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1. We compared grazing by native noble crayfish ( Astacus astacus ) and the exotic signal crayfish ( Pacifastacus leniusculus ) on seedling or well-established macrophytes.
2. In a pool experiment, seedlings of emergent Scirpus lacustris and floating-leaved Potamogeton natans were heavily grazed by adult signal crayfish, whereas established plants of the same species sustained only minor damage.
3. In a preference experiment two submerged macrophytes ( Chara vulgaris and Elodea canadensis ), and both seedlings and established plants of S. lacustris and P. natans , were presented pairwise to signal and noble crayfish. There was no significant difference in preference by the two crayfish species. Chara vulgaris was preferred to all other plants presented, established plants of S. lacustris and P. natans were never preferred, and seedlings of P. natans were preferred to established P. natans .
4. An aquarium experiment was conducted in which the consumption of Chara by signal and noble crayfish was measured in relation to water temperature. Signal crayfish consumed significantly more Chara than noble crayfish, especially at higher temperatures.
5. Our results indicate that the signal crayfish is the more voracious grazer especially at higher temperatures. There may be negative effects on vegetation (emergents and floating-leaved, as well as submerged species) when the signal crayfish is introduced. Chara species are particularly susceptible, since they are preferred by crayfish and the genus includes a large number of rare species. Stocking of crayfish therefore could lead to the decline or removal of submerged species in order of crayfish feeding preferences and could prevent the spread or cause a decline of emergent and floating-leaved vegetation.  相似文献   

The impact of the crayfish Orconectes virilis on aquatic macrophytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. 1. The impact of crayfish on the biomass, density and shoot morphology of four submersed plant species was examined under semi-natural conditions. Male or female crayfish ( Orconectes virilis ) were held for 5 weeks at biomasses of 0, 5, 10 or 18 g m−2 (live weight) in twelve plastic pools (4.67 m2, surface area) containing Potamogeton richardsonii, Myriophyllum exalbescens, Nuphar variegatum and Sparganium eurycarpum .
2. Crayfish significantly affected biomass, density and/or shoot morphology of all four macrophyte species. Differences in the effect of crayfish on macrophyte growth were related to plant species, crayfish sex and activity, and the abundance of alternative foods.
3. The effect of female crayfish on macrophyte growth was generally stimulatory. Myriophyllum and Potamogeton biomass, Potamogeton density and Myriophyllum length increased in the presence of female crayfish, possibly due to the reduction in herbivorous snails as a result of crayfish predation. In contrast, plant growth decreased in the presence of male crayfish: Myriophyllum, Nuphar and Potamogeton biomass, Myriophyllum and Sparganium density, and Sparganium and Poiamogeton length were reduced at male crayfish biomasses between 5 and 18 g m−2.
4. These results indicate that even relatively low densities of crayfish can greatly affect the growth of submersed aquatic plants. Because of their ability to modify aquatic macrophyte, macroinvertebrate and, ultimately, fish communities, the introduction of crayfish into lakes where they do not occur could have a major effect on the structure and composition of the littoral zone.  相似文献   

PER NYSTR M 《Freshwater Biology》2005,50(12):1938-1949
1. I tested the hypothesis that the potential for non‐lethal effects of predators are more important for overall performance of the fast‐growing exotic signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana) than for the slower growing native noble crayfish (Astacus astacus L.). I further tested if omnivorous crayfish switched to feed on less risky food sources in the presence of predators, a behaviour that could reduce the feeding costs associated with predator avoidance. 2. In a 2 month long outdoor pool experiment, I measured behaviour, survival, cheliped loss, growth, and food consumption in juvenile noble or signal crayfish in pools with either a caged predatory dragonfly larvae (Aeshna sp.), a planktivorous fish that do not feed on crayfish (sunbleak, Leucaspius delineatus Heckel), or predator‐free controls. Crayfish had access to multiple food sources: live zooplankton, detritus and periphyton. Frozen chironomid larvae were also supplied ad libitum outside crayfish refuges, simulating food in a risky habitat. 3. Crayfish were mainly active during hours of darkness, with signal crayfish spending significantly more time outside refuges than noble crayfish. The proportion of crayfish outside refuges varied between crayfish species, time and predator treatment, with signal crayfish spending more time in refuges at night in the presence of fish. 4. Survival in noble crayfish was higher than in signal crayfish, and signal crayfish had a higher frequency of lost chelipeds, indicating a high level of intraspecific interactions. Crayfish survival was not affected by the presence of predators. 5. Gut‐contents analysis and stable isotope values of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) indicated that the two crayfish species had similar food preferences, and that crayfish received most of their energy from feeding on invertebrates (e.g. chironomid larvae), although detritus was the most frequent food item in their guts. Signal crayfish guts were more full than those of noble crayfish, but signal crayfish in pools with fish contained significantly less food and fewer had consumed chironomids compared with predator‐free controls. Length increase of signal crayfish (35%) was significantly higher than of noble crayfish (20%), but signal crayfish in pools with fish grew less than in control pools. 6. This short‐term study indicates that fish species that do not pose a lethal threat to an organism may indirectly cause reductions in growth by affecting behaviour and feeding. This may occur even though prey are omnivorous and have access to and consume multiple food sources. These non‐lethal effects of predators are expected to be particularly important in exotic crayfish species that show a general response to fish, have high individual growth rates, and when their feeding on the most profitable food source is reduced.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown exotic and native plant species richness are negatively correlated at fine spatial scales and positively correlated at broad spatial scales. Grazing and invasive plant species can influence plant species richness, but the effects of these disturbances across spatial scales remain untested. We collected species richness data for both native and exotic plants from five spatial scales (0.5–3000 m2) in a nested, modified Whittaker plot design from severely grazed and ungrazed North American tallgrass prairie. We also recorded the abundance of an abundant invasive grass, tall fescue (Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub), at the 0.5-m2 scale. We used linear mixed-effect regression to test relationships between plant species richness, tall fescue abundance, and grazing history at five spatial scales. At no scale was exotic and native species richness linearly related, but exotic species richness at all scales was greater in grazed tracts than ungrazed tracts. Native species richness declined with increasing tall fescue abundance at all five spatial scales, but exotic species richness increased with tall fescue abundance at all but the broadest spatial scales. Severe grazing did not reduce native species richness at any spatial scale. We posit that invasion of tall fescue in this working landscape of originally native grassland plants modifies species richness-spatial scale relationships observed in less disturbed systems. Tall fescue invasion constitutes a unique biotic effect on plant species richness at broad spatial scales.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants mediate ecological processes in aquatic habitats, specifically predator–prey (bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque)-macroinvertebrate) interactions. Macroinvertebrate colonization is directly and indirectly influenced by substrate heterogeneity, interstitial space, and surface complexity. Exotic invasive plant species, such as Hydrilla verticillata L.F. Royle, may alter the available structure in aquatic habitat by creating a shift to a homogeneous habitat, thus affecting the macroinvertebrate community. Since macroinvertebrates provide a food base for young phytophilic fishes, changes in their density and abundance may alter food webs. We investigated the hypothesis that macroinvertebrate community structure is influenced by differences in habitat heterogeneity by measuring difference between a heterogeneous native aquatic plant bed, homogenous hydrilla plant bed, and habitat with no plants. Studies were conducted in the field (pond) and the experimental treatments were: (1) no plants, (2) monotypic bed of hydrilla, and (3) diverse native plants. Aquatic plants, regardless of species, supported greater macroinvertebrate abundance, richness, and biomass. Macroinvertebrate abundance, richness, and biomass in a hydrilla-dominated habitat did not differ significantly from a diverse plant habitat, except for richness in October. Indicator taxa did differ significantly between respective treatments, suggesting a change in species composition. However, no significant effect of fish predation on macroinvertebrate populations and/or community structure was documented. The data suggest that a shift from a natural mosaic of vegetated habitat to a highly complex monotypic habitat (e.g., exotic hydrilla) may reduce spatial heterogeneity important to structuring a macroinvertebrate assemblage. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Exotic plants can affect native plants indirectly through various biotic interactions. However, combinations of the multiple indirect effects of exotic plants on native plants have been rarely evaluated. Herbivory can either positively or negatively influence plant–pollinator interactions. Here, we addressed whether the pollinator-mediated plant interaction between exotic and native plants is altered through the introduction of exotic herbivores by conducting a 2-year common garden experiment. We compared the effects of pollinator-mediated indirect effects of an exotic plant, Solidago altissima, on the co-flowering native plant Aster microcephalus in geographically different populations reflecting differences in insect herbivore communities. We found a positive effect of co-flowering S. altissima on pollinator visitation of A. microcephalus, which varied between gardens and years. The co-flowering S. altissima did not significantly affect the seed set of A. microcephalus in the first year but had a negative effect in the second year. The facilitative effect of S. altissima on A. microcephalus pollination was suggested to be negatively affected by an exotic aphid, while it was not significantly affected by an exotic lace bug. Our study suggests that the phenology and feeding guilds of the herbivores may be critical for predicting the effect of exotic plants on native plants through herbivore–pollinator interactions. Integrated effects between plant interactions via multiple species interactions under different abiotic and biotic environments are necessary to understand the impact of exotic plants under complex interactions in nature.  相似文献   

Considering the diversity and the unexplored potential of regional aquatic flora, this study aimed to identify and analyze the potential of native aquatic macrophytes to reduce the organic matter of dairy wastewater (DW) using experimental constructed wetlands. The dairy wastewater (DW) had an average chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 7414.63 mg/L and then was diluted to 3133.16 mg/L (D1) and to 2506.53 mg/L (D2). Total solids, COD, temperature, and pH analyses were performed, and the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was estimated from the COD values. The best performance in the reduction of the organic matter was observed for Polygonum sp. (87.5% COD and 79.6% BOD) and Eichhornia paniculata (90% COD and 83.7% BOD) at dilution D1, on the 8th day of the experiment. However, the highest total solids removal was observed for Polygonum sp. (32.2%), on the 4th day, at dilution D2. The total solid (TS) concentration has also increased starting from the 8th day of the experiment was observed which may have been due to the development of mosquito larvae and their mechanical removal by sieving, thus changing the steady state of the experimental systems. The macrophytes Polygonum sp. and E. paniculata were considered suitable for the reduction of organic matter of DW using constructed wetlands.  相似文献   

Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) is non-native to North America and induces formation of galls on petioles and leaves of all chestnut (Castanea spp., Fagales: Fagaceae). We investigated the interactions between the gall wasp D. kuriphilus, a native parasitoid, Ormyrus labotus (Hymenoptera: Ormyridae), and a non-native parasitoid, Torymus sinensis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Galls were collected monthly from May to August and in January from four locations in the United States consisting of orchard-grown hybrid chestnuts (Hiram, OH and Meadowview, VA), suburban-grown ornamental Chinese chestnuts (C. mollissima) (Broadview Heights, OH), or forest-grown American chestnuts (C. dentata) (Bowling Green, KY). Parasitoids were removed from galls and T. sinensis and O. labotus were identified using PCR-markers. The relative abundance of each parasitoid was compared in relation to collection date, habitat, presence of alternative hosts, and gall characteristics. T. sinensis was collected from each location and date, and was dominant in the orchard and suburban locations. However, relatively more O. labotus were collected within the forest, which had significant oak component and alternative cynipid hosts. O. labotus was only collected in spring and early summer, indicating the use of different summer and winter hosts. Observations suggest that in addition to parasitizing D. kuriphilus, O. labotus hyperparasitizes T. sinensis. T. sinensis has a longer ovipositor than O. labotus, and parasitized larger galls. This study improves our understanding of interactions between an invasive gall wasp, an introduced parasitoid, and native parasitoids, and illustrates novel relationships that may form as exotic species expand their geographic range.  相似文献   

Summary In some parts of Australia, the exotic tree species Pinus radiata is invading native eucalypt forests from adjacent plantations. At one site, measurements have been made in order to determine the dispersal gradient and rate of population increase of the self-sown pines. From these, it is evident that, barring further human interference, a new type of mixed forest community will develop.  相似文献   

We conducted field‐cage studies on the direct interactions between a coccinellid species native to North America, Coleomegilla maculata De Geer, and a species introduced from Asia, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). We compared the mortality and weight gain of larvae of both species in field cages that enclosed one or both species with corn plants containing high or low aphid numbers. We did not find a significant effect of the presence of H. axyridis on the survival or weight gain of C. maculata, but H. axyridis larvae weighed more when kept with C. maculata for 5 days than when kept with equal numbers of conspecifics. This suggests that intraspecific competition was stronger for H. axyridis than the interspecific competition with C. maculata. The spatial distribution of C. maculata over the plants differed between single‐species and two‐species treatments in a manner that suggested that this species avoided interactions with H. axyridis.  相似文献   

The invasive clam Corbicula fluminea causes severe environmental and economic impacts in invaded sites and fouled water-dependent industries. The biological control of invasive species has potential as an effective, safe and low-cost tool. The potential of using direct (clam consumption) and indirect approaches (predator-avoidance behaviour) to control the pest was evaluated, aiming at establishing a proof-of-principle regarding the suitability of such strategies in confined settings (e.g. pipelines, channels, raw water tanks and other water-dependent facilities). Invertebrate (Procambarus clarkii) and vertebrate (Lepomis gibbosus, Luciobarbus bocagei) predators were examined for their control potential. In feeding experiments, barbels foraged upon C. fluminea but ingested very few clams, and clam consumption by crayfish was only observed in the smallest size class (<1 cm). Additional experiments linked these results to the protective role of the clam’s shell. In practical terms, the potential of the fish species as C. fluminea predators is limited, but crayfish can be important predators of small clams. In a second set of experiments, putative predator avoidance by clams was assessed in dual-choice aquaria. Refuge availability, predator diet and light conditions were taken into account. Clam avoidance was observed under particular conditions, but the amplitude of dislocation was limited.  相似文献   

Grazing by the crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard) on the abundance of submersed sago pondweed, Potamogeton pectinatus (L.), was quantified during 1984 through 1986 at Coyote Hills Marsh (Alameda County, California, USA). Annual marsh surveys indicated that P. pectinatus abundance declined (from 70% to 0% of the marsh surface), whereas P. clarkii abundance increased (from 1.6 to almost 3.0 crayfish trap−1 week−1). Crayfish in a 1425 m2 trapping grid were non-aggregated when pondweed was abundant but became aggregated in the remaining pondweed beds as pondweed abundance decreased. In situ exclusion and enclosure experiments using crayfish densities of 0 to 3 individuals m−2 were used to determine if crayfish reduced pondweed. Exclusion of crayfish from areas without pondweed, beginning in midsummer 1984, resulted in plant regrowth; addition of crayfish to these enclosed plots reduced pondweed. Exclusion of crayfish for the entire growing season in 1985 resulted in pondweed persistence in exclusion plots until August: in contrast, pondweed within adjacent, open control plots was eliminated by mid-June. Enclosure experiments showed a strong positive relationship between crayfish density and pondweed clearance. This study demonstrates that grazing crayfish can reduce and, in some cases, eliminate macrophytes from freshwater marshes.  相似文献   

Keeler MS  Chew FS 《Oecologia》2008,156(3):559-568
Exotic plants may act as population sinks or evolutionary traps for native herbivores. The native butterfly Pieris oleracea lays eggs on garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, but larvae develop very poorly on this exotic invasive plant. We examined oviposition preference of individual females and larval performance of their offspring for individuals from one area where garlic mustard is well established and one where it is absent. These data were used to assess whether garlic mustard is being incorporated into or excluded from the diet. Females from the area without garlic mustard showed a wide range of preference, families had low larval survival on garlic mustard, and larval survivorship showed no correlation with mothers’ preferences. Females from the area with garlic mustard preferred it to the native host, and larval survivorship on garlic mustard was positively correlated with the mother’s preference. Individuals surviving on garlic mustard took longer to pupate and weighed >30% less compared to pupae reared on normal hosts. Our results suggest that where garlic mustard is well established P. oleracea may be adapting to this plant by both improved larval performance and increased adult female oviposition preference for it.  相似文献   

Aquatic Ecology - Potamon potamios populations have decreased significantly due to the degradation of its habitat caused by human activities, mainly the use of insecticides. Today, P. potamios is...  相似文献   

Limnology - Knowing the interactions between exotic and native species is essential to establish possible threats to the local fauna. In this study, we assessed the use of food resources and diet...  相似文献   

Growth limitation of submerged aquatic macrophytes by inorganic carbon   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1. This study determined the effects of CO2 and HCO3- enrichment on in situ growth of two submerged macrophytes, Elodea canadensis and Callitriche cophocarpa, in two Danish lakes: Lake Hampen and Lake Væng. Lake Hampen is an oligotrophic low-alkaline lake (0.4 meq ?1) and Lake Væng is mesotrophic with an alkalinity of 1.1 meq 1-?1. In Lake Hampen experiments were carried out throughout the growth season, whereas experiments in Lake Væng were restricted to late summer. The CO2 and HCO3-enrichment procedures used increased the concentration of free-CO2 by 500–1000 μM and the concentration of HCO3- by about 80 μM. 2. The concentration of free-CO2 in Lake Hampen was about five times atmospheric equilibrium concentration (55 μM) in early summer declining to virtually zero at the end of summer. 3. Under ambient conditions Callitriche, which is restricted to CO2 use, was unable to grow and survive in both lakes. In contrast, Elodea, which has the potential to use HCO3- in photosynthesis, grew at rates varying from 0.046 to 0.080 day?1 over the season. 4. Under CO2 enrichment the growth rate of Callitriche varied from 0.089 to 0.124 day?1 and for Elodea from 0.076 to 0.117 day?1 over the season. Enrichment with HCO3-affected Elodea only and only to a limited extent. This may be a result of insufficient increase in [HCO3-] upon enrichment or to a limited capacity of the plants to take up HCO3-. 5. The substantial stimulation of in situ growth of Elodea and Callitriche by enhanced concentrations of free-CO2 shows that inorganic carbon is an important determinant of growth of submerged macrophytes and that inorganic carbon limitation of in situ growth may be a common phenomenon in nature, even in lakes with an alkalinity as high a 1 meq 1-?1. Inorganic carbon, however, is only one of many parameters important for growth, and the growth rates of Elodea at both ambient and high free-CO2 were closely coupled to day length and photon irradiance, indicating that light had an ultimate control on growth.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify the sites of accumulation of Cr in the species of macrophytes that are abundant in the Cachoeira river, namely, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Borreria scabiosoides, Polygonum ferrugineum and Eichhornia crassipes. Plants were grown in nutritive solution supplemented with 0.25 and 50 mg l?1 of CrCl3·6H2O. Samples of plant tissues were digested with HNO3/HCl in a closed-vessel microwave system and the concentrations of Cr determined using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The ultrastructure of root, stem and leaf tissue was examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) in order to determine the sites of accumulation of Cr and to detect possible alterations in cell organelles induced by the presence of the metal. Chromium accumulated principally in the roots of the four macrophytes (8.6?C30 mg kg?1 dw), with much lower concentrations present in the stems and leaves (3.8?C8.6 and 0.01?C9.0 mg kg?1 dw, respectively). Within root tissue, Cr was present mainly in the vacuoles of parenchyma cells and cell walls of xylem and parenchyma. Alterations in the shape of the chloroplasts and nuclei were detected in A. philoxeroides and B. scabiosoides, suggesting a possible application of these aquatic plants as biomarkers from Cr contamination.  相似文献   

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