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Although some species of Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) do not possess a layered shoot apical meristem (SAM), but three individual meristems, the basal meristem (BM), the petiolode meristem (PM) and the groove meristem (GM) on the petiolode from which additional phyllomorphs are formed. To gain insights into the processes involved, we examined the development of seedlings from germination to the formation of the primary phyllomorph in S. rexii, a rosulate species. Our specific focus was to examine the relationship between the functional activity of the GM and meristematic activity, which was assessed by a combined analysis of toluidine blue staining of histological sections and the incorporation of BrdU into meristematic tissues. The results were integrated into 3-D graphics, which suggests a complex spatial and temporal interaction within the GM. The significance of our observations is discussed and compared to the SAM observed in most other angiosperms.  相似文献   

The monophylly of Streptocarpus grandis was examined ontogeneticallyand anatomically. When the seed is shed, the embryo is composedof a hypocotyl and two equal-sized cotyledons, lacking rootand shoot apices. During germination, cell division and subsequentcell enlargement occur in the hypocotyl and cotyledons. Thehypocotyl soon produces a primary root from its distal tip;this involves surface and subsurface cells at the point of attachmentof the suspensor remnant. In the cotyledons, cell enlargementand differentiation occur basipetally, leaving small meristematiccells at the bases. These small cells give rise to the basalmeristem in one of the two cotyledons, which contributes toan accrescent cotyledon. The groove meristem, which later differentiatesinto an inflorescence, arises in place of shoot apices whenthe cotyledons become visibly unequal in size. It later exhibitsa tunica-corpus like configuration and differentiates directlyinto an inflorescence meristem. The evolution of this uniquegrowth of one-leaved Streptocarpus is discussed with regardto morphogenetic data.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Anisocotyly, developmental anatomy, evolution, Gesneriaceae, one-leaf plant, ontogeny, Streptocarpus grandis  相似文献   

In common with most Old World Gesneriaceae; Streptocarpus Lindl. shows anisocotylous growth, i.e., the continuous growth of one cotyledon after germination. Linked to this phenomenon is an unorthodox behaviour of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) that determines the growth pattern of acaulescent species (subgenus Streptocarpus). In contrast caulescent species develop a conventional central post-embryonic SAM (mainly subgenus Streptocarpella). We used S. rexii Lindl. as a model to investigate anisocotyly and meristem initiation in Streptocarpus by using histological techniques and analyses of the expression pattern of the meristematic marker SrSTM1 during ontogeny. In contrast to Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., S. rexii does not establish a SAM during embryogenesis, and the first evidence of a SAM-like structure occurs during post-embryonic development on the axis (the petiolode) between the two cotyledons. The expression pattern of SrSTM1 suggests a function in maintaining cell division activity in the cotyledons before becoming localized in the basal meristem, initially at the proximal ends of both cotyledons, later at the base of the continuously growing macrocotyledon, and the groove meristem on the petiolode. The latter is equivalent to a displaced SAM seemingly originating de novo under the influence of endogenous factors. Applied cytokinin retains SrSTM1expression in the small cotyledon, thus promoting isocotyly and re-establishment of a central post-embryonic SAM. Hormone-dependent delocalization of the process of meristem development could underlie anisocotyly and the unorthodox SAM formation in Streptocarpus. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Floral development and inflorescence structure within Streptocarpus and Saintpaulia were investigated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). We discuss the structure and development of the pair-flowered cyme and the floral ontogeny found in the Gesneriaceae in a phylogenetic context with particular reference to an East African clade of Streptocarpus and Saintpaulia. Current phylogenetic hypotheses divide the caulescent East African Streptocarpus species into two distinct clades, in relation to which the position of Saintpaulia is not yet clear. Variation in the branching of the inflorescence showed phylogenetic significance and included dichasial, monochasial and unbranched patterns. In four of the East African Streptocarpus species sampled a single lateral bracteole was present on the first to third axes, after which the inflorescence was ebracteolate. Our results indicate that there may be some link between bracteole suppression and an alteration in the order of sepal initiation. The loss or suppression of lateral bracteoles also appears to result in the precocious development of the lateral cyme meristem.  相似文献   

Isolation and expression of GA 2-oxidase2 in tomato.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GA 2-oxidases, a key enzyme involves GA biosynthesis, catalyze the degradation of active C(19)-Gibberellins (GAs) through 2-hydroxylation yields inactive GA product. Searching public tomato database, the putative GA2ox2 sequences were assembled. We isolated a full-length GA2ox2 cDNA with primers designed from the assembled sequence. This gene was designed as SlGA2ox2 (GenBank accession No. EF017805). The full-length GA2ox2 gene contained a complete open reading frame (ORF) of 1203 bp, which encoded 322 amino acid residues. Amino acid sequence homology analysis of SlGA2ox2 showed an 88% identity with NtGA2ox2 in tobacco. And alignments of SlGA2ox2 with other known GA2ox from Arabidopsis, Pea, Adzuki Bean, Winter Squash etc indicate low similarity of 47-70%. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed a specific expression profile of SlGA2ox2 in different tissues, which mainly expressed in flowers and traces were detected in roots, stems, leaves and immature fruits.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Unifoliate species of Gesneriaceae are unique, as they bear only one leaf throughout their life history. The development of this leaf (termed a macrocotyledon) derived from one of two cotyledons is intriguing. The other cotyledon does not develop further and is termed a microcotyledon. This process of unequal cotyledon development is termed anisocotyly. In this study the process of macrocotyeldon formation was studied and the effects of plant hormones on the macrocotyledon development were investigated. METHODS: Streptocarpus wendlandii was chosen as the main subject material, as it was found to be suitable for experimental studies in laboratory conditions. Morphological analyses were carried out with light and scanning electron microscopy. Plant hormones were applied exogenously. KEY RESULTS: The macrocotyledon of S. wendlandii is produced through cell division activity in the basal meristem of the enlarging cotyledon. The newly developed region in the macrocotyledon displayed distinct morphological changes, including the formation of long, needle-shaped trichomes. The newly formed region was surrounded by lateral veins. No such change was observed in the microcotyledon. Furthermore, it was shown that development of anisocotyly is suppressed by the application of cytokinin, resulting in the formation of two nearly equal-sized cotyledons. Both cotyledons displayed macrocotyledon characteristics. This observation in S. wendlandii was confirmed using Monophyllaea glabra, another unifoliate species in the same family. CONCLUSIONS: It is proposed that developmental changes of the macrocotyledon have characteristics of a developmental phase-change, and cytokinins may be involved in its formation. These results are discussed in the light of current knowledge of phase-change transitions in plant vegetative development.  相似文献   

赤霉素(GA)是一类重要的植物激素,对高等植物整个生命周期的生长发育起关键作用。调控赤霉素生物合成和代谢途径中的关键酶基因的表达可以控制植物体内赤霉素的含量。GA2-氧化酶是调节赤霉素合成和代谢的关键酶之一,使活性GA失活。本文主要对GA2-氧化酶基因的克隆、表达调控及其在植物基因工程中的应用等方面进行综述,为通过基因工程技术调控植物体内活性赤霉素的含量从而得到改良品种提供思路。  相似文献   

Streptocarpus ionanthus (Gesneriaceae) is endemic to Tanzania and Kenya, distributed in Tanga, Morogoro, and Kilifi regions. The species houses nine subspecies characterized by complex morphotypes and poorly understood evolutionary relationships, and thus is an ideal model for investigating evolutionary dynamics over time. Using multiple methods, we sought to test our hypothesis that the infraspecific taxa in Str. ionanthus are slightly variable and evolving populations. We first examined the genetic diversity, population differentiation, and phylogeographic structure among the populations of Str. ionanthus using both chloroplast and nuclear markers. We then estimated the divergence time of Str. ionanthus lineages and modeled past and future distribution. Despite Str. ionanthus exhibiting bottleneck events across its range, the populations maintain relatively high genetic diversity attributed to historical population admixture or local adaptation arising from habitat heterogeneity. The phylogeographic and genetic structure revealed a high connection among the Usambara mountains populations, while molecular dating suggested most diversification of haplotypes began ~1.32–0.18 million years ago and intensified toward the present, a conclusion of recent diversification. Phylogenetic relationship of Str. ionanthus cpDNA haplotypes revealed five main lineages with unique haplotypes that could be suggestive of past isolated refugia during the Pleistocene climate shifts. According to niche modeling, the stability of suitable areas during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) offered protective micro-habitats that have preserved the genetic diversity of Str. ionanthus to date. In conclusion, our findings suggest a complex Str. ionanthus with slightly variable lineages or populations attributed to multiple refugia and on the verge of divergence.  相似文献   

Gene flow through pollen and seed dispersal is important in terms of population differentiation and eventually speciation. Seed and pollen flow are affected in turn by habitats and pollen vectors. We examined the effect of different pollinators and habitats on gene flow by comparing two species of Streptocarpus, using microsatellite and chloroplast RFLP markers. Populations of the forest-dwelling S. primulifolius were highly differentiated according to nuclear microsatellite data and had mutually exclusive chloroplast haplotypes. This result is congruent with infrequent seed dispersal and limited between-population foraging by the long-tongued fly pollinator Stenobasipteron wiedemanni. In contrast, populations of S. dunnii growing in exposed crags had lower levels of population differentiation according to both nuclear and chloroplast data, congruent with a hypothesis of more effective between population seed dispersal and greater pollen-mediated gene flow due to the sunbird pollinator Nectarinia famosa. The population genetic behavior of these species is reflected in their taxonomy and phylogenetic position; S. primulifolius belongs to a taxonomically complex clade in which recent speciation is evident, while the clade containing S. dunnii is characterized by taxonomically well-defined species on longer phylogenetic branches. Our study shows that pollinator movements and seed dispersal patterns are a major determinant of the evolutionary trajectories of these species.  相似文献   

Endogenous levels of two gibberellins, GA3 andGA20, were quantified in unimbibed Onopordumnervosum seeds collected from two different populations, whichshoweddifferences in their germination capacity. After purifying the seed extracts,gibberellin levels were evaluated by gas chromatography mass spectrometry byusing selected ion monitoring (GC-MS-SIM) adding deuterated gibberellins asinternal standards. The intraspecific differences in germination capacity wereassociated with differences in the endogenous levels of both gibberellins. Thecontents of GA3 and GA20 in seeds with high germinationrate were twice and five times higher, respectively, than those from seeds witha low germination rate, indicating a possible role of gibberellins in dormancyrelease in this plant species.  相似文献   

Carrizo citrange (Citrus sinensisxPoncirus trifoliata) is a citrus hybrid widely used as a rootstock, whose genetic manipulation to improve different growth characteristics is of high agronomic interest. In this work, transgenic Carrizo citrange plants have been produced overexpressing sense and antisense CcGA20ox1 (a key enzyme of GA biosynthesis) under control of the 35S promoter to modify plant architecture. As expected, taller (sense) and shorter (antisense) phenotypes correlated with higher and lower levels, respectively, of active GA1 in growing shoots. In contrast, other phenotypic characteristics seemed to be specific to citrus, or different from those described for similar transgenics in other species. For instance, thorns, typical organs of citrus at juvenile stages, were much longer in sense and shorter in antisense plants, and xylem tissue was reduced in leaf and internode of sense plants. Antisense plants presented a bushy phenotype, suggesting a possible effect of GAs on auxin biosynthesis and/or transport. The main foliole of sense plants was longer, although total leaf area was reduced. Leaf thickness was smaller in sense and larger in antisense plants due to changes in the spongy parenchyma. Internode cell length was not altered in transgenic plants, indicating that, in citrus, GAs regulate cell division rather than cell elongation. Interestingly, the phenotypes described were not apparent when transgenic plants were grafted on non-transgenic rootstock. This suggests that roots contribute to the GA economy of aerial parts in citrus and opens the possibility of using the antisense plants as dwarfing rootstocks.  相似文献   

Gene StGA20ox1 encoding potato GA 20-oxidase is expressed to relatively high levels in leaves and regulated by daylength. To investigate whether this gene is involved in photoperiodic regulation of tuber formation, we have obtained transgenic potato plants expressing sense and antisense copies of the StGA20ox1 cDNA. Over-expression of this cDNA resulted in taller plants that required a longer duration of a short day photoperiod (SD) to tuberize. Tubers from these plants had a decreased time of dormancy and developed sprouts with elongated internodes. Plants expressing antisense copies of the StGA20ox1 cDNA had shorter stems, a decreased length of the internodes and tuberized earlier than control plants, showing increased tuber yields. Antisense inhibition of this gene had no visible effect on the time of dormancy of the tubers, although at the end of dormancy these formed sprouts with shortened internodes. Decreased levels of endogenous GA20 and GA1 were detected in the apex and first leaves of the antisense lines. These results demonstrate the involvement of the GA 20-oxidase activity encoded by StGA20ox1 in the control of stem elongation and in tuber induction but not in tuber dormancy, indicating that the latter may be regulated by another member of the gene family.  相似文献   

The systematic position and generic differentiation of the morphologically and geographically outstanding tribe Epithemateae (Gesneriaceae) was analyzed using the rbcL/atpB-spacer and trnL-F intron-spacer regions of chloroplast DNA. In our analysis Epithemateae forms a strongly supported monophyletic clade (bootstrap [BS] = 100%; jackknife [JK] = 100%; decay index [DI] = 12) and appears as sister to the rest of the paleotropical Gesneriaceae (= subfamily Cyrtandroideae). The paleotropical Gesneriaceae form a monophyletic group (BS = 88%; JK = 85%; DI = 3) that is sister to the neotropical Gesneriaceae (subfamily Gesnerioideae) plus Austral Gesneriaceae (subfamily Coronantheroideae) (BS = 99%; JK = 98%; DI = 10). Within Epithemateae Rhynchoglossum is sister to the remaining Epithemateae (BS = 97%; JK = 96%; DI = 12), in which Epithema is sister to a clade of two genera: Loxonia/Stauranthera (BS = 68%; JK = 64%; DI = 1), which form, together with Epithema, a sister clade (BS = 85%; JK = 83%; DI = 2) to Whytockia and Monophyllaea. While the support for Loxonia and Stauranthera is moderate, the relationship of Whytockia and Monophyllaea is very strongly supported (BS = 100%; JK = 100%; DI = 13). Apart from the somewhat surprising (but well-substantiated) isolated position of Rhynchoglossum, the results are in perfect accordance with the relationships worked out earlier on grounds of architectural and floral characters. Especially remarkable is the predicted coherence between the morphologically and geographically different genera Whytockia and Monophyllaea.  相似文献   

Bioactive gibberellins (GAs) affect many biological processes including germination, stem growth, transition to flowering, and fruit development. The location, timing, and level of bioactive GA are finely tuned to ensure that optimal growth and development occur. The balance between GA biosynthesis and deactivation is controlled by external factors such as light and by internal factors that include auxin. The role of auxin transport inhibitors (ATIs) and auxins on GA homeostasis in intact light-grown Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. seedlings was investigated. Two ATIs, 1-N-naphthylthalamic acid (NPA) and 1-naphthoxyacetic acid (NOA) caused elevated expression of the GA biosynthetic enzyme AtGA20-oxidase1 (AtGA20ox1) in shoot but not in root tissues, and only at certain developmental stages. It was investigated whether enhanced AtGA20ox1 gene expression was a consequence of altered flow through the GA biosynthetic pathway, or was due to impaired GA signalling that can lead to enhanced AtGA20ox1 expression and accumulation of a DELLA protein, Repressor of ga1-3 (RGA). Both ATIs promoted accumulation of GFP-fused RGA in shoots and roots, and this increase was counteracted by the application of GA(4). These results suggest that in ATI-treated seedlings the impediment to DELLA protein degradation may be a deficiency of bioactive GA at sites of GA response. It is proposed that the four different levels of AtGA20ox1 regulation observed here are imposed in a strict hierarchy: spatial (organ-, tissue-, cell-specific) > developmental > metabolic > auxin regulation. Thus results show that, in intact auxin- and auxin transport inhibitor-treated light-grown Arabidopsis seedlings, three other levels of regulation supersede the effects of auxin on AtGA20ox1.  相似文献   

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