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Thymidine Transport in the Central Nervous System   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1  

Abstract: The development of the thymidine phosphorylating systems was studied in various regions of brain. Brain slices from cerebellum, brain stem, and forebrain of rabbits 2, 7, 14, 30, 90, 500, and 2500 days of age were incubated for various times in artificial CSF containing 3 nM-[3H]thymidine at 37°C under 95% O2-5% CO2. When slices from all brain regions of 2-day-old rabbits were incubated in [3H]thymidine for 30 min, tissue-to-medium ratios of 3H were between 2 and 4 and declined with age, and the percentages of the total 3H in perchloric acid homogenates of brain slices as [3H]DNA were 26–29%, declining to low levels with age. However, at all ages and in all regions studied, 41 -88% of the 3H within the slices was phosphorylated. After homogenization and subcellular fractionation of the brain slices incubated in [3H]thymidine for 30 min, the highest percentage of [3H]thymidine phosphates plus [3H]DNA was present in the nuclear (crude and purified) and mitochondrial fractions of all brain regions. The [3H]DNA content in the nuclear and mitochondrial fractions declined with age, but the percentage of [3H]thymidine phosphates did not. Thymidine phosphates were synthesized from thymidine in all brain regions tested throughout the entire life span.  相似文献   

Abstract: The regional distribution and local incorporation of [14C]thymidine into a nonextractable tissue fraction, probably DNA, was measured in normal and neo-plastic tissues. We studied brain tumors induced by avian sarcoma virus and ethylnitrosourea, and transplanted RG-2 intracerebral and subcutaneous gliomas. An incorporation quotient, Q , was calculated for different tumor regions and brain from the methanol nonextractable radioactivity in the tissue and the plasma concentration-time integral of thymidine. The incorporation quotient represents the rate of clearance of thymidine from blood and its incorporation into macromolecules (probably I NA). The values of Q were compared with a labeling index measured in the same tissue regions with conventional autoradiography. The following observations were made: (1) the mean plasma half-life of thymidine was 6.5 min; (2) the regional incorporation quotient in tumors varied from values comparable to normal brain to more than 100 times higher; (3) RG-2 tumors had significantly higher Q s than the other tumor models; (4) Q in subcutaneous tumors varied most widely (>500-fold range); (5) the labeling index reflected the values of Q in some tumor regions but not in others; differences between the two were most frequently related to tumor cell density and the intensity of individual tumor cell labeling. A comparison of these data with previous studies of capillary permeability and blood flow in these tumor models indicates that the incorporation of [14C]thymidine into a nonextractable tissue fraction can be limited by transcapillary transport in brain tumors and by blood flow in systemic tumors, and that thymidine disposition in these tumors is not always indicative of the rate of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Transport of Histidine into Synaptosomes of the Rat Central Nervous System   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Abstract: Histidine transport into synaptosomes was studied in order to characterize this aspect of histamine synthesis in neurons. Histidine transport was found to be independent of sodium, calcium, and magnesium ions and dependent upon potassium and chloride ions. Histidine transport was also found to be energy dependent, and subcellular fractionation studies suggested it was highly localized to nerve terminals. Kinetic analysis of histidine transport in several brain regions indicated the presence of two uptake sites, a high-affinity site with a K m of approximately 35 μ M and a low-affinity site with a K m in the millimolar range. Density of the high-affinity site, as reflected by Vmax, correlates well with density of proposed histaminergic innervation. Rate of histidine transport was not altered by prior depolarization of the synaptosomes, indicating that histidine transport probably does not play a regulatory role in histamine synthesis.  相似文献   

Leukotriene C4 Transport and Metabolism in the Central Nervous System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transport and metabolism of radiolabeled leukotriene (LT) C4 in the CNS were investigated after intraventricular injection. Under thiopental (Pentothal) anesthesia, New Zealand white rabbits were injected intracerebroventricularly with 0.2 ml of artificial CSF containing 2.5 microCi of [3H]LTC4 (36 Ci/mmol), 0.3 microCi of [14C]mannitol, and, in some cases, 0.9 mg of probenecid, 1.8 mg of cysteine, 1.4 micrograms of unlabeled LTC4, or 2 mg of tolazoline HCl. After 2 h, the conscious rabbits were killed, and the quantity and nature of the 3H and 14C were determined in CSF, choroid plexus, and brain. The [3H]LTC4 recovered in CSF and brain was not extensively metabolized, as greater than 70% of the 3H remained [3H]LTC4, although some spontaneous conversion to 11-trans-[3H]LTC4 occurred. Oxidized forms of [3H]LTC4, [3H]LTD4, and [3H]LTE4 did not exceed 18% in CSF and brain. After intraventricular injection of [3H]LTC4, 3H was transferred from the CSF to blood by a probenecid-sensitive, but tolazoline-insensitive, transport system in the CNS much more rapidly than mannitol. Cysteine decreased the retention of [3H]LTC4 in brain. These results are consistent with previous in vitro observations that [3H]LTC4 is transferred from CSF into blood by an efficient transport system for LTC4 in choroid plexus.  相似文献   

Riboflavin Homeostasis in the Central Nervous System   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Abstract: The mechanisms by which riboflavin, which is not synthesized in mammals, enters and leaves brain, CSF, and choroid plexus were investigated by injecting [14C]riboflavin intravenously or intraventricularly. Tracer amounts of [14C]riboflavin with or without FMN were infused intravenously at a constant rate into normal, starved, or probenecid-pretreated rabbits. At 3 h, [14C]riboflavin readily entered choroid plexus and brain, and, to a much lesser extent, CSF. Over 85% of the [14C]riboflavin in brain and choroid plexus was present as [14C]FMN and [14C]FAD. The addition of 0.2 mmol/kg FMN to the infusate markedly depressed the relative entry of [14C]riboflavin into brain, choroid plexus, and, less so, CSF, whereas starvation increased the relative entry of [14C]riboflavin into brain and choroid plexus. After intraventricular injection (2 h), most of the [14C]riboflavin was extremely rapidly cleared from CSF into blood. Some of the [14C]riboflavin entered brain, where over 85% of the 14C was present as [14C]FMN plus [14C]FAD. The addition of 1.23μmol FAD (which was rapidly hydrolyzed to riboflavin) to the injectate decreased the clearance of [14C]riboflavin from CSF and the phosphorylation of [14C]riboflavin in brain. Probenecid in the injectate also decreased the clearance of [14C]riboflavin from CSF. These results show that the control of entry and exit of riboflavin is the mechanism, at least in part, by which total riboflavin levels in brain cells and CSF are regulated. Penetration of riboflavin through the blood-brain barrier, saturable efflux of riboflavin from CSF, and saturable entry of riboflavin into brain cells are three distinct parts of the homeostatic system for total riboflavin in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Lumiflavin and Lumichrome Transport in the Central Nervous System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: The transport of the lipid-soluble sugarless flavins, [14C]lumiflavin and [14C]lumichrome, into and from the isolated choroid plexus and brain slices was studied in vitro. The isolated choroid plexus accumulated both [14C] flavins by a saturable, energy-requiring process that did not depend on binding or intracellular metabolism of the [14C] flavins. Both sugar-containing and sugarless flavins, as well as cyclic organic acids, significantly inhibited [14C]lumiflavin and [14C]Iumichrome uptake by the isolated choroid plexus. Within 2.5 min, 75% of the [14C]lumiflavin accumulated by the isolated choroid plexus was released into the medium. Brain slices accumulated [14C]lumiflavin by a saturable process that did not meet all the criteria for active transport. Ninety-five percent of the [14C]lumiflavin accumulated by brain slices was released into the medium within 7.5 min. In vivo , 2 h after the intraventricular injection of 6.5 nmol [14C]lumiflavin, almost all of the [14C]flavin was cleared from the CNS. Addition of 3.5 μmol FMN to the intraventricular injectate significantly decreased the clearance of [14C]lumiflavin from the CNS. These studies document that the sugarless flavins are transported by the flavin transport systems in the CNS.  相似文献   

Deoxycytidine Transport and Metabolism in the Central Nervous System   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Abstract: The mechanisms by which deoxycytidine enters and leaves brain, choroid plexus, and CSF were investigated by injecting [3H]deoxycytidine intraarterially, intravenously, and intraventricularly. After intracarotid injection of deoxycytidine (1.0 μM) into rats, deoxycytidine did not pass through the blood-brain barrier at a faster rate than sucrose. [3H]Deoxycytidine, either alone or together with unlabeled deoxycytidine, was infused at a constant rate into conscious adult rabbits. At 130 min, [3H]deoxycytidine readily entered CSF, choroid plexus, and brain. In brain, approx. 60% of the nonvolatile radioactivity was attributable to [3H]deoxycytidine phosphates. The addition of 0.22 mmol/kg unlabeled deoxycytidine to the infusion syringe decreased the phosphorylation of [3H]deoxycytidine in brain by approx. 50%; the addition of 2.2 mmol/kg of unlabeled deoxycytidine to the infusion syringe decreased the relative entry of [3H]deoxycytidine into CSF and brain by approx. 50 and 75%, respectively. Two hours after the intraventricular injection of [3H]deoxycytidine, [3H]deoxycytidine was rapidly cleared from CSF, in part, to brain, where approx. 65% of the [3H]deoxycytidine was converted to [3H]deoxycytidine phosphates. The intraventricular injection of unlabeled deoxycytidine with the [3H]deoxycytidine decreased the phosphorylation of [3H]deoxycytidine in the brain significantly and also decreased the clearance of [3H]deoxycytidine from the CSF. These results were interpreted as showing that the entry of deoxycytidine from blood into CSF occurs by a saturable transport system within the choroid plexus. Once within the CSF, the deoxycytidine can enter brain, undergo phosphorylation to deoxycytidine phosphates, and subsequently be incorporated into DNA.  相似文献   

Uridine Transport and Metabolism in the Central Nervous System   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Myelin and myelin-containing (P3) fractions were prepared from human white matter by discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation. The myelin isolated from each of the fractions of different densities was morphologically and biochemically distinct. Light myelin fractions consisted of compact, multilamellar myelin, whereas the denser fractions consisted predominantly of loose myelin with fewer lamellae. The amounts of both basic protein and lipophilin (proteolipid protein) were reduced in the denser fractions. In contrast, the high-molecular-weight components were elevated in the dense fractions. The lipid composition was similar in all the fractions studied. Analysis of basic protein by gel electrophoresis at pH 10.6 revealed differences in basic protein microheterogeneity among the fractions. The light myelin fraction was enriched in the more positively charged basic protein components (components 1, 2, and 3), whereas these components were reduced in the denser fractions. Myelin in the dense fractions was enriched in the more modified forms of basic protein (components 6, 7, and 8). The pattern of microheterogeneity was different for basic protein isolated from myelins of a 2-year-old and an adult brain; the former showed fewer components and mainly the most cationic species. On the other hand, the pattern of microheterogeneity of basic protein isolated from the different density gradient fractions was similar for both ages.  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine Transport and Metabolism in the Central Nervous System   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The mechanisms by which hypoxanthine, the principal purine in plasma and CSF, enters and leaves rabbit brain, choroid plexus, and CSF were investigated in the isolated choroid plexus in vitro and by injecting [14C]hypoxanthine intraventricularly and [3H]hypoxanthine intravenously. The isolated choroid plexus accumulated and extensively metabolized [14C]hypoxanthine; however, 14C was readily released from choroid plexus principally as [14C]-hypoxanthine. After infusion of [3H]hypoxanthine intravenously, [3H]hypoxanthine entered CSF and brain slowly and was converted in brain to nucleotides. Fewer than 5% of the acid-soluble purine nucleotides in brain entered rabbit brain from plasma hypoxanthine (and inosine) per 24 h. After intraventricular injection of [14C]hypoxanthine, the [14C]hypoxanthine was cleared from the CSF into the blood or accumulated by brain and largely converted into 14C-nucleotides. Little [14C]xanthine and no [14C]uric acid or allantoin were formed. These studies show that brain, unlike most other tissues, rapidly recycles hypoxanthine and converts it into purine nucleotides, and not unsalvageable purines.  相似文献   

Nogo-A及其受体在成年哺乳动物的中枢神经系统(CNS)中,尤其是在中枢神经系统损伤及修复过程中的作用及机制已经被广泛而深入的研究,但是它们在CNS发育中的扮演的角色却了解甚少。新近研究表明,Nogo-A在CNS发育过程中神经前体细胞分化及迁移,轴突的生长及可塑性的变化以及少突胶质细胞前体细胞分化和成髓鞘化等过程中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily that acts on responsive cells via binding to a cell surface receptor named fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14). TWEAK can regulate numerous cellular responses in vitro and in vivo. Recent studies have indicated that TWEAK and Fn14 are expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), and that in response to a variety of stimuli, including cerebral ischemia, there is an increase in TWEAK and Fn14 expression in perivascular astrocytes, microglia, endothelial cells, and neurons with subsequent increase in the permeability of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and cell death. Furthermore, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that TWEAK induces the activation of the NF-κB in the CNS with release of proinflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases. In addition, inhibition of TWEAK activity by either treatment with a Fn14-Fc fusion protein or neutralizing anti-TWEAK antibodies has shown therapeutic efficacy in animal models of ischemic stroke, cerebral edema, and multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

Cellular Mechanism of Myelination in the Central Nervous System   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A study of myelination with electron microscopy has been carried out on the spinal cord of young rats and cats. In longitudinal and transverse sections the intimate relationship of the growing axons with the oligodendrocytes was observed. Early naked axons appear to be embedded within the cytoplasm and processes of the oligodendrocytes from which they are limited only by the intimately apposed membranes of both elements (axon-oligocytic membrane). In a transverse section several axons are observed to be in a single oligodendrocyte. The process of myelination consists in the laying down, within the cytoplasm of the oligodendrocyte and around the axon, of concentric membranous myelin layers. The first of these layers is deposited at a certain distance (200 to 600 A or more) from the axon-oligocytic membrane. This and all the other subsequently formed membranes have higher electron density and are apparently formed by the coalescence and fusion of vesicles (of 200 to 800 A) and membranes found in large amounts within the cytoplasm of the oligodendrocytes. At an early stage the myelin layers may be discontinuous and some vesicular material may even be trapped among them or between the myelin proper and the axon-oligocytic membrane. Then, when the 8th to 10th layer is deposited, the complete coalescence and alignment of the lamellae leads to the characteristic orderly multilayered organization of the myelin sheath. Myelination in the central nervous system appears to be a process of membrane synthesis within the cytoplasm of the oligodendrocyte and not a result of the wrapping of the plasma membranes as postulated in Geren's hypothesis for the peripheral nerve fibers. The possible participation of Schwann cell cytoplasm in peripheral myelination is now being investigated.  相似文献   

Abstract: While studying the delivery of cytoplasmic proteins to the presynaptic terminals of CNS neurons, we discovered unique characteristics of one protein (p118) conveyed in slow component b (SCb) of axonal transport, the large group of proteins representing the cytoplasmic matrix. Alone among the SCb group, p118 coisolated with the synaptic junctional complex on biochemical fractionation of the radiolabeled synaptic regions. Purification and amino acid sequencing of this protein revealed it is most likely the guinea pig form of type I (brain) hexokinase (ATP: d -hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC Further biochemical treatments were consistent with this identity. The majority of type I brain hexokinase has been thought to be associated primarily with membranes, in particular the mitochondrial outer membrane. We found that the majority of type I hexokinase is transported toward the terminals at a rate at least 10 times slower than that exhibited by the maximal or average rate of mitochondria. This suggests that, in the axon, the enzyme exhibits transient or dynamic interactions with mitochondria that are moving more rapidly. It is not clear whether hexokinase binds exclusively to mitochondria, or also exhibits association with nonmitochondrial membranes. The unexpected enrichment of hexokinase during synaptic junctional complex purification may result from its strong association with the presynaptic membrane portion of the synapse.  相似文献   

In Vitro Retina as an Experimental Model of the Central Nervous System   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
Abstract Methods are described for isolating adult rabbit retina and maintaining it in a medium designed to resemble CSF. Morphologic, metabolic, and electrophysiologic measurements obtained on the in vitro retinas showed that they remained in a nearly physiological state for at least 8 h, and even after 2 days in vitro they still exhibited a high level of metabolic activity and electrical responsiveness to light. Physiological activity was modified by photic stimulation, and data are presented to document changes in metabolism in response to the changes in function. The isolated retina appears to offer a number of unusual advantages for studying relationships between function and metabolism in organized mammalian central nervous tissue  相似文献   

Determinants of Passive Drug Entry into the Central Nervous System   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1. The blood–brain barriers restrict the passive diffusion of many drugs into the brain and constitute a significant obstacle in the pharmacological treatment of central nervous system diseases and disorders. The degree of restriction they impose is variable, with some lipid-insoluble drugs effectively excluded from the brain, while many lipid-soluble drugs do not appear to be subject to any restriction.2. The ease with which any particular drug diffuses across the blood–brain barrier is determined largely by the number and strength of intermolecular forces holding it to surrounding water molecules. By quantifying the molecular features that contribute to these forces, it is possible to predict the in vivo blood–brain barrier permeability of a drug from its molecular structure. Dipolarity, polarizability, and hydrogen bonding ability are factors that appear to reduce permeability, whereas molecular volume (size) and molar refraction are associated with increased permeability.3. Increasing the passive entry of restricted drugs into the central nervous system can be achieved by disrupting the blood–brain barrier (increased paracellular diffusion) or by modifying the structure of restricted drugs to temporarily or permanently increase their lipid solubility (increased transcellular permeability).4. Competitive inhibition of outwardly directed active efflux mechanisms (P-glycoprotein and MRP, the multidrug resistance-related protein) can also significantly increase the accumulation of certain drugs within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The distribution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) molecular forms and their solubility characteristics were examined, using density gradient centrifugation, in various regions of the postmortem human CNS. Total AChE activity varied extensively (50-fold) among the regions investigated, being highest in the telencephalic subcortical structures (caudate nucleus and nucleus of Meynert); intermediate in the substantia nigra, cerebellum, and spinal cord; and least in the fornix and cortical regions (hippocampus and temporal and parietal cortex). Total BChE activity was, in contrast, much more evenly distributed, with only a threefold variation between the regions studied. Although the patterns of molecular forms of each enzyme were broadly similar among the different areas, regional variations in the distribution and abundance of the various forms of AChE were much greater than those of BChE. Thus, although the tetrameric G4 form of AChE constituted the majority of the total AChE activity in all regions examined, the ratio of the G4 form to the monomeric G1 form, the latter of which constituted the majority of the remaining activity, varied markedly, ranging from 21 in the caudate nucleus to 1.7 in the temporal cortex. In addition to the G4 and G1 forms of AChE, the dimeric G2 form was observed in the nucleus of Meynert and a fast-sedimenting (16S) species was found in samples of both the parietal cortex and spinal cord. In contrast, the G4 and G1 forms of BChE were the only molecular species observed in the different areas and the G4:G1 ratio varied from 3.3 in the substantia nigra to 0.9 in the temporal cortex. Regarding the solubility characteristics of the individual AChE and BChE molecular forms, the majority of the G4 form of AChE was extractable only in the presence of detergent, indicating a predominantly membrane-bound localization of this species. The smaller AChE forms (G1 and G2) and both the G1 and G4 forms of BChE were all relatively evenly distributed between soluble and membrane-bound species. These findings are discussed in relation to neurochemical and neuroanatomical, particularly cholinergic, features of the regions examined.  相似文献   

Metabolism of Deoxyuridine in Rabbit Brain   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Abstract: The metabolism of [3H]deoxyuridine by rabbit brain was investigated in vitro and in vivo . In vitro , brain slices from various regions of brain and from all age groups accumulated [3H]deoxyuridine from artificial CSF. Within the slices, a portion of the accumulated [3H]deoxyuridine was metabolized to [3H]deoxyuridine phosphate, with subsequent conversion to [3H]thymidine phosphate, and ultimately [3H]DNA. The percentage of the [3H]deoxyuridine phosphorylated and subsequently converted into [3H]DNA was highest at birth and declined to adult levels in 3-month-old rabbits. Thymidine, when added to the incubation medium with the [3H]deoxyuridine, was approximately 10 times as potent as unlabeled deoxyuridine in inhibiting the intracellular phosphorylation and conversion of [3H]deoxyuridine to [3H]thymidine phosphate in brain slices. In vivo , 2.5 h after intraventricular injection of [3H]deoxyuridine, over 90% of the [3H]deoxyuridine was cleared from the central nervous system at all ages. However, in both newborn and 3-month-old rabbits, approximately 40 and 12%, respectively, of the 3H remaining in brain was phosphorylated and converted to [3H]thymidine phosphates; and 11 and 4%, respectively, of the 3H remaining in brain was converted to [3H]DNA. These results show that both immature and mature rabbit brain is able to incorporate deoxyuridine into DNA. Thus, all the enzymes involved in this conversion, including thymidylate synthetase (EC, are present and active in brain throughout life.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactivity and receptor binding was studied in the porcine CNS. The highest amounts of immunoreactive NPY were found in the hypothalamus, septum pellucidum, gyrus cinguli, cortex frontalis, parietalis, and piriformis, corpus amygdaloideum, and bulbus olfactorius (200-1,000 pmol/g wet weight). In the cortex temporalis and occipitalis, striatum, hippocampus, tractus olfactorius, corpus mamillare, thalamus, and globus pallidus, the NPY content was 50-200 pmol/g wet weight, whereas the striatum, colliculi, substantia nigra, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata, and medulla spinalis contained less than 50 pmol/g wet weight. The receptor binding of NPY was highest in the hippocampus, corpus fornicis, corpus amygdaloideum, nucleus accumbens, and neurohypophysis, with a range of 1.0-5.87 pmol/mg of protein. Intermediate binding (0.5-1.0 pmol/mg of protein) was found in the septum pellucidum, columna fornicis, corpus mamillare, cortex piriformis, gyrus cinguli, striatum, substantia grisea centralis, substantia nigra, and cerebellum. In the corpus callosum, basal ganglia, corpus pineale, colliculi, corpus geniculatum mediale, nucleus ruber, pons, medulla oblongata, and medulla spinalis, receptor binding of NPY was detectable but less than 0.5 pmol/mg of protein. No binding was observed in the bulbus and tractus olfactorius and adenohypophysis. In conclusion, immunoreactive NPY and its receptors are widespread in the porcine CNS, with predominant location in the limbic system, olfactory system, hypothalamoneurohypophysial tract, corpus striatum, and cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

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