamber was ∼10−5 Torr. The spatiotemporal behavior of the jet glow was investigated using a nine-frame camera in two mutually perpendicular directions (along and across the magnetic field). The results of measurements indicate azimuthal asymmetry of the jet expansion.  相似文献   

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